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Ärende: Press Release (0511151) for Tue, 2005 Nov 15
Setting the Record Straight: The New York Times Editorial on Pre-War
For Immediate Release
November 15, 2005
Setting the Record Straight: The New York Times Editorial on Pre-War
The New York Times Editorial Says Foreign Intelligence Services Did Not
Support American Intelligence. "Foreign intelligence services did not have
full access to American intelligence. But some had dissenting opinions that
were ignored or not shown to top American officials." (Editorial, "Decoding
Mr. Bush's Denials," The New York Times, 11/15/05)
But Even Foreign Governments That Opposed The Removal Of Saddam Hussein
Judged That Iraq Had Weapons Of Mass Destruction (WMD).
þ French Foreign Minister Dominique De Villepin: "Right Now, Our
Attention Has To Be Focused As A Priority On The Biological And
Chemical Domains. It Is There That Our Presumptions About Iraq Are The
Most Significant. Regarding The Chemical Domain, We Have Evidence Of
Its Capacity To Produce VX And Yperite. In The Biological Domain, The
Evidence Suggests The Possible Possession Of Significant Stocks Of
Anthrax And Botulism Toxin, And Possibly A Production Capability."
(United Nations Security Council, 4701st Meeting, New York, 2/5/03)
þ German Ambassador To The United States Wolfgang Ischinger: "I Think All
Of Our Governments Believe That Iraq Has Produced Weapons Of Mass
Destruction And That We Have To Assume That They Still Have That They
Continue To Have Weapons Of Mass Destruction. We Have Not Yet Seen
Evidence Produced By The Inspectors." (NBC's "Today," 2/26/03)
The New York Times Editorial Implies That Congress Was Presented With
Incomplete And Manipulated Intelligence. "Congress had nothing close to the
president's access to intelligence. The National Intelligence Estimate
presented to Congress a few days before the vote on war was sanitized to
remove dissent and make conjecture seem like fact." (Editorial, "Decoding
Mr. Bush's Denials," The New York Times, 11/15/05)
But The Presidential Daily Brief (PDB) Was Judged Not To Have Different
Intelligence Than The National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) Provided To
Congress, Which Represented The Collective Opinion Of The Intelligence
þ Then-CIA Director George Tenet Said The NIE Summarized The Intelligence
Community's Assessment Of Iraq's WMD Programs. TENET: "Let's turn to
Iraq. Much of the current controversy centers on our prewar
intelligence, summarized in the national intelligence estimate of
October of 2002. National estimates are publications where the
intelligence community as a whole seeks to sum up what we know about a
subject, what we don't know, what we suspect may be happening and where
we differ on key issues. This estimate asked if Iraq had chemical,
biological and nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them. We
concluded that in some of these categories Iraq had weapons, and that
in others where it did not have them, it was trying to develop them.
Let me be clear: Analysts differed on several important aspects of
these programs and those debates were spelled out in the estimate. They
never said there was an imminent threat. Rather, they painted an
objective assessment for our policy-makers of a brutal dictator who was
continuing his efforts to deceive and build programs that might
constantly surprise us and threaten our interests. No one told us what
to say or how to say it." (CIA Director George Tenet, Remarks On
Intelligence-Gathering And Iraq's WMD Programs, Washington, D.C.,
þ The Robb-Silberman Commission Reported That The Intelligence In The PDB
Was Not "Markedly Different" Than The Intelligence Given To Congress In
The NIE. "It was not that the intelligence was markedly different.
Rather, it was that the PDBs and SEIBs, with their attention-grabbing
headlines and drumbeat of repetition, left an impression of many
corroborating reports where in fact there were very few sources. And in
other instances, intelligence suggesting the existence of weapons
programs was conveyed to senior policymakers, but later information
casting doubt upon the validity of that intelligence was not." (Charles
S. Robb And Laurence H. Silberman, The Commission On The Intelligence
Capabilities Of The United States Regarding Weapons Of Mass
Destruction, 3/31/05, p. 14)
þ The Robb-Silberman Commission Found The PDB To Contain Similar
Intelligence In "More Alarmist" And "Less Nuanced" Language. "As
problematic as the October 2002 NIE was, it was not the Community's
biggest analytic failure on Iraq. Even more misleading was the river of
intelligence that flowed from the CIA to top policymakers over long
periods of time in the President's Daily Brief (PDB) and in its more
widely distributed companion, the Senior Executive Intelligence Brief
(SEIB). These daily reports were, if anything, more alarmist and less
nuanced than the NIE." (Charles S. Robb And Laurence H. Silberman, The
Commission On The Intelligence Capabilities Of The United States
Regarding Weapons Of Mass Destruction, 3/31/05, p. 14)
The New York Times Editorial Implies That UN Sanctions Were Preventing
Saddam Hussein From Pursuing WMD. "It's hard to imagine what Mr. Bush means
when he says everyone reached the same conclusion. There was indeed a
widespread belief that Iraq had chemical and biological weapons. But Mr.
Clinton looked at the data and concluded that inspections and pressure were
working a view we now know was accurate." (Editorial, "Decoding Mr. Bush's
Denials," The New York Times, 11/15/05)
But Former President Bill Clinton Warned After 9/11 That The United States
Could Not Allow Saddam Hussein To Continue Defying Weapons Inspectors.
þ In June 2004, Bill Clinton Said President Bush Had The Responsibility
To Make Sure Iraq's Chemical And Biological Weapons Did Not Get In The
Hands Of Terrorists. "After 9/11, let's be fair here, if you had been
President, you'd think, Well, this fellow bin Laden just turned these
three airplanes full of fuel into weapons of mass destruction, right?
Arguably they were super-powerful chemical weapons. Think about it that
way. So, you're sitting there as President, you're reeling in the
aftermath of this, so, yeah, you want to go get bin Laden and do
Afghanistan and all that. But you also have to say, Well, my first
responsibility now is to try everything possible to make sure that this
terrorist network and other terrorist networks cannot reach chemical
and biological weapons or small amounts of fissile material. I've got
to do that. That's why I supported the Iraq thing. There was a lot of
stuff unaccounted for. So I thought the President had an absolute
responsibility to go to the U.N. and say, 'Look, guys, after 9/11, you
have got to demand that Saddam Hussein lets us finish the inspection
process.' When you're the President, and your country has just been
through what we had, you want everything to be accounted for." (Bill
Clinton, "His Side of The Story," Time, 6/28/04)
þ The Duelfer Report Concluded That Saddam Hussein Sought To
"Reconstitute His Weapons Of Mass Destruction (WMD) When Sanctions Were
Lifted." "Saddam [Hussein] so dominated the Iraqi regime that its
strategic intent was his alone. He wanted to end sanctions while
preserving the capability to reconstitute his weapons of mass
destruction (WMD) when sanctions were lifted." (Comprehensive Report Of
The Special Advisor To The DCI On Iraq's WMD, Key Findings Regime
Strategic Intent, 9/30/04, p. 1)
The New York Times Editorial Says There Was Little Evidence Suggesting Iraq
Was Pursuing A Nuclear Weapon. "The administration had little company in
saying that Iraq was actively trying to build a nuclear weapon. The
evidence for this claim was a dubious report about an attempt in 1999 to
buy uranium from Niger, later shown to be false, and the infamous aluminum
tubes story. That was dismissed at the time by analysts with real
expertise." (Editorial, "Decoding Mr. Bush's Denials," The New York Times,
But The Weapons Inspectors Concluded That Saddam Hussein Sought A Nuclear
þ The Duelfer Report: "Saddam Aspired To Develop A Nuclear Capability."
"Saddam wanted to recreate Iraq's WMD capability which was essentially
destroyed in 1991 after sanctions were removed and Iraq's economy
stabilized, but probably with a different mix of capabilities to that
which previously existed. Saddam aspired to develop a nuclear
capability in an incremental fashion, irrespective of international
pressure and the resulting economic risks but he intended to focus on
ballistic missile and tactical chemical warfare (CW) capabilities."
(Comprehensive Report Of The Special Advisor To The DCI On Iraq's WMD,
Key Findings Regime Strategic Intent, 9/30/04, p. 1)
The New York Times Editorial Says The Claim That Iraq And Al Qaeda Were In
League Was "Absurd" And Implies That The President Connected Saddam Hussein
To The 9/11 Attacks. "The Bush administration was also alone in making the
absurd claim that Iraq was in league with Al Qaeda and somehow connected to
the 9/11 terrorist attacks. That was based on two false tales. One was the
supposed trip to Prague by Mohamed Atta, a report that was disputed before
the war and came from an unreliable drunk. The other was that Iraq trained
Qaeda members in the use of chemical and biological weapons. Before the
war, the Defense Intelligence Agency concluded that this was a deliberate
fabrication by an informer." (Editorial, "Decoding Mr. Bush's Denials," The
New York Times, 11/15/05)
But The President Never Connected Iraq To The 9/11 Attacks While Other
Politicians And Independent Commissions Judged That There Were Contacts
Between Iraq, Al-Qaeda And Other Terrorist Groups.
þ President Bush Said There Is "No Evidence That Saddam Hussein Was
Involved With" 9/11. PRESIDENT BUSH: "We've had no evidence that Saddam
Hussein was involved with the September 11th." (President Bush, Remarks
After Meeting With Members Of The Congressional Conference Committee On
Energy Legislation, Washington, D.C., 9/17/03)
þ Condoleezza Rice Said That Saddam Hussein Never "Had Either Direction
Or Control Of 9/11." RICE: "And we have never claimed that Saddam
Hussein had either, that Saddam Hussein had either direction or control
of 9/11. What we have said is that this was someone who supported
terrorists, helped train them. But most importantly, that this is
someone who, with his animus towards the United States, with his
penchant for and capability to gain weapons of mass destruction, and
his obvious willingness to use them, was a threat in this region that
we were not prepared to tolerate." (ABC's "Nightline," 9/16/03)
þ Sen. Clinton (D-NY): "[Saddam] Has Also Given Aid, Comfort, And
Sanctuary To Terrorists, Including Al-Qaida Members, Though There Is
Apparently No Evidence Of His Involvement In The Terrible Events Of
September 11, 2001. This Much Is Undisputed." (Sen. Hillary Clinton,
Congressional Record, 10/10/02, p. S10288)
þ In 1999, The Clinton Administration Issued A Report That Said Iraq Was
Supporting Terrorists. "[T]he Patterns of Global Terrorism report
listed Iran, Libya, Cuba, Iraq, North Korea, Sudan and Syria and exiled
Saudi millionaire Osama bin Laden as terrorist sponsors. The seven
countries were on the same list last year. Secretary of State Dr
Madeleine Albright said: 'Governments on the list that would like to
see their names removed know exactly what they must do: stop planning,
financing and supporting terrorist acts and stop sheltering or
interfering with the apprehension and prosecution of those who commit
them.'" ("No Reprieve For Nations Of Terror," The [Perth, Australia]
Sunday Times, 5/2/99)
þ The 9/11 Commission: "There Is Evidence That Around This Time [1997]
Bin Ladin Sent Out A Number Of Feelers To The Iraqi Regime, Offering
Some Cooperation." ("Final Report Of The National Commission On
Terrorist Attacks Upon The United States," The 9/11 Commission Report,
þ The 9/11 Commission: "In March 1998, After Bin Ladin's Public Fatwa
Against The United States, Two Al Qaeda Members Reportedly Went To Iraq
To Meet With Iraqi Intelligence." ("Final Report Of The National
Commission On Terrorist Attacks Upon The United States," The 9/11
Commission Report, 7/22/04)
The New York Times Editorial Implies That There Was Political Pressure To
Change Intelligence. "Richard Kerr, a former deputy director of central
intelligence, said in 2003 that there was 'significant pressure on the
intelligence community to find evidence that supported a connection'
between Iraq and Al Qaeda. The C.I.A. ombudsman told the Senate
Intelligence Committee that the administration's 'hammering' on Iraq
intelligence was harder than he had seen in his 32 years at the agency."
(Editorial, "Decoding Mr. Bush's Denials," The New York Times, 11/15/05)
But Congressional And Independent Committees Have Repeatedly Found No
Political Pressure To Change Intelligence.
þ The Bipartisan Senate Select Committee On Intelligence Report "Did Not
Find Any Evidence" Of Attempts To Influence Analysts To Change
Intelligence. "Conclusion 83. The Committee did not find any evidence
that Administration officials attempted to coerce, influence or
pressure analysts to change their judgments related to Iraq's weapons
of mass destruction capabilities. Conclusion 84. The Committee found no
evidence that the Vice President's visits to the Central Intelligence
Agency were attempts to pressure analysts, were perceived as intended
to pressure analysts by those who participated in the briefings on
Iraq's weapons of mass destruction programs, or did pressure analysts
to change their assessments." ("Report On The U.S. Intelligence
Community's Prewar Intelligence Assessments On Iraq," U.S. Senate
Select Committee On Intelligence, 7/7/04, p. 284-285)
þ The Robb-Silberman Commission Found "No Evidence Of Political
Pressure." "These are errors serious errors. But these errors stem from
poor tradecraft and poor management. The Commission found no evidence
of political pressure to influence the Intelligence Community's pre-war
assessments of Iraq's weapons programs. As we discuss in detail in the
body of our report, analysts universally asserted that in no instance
did political pressure cause them to skew or alter any of their
analytical judgments. We conclude that it was the paucity of
intelligence and poor analytical tradecraft, rather than political
pressure, that produced the inaccurate pre-war intelligence
assessments." (Charles S. Robb And Laurence H. Silberman, The
Commission On The Intelligence Capabilities Of The United States
Regarding Weapons Of Mass Destruction, 3/31/05, p. 50-51)
þ The British Butler Report Found "No Evidence" Of Intelligence
Distortion. "In general, we found that the original intelligence
material was correctly reported in [Joint Intelligence Committee]
assessments. An exception was the '45 minute' report. But this sort of
example was rare in the several hundred JIC assessments we read on
Iraq. In general, we also found that the reliability of the original
intelligence reports was fairly represented by the use of accompanying
quali cations. We should record in particular that we have found no
evidence of deliberate distortion or of culpable negligence. We
examined JIC assessments to see whether there was evidence that the
judgements inside them were systematically distorted by
non-intelligence factors, in particular the in uence of the policy
positions of departments. We found no evidence of JIC assessments and
the judgements inside them being pulled in any particular direction to
meet the policy concerns of senior of cials on the JIC." ("Review Of
Intelligence On Weapons Of Mass Destruction," Report Of A Committee Of
Privy Counsellors, 7/14/04, p. 110)
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