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Skriven 2005-07-14 23:33:22 av Whitehouse Press (1:3634/12.0)
Ärende: Press Release (0507145) for Thu, 2005 Jul 14
Press Gaggle by Scott McClellan

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
July 14, 2005

Press Gaggle by Scott McClellan
Aboard Air Force One
En Route Indianapolis, Indiana

11:55 A.M. EDT

MR. McCLELLAN: All right. The President had his usual briefings before we
left. We are going to Indiana, for the Black Corporate Expo. And in his
remarks, the President -- I touched on this a little bit -- will focus on
making sure all Americans can realize the promise of America, he'll talk
about the importance of expanding opportunity and prosperity and making it
within reach of all Americans, and what we're doing to help meet that
important national goal.

The President will talk about the education reforms that we've implemented
to make sure every child is learning. We're making important progress when
it comes to educating our children. And the President will talk about the
nation's report card, the NAEP, that is being released today. It's the
first long-term assessment, national assessment to be released since the No
Child Left Behind reforms went into place. This covers the years '99
through 2004, and it shows some significant improvements, particularly
among minority groups. And the President will touch on that in his remarks,
and talk about how we're working to close the achievement gap, so that
everybody has the chance to have a first-rate education.

And the President will also talk about his ownership society -- his vision
for an ownership society. And in that he'll talk about the importance of
expanding home ownership, expanding small business ownership. And in that
context, he will talk about some of our initiatives to encourage more
minority entrepreneurship, and he'll talk about our initiative to close the
minority home-ownership gap, and how home ownership is at all-time highs,
and minority home-ownership is at all-time highs. And then he'll talk about
-- I expect he'll talk about his faith-based initiative, and the importance
of local community groups helping those in need and supporting those

And he'll talk about the -- oh, I forgot to mention he'll talk about
retirement security, as well, and he'll talk about the importance of
reforming Social Security, including personal retirement accounts, and then
he'll talk about our help for the continent of Africa. So that's kind of
the overview of his remarks for today.

Then when we get back, this afternoon, the President has one of his regular
meetings scheduled with his Secretary of State. She is returning from her
trip, and the President looks forward to -- he actually spoke with her, I
believe it was yesterday morning, and got an update on the trip. And he
looks forward to talking with her more about the trip she has just

And I think that's all on the President's schedule really for today. In
terms of announcements, we're going to be putting out a statement shortly
here. The Prime Minister of Hungary will be coming to the White House on
October 3rd. And then on "Ask the White House this afternoon, at 4:00 p.m.,
we have our Education Secretary, Margaret Spellings, to answer questions.

And I think that's really all I've got to begin with.

Q Why didn't he have time in his schedule to go to the NAACP if he has time
in his schedule to go to Indianapolis?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, I actually checked on this a few weeks ago when
someone had asked, and my understanding is this event had already been
scheduled. And we did receive a request from the NAACP, but this event was
already scheduled prior to us looking over that request and making a

Q Is he sorry he couldn't go to the NAACP?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, I think there are some other officials attending the
NAACP. The President has a long record of reaching out to the African
American community; it goes back to his very early days in elected office,
and even before. The President is going to continue reaching out to the
African American community. He is pleased to be going to this expo today,
and talking to many African American leaders in Indiana. And the President
is going to continue focusing on initiatives that expand opportunity and
prosperity for all Americans. And that's what he's talking about in his
remarks today. So I think this is an opportunity for the President to
continue his outreach to the African American community. That's really what
this was.

Q On Sunday Julian Bond said they're inviting him now for next year, a year
in advance. Is he inclined to accept that nomination?

MR. McCLELLAN: You mean the request?

Q Right.

MR. McCLELLAN: You know, look, the NAACP has, I guess, a new President that
is coming in now. And I'm sure at some point the President and he will have
an opportunity to visit. I know the President would look forward to that
opportunity. The President wants to work with all those who want to work in
a constructive way to help expand opportunity and prosperity and improve
the quality of life for all Americans. That's what he will continue to do.
And he'll continue to reach out to all those who want to work together on
our common goals.

Q So he'll go next year?

MR. McCLELLAN: I don't even know if we've received an official request. I
mean, apparently there's a request through the press, but I don't know if
we've received a request at this point. And I think it's way to early to
look at next year's schedule.

Q But in principle, he has no opposition to potentially --

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, like I said, look, I'm sure at some point he'll sit
down and visit with the new President. He had a good relationship, I think,
with the outgoing President, Kweisi Mfume. They had some good visits and
discussions, looked for ways to work together.

Q Will Karl come back and talk to us at the event?

MR. McCLELLAN: No, I don't expect that today.

Q Why not?

MR. McCLELLAN: I just don't -- there's no plans for him to do that.

Q How long is he going to stay on the staff?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, I think I expressed the President's views yesterday,
when it comes to Karl.

Q Remind me, how long is he going to stay on the staff?

MR. McCLELLAN: That's a nice try to keep bringing up questions relating to
media reports about an ongoing investigation. As the President indicated
yesterday, we are not going to prejudge an ongoing investigation based on
media reports. The President directed the White House to cooperate fully,
and that's what we've been working to do. And we will be more than happy to
talk about the investigation after it is completed.

But the President -- I again made clear yesterday that when it comes to the
President's confidence in Karl and his support for him, I made clear our

Q Does the President believe it's appropriate for the RNC to continue to
weigh in on this matter? They put out another memo today, with a top-10
Joseph Wilson lies. If indeed it's an ongoing investigation and it's
improper for the White House to discuss it, does he think it's proper for
the Republican Party to weigh in on it?

MR. McCLELLAN: You know, Geoff, I appreciate the question, and as you heard
me say yesterday, we are not going to prejudge the outcome of the
investigation based on media reports. And I'm not going to get into --

Q What about the RNC, though, Scott?

MR. McCLELLAN: No, I said, I'm not going to get into discussing matters
relating to an ongoing investigation. We'll let the investigation come to a
conclusion, and then I'll be more than happy to talk about it, as will the

Q Does the President -- did he yesterday get his --

MR. McCLELLAN: What I'm telling you is that those are all questions
relating to an ongoing investigation.

Q Did the President get his news yesterday about Justice Rehnquist's health
from media reports?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, Andy Card and I did, and Andy Card and I informed the
President in the Oval Office yesterday, shortly after the news reports came
out. I think that that was the case previously, when the Chief Justice went
into the hospital, we didn't have any advance notification either.

Q So why is it acceptable for him to base his information about the Chief
Justice's health on news reports, but not about an investigation within the
West Wing? What's the distinction there?

MR. McCLELLAN: Oh, I think there's a lot of distinctions there. This is
relating to an ongoing criminal investigation. There are clear distinctions
in that. That's a nice try to get us to discuss an ongoing investigation,
but I think we need to let that investigation continue.

Q Let me just try one last thing, Scott, because I wasn't here yesterday.

MR. McCLELLAN: Hang on, hang on. I'll come to your question, Geoff. I'd
like an opportunity to be able to talk before you all jump in, too.

We have said for quite some time that this is an ongoing investigation, and
that we weren't going to get into discussing it. So that's not something
that's new as of this week.

Q But should the RNC be talking about it?

MR. McCLELLAN: Again, I said yesterday, and we have been through a couple
of days of questions relating to this investigation, I said I'm happy to
talk about it once it's over, but until that time, we'll let the
investigation continue.

Q How about Wilson? He was on the shows --

MR. McCLELLAN: We're trying to be helpful to its coming to a successful

Q Wilson was on the shows today. He basically said there was a massive
cover-up being conducted by the White House, and that Rove should be fired.
What do you say to Wilson?

MR. McCLELLAN: The President said we're not going to get into prejudging
the outcome of an ongoing investigation, based on media reports and --

Q I'm talking about Wilson, I'm not talking about the investigation.

MR. McCLELLAN: We'll let the investigation continue and come to a
conclusion, and then we'll be happy to talk about it at that point. But
these -- Adam, these are all questions relating to an ongoing
investigation, and I indicated yesterday that there's really nothing more
to add to what we've already said.

Q Does the White House have a position on Senator Shelby's efforts to boost
funding for mass transit security from $200 million to -- or $100 million
to $1.2 billion?

MR. McCLELLAN: Actually, Secretary Chertoff talked about it yesterday and
he really talked about what our views are. We want to make sure the
resources are going -- our resources are dedicated based on risk and that
we're focused on a risk-based assessment of how those resources are used.

We've provided significant funding for transit security. We've also
provided, I think it's more than $8 billion in grant money to go to state
-- states and local governments. And those states and local governments can
use those resources -- some of those resources to dedicate toward their
mass transit security or towards rail security.

But it's important that we take a risk-based assessment of what our needs
are, and then we focus resources -- focus resources on what those needs are
based on the risk. That's what we believe; Secretary Chertoff spoke about
it yesterday, and that's -- he was expressing our view.

Q So you wouldn't be inclined to support an additional $1.2 billion in

MR. McCLELLAN: No, we think the resources ought to be focused based on
risk, toward where those risks are. And that's what we have worked with
Congress to do, and we're continuing to work with Congress. We're early in
this process still and -- but I pointed out what we have done and how we've
significantly increased funding for rail security and port security and
other transit security.

Q You don't believe there's need for additional funding?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, I think that we need to make sure that the resources
are based on a risk assessment and dedicated in that way. So that's -- I
mean, you should look back at what Secretary Chertoff said just yesterday.

Q You mentioned the President, when he went to Europe, was going to be
reviewing Supreme Court material on the way. Can you just tell us, right
now, is he looking -- is he having those discussions on this trip? It's a
short trip.

MR. McCLELLAN: No, I don't know that he is right now. He was visiting with
Congresswoman Carson,* who's on board with us. She's from Indiana.

Q Who is --

MR. McCLELLAN: Congresswoman Carson*, he visited with her, and I think he's
probably right now looking over some of his remarks that he's getting ready
to make. But the President is taking this responsibility seriously. He has
continued to visit with his key advisors about potential nominees. He has
continued to look over material relating to potential nominees.

As you are aware, the President has also been reaching out to members of
the Senate. He had a good discussion with bipartisan leaders earlier this
week. That's part of our ongoing consultations. We have reached out, as
Senator Hatch pointed out, in an unprecedented way to consult with members
of the Senate. And those consultations will continue.

Q Has he met with anybody yet, any of the potential picks?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, you know that I -- even if he had, I wouldn't be
getting into that. But the President indicated last week and indicated
again yesterday -- well, indicated last week that he would be narrowing the
list down over the course of a few weeks, and then he would be sitting down
and visiting with potential nominees. And yesterday, you heard him comment
a little bit about that, as well. But we're looking at a diverse group of
-- or the President is looking at a diverse group of potential nominees,
and he is going through a deliberate and thorough process. That process
continues. And he's asking a lot of questions of his key advisors, too,
about potential nominees and about the nomination process, and thinking
through this very deliberately.

Q So he hasn't begun the interview process yet? I thought the other day you
were able to tell us that that hasn't -- that process hasn't begun yet?

MR. McCLELLAN: The other day I think I indicated to you that if the
President wants to say more about it, I'm sure he will. And I think he
indicated to you yesterday that he probably would not be getting into
discussing that, because we want to be respectful of the process and
respectful of those people that might be under consideration for this

Q Ken Mehlman today at the NAACP plans to talk about how Republicans have
been wrong --

MR. McCLELLAN: And I should point out that, because, Ann, you brought up
Chief Justice Rehnquist earlier, that we continue to wish him a speedy
recovery and hope he's out of the hospital soon.

Q What was that? I'm sorry.

MR. McCLELLAN: That we continue to wish Chief Justice Rehnquist a speedy

Q How are you updated about his condition, Scott?

MR. McCLELLAN: I'm sorry?

Q How are you all being updated on his condition?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, if you're asking if we've had any contact from the
Court, we haven't, regarding his hospitalization.

Q Well, why weren't you guys informed before it was in the press, before it
was on TV? When did you guys get your first notification?

MR. McCLELLAN: That's what Ann was asking at the beginning, if you want to
check your tape.

Q So when -- okay.

MR. McCLELLAN: I can say it again, but --

Q It was after it was on the --

MR. McCLELLAN: Andy Card and I informed the President --

Q After it was reported --

MR. McCLELLAN: -- after the news reports came out, or after the --
following the statement by the Court indicated that he had gone to the
hospital with a fever.

Q Why wouldn't they tell you before? Why wouldn't they tell you before they
make a public announcement?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, like I said, the previous time he had gone to the
hospital for surgery, I don't recall that we were given any advance notice.

Q Today, Ken Mehlman is going to talk about Republican Party's past
relationship with blacks and say that it was wrong. Does the President
agree with that message?

MR. McCLELLAN: Yes, he does. The President has long been committed to
reaching out to people from all walks of life. He has long been committed
to making a concerted effort to reach out to the African American community
based on the compassionate conservative agenda that he has pursued. And
he's going to be talking about the policies that we've been pursuing that
are beneficial to all Americans, and that includes the African American
community. And I think you should look at what he says when he talks about
encouraging more minority entrepreneurship and closing the minority
home-ownership gap and raising our educational standards so that every
child is having the opportunity to learn and succeed. And these are
important initiatives that we have undertaken, and I think it would be
beneficial to all Americans, but also -- and that includes the African
American community.

Q Is it fair to say that the President disapproves of Nixon's southern
strategy, then?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, I think what Nedra was referring to was what Ken was
saying in his remarks, saying that you go back to previous years and the
Republican Party had essentially given up on the African American vote and
reaching out to the African American community. And he, from my
understanding, was saying in his remarks, that that's wrong. And that's why
I said, yes, we agree with that. The President believes in reaching out to
all Americans. And that's what he has always done, not only through his
approach in leading, but also through his policies.

Thank you.

END 12:11 P.M. EDT

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