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Skriven 2006-01-04 23:33:02 av Whitehouse Press (1:3634/12.0)
Ärende: Press Release (0601042) for Wed, 2006 Jan 4
Remarks by the Vice President on Iraq and the War on Terror

For Immediate Release
Office of the Vice President
January 4, 2006

Remarks by the Vice President on Iraq and the War on Terror
The Heritage Foundation
Washington, D.C.

2:41 P.M. EST

THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, thank you all very much. (Applause.) Thank you.
Well, thank you very much and thank you for the warm welcome. It's great to
be back at Heritage. In 2006 Heritage will mark its 33rd anniversary, and
in all these years this has been one of the leading think tanks in the
country. The Foundation has been a place of sound ideas, of intellectual
leadership, and first-rate scholarship. Your standards have never wavered.
You've made a tremendous contribution to the debate in this city and the
nation. And you've earned the respect and the appreciation of all of us who
are privileged to serve in public office.

As always when I pay a visit, I notice a number of old friends in the room.
It's good to see all of you, and it looks like everybody pretty well
recovered from their New Year's celebrations.

For my part, I came back to town on Sunday, after spending the holidays
back home in Wyoming with Lynne and our family. Just prior to Christmas, as
most of you know, I made a trip out to the Middle East, to Iraq,
Afghanistan, Pakistan, Oman. Our plan was to make several other stops, as
well. And then we got word that the Senate was headed for a close vote on
the deficit reduction package, and that I might be needed to break a tie.
Since breaking ties is about the only real job given me by the
Constitution, I decided I'd better hurry back. (Laughter.) And it was worth
it because my vote did turn out to be necessary. And the great thing about
it is -- every time I vote, our side wins. (Laughter and applause.)

Even though we had to cut the trip a little short, it was a tremendous
experience to go to the broader Middle East and to stand on the ground of
two new democracies. In Afghanistan, we witnessed the first full session of
their newly elected Parliament -- a significant event in any country, but
one that was -- had special meaning in a nation that just over four years
ago was in the grip of a cruel dictatorship. I met, as well, with one of
the great men of the age, President Hamid Karzai, who has led his country
with courage and character from day one. At Bagram Air Base outside Kabul,
I received briefings on the ongoing efforts against the terrorists who
still threaten the Afghan people, and had a chance to thank the men and
women stationed there. There's still tough fighting going on in
Afghanistan, some of it in very rough terrain, high in the mountains and
along border areas. Our people are getting the job done, together with
coalition partners and an increasingly strong and professional Afghan
military. And this young century is turning out to be a time of promise in
Afghanistan -- with a stable democracy, a market economy, equality for
women, and millions of children going to school for the very first time.
It's impossible to overstate all that our coalition has achieved in
Afghanistan -- and when our forces return home from that part of the world,
they can be proud of the service they've rendered for the rest of their

I was pleased to convey that message in person to our troops at
Christmastime -- not just in Afghanistan, but in Iraq, as well. And on that
leg of the journey, I stopped at Baghdad to see the President and the Prime
Minister, went over to Taji Air Base, where Americans are training Iraqis,
and finally to Al Asad Air Base, where our military's main staging ground
is west of Baghdad. And here again, we see exemplary work by the men and
women of our military, within an area of operations the size of Utah. They
have scored daily victories -- even hourly victories. In the western
Euphrates River valley, all the way up to the Syrian border, they have
scored -- they've secured crossing points, destroyed enemy weapons caches,
and cleared urban areas of terrorists.

Our coalition has also put tremendous effort into standing up the Iraqi
security forces, and we've come a great distance over the past year. More
and more, coalition forces have Iraqis at their side, helping to clear out
terrorists, and then staying in the area to maintain the peace. We're
helping build an Iraqi force that is sharp and well equipped, and this was
vital to the success of last month's elections. There are over 100 Iraqi
combat battalions fighting the terrorists, along with our forces today.
More than a dozen military bases our coalition used to occupy have been
turned back to the Iraqis. Gradually, Iraqi forces are taking control of
more and more territory, and as they undertake further missions on their
own, confidence is growing within the country and more intelligence tips
are coming in from the Iraqi people themselves.

As the Iraqi army gains strength and experience, and as the political
process advances, we'll be able to decrease troop levels without losing our
capacity to defeat the terrorists. And as President Bush has made very
clear, any decisions about troop levels will be driven by conditions on the
ground and by the judgment of our commanders -- not by artificial timelines
set by politicians here in Washington, D.C. (Applause.)

We will stand firmly with Iraq's leaders as they establish the institutions
of a unified and a lasting democracy. On the political track, every
benchmark has been met successfully -- starting with the turnover of
sovereignty a year and a half ago, national elections last January, the
drafting of the constitution last summer, and the ratification of that
constitution by voters in October, and, of course, most recently, the
election of a new government under that constitution in December. The
political leaders of Iraq are steady. They're courageous, and the citizens,
police and soldiers of that country have proudly stepped forward as active
participants and guardians in a new democracy -- running for office,
speaking out, voting and sacrificing for their country. When I met with
Prime Minister Jaafari in Baghdad, he pointed the voter turnout figures for
the national elections, three of them in 2005 -- around 59 percent in
January, some 63 percent in October, and approximately 70 percent turnout
in December. Iraqi citizens have done all of this despite threats from
terrorists who offer no political agenda for Iraq's future, and wage a
campaign of mass slaughter against the Iraqi people themselves, the vast
majority of whom are fellow Muslims.

Day after day, month after month, Iraqis have proven their determination to
live in freedom, to chart their own destiny, and to defend their country.
And they can know that the United States will keep our commitment to them.
We will continue the work of reconstruction. Our forces will keep going
after the terrorists, and continue training the Iraqi military, so that
Iraqis can eventually take the lead in their country's security and our men
and women can come home. We will succeed in this mission, and when it is
concluded, we will be a safer country here in the United States, as well.

As always, the people of our armed forces are the ones at the tip of the
spear. And we are not a country that takes its military for granted. We are
a democracy, defended by volunteers who deserve all the tools and all the
support we can provide them. Americans appreciate every man and woman who
goes out on long deployments, endures the hardship of separation from home
and family, fellow citizens who wear heavy armor when the thermometer hits
125 degrees, work seven days a week, often 14,16,18 hours a day. We stand
in total admiration when we learn of soldiers, airmen, Marines, and Navy
corpsmen that expose themselves to heavy fire to assist wounded comrades,
or when we learn of a lance corporal who came on a burning vehicle with an
unconscious Marine inside -- with his bare hands he tore open the air
conditioner assembly so he could pull his comrade to safety. The people in
our military today are some of the bravest men and women this nation has
ever produced. (Applause.)

Lately our forces in Iraq have been receiving some mixed signals out of
Washington, and they might have been wondering whether America has what it
takes to stay in the fight. I assured them that the American people do not
support a policy of passivity, resignation, or defeatism in the face of
terror. If we have learned anything in the last 25 years -- from Beirut, to
Somalia, to the USS Cole -- it is that terrorist attacks are not caused by
the projection of force; they are invited by the perception of weakness.
And this nation made a decision: We will never go back to the false
comforts of the world before September 11th, 2001. We will engage these
enemies with the goal of victory. And with the American military in the
fight, that victory is certain. (Applause.)

The President and I believe that the victory of freedom in Afghanistan and
Iraq will be an inspiration to democratic reformers in other lands. In the
broader Middle East and beyond, America will continue to encourage free
institutions, individual liberty, and tolerance because these are the ideas
and the aspirations that overcome ideologies of terror and violence and can
turn societies to the pursuit of peace. And as the peoples of that region
experience new hope, progress, and control over their own lives, we will
see the power of freedom to change our world and a terrible threat will be
removed from the lives of our children and our grandchildren.

Wartime conditions are, in every case, a test of military skill and
national resolve. But this is especially true in the war on terror. Four
years ago, President Bush told Congress and the country that the path ahead
would be difficult, that we were heading into a long struggle, unlike any
we have ever known. All this has come to pass. We have faced, and are
facing today, enemies who hate us, who hate our country, and who hate the
liberties for which we stand. They dwell in the shadows, wear no uniform,
and have no regard for the laws of warfare, and feel unconstrained by any
standard of morality. We've never had a fight like this -- and those of us
in positions of responsibility have a duty to wage a broad-scale effort for
the sake of the nation's freedom and our security.

That effort includes a home front, with a great deal of urgent and
difficult work and needed to persevere. In his speech to Congress after
9/11, President Bush said that the United States would, and I quote,
"direct every resource at our command -- every means of diplomacy, every
tool of intelligence, every instrument of law enforcement, every financial
influence, and every necessary weapon of war -- to the disruption and to
the defeat of the global terror network." The Congress of the United States
backed him up in full, authorizing the President to defeat an enemy that
had already slipped into our country and waged a horrific attack that
killed 3,000 innocent, unsuspecting men, women, and children on 9/11.

The President also signed the Patriot Act, which removed the artificial
barrier that used to exist between law enforcement and intelligence, and
gave federal officials the ability to pursue terrorists with the tools they
already use against drug traffickers and other kinds of criminals. There
was no need for a tie-breaking vote on the Patriot Act, because the Senate
passed it 98 to one. (Applause.)

That law has helped us to disrupt terrorist activity, to break up terror
cells within the United States, and to protect the lives of Americans. We
look forward to a renewal of the Patriot Act in 2006, because that law has
done exactly what it was intended to do, and this country cannot afford to
be without its protections.

Another vital step the President took in the days following 9/11 was to
authorize the National Security Agency to intercept a certain category of
terrorist-linked international communications. There are no communications
more important to the safety of the United States than those related to al
Qaeda that have one end in the United States. If we'd been able to do this
before 9/11, we might have been able to pick up on two hijackers who
subsequently flew a jet into the Pentagon. They were in the United States,
communicating with al Qaeda associates overseas. But we did not know they
were here plotting until it was too late.

If you recall, the report of the 9/11 Commission focused criticism on our
inability to cover links between terrorists at home and terrorists abroad.
The authorization the President made after September 11th helped address
that problem in a manner that is fully consistent with the constitutional
responsibilities and legal authority of the President and with the civil
liberties of the American people. The activities conducted under this
authorization have helped to detect and prevent possible terrorist attacks
against the American people. As such, this program is critical to the
national security of the United States.

It's important to note that leaders of Congress have been briefed more than
a dozen times on the President's authorization, and on activities conducted
under it. I have personally presided over most of those briefings. In
addition, the entire program undergoes a thorough review within the
executive branch approximately every 45 days. After each review, the
President determines whether to reauthorize the program. He has done so
more than 30 times since September 11th -- and he has indicated his intent
to do so as long as our nation faces a continuing threat from al Qaeda and
similar organizations.

The existence of this program was highly classified, and information about
it was improperly provided to the news media, to the clear detriment of our
national security. There will now be a spirited debate about whether this
program is necessary and appropriate, and the position of our
administration will remain clear and consistent. Number one, these actions
taken are necessary. Number two, these actions are totally appropriate and
within the President's authority under the Constitution and laws of the
country. Number three, this wartime measure is limited in scope to
surveillance associated with terrorists; it is carefully conducted; and the
information obtained is used strictly for national security purposes. And
number four, the civil liberties of the American people are unimpeded by
these actions.

Let me dwell on that last point for a minute. I was in Washington in the
1970s, at a time when there was great and legitimate concern about civil
liberties and about potential abuses within the executive branch. I had the
honor of serving as White House Chief of Staff to President Ford, and that
experience shapes my own outlook to this very day.

Serving immediately after a period of turmoil, all of us in the Ford
administration worked hard to restore people's confidence in the
government. We were adamant about following the law and protecting civil
liberties of all Americans, and we did so. Three decades later, I work for
a President who shares those same values. He has made clear from the
outset, both publicly and privately, that our duty to uphold the law of the
land admits no exceptions in wartime. The President himself put it best: He
said, "We are in a fight for our principles, and our first responsibility
is to live by them."

The American people can be certain that we are upholding those principles.
They can be equally certain that our administration will continue to defend
this nation to the very best of our ability. As we get farther away from
September 11th, some in Washington are yielding to the temptation to
downplay the ongoing threat to our country, and to back away from the
business at hand. This is perhaps a natural impulse, as time passes and
alarms don't sound. All of us are grateful that our nation has gone four
years and four months without another 9/11. Obviously, no one can guarantee
that we won't be hit again. But neither should anyone say that the relative
safety of the last four years was an accident. America has been protected
not by luck but by sensible policy decisions, by decisive action at home
and abroad, and by round-the-clock efforts on the part of people in law
enforcement, intelligence, the military, and homeland security.

The enemy that struck on 9/11 is weakened and fractured yet it is still
lethal and trying to hit us again. Either we are serious about fighting
this war or we are not. And as long as George W. Bush is President of the
United States, we are serious -- and we will not let down our guard.

All of us know that crucial debates lie ahead, just as we know that the New
Year will bring its own set of challenges to our nation. And when those
challenges come, America will have the resources, the resolve, and the
character to meet them all. The more you know about this country, and the
more you travel and see what we've been able to achieve in this troubled
world, you cannot help but grow in optimism, and, yes, in pride, as well.

On the final day of that trip abroad last month, we visited Pakistan. After
meeting with President Musharraf, our delegation boarded the helicopters
and headed to the earthquake-stricken area, in the foothills of the
Himalayas in northern Pakistan. On the ground below, across some of the
most rugged territory you've ever laid eyes on, were the remnants of entire
villages that were utterly destroyed in a 7.6 earthquake that killed
upwards of 70,000 people. After that quake hit, President Bush ordered
units of our military to go in and help, and within 48 hours Americans were
on the scene, and had begun airlifting thousands of tons of equipment and

It was up in those mountains that the U.S. Army set up a MASH unit, a
mobile hospital, with sophisticated medical supplies, military physicians,
nurses, and physician assistants, and even some volunteer doctors from the
United States. Lynne and I went to that tent village. And I can tell you,
it's quite a feeling to stand in the remotest hinterlands and see the
American flag, and citizens of our country giving aid to the desperate,
including medical care to some people who had never seen a doctor before in
their entire lives.

These are extraordinary accomplishments -- and yet they are so typical of
Americans -- and so very much in the spirit of our country. The United
States is a good, a decent and a generous land. We are a nation that
believes in ideals, upholds them in our own country, and acts on them in
the world beyond. From providing more global food aid, by far, than any
other nation, to supporting life-saving treatments for hundreds of
thousands of Sub-Saharan Africans living with HIV/AIDS, to standing with
freedom-loving peoples in the struggle against tyranny and terror, we are
doing great good in this world. And in 2006 and beyond, we will do even
more as we serve humanity and justice, individual dignity, the rights of
mankind, and the cause of liberty.

Thank you very much. (Applause.)

END 3:03 P.M. EST

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