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Möte WHITEHOUSE, 5187 texter
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Skriven 2005-10-04 23:41:10 av Whitehouse Press (1:3634/12.0)
Ärende: Press Release (0510041) for Tue, 2005 Oct 4
President Holds Press Conference

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
October 4, 2005

President Holds Press Conference
The Rose Garden

President's Remarks
"); //--> view

10:31 A.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Good morning. Yesterday I nominated an
outstanding individual to serve on the Supreme Court of the United States.
Over the past three decades, Harriet Miers has built a stellar record of
accomplishment in the law. She's been a model of service to our country and
to our citizens. I've known her for more than 10 years. I know her
character; she's a woman of principle and deep conviction. She shares my
philosophy that judges should strictly interpret the laws and the
Constitution of the United States, and not legislate from the bench.

I appreciate the reception that Harriet has gotten on Capitol Hill. I
expect the Senate to conduct fair hearings, and to hold an up or down vote
on Harriet's nomination by Thanksgiving.

Congress has got other important work to do, starting with our response to
the hurricanes, Katrina and Rita. We here in Washington have got a vital
role to play in the recovery and reconstruction efforts on the Gulf Coast.
I've made that clear. I've also made it clear we must do so in a fiscally
responsible way. Congress needs to pay for as much of the hurricane relief
as possible by cutting spending. I'll work with members of Congress to
identify offsets, to free up money for the reconstruction efforts. I will
ask them to make even deeper reductions in the mandatory spending programs
than are already planned. As Congress completes action on the 2006
appropriations bills, I call on members to make real cuts in non-security

The heart of America is big enough to be generous and responsible at the
same time. One of our most important obligations is to ensure that hundreds
of thousands of students displaced by the storms can continue with their
studies. Congress needs to provide assistance to states and local school
districts that have taken these children in, whether the schools are public
or private.

As the federal government meets its responsibilities, the people of the
Gulf Coast must also recognize its limitations. The engine that drives
growth and job creation in America is the private sector, and the private
sector will be the engine that drives the recovery of the Gulf Coast. So
I've outlined a set of policies to attract private investment to the
affected areas, to encourage small business development and to help workers
in need get back on their feet. These policies are vital to our efforts to
help the good folks who've suffered down there in Louisiana and Mississippi
and Alabama. And I call on Congress to include these measures in the
recovery legislation that they send to my desk.

The storms that hit our Gulf Coast also touched every American, with higher
prices at the gas pump. They highlighted a problem I've been talking about
since I've come to Washington. We need more refining capacity. It ought to
be clear to everybody that this country needs to build more refining
capacity to be able to deal with the issues of tight supply. We haven't
built a new refinery since the 1970s. And so I look forward to working with
Congress to pass reasonable law that will allow current refiners to expand
and to encourage the construction of new refineries.

We also got to continue to make sure we meet our obligations to prevent
further terrorist attack. One of the most important effective tools for
safeguarding our country is the Patriot Act. This good law allows law
enforcement officers to hunt down terrorists with many of the same tools
they already use to fight organized crime and drug dealers. The Patriot Act
is getting results; it's a positive piece of legislation. Parts of it are
set to expire. Congress needs to recognize that terrorist threats won't
expire, and so they need to send me a bill that reauthorizes the Patriot

We've been through a lot, but there's no question in my mind that we're
going to accomplish great things. We'll make this country more secure;
we'll help the parts of our country that got destroyed rebuild; we'll keep
this economy strong. The work of our government goes on, and I'm looking
forward to working with members of Congress to meet our obligations and

With that, I'll be glad to take some questions. Tom.

Q Thank you, Mr. President. Mr. President, of all the people in the United
States you had to choose from, is Harriet Miers the most qualified to serve
on the Supreme Court?

THE PRESIDENT: Yes. Otherwise I wouldn't have put her on.

Q One --

THE PRESIDENT: Let me -- please, please. I've known Harriet for over a
decade. I've worked with Harriet. She's a woman of principle and character.
She's highly intelligent. She has been a pioneer in the field of law in my
state of Texas. She was the first woman hired by her law firm -- first
woman partner, I mean, by the law firm. She managed a law firm. She was the
first head of the Dallas Bar -- first woman to head the Dallas Bar; first
woman to head the State Bar of Texas. She's an enormously accomplished
person who's incredibly bright.

Secondly, she knows the kind of judge I'm looking for -- after all, she was
a part of the process that selected John Roberts. I don't want somebody to
go on the bench to try to supplant the legislative process. I'm interested
in people that will be strict constructionists, so we -- and I've told that
to the American people ever since I started running for office. I said,
vote for me, this is the kind of judges I'll put on the bench. And there
should be no doubt in anybody's mind what I believe a judge -- the
philosophy of a judge. And Harriet Miers shares that philosophy.

Thirdly, I know her well enough to be able to say that she's not going to
change, that 20 years from now she'll be the same person with the same
philosophy that she is today. She'll have more experience, she'll have been
a judge, but, nevertheless, her philosophy won't change. And that's
important to me. It was important to me when I picked Chief Justice
Roberts; it's important for me in picking Harriet Miers.

Finally, I got some interesting suggestions. I actually listen to the
senators when they bring forth ideas. And they brought forth some really
interesting ideas during the course of our conversations, some told me
directly, many brought to me by people on my staff. And one of the most
interesting ideas I heard was, why don't you pick somebody who hasn't been
a judge? Why don't you reach outside the -- I think one senator said, the
"judicial monastery."

I thought it was an interesting idea. And I thought long and hard about it.
I obviously looked at whether or not other Presidents had done -- made that
decision; they had. And so, recognizing that Harriet will bring not only
expertise, but a fresh approach, I nominated her. And she'll be a really
good judge. And as I said, I appreciate the reception she's gotten at
Capitol Hill. After all, they're going to -- they'll decide.


Q Thank you, Mr. President. Some conservatives have said that you did not
pick someone like Scalia and Thomas because you shied away from a battle
with the Democrats. Is there any truth to that? And are you worried about
charges of cronyism?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, I just described to you why I picked Harriet. I'd be
glad to go over it again if you like. In other words, she's eminently
qualified. She shares my judicial philosophy. She is a pioneer when it
comes to the law. She's an extraordinary woman.

The decision as to whether or not there will be a fight is up to the
Democrats. They get to decide whether or not the special interests will
decide the tone of the debate. Look, I'm upbeat about the tone of the
hearings, but except I'm mindful of the fact that somebody as eminently as
qualified as John Roberts did have -- half the Democrat caucus voted
against him.

I picked the best person I could find. People are going to be amazed at her
strength of character and her intellect. But the tone will be set by the
people who conduct the hearings and give the speeches and run the
television ads. When it's all said and done, the American people are going
to know what I know, though: This woman deserves to be on the bench, and
she'll be credit -- and she'll bring credit to the bench and to the law.

Q The issue of cronyism?

THE PRESIDENT: I just answered, I picked the best person I could find.
People know we're close. But you got to understand, because of our
closeness, I know the character of the person. It's one thing to say a
person can read the law, and that's important -- and understand the law.
But what also matters, Adam, is the intangibles. To me, a person's strength
of character counts a lot. And as a result of my friendship with Harriet, I
know her strength of character.

It's important to me -- again, I'll repeat to you, I don't want to put
somebody on the bench who is this way today, and changes. That's not what
I'm interested in. I'm interested in finding somebody who shares my
philosophy today, and will have that same philosophy 20 years from now. And
after spending a lot of time thinking about this nomination, there's no
doubt in my mind that's -- that's the way Harriet Miers -- there's no doubt
in my mind it's the way Chief Justice John Roberts is, as well.

Q Thank you, Mr. President. You've taken time to express that you know her
heart, her character, you've emphasized your friendship. So it seems
reasonable that over the course of the years you've known her, perhaps you
have discussed the issue of abortion. Have you ever discussed with Harriet
Miers abortion? Or have you gleaned from her comments her views on that

THE PRESIDENT: I have no litmus test. It's also something I've consistently
said: There is not litmus test. What matters to me is her judicial
philosophy; what does she believe the role -- the proper role of the
judiciary is, relative to the legislative and the executive branch. And
she'll be asked all kinds of questions up there, but the most important
thing for me is what kind of judge will she be? And so there's no litmus

Q Sir, you've already said there was no litmus test --

THE PRESIDENT: Correct. And I'll say it again: There is no litmus test.

Q But she is not someone you interviewed for the job that you didn't know.
You've known her a long time. Have you never discussed abortion with her?

THE PRESIDENT: In my interviews with any judge, I never ask their personal
opinion on the subject of abortion.

Q In your friendship with her, you've never discussed abortion?

THE PRESIDENT: Not to my recollection have I ever sat down with her -- what
I have done is understand the type of person she is and the type of judge
she will be.


Q Mr. President, thank you, sir. A couple of weeks ago, you stood here in
the Rose Garden with Generals Abizaid and Casey, and you cited the
accomplishments regarding the standing up of Iraqi troops there; you said
that there were 12 battalions that were working out of Fallujah and the
western part, 20 in Baghdad, 100 across the nation. And then that
afternoon, Abizaid and Casey went up to Capitol Hill, and said, well,
there's one battle-ready battalion, which led some Republican senators to
say, well, the situation is getting worse. So the question is, sir, it
appears between what you said and what they said, something is not adding
up here.

THE PRESIDENT: Well, what is happening in Iraq is the following: More and
more Iraqis are able to take the fight to the enemy. And that's important
to achieve our goal. And the goal is for a stable, democratic Iraq that is
an ally in the war on terror.

Right now there are over 80 army battalions fighting alongside coalition
troops. Over 30 Iraqi -- I say, army battalions -- Iraqi army battalions.
There are over 30 Iraqi battalions in the lead. And that is substantial
progress from the way the world was a year ago.

Success in Iraq is really important for our future. And to succeed in Iraq,
we have a dual-track strategy. On the one hand, there's a political
strategy, a constitutional process, and then elections in December. And the
other one is the security strategy that you described.

American troops are -- have got two missions. One is to track down the
Zarqawis and his affiliates and bring them to justice. We had success doing
that, as you might recall, with the fellow in Baghdad. And the second
mission is to train Iraqis, and we've got several ways we're doing that.
One is, obviously, kind of your basic training route. The other is to embed
our troops with Iraqi forces to teach them not only how to fight, but how
to have a proper command and control structure.

Remember a Rose Garden press conference a while back -- I think it was a
Rose Garden press conference -- where you might have asked me this very
type of questions. I said one of the concerns we have is the capacity of
the Iraqis to develop command and control. In other words, it's one thing
to have people able to march; it's another thing to have the capacity to
send them into battle in an organized way. One of the things that our folks
measure is whether or not that's taking place. And the answer is, there is
progress. There's obviously more work to be done, more units to be stood
up, but we've got, as I said, over 30 battalions in the lead, and that's
positive progress.


Q Mr. President, you presided over the largest increase in the size, the
power and the cost of the federal government since Lyndon Baines Johnson. A
lot of your supporters are wondering what's so conservative about that? And
can you answer them, and tell the American people, given the budget
deficit, the cost of the war, the cost of Katrina, specifically -- by
naming a specific program or revenue measure -- how you're going to pay for
all this?

THE PRESIDENT: First, let me remind people that we are at war. And I have
pledged to the American people -- and, more importantly, the troops and
their families -- we'll make sure they have what it takes to succeed.

Secondly, when it comes to discretionary spending, non-security
discretionary spending, the budget I submitted to the United States
Congress actually reduces non-discretionary -- discretionary --
non-security spending. And as a matter of fact, if you look at the trend
line for non-security discretionary spending, I think it was 6 percent when
I first was elected, it's down to negative now.

Secondly, I have addressed the issue of mandatory spending. And this is an
area where I believe we can find substantial offsets to help pay for
ongoing Katrina operations, or Rita operations. As a matter of fact, we
proposed $187 billion in cuts over a 10-year period of time, that Congress
has looked at. Some of that -- I would ask them to look at all of the $187
billion. We proposed to eliminate or streamline 150 programs in the budget
process, saving about $20 billion this year. I would ask them to make sure,
as they considered the budget, that they take a look at those 150 programs.

One of my concerns is that, as they begin to move their appropriations
bills, that the appropriations bills don't strictly adhere to the budgets
we've agreed to. And there's another area we can show fiscal

In the long-run, there's two big issues looming that are budgetary issues.
One -- and these are the unfunded liabilities inherent in the mandatory
programs of Social Security and Medicare. And as you know, I've advocated
the need for people to come together to address the Social Security issue.
It's an issue that's not going to go away. And I'll continue to talk about
it. There seems to be a diminished appetite in the short-term, but I'm
going to remind people that there is a long-term issue that we must solve,
not only for the sake of the budget, but, more importantly, for the sake of
younger workers who are going to either have to pay a ton of money in order
to justify current benefits, or to take a look at the underlying causes of
the growth of benefits and do something about it, show some political

Q Are you still a conservative?


Q Still a conservative?

THE PRESIDENT: Am I still a conservative? Proudly so. Proudly so.

Let's see -- Bob.

Q Mr. President, as we hop around here, let me move to the Valerie Plame
investigation, which many people believe is coming to a close. As you know,
some top members of your administration have been named as part of that
investigation. Is it your intention, if anybody in your administration is
indicted, to remove that person from your administration?

THE PRESIDENT: I am mindful of the investigation. I'll remind you what I
said last time I was asked about this; I'm not going to talk about it until
the investigation is complete. And it's important that the investigation
run its course.

Q If you won't talk about it, sir --

THE PRESIDENT: I think -- let's just let -- let the process run its course.

Let's see here. Elisabeth.

Q Thank you, Mr. President. You said at the time of Hurricane Katrina that
you were dissatisfied with your administration's response. You've had some
time to think about it now. Is there anything that you, yourself,
personally, could have done, or would have done differently now?

THE PRESIDENT: You know, look, as I said the other day, to the extent that
the federal government fell down on the job, I take responsibility. And I
command a large, vast administration, and people I put in place, I take
responsibility for the decisions they made. One area where I hope the
country takes a look at is the responsibility between federal, state and
local government when it comes to catastrophic events, highly-catastrophic
events. In other words, is there a need to move federal assets more
quickly, in spite of laws on the books that may discourage that. That's an
area where I think we ought to take a good, hard look.

We have taken a look at FEMA. We've made decisions inside of FEMA. We're
continuing to take a look at FEMA, to make sure FEMA is capable of dealing
with an emergency of this size. And so there's a lot of analysis going on,
not only to the response in the immediacy of the hurricane, but continuing
to analyze, to make sure our response is a wise response.

Q But you, yourself, sir, anything you could have done?

THE PRESIDENT: I'll take responsibility -- I'll take all the responsibility
for the failures at the federal level.

Let's see. April.

Q Thank you, Mr. President. Mr. President, the Bible speaks of goodwill
towards the least of these. With that, how are you going to bridge the
divide of poverty and race in this country beyond economics and home
ownership, that after Hurricane Katrina and also the Bill Bennett
statements? And also, how can the Republican Party gain the black vote --
more of the black vote in 2008, after these public relations fiascos?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, first of all, I happen to believe that economics has a
lot to do with bridging divides. You mentioned poverty, and there is a
divide in our country when it comes to wealth. And one way to bridge that
divide is to encourage economic growth, vitality, jobs that pay well and
small business. You can't divorce bridging divides, April, from economic
vitality. You just can't. It's a part of how we enable people to realize
dreams -- by having a growing economy.

Secondly, I don't think you can divorce bridging divides from ownership. In
other words, I think it's essential that people own something if they're
going to have a stake in the future of the country. I think part of the
divide occurs because some people own a home and others don't. I think
there's something so powerfully healing about a society in which more and
more people have ownership.

Thirdly, education is a vital part of bridging divides. As you know, I came
to Washington intent upon challenging a system which, in my view, too often
gave up on children; that said, let's don't just measure and let's just
move them through. It's a system that let a lot of families down -- more
importantly, let a lot of children down. I think education is one of the
keys to addressing the issue of divides in our country. So the No Child
Left Behind Act, which challenges what I've called the soft bigotry of low
expectations, is beginning to make good results. You know why? Because we

I think it's important for us to continue to allow faith-based programs to
interface with people, to help them have hope. One of the most important
initiatives I laid out was the mentoring program for children whose parents
may be in prison.

And so you address the racial divide in a variety of ways. And, obviously,
the tone matters from leadership. It matters what leaders say. It matters
that somebody, first of all, understands there's a problem and is willing
to talk about it. And I will continue to do so as the President.

Q What about 2008 and the Republican Party --

THE PRESIDENT: 2008? My head is not there yet. I'm right here in 2005.

Q -- the Republican Party is trying to gain more of the black vote --

THE PRESIDENT: Just got to keep asking for the vote. First of all, the
Republican Party should never take a vote for granted, and neither should
the Democrat Party. And therefore, that means you've got to go out and work
hard for the vote and talk about what you believe. And I try to do so, with
not a lot of success, although I improved. But I was disappointed, frankly,
in the vote I got in the African American community. I was. I've done my
best to elevate people to positions of authority and responsibility -- not
just positions, but positions where they can actually make a difference in
the lives of people. I put people in my Cabinet; I put people in my
sub-Cabinet. I've elevated people from all walks of life, because I believe
there's a responsibility for the President to reach out. And so it's not a
matter of tone, it's also a matter of action. And just got to keep working
at it, April.


Q Mr. President, shortly after Hurricane Katrina hit, and we saw the ugly
pictures from New Orleans, you said that the results of the response were
unacceptable. Are the results acceptable yet, sir? Are people getting the
aid they need as fast as they need to get it?

THE PRESIDENT: In some cases, we've done a good job of getting $2,000 to
people. And in some cases, there's -- probably do a better job of getting
temporary housing to people. We're dealing with a storm of a massive scale
in which millions of people left their homes -- over a million people left
their homes.

I think that the notion of helping people immediately worked pretty good.
It worked good because the government responded with the checks; it also
worked really good because our individual citizens responded in an
incredibly generous and compassionate way.

You know, I'm not so sure -- I'm not through yet. I'm not so sure how
history will judge the movement of people, but I suspect it's going to be
-- when we actually take an objective look at what took place, people will
be amazed at what happened and how it happened. And the responses of
thousands of citizens to take in strangers -- that's kind of the untold
story. I know you've kind of looked at it, but deep down, there's a richer
story to be told.

There's always going to be frustrations in the immediate aftermath of a
storm. I remember going down there and talking to those mayors in
Mississippi, that -- and the county folks that were just overwhelmed.
You're looking at a Mayor of Gulfport, Mississippi, who had been in office
for two months, and that city was obliterated -- just gone. Pascagoula,
Mississippi, the Mayor of that city had been mayor for two months. A young
guy, you know, wanted to serve his community. The first thing that came to
his desk was the fact that his city got wiped out.

And there was the initial shock, and then there was the reaction about, how
about getting this debris removed. And there was some bureaucracy, some
rules that prevented the debris from getting removed right off the bat. And
I'll explain why, if you're interested. Okay, now that you're interested,
I'll tell you. Because they didn't want to be moving federally-paid dozers
on private property. Imagine cleaning up the debris and a person shows up,
and says, where's my valuable china? Or, where's my valuable art?

So we had to work through all this. The frustration level was building. But
we came up with an accord that allowed for the federal government to pay
for debris removal off private property. It took a while, and there were a
lot of frustrations, Wendell, but the fact that we were able to gather the
problem and respond to it was positive, and that's what continues on.

My own judgment, as I said earlier, is that obviously there's a federal
role, but the true engine for growth is going to be the private sector.
That's where things are going to happen in an expeditious way. That's where
you'll find a lot of hope and opportunity that will develop. I mean,
there's going to be a lot of construction jobs. And the fundamental
question is, do we have the wherewithal and the skill to train people to do
the jobs that will exist. You've got people that may not -- were -- able to
be electricians. But we have an opportunity to train them to become an
electrician, because that's where the jobs will be.

So we're constantly -- what I'm telling you is we're constantly dealing
with problems as they arise, Wendell, from one of the largest storms in the
nation's history. And we're trying to make it as even a response as

Baker. You're next.

Q Thank you, Mr. President. You said several times now, sir, that you don't
want a justice who will be different 20 years from now than she is today.
Given that standard, I wonder in hindsight whether you think the
appointment of Justice David Souter, then, was a mistake? And even --

THE PRESIDENT: You're trying to get me in trouble with my father, Baker.

Q Well, I'm trying to understand what informed your choice this time?

THE PRESIDENT: Call him. (Laughter.) Go ahead. Sorry to interrupt you.

Q Well, the second part of my question is, if there's no litmus test,
regardless of who serves on the Supreme Court, would you like to see the
Supreme Court overturn Roe v. Wade?

THE PRESIDENT: You know, I'm not going to interject that kind of issue in
the midst of these hearings. Harriet Miers will stand on her own. I made my
position very clear in the course of my campaigns, my position, and I'm a
pro-life President. Harriet Miers is going to go up to the Senate, and
they're going to look at her and determine whether or not she's got the
temperament, the intelligence, and the philosophy to be an excellent
Supreme Court judge. And she will be. She will be.


Q Thank you, Mr. President. Getting back to the leak investigation just for
a moment, I'm curious, sir, whether you've had any conversations with any
of your aides, particularly Karl Rove or Scooter Libby, about any of their
dealings with reporters poking around on that issue, and any strategy that
they may have come up with to deal with that issue.

THE PRESIDENT: The special prosecutor made it very clear early in the
process that those of us in the White House need not -- need -- should not
discuss the case, publicly or privately.


Q Good morning, Mr. President. Sir, you've talked about a lot of priorities
you still would like to see enacted. But Congress is now facing its own
elections and reelections a year from now; you're not. To what extent is
this divergence of interests -- how does that scramble your agenda? And I
guess I'm asking, how much political capital have you got left in your --


Q What do you want to --

THE PRESIDENT: Plenty. I'm going to spend it in the short-term on getting a
budget out that is fiscally responsible, one that decreases non-security
discretionary spending -- actually decreases it, not increases it.
Secondly, I will continue to work with Congress to make sure our soldiers
have what they need to win the war on terror. We're making good progress in
Iraq. And Iraq is a part of the war on terror. That's what the American
people need to understand. That's what General Abizaid made clear when he
came back from the theater. He recognized that Iraq is a part of a larger
global struggle. And we got to win in Iraq, and we will win in Iraq.

Obviously, I've talked about energy. I want to make sure that Congress
continues to focus on energy. Listen, we got a -- the storm created a
short-term problem, and that is, when they shut down refineries, it creates
a bubble in the system. Now, one of the things I did was I suspended all
blending rules, in order to be able to more likely import foreign gasoline.
And that helped make up the difference between the refinery capacity
shutdown and the demands of the American people. But there's a bubble
moving through the system, and one way to deal with it is to be wise about
how we use energy.

So another way to deal with it is to recognize we've got tight energy
supplies. And one way to deal with tight energy supplies is to increase
supply. And the only way to increase supply is to build refineries. Again,
I repeat to you this amazing fact: We have not built a new refinery in
America since the 1970s. And then we had the storm, and it took refinery
capacity off, and guess what happens? It creates a tight supply situation,
which causes price to go up. So Congress needs to deal with that. And I
repeat, they need to get the Patriot Act to my desk.

So we have a short-term agenda that we're dealing with, that have got
consequences for the long-term. And once we get this part of the session
over with, I, of course, will be preparing a State of the Union address for
'06 that will call upon Congress to work to achieve much of what we've
talked about here, but some new ideas, as well. But right now, let's just
get the business of the Congress done, now.

Q So Social Security is off until next year, sir?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, Social Security, for me, is never off; it's a
long-term problem that's going to need to be addressed. When the appetite
to address it is -- that's going to be up to the members of Congress. I
just want to remind people, it's not going away. It's not one of these
issues, well, if we don't deal with it now, maybe it will fix itself. It
gets worse over time, not better. And I did make some progress convincing
the American people there was a problem. And I'm going to continue talking
about the problem because I strongly believe that the role of those of us
in Washington, one role is to confront problems. That's what we've got to

Yes, ma'am.

Q Mr. President, you've been thinking a lot about pandemic flu and the
risks in the United States if that should occur. I was wondering, Secretary
Leavitt has said that first responders in the states and local governments
are not prepared for something like that. To what extent are you concerned
about that after Katrina and Rita? And is that one of the reasons you're
interested in the idea of using defense assets to respond to something as
broad and long-lasting as a flu might be?

THE PRESIDENT: Yes. Thank you for the question. I am concerned about avian
flu. I am concerned about what an avian flu outbreak could mean for the
United States and the world. I am -- I have thought through the scenarios
of what an avian flu outbreak could mean. I tried to get a better handle on
what the decision-making process would be by reading Mr. Barry's book on
the influenza outbreak in 1918. I would recommend it.

The policy decisions for a President in dealing with an avian flu outbreak
are difficult. One example: If we had an outbreak somewhere in the United
States, do we not then quarantine that part of the country, and how do you
then enforce a quarantine? When -- it's one thing to shut down airplanes;
it's another thing to prevent people from coming in to get exposed to the
avian flu. And who best to be able to effect a quarantine? One option is
the use of a military that's able to plan and move.

And so that's why I put it on the table. I think it's an important debate
for Congress to have. I noticed the other day, evidently, some governors
didn't like it. I understand that. I was the commander-in-chief of the
National Guard, and proudly so, and, frankly, I didn't want the President
telling me how to be the commander-in-chief of the Texas Guard. But
Congress needs to take a look at circumstances that may need to vest the
capacity of the President to move beyond that debate. And one such
catastrophe, or one such challenge could be an avian flu outbreak.

Secondly -- wait a minute, this is an important subject. Secondly, during
my meetings at the United Nations, not only did I speak about it publicly,
I spoke about it privately to as many leaders as I could find, about the
need for there to be awareness, one, of the issue; and, two, reporting,
rapid reporting to WHO, so that we can deal with a potential pandemic. The
reporting needs to be not only on the birds that have fallen ill, but also
on tracing the capacity of the virus to go from bird to person, to person.
That's when it gets dangerous, when it goes bird-person-person. And we need
to know on a real-time basis as quickly as possible, the facts, so that the
scientific community, the world scientific community can analyze the facts
and begin to deal with it.

Obviously, the best way to deal with a pandemic is to isolate it and keep
it isolated in the region in which it begins. As you know, there's been a
lot of reporting of different flocks that have fallen ill with the H5N1
virus. And we've also got some cases of the virus being transmitted to
person, and we're watching very carefully.

Thirdly, the development of a vaccine -- I've spent time with Tony Fauci on
the subject. Obviously, it would be helpful if we had a breakthrough in the
capacity to develop a vaccine that would enable us to feel comfortable here
at home that not only would first responders be able to be vaccinated, but
as many Americans as possible, and people around the world. But,
unfortunately, there is a -- we're just not that far down the manufacturing
process. And there's a spray, as you know, that can maybe help arrest the
spread of the disease, which is in relatively limited supply.

So one of the issues is how do we encourage the manufacturing capacity of
the country, and maybe the world, to be prepared to deal with the outbreak
of a pandemic. In other words, can we surge enough production to be able to
help deal with the issue?

I take this issue very seriously, and I appreciate you bringing it to our
attention. The people of the country ought to rest assured that we're doing
everything we can: We're watching it, we're careful, we're in
communications with the world. I'm not predicting an outbreak; I'm just
suggesting to you that we better be thinking about it. And we are. And
we're more than thinking about it; we're trying to put plans in place, and
one of the plans -- back to where your original question came -- was, if we
need to take some significant action, how best to do so. And I think the
President ought to have all options on the table to understand what the
consequences are, but -- all assets on the table -- not options -- assets
on the table to be able to deal with something this significant.

Deborah. Thanks, good to see you. Mic, please.

Q Thank you.

THE PRESIDENT: Unless you don't want to be heard in New York, your

Q Well, there's always that possibility. Many conservative women lawyers
have expressed their extreme distress that you chose as a woman nominee for
the Court someone whose credentials did not come close, in their view, to
the credentials of John Roberts. They feel as though it's kind of
old-fashioned affirmative action, women don't have the same credentials. I
wonder if you could address that.

THE PRESIDENT: Sure, thanks. I would ask them to watch the hearings of
Harriet Miers. I think they will become as impressed with her as I have
become. She is plenty bright. She -- as I mentioned earlier, she was a
pioneer in Texas. She just didn't kind of opine about things, she actually
led. First woman of the Texas Bar Association; first woman of the Dallas
Bar Association; first woman partner of her law firm; she led a major law
firm. She was consistently rated as one of the top 50 women lawyers in the
United States -- not just one year, but consistently rated that way -- and
as one of the top 100 lawyers.

Secondly, I can understand people not knowing Harriet. She hasn't been one
of these publicity hounds. She's been somebody who just quietly does her
job. But when she does it, she performs, see. She's not a person -- in
Texas -- saying, look at me, look at how stellar I have been. She just did
it, and quietly, quietly established an incredibly strong record.

And I know her, I know her heart. I know what she believes. Remember, she
was part of the search committee that helped pick Roberts. In other words,
she went through the deliberations and the -- talking to these different
candidates about what they believe. She knows exactly the kind of judge I'm
looking for. And I know exactly the kind of judge she'll be, which is an
excellent judge.

And so I know people are jumping to all kinds of conclusions, and that's
fine; that's part of our process, you know. People are quick to opine. The
thing I appreciate is that she's gotten a good reception on the United
States Senate. People can opine all they want, but the final opinion is on
the floor of the United States Senate. That's where it's going to be
decided whether or not she is a Supreme Court judge. And I'm hopeful she'll
get confirmed. I certainly don't want to prejudge the senators. Somebody
asked me about trying to avoid conflict. That's up to them, to decide how
they're going to treat this good woman. That's up to them, if they're going
to be willing to give her a fair look at her credentials, and to listen
carefully to her view of what it means to be a judge. That's up to them to
make that decision. It's up to them to decide whether or not they want to
reject all the special interest money that seems to want to try to
influence the outcome of certain issues here in Washington, D.C. It's up to
them if they want to bring dignity to the process. I will assure you this:
Harriet Miers will bring dignity to the bench.

Ann. Ann, first.

Q Following up on that. For ten years you've been on the receiving end of
paperwork from Harriet Miers, but the rest of the American people haven't
seen either her command of constitutional issues or her philosophy. Will
you release some of her, or the bulk of her White House legal work, and not
claim executive privilege?

THE PRESIDENT: Listen, there is a -- there is a lot of -- first of all,
this is part of the Roberts debate. People talked about executive privilege
and documents. Secondly, it is important that we maintain executive
privilege in the White House. That's part of the deliberative process.
That's how I'm able to get good, sound opinions from people.

And so, you know, I'm sure they're going to try to bring this up. I happen
to view it as -- as a distraction from whether or not Harriet Miers is
capable of answering the questions she's asked. She can -- all the
questions they want. It's a distraction from whether or not she will be a
good judge.

But we -- this part of the process was part of the Roberts process. We
handled this issue, and I just can't tell you how important it is for us to
guard executive privilege in order for there to be crisp decision-making in
the White House.

John. Yes, you.

Q Thank you, sir. It may be a little early for this, but now that you've
gotten your deliberations for the Supreme Court vacancy out of the way, can
you talk about the process you're going to use for determining the next
Chairman of the Federal Reserve?

THE PRESIDENT: Yes. It's ongoing, by the way. There is a group of people
inside the White House who are bringing forth -- who will bring forth
nominees. These are people that -- the nominees will be people that, one,
obviously, can do the job; and secondly, will be independent. It's
important that whomever I pick is viewed as an independent person from
politics. It's this independence of the Fed that gives people not only here
in America, but the world, confidence.

And so there's an ongoing process, John, right now. I, frankly, haven't
seen any -- personally haven't seen any names yet, because part of the
process is to surface some names internally. But also, part of the process
is to reach outside the White House and solicit opinions. And I'll name the
person at an appropriate time.


Q Thank you, Mr. President. As you know, ethics has been the hot topic here
in Washington. I wonder, as a matter of principle, do you believe that it
is ever okay for a member of your administration, or a member of Congress,
to accept free gifts or travel from lobbyists?

THE PRESIDENT: Let me answer your question this way: It's not acceptable
for any member of my administration to break the law. And I presume free
gifts from lobbyists break the law. And there's all kind of reporting
requirements, and I expect my people to adhere to the -- people that work
here to adhere to the -- to what's expected of them.


Q Thank you, sir. You said a few minutes ago that you're proudly
conservative, but there was a lot of hand-wringing when you made your
nomination yesterday on Harriet Miers. Bill Kristol said he was "depressed
and demoralized," and Rush Limbaugh said it was a "nomination out of
weakness." What do you say to these critics, specifically, and how can you
convince them that she is as conservative as Justices Scalia and Thomas?

THE PRESIDENT: I guess I'll start over. I hope they're listening. First,
she's a woman of enormous accomplishment. She is -- she understands the
law, she's got a keen mind, she will not legislate from the bench. I also
remind them that I think it's important to bring somebody from outside the
system, the judicial system, somebody that hasn't been on the bench and,
therefore, there's not a lot of opinions for people to look at.

Harriet Miers will testify; there's going to be a lot of attention paid to
her testimony. First of all, she will go meet with the senators,
individually, and then she'll answer questions. And people will get to see
not only her strength of character, but will get a sense of her judicial
philosophy. I'm hopeful she'll get confirmed, and then they'll get to read
her opinions. And what I believe, and what I know is important, is that she
doesn't change over the course of time. And had I thought she would change,
I wouldn't put her on there. And I recognize that if you pick somebody from
outside the judicial system -- in other words, you pick somebody that's not
a judge and they didn't -- hadn't written a lot of opinions -- then people
are going to guess, and they're going to speculate.

I don't have to guess and speculate about Harriet. I know her character, I
know her strength, I know her talent, and I know she's going to be a fine


Q Thank you, Mr. President. You've spoken a lot today about knowing Ms.
Miers and knowing her history and knowing what she's about. Earlier this
summer, you stood up for Rafael Palmeiro when you were asked about whether
or not you thought he took steroids, and then he tested positive. Do you
think he should face perjury charges?

THE PRESIDENT: I think that steroids ought to be banned from baseball. And
Jackson asked me -- sitting right over there -- about his statement, and I
said I believed him when he testified. But let me be very clear about this.
Steroids ought to be banned from baseball. And I'm sure the Congress will
look as to whether or not he broke the law.


Q Mr. President --


Q -- in our latest poll --


Q In our latest poll --

THE PRESIDENT: Latest poll? (Laughter.)

Q Yes, our latest poll.


Q I know you don't pay attention to polls, but, anyway, in our latest poll

THE PRESIDENT: You run one every other day. (Laughter.)

Q I know.

THE PRESIDENT: You mean yesterday's poll, as opposed to tomorrow's poll? Go
ahead. It's a good way to fill space, Richard. (Laughter.)

Q It is. Eighty-five percent of the Republicans approve of the job you're
doing, but only 15 percent of the Democrats approve of the job you're
doing. What is it about that the Democrats find so objectionable?

THE PRESIDENT: Ask the pollsters. My job is to lead and to solve problems.

I will continue to articulate as best I can the stakes in Iraq. Iraq is a
part of a global war on terror. We're facing people who have got a vision
of the world which is opposite of ours. I know I've said that endlessly,
and I will continue to say it because I know it's true. And they have
designs. They like the idea of being able to find safe haven in a country
like Afghanistan, so they can plot attacks. They like the idea of killing
innocent people to shake our will; that's what they're trying to do. We're
not leaving Iraq. We will succeed in Iraq.

Secondly, I've got a job to help promote economic vitality. And I was
pleased to see the manufacturing report was strong yesterday. But, clearly,
we've got some challenges when it comes to energy. And there are two ways
to address the energy issue. One is through better conservation and
encouraging technologies to change how we use energy; and, secondly, to
increase supply of energy. One place we need to increase supply is through
the refineries; another place we need to do so is through safe nuclear

I had an interesting opportunity to go see some research and development
being done on solar energy. I'm convinced, someday in the relative near
future we'll be able to have units on our houses that will be able to power
electronics within our houses, and hopefully, with excess energy, be able
to feed them back in the system. That's possible. We're not there yet, but
it's coming.

Thirdly, I've got a -- we've got to deal with Katrina in a fiscally sound
way. And I repeat what I said before, the engine of growth in these areas
that have been destroyed is going to be the private sector. And therefore,
Congress ought to get a bill to my desk that I can sign that encourages
investment. If you want the private sector to thrive, there is a way to do
so, and that is to provide tax incentives to people. It's amazing what
happens when there is proper tax incentive to encourage investment.

And so these are issues that we're dealing with. And, you know, I'm dealing
with them on behalf of everybody. And I'll let you all sort out the
politics. My job is to lead this country as best I possibly can, to deal
with the big problems that we face. And there's no doubt in my mind that
we'll succeed in Iraq and lay the foundation for peace for generations to
come. There's no doubt in my mind, this country that puts its mind to it,
can put energy policy in place that makes sense that will help continue
this economic growth of ours.

There's no doubt in my mind we can be good fiscal stewards of the budget.
It's going to make some hard choices. I just earlier in this press
conference talked about $187 billion over 10 years of mandatory spending
reductions. That's going to take some political will by people. But there's
a good place to start right there when it comes to offsets -- or the 150
programs that can be streamlined or eliminated. There's no doubt in my mind
we can work together to do it. We've got big things to do, and I intend to
work with Congress to continue to do them.

Listen, thank you for your time.

END 11:26 A.M. EDT

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