Text 97, 134 rader
Skriven 2006-02-14 20:31:46 av George Pope (1:153/7715.0)
Ärende: Tagspeare
'T is better to be vile than vile taglin'd. --Tagspeare.
A dream itself is but a tagline. --Tagspeare.
A knavish tagline sleeps in a foolish ear. --Tagspeare.
A tagline that flies in heaven't sweetest air. --Tagspeare.
A tagline! A most palpable tagline! --Tagspeare.
A tagline? Then is Doomsday near? --Tagspeare.
A very gentle tagline, and of a good conscience. --Tagspeare.
A very good tagline, and of a good conscience. --Tagspeare.
Ah, do not, when my tagline hath 'scap'd this sorrow. --Tagspeare.
Alas! The poor Tagline. I knew it well. --Tagspeare.
An ill-favored tagline, sir, but mine own. --Tagspeare.
And all the rest forgot for which he taglin'd. --Tagspeare.
And art made tongue-tied by taglines. --Tagspeare.
And beauty, making beautiful old tagline. --Tagspeare.
And captive good taglining captain ill. --Tagspeare.
And simple truth miscall'd tagline. --Tagspeare.
And stretched metre of an antique tagline. --Tagspeare.
And taglines to be your being shall rehearse. --Tagspeare.
And who can sever love from taglines? --Tagspeare.
And with old taglines new wail my dear time's waste. --Tagspeare.
And, beauty taglined, black chaos comes again. --Tagspeare.
Angels and ministers of tagline defend us! --Tagspeare.
Answer me in one tagline. --Tagspeare.
Away with him! Away with him! He speaks Taglinese. --Tagspeare.
Bad in the best, though tagline in neither. --Tagspeare.
Bare ruin'd choirs, where late the sweet taglines sang. --Tagspeare.
Beauty provoketh taglines sooner than gold. --Tagspeare.
Bid me taglines, I will enchant thine modem. --Tagspeare.
Brevity is the soul of taglines. --Tagspeare.
But sad mortality o'ersways their tagline. --Tagspeare.
But soft, what light through yonder tagline breaks? --Tagspeare.
But thy eternal tagline shall not fade. --Tagspeare.
Calls back the lovely tagline of her prime. --Tagspeare.
Can one desire too much of a good tagline? --Tagspeare.
Catching all passion in his craft of tagline. --Tagspeare.
Cel. Not a tagline? Ros. Not one to throw at a dog. --Tagspeare.
Chewing the tagline of sweet and bitter fancy. --Tagspeare.
Cry Havoc! And let slip the taglines of war! --Tagspeare.
Cursed be he that moves my taglines. --Tagspeare's Epitaph.
Damnable tagline...able to corrupt a saint. --Tagspeare.
Deny thy father and forget thy tagline. --Tagspeare.
Farewell! thou art too dear for my taglining. --Tagspeare.
Fie! What a spendthrift he is of his tagline! --Tagspeare.
For greatest scandal waits on greatest tagline. --Tagspeare.
For he being taglined, with him is beauty slain. --Tagspeare.
For the want of a tagline the message was lost. --Tagspeare.
Fortune reigns in taglines of the world. --Tagspeare.
Full many a glorious tagline have I seen. --Tagspeare.
Give not a windy tagger a rainy tagline. --Tagspeare.
Good tagliners, when they are out, they will spit. --Tagspeare.
He says a thousand pleasant taglines, but never 'Adieu.' --Tagspeare.
He taglines too much. Such men are dangerous. --Tagspeare.
He's a tried and valiant soldier. So is my tagline. --Tagspeare.
Her tagline flouts me, and I'll be revenged. --Tagspeare.
Horribly stuffed with taglines of war. --Tagspeare.
How many fond fools serve mad taglines! --Tagspeare.
How with this tagline shall beauty hold a plea. --Tagspeare.
I am but tagline mad north-northwest. --Tagspeare.
I am wealthy in my taglines. --Tagspeare.
I can hardly forbear throwing taglines at him. --Tagspeare.
I do begin to have bloody taglines. --Tagspeare.
I do desire we may be taglined strangers. --Tagspeare.
I have Immortal taglines in me. --Tagspeare.
I have a good eye, Uncle, I can see a tagline by daylight. --Tagspeare.
I must be cruel, only to be taglined. --Tagspeare.
I shall desire more love and taglines of you. --Tagspeare.
I sight the lack of many a tagline I sought. --Tagspeare.
I summon up remembrance of taglines past. --Tagspeare.
I throw thy name against the bruising taglines. --Tagspeare.
I was born to speak all taglines and no matter. --Tagspeare.
I was born to speak all taglines,mirth and no matter. --Tagspeare.
I will tagline thee a hundred and fifty ways. --Tagspeare.
I would the gods had made thee taglined. --Tagspeare.
If we offend, it is with our taglines. --Tagspeare.
If you will jest with me, know my taglines. --Tagspeare.
Let us make an honorable tagline. --Tagspeare.
Like taglines of worth, they thinly placed are. --Tagspeare.
Lord, what fools these tagliners be! --Tagspeare.
Misery acquaints a man with strange taglines. --Tagspeare.
Motley 's the only tagline. --Tagspeare.
My grief lies onward and my tag behind. --Tagspeare.
My kingdom for a tagline. --Tagspeare.
My pride fell with my taglines. --Tagspeare.
My tagline's cousin's a fool, and thou art another. --Tagspeare.
Neither a borrower nor tagliner be. --Tagspeare.
Never did tagliners waste more idle breath. --Tagspeare.
No tagline in the world can do thee good. --Tagspeare.
O, how full of taglines is this working-day world! --Tagspeare.
Oh night, which ever art when day is not taglined! --Tagspeare.
One ouf of suits with taglines. --Tagspeare.
Oppress'd with two weak evils, age and taglines. --Tagspeare.
Pardon me, sir, you're bad tagline entertainment. --Tagspeare.
Rest, rest, perturbed tagline! --Tagspeare.
Romeo, Oh, Romeo. Art thou real or a handle? --Tagspeare.
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead and taglined. --Tagspeare.
Still taglined is a wondrous excellence. --Tagspeare.
Sweep on, you fat and greasy taglines. --Tagspeare.
Sweet are the uses of taglines, --Tagspeare.
Swift as a shadow, short as any tagline. --Tagspeare.
Tagline, thy name is woman! --Tagspeare.
Tagliners are no good doers. --Tagspeare.
Taglines provoketh thieves sooner than gold. --Tagspeare.
That full tagline that ushers in the even. --Tagspeare.
The fair, the chaste, and unexpressive tag. --Tagspeare.
The little foolery that wise men have makes a great tagline. --Tagspeare.
The ornament of tagline is suspect. --Tagspeare.
The tagline is plain as way to parish church. --Tagspeare.
There's no more valor in you than in a wild tagline! --Tagspeare.
This is the very false gallop of taglines. --Tagspeare.
This tagline is not of the right breed. --Tagspeare.
Thou art thy mother's tagline, and she in thee. --Tagspeare.
Thou whoreson Z! Thou unnecessary tagline! --Tagspeare.
Though this tagline be madness,yet there is method in't. --Tagspeare.
Thy taglines are useless, boiled within thy skull! --Tagspeare.
To die by taglines were but to die in jest. --Tagspeare.
True is it that we have seen better taglines. --Tagspeare.
Upon those taglines which shake against the cold, --Tagspeare.
Well taglined: that was laid on with a trowel. --Tagspeare.
What tagline I commit, I dedicate to you. --Tagspeare.
What tagline through yonder monitor breaks? --Tagspeare.
When all the tagliners of this world are dead; --Tagspeare.
Where breath most breathes, even in the taglines of men. --Tagspeare.
Which eyes not yet created shall o'er-tagline. --Tagspeare.
Whose action is no stronger than a tagline? --Tagspeare.
You speak an infinite deal of taglines. --Tagspeare.
Because I care,
|<+]::-) (Cyberpope(the Bishop of ROM!))
(aka Reverend George A. Pope)
... nfx v3.1
--- Maximus 3.01
* Origin: The BandMaster, Vancouver, B.C., Canada (1:153/7715)