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Skriven 2005-07-29 23:33:44 av Whitehouse Press (1:3634/12.0)
Ärende: Press Release (0507295) for Fri, 2005 Jul 29
Press Briefing by Scott McClellan

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
July 29, 2005

Press Briefing by Scott McClellan
James S. Brady Briefing Room

Press Briefing
"); //--> view

12:23 P.M. EDT

MR. MCCLELLAN: A good Friday afternoon to everybody. I'd like to begin by
talking about the week of accomplishment in the United States Congress.
We've had a very productive week of accomplishment for the American people.
We are working together to achieve real results.

As you're aware, they've already moved forward and passed the Central
American Free Trade Agreement. Congress is also now moving forward on the
comprehensive energy legislation and the transportation bill. These are two
important priorities that the President called on Congress to get done and
we appreciate Congress moving forward on these priorities and working to
get them done before leaving town. This has been a successful and
results-oriented session.

There was also additional good news on the economy this morning. The second
quarter GDP numbers came out showing that in the second quarter we saw GDP
grow at 3.4 percent, which was roughly in line with what the market
expectations were. We're seeing solid and sustained economic growth. The
tax cuts that we passed and the pro-growth policies that we have pursued
are working. We've seen more than 2 million jobs created in the last year
alone. The unemployment rate is at 5 percent and more Americans are working
than ever before. So we continue to see good economic news and an economy
that is on a sustained path of strong growth and job creation.

And with that, I will be glad to go to questions.

Q Scott, in his speech today, Senator Frist said that the policy that
President Bush announced on embryonic stem cell research in 2001, in
Senator Frist's words, "will slow our ability to bring potential new
treatments for certain diseases." Does the President dispute that position
of Senator Frist? And is the President open to the idea of expanding
federal financing?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, first of all, I think Senator Frist indicated that
this is a position that he had stated more than four years, and that he
held as a physician, prior to him coming into the United States Senate. So
this is something --

Q Well, it's one that he's talking about now.

MR. McCLELLAN: -- so this is something that he has said before. The
President was speaking with Senator Frist just last night, talking about
the legislative agenda and the end of the session here and moving forward
on the remaining priorities. And Senator Frist told him he was going to be
making these remarks; the President said, you need to vote your conscience
when it comes to this legislation.

There is a lot of common understanding between the two. Both recognize that
there are real ethical issues involved in this decision. Both are strongly
committed to advancing the tremendous possibilities of science. Both --
Senator Frist stated that the President was the first President to allow
for federal funding of embryonic stem cell research. And the President came
to a policy position back in 2001, after a lot of deliberation. It was a
very thoughtful process; he listened to people with different views about
how we can move forward and continue to advance science while maintaining
the highest ethical standards.

The President is strongly committed to advancing medical research in an
aggressive way, while making sure that we're maintaining the highest
ethical standards. The decisions we make today have far-reaching
consequences. So the President said taxpayer money should not be used to
create life for the sole purpose of destroying life. He also recognized
that there are issues where the life and death decision had already been
made concerning embryonic stem cell research. And the President was the
first to allow for the federal funding of that kind of research.

Now, there are a lot of alternative sources of stem cell research that we
also need to be exploring. And I think Senator Frist touched on that as
well today. Adult stem cell research shows great promise. Umbilical cord,
blood cell shows great promise. And scientists today are looking at ways to
derive lines from embryonic stem cells in a way that wouldn't destroy life.
We need to continue to explore the possibilities that are before us.

But the President's decision didn't put any prohibition on private sector
research that is done. But I think the President has made his position
pretty clear, and he appreciates Senator Frist's position.

Q But does he disagree with Senator Frist's conclusion that the 2001 policy
will slow the potential to bring new treatments?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, first of all, a couple of things. Let me talk about
the President's record and I'll come to that specific question, as well.

The President has pushed to double funding at the National Institutes of
Health, to $29 billion a year, so that we can continue to encourage
research. We've seen more than an 80 percent increase in funding for all
stem cell research. There's a substantial amount of funding both in the
public and private sector for all stem cell research -- that includes adult
stem cell research and embryonic stem cell research.

Now, in term of embryonic stem cell research, we are at the early stages of
understanding the potential of this kind of research. We are just in the
basic research phase trying to understand the potential that is there. The
President's policy has allowed for 600 shipments of lines to go to
researchers, and they're already being used -- those lines are already
being used at this point. There are an additional 3,000 more lines that are
available. So these lines are available so that we can explore the basic
research and try to understand the potential that is there.

But as I mentioned, adult stem cell research is showing great promise, as
well, and we need to continue to move forward on that.

Q You were going to come to my question.

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, I think you were asking about the research that's
available, and that's why I pointed out the lines that are available.

Q So the President does not think that his policy is slowing development of
new treatment?

MR. McCLELLAN: The lines that we've made available will help us move
forward on the basic research so that we can understand the potential of
embryonic stem cell research. And the private sector is also doing funding
and looking at the promise, as well.

Q A few on this, Scott. I just want to make sure I understand the
President's position. Does the President today stand by his pledge to veto
any legislation from Congress that would expand the number of stem cell
lines available for federally funded research?

MR. McCLELLAN: I think the President has made his position very clear.
Nothing has changed in terms of his position. We are going to continue to
aggressively advance medical research, while also maintaining the highest
ethical standards.

Q The Republican Party appears to be moving away from this President on
this issue. How does he react to that?

MR. McCLELLAN: I think that there are many Americans that share the
President's view that we need to continue to explore and advance science,
but we need to make sure that we maintain ethical standards. As I said,
these are decisions that have far-reaching consequences. And that's why the
President worked to find common ground on this difficult issue.

Q Okay, let me just interrupt. Most Americans --

MR. McCLELLAN: Hang on, hang on.

Q Most Americans don't support the President's decision, according to

MR. McCLELLAN: Hang on. This is a difficult issue. The President recognized
that when he made his decision back in 2001. The President has always
worked to try to find common ground on difficult issues.

The decision that the President made was addressing taxpayer dollars. The
President does not believe we should be using taxpayer dollars for -- or to
support the further destruction of human life. That's where he set the
line. Now, there's no prohibition on the private sector research that goes
on. There are a lot of lines that are now available so that we can move
forward on the basic research.

Q As an individual, does he support the private research that's going
forward on embryonic stem cells?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, the President -- the decision he made was relating to
taxpayer money.

Q I understand that. I'm asking if as an individual --

MR. McCLELLAN: And the President is someone who believes we shouldn't be
creating life for the sole purpose of destroying it. And he stated that

Q Separate issue.

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, I think that addresses your question.

Q One factual thing here. Well, let me just get an answer to this first
part. The fact is that the Republican Party is moving away from this
President, and there is a feeling that Senator Frist articulated today
that, in effect, the President is stuck in a 2001 decision when the science
is passing him by.

MR. McCLELLAN: Okay, I'm going to disagree with you right now on saying the
Republican Party is moving away. The Republican Party is united and moving
forward to implement important priorities for the American people. This
week has been one of the most successful weeks --

Q On stem cell -- I'm talking about this issue.

MR. McCLELLAN: No, no, you made a general statement that they're moving

Q No, no, I meant on this issue. I meant on this issue.

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, but let me talk about this issue, because some of you
in this room, and some of your colleagues, two months ago, were saying that
this President is facing lame duck status, that we can't get things done
that --

Q Let's not divert off of that, Scott. I was specific to this issue. Let's
not get off on that.

MR. McCLELLAN: Of course, you don't want to talk about it.

Q That was your opening statement, you had time about that. No, the
Republicans support you on any number of things, I can list them --

MR. McCLELLAN: You don't want to talk about it.

Q I'd love to talk about it, let's lengthen the briefing, but one question
about --

MR. McCLELLAN: I'm not going anywhere.

Q -- you said 600 shipment of lines and 3,000 lines available.

MR. McCLELLAN: An additional 3,000.

Q Senator Frist said today that there were supposed to be 78 stem cell
lines after the August 9th decision, and there's only 22 available today,
and some of those have degraded to the point that they're not useful. So
how do you square those numbers?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, I just pointed out -- because what you can do from
those stem cells that are available is derive additional lines. And that's
why I pointed out that there's 600-some lines that are already being used
right now. There are an additional 3,000 more that are going to be
available for this kind of research. The fact of the matter is, we're still
in the early stages of the research.

Now I want to back up, because I do think it's important to talk about the
accomplishments. Maybe you don't want to talk about it, because a number of
people in the media were saying just two months ago --

Q Don't start with that.

MR. McCLELLAN: No, let's start with that.

Q Don't take me on like I don't want to talk about it. That's ridiculous.
You want to make your statement, make your statement. I was asking you a
specific question on a specific issue, and don't try to turn this into a
screed about the media.

MR. McCLELLAN: Then don't make a broad statement, like you did.

Q I corrected myself. I meant on this issue.

MR. McCLELLAN: Of course you don't want to talk about it, because you don't
want the American people to hear about the great progress that we're making
on the legislative front.

Q I thought I heard your opening statement pretty clearly.

MR. McCLELLAN: I'm sure you'll be reporting on it later tonight.

Q Watch the broadcast tomorrow.

Q Scott, how much do you think Senator Frist's position is about jockeying
for position on the 2008 elections?

MR. McCLELLAN: Look, Senator Frist addressed that question earlier today,
and I think he answered that question. He talked about how this is
something that was based on his conviction.

Q You don't see any politics involved here?

MR. McCLELLAN: The President told him last night, you need to vote your
conscience. The President made a decision based on his principles, and
Senator Frist is making a decision based on his principles.

Q Scott, just to follow up.

MR. McCLELLAN: Let me go to Jessica, and then I'll come to you.

Q I have a follow-up and then another question. You've said that the
President does not support the further destruction of human life through
creating new embryonic stem cell lines. Does he think it should be criminal
to destroy frozen embryos that are not used in fertility clinics?

MR. McCLELLAN: Jessica, no, this is relating to the taxpayer dollars.
That's the President's decision.

Q But if the President believes that's the destruction of life, why doesn't
he make an effort to oppose it?

MR. McCLELLAN: Jessica, the decision that he made was relating to taxpayer
dollars. He's the President, and this is taxpayer money. This is federal

Q So what should happen to the 400,000-plus frozen embryos that are sitting
in fertility banks not being used, waiting to be thrown out?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, in fact, he just had an event a short time ago,
talking about how there are embryo adoption families, people that can adopt
these embryos and --

Q But that's a nominal -- nominal -- number compared to the hundreds of
thousands of embryos --

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, no, no, go back and look at what I said at the time,
because I gave out some statistics. I think that you need to look at the
statistics I gave out at the time. But this --

Q But you never came up with a policy on what should be done. Do they all
have to be given up for adoption?

MR. McCLELLAN: Are you going to let me respond?

Q Sure.

MR. McCLELLAN: Okay, thank you. No one seems to want to talk about the
great progress this week in Congress, but -- (laughter.)

Q There's been great progress. There's been great progress.

Q You do.

MR. McCLELLAN: I'm sure it will be reported. (Laughter.)

The President's decision was based on federal funding of taxpayer dollars.
That's what it was based on. He's the President of the United States, the
President of all Americans, and I think many Americans understand and
appreciate the decision that he came to, because this is a difficult issue.
It is their taxpayer dollars, and that's where -- but that's where he drew
the line and that's the decision that he made.

Q So should all those embryos be given up for adoption -- must they be?

MR. McCLELLAN: No, I addressed that question a long time ago.

Q But no answer.

MR. McCLELLAN: No, I did address it, Jessica. Go back and look at that
briefing. I addressed it, and you can go back and pull up all those quotes
and comments from that time. I laid out the facts -- some of your facts, I
think that you are trying to cite are not exactly accurate.

Q Scott, when I asked this morning what David just asked about the fact
that Senator Frist is making it very clear that he believes that not only
are there fewer lines available, but that the lines available, many of them
have been contaminated, and that he believes -- your answer to that
question has been, well, we're at the early stages of science right now.
But he made very clear on the Senate floor today, sort of the whole purpose
of his speech and his position is that we're not at the early stages and
that what we need right now in order to --

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, I think everybody recognizes we're at the basic
research stage.

Q But what he -- the whole point of his policy now is that you need to
modify because you're slowing research, you're slowing science if you
don't. So my question is, are we just at a point now where the President
disagrees with Dr. Frist on the science?

MR. McCLELLAN: I just pointed out some of the facts. There is substantial
amount of funding, both in the public and private sector, going to stem
cell research -- that's adult stem cell research and embryonic stem cell
research. I talked about how the President was the first one to allow the
federal funding of embryonic stem cell research --

Q I understand that. Where we are right now --

MR. McCLELLAN: -- and I made the point that we believe that the lines that
are available now will allow us to do the basic research to understand the
potential of stem cell research, of embryonic stem cell research.

Q Just one quick follow up. Was the President taken by surprise by this?
And, also, I know that he made an effort to talk to Senator Frist at the
event this morning and they walked down together. Did they talk privately

MR. McCLELLAN: No, this is something that Senator Frist stated over four
years ago, as he indicated earlier today.

Q He hasn't stated it -- he actually said that he -- he has not said that
he would, sort of, defy a veto threat until today. He actually made it
pretty clear that he was going to go along with the President until today.

MR. McCLELLAN: His views, though, he stated more than four years ago.

Q I know, but this is about legislation --

MR. McCLELLAN: Understood.

Q -- and this is about the President issuing a veto threat.

MR. McCLELLAN: But I'm just pointing that out just like he pointed out
earlier today. And he also pointed out that -- he praised the President for
being the first one to allow for this kind of research through federal tax

What the President's focus is on is the public money, and that's the
decision that he made.

Q I understand that. But when the President of the United States issues a
veto threat and the Majority Leader of his own party defies that, I'm just
sort of wondering what his reaction -- aside from he understands he has to
vote his conscience --

MR. McCLELLAN: We've worked very closely with Senator Frist to accomplish a
lot of things in the last session for the American people. I know some
people in this room don't want to ask questions now about it, they seem to
ask --

Q No, but it's about an ally who we really rely on, on this issue --

MR. McCLELLAN: Two months ago everybody wanted to talk about how we weren't
going to get things done.

Q I'm not talking about -- okay. Let's again just stick to this. This is
somebody who he really relied on as a physician in terms of coming up with
a policy --

MR. McCLELLAN: Let's stick to this, yes. That's exactly the point.

Q -- four years ago.

MR. McCLELLAN: Let's talk about the progress we've made over the last
session. No, because you're talking about Senator Frist. I mean, you know,
there may be issues where sometimes people disagree, but we have worked
closely together to get a lot of things done for the American people.
That's the point.

Q I understand that.

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, then I hope that it gets back to the American people
about the important progress that we have made and what we've accomplished
this week, because just two months ago many of you in this room were
saying, well, has he entered a lame duck status, can he get anything done?
People in this room were saying that the nomination -- or the Supreme Court
battle would prevent him from getting anything done on the domestic agenda.
Well, this week we've gotten things done.

Q Well, I wasn't one of those people and I'm asking specifically about this

MR. McCLELLAN: It's time to move on. And I just addressed your questions.

Q John Bolton, will there be a recess appointment announced before the
President goes to Waco?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, first of all, any decision on any recess appointment
would be made by the President of the United States. That's his decision to
make and it would be his announcement to make when he's ready to do so.
Now, in terms of this position, there is a vacancy at the United Nations
for our ambassador. We need our permanent representative in place at the
United States at this critical time. There is an effort underway to move
forward on comprehensive reform. We have outlined the comprehensive reforms
that we want to see put in place to make sure that the United Nations is an
effective multilateral organization. And it's a critical time to be moving
forward on this. The United Nations will be having their General Assembly
meeting in September, and it's important that we get our permanent
representative in place.

Go ahead, Carl.

Q First on Bolton, and then another question about today's discussion. Is
the President concerned about the apparent error on Mr. Bolton's
questionnaire to the Senate, in which he said that he had not been
questioned in a federal investigation in the preceding five years, when now
it has been revealed that, in fact, he was at least interviewed in the
context of the Inspector General-CIA investigation of the uranium potential
sale from Niger to Iraq?

MR. McCLELLAN: No, I think the State Department addressed that last night
and it was John Bolton who pointed that out.

Q Is the President concerned about this?

MR. McCLELLAN: Do you have a follow-up?

Q So is the President concerned about it? (Laughter.)

MR. McCLELLAN: No. I just said, no. The State Department pointed out the --

Q Great, okay. So, moving on from that, since you want to talk about the
economy -- in the context of the discussion we've been having here this
morning, one gets the sense that you think that there's an "I told you so"
coming here for the administration, because the press, in the past four
months, has been writing the President off as a lame duck. Is that what
you're doing? And, if so, why?

MR. McCLELLAN: No, I wouldn't say that. But I remember being in this room,
I remember all the coverage at the time, just two months ago, and, frankly,
there hasn't been a whole lot of focus in the media this week on the
significant accomplishments that are being achieved for the American
people. This is important for the American people to know that this
Congress has come together and gotten things done. That's what the
President vowed to do in his second term. He did it in his first term, and
he's doing it in his second term.

There are a lot of --

Q So, if I may -- pardon the interruption -- are you suggesting then that
the absence of coverage to your standard is because the media is
deliberately trying to suppress that information on behalf of the

MR. McCLELLAN: All I know is that there was a lot of coverage saying, two
months ago, that the President wasn't going to get anything done on the
domestic agenda, that he was maybe entering lame duck status, and the facts
say otherwise. We are getting things done for the American people, and the
ones who are benefiting are the American people. Thank you.

Q I ran a calculation on my computer this morning and --

MR. McCLELLAN: Uh-oh. (Laughter.) That's not fuzzy math here.

Q -- 1,241 days after Pearl Harbor, Adolph Hitler was dead. And today, it's
1,417 days after 9/11 -- Osama bin Laden is still alive. We've got a pretty
good idea that he's in western Pakistan. Why can't we get this guy? Is it
Musharraf? Is it -- who is keeping us from --

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, his safe haven in Afghanistan has been taken away. We
went in and liberated the people of Afghanistan. The Taliban that was
supporting his activities has been removed from power. The remnants of the
Taliban and the al Qaeda leaders like Osama bin Laden are on the run. We
have worked to bring to justice, in one way or another, some three-quarters
of the al Qaeda leadership and management structure. So we are dismantling
the al Qaeda network.

But this is an ideological struggle that we are engaged in. It is a
long-term struggle. We are continuing to pursue all those who seek to do
harm to the civilized world. They will be brought to justice. We are now
fighting the war on terrorism on the offensive by taking the fight to the
terrorists overseas, so that we don't have to fight them here on our own

But, more importantly, we're working to support the advance of freedom and
democracy. The advance of freedom is the way that we will prevail over
their hateful ideology that is based on spreading fear and chaos, and
killing innocent human beings. They have no regard for human life. But
we'll continue to go after all those who are responsible for attacks and
seek to do harm to the American people.

Q The reason I ask is, General Musharraf -- there was a Dow Jones wire
story today -- he admitted that he wasn't as aggressive against the
religious terrorists in his country in 2002 as he might have been, because
he said he was facing a threat from India and Kashmir, and he claimed that
he didn't have international support for his presidency. I mean, has he
been an obstacle? He seems to be saying --

MR. McCLELLAN: The President had a good discussion with President Musharraf
yesterday. He is a good partner in the global war on terrorism. He
recognizes the enemy and the nature of the enemy that we are up against.
And he just spoke in the last couple of weeks about the steps that he's
taken to go after those who espouse this extremist ideology, this ideology
that preaches hate, this ideology that preaches violence against innocent
civilians. This is an enemy that wants to dominate the Middle East.

And I would point back to our own history. For decades, we ignored what was
going on in the Middle East, and thought we were getting peace and
stability in exchange for letting dictators rule in countries throughout
the Middle East. Well, we didn't get either. And the President, on
September 11th, made the decision that we were going to take the fight to
the enemy and that we were going to work to advance freedom in the broader
Middle East to help lay the foundation of peace for generations to come,
for our children and grandchildren. And that's what we're doing. And we're
working with many nations around the world to do that. This is a -- much
broader than just a military effort. We're fighting this ideological
struggle on many fronts, and we will continue to do so.

Go ahead, Sarah.

Q Thank you. Scott, lots of small cameras around London have greatly aided
London police in identifying and arresting bombers and other terrorists.
Would the President endorse the placing of such cameras in and around
Washington, and other major cities in this country? And should the Congress
provide more money for national security before it goes home for the

MR. McCLELLAN: You're talking about placing cameras in positions?

Q Yes.

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, there's a lot of security measures that we're taking.
In some instances, there are. We need to continue to provide our law
enforcement and intelligence officials with the tools they need to do their
job. We also need to make sure we're safeguarding people's civil liberties.
And that's what we have been working to do.

Q The question about Congress, because they need more money. Should the
Congress provide more money for national security before it goes home for
the summer?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, they are moving forward on the appropriations bills,
the budget bills that -- they already have adopted a budget framework with
a top line that is consistent with where we wanted to be to make sure that
we're meeting all our highest priorities, like our security needs, and that
keeps us ahead of schedule to cut the deficit in half over the next five
years, or over the next four years now, I guess I should say.

And so Congress is moving forward to make sure we're funding those
important priorities. And we appreciate the efforts that they have made.
The House has moved forward on a number of bills, and the Senate has begun
moving forward on those priorities, as well.

Les, go ahead.

Q Scott, The Washington Post this morning reports that, "Many days, no
doubt, he" -- that's you, Scott -- "he harbors his own desires to finger
his feelings about reporters." (Laughter.) That's what they reported. And
my question is, since The Post also reports that "The President suddenly
thrust his right hand into the air and extends a finger." White House
officials yesterday said it was his thumb. Could this be interpreted as the
traditional thumbs-up signal, or is it a mistake to confuse the President's
thumb with his middle finger?

I have a follow up.

MR. McCLELLAN: Les, okay, I found all this kind of preposterous --

Q It was in The Washington Post.

MR. McCLELLAN: -- and the story that was run there. Clearly, if you look at
it and if you were there, you would recognize that the President was giving
a thumbs-up. Someone in the media had asked something to the effect of, how
does it look on the Central American Free Trade Agreement, and the
President gave the thumbs-up.

I don't know how someone is trying to divine my inner thoughts, but despite
some of the back and forth that we engage in today and other times, even
with people like David -- (laughter) -- I have great respect for the job
that you all do. And you all -- you all know the way I deal with you all
and I know the way the President acts. And that's -- it's just preposterous
to make that kind of suggestion.

Q Appreciate it. Was the President glad to read this morning's Washington
Post report that Washington radio station WMAL has suspended, without pay,
talk show host Michael Graham because he said the fault for recent acts of
terrorism lies not with Islamic radicals alone, but also with Muslims
generally because religious and followers have supported extreme elements?

MR. McCLELLAN: I don't want to endorse any particular news outlet. I'm not
sure where -- which paper he would have read that in, but we really --

Q The Washington Post. The Washington Post.

MR. McCLELLAN: -- we really haven't had a discussion on it, with all the
other issues going on today before Congress.

Go ahead in back. Oh wait. Roger, sorry, go ahead.

Q Two things. Number one, do you have an idea when he might be signing the
energy bill?

MR. McCLELLAN: Nothing to announce at this point. First of all, they
haven't passed it fully from the Senate.

Q Senate is to vote on it within the hour.

MR. McCLELLAN: What's that?

Q Senate is to vote on it within the hour.

MR. McCLELLAN: Right. And we appreciate that they're moving forward on it.
But I wouldn't want to speculate before it's passed, number one. Number
two, it depends on how quick Congress can enroll that legislation and get
it to us, as well. But, certainly, if they pass it, I wouldn't expect
anything before we head off for Crawford.

Q Okay, and another question, on the economy --

MR. McCLELLAN: The President does intend to sign it, though.

Q -- polls suggest, or show, that while the economy is improving, GDP and
the numbers that you cited, and so forth, polls show that most people don't
know it, don't realize it, don't understand why. Why do you suppose that

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, I think it's important to continue to point out the
progress that we've made. Remember, we went through an awful lot when we
were coming into office and when we were first taking office. We had the
recession, the September 11th attacks, the corporate scandals, and all
those put tremendous pressure on our economy. The President led and he
acted, working with Congress, to pass significant tax relief to get our
economy growing again. Remember, there was a lot of discussion back then
that it would hurt revenues. Well, revenues are coming in much higher than
what was originally projected. Our economy is on a path of strong and
sustained growth. And all the -- if you look at the overall indicators, all
of them are pointed to continued strong growth. I think most economists
recognize that the economy is going to continue to grow in a strong and
sustained way as we head into the next few quarters and into next year.

And now with that said, there are certainly people that are hurting, and
the President recognizes that. We have been going through a changing
economy. That's why the President has called on Congress to take action on
additional pro-growth policies. That's why he's so pleased that they've
moved forward on the free trade agreement for the Central American
countries. This will help level the playing field for our farmers and small
businesses here at home, so that they can compete on a level playing field.
It will open up new opportunities -- free trade helps create jobs here at
home. The energy legislation is an important piece of legislation.

Q Is it just sort of a lag factor?

MR. McCLELLAN: I'm sorry?

Q Is it just sort of a lag factor?

MR. McCLELLAN: I'll leave it to others to kind of analyze all that. But I
think it's important for the American people to hear about the important
progress that we're making when it comes to our economy. And it's something
we'll continue to talk about, because this is something that directly
impacts their daily lives. And I think I would also point out that
after-tax income for families is up above 12.5 percent over the last few
years. That's money after you've paid your taxes that you have available to
spend and save and invest. And we will continue to build upon the policies
we have put in place to keep our economy growing stronger.

And we will also work to make sure that those who have lost jobs over the
last few years are able to have the opportunity to pursue their dreams by
working to advance education -- or improve our public schools, as we have
done under the No Child Left Behind Act, and working to make sure that
workers have the skills they need to fill the high-paying, high-growth jobs
of the 21st century.

Go ahead.

Q Thank you, Mr. Secretary. My name is (Inaudible), wt Jiji, Japanese news
wire service.

MR. McCLELLAN: Great, welcome.

Q Thank you. I was born and raised in Hiroshima, Japan. (Inaudible). And
August 6th is coming again. I believe Japanese people should recognize and
appreciate U.S. occupation policy against Japan (inaudible), partly because
of the Japanese economy recover. And it is very fortunate the U.S. and
Japan can maintain good relations, and they are security allies.

Having said that, I believe the use of automatic weapons during World War
II was cruel and (inaudible), against international law, I mean,
international public law. So in the history of human beings, losers cannot
say anything, winners make history as they like.

Q Is there a question?

Q Yes. Sixty years have passed, so I believe Japan may say something. I
would not necessarily ask, recommend President Bush or someone say someone
should apologize, but I believe some statement or comment is needed,
because time is running out --

MR. McCLELLAN: I understand. I think I'll leave the history to historians.
I mean, we're all well aware of the history. But the President is focused
on the future, and we do have a great relationship with Japan. The
President has a good friend in Prime Minister Koizumi.

This is an example of how freedom leads to peace, because 60 years ago, as
you pointed out, and the President often points out, we were enemies. Today
we're working together to advance freedom in places like the broader Middle
East, and what we're doing is laying the foundation of peace for our
grandchildren and our -- for our children and our grandchildren. And I
think that's important, to remember the past, but to look to the future and
how we can continue to build upon the great relationship that we have. And
the President is pleased to have a good friend like Prime Minister Koizumi,
who understands the importance of that.

Thank you. You all have a good weekend.

Q What's the week ahead?

MR. McCLELLAN: I gave it out this morning.

END 12:56 P.M. EDT
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