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Skriven 2005-06-20 23:58:16 av Whitehouse Press (1:3634/12.0)
Ärende: Press Release (050620j) for Mon, 2005 Jun 20
President Hosts United States - European Union Summit

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
June 20, 2005

President Hosts United States - European Union Summit
The East Room

President's Remarks
"); //--> view

˙˙˙˙˙In Focus: U.S.-E.U. Summit

1:11 P.M. EDT

PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you all, please be seated. Thanks for coming. There
will be opening statements from the three leaders and then we'll take two
questions from the American side, two questions from the European side.

I want to appreciate Council President Juncker and Commission President
Barroso, the High Representative Solana and the delegation for coming to
the White House today. I've really enjoyed our conversation and enjoyed our
lunch. We've covered a lot of topics, and they're important topics.

During the conversation our talks reminded me about the importance of our
partnership and the fact that this partnership is based on common values
and shared aspirations; a partnership that really has helped build a Europe
that is whole, free and at peace. The United States continues to support a
strong European Union as a partner in spreading freedom and democracy and
security and prosperity throughout the world. My message to these leaders
and these friends was that we want Europe strong so we can work together to
achieve important objectives and important goals.

One of those important objectives and important goals is the advance of
freedom in order to spread peace. We talked about the Middle East. We
support the vision of two democratic states, Israel and Palestinian living
side by side in peace. We talked about Iraq. This week in Brussels, the EU
and the U.S. are co-hosting a conference of over 80 countries and
international organizations to build support for a free and prosperous
Iraq. And I want to thank the leaders for that important initiative. I
think it's an important signal for people to hear loud and clear, that
there may have been past differences over Iraq, but as we move forward
there is a need for the world to work together so that Iraq's democracy
will succeed.

We talked about Afghanistan, and I appreciate the contributions of EU
member nations to efforts of -- within Afghanistan. After all, 23 members
of the EU are contributing troops in Afghanistan, and 12 members of the EU
are contributing troops in Iraq, and we appreciate those contributions.

We talked about the broader Middle East. We talked about the need for us to
continually support democratic movements. We talked about the Ukraine and
Georgia, as well as the Balkans. The point is, is that we understand that
democratic nations are nations that are -- will answer to the hopes and
aspirations of their people, and democratic nations are nations that will
help us keep the peace.

We talked about terrorism. We talked about visas. We talked about the need
to continue to share information to make sure that we cut off money flows
to terrorist groups and prevent terrorist organizations from obtaining
weapons of mass destruction. We talked about Iran, and I complimented the
EU, complimented Mr. Solana, as well as the foreign ministers from Great
Britain and Germany and France for sending a clear message to the
leadership in Iran that we're not going to tolerate the development of a
nuclear weapon.

We talked about our collaborative efforts in Darfur. The EU and NATO are
working together to help deploy AU peacekeepers in Darfur. And I want to
thank the leadership here.

We talked about our economies. There's about a trillion dollars' worth of
trade that takes place on an annual basis between the EU and the United
States. And that's important. It's important for people working here in the
United States, and people working in Europe to understand that trade helps
keep -- people keep a job. And I recognize that -- that when there's that
much trade, there's going to be disputes. But we'll work those disputes out
for the sake of our respective countries.

We're committed to the Doha round of the WTO. We're committed to trade that
is fair and free. We spent a lot of time talking about China and how to
make sure that China understands there are WTO rules that must be adhered
to, and that China should work to do something with her currency so that
the trade between our respective countries is fair. That's all we want. We
just want there to be a level playing field. The people in Europe can
compete, and the people in the United States can compete if we have fair
rules and fair trade. And so we talked about how we can work together to
make sure that the world trades more freely and more fairly for the sake of
our -- for the sake of our peoples.

All in all, we've had a great discussion. And I'm proud to welcome these
two men here to the podium here in the East Room of the White House. I want
to thank you for coming. I want to thank you for your friendship.

Which one wants to go first? The oldest guy. (Laughter.)

PRESIDENT JUNCKER: As the commission -- as the commission is slow in
decisions, I'll take the floor immediately. (Laughter.)

President Barroso and myself, we were pleased with the meeting we had with
President Bush, the Vice President and a certain number of Secretaries. We
informed our strongest ally of recent developments and events in the
European Union. We explained in detail what the real meaning of the French
"no" and the Dutch "no" in the recent constitution referenda really are
about. We were informing the President on the budgetary issue. As you know,
we were unable during the recent European summit to agree on the so-called
financial prospectus for the period 2007-2013.

We made clear in our frank and open and friendly talks with the President
that the European is not at its knees, but that the European Union is
playing the role it has on the international scene; that we feel strongly
committed to the relations we have established with partners throughout the
world, and mainly with the U.S. -- the U.S. being not only a strategic
partner, but the most important partner we have, not only as far political
strength relations are concerned, but also as far as heart relations are
concerned; that the European Union will table its decisions after the next
coming months and probably years on the Nice treaty, which is in place and
which allows the European Union to function in a proper way and not as
proper way as the constitution would have allowed us to do, but the
European Union is there.

We were discussing, which was of quite huge importance, economic reform in
the European Union. We adopted a few months ago, in March, the midterm
review, the Lisbon strategy. This is a huge program of economic and social
reforms. It's clearly paving the way for a more competitive Europe, for a
Europe taking its part in the world's economic development. We were
discussing a certain number of monetary issues concerning both the U.S. and
the European Union, discussing our relations with other trade partners in
the world and with other monetary players in the world.

In fact, the visit we paid to President Bush at the end of the Luxembourg's
presidency of the Council is a happy conclusion of the six months
Luxembourg's period. In Europe, we had the pleasure for having President
Bush with us in Europe on the 22nd of February. This was a huge signal the
President was sending to Europe. It was because of that meeting that, in
fact, both the President and myself, we decided to call for this Iraq
conference, which will take place the other day in Brussels.

Although some of us had some differences and divergences with U.S. when it
came to Iraq, this -- the fact that we are co-organizing and co-sharing
this very important Iraq conference is showing that when it comes to
substance, when it comes to progress, when it comes to democracy, to
freedom and to liberty, both U.S. and the European Union are cooperating
closely together and working in the same direction.

So it was an excellent moment.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you, sir. Mr. President.

PRESIDENT BARROSO: Thank you, thank you very much. It was indeed a pleasure
for me, for President Juncker, for all the European Union team to be here.
We remember the very successful visit of President Bush to Brussels
recently, to the European institutions. We really believe the world is a
better place when Europe and the United States work well together, and we
can show results. We have been together promoting democracy, first in
Ukraine, and in Lebanon. Co-hosting now the international conference on
Iraq, we will continue our close cooperation on Iran and the Middle East,
and we will make sure that the Doha round is a success.

Today we also adopted important decisions concerning, for instance, the
economic cooperation. We have decided to go even further in our economic
relations. Let me tell you that, per day, our trade is around $1.8 billion.
It shows how important our relation is. We will act together decisively to
enhance our economic integration, namely in the field of regulatory
environment. We believe a regulatory environment, as much as close as
possible, is good for the economy of our space.

The European Union is, and will remain, a very strong and reliable partner
for the United States. It's true that we have complex systems in Europe. We
are now 25 countries; very soon we will be 27, about 500 million of people.
And we went through a very important enlargement, that it was, indeed, the
reunification of Europe, 25, and very soon 27, countries that were very
recently divided and now are together, sharing their sovereignty.

So it's no surprise that in this process, some problems may occur. But the
opinion is there. We are on business. We are deciding. We are taking
decisions every day, internally and externally, and we are committed to
this very close relation with United States.

Let me just underline two points that are very important also in our
relation that we will be going on discussing in Gleneagles in the next G8
summit in Scotland, is the cooperation in terms of environment. We are
looking forward -- our dialogue in United States about climate change, new
technologies to face those challenges, energy efficiency, energy security
-- we adopted an important statement on that -- and also development, what
we can do together for Africa and for the developing world. We also adopted
a common statement on Africa that shows our commitment.

I think this is a real problem and this is a task of a generation. We are,
together, promoting democracy and freedom, but every day, 25,000 people die
because they don't have enough to eat or they don't have clean water to
drink. This is really a shame for our generation. And you cannot accept it
as a kind of natural order of things. It's not natural. Now nobody thinks
that slavery is natural, but it was natural for centuries. We could live
with slavery. How can we go on living with people dying because they don't
have the basic needs? There are enough resources in the world. There are
enough resources in the world. What we need is political will and good

And when I say good organization, I say good organization on the donors
community, but also on them, on the African leaders, on the third world
leaders, that they can also work with us for better governance, for the
rule of law, for accountability in their societies, and transparency in
their societies. And I hope that this year we can take all advantage of
this year with a high-level event in September in New York, with all -- the
Gleneagles summit and other occasions so that the United States and Europe
will be in front running this battle against absolute poverty, and also for
freedom and democracy around the world.

Thank you.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you, Jose.

Couple of questions. Tom.

Q Mr. President, by all accounts, the votes just aren't there to end the
filibuster against your nomination of John Bolton to go to the U.N. Your
Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, wouldn't rule out a recess
appointment. There is a recess coming up. Where do you go from here? And
would a recess appointment give Mr. Bolton enough time to do the kind of
changes at the U.N. that you are looking for?

PRESIDENT BUSH: I think Mr. Bolton ought to get an up or down vote on the
Senate floor. That's my call to the Senate. I nominated John Bolton to be
the ambassador to the United Nations for a reason. I'm sharing this now
with my friends here. The American people know why I nominated him, because
the U.N. needs reform, and I thought it made sense to send a reformer to
the United Nations. The U.N. is an important organization, and the American
people, I think, will take -- will understand how important it is when the
U.N. is reformed and is held to account. And so we want more accountability
and transparency and less bureaucracy. And John Bolton will help achieve
that mission. And so I think it's time for the Senate to give him an up or
down vote, now. And I'm not sure if they've made the decision to have that
vote. I think tomorrow there is going to be an up or down vote, if I'm not
mistaken, Tom.

Q Tonight.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Tonight? Yes. Well, put him in. If they're interested in
reforming the United Nations, they ought to approve John Bolton.

Do you want to call on somebody?

Q Mr. President, you spoke of common values were with Europe and the United
States, and a strong Europe. Would you say that today, after the two
summits between European Union and the United States, that the partnership
has even become again a friendship between Europe and United States, and
how you see the role of the Luxembourg presidency in that issue?

PRESIDENT BUSH: Well, I appreciate that. First, the relations with Europe
are important relations, and they've -- because we do share values. And
they're universal values -- they're not American values or European values,
they're universal values. And those values, being universal, ought to be
applied everywhere. And that's human rights, human dignity, rule of law,
transparency when it comes to government, decency. And, obviously, if the
EU and the U.S. speak with one voice on these issues, it's more likely to
hear -- people will hear it.

I think the friendship between our respective countries in the EU are
strong. Obviously, there's been a difference of opinion recently on certain
issues, but that doesn't prevent the American people from holding the good
folks of Luxembourg or Portugal in high esteem. There's a lot of traffic
between our country, a lot of tourism, a lot of trade, a lot of commerce
between individual countries within the EU and the United States. And
that's because of mutual respect and the desire for people to get to know
the world better.

In terms of your Prime Minister, he's an interesting guy. (Laughter.) He's
a lot of fun to be around. He promotes serious business in a way that
endears himself to people. And so I think his presidency has been an
important presidency for the EU during difficult times, and he's handled it
well. And I was going to say he's a piece of work, but that might not
translate too well. Is that all right, if I call you a "piece of work"?


PRESIDENT BUSH: He's done a good job, and I value his friendship. I know
it's really important for people at our -- when we sit down at the table,
to have a friendship, so we can discuss things in a frank way, in an honest
way, without fear of being able to tell people what's on our mind. That's
the best way to get things done, and Jean-Claude certainly has been that
way, as has Jose.


Q Mr. President, we were told that you planned to sharpen your focus on
Iraq. Why did this become necessary? And given the recent surge in
violence, do you agree with Vice President Dick Cheney's assessment that
the insurgency is in its last throes?

PRESIDENT BUSH: Adam, I think about Iraq every day -- every single day --
because I understand we have troops in harm's way, and I understand how
dangerous it is there. And the reason it's dangerous is because there's
these cold-blooded killers that will kill Americans or kill innocent Iraqis
in order to try to drive us out of Iraq. I spoke to our commanders today --
Commander Abizaid today, and will be speaking to General Casey here this
week, getting an assessment as to how we're proceeding. We're making
progress toward the goal, which is, on the one hand, a political process
moving forward in Iraq, and on the other hand, the Iraqis capable of
defending themselves. And the report from the field is that while it's
tough, more and more Iraqis are becoming battle-hardened and trained to
defend themselves. And that's exactly the strategy that's going to work.
And it is going to work. And we will -- we will complete this mission for
the sake of world peace.

And you just heard the EU is willing to host this conference with the
United States in order to help this new democracy move forward. And the
reason why is many countries understand that freedom in the heart of the
Middle East will make this world more peaceful.

And so, you know, I think about this every day, every single day, and will
continue thinking about it, because I understand we've got kids in harm's
way. And I worry about their families; and I obviously, any time there's a
death, I grieve. But I want those families to know, one, we're not going to
leave them -- not going to allow their mission to go in vain; and, two, we
will complete the mission and the world will be better off for it.

Q Mr. President, many in Europe --

PRESIDENT BUSH: You're offending people here, we got two other --

Q Mr. President, many in Europe are worrying that with the fight against
terrorism the commitment of the United States to human rights is not as big
as it used to be -- that is not only to do with Guantanamo, but also with
the secret prisons where the CIA holds terror suspects. My question is,
what will happen to these people who are held in these secret prisons by
the CIA? Will they ever see a judge? Or is your thinking that with some
terror suspects, the rule of law should not apply or does not have to have

PRESIDENT BUSH: First of all, I appreciate that question, and I understand
we -- those of us who espouse freedom have an obligation, and those who
espouse human rights have an obligation to live that to those -- live up to
those words. And I believe we are, in Guantanamo. I mean, after all,
there's 24 hour inspections by the International Red Cross. You're welcome
to go down yourself -- maybe you have -- and taking a look at the
conditions. I urge members of our press corps to go down to Guantanamo and
see how they're treated and to see -- and to see -- and to look at the
facts. That's all I ask people to do. There have been, I think, about 800
or so that have been detained there. These are people picked up off the
battlefield in Afghanistan. They weren't wearing uniforms, they weren't
state sponsored, but they were there to kill.

And so the fundamental question facing our government was, what do you do
with these people? And so we said that they don't apply under the Geneva
Convention, but they'll be treated in accord with the Geneva Convention.

And so I would urge you to go down and take a look at Guantanamo. About 200
or so have been released back to their countries. There needs to be a way
forward on the other 500 that are there. We're now waiting for a federal
court to decide whether or not they can be tried in a military court, where
they'll have rights, of course, or in the civilian courts. We're just
waiting for our judicial process to move -- to move the process along.

Make no mistake, however, that many of those folks being detained -- in
humane conditions, I might add -- are dangerous people. Some have been
released to their previous countries, and they got out and they went on to
the battlefield again. And I have an obligation, as do all of us who are
holding office, to protect our people. That's a solemn obligation we all
have. And I believe we're meeting that obligation in a humane way.

As well, as we've got some in custody -- Khalid Shaykh Muhammad is a
classic example, the mastermind of the September the 11th attack that
killed over 3,000 of our citizens. And he is being detained because we
think he could possibly give us information that might not only protect us,
but protect citizens in Europe. And at some point in time, he'll be dealt
with, but right now, we think it's best that he be -- he be kept in

We want to learn as much as we can in this new kind of war about the
intention, and about the methods, and about how these people operate. And
they're dangerous, and they're still around, and they'll kill in a moment's

In the long run, the best way to protect ourselves is to spread freedom and
human rights and democracy. And -- but if you've got questions about
Guantanamo, I seriously suggest you go down there and take a look. And --
seriously, take an objective look as to how these folks are treated, and
what has happened to them in the past, and when the courts make the
decision they make, we'll act accordingly.

Thank you. I appreciate that. Thank you all very much for coming.

END 1:35 P.M. EDT

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