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Skriven 2005-05-23 23:33:08 av Whitehouse Press (1:3634/12.0)
Ärende: Press Release (0505231) for Mon, 2005 May 23
Remarks by President Bush and Afghan President Karzai in Joint Press

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
May 23, 2005

Remarks by President Bush and Afghan President Karzai in Joint Press


The East Room

11:03 A.M. EDT

PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you. Welcome. Mr. President, welcome back to the
White House. I am honored to stand by the first democratically-elected
leader in the five-thousand year history of Afghanistan. Congratulations.

PRESIDENT KARZAI: Thank you, sir. Thank you very much.

PRESIDENT BUSH: I want to thank you for your friendship and your commitment
to freedom. I especially want to thank you for being such a wonderful host
to my wife, Laura. She came back overwhelmed by the experience, touched by
the people she met, and optimistic about the future for your country. So
thanks for being a good host and thanks for being such a fine inspiration
to not only the people of your country, but showing the countries in your
neighborhood what's possible.

Your leadership has been strong, and it's in our interests that Afghanistan
be free. Afghanistan is no longer a safe haven for terrorists. Afghanistan
is a key partner in the global war on terror. Our troops have fought and
will continue to fight side-by-side to defeat the few who want to stop the
ambitions of the many.


PRESIDENT BUSH: Increasing numbers of low-level Taliban are getting the
message that Afghanistan society is peaceful and optimistic, and I
appreciate your efforts to reach out to the low-level members of the
Taliban. I am impressed by the progress that you're making toward a market
economy and a full-fledged democracy. One of the things that's very
important, that is, a shift of opinion is taking place where now women are
equal partners in society; over 40 percent of the voters in that October
day were women voters; girls are now going to school; women entrepreneurs
are opening businesses. The President was telling me that there's quite a
number of candidates who filed for the upcoming legislative elections who
are women. The model, the example being set by Afghanistan in that part of
the world is an important -- important message, because you can't have a
free and hopeful society unless women are full participants in the society.

And so Mr. President, thank you for your leadership. We're looking forward
to watching and helping make sure these elections go forward in a peaceful
-- peaceful manner. It's a -- the number of candidates that -- who have
filed are -- is quite impressive. I think you maybe told me over 5,000?


PRESIDENT BUSH: Yes, 5,000 people have filed for office. It's a -- it's a
-- democracy is -- democracy is flourishing.

We spent a lot of time talking about the challenges we continue to face.
Our objective is to continue to train the Afghan army so that they're
capable of defeating the terrorists. However, today, it's important for the
Afghan people to understand that we have a strategic vision about our
relationship with Afghanistan.

I've signed a strategic partnership with the President. It's a partnership
that we've been working on for quite awhile. It's a partnership that
establishes regular high-level exchanges on political security and economic
interests of -- economic issues of mutual interests. We will consult with
Afghanistan if it perceives its territorial integrity, independence or
security is at risk. We will help the Afghan people build strong, lasting
government and civic institutions. We'll continue to support
reconstruction, economic development and investments that will help educate
and build the skills of the Afghan people.

I've got great faith in the future in Afghanistan. First, I've got great
faith in the ability of democracy to provide hope. And I've got faith in
this man as a leader. He has shown tremendous courage in the face of
difficult odds. He's been a strong leader, he's a good friend to our
country, and, Mr. President, it's my honor to welcome you back here.

PRESIDENT KARZAI: Thank you very much. My turn?

PRESIDENT BUSH: Your turn. (Laughter.)

PRESIDENT KARZAI: Mr. President --

PRESIDENT BUSH: Don't give these an opening, they'll jump in there at a
moment's notice. (Laughter.)

PRESIDENT KARZAI: Mr. President, it's a great pleasure and privilege to be
visiting the United States again, to be visiting you in the White House
with the usual warmth and hospitality. I was in Boston yesterday, meeting
with all the students on their commencement day. I was given an honorary
degree, which was a great honor for me, and received tremendous warmth
there, as well.

The United States has been the country with whose help we have rebuilt our
country, are in the process of rebuilding our country. And you have been at
the forefront of that effort with us in Afghanistan and in the rest of the
world. I'm here today to thank you, Mr. President, once again for your
leadership in providing Afghanistan the security, the reconstruction, and
the freedoms that the Afghan people have today.

You cannot imagine, Mr. President, and I cannot tell you that in a few
words -- there are so many words, it has to take a much longer time for me
to describe to you what Afghanistan was going through three years ago. So
it's difficult to say, and I'm sometimes -- rather often -- neither our
press, nor your press, nor the press in the rest of the world will pick up
the miseries of the Afghans three years ago and what has been achieved
since then, until today. We have a constitution; we had a presidential
election -- and I'm glad it turned out to be good for me. (Laughter.)

PRESIDENT BUSH: I know how you feel. (Laughter.)

PRESIDENT KARZAI: Yes, well -- (laughter.) I believe we share that feeling,
yes. And we are going to have a parliamentary election in three months'
time. And I just informed the President that we have, as of yesterday -- as
of the day before yesterday, over 5,000 candidates for the national
assembly and for the provincial assemblies. There are women from all the
provinces of the country will be coming to the parliament. So the country
is moving forward.

We have been talking with your officials in Afghanistan and have conveyed
to you through your embassy and government the desire of the Afghan people
to have a strategic partnership with America, because after the completion
of the parliamentary elections, the Bonn process will come to an end. From
that point onward, we would like the world to recognize that with the
completion of the Bonn process and the arrival of the Afghan parliament,
Afghanistan will not suddenly stand on its own feet. Politically, we will
have done the process -- politically, we will have completed the process,
but in terms of the institutional strength, Afghanistan will continue to
need a lot of support.

And I'm glad that you signed with me today a memorandum of understanding on
the long-term partnership between Afghanistan and the United States of
America, which will make sure that Afghanistan continues to receive
reconstruction assistance, which will make sure that Afghanistan continues
to receive training from the U.S. for its military and the police, and
which will enable Afghanistan to stand on its own feet eventually and be a
good, active member of the region, contributing to peace and stability in
the region, and be a bridge between various parts of that part of the world
for trade and values.

Mr. President, I'm here today to thank you for all that you have done for
Afghanistan. And we are very, very happy. We are grateful. You sent the
Vice President of the United States to come and attend the inauguration in
Afghanistan. It was a tremendous honor for us to receive him there, to have
him there. It was the manifestation of the commitment of the United States
and yourself to the Afghan people to have that day attended by the Vice
President. And we are very, very happy more importantly to have had the
First Lady to visit us in Afghanistan. We were thrilled. The Afghan women
were thrilled. The Afghan site were thrilled. And now you guess whose turn
it is now to come to Afghanistan. (Laughter.) So we'll be hoping to receive
you there very soon.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you for the invitation. (Laughter.)

PRESIDENT KARZAI: The country is much greener than it was in the past few
years. I thank you once again for receiving us here and for the support
you've given to us all along, and will continue to do so. Thank you.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you, Mr. President. Of course, I don't want to
correct my friend, but I must. In thanking me, you're really thanking the
American people.


PRESIDENT BUSH: And the American people are most impressed by the progress
you've made, Mr. President, and it's progress that we look forward to
working with you so that you can continue to make progress. And in the
spirit of free press, we'll answer a couple of questions.

PRESIDENT KARZAI: Yes, we all know that, yes. (Laughter.)


Q Thank you, Mr. President. Mr. President, will you give the Karzai
government custody of Afghan citizens detained by the United States? And
are you willing to give Afghanistan more say in U.S. military matters in
their country?

And to President Karzai, did you discuss the prisoner abuse at Bagram issue
with the President?

PRESIDENT BUSH: First, in terms of more say over our military, our
relationship is one of cooperate and consult. Of course our troops will
respond to U.S. commanders, but our U.S. commanders and our diplomatic
mission there is in a consultative relationship with the government. It's a
free society. There is a democratically-elected government. They've invited
us in, and we'll consult with them in terms of how to achieve mutual goals,
and that is to rout out the remnants of al Qaeda, to deal with those folks
who would come and like to create harm to U.S. citizens and/or Afghan

I must say, the Afghan military is making great progress. It hadn't been
all that long ago that we started a training mission. Now there's over
25,000 troops who are trained and ready to fight, and they take the fight
to these thugs that are coming across the border to create havoc. And we've
got another, I think, 22,000 to train to get this army fully stood up. Our
mission in Afghanistan and Iraq is the same. I mean, we want these new
democracies to be able to defend themselves. And so we will continue to
work with the Afghans to train them and to cooperate and consult with the

The other aspect of the question?

Q The prisoners who --

PRESIDENT BUSH: Oh, the prisoners, yes. Our policy, as you know, has been
to work our way through those who are being held in Guantanamo and send
them back to the host countries, and we will do so over time, with the
Afghan government. Part of the issue is to make sure there is a place where
the prisoners can be held. As I explained to the President, that our policy
is one where we want the people to be sent home, but, two, we've got to
make sure the facilities are there -- facilities where these people can be
housed and fed and guarded.

Now, you asked about the prison -- yes, he did bring up the prison abuse.

PRESIDENT KARZAI: On the question of the prisoner abuse, we are, of course,
sad about that. But let me make sure that you all know that that does not
reflect on the American people.

Right now in Afghanistan there is an Italian lady that has been kidnapped
by an Afghan man -- while there are hundreds of Afghan women demonstrating
outside in the streets of Kabul demanding the release of that woman, the
Italian lady. So the prisoner abuse thing is not at all a thing that we
attribute to anybody else but those individuals. The Afghan people are
grateful, very, very much to the American people. They recognize that
individual acts do not reflect either on governments or on societies. These
things happen everywhere. As we are sad, we recognize that the American
people, kind as they are to Afghanistan, have nothing to do with that.

And I'm glad to tell you that I was reading today somewhere that one of
those persons has been given a sentence of prison for three months and
removed from his job, and that's a good thing. We -- I must repeat strongly
-- are fully aware of the tremendously good values of the American people
and of their kind attitude toward us and others in this world.

Thank you.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Somebody from the Afghan press?

PRESIDENT KARZAI: Anybody from the Afghan press? Do we have an Afghan
press? Oh, here he is. (Laughter.)

Q (As translated.) This question is for President Bush, question was:
Besides security and military assistance, Afghanistan needs more economic
assistance. How can the U.S. assist more in building the economic
infrastructure of Afghanistan?

PRESIDENT BUSH: Right. As you know, we cooperated early with Japan and
Saudi Arabia in helping them build a very important highway. I can remember
when then-Secretary of State Powell came in and asked whether or not I
thought this made sense, and I did. And I talked -- I think I talked to you
about it in our first visit.


PRESIDENT BUSH: I hope that highway is complete -- if not, being completed.


PRESIDENT BUSH: We talked today about electricity. Interestingly enough,
Afghanistan has got natural gas resources, and that those gas resources can
be used to fire electricity plants which will be helpful for the
infrastructure. And as a matter of fact, thanks to the United States
Congress, there is reconstruction money in the supplemental and the budget.
And that's good. And so those are ways we can help.

The truth of the matter -- another way we can help is to diversify the
agricultural sector, which leads to a subject that we spent some time on,
and that is opium and poppies. As you know, there are -- there's too much
poppy cultivation in Afghanistan. And I made it very clear to the President
that this is -- that we have got to work together to eradicate poppy crop.
And the President, not only in this meeting but in other meetings, has been
very forthcoming about the desire to eradicate poppy. And as a matter of
fact, according to a United Nations' report, there is less poppy today than
the previous year.


PRESIDENT BUSH: The President can give you some statistics on that if
you're interested. One of the interesting issues, however, besides poppy
crop eradication, and frankly, bringing people to justice who are running
drugs is to -- is for crop substitution. And the -- President Karzai was
talking about how the quality of the pomegranate that used to be grown in
Afghanistan, evidently it's quite famous for -- the country is quite famous
for growing pomegranates.


PRESIDENT BUSH: Or honeydew melons. In other words, there are some
specialty crops, along with wheat and corn, that can and should be grown in
Afghanistan. We look forward to working -- the President brought his
Agricultural Minister with him, and we look forward to working on this
aspect of economic development. After all, Afghanistan has had a long
history of farming. And we can do -- we can do a lot to help the farmers
get back on their feet and diversify away from poppies.

And so there are some areas where we discussed help. The truth of the
matter is, though, that it's very important for your government to make --
continue to make -- and I'm confident the President will -- but continue to
make the right decisions about rule of law and transparency and decisions
that will encourage an open marketplace so that people will feel
comfortable investing in your country.

I don't know if you want to comment on that -- on the poppy issue.

PRESIDENT KARZAI: On the drugs issue, yes, yes. Mr. President, indeed,
Afghanistan is suffering from the cultivation of poppies, which is
undermining our economy. It's giving us a bad name, worst of all. Just
after the inauguration, a day after

the Vice President and Secretary Rumsfeld left Afghanistan for the U.S., we
called a meeting of the Afghan elders and representatives and spoke to them
about the curse of poppies in Afghanistan. Their response to that was very
positive. A lot of provinces that were the biggest producers of poppy
refrained from producing poppies. Three years ago I saw a report in the
press that the province of Nangarhar, which used to produce poppies, has
now reduced poppies by 80 percent. The same as in Helmand, the same as in
Badakhshan, the same as in other areas where poppies were grown.

So we are hoping that Afghanistan this year will have something between 20
to 30 percent reduction in poppies all over the country, and that is a lot.
When I was addressing the Afghan people a few months ago, I was not
expecting the response to be so positive, or that we will have poppy
reduction by so many percentages in a year. Now if this trend continues,
we'll have no poppies, hopefully, in Afghanistan in another five or six

But equally important is the provision of alternative livelihoods to the
Afghan people. The President mentioned pomegranates, honeydew melon, lots
of other things in Afghanistan that people destroyed in order to replace
with poppies have to be now brought back to the lives of the Afghan
farmers' alternative livelihood. And our adjudication to the arrest of drug
dealers, mafia, the producers of the labs, is going on. But this trend --
and with proper alternative livelihood, hopefully in five to six years,
Afghanistan should be free of poppies. That's a promise we have given to
the world and to the Afghan people, and that's a promise that we will
deliver on. Hold us accountable on that.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you, sir.


Q Mr. President, on judicial nominees, are you willing to risk a stalling
of your domestic agenda in order to get votes on judicial nominees? And
what do you say to critics who said Republicans did basically the same
thing to some of President Clinton's nominees?

PRESIDENT BUSH: Steve, I have made my position very clear, and that is my
job is to pick people who will interpret the Constitution, not use the
bench from which to write law. That's what I campaigned on. I said, if I'm
the President, I will pick people who do that. I said, I'll pick people who
are -- will bring great credit to the bench. And that's exactly what I've
done, consistent with judicial philosophy in my picks, as well as the
character of the people I pick. And I expect them to get an up or down
vote. That's what I expect. And I think the American people expect that, as
well. People ought to have a fair hearing and they ought to get an up or
down vote on the floor.

Why don't you go with one final question. We've got this lady reporter
here. Yes.

PRESIDENT KARZAI: All right. Lady.

Q Just to follow up on the treatment of the prisoners. Mr. President, you
know, anti-American feeling is running high in the Muslim world. We've seen
it in Afghanistan after the alleged disintegration of the Koran in
Guantanamo. After meeting with the President, how do you assure the Muslim
world and Afghan people that have seen death as a result of the article,
that this incident in Bagram and other treatment of prisoners is isolated
incident, and it's not systemic?

And if I may ask you, Mr. President, as you know, the casualties of Iraq is
again high today -- 50 more people dying. Do you think that insurgence is
getting harder now to defeat militarily? Thank you.

PRESIDENT BUSH: No, I don't think so. I think they're being defeated. And
that's why they continue to fight. The worst thing for them is to see
democracy. The President can speak to that firsthand. The worst problem
that an ideologue that uses terror to try to get their way is to see a free
society emerge. And I'm confident we're making great progress in Iraq.

And clearly, it's dangerous and we mourn the loss of life. On the other
hand, the eight-and-a-half million Iraqis who went to the polls sent a very
clear message to the world, that they want to be free.

PRESIDENT KARZAI: Ma'am, yes, we discussed those questions on the -- on the
demonstrations, or the so-called demonstrations in part of the -- parts of
Afghanistan. You saw that government buildings were burned and private
property was damaged, broken. Those demonstrations were, in reality, not
related to the Newsweek story. They were more against the elections in
Afghanistan; they were more against the progress in Afghanistan; they were
more against the strategic partnership with the United States.

We know who did it. We know the guys. We know the people behind those
demonstrations. And if -- unfortunately, you don't hear -- follow the
Afghan press, but if you listen to the Voice of America, the Radio Liberty,
and the BBC, the Afghan population condemned that -- those acts of arson in

Of course, we are as Muslims very much unhappy with Newsweek bringing a
matter so serious in the gossip column. It's really something that one
shouldn't do, that responsible journalism shouldn't do at all. But Newsweek
story is not America's story. That's what -- that's what we understand in
Afghanistan. America has over a thousand mosques. I have gone and prayed in
mosques here in America; I've prayed in Virginia; I've gone and prayed in
Maryland; I've been to a mosque in Washington. And thousands of Afghans
have been to mosques here in town, and as a matter of fact, tens of
thousands of Muslims are going on a daily basis to mosques in America and

So -- and this is what was also reflected in Afghanistan. People spoke in
the mosques -- the clergy, and said, what the hell are you doing? There is
-- there is a respect, there is this freedom in America for religion, and
there are Muslims, on a daily basis praying in mosques in America. And
there are Korans, Holy Korans all over America in homes and mosques. So it
was a political act -- a political act against Afghanistan's stability,
which we have condemned, which the Afghan people have condemned.

On the issue of prisoners, I spoke earlier, it does not reflect at all on
American people. On the contrary, it's an individual act just like that bad
Afghan kidnapped an Italian lady. And it's not the work of the Afghan
people -- in the same way, we treat this case.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you.

PRESIDENT KARZAI: All right, okay, thanks very much. Bye-bye.

END 11:28 A.M. EDT

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