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Möte WHITEHOUSE, 5187 texter
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Skriven 2006-01-10 23:33:24 av Whitehouse Press (1:3634/12.0)
Ärende: Press Release (0601104) for Tue, 2006 Jan 10
Press Briefing by Scott McClellan

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
January 10, 2006

Press Briefing by Scott McClellan
James S. Brady Press Briefing Room

Press Briefing
"); //--> view

  þ Judge Alito/hearings
      þ Reference B
  þ Iran/international community response
  þ Iraq
      þ Reference B
  þ President's comments on war critics
      þ Reference B
  þ Relieving Iraq's debt
  þ Prime Minister Sharon
  þ Upcoming speech on war on terrorism
  þ Vice President's health
  þ Democracies in South America
  þ U.N. in Iraq

12:28 P.M. EST

MR. McCLELLAN: Good afternoon, everyone. I think that the American people
today are seeing that Judge Alito is someone that we can all be proud of,
and someone that will do an outstanding job on our nation's highest court.
He is answering questions in a very open and straightforward manner. The
Judiciary Committee began the hearing yesterday, and I think Judge Alito,
very clearly, summed up the foundation of his judicial philosophy when he
made it clear that "no one is above the law and no one is beneath the law."
I think that's the kind of openmindedness and fairness that the American
people expect. And so we look forward to continuing to see the hearings
move forward, and then the Senate moving forward on his confirmation.

And with that, I will be glad to go to your questions.

Q What's the White House doing, and the administration overall, in response
to Iran breaking the seals at its Isfahan enrichment plant?

MR. McCLELLAN: We are consulting with our European friends and others about
how to move forward. Any resumption -- any resumption -- of enrichment and
reprocessing activities would be a further violation of the Paris agreement
that Iran agreed to. Such steps would be a serious escalation of the
nuclear issue by the regime in Iran. There is serious concern throughout
the international community about the regime's behavior, and given Iran's
history of concealing and hiding their nuclear activities from the
international community, and its continued noncompliance of its safeguard
obligations, such concern is well-founded. It's also why the international
community has sought objective guarantees from Iran that the regime is not
developing nuclear weapons under the guise of a civilian program.

And so we are in close contact with the Europeans and others about how to
move forward. The International Atomic Energy Agency, last fall, found that
Iran was in noncompliance of its safeguard obligations. There's an
obligation in the statute of the Atomic Energy Agency to report such
noncompliance to the Security Council. Everybody in the international
community is sending a clear message to Iran that it needs to abide by the
Paris agreement, come back to negotiations, act in good faith, and provide
objective guarantees that it can be trusted and that it's not developing
nuclear weapons under the guise of a civilian program.

Q Do you think you'll get an emergency meeting of the IAEA Board of
Governors and do you think that they will --

MR. McCLELLAN: Like I said, we're in discussion with the Europeans and
others about how to move forward. This is a serious matter. It's a concern.
You've heard the concern expressed by the Director General of the
International Atomic Energy Agency; you've heard the concerns expressed by
the European-3 -- Britain, France, Germany; you've heard concern expressed
by Russia; you've heard concern expressed by many throughout the
international community about the steps that they are taking.

Q Even if you got a referral to the Security Council, where can you really
go with it? You got one a couple, three years ago on North Korea, and the
Chinese stood in the way of any action.

MR. McCLELLAN: This is about Iran and Iran's continued non-compliance and
its continued behavior that is moving in the wrong direction. And there are
options that are available to us if Iran does not come back to
negotiations. We are trying to urge Iran to abide by its agreements and get
back to negotiations. If it continues down this road and the negotiations
have run their course, then there is only one option to pursue, and that is
referral to the Security Council. And that's what we will be talking with
our -- are talking about with our European friends and others.

Q But if North Korea is any indication, there's a good chance that the most
prominent option that you have is not going to go anywhere, because a
member of the Security Council, China, will block any action on it. What do
you do?

MR. McCLELLAN: There is a growing majority within the international
community that is telling Iran that if it does not come into compliance, if
it does not negotiate in good faith, there is only one option that will be
left, and that is referral to the Security Council. And then that matter
would be discussed at the Security Council. I'm not going to try to
speculate about what happens at this point. At this point, we are in
discussions with Europeans and others about how to move forward and get
Iran to get back to the negotiating table.

Q Scott, the President has said that the United States really doesn't have
much leverage against Iran at this point. Do you still feel that's the

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, Iran is the one that is isolating itself from the rest
of the international community. And the international community has come
together and is sending a clear message to Iran. There are additional steps
that can be taken if Iran continues on the path that it is currently
pursuing. This regime is out of step with its people, and it's further
isolating the country from the rest of the international community.

Q But does the President believe --

MR. McCLELLAN: He has said previously --

Q -- that there's not a lot of leverage?

MR. McCLELLAN: I would look back at exactly what he has said previously.
But what we are doing is working with the international community and
supporting the efforts of the international community to resolve this
matter in a peaceful and diplomatic way.

Q When the President was last in Germany, and he met with Chancellor Schr
der, that was the time that he really sort of threw himself behind this
idea of the EU-3 taking the lead role in this.

MR. McCLELLAN: That's right.

Q Has he reached a conclusion that apparently that diplomatic channel has
no longer -- is not working?

MR. McCLELLAN: We're discussing how to move forward with our -- Europeans.
That's why I said that everybody has sent a clear message to Iran, the
Europeans and others, that they need to come back to the negotiating table,
they need to adhere to the Paris agreement, and they need to provide
objective guarantees about their nuclear program, so that we know that
they're not trying to develop nuclear weapons. And that's the message that
has been sent to Iran. If Iran continues on this path, and we realize that
the negotiations have run their course, I think the international community
is prepared to move to the next step. They've already been found in
non-compliance. And being found in non-compliance by a growing majority of
the International Atomic Energy Agency leads to one more step if they don't
come back to the table.

Q Did Britain's Foreign Secretary take military action off the table today?

MR. McCLELLAN: You'd have to ask them what their views are. I haven't see
the full context of his comments.

Q So you don't have any interpretation of what Jack Straw said today?

MR. McCLELLAN: We'll, we're trying to resolve this, we're all working
together trying to resolve this in a diplomatic manner, and that's been our

Q Is the U.S. taking military action off the table? Is the U.S. taking
unilateral military action against --

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, I think the President has made it pretty clear, he
said previously Iran is not Iraq. We are working with the international
community to resolve this in a peaceful and diplomatic manner. That's what
we've been doing and that's what we continue to do. In terms of options,
you know the President has already addressed that. The President has made
it clear we never take options off the table.

Q So you have to build a coalition again?

MR. McCLELLAN: Again, I just answered your question. You're jumping way

Q On Iraq, the President said today we were going to have complete victory.
And in view of the daily attrition, people dying -- Iraqis, Americans --
every day in Iraq, has he weighed the human cost and is he willing to go to
the end at any price?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, and I think that the Iraqi people have demonstrated
that they want to live in freedom, that they want to chart their own
future. Where our focus is right now, Helen, is on continuing to move
forward and support the Iraqi people as they work to form a new government.
That's why the President talked about the importance of building a
government that is inclusive and representative of all Iraqis -- a
government of national unity, as he talked about it. He talked about that
in detail in his remarks.

In terms of the sacrifices that have been made, we mourn the loss of our
men and women in uniform who have sacrificed, but it's for an important
cause --

Q But he's going to have another year of sacrifice.

MR. McCLELLAN: -- the terrorists, I think you have seen, clearly understand
how high the stakes are in Iraq. What Iraq will be is an example to the
rest of the broader Middle East, which has been a troubled region when it
comes to freedom. They will be an example when it comes to freedom --

Q Do you think other Arab countries are going to welcome an invasion by

MR. McCLELLAN: -- they will be an example when it comes to freedom. When it
comes to freedom, Iraq will serve as an example. And by advancing freedom
in the broader Middle East, we are laying the foundations of peace for
generations to come. And that's what the President talked about in his

Q Is there any Arab country who would want America to come in --

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, there are steps that have been taken by countries
across the broader Middle East, with the exception of primarily two.

Q The President said there is a difference between responsible critics and
irresponsible critics. Who is being irresponsible? Who is he talking about?

MR. McCLELLAN: Oh, I think the statements by some are very clear, in terms
of the irresponsible statements --

Q Is he talking about Senate Democrats?

MR. McCLELLAN: -- that they made. We've been through this before in this
room, and that's what -- the point the President was making. I think we
very clearly spelled out some of the irresponsible statements that have
been made in the past. What's important is that we all focus on working
together to succeed in Iraq, because a free Iraq will be a major blow to
the ambitions of the terrorists, and be a major victory in the broader
global war on terrorism.

Q Were Congressman Murtha's comments responsible?

MR. McCLELLAN: We've already addressed that issue. And General Pace
addressed some of his more recent remarks, about the message that sends to
our troops. And I would leave it with what General Pace said.

Q Can you -- would the President believe those are irresponsible remarks?
Does that hurt the morale of the troops?

MR. McCLELLAN: We've already been through those remarks. But withdrawal is
the wrong message to send to the enemy, to our troops, and to others. And
that's why the President has made it clear that success in Iraq is critical
to our efforts in the war on terrorism. That's why we have a strategy for
victory. And we're moving forward on all three elements of that strategy --
supporting the Iraqi people as they build a democratic and peaceful

Q He's also talked about timetables giving the message to the enemy that
you don't want to give, and conditions-based timetables.

MR. McCLELLAN: That's right.

Q And yet today, he said by spring there will be a few thousand fewer
troops; by the end next year --

MR. McCLELLAN: If conditions on the ground permit.

Q Exactly, if conditions on the ground permit. But that's still, in a
sense, a timetable. That's still letting the adversaries say --

MR. McCLELLAN: Oh, I disagree with you characterizing it that way. The
President has made it very clear that our troop levels will be based on the
recommendations of our commanders. If they need more troops, he made it
very clear again in his remarks today, they will have more troops. But the
commanders will be the ones who will make the recommendations.

Q But, hopefully, by the end of this year you'll have fewer troops.

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, they've made some recommendations already, and we're
in the process of reducing some of the troop levels because the Iraqi
security forces are in better position to control more territory and take
the lead more in the fight. And then our forces can also step back more and
focus on going after the Zarqawis and other terrorists who are seeking to
derail the transition to democracy.

Q So if they're not in any position to take over more territory, more
troops, maybe? That's conditions-based, as well?

MR. McCLELLAN: It will be up to the commanders on the ground.

Q Two questions. One, NATO has decided that they will withdraw their forces
or relieve ones from the areas of Pakistan. But Pakistanis in the Kashmir
area, they are blaming and claiming that billions of dollars that went for
their help, it has not reached them, and they are still in trouble, and
they have no food or -- and how can NATO withdraw --

MR. McCLELLAN: The United States, and I think many in the international
community, are continuing to stand with the people of Pakistan and help
them as they recover from the earthquakes. This was a terrible earthquake
that had a large human cost to it. And we have provided significant support
both from our military and from charitable organizations to help people in
the region who are in need, and to help them recover and to help them
rebuild. And we are firmly committed to doing so. There's also been a
private effort that's been initiated to provide additional funding to those
international non-governmental organizations that have a proven record of
helping those who are in need.

Q Going back to Iran. Iranian President, why he's behaving like this,
because he thinks and he did say in the statement that China is behind
Iran, and China is helping Iran's nuclear weapons and to produce, and they
will back Iran all the way through United Nations Security Council.

MR. McCLELLAN: I haven't seen those exact comments suggesting that.

Q The President referred to countries that have not fulfilled or not lived
up to their obligations to Iraq financially. What countries are they?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, I don't want to get into names here from the podium.
There was a Madrid conference, and a number of countries stepped up and
said, we are ready to support the Iraqi people as they move forward on
building a democratic country. And there were pledges of, I think, more
than $13 billion. And there are many countries that have yet to fulfill
their commitments, and what the President was emphasizing today is that we
encourage you to move forward as quickly as possible to fulfill that
commitment to help the Iraqi people. Then there are others at the
conference, as well, that did not make pledges, and we would urge those
countries to consider making pledges to help with Iraq's reconstruction.

Q You don't want to name any right now?

MR. McCLELLAN: No, I don't want to get into naming names from the podium.

Q Scott, back on the responsible or irresponsible, that distinction, why is
the President bringing that up again? There have been recent comments --

MR. McCLELLAN: We're going to take on directly those who make such
comments. We have time and time again. And this has been --

Q -- have there been more recent --

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, this is something the President has been talking about
in the series of speeches he's been giving, because it's important to, one,
set the record straight and to make clear that, look, we should have a
vigorous and open debate about this matter, but irresponsible comments have
no place in this debate. And that's what -- the American people are there
to hold people to account for such comments. And this is about taking on
directly those who would make such comments. But, no, I don't have anything
new, other than what we've already addressed.

Q And what's the -- an update on Prime Minister Sharon? What's your
understanding and what can you tell us?

MR. McCLELLAN: I know what you know from the doctors who are taking care of
Prime Minister Sharon. We continue to keep him in our thoughts and prayers,
and we pray for his recovery. There appear to be some signs of improvement
and that's encouraging.

Q Does the President think that a two-state solution is still possible
without his leadership?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, we've made it very clear that we believe that the
desire for peace in the Middle East is wide and deep, in Israel and in the
Palestinian Territories. And there's an Acting Prime Minister that is in
place. We have two high-ranking officials from the administration who are,
if not already there, on the way to the Middle East to continue talking
about important priorities relating to the peace process. They're focusing
on the upcoming elections for -- the Palestinian legislative elections, and
they will be in the region meeting with officials from both parties. And
we're certainly in close contact with the Acting Prime Minister and will
continue to be.

Q Can I just follow up on the speech? Tomorrow, the speech -- is that going
to have a different focus than the one we had today?

MR. McCLELLAN: I would describe it as a follow-on to today's remarks. This
is an opportunity for the President to continue talking to the American
people about our strategy for victory in Iraq and the way forward in 2006,
and what to expect in 2006. So, tomorrow in Louisville, he will be visiting
with the people of Kentucky about these priorities and about our plan. And
he looks forward to the opportunity to go there tomorrow.

Q Let me, if I can, also -- this admonition to politicians to -- not to be
irresponsible, do you expect that to be a continuing election-year theme as
the President gets further into --

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, we'll see if people continue to engage in
irresponsible attacks. And if they do, we will take those on directly.
We're not going to shy away from it.

Q Has the President had his lunch yet with the Vice President, and any
updates on how he's --

MR. McCLELLAN: He was having lunch with the Vice President. The Vice
President is doing very well. He's been -- he was here yesterday afternoon
and participated in a lengthy meeting last night with our combatant
commanders who are in town. This is an annual meeting that takes place, and
he's been attending meetings throughout the morning, including the
intelligence briefing that he attends on a daily basis with the President.
And they are having their weekly lunch right now.

Q Is he still using the cane today?

MR. McCLELLAN: I'm sorry?

Q Is the Vice President still using the cane today?

MR. McCLELLAN: I didn't notice because I've only seen him when he's sitting
down today. (Laughter.)

Q Scott, a two-part: There has been considerable national attention to
Vermont's Judge Edward Cashman, who sentenced Mark Hulett, who was found
guilty of four years of raping a girl, beginning when she was seven years
old, that this judge sentenced this child rapist to only 60 days in jail.
And my question: Surely, the President shares the national outrage at this
sentence and believes, as do a number of Vermont legislators, that this
judge should resign, doesn't he?

MR. McCLELLAN: Les, I don't know if I've had an opportunity to look at this
specific case. I haven't kept up with every case that's occurring across
the United States. That might be a surprise to you. But certainly, we take
such crimes very seriously. In fact, one thing the President is going to be
focusing on this afternoon is combating the trafficking in persons, which
is a terrible crime in which people are subject to being put into a modern
day form of slavery. And in some instances, children are raped. And that's
-- that cannot be tolerated. And he'll be talking about some of that in
remarks later this afternoon when he signs the Reauthorization Act to help
us better combat the trafficking in persons.

Q Scott, the circulation-dwindling Washington Post has just joined a church
in re-entering the burgeoning field of radio broadcasting. And my question,
does the President believe there is very much compatibility at all between
The Washington Post and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints?
And if so, what?

MR. McCLELLAN: That's news to me, Les. But we'll leave the criticism of
radio broadcasting to the radio broadcaster like yourself. (Laughter.)

Go ahead, Sarah. Go ahead, Sarah.

Q I have two questions, please.

MR. McCLELLAN: Go ahead.

Q Published reports say that South America is turning left, led by
Venezuela's Hugo Chavez and supported by the new President of Bolivia. Is
the President concerned that the democracies so close to home are in
jeopardy? And how does he intend to counter what's happening south of the

MR. McCLELLAN: It's been a very high priority for this administration. In
fact, we just had a trip not long ago to the Summit of the Americas in
Argentina. And one of the areas that we focus on with countries throughout
the hemisphere is making sure that we're continuing to strengthen
democratic institutions. The advance of democracy is important not only
abroad, but within our own hemisphere. And that means the commitment to
free and open elections, the commitment to the rule of law, fighting
corruption -- those are efforts that we have been working very closely with
other countries in the hemisphere on to move forward.

Q Following up on Les's question yesterday, has your mother absolved you of
your political support for her, knowing that --

MR. McCLELLAN: Has she done what for you?

Q Absolved you, has she absolved you --

Q -- of your political support for her, knowing that your proper loyalty
lies with the President and his choice? If so, will you ever again be
invited to Mom's for dinner? (Laughter.)

MR. McCLELLAN: You know, the President always said, listen to your mother,
and I've heeded that advice for a long time.

Q Scott, why are there not any U.N. peacekeepers in Iraq, and why are there
not members of NATO supporting the U.S. troops, especially at a time when
the number of troops from the United States --

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, there is support that NATO is providing in terms of
training and equipping of Iraqi security forces. So I think that ignores
some of what the role is that NATO is playing. Certainly, the United
Nations has played a role when it comes to the monitoring of the election
process and we appreciate those efforts.

Q -- peacekeepers, the Blue Helmets, why aren't they helping us?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, the solution here is to train and equip Iraqi security
forces. That's the solution for moving forward. And there are a number of
countries that are helping, a number of countries that are members of NATO,
as you point out. And NATO has committed to play a role, and is playing a
role, when it comes to the training situation of Iraqi security forces. And
we very much appreciate those efforts. There's always more that everybody
can do to support the Iraqi people. I think the Iraqi people have shown
through their determination and courage that they want to chart their own
future, that they want to live in freedom. And all of us should stand by
the Iraqi people as they move forward to do so.

Q Scott, I have a one-part question. In general, it seems like this
administration's definition of --

MR. McCLELLAN: I thought it was going to be about my mother. (Laughter.)

Q In general, it seems like this administration's definition of the
irresponsible comment on the war is people who disagree with it. Can --


Q -- you point to an example of someone who disagrees, but does it in the
proper --

MR. McCLELLAN: No, the President has pointed to examples in the past, and
we pointed to examples --

Q Who?

MR. McCLELLAN: He talked about some of those who are protesting the wars
who have long held a view that we shouldn't have made the decision to go
into Iraq. And he respects their disagreement. But he disagrees strongly
with their view, and he has specifically talked about that in remarks.

Q Is anyone who talks about withdrawal talking irresponsibly?

MR. McCLELLAN: I'm sorry?

Q Is anybody who --

MR. McCLELLAN: No, I wouldn't characterize it that way. But we have said
that withdrawal sends the wrong message.

Q So it's irresponsible to talk about it?

MR. McCLELLAN: No, I didn't say that. You have to look at each time we have
said people have made irresponsible comments. There are some that have made
irresponsible comments suggesting that we don't have a strategy in place
for winning in Iraq. And they have been briefed on that very strategy.
We've talked about that in the past.

Q Can I just follow on that?

MR. McCLELLAN: Let me go to Victoria --

Q Scott, how closely was the President following this morning's Alito

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, he's had some meetings and he had a speech a short
time ago, so he's had a pretty full schedule this morning. But he was
catching some of the hearings a short time ago in the private dining room,
back off from the Oval Office. I think that was probably around 11:30 a.m.,
that time frame, he was watching some of the hearings. And I expect he'll
try to catch some coverage later in the day.

Q They've already started to get a little bit heated. Does the President
concede that the hearings can be heated and dignified at the same time?


Q So when we heard yesterday about it being a dignified hearing, were there
any senators in particular that the President was thinking of as not being

MR. McCLELLAN: I'm sorry, were there what?

Q Were there any senators in particular who the President was thinking of
when --

MR. McCLELLAN: The President was saying that he hopes that there will be a
civil and dignified hearing. This is for our nation's highest court and the
American people expect the hearing to be conducted in a fair and dignified
way. I think there has been a history of doing so in the United States
Senate. There have been some who have engaged in inaccurate comments and
dishonest attacks, certainly a number of groups that are outside the
mainstream, and some who have sought to inject partisan politics into the
Judiciary. The President believes that the Judiciary and the confirmation
process for a Supreme Court nominee should be above partisan politics. And
that's only the point he's making.

Q But in terms of the actual senators, themselves, they should not be in
the least concerned that if they do raise their voices or get heated, that
that would be considered undignified?

MR. McCLELLAN: The senators can ask whatever they want. That's the
important role that they play when it comes to the confirmation process.
They have a very important role to play and there should be a vigorous
debate and a vigorous discussion. And I made that point yesterday; I've
made it again today. And I think certainly the American people are seeing
that Judge Alito welcomes those questions and has answered those questions
in a very open and straightforward way, and they are seeing that Judge
Alito is someone who has complete mastery of constitutional law and
American jurisprudence. They're seeing that he is someone who clearly
understands the role of a judge, and he is someone who brings great
experience to the bench -- more experience than any nominee in the past 70
years. That's why he got the highest rating from the American Bar
Association, which Senate Democrats called the gold standard for judicial

Q Scott, I just want to come back to this point about irresponsibility,
because there seems to be --

MR. McCLELLAN: We're not talking about you.

Q Not today, anyway. (Laughter.) But this goes back to your predecessor,
Ari, saying at one point that people need to watch what they say. And this
seems to be kind of a continuing theme from this White House. A lot of
people might say that it's bad for troop morale and irresponsible to say
that American troops would be greeted with candies and flowers, when that
didn't happen, or that there were weapons of mass destruction when there
weren't any. In other words, the President seems to want to define the
terms of the debate about a war that he knows is controversial, in no small
part because of representations he made to the country --

MR. McCLELLAN: I reject that completely, and that's just complete
distortion of what he said.

Q What's a distortion?

MR. McCLELLAN: You're ignoring exactly what he said. The President said
that the American people know the difference between responsible and
irresponsible debate when they see it, and they know the difference between

Q Then why does he have to prescribe what it is?

MR. McCLELLAN: So you're not letting me have an honest, open debate here. I
welcome the opportunity to do this -- but they know the difference between
honest critics who question the way the war is being prosecuted -- we
welcome that. In fact, the President has met with some of those honest
critics. He met with a number of them just last week. And partisan critics
who claim we acted in Iraq because of oil, or that we acted because of
Israel, or that we acted based on misleading the American people --

Q Who has made that charge? Which Democrat in Congress has said he did it
for oil or for Israel?

MR. McCLELLAN: He didn't single out members of Congress. He singled out
people that --

Q -- elected officials responsible --

MR. McCLELLAN: We can point to --

Q Who are you talking about? Are you talking about Harry Belafonte and
Sheryl Crow? Is he really worried about those people?

MR. McCLELLAN: We can point to a number of people. I think the Chairman of
the Democratic Party has made numerous statements that are --

Q Who else is part of --

Q Why did he go in then?

MR. McCLELLAN: The Chairman of the party has made numerous irresponsible
comments. We have confronted these issues head on, and we will continue to
take them on. You might want to back us down from challenging people, but
when they make irresponsible comments, we're going to challenge them.

Q You just said one of the irresponsible comments was that he doesn't have
a strategy for victory, that people have made that comment and that they've
been briefed on it. They might just not agree with the strategy for
victory, or whether it is a strategy for victory.

MR. McCLELLAN: But they're implying to the American people that we don't
have a strategy in place. And this is after they were -- just after they
were briefed by our commanders on the ground who put that strategy in

Q So that's irresponsible to imply that they just don't like the strategy?

MR. McCLELLAN: No. I said that "we don't have a strategy" -- there's a

Q -- semantics --

MR. McCLELLAN: No. People have made that point, said that we don't have a
strategy in place for winning in Iraq. That is irresponsible.

Q That's exactly my point, that they think it's not a strategy for winning.

MR. McCLELLAN: No. You know exactly what I'm talking about. I can go back
and pull up comments that members of Congress -- certain Democratic leaders
have made stating that we don't have a plan in place. And this is right
after they were briefed by our commanders on the ground. So I reject that.

And I think -- I know sometimes in this room you want to focus on one
portion of what the President said. We've taken on those who have made
these comments directly. I'm not saying anything in the last couple of
days; this speech was about much more than what the President was talking
about. But because some are going out there trying to mischaracterize
things and trying to imply things that just aren't true, we're going to
make it clear to the American people that it's important to look at the
facts. And that's what we're doing. We're confronting them with the facts.

And the facts are that members have been briefed about our strategy. We
continue to brief members. The President has sat down with bipartisan
members of Congress; the President has sat down with administration
officials from previous administrations, some who did not agree with the
decision, some who do not agree with everything we're doing in terms of
moving forward on that strategy, and listened to their ideas. We welcome
those ideas. That's honest critics. There's a difference between that and
those who are trying to score quick political points based on irresponsible

Q But it's not like they're denying they've been briefed, Scott.

MR. McCLELLAN: I'm sorry?

Q It's not like they're denying they've been briefed. They're leaving a
clear --

MR. McCLELLAN: They are leaving a clear -- no, the instance you're talking
about, they're leaving a clear impression with the American people that
there is no strategy. And that's just absolute false. Again, we addressed
this previously. I think that now people are backing off from that, because
the President has engaged in a continuing dialogue with the American people
spelling out very clearly what our strategy is. So I think since that time
people are starting to back off that, that made those false charges.

Thank you.

Q Scott, nobody has made any of these kind of statements recently --

MR. McCLELLAN: Thank you, John.

Q -- what's the purpose of the President saying it --

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, no --

Q -- today, other than to keep the fires of partisan outrage stoked?

MR. McCLELLAN: No, John, let me clarify, if I wasn't clear. There have been
comments made recently. I'm not saying in the last day or so, but this is
part of what the President has been saying in each of the series of
speeches he has been giving, and we'll continue to take those on if they
engage in that. There are -- and there are some that continue to make them;
I don't think that they've ever quit making them. And we will take those

Thank you.

END 12:57 P.M. EST

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