Text 235, 235 rader
Skriven 2004-11-28 22:59:00 av Tony Underwood (1:278/230)
Ärende: "Awakening"
At 03:14 hours 11/28/2004 -0600, you wrote:
>We continue to explore the strange new world of Vulcan this week, but first
>we have to go through some spoiler space...
>Last week's "The Forge" start off what could be the best Vulcan storyline
>in, literally, decades. "Awakening" continues that.
ENT has indeed taken a step up the style ladder. It's looking lots
Frankly, I've not seen many Trek episodes this well done since DS9 was
>The episode starts off with Soval, who looks more battered to me this week
>than last,
Slow healer...?
> he notes that deceit goes hand in hand with the panel,
>as they tried to blame the Syrrannites when one of their own was responsible
>for the embassy bombing. V'Las seizes this opportunity to reveal that Stel
>had been a Syrrannite. Soval finds that hard to believe. As V'Las turns to
>Soval's fate, another administrator (I believe his name is Kuvak, though it
>is never mentioned on screen) comments that the ambassador has served them
>well for many years. V'Las ignores this, simply telling Soval that his
>services are no longer needed and that he must obey his loyalty oath.
What is it with Mr Sphincter (sic) Administrator and the rest of the
council? They all seem to behave towards him like Senators to Juliuss'
Caesar... before that knife thingy.
I suspect that before it's over, Mr Butthole is gonna eventually have to
deal with his own Cassius; like somebody with a lightsaber said, "There's
always a bigger fish". Mr Administrator can't continue to act like this
for long... this character is far and away much too radical for a Vulcan.
Saner heads have GOT to deal with this nutbag.
>In the caves of the Forge, a group of Vulcans lead Archer and T'Pol before a
>Vulcan woman. The woman recognizes Archer's name and surmises T'Pol's
>identity, as well. She comments that the captain is a long way from his
>ship. Archer figures out who she is, as well:T'Pau, the woman evidence
>pointed to as the embassy bomber.
Hey, not a hard task... T'Pau's photo was in plain view on the monitor
screen in the previous episode.
> Arev is really Syrran, founder
>of the movement. This is interesting, because it verifies some of my
>suspicions from last week (that Arev was the one we saw find the bust of
>Surak and would also provide a reason for Surak being in Archer's head).
This was telegraphed to the viewer in a not so subtle manner right from
the start.
Meanwhile, aboard Enterprise:
> The engineer wonders how V'Las got his job, anyway. In
>Vulcan society, Soval says, people are rewarded according to their skill --
>and V'Las has a singular skill for governance. In other works, the head
>administrator is a true politician.
....and not in a good way.
TPTB must be setting Mr Sphincter up for a big fall... V'Las is much too
slimy and radical for the rest of the council to remain sitting still.
He's gonna fry. Has to...
The administrator is one of the few things wrong with this episode string.
V'Las is simply far too slimy to be believable. TPTB went too far with
the character.
>Aboard Enterprise, Soval points out a satellite to Trip that, if they can
>disrupt it, the Vulcan sensor readings of the Forge will be taken down for
>six minutes. Trip asks if that won't raise suspicions, but such anomalies
>are common around the Forge. He also wonders why Soval is helping them, as
>he seemed not very concerned about humanity. The former ambassador points
>out his more than 30 years of service on Earth, which gave him something of
>an affinity toward humans.
Who woulda thunk it...?
>Trip tells him he hides it well, for which Soval thanks him.
And once again the viewer is left mumbling to himself...
Meanwhile, Archer is babysitting Suraks katra:
>he wants whatever it is out of his head. However, T'Pol isn't
>completely sure that is possible.
YATI. T'Pol just a few minutes earlier had disavowed the entire concept
as fantasy and myth, yet now she's issuing technical information about it.
The girl needs to pick a side.
> the head administrator wants to know why Enterprise sent a
>shuttlepod toward the Forge. Trip admits that they were looking for Archer
>and T'Pol, but he shouldn't have been firing on the shuttlepod in the first
>place. V'Las tells Trip that he had his orders. Soval reveals himself,
>pointing out that he encouraged them. V'Las threatens to fire upon
>Enterprise if they don't leave orbit immediately.
V'Las is clearly way out of line and overstepping his bounds, bigtime.
I'd have expected Cassius and Brutus to break out the cutlery by now.
>As V'Las continues to prepare for the attack on the Forge, Kurak argues that
>Vulcan has been allied with Earth for a hundred years, so there is no good
>reason to break that now by firing on Enterprise. V'Las remains more
>concerned with the Syrrannites.
The guy just keeps on getting loonier.
>Meanwhile, Archer leads his party through the caves, picking his way through
>webs and around corners. Along the way, they find some mummified Vulcans.
>Archer knows one by name, a man who was one of Surak's first Kolinahr
>masters. Still disbelieving, T'Pol wonders how he could know that, as there
>is no inscriptions.
YATI. It's already been established that Archer has Suraks katra.
Still, not a bad flaw... the story was going well and such YATIs can be
>Kurak objects that he orchestrating a massacre, but V'Las merely sees it as
>eliminating a threat.
"Et tu...?" Time to ventilate V'Las before he starts an interplanetary
war. I expect (Hope?) the council jumps this dork next episode in a
bruising manner. As mentioned, Mr Administrator is too nasty to be
>As T'Les starts to
>fade, she tells T'Pol that she is proud of her. Hugging her dying mother in
>her arms, T'Pol... weeps.
So now we have an emotional Vulcan confirmed, in spite of the posturing.
>This is an interesting development, as it points to there being more to the
>way T'Pol has acted over the last three years. Hopefully, we'll not only
>get a good accounting for how Vulcan became the way we saw it in TOS, but
>why T'Pol is so different, even from other Vulcans on ENTERPRISE.
Well, this *is* still a while before TOS. I guess lots could happen
between ENT and TOS.
>things set up here also seem a bit too obvious, as well. We were pretty
>much hit over the head that the other administrator, Kuvak, will play a role
>in V'Las' downfall.
Odd, that he would be the *only* person there who actually spoke up.
Doesn't anybody else on the council have any gumption?
>Likewise, the Kir'Shara will play an important role in
>turning around Vulcan society. Still, especially with the Andorians and
>T'Les' final revelation, there is a pretty nice mystery in the pieces will
>fall next week.
There's lots of stuff expected to happen in the next episode. Too many
loose ends still waving around here to leave to hanging. The next episode
is gonna be busy...
Re: V'Las and the Andorians:
>Instead, V'Las
>comes off mostly as another power-hungry leader here, instead of something
>more complex. Oh well, maybe this can be added to next week, as well.
Something needs doing... the administrator is on a roll and looks like
he's ready to take over the whole ball of wax if he can get away with it.
Time to put him out of business; anything less will make the Vulcans look
like Pakleds.
>All in all, "Awakening" continues ENTERPRISE on a good stride of episodes,
>maybe even being, in some ways at least, better than "The Forge." Now,
>we'll have to see how this all wrapped up next week to see how this
>storyline is remember into the future.
I'm looking forward to an interesting episode next week, that's for sure.
----- "We look for things to make us go."
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