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Skriven 2005-01-31 23:42:56 av Whitehouse Press (1:3634/12.0)
Ärende: Press Release (0501316) for Mon, 2005 Jan 31
Press Briefing by Scott McClellan

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
January 31, 2005

Press Briefing by Scott McClellan
The James S. Brady Press Briefing Room

Press Briefing
"); //--> view

12:45 P.M. EST

MR. McCLELLAN: Good afternoon, everybody. I would like to begin by updating
you on one more leader call the President had, in addition to the ones
already mentioned this morning.

The President spoke with Secretary General Annan to discuss yesterday's
election in Iraq. The President and the Secretary General agreed on the
significance of yesterday's successful elections for the transition to
democracy. The President thanked Secretary General Annan for the important
contribution of the United Nations in assisting the Iraqis as they held
this historic election. And the Secretary General emphasized that the U.N.
was prepared to continue its support to the Iraqi people, particularly in
providing assistance to their efforts to draft a new constitution and their
efforts to reach out to all parties to participate in the political process
going forward.

And with that, I will be glad to take your questions.

Q Can you go over all the list of people he's spoken to since the election

MR. McCLELLAN: Yesterday I read out it was King Abdullah, Crown Prince
Abdallah and President Mubarak. And today he spoke with Prime Minister
Blair, President Chirac and Chancellor Schrder, in addition to the
Secretary General.

Q Why does the President have so much --

MR. McCLELLAN: Hold on, I'll get to you. Go ahead.

Q Of those leaders, did he get any kind of assurances of additional
investments -- whether it's resources, from Chirac or Schrder, whether it's
troops or money or additional commitments in working towards --

MR. McCLELLAN: That wasn't the purpose of the calls. Obviously, you've
heard very strong statements of support from the international community,
from a number of leaders or their spokesmen, or spokeswomen, in various
areas, and they've talked about what an important step this was for the
Iraqi people, in their efforts to build a brighter future.

And I think that each of those countries will talk about the ways that they
are able to help the Iraqi people as they move forward to putting in place
the institutions for a democracy to fully emerge.

Q Did the President get a sense that they would be more willing in the
future to make greater commitments or investments?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, keep in mind that the European Union, in addition to
the United Nations, did provide electoral assistance to the Iraqi people as
they conducted this election yesterday. So there are a number of different
ways that countries can participate in Iraq and help the Iraqi people as
they move forward to put in place the transitional government, as they move
forward to draft a constitution and as they move forward to elect a
permanent government at the end of the year.

So we hope all people will continue to -- or all nations in the
international community will continue to do their part to help the Iraqi
people as they move forward on the transition to democracy.

Q Is there any assessment here of the performance of the Iraqi security
forces yesterday? Is there any hard look at how they performed, how serious
the challenges that they specifically faced were and how they answered

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, that actually came up in some of the calls this
morning the President had. I know he and Prime Minister Allawi discussed
it. Prime Minister Allawi, you heard from directly, commended the Iraqi
security forces for the job that they did in helping to bring about a
secure environment for those elections to proceed forward. And we concur.
We believe that the Iraqi security forces did do a good job in helping to
provide a secure environment for the elections to take place.

There is still much to do to help train and equip those Iraqi security
forces, and we're going to be there every step of the way to help continue
the training and accelerating the training and equipping of those forces,
as well as helping to put in place the command structure so that those
forces will eventually be able to provide for their own security and be
able to defend Iraq from internal, as well as external, threats.

Q Is there a sense in the administration at all that the performance of the
Iraqi security forces suggested they're farther along the path of
self-reliance than we thought?

MR. McCLELLAN: I'd leave it to our military leaders on the ground to
describe the latest, in terms of an overall assessment. But we've seen
areas where they have performed well. We've seen areas where there is more
work to be done. And there is still much work to do to train and equip
those security forces going forward, and there's much to do -- it's not
only about training and equipping them, as you've heard the President say,
but it's also making sure that they have the leadership and command
structure in place so that they are fully prepared and fully ready to
defend the Iraqi people.

Q And then one question on the ramifications of yesterday in the region.
President Mubarak of Egypt has suggested he may run for a fifth term in
what he calls an election in Egypt, or perhaps his son would run. What's
the President's opinion of this?

MR. McCLELLAN: I think that there is still a long ways to go before that
election and I think that our views are very well known when it comes to
our expectations and our desires. And I think the State Department has
addressed this issue more recently. And if we have any additional
information I'll get it to you later.

Q Can I just follow that one?

MR. McCLELLAN: Go ahead, Bill.

Q Does the high turnout suggest that it will be easier for the United
States to withdraw troops?

MR. McCLELLAN: First of all, when you talk about withdrawing troops or
timetables, we look to our commanders on the -- the President looks to the
commanders on the ground to make determinations about what our force
configuration should look like. Those are also discussions we have with the
government that is in place in Iraq. Right now it's the interim government,
and soon it will be the transitional government. And we'll continue to
discuss those matters with them.

And you also look at how the -- how progress is being made to train and
equip Iraqi security forces, and that will determine the force
configuration, as well. And we are committed to accelerating that process
for training and equipping Iraqi security forces and making sure that
they're ready to defend the country.

But in terms of setting timetables, I think the President has previously
talked about timetables send the wrong message to the terrorists, because
all terrorists have to do is wait, and then they can plan and coordinate
and prepare attacks around those timetables. The timetable is based on
completing the mission, and part of completing the mission is training and
equipping Iraqi security forces and making sure that they have the command
structure so that they're fully ready to defend their country.

Q Even without a timetable, though, Democrats are calling for an exit
strategy. Is the President prepared --

MR. McCLELLAN: I think the President has made it clear -- and it's
important to -- first of all, we congratulate the Iraqi people in
yesterday's election. It was an historic day. The election is a victory for
the Iraqi people. It's a significant step forward for freedom and it is a
defeat for the terrorists and their ideology. It marks a turning point in
Iraq's history and a great advance toward a brighter future for all Iraqis,
one that stands in stark contrast to the brutality and oppression of the
past. The election also represents a body blow to the terrorists and their
ideology of hatred and oppression. And we must continue to do everything we
can to support them moving forward.

That means completing the mission. And the mission is to help put Iraq on a
path to a democratic future, and make sure that they have the security
forces to defend themselves and to defeat the terrorists themselves. That's
what we will continue to do. But we will be there. And it's important for
the Iraqi people to know -- we will be there to help them as they move
forward on putting in place the institutions for democracy to emerge --
full democracy to emerge, and as they move forward on the upcoming
elections for the constitution, as well as the permanent representative
government. And we will do our part to make sure that their security forces
are trained and equipped and ready to defend the country.

Q So you don't want to talk about exit strategies.

MR. McCLELLAN: We want to talk about the importance of completing the
mission and helping the Iraqi people build a brighter future. That's where
our focus should be. The mission is, as I stated, to put Iraq on a path to
democracy, and in a position to be able to defend themselves. And then our
troops can return home with honor. Our troops are serving and sacrificing
for an important cause, and I think our troops on the ground saw what a
hopeful day yesterday was for the Iraqi people. We commend our troops and
coalition forces for all that they are doing, and we mourn those who have
sacrificed for this important moment in Iraq's history, and for this
important moment in the future of the Middle East, as well as the future of
the world.

Q Scott, millions of Iraqis have been freed from the tyranny of the
dictator rule of Saddam Hussein. But there are millions more across the
Middle East and in Burma and in North Korea, China, and also in Pakistan
who are waiting to be rescued and to have similar elections, free and fair.
What President spoke during inaugural address about tyranny and freedom --
end of tyranny and freedom for the world. Do you think he will go after
these nations, including Iran and all that, to have free and fair

MR. McCLELLAN: What you saw take place yesterday in Iraq demonstrates that
freedom is a universal value. The President believes very strongly that all
people desire to live freely. And you saw a symbol of that desire for
freedom when the Iraqi voters would hold up their fingers with the purple,
ink-stained -- purple ink stain on their fingers, and talk about what a
powerful moment yesterday was for their future, and what a significant step
away from the past it was. And we stand with all those in the world who
seek greater freedom, and we will always stand with those who seek greater
freedoms. The President made that very clear in his inaugural address.

His goal that he set out in that inaugural address was to end tyranny,
because free nations are peaceful nations and it will make the world a more
peaceful place and a better place. It'll make America more secure. This is
a generational commitment. Circumstances will vary -- progress will vary
from place to place and different approaches will be required for different
circumstances across the world. But the President made it very clear we
stand with those who seek freedom, because it goes straight to the heart of
achieving peace in the world.

Q Scott, when this becomes a permanently democratically elected government,
obviously it's free to make decisions -- everything from, you know,
requesting that our troops withdraw to other matters. But we're still going
to have a lot of influence on Iraq. We have troops on the ground securing
the country. We have billions of dollars of reconstruction aid. So what's
the President's priority when it comes to helping to shape a new government
in the future?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, that would -- in terms of shaping the new government,
that's going to be determined by the Iraqi people, just like it was
yesterday. Now you'll have that assembly come --

Q We're not going to be that hands-off. We have influence over all kinds of
democratically elected governments. What kind of influence does he want to
wield over this government and the path that it follows?

MR. McCLELLAN: Democracy and freedom is about allowing people to make those
choices and having the say over what the makeup will be. The President made
it very clear in his inaugural address that we're not talking about
imposing our standards or our values, that more often than not, the
democracy that takes shape in countries around the world is going to be
based on their own traditions and their own cultures, and I think you're
seeing that in Iraq, as well. I think you will continue to see that going

So it's a matter of supporting the Iraqi people as they put those
institutions in place and as they determine the shape of their government.
And that's what we'll continue to do.

Q But it just seems fanciful that we're not going to apply some pressure in
areas that we care about.

MR. McCLELLAN: What areas are you talking about?

Q Well, you tell me. I mean, the President has talked about this before.
They're going to write a constitution, you know, weapons of mass
destruction or making sure it's a pluralistic government, a representative
government. I mean, there are pressure points that this President can
apply, just as he's applied in the past two weeks, calling every other day
to say, don't get wobbly on us, have those elections on time.

So I'm trying to get at what role the United States wants to play here as
they -- as the Iraqis build their government.

MR. McCLELLAN: We'll continue to make our views known about the values that
should guide people as they move forward to put those institutions in
place. I think the Iraqi people made it known through their interim
government when they adopted the transitional law to be in place until that
constitution is adopted by the Iraqi people.

But it's up to the Iraqi leaders who were elected yesterday by the Iraqi
people to determine the specific makeup of that constitution. But I think
that they've made it very clear that there are certain values that we all
adhere to that are part of a fully functioning democracy. Rule of law, I
think you mentioned that in your comments a minute ago; the respect and
protection of minority rights, things of that nature. Those are important.

Q Just one more, if I can just follow. Senator Kerry, you may have seen,
speculated that this government may be in private conversations with Iraqi
leaders, encouraging them to ask the United States to withdraw troops
pretty quickly. Is that -- any truth to that?

MR. McCLELLAN: I don't know what he was referring to. I didn't see what he
had to say yesterday.

Q Scott, can you talk about the President's decision to call Saudi Arabia,
Egypt and Jordan's leaders first, the countries that have been perceived to
be either skeptical or reluctant to embrace democratic reforms? And what
sort of message was conveyed to Mr. Chirac and Mr. Schrder today, who have
obviously been skeptical about administration policy there? Is there
something we should derive from these calls going first to those leaders?

MR. McCLELLAN: First of all, a good portion of the calls yesterday was
focused on the Palestinian and Israeli conflict and how we move forward to
bring about the President's two-state vision. And there was a lot of
discussion about the importance of supporting Palestinian leaders, and the
Palestinian people, as they move forward to put in place the institutions
necessary for a democratic state to emerge. You have a conference coming up
in London. Secretary Rice will be attending that conference when she
travels to Europe and then the Middle East, following that.

And it's important that we all do everything we can to support these
leaders who have shown a commitment to helping make the aspirations of the
Palestinian people a reality, and helping to bring about the President's
two-state vision. And so there was a lot of discussion about that. And
sometimes these calls are coordinated in what's mutually beneficial for
both leaders to conduct these calls.

Q But I guess, more directly, is there --

MR. McCLELLAN: But it's also -- and keep in mind, in Iraq, these are
neighbors of Iraq. And they are influential leaders in the region, as well.
And I think that, generally speaking, you've seen a number of leaders of
those Arab nations talk about the importance of supporting the Iraqi people
as they move forward to build a future of their choosing. And so we
appreciate that. It's important to continue to talk about how we can build
on the success of yesterday's elections. And that's what we will continue
to do with all those leaders. Everybody has responsibilities to help Iraq
as they move forward, and to help the Palestinian people as they move

Go ahead, April.

Q Scott, there's been talk about the elections in Iraq. Let's talk about
elections here. The Congressional Black Caucus met with the President last
week and they said that they asked the President -- one congressman, in the
last question to the President, asked him about the renewal of the portion
of the Voting Rights Act that's up in 2007. The President said, I don't
want to speak on that, because I don't know that much about it at this
time. The President was asked that in 2000 and he was asked that in this
last meeting. And many of these people on the Congressional Black Caucus
want to know where he stands as far as minorities and voting in this
country, and is he for renewing that portion of the Voting Rights Act
that's up in 2007.

MR. McCLELLAN: The President is firmly committed to protecting the voting
rights of all Americans. And it's my understanding that what you're
referring to, when it comes to protecting minority voting rights, that
section of the law -- and that's not up for re-authorization -- those
rights are going to be protected and continue. There is another section of
the Voting Rights Act that is up for re-authorization, and that's in 2006.
I think it was a question asked at the very end of the Congressional Black
Caucus meeting that the President held here in the Cabinet Room. He was
pleased to have them come here and talk about ways we can work together, as
well as to listen to some of the agenda items that are at the top of their
list. They had a very good discussion. The President wants to continue to
look for ways we can work together. And in terms of the re-authorization of
that section of the Voting Rights Act, the President said that he would
take a look at it and take into consideration the concerns tha

Q This is a two-fold question. One, the President brought together a group
of people to study, to reform the elections process in this country. And
some people are also saying it's somewhat hypocritical -- you're talking
about democracy in another country, and the success of elections there, but
yet you have a faltered system here.

MR. McCLELLAN: We have a what system here?

Q Faltered system here, where minorities go to the polls, they're
intimidated, or votes have to be recounted and recounted, like in Ohio --

MR. McCLELLAN: I think our system is a model for democracy around the
world. There are still ways we can -- there are still steps we can take to
improve our system, and the President has done that in certain ways, too.

Q Scott, just to follow Terry's question on these phone calls, particularly
with President Mubarak and with Crown Prince Abdallah. Did the President
use the opportunity of these phone calls on top of a open election that is
unlike any you've ever seen in recent times, in either Egypt or Saudi
Arabia, to press his case that they, too, should open themselves to
competitive elections? Terry mentioned the possibility of a coming election
in Egypt. Did the President, for example, use this as a moment to suggest
that maybe more than one candidate would be an interesting innovation on
the ballot?

MR. McCLELLAN: A couple of things. The President makes his views well
known, both in public as well as in private with leaders. And he made his
views known again last week. I think it was maybe you or Peter that asked
the question where he talked about those views, as well, in his press

Q Did he make them known in this phone call?

MR. McCLELLAN: I know, I'm coming to the call. In terms of these calls,
these were brief conversations. I think the calls were all less than five
minutes, except for Crown Prince Abdallah, because of the translation. So
these were brief calls that focused on the Iraqi election and spent a good
bit of the time talking about how to help the Palestinian leadership move
forward on putting institutions in place in the Palestinian areas. So I'm
not aware that that came up. I can double-check that, though.

Q If you could, it would just --

MR. McCLELLAN: Sure, I would be glad to.

Tom, you had something.

Q A federal judge ruled that the tribunals of terror prisoners in
Guantanamo are unconstitutional. Any reaction to that?

MR. McCLELLAN: First of all, there was another federal court that ruled
opposite of this latest ruling. And, secondly, we respectfully disagree
with the decision. The Department of Justice will be looking at what the
appropriate next steps are to take in this matter, so they'll be reviewing
the matter.

Q Which federal court upheld them?

MR. McCLELLAN: I'm sorry?

Q Do you know which federal court --

MR. McCLELLAN: No, I don't have that. I don't know --

Q It was the same court, but doesn't this raise some new issues that you
have to deal with?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, the Justice Department will review the matter. But
like I said, there have been differing views expressed by federal courts,
and so they will review this latest decision and they'll have more to say
about it, I'm sure, today.

Q Scott, does the President view the apparent success of these elections as
a catalyst to improving relations with traditional allies like Germany and
France and Russia?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, I think all those nations that you mentioned have
focused on ways we can move forward to support the Iraqi people. I think
you have strong statements coming out of each of those countries talking
about how yesterday's historic vote was an important step forward for the
Iraqi people. And so I think we've all been focusing on how we can move
forward together to support the Iraqi people. That's what we'll continue to

And it was a successful election yesterday, but there are more steps to
help the Iraqi people build a fully democratic nation, and we all need to
do what we can to support them in those efforts. And we all need to do what
we can to defeat the terrorists who seek to turn back to the past.

Q Does the President see that as helping his relationship with those

MR. McCLELLAN: See what, the election?

Q Yes.

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, I think we have good relations with each of those
countries. There were some differences expressed over Iraq; those are well
known. But everybody has been focusing on how we can work together. And the
President is intent on continuing to reach out to these countries to focus
on our common challenges. And right at the top of the list is supporting
the advance of freedom in the world to make the world a more peaceful
place, and working together to support the Iraqi people and working
together to support the Palestinian people.

Q On at least one occasion last year, you stated the administration's
support for ratification of the Treaty of the Law of the Sea. Dr. Rice, in
her confirmation hearings, underscored support for ratification. When it
was in the White House, the Reagan administration killed the treaty, and
several officials, alumni of that administration, still speak out against
it. What has caused this administration to change the attitude that the
Reagan administration had, and support ratification of the treaty?

MR. McCLELLAN: I think we put out some information on that when the
President announced, I believe, a committee to look at these matters and
work to address these issues. I really don't have any further updates for
it right now. I'll be glad to take a look at it, though, John, and we can
get back to you.

Q Thank you.

Q You mentioned in the calls the President talked about the whole
Palestinian situation. Can you talk a little bit about why he's so focused
on that now, on the day after --

MR. McCLELLAN: -- why he's focused now? He's been focused all along.

Q I know. Specifically on the Palestinians. I mean, why are they talking
about that?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, he's been focused all along. First of all, like I
said, you have a conference coming up in London very soon here, that
Secretary Rice will be attending -- still getting use to saying "Secretary"
Rice -- and this is a -- not only was it a hopeful moment in Iraq
yesterday, but we're in a hopeful period in the Middle East, as well. There
are a lot of encouraging steps taking place. You have ongoing discussions
between Israeli and Palestinian leaders about how they can address issues
and move forward on the road map. The Palestinian leadership is deploying
security forces to stop attacks against Israel in the Gaza Strip and in the
West Bank. And Israel views that as very productive. Israel also has
obligations to take, and they've worked to increase the movement of people
in the region so that they can move about more freely and hold elections
and so forth.

And so this is a very hopeful period and an historic opportunity that we
need to seize. And now is the time to do that. The President wants to see
continued progress in the region, and his commitment is evident by the fact
that he is sending Secretary Rice to attend the London conference. The
London conference will focus on developing a strategy to help the Iraqi --
I mean, help the Palestinian people put the institutions in place necessary
for a democratic state to emerge.

Q Why is it --

MR. McCLELLAN: I'm coming to you. Go ahead, Mark.

Q Quickly, on Social Security and the State of the Union speech -- we're, I
guess, now on the 13th draft, you said. How specific is the President going
to get on Social Security? Will he, for example, say how he's going to pay
for what he's proposing?

MR. McCLELLAN: I think he will talk in certainly greater detail than he has
previously on Social Security. And I think you can expect that a good
portion of his State of the Union address will talk about the need to save
and strengthen Social Security for our children and grandchildren. Now, the
President has made it very clear that if you're currently retired or near
retirement, nothing is going to change. The system stays the same.

This is about fixing a problem that faces younger Americans and future
generations. And we need to act on this opportunity that's before us,
because it only gets worse over time. And so the President will talk some
about the problem facing Social Security and the challenge we face, and the
need to act on it. And I think you will also hear him talk in a more
specific way about some of the way forward to finding solutions to
strengthen it. But I don't -- we're going to have a little bit more of a
preview tomorrow on the State of the Union, but I don't want to go further
than that at this point. He continues to work on it, he's participating in
some speech preparation right now. He's got another session later today, as

Q You can't even tell us whether he is going to say how he will pay the
costs for what he has already outlined?

MR. McCLELLAN: You will hear directly from him, and we'll be glad to talk
about it more on Wednesday.

Q In the conversation with the leaders of Britain, France and Germany -- I
realize these were all under five minutes -- did they discuss Iran at all?
And building on Carl's question, he's spoken to a very specific list of
world leaders here. Are there plans for other calls linked to the Iraq
election, say, Putin or Hu Jintao?

MR. McCLELLAN: There could well be additional calls, and we'll keep you
posted of those calls as they happen. In terms of the calls this morning,
those focused on Iraq and the Middle East. I'm not aware that there was any
discussion of Iran. Obviously, we appreciate their efforts to resolve that
in a diplomatic manner.

Q In his conversations with these foreign leaders yesterday and today, did
the President discuss increasing the role of their countries in the
reconstruction that's ongoing in Iraq?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, I think we've made it very clear that -- I think we
talked about this a little bit earlier in the briefing, but we've made it
very clear that we continue to encourage all countries to participate in
whatever way they can. There are a number of different ways countries can
participate. They can help with the reconstruction. A number of countries
have helped by putting forces on the ground. And those forces have served
and made sacrifices to make yesterday possible, and to make a democratic
future a reality for the Iraqi people, just like our forces are doing and
have done. We're greatly appreciative for all the contributions made by the
international community.

Q Why has the President had so much to say about democracy and voting
rights in Iraq and absolutely nothing to say about voting rights and
democracy in the District of Columbia, the capital of the nation in which
he serves as President? And isn't it at least a contradiction, and at most,
unbelievably hypocritical, that he's for democracy in Iraq but he is not
for democracy right here in the nation's capital?

MR. McCLELLAN: I think his views have been well known on the District of
Columbia. And I think he's stated the reasons why the District was created,
and his views are well known. There's nothing to really add to it.

Q If I could follow up. So the President is for the residents of Baghdad to
have representation in their national assembly, but the residents of the
nation's capital not to have representation in our national --

MR. McCLELLAN: His views are well known and, no, I don't draw the same
contrast that you are trying to draw.

Q Why don't you draw -- what's the difference?

MR. McCLELLAN: I've stated our reasons on Iraq, and I've stated -- and the
President has stated his reasons on the District of Columbia. And there's
nothing to add to it.

Q Two quick -- follow-up on Israel and the Palestinians. Does the White
House still support the removal of Jewish settlers from Gaza? And is there
concern about the Hamas victory among the Palestinians?

MR. McCLELLAN: You're talking about Prime Minister Sharon's plan for

Q Yes.

MR. McCLELLAN: Yes, we've made it very clear that that's what is one of the
reasons we have a historic opportunity before us to move forward and
achieve the President's two-state vision that he outlined back in 2002. And
it's important for Palestinian leaders to continue seizing this moment as
well, and putting place the institutions necessary so that they can have
responsibility over those areas and build a democratic state.

Q What about Hamas -- the Hamas victory?

MR. McCLELLAN: I think that the State Department expressed our views very
clearly in terms of Hamas, and our views about Hamas. They have not
changed. Those views remain the same. And it's important that we continue
to move forward -- or it's important that all parties in the region
continue to move forward to end the violence and to dismantle terrorist
organizations. You've seen a commitment from President Abbas that he is
taking steps to address some of the violence that has occurred. He's also
been talking about cease-fire agreements. And a cease-fire can help end the
violence but, ultimately, we need to dismantle those terrorist
organizations that exist.

Q All this talk about an exit strategy from Iraq begs the question of
whether the United States has an exit strategy from other democracies that
we've set up around the world. Germany comes to mind, South Korea, Japan,
Italy. And I'm wondering -- we have far many more troops deployed around
the world in these countries than we do in Iraq. What you think is
motivating --

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, the Department of Defense is --

Q -- this idea that we're trying to rip everybody out of Iraq?

MR. McCLELLAN: The Department of Defense is continuing to move forward on
our force posture review and how our -- the configuration of our forces
will be around the world to address the threats of the 21st century. But
you bring up a very important point. We've seen that the elections in Iraq
build upon other recent successful elections in places like Afghanistan and
the Palestinian Territories. Freedom is on the march in the world, and we
want to do everything we can to continue to support that march of freedom
because it means a more peaceful world and a more secure America.

Q On Friday, the GDP report came out a little bit lower than expected. You
know, clearly one of the problems the economy is having is high oil prices.
Over the weekend, OPEC said consuming nations ought to get used to
$50-a-barrel oil. Does the -- what's your reaction to that statement? And
is the President calling anybody, for instance, the Saudis, and asking them
if perhaps they should rethink this strategy of high oil prices?

MR. McCLELLAN: You might check with some other agencies -- I will, as well
-- to see if there are any further updates. But we make our views very
clearly [sic] all the time when it comes to actions by OPEC and other
non-OPEC nations -- nations and the actions that they take regarding oil
supplies. And in terms of GDP, I would point out that for 2004 we saw
strong, sustained growth of around 4.4 percent. This morning we saw a
significant increase in personal income. The policies that the President
has advocated and implemented are working to get our economy growing
stronger. And we must continue to build upon those policies. The President,
I'm sure, will talk more about it, how we can do that, in his State of the
Union address that he looks forward to giving.

Q Just a follow-up. Is it your viewpoint that $50-a-barrel oil is too high?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, I think we've made our views very clear. And I think
some OPEC and non-OPEC leaders have made their views clear, as well, about
where they'd like to see that. But we don't comment on specific OPEC
actions per se. But we believe it's always important that they act in a way
that continues to further economic growth and allows there to be
affordable, abundant supplies of energy available.

Q Thank you.

MR. McCLELLAN: Thank you.

END 1:16 P.M. EST

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