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Skriven 2006-06-29 23:37:10 av Whitehouse Press (1:3634/12.0)
Ärende: Press Release (0606293) for Thu, 2006 Jun 29
President Bush and Japanese Prime Minister Koizumi Participate in a Joint
Press Availability

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
June 29, 2006

President Bush and Japanese Prime Minister Koizumi Participate in a Joint
Press Availability
The East Room

President's Remarks view

˙˙˙˙˙ Fact Sheet: The Japan-U.S. Alliance of the New Century ˙˙˙˙˙ In
Focus: Global Diplomacy

11:33 A.M. EDT

PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you all. Please be seated. Mr. Prime Minister, as I
said on the South Lawn, we are delighted to have you here in Washington.
The Prime Minister and I have got a very friendly relationship. We've just
had two hours of discussions. We talked about a lot of areas of mutual
concern. I've reminded the Prime Minister -- the American people, Mr. Prime
Minister, over the past months that it was not always a given that the
United States and America [sic] would have a close relationship. After all,
60 years we were at war -- 60 years ago we were at war, and today we talked
about North Korea, and Iran, and Iraq, and trade, and energy cooperation.

It's amazing fact that we're able to have these discussions. To me it shows
the power of liberty and democracy to transform enemies to allies and to
help transform the world. And one thing about the Prime Minister is he
understands that. He's a firm believer that -- in universal values. He
believes in freedom. And he's willing to act on those beliefs. And we have
been a strong partner in peace, Mr. Prime Minister.

You've had a remarkable tenure as the Prime Minister of your country. You
have led with courage, you have made hard decisions. You've helped us
change our relationship so that Japan and the United States will be able to
work even closer together in the 21st century. You made the hard decision
to help realign our troops in your part of the world to better accommodate
the needs of the Japanese people, and at the same time, keep in position a
relationship that will be necessary for peace and stability.

I want to thank you for opening your markets to U.S. beef. I think the
Japanese people are going to like the taste of U.S. beef. As a matter of
fact, I had a good slice of beef last night, and you told me you did, as
well, and you look like you're feeling pretty good. (Laughter.)

PRIME MINISTER KOIZUMI: Very good. (Laughter.)

PRESIDENT BUSH: Right, good. We had an interesting discussion about energy.
One of the things that Japan and the United States can do is we can help
provide technologies that will improve the climate, as well as reduce our
dependence on hydrocarbons. We discussed the Nuclear Suppliers Group that
we're a part of, and our contributions to some research and development
that will help speed up fast breeder reactors and new types of reprocessing
so that we can help deal with the cost of globalization when it comes to
energy; make ourselves more secure, economically, as well as make us less
dependent on hydrocarbons from parts of the world that may not agree with
our policies.

We -- as I mentioned, we discussed Iraq and Afghanistan. By the way, the
Japanese defense forces did a really good job when they were in Iraq. And
they're able to leave because they did such a good job. And now the Iraqis
will be running the province in which the Japanese forces used to be.
Nevertheless, the Prime Minister, as he mentioned in the comments, will
continue to provide airlift capacity and naval help.

The North Korean issue is one, obviously, that's got everybody's attention
now. And we discussed this issue in length. We both agree that it's very
important for us to remain united in sending a clear message to the North
Korean leader that, first of all, launching the missile is unacceptable.
There have been no briefings as to what's on top of the missile. He hasn't
told anybody where the missile is going. He has an obligation, it seems
like to me, and the Prime Minister, that there be a full briefing to those
of us who are concerned about this issue as to what his intentions are. It
makes sense, doesn't it? It's a reasonable thing for somebody to do.

We talked about the six-party talks, and to make sure we remain bound up in
sending a clear message to the leader of North Korea. I also talked about
one of the most touching moments of my presidency, when the mom of the
abducted daughter came to the Oval Office and talked to me about what it
was like to have a young daughter abducted by the North Koreans. And it
really broke my heart. I told the Prime Minister it was -- it was a moving
moment for me. I just could not imagine what it would be like to have
somebody have taken, you know, my daughter -- one of my daughters -- and
never be able to see her again. And the woman showed such great courage,
Mr. Prime Minister, when she came and shared her story with me. It took
everything I could not to weep, listening to her.

It also reminded me about the nature of the regime -- what kind of regime
would kidnap people, just take them off offshore, you know; what kind of
person would not care about how that woman felt.

And so we talked about the need to work together to bring a resolution to
this issue about nuclear weapons. And I reminded the Prime Minister -- he
didn't need reminding, but I'm going to share with him once again my deep
concern about the human condition inside North Korea. He shares that
condition -- after all, he's the Prime Minister of a country that has
suffered a lot as a result of abductions. So we spent time talking about

All in all, it was a visit that I knew was going to be a good one because I
know the man; I know what he's like: he's a good thinker, he's a strategic
thinker, he's a clear speaker. And, plus, as you all know, it's become
quite well-known that we're going to visit Graceland tomorrow. He's an
Elvis fan. Laura and I gave him a jukebox as a gift, and I can't -- what
was the first song you put on? It wasn't "Hound Dog," it was --

PRIME MINISTER KOIZUMI: "I Want You, I Need You, I Love You."

PRESIDENT BUSH: See, he loves Elvis, and I couldn't think of a better way
to honor my friend by going to Graceland. But it also sends a signal about
how close our relationship is.

And so Mr. Prime Minister, we're glad you're here. Thanks for your
friendship, thanks for your alliance, and thanks for your leadership.

PRIME MINISTER KOIZUMI: (As translated.) Thank you very much. With
President Bush, I had a very candid exchange of views. Over the past five
years, I've really had a close friendship with President Bush, and thanks
to that we've been able to have a very candid exchange of views. And I
believe this is not just limited to close relations between us, personally,
but I believe this close relationship is necessary in the future between
Japan and the United States, as well.

Japan and the United States is in a Japan-U.S. alliance in the world, and
we confirmed that we can cooperate with each other on various challenges,
maintain Japan's security and deterrence, and reduce burdens on local
communities. On these points we were able to have a very important
agreement, and we're most grateful for that.

In the meeting, we discussed not just Japan-U.S. bilateral relations, but
numerous challenges that the world community faces today -- Afghanistan,
North Korea, poverty reduction -- reduced poverty for people who suffer
from various diseases. We shared common perception, and by doing so we'll
be able to cooperate with each other.

Now, Japan, in a way different than the U.S., has been supporting the
nation-building in Iraq by the Iraqis, themselves. The ground self-defense
forces stationed in Samawa, having accomplished their mission, will be
withdrawing. But as a responsible member of the international community,
through cooperation with various countries concerned and through
cooperation with the United Nations, Japan will continue provide support
and help the Iraqis get back on their feet.

With regard to North Korea, we spent a lot of time, and I expressed my
views, and President Bush also expressed his thoughts. President Bush was
kind enough to meet with Mrs. Sakie Yokota. And he told me he was very
moved on that occasion. Anyone, if one's daughter is abducted, naturally
will be grieved. And this feeling need be shared by Americans and Japanese.
And we discussed that sort of thing.

We do have the six-party talks framework. Japan and the United States, I
believe, need to maintain close coordination and encourage North Korea to
become a responsible member of the international community.

With regard to Iranian nuclear proliferation, Japan also is concerned about
this problem. The United States attaches importance to cooperation with EU
and other countries concerned. Japan certainly supports that U.S. stance of
seeking resolution through a dialogue regarding the nuclear proliferation
issue. The Iranian issue remains a grave issue for the entire world
economy, and Japan wishes to cooperate with the United States and other
countries concerned on this matter, as well.

On U.N. reforms, building on the results achieved so far, we would like to
work out with the G4 a proposal that can be supported by the United States
and achieve reforms in the United Nations and the Security Council. Japan
and the United States will maintain close coordination and partnership. We
need to do that and address various challenges.

The Japan-U.S. alliance is not just an alliance for our two countries; it
is an alliance for the world. And in the interest of the world we were able
to confirm that we need to cooperate with each other, and I think this was
a very substantive, fruitful meeting. And I would like to thank President
Bush and the U.S. for a very warm, hospitable welcome.

PRESIDENT BUSH: We've agreed to take two questions a side. Walking in, I
reminded the Prime Minister of one of Elvis's greatest songs, "Don't Be
Cruel" -- (laughter) -- so keep that in mind, Hunt, when you ask your

Q Thank you, Mr. President. You've said that you wanted to close the prison
at Guantanamo Bay, but you were waiting for the Supreme Court decision that
came out today. Do you intend now to close the Guantanamo Bay quickly? And
how do you deal with the suspects that you've said were too dangerous to be
released or sent home?

PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you for the question on a court ruling that literally
came out in the midst of my meeting with the Prime Minister -- and so I
haven't had a chance to fully review the findings of the Supreme Court. I,
one, assure you that we take them very seriously. Two, that to the extent
that there is latitude to work with the Congress to determine whether or
not the military tribunals will be an avenue in which to give people their
day in court, we will do so.

The American people need to know that this ruling, as I understand it,
won't cause killers to be put out on the street. In other words, there's
not a -- it was a drive-by briefing on the way here, I was told that this
was not going to be the case. At any rate, we will seriously look at the
findings, obviously. And one thing I'm not going to do, though, is I'm not
going to jeopardize the safety of the American people. People have got to
understand that. I understand we're in a war on terror; that these people
were picked up off of a battlefield; and I will protect the people and, at
the same time, conform with the findings of the Supreme Court.

Q Do you think the prison will close?

PRESIDENT BUSH: Well, I haven't had a chance to fully review what the court
said, Terry. I wish I had, and I could have given you a better answer. As I
say, we take the findings seriously. And, again, as I understand it -- now
please don't hold me to this -- that there is a way forward with military
tribunals in working with the United States Congress; as I understand
certain senators have already been out expressing their desire to what the
Supreme Court found, and we will work with the Congress. I want to find a
way forward.

In other words, I have told the people that I would like for there to be a
way to return people from Guantanamo to their home countries, but some of
them -- people need to be tried in our courts. And that's -- the Hamdan
decision was the way forward for that part of my statement, and, again, I
would like to review the case. And we are, we've got people looking at it
right now to determine how we can work with Congress if that's available to
solve the problem.

Q On North Korea, I'd like to ask a question of both of you, Prime Minister
and President. On North Korea, I understand you spent a lot of time to
exchange views. It is said that the North Koreans are preparing to launch
Taepodong-2. To resolve this missile issue, what kind of cooperation do you
think is possible between Japan and the United States? And also, did you
discuss possibly referring the matter to the U.N. Security Council?

On the abduction issue and human rights issue, I understand, Mr. President,
you've shown deep concerns for the resolution of the abduction issue. What
sort of cooperation do you think is possible between the U.S. and Japan?

PRESIDENT BUSH: Do you want to go? Yes, please.

PRIME MINISTER KOIZUMI: (As translated.) The North Koreans -- I believe, in
the first place, we need to try and approach the North Koreans not to
launch Taepodong-2 through various efforts, and should they ever launch the
missile, that will cause various pressures -- we would apply various
pressures. And we discussed that. I believe it is best that I do not
discuss what specific pressures we were talking about.

As we approach the North Koreans, we shall maintain close cooperation and
coordination with the United States, including the abduction issue.

PRESIDENT BUSH: -- all kinds of opportunities, and the U.N. is an
opportunity to express our common concern. You know, another interesting
opportunity is, over time, to work on missile defenses. The Japanese cannot
be -- afford to be held hostage to rockets. And neither can the United
States or any other body who loves freedom. And so one really interesting
opportunity is for -- to share and cooperate on missile defenses.

You know, the leader of North Korea is just going to have to make a
decision, does he want to be isolated from the world, or is he interested
in being an active participant in kind of the nations of the world who care
about their people and desire peace? It's his choice to make. We've made
our choice. We believe it's important for nations such as Japan and the
United States to be active participants in the world in a positive way. And
that's what we're doing.

You know, a lot of the focus of our relationship is based upon, obviously,
Iraq and Afghanistan, but the truth of the matter is, Japan and the United
States make mighty contributions to end suffering because of disease and
hunger. And that's why I appreciate the Prime Minister's leadership. He
understands that with economic might comes serious responsibilities in the
world. And the United States takes those responsibilities seriously, and so
does Japan.

Q Yes, Mr. President. We can assume you've at least been given some of the
broad strokes of the Supreme Court's decision on Guantanamo --

PRESIDENT BUSH: I just gave you the answer on that. I'll be glad to answer
another question -- I gave you the broad strokes I've been given.

Q Right, but this -- can you comment on what looks like a judicial
repudiation of your administration's policy on the treatment of terror
suspects post-9/11?

PRESIDENT BUSH: Matt, I can't -- I wish I could comment, and would,
obviously. I'm a person who generally comments on things. I haven't been
briefed enough to make a comment on it, except for the following things.
I'm sorry you had to waste your question, but we will conform to the
Supreme Court, we will analyze the decision. To the extent that the
Congress has given any latitude to develop a way forward using military
tribunals, we will work with them.

As I understand, a Senator has already been on TV. Haven't seen it, haven't
heard what he said, but as -- they briefed me and said he wants to devise
law in conformity with the case that would enable us to use a military
tribunal to hold these people to account. And if that's the case, we'll
work with him. But that's -- I can't comment any more than I have just done
in the first question. Otherwise I would have. I just haven't been fully
briefed enough to answer your question, Matt.

Q (As translated.) Over the past five years, Prime Minister Koizumi and
President Bush have built up the best sort of relationship between the two
of you in the history of Japan and the United States. Now, what is the
greatest reason for having maintained this policy of attaching greatest
importance to Japan-U.S. relations?

A question for President Bush: Various problems have occurred after 9/11.
And in the Prime Minister Koizumi's policy of attaching importance to
Japan-U.S. relations, what was the case, instance where you were most
appreciative of Prime Minister Koizumi's position? And what sort of impact
has it had -- has it had on your feeling and stance toward Japan?

PRIME MINISTER KOIZUMI: (As translated.) Well, attaching importance to our
relations with the United States -- well, after the second world war,
throughout, over the past six years, Japan has maintained that policy.
We've recognized the importance of Japan-U.S. alliance, and also maintain a
stance of international cooperation and coordination. It's because we have
learned the lessons of World War II we took up this policy in believing
that this was good for Japan. In the past, today, and the future, as well
maintain Japan-U.S. alliance and international cooperation. This is a very
important fundamental policy of Japan that should never change.

Last year, President Bush visited Kyoto in Japan and had one-on-one
meeting. Some seem to think that the -- to the extent that Japan-U.S.
relations is undermined, that could be complemented by better relations
with Asia and other countries. And I've said I do not subscribe to that
view. The better the Japan-U.S. relations, my view is that we will be able
to have better relations with China and other countries and Asia.

Some in the mass media took up on that and misinterpreted my position. In
other words, they felt that I was saying to the extent Japan-U.S. relations
remain good, I couldn't care less what Japan's relations would be with
other countries. That is not at all what I said. I've been saying that
there is no country in the world that has as important bilateral relations
as Japan-U.S. bilateral relations. But I have no view such as having better
relations with the United States at the expense of relations with other

My view is that by having better relations with the United States, I can
have better relations with other countries. And from that perspective, in
the post-war years, Japan has achieved remarkable growth and development.
It is because we've learned lessons from the past in our relations with the
United States and determined to maintain friendly relations with the United
States. And that is what we have done to date.

In the future, as well, Japan-U.S. alliance is something that will be --
contribute to the resolution of various challenges in the world by
maintaining friendly ties between Japan and the United States. Attaching
importance to our relations with the United States does not sacrifice our
views and our relations with other countries. Please do not misunderstand.

PRESIDENT BUSH: It's a pretty tricky question. I hate to point out one area
where that has influenced my thinking about Japan's contributions for fear
of diminishing the contributions in other areas. Because the truth of the
matter is we live in a very complex world, and by cooperating to solve
problems makes the world a better place. However, since you asked, I'll
answer. I would think it is the Prime Minister's understanding of the
capacity for democracies to help change the conditions of the world. And,
therefore, his strong support for helping a new Afghanistan democracy grow
and his willingness to do something a lot of other leaders in Japan have
been unwilling to do, which is to commit self-defense forces to help the
growth of a new democracy.

And I tell the American people this, I use the Prime Minister all the time
in my speeches, as the press corps will tell you, incredibly bored of
hearing. But, nevertheless, I do

share the example with the people about my relationship with the Prime
Minister. It is just -- it strikes me as just amazing. A lot of people take
it for granted. I don't, because 60 years ago we were at war. And something
happened between our visit to Graceland and when our respective fathers
looked at each other with deep suspicion. And what happened was, Japan
developed a Japanese-style democracy based upon shared values. And today,
we're able to discuss peace. It is a remarkable transformation of a
relationship. We just happen to be the beneficiaries of that
transformation. I also believe, however, that there are people who are
coming up who have shedded the bonds of tyranny are also the benefits of
this relationship.

And so Japan is making a mighty contribution to new democracy, which I
strongly believe is in our nation's interests, and I strongly believe will
yield peace. And I firmly believe that the example that we show today will
be repeated over the decades, particularly with newly-elected leaders in
the Middle East. And the Prime Minister understands that. And I'm grateful
for the contribution of the Japanese people to the cause of peace.

Mr. Prime Minister, thank you.

PRIME MINISTER KOIZUMI: Thank you, very much, American people, for "Love Me
Tender." (Laughter.)

END 12:00 P.M. EDT

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