Text 365, 283 rader
Skriven 2006-07-14 21:14:06 av James Bradley (1:134/77.0)
Kommentar till text 355 av Ardith Hinton (1:153/716.0)
Ärende: Second Thoughts... 3C.
On or about: 06-30-06 13:06, Ardith Hinton did engage James Bradley rgarding,
but not limited
to: Second Thoughts... 3C.
JB> Even though I'm associating the letter designations
JB> alright, I still doubt I could pick one out in a crowd.
AH> With practice, I'm sure you will! Most people are more
AH> complex than those in the examples I've used here. They may behave
AH> differently in different areas of their life too. When I
AH> wrote the test in the book to determine my own reasoning
AH> style, for example, I found certain questions difficult to
AH> answer. I thought "Are they expecting me to answer as a
AH> teacher... as co-moderator of the SURVIVOR echo... as a
AH> wife & mother?" My priorities might be different in each
Ah, even though I suspected a sliding scale, a more homogeneous mix inside a
personality is
what I was expecting. Sure, some may be harder to peg than others, but I was
suspecting a person
had one combination of traits from the alarm clock, until they take their
slippers off at night. Like
we covered, an ebb and flow occurs when one is fishing for an effective
solution to a new
problem, but I was more expecting a pendulum-like decision making, made to
satisfy an
individuals status quo.
AH> case. But now & again I also notice something which is a
AH> dead giveaway. I was walking past the neighbourhood pub
AH> recently when I happened to overhear a brief snatch of
AH> conversation from somebody on the patio. Every other word
AH> was an "f" word. To me, those few sentences spoke volumes
AH> about his reasoning style. ;-)
Dad is a 'colourful' correspondent in that way. His subjects however, are more
apt to look if they
have a piece of excrement on them, than to take insult. He'll also scale his
language back a few
notches if he's with a prude, but even then, the funnier the conversation, the
more he'll sneak in.
I am quite the opposite. Before I realized the word coming from my mouth, I let
loose with a
prude early, and *then* I realized the collateral damage. My cousin just warned
me about this
fellows penchant to be 'proper' at all times, and I just couldn't resist an
easy target. I saw him as a
button-up butt kisser, so I thought I'd give him an early taste of how the
other side lives. I may
have embarrassed my cous, and even strained their relations, but I had yet to
learn how to bite my
tongue at that point. I can reel myself in enough now, but boy, does it ever
burn to do that. It's so
against my type, as I usually don't refrain from being saucy. I try to include
more legit words that
curses, but maybe that's what I learned from dear old dad. I too am likely to
blame a pet after I
flatulences, but more pointed to another human if it's a ripe .
JB> I have a twelve hour day ahead of me today, and two
JB> appointments tomorrow, so I'll have to keep this brief.
AH> A lot like being a housewife, I guess! A friend
AH> of ours used to say of his wife "She'd LOVE to... but she
AH> WORKS." I challenge anybody who thinks I don't work to
AH> follow me around for a day. I just don't get paid in
AH> money. :-)
I only have a taste of what that would be like. Rarely, was I not a bachelor,
and as such, I had the
chore of housekeeping at all times. Child rearing, I can only imagine what that
is like. I can't say
for sure if I'd be good with it, but I do know the value of intimidation. <G>
The neighbour kid, always says "I want to play with you!" so fun with "Mr.
Funny" is always
close at hand. Only once did he not take my advice, enough for me to call his
mom. I just can't
imagine what I'd do if it was my offspring, and not minding my advice.
He's really slow to respond to the dinner bell, and every time I ask him, "Does
your mother know
you are here?"
He says, "Yes." Pushing, if she knows that he is in my back yard, I start to
get the real truth.
JB> Those *never* happen here. O-8*
AH> Ah, well... like us, you probably live in more modest digs!
It aint the Riviera. <L>
AH> I'd run across the same problem in another household where I
AH> was babysitting years ago. The family had an electric
AH> bottle warmer. When I plugged it in it didn't work, so I
AH> resorted to the old-fashioned method of heating water in a
AH> saucepan on the stove & using it to warm the bottle. The
AH> parents told me later that the outlet at the back of the
AH> stove... i.e. the one I'd tried to use... was set to come
AH> on only in the early morning when they used it to make
AH> coffee. Although I've seen some stoves which will allow
AH> the oven to be turned on or off automatically at a preset
AH> time I've yet to see another like that. I may be behind
AH> the times. But I've never owned a new stove... and one
AH> like theirs would be beyond our budget.
Paying heed to my earlier argument; I'd *like* to think I'd try another outlet,
but if the family is
like me, the coffee perk is always on a good outlet. Leading me to believe it
was the device to
fault, as you did. A perfect illustration to my point. Thanks!!! <G>
AH> In the incident I was thinking of above Dallas was having
AH> difficulty with the installation of a computer at the
AH> upscale condo where a friend of ours had been living for
AH> fifteen years. In upscale condos, apparently, people don't
AH> use timers purchased from the local hardware store which
AH> plug into the outlet & can therefore be detected fairly
AH> easily. They have something discreetly hidden away like
AH> the timer on the stove outlet. Our friend wanted to use a
AH> particular outlet near his desk. But because he'd never
AH> used it before, he didn't realize this outlet was on a
AH> timer as well. I guess the previous occupants had used it
AH> to switch a lamp on & off when they were away... but they
AH> hadn't told him. Oh, and when we moved in here we found
AH> one outlet which didn't work at all.... :-)
Like me trying to register a new vehicle. I've bumped into a wall three times.
This last round, I
realized I left my check book, and proof of insurance at home. OK, I can use
interact at the outlet,
but I was stumped with the insurance. The co-driver I was going to use for the
ride back,
suggested I call the insurer to fax a facsimile to me there, as I was still
flustered about my leaving
without grabbing the pile at the door. Turns out, after 10 minutes on hold -
bada boom - "No, this
receipt of sale needs a VIN number, make and model, plus year of the vehicle."
I knew something was amiss, when I walked to the front of the vehicle to write
down the VIN,
but unless you do this a few times, you just never know of the details. Dallas,
knew nothing
about a hidden, time control outlet, and until today, I had never heard of one,
unless there is an
industrial grade controller in the utility room, of which, I'd never expect in
a residential
installation. Again, I'd like to think to suspect the AC, but this stuff is
*so* taken for granted...
AH> ***
AH> I'm glad you wrote "suspect" there, BTW, rather than
AH> "assume". When one is trouble-shooting, suspicions... i.e. tentative
AH> beliefs, as my dictionary describes them, or working
AH> hypotheses... are a logical starting point. One may need
I too have lapses in logic based on assumption, and who doesn't? We just assume
that the earth
turns once every day, and every year, it gets hotter and colder. That's an over
simplification, and
bar a tragedy, can be a safe assumption to make. My house uses aluminum wire
for AC, so I have
to assume the connection may be on the fritz, where a copper wired house is
much less
susceptible to the malady. Because I know a kernel of information, I can press
an assumption to
the top of a list, where another would be foolhardy to take the same path.
Because I've been
dealing with aluminum connections for so long, my inkling is 180^ opposite
another homeowner
with the same information.
I told you about my newest nickname? My buddy was bithchin'' that the computer
I installed for
him was slow. I agreed, by testing the trouble *first*, then I went about with
all the tricks I had
learned to make Windows 3.11 lift its britches, and hurry up. About an hour
later, I mentioned I'd
look up the report I read, to see if I missed something.
"What about this?" He said as he depressed the "Turbo" button. As I was more
likely to run a MB
directly on an antistatic mat, than in a case to that point, I didn't even
suspect the switch. Hence
the nick, "Turbo". I have to wear it, because "Computer guy, not likely to use
a case." just doesn't
have a ring to it.
AH> to eliminate the obvious first, as I did in LA when I asked "Can s/he
AH> see? Can s/he hear? Can s/he speak English?" There's not much
AH> point in looking for learning disabilities until these
AH> factors have been dealt with. It's important to consider
AH> all possibilities, including the possibility that I opened
AH> the door of the dryer & forgot to turn the machine on
You've been to Lethbridge Alberta? <G+D>
AH> again... but I could have told the repairman the same thing
AH> happened six times in one week if he'd thought to ask! When
AH> people assume they often take things for granted & fail to
AH> check them out.
Again, it does take a special skill to troubleshoot a device. Before you even
thought of dragging it
out to the shop, you determined, unequivocally that it "doesn't work." Most
would show up with
the machine, and parlay that the cloths are still wet when they need to fold
For instance, I took a monitor into a shop, where I had determined that all
three guns were firing,
but the signal wasn't making it to the phosphoreus. I talked directly to the
tech that worked on it,
and from there, I've halved the time he needs to chase the ghost.
I'd like to think I can do the same with my auto mechanic. He's a GREAT guy.
He's never
suggested work I didn't need, and even refuses to do things I *thought* needed
to be done. (He's
plenty busy working on important things to play that game.) I've mentioned
often that my
experience is superficial regarding internal combustion engines, so I give him
a hit list with what
I suspect to be needed on an A to C priority.
He kicks the tires, and looks for anything that is going to fall off, and then
I'm off to the
autowrecker's within the week to find a cheap part, with instructions on how to
put it in. He
knows I worked on oil bathed machines at work, but my better skills came with
electronics-electricity side. Those things, he prefers I do, and he's freed up
to work on others
AH> Years ago Dallas & I met a guy with both type I diabetes &
AH> epilepsy. It took his mother twenty years to find a doctor
AH> who paid attention to what she was saying when she told
AH> them "No, it's *not* an insulin reaction or a diabetic
AH> coma... there's something different about it." Once this
AH> doctor had added some appropriate medications, the problem
AH> was solved. Blue-collar workers are by no means the only
AH> ones who say to themselves (in effect) "Ho hum... another
AH> stupid female!" or "Ho hum... another neurotic,
AH> overprotective mother!" Females do it to other females as
AH> well. But it seems to me that people who really know their
AH> onions generally find it easier to acknowledge what other
AH> people know.... :-))
Of course, there's the yin to the yang too. I blame my miss diagnosis, on a
doctor that was too
sceptical due to the forty people prior to me, without a legitimate complaint.
Like I told me
co-driver that day, "If it wasn't for the millions of arseholes that know all
the loopholes, things
would be a hell of a lot easier for the legitimate people." Unfortunately, I
don't think we are in a
day and age where honesty rules, and the manipulative are the minority.
Speaking of humble digs, the buildings at my ally, are subsidized housing. More
and more are
what seems to be flop houses, and more and more are the idiots lining up to get
into one of them.
There's been a handful, that I truly sympathize with, but mostly they are
destitute for nothing
more than being idiots. /-:
On that up note... <Wry G>
... James
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