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Skriven 2006-10-17 23:31:18 av Whitehouse Press (1:3634/12.0)
Ärende: Press Release (0610174) for Tue, 2006 Oct 17

Interview of the Vice President by Rush Limbaugh

For Immediate Release
Office of the Vice President
October 17, 2006

Interview of the Vice President by Rush Limbaugh
Via Telephone, The Rush Limbaugh Show

1:30 P.M. EDT

Q And as promised we have with us for the next few minutes, Vice President
Dick Cheney. Once again, Mr. Vice President, a thrill and an honor to have
you with us, sir.

THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, good afternoon, Rush.

Q All right, first thing, we just had a call -- leads me into my first
question for you about the economy. Caller was frustrated that the party at
large doesn't seem to be getting the news out about how good the economy
is. And, indeed, the economic statistics are fabulous. Unemployment, middle
class wage growth, Dow Jones Industrial Average flirting with 12,000, yet
we're told that people don't feel this economy is good. Why do you think
that is, if it's true? And how do you all plan to use the economy in the
next three weeks in the campaign?

THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, I think, first of all, you're absolutely right,
Rush -- the economy is very good. I've been involved in a lot of campaigns
going back nearly 40 years, and I'm hard put to find a time when things
were as good as they are now for the party from our perspective. And you've
cited all the data. We've got over 6.6 million jobs we've added in a little
over three years now. Home ownership is at an all-time record high. Stock
market is at a high. Everything is really kicking along in great shape.

It's hard -- hard sometimes to drive that point through to the public, but
-- and I think a lot of the press coverage focuses on specific problems.
Gasoline prices go up and everybody gets upset and takes that as sort of a
lead indicator for the economy. Even now gasoline prices are coming down.
Natural gas prices are coming down. Heating bills are going to be lower
this winter. So I think it just takes time for it to sink in.

Q Well, it's interesting, the gas price run-up was hailed as a failure of
the Bush administration's economic policy. Now that gas prices are coming
down, the focus seems to be on what is it you all are doing to manipulate
the market before the election. Also I wanted to mention to you that the
deficit has been cut in half three years early.


Q It really is stunning news. But it's a large, drive-by media megaphone to
overcome. Is there coordinated efforts within all these candidates that are
running for reelection to stress the economy?

THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, we're trying. I've got two major subjects I
address when I'm out on the road. One is to talk about tax policy and what
that's done for our economy. And the other is to focus on the global war on

The President -- last week when we had the good news on the deficit, as we
closed out the fiscal year, was out publicly talking specifically about
that point, trying to take advantage of the opportunity to get the idea
across to everybody that we did hit our target three years early in terms
of deficit reduction.

But again, that was primarily as a result of our tax policy and the fact
that we've supported pro-growth policies, and that has generated more
economic activity, and more jobs, and ultimately more revenue for the
federal government.

Q When you're out there, are you encountering any apathy? Are you
encountering engaged excitement? What's the mood you're running in? I know
you're speaking to a mostly Republican audience, how do you assess it?

THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, I did -- yesterday, for example, I was down in
Louisville, Kentucky for Congressman Geoff Davis, who is a great member, by
the way, I think will get reelected. I also stopped at Fort Campbell and --
to thank members of the 101st Airborne for all their good work they've been
doing in the Middle East. But the mood that I find in terms of the people
I'm talking with is very positive. Now of course, I'm probably not going to
see a lot of Democrats coming to a Republican fundraiser, so I don't want
to misread the situation. But I think I find a far more positive attitude
out there than one would led by believe just by reading the national press.

Q Do you get frustrated when you see Republicans speculating on how many
House seats they're going to lose?

THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, I think it's a natural, normal situation at this
stage. But I really think we're going to do reasonably well. And I think
we'll hold the Senate, and I also think we got a good shot at holding the
House. And I've done 114 campaigns so far this cycle. I've been all over
the country, seen all kinds of candidates and all kinds of races, but I
think the key will be who goes to the polls on Election Day.

And certainly, it's always tough when you're in the midterm of your second
presidential term in office. Historically, those are the most difficult
elections for the incumbents in the White House. But I think the basic
fundamental facts in terms of national security, in terms of five years of
defeating the terrorists in their efforts to try to launch another attack
against the United States, I think the overall health of the economy, I
think the progress we're making in all those areas all argues that, in
fact, when the American people have to make a choice between us and the
Democrats, I think they'll come down on the side of supporting the
President and Republican candidates.

Q The war, Iraq national security, war on terror -- it's all combined into
one issue now as far as the election is concerned. And when you -- but I
saw the President last night say that he acknowledges that there's some
frustration on the part of the American people regarding Iraq because we
all want to win. And we can't declare victory yet.

The President signed the military detainee act today, the tribunal act. And
it's clear to me anyway that you and the White House are not changing
policy on this at all, that the operating policy here is victory. Is the
perception that victory is possible strong enough? Is that possibility
being laid out in strong enough terms to the American people that they
think it's possible? Or are they beginning to doubt that it can happen?

THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, I think there's some natural level of concern out
there because, in fact, it wasn't over instantaneously. It's been a little
over three years now since we went into Iraq, so I don't think it's
surprising that people are concerned.

On the other hand, this government has only been in office about five
months, five or six months now. They're off to a good start. It is
difficult, no question about it. But we've now got over 300,000 Iraqis
trained and equipped as part of their security forces. They've had three
national elections with higher turnout than we have here in the United
States. If you look at the general overall situation, they're doing
remarkably well. It's still very, very difficult, very tough. Nobody should
underestimate the extent to which we're engaged there with this as sort of,
at present, the major front in the war on terror. That's what Osama bin
Laden says, and he's right. It's very important that we prevail there. But
we're engaged really on a global basis. We're very active in Afghanistan.
We've got continuing activities in Pakistan. We've captured and killed more
al Qaeda in Pakistan probably than any place else.

We're active working with the Saudis and many others in that part of the
world, so it's a major conflict. It's going to run for a long time. And
everybody needs to understand that. The campaign I look on as an
opportunity to remind everybody what's at stake here, and in this
particular instance, it's especially important to point out to people that
the terrorists can't beat us in a stand-up fight. They can only win if we
lose our will. And they're betting we will. They're betting we don't have
the stomach for the fight. And I don't think that's true. And I think faced
with that basic fundamental choice, I think the American people understand
that it's having gone on offense, having gotten aggressive going after the
terrorists, closing those training camps in Afghanistan, and working to
take down the regimes like Saddam Hussein, and to stand up democracies in
their place, as well as tough measures here at home is what has kept us
safe for five years, and it's the reason why there hasn't been another
attack like 9/11 on the U.S.

Q Well, I -- there's no question the American people respond to leadership
in times like this. And let me put it to you this way, I was reading
something today that a writer -- I don't remember who -- was speculating on
increased terrorist attacks in Iraq attempting to demoralize the American
people as we get up to the election. And when I read that, it made sense to
me. And I interpreted this as that the terrorists are actually involved and
want to involve themselves in our electoral process, which must mean they
want a change.

Now, I know you can't comment politically on the point that I make, but do
you expect, and is there preparation for -- one of the things I read was
that there's been noted plots to actually try to blow up the Green Zone.
One was aborted and discovered recently -- but some major attacks being
planned for right up until the election, which could be devastating if they
happen, in terms of the American people's morale.

THE VICE PRESIDENT: Sure. Well, I think there's no question but what this
is a sophisticated crew who understand the impact on public opinion. And as
I say, I think a lot it, they say as much, that what they're banking on,
they hark back to Somalia in '93, or Beirut in 1983 when after Americans
were killed, our response was to withdraw our forces. So I think they're
very sensitive to that kind of thing. And as I say, they clearly don't have
the military capability to defeat us, but they believe they can break our

And so you look at something like our elections here, and I think they're
probably -- I don't have any proof -- but I think they're probably very
sensitive to that. We saw what they did in Spain a few years ago. You
remember how Aznar had supported us very aggressively, and shortly before
the elections in Spain, they launched an attack on trains. They set off
several bombs and killed a bunch of people shortly before the election. And
they probably did have that impact.

Q There was a story in The Washington Post yesterday or earlier in the week
that was -- the reporter was amazed that the President and Karl Rove remain
"inexplicably upbeat" about the outcome of the elections and that there is
no plan for if Republicans lose the House and/or the Senate. Can you tell
us why the upbeat attitude in the White House?

THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, because we're out there working hard in
connection with this campaign because I think we feel like we've got some
great candidates. I've got great confidence in Karl and Ken Mehlman, up at
the RNC. These are two of the best in the business in terms of
understanding this process.

And I think our candidates are well financed. We're doing everything
humanly possible to succeed in this election. And of course, we track
polls, as everybody else does, too. But I think it's easy to sit in
Washington and sort of absorb the vibes coming from the national media, but
that doesn't represent necessarily what's going on out there around the
country. And when you get out on the ground talking with real people about
real problems, their hopes and desires for their families and for the
nation, as well as their appreciation for what we've been able to
accomplish over the last six years, and you get a very positive feeling.

Q One final question, you guys are fighting so hard to defeat the
terrorists in and around this country and around the world. Do you have any
reaction to the lenient sentence that Lynne Stewart received yesterday in
New York?

THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, I was surprised. Of course, it's not for me to
substitute my judgment for a judge, but I think, of course, the prosecution
had asked for a much stiffer sentence. And this was somebody who has been
supposedly convicted -- or pled guilty to being a key intermediary for a
major terrorist. And that's significant. I think we need to make certain
that when we find somebody who is, indeed, in bed with a terrorist, that
they are appropriately brought to justice.

Q Mr. Vice President, thanks very much for your time. I know you gave us a
couple minutes extra than you have on your schedule. I appreciate it. And
we look forward to the next time. Best to you.

THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, Rush. You've got a great show, as always. And it
was good to talk to you.

Q Thank you, sir.

END 2:43 P.M. EDT
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