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Skriven 2006-12-15 23:31:10 av Whitehouse Press (1:3634/12.0)
Ärende: Press Release (0612157) for Fri, 2006 Dec 15

President Attends Armed Forces Full Honor Review for Secretary Rumsfeld

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
December 15, 2006

President Attends Armed Forces Full Honor Review for Secretary Rumsfeld
The Pentagon

˙˙˙˙˙ In Focus: Defense

1:50 P.M. EST

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. Thank you very much, Mr. Secretary and Joyce.
Mr. Vice President, thank you for your kind words. Lynne and Senator
Warner, Deputy Secretary England, Secretary Harvey, Winter, Wynne, General
Pace, members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, distinguished guests, men and
women of the armed forces.

I'm pleased to join you as we pay tribute to one of America's most skilled,
energetic and dedicated public servants, the Secretary of Defense, Donald

Don Rumsfeld has been at my side from the moment I took office. We've been
through war together. We have shared some of the most challenging moments
in our nation's history. Over the past six years, I have come to appreciate
Don Rumsfeld's professionalism, his dedication, his strategic vision, his
deep devotion to the men and women of our nation who wear the uniform, and
his love for the United States of America.

That devotion began at an early age, inspired by a man in uniform he called
"dad." His father, George, was 37 when America was attacked at Pearl
Harbor. Too old to be drafted, he volunteered for service in the United
States Navy. One of Don's earliest memories is of standing on the hangar
deck of his dad's aircraft carrier, the USS Hollandia, at the age of 11. He
was taking in the sights and sounds of the ship as it prepared to leave for
the Pacific War.

His father's example stayed with him, and after graduating from Princeton,
Don Rumsfeld joined the United States Navy, rising to become a pilot, a
flight instructor and a member of the Naval Reserve for nearly 20 years.

In the decades since he first put on the uniform, Don Rumsfeld has served
with distinction in many important positions: Congressman, Counselor to the
President, Ambassador to NATO, White House Chief of Staff, Secretary of
Defense. Yet, to this day, the title that has brought him his greatest
pride is "dad," and now, "grandad." And so today, as we honor a fine man,
we also honor his family, Joyce Rumsfeld and his children. (Applause.)

Don Rumsfeld is the only man to have served as Secretary of Defense for two
Presidents in two different centuries. (Laughter.) In 2001, I called him
back to the same job he held under President Gerald Ford, and I gave him
this urgent mission: Prepare our nation's armed forces for the threats of a
new century.

Don Rumsfeld brought vision and enthusiasm to this vital task. He
understood that the peace of the post-Cold War years was really the calm
before the next storm, and that America needed to prepare for the day when
new enemies would attack our nation in unprecedented ways. That day came on
a clear September morning. And in a moment of crisis, our nation saw Donald
Rumsfeld's character and courage.

When the Pentagon was hit, Secretary Rumsfeld's first instinct was to run
toward danger. He raced down smoke-filled hallways to the crash site, so he
could help rescue workers pull the victims from the rubble. And in the
weeks that followed, he directed the effort to plan our nation's military
response to the deadliest terrorist attack in our nation's history.

Under Secretary Rumsfeld's leadership, U.S. and coalition forces launched
one of the most innovative military campaigns in the history of modern
warfare, sending Special Operations forces into Afghanistan to link up with
anti-Taliban fighters, to ride with them on horseback, and to launch a
stunning assault against the enemy. In Operation Enduring Freedom we
combined the most advanced laser-guided weapons with one of the oldest
tools in the military arsenal -- a man with a weapon on a horse.

History will record that the first major ground battle in the 21st century
involving American forces began with a cavalry charge. I guess that's what
you get when you bring together a President from Texas with a Secretary of
Defense who actually remembers when America had a cavalry. (Laughter and

In 2003, on my orders, Secretary Rumsfeld led the planning and execution of
another historic military campaign, Operation Iraqi Freedom. In this
operation, coalition forces drove Saddam Hussein from power in 21 days. And
in the years that followed, Don Rumsfeld helped see the Iraqi people
through the resumption of sovereignty, two elections, a referendum to
approve the most progressive constitution in the Middle East, and the
seating of a newly elected government.

On his watch, the United States military helped the Iraqi people establish
a constitutional democracy in the heart of the Middle East, a watershed
event in the story of freedom.

As he met the challenges of fighting a new and unfamiliar war, Don Rumsfeld
kept his eyes on the horizon and on the threats that still await us as this
new century unfolds.

He developed a new defense strategy and a new command structure for our
nation's armed forces, with a new northern command to protect the homeland,
a new joint forces command to focus on transformation, a new strategic
command to defend against long range attacks, and a transformed U.S.
Special Operations command ready to take the lead in the global war on

He launched the most significant transformation of the Army in a
generation. He led my administration's efforts to transform the NATO
Alliance, with a new NATO response force ready to deploy quickly anywhere
in the world. On his watch, NATO sent its forces to defend a young
democracy in Afghanistan, more than 3000 miles from Europe. It was the
first time NATO has deployed outside the North Atlantic area in the history
of the Alliance.

He helped launch the Proliferation Security Initiative, an unprecedented
coalition of more than 80 nations working together to stop shipments of
weapons of mass destruction on land, at sea and in the air.

He undertook the most sweeping transformation of America's global defense
posture since the start of the Cold War, repositioning our forces so they
can surge quickly to deal with unexpected threats, and setting the stage
for our global military presence for the next 50 years.

He took ballistic missile defense from theory to reality. And because of
his leadership, America now has an initial capability to track a ballistic
missile headed for our country and destroy it before it harms our people.

Most importantly, he worked to establish a culture in the Pentagon that
rewards innovation and intelligent risk taking, and encourages our military
and civilian leaders to challenge established ways of thinking.

The record of Don Rumsfeld's tenure is clear. There have been more profound
change -- there has been more profound change at the Department of Defense
over the past six years than at any time since the Department's creation in
the late 1940s. (Applause.)

And these changes were not easy, but because of Don Rumsfeld's
determination and leadership, America has the best equipped, the best
trained, and most experienced armed forces in the history of the world. All
in all, not bad for a fellow who calls himself a "broken-down ex-Navy
pilot." This man knows how to lead, and he did, and the country is better
off for it. (Applause.)

In every decision Don Rumsfeld made over the past six years, he always put
the troops first, and the troops in the field knew it. A few years ago, the
editors at Time Magazine came to his Pentagon office, and Don correctly
suspected they were thinking of naming him "Person of the Year." Without
hesitation, Don Rumsfeld told them, don't give it to me. Give it to our men
and women in uniform -- and that's exactly what Time Magazine did.

Don Rumsfeld's selfless leadership earned him the admiration of our
soldiers and sailors and airmen and Marines. And we saw how they feel about
him this week when he paid a farewell visit to our troops in Iraq.

Don Rumsfeld's strong leadership has earned him my admiration and deep
respect. We stood together in hours of decision that would affect the
course of our history. We walked amid the rubble of the broken Pentagon the
day after September the 11th, 2001. He was with me when we planned the
liberation of Afghanistan. We were in the Oval Office together the day I
gave the order to remove Saddam Hussein from power.

In these and countless other moments, I have seen Don Rumsfeld's character
and his integrity. He always ensured I had the best possible advice, the
opportunity to hear and weigh conflicting points of view. He spoke
straight. It was easy to understand him. He has a sharp intellect, a steady
demeanor, and boundless energy. He began every day at the Pentagon with a
singular mission -- to serve his country and the men and women who defend

Mr. Secretary, today your country thanks you for six outstanding years at
the Department of Defense. And I thank you for your sacrifice and your
service and your devotion to the men and women of our armed forces.

I want to thank Joyce for her poise and her grace and for the example she
has set for our nation's military families. Laura and I will miss you both,
and we wish you all the best in the years to come.

And now, ladies and gentlemen, I bring to this podium America's 21st
Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld. (Applause.)

SECRETARY RUMSFELD: Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you so much.

Mr. President, Mr. Vice President, I thank you so much for joining us, and
I thank you for those generous words, and for your support these many

Chairman Pace, thank you for your sound advice and for your unfailing good
humor through enormously challenging times.

Deputy Secretary Gordon England, you've been a valued partner in this
mission, and I thank you so much. You make a difference here every single
day. Thank you, Gordon. (Applause.)

Service Secretaries, members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, combatant
commanders -- I saw my friend, former Chairman General Dick Myers, down
here in the front row. Dick, it's always good to see you. Chairman Warner,
members of Congress, ladies and gentlemen, thank you all. And all of those
gathered, military and civilian, who make this great Department what it is,
thank you so much for what you do for our country.

As I look back over these past six years and reflect on what's been
achieved, I feel a sense of gratitude -- gratitude to Joyce, to be sure,
and our three wonderful children and seven grandchildren, we have been
together in this every minute; gratitude to the hundreds of thousands of
people in this Department who, out of love of country, contribute so much;
and gratitude to all those amazing young people who volunteer and step
forward and proudly wear our nation's uniforms.

Last weekend I was in Iraq. I wanted to personally express my heartfelt
appreciation to the troops for their service and for their sacrifice. I
wanted to leave them a sense of what they have given me: pride in mission,
and an abiding confidence in our country. It has been the highest honor of
my life to serve with them, these makers of history.

Mr. President, over the past six years, at your request, as you pointed
out, this Department has been determined to create a new framework to
better defend against the irregular threats of this new era. These folks
have had to depart from the conventional and the familiar, to wrestle with
the new and the unfamiliar. And they do it with no guidebook, with no road
map, and they do it in full view of the Congress and the press and the
world, with generous scrutiny from all sides. (Laughter.)

Today I'll break with convention one more time, and instead of the
traditional farewell remarks on past achievements, I will focus squarely on
the future. I say this with the perspective of one, as the President
indicated, who's had the opportunity to lead this Department in two
different eras, in two different world conflicts, for two different
Presidents -- and, yes, it's true, in two different centuries.

When I last departed this post in 1977, I left cautioning that weakness is
provocative, that weakness inevitably entices aggressors into acts that
they would otherwise avoid. Then, our country was engaged in a long
struggle -- a struggle of uncertain duration against, what seemed at the
time, as an ascendant ideology, and clearly an expanding empire.

Few would have believed that 15 years later, the Soviet Union would cease
to exist, or that the dissidents then trapped behind the Iron Curtain would
lead people out of the dustbin of history and into the family of free
nations, which they did. That history did not happen by accident. And it
most assuredly was not made by people sitting safely on the sidelines. It
occurred only because America and our allies withstood the tough times, the
bitter disagreements, and they stayed at the task with conviction that our
security was linked to the defense and the advance of human freedom.

This is what history asks of us today. And as I leave the Pentagon for the
second -- and I suspect the odds are, the last time -- (laughter) -- I do
feel a sense of urgency about the very real challenges ahead. As the
President noted seven years ago, he said, we're living in an era of
barbarism emboldened by technology. We live a time when our enemies mix an
extremist ideology with modern weaponry, and they have the ability to kill
thousands, indeed even hundreds of thousands of our people in a single,
swift, deadly stroke. We forget that at our peril.

A number of us came here in 2001 with that mission and mandate to prepare
this defense establishment to protect the American people from the
unconventional and the irregular threats. That mission was given powerful
impetus that bright September morning when that mighty building just a few
yards away shook, burned, and smoked -- and 125 members of our Pentagon
team did not come home.

The attacks of September 11th awakened Americans to the global extremist
movement; a movement with networks in nations all around the world, even
our own; a movement with tens of thousands of adherents who believe it is
their calling to kill Americans and other free people. Ours is a world of
unstable dictators, weapon proliferators and rogue regimes. And each of
these enemies seeks out our vulnerabilities. And as free people, we have

Ours is also a world of many friends and allies -- but sadly,
realistically, friends and allies with declining defense investment and
declining capabilities -- and I would add, as a result, with increasing
vulnerabilities -- all of which requires that the United States of America
invest more.

Today, it should be clear that not only is weakness provocative, but the
perception of weakness on our part can be provocative, as well. A
conclusion by our enemies that the United States lacks the will or the
resolve to carry out missions that demand sacrifice and demand patience is
every bit as dangerous as an imbalance of conventional military power.

This is a time of great consequence. Our task is to make the right
decisions today so that future generations will not have to make much
harder decisions tomorrow. It may well be comforting to some to consider
graceful exits from the agonies and, indeed, the ugliness of combat. But
the enemy thinks differently.

Under the President's leadership, this country made a decision to confront
the extremist ideology of hatred that spawned a worldwide movement, and to
take the fight to the enemy. The alternative was inaction and defense, a
pattern that history has shown only emboldens the enemy.

Our country has taken on a bracing and difficult task -- but let there be
no doubt, it is neither hopeless, nor without purpose. Leadership is not
about doing what's easy. It's about doing what's right, even when it's hard
-- especially when it's hard. President Lincoln once said, "Determine the
thing that can and shall be done, and then we shall find the way to do it."

That remains true today. We're in what will be a long struggle. It's new,
it's complex, and even after five years, it's still somewhat unfamiliar.
That we have been successful -- I would add, fortunate -- to have suffered
not one single attack here at home since September 11, 2001, has
contributed to a misperception in some quarters that the threat is gone. It
is not.

As I leave, I do feel urgency, but I also feel optimism. I know that the
American people can summon the same grit that helped our founders forge
from a wilderness a new frontier. I know it because I've seen it over my
own lifetime. It's the same steel that sent our fathers and grandfathers
across oceans to defend free nations from tyrants; that same grit that gave
the Americans to endure 40 years of a Cold War under the specter of nuclear

So it is with confidence that I say that America's enemies should not
confuse the American people's distaste of war, which is real, and which is
understandable, with a reluctance to defend our way of life. Enemy after
enemy in our history have made that mistake to their regret.

To those in uniform here and abroad who proudly serve, always remember that
America's example is a message of hope for hundreds of millions of people
all across the globe. America is not what's wrong with this world. Ours is
a message that was heard and fought for in places like Berlin, Prague,
Riga, Tokyo, Seoul, San Salvador, Vilnius and Warsaw. And that message is
even now being whispered in the coffeehouses and the streets of Damascus
and Tehran and Pyongyang. The great sweep of human history is for freedom.
And America is on freedom's side.

As I end my time here, some ask, what will I remember. Well, I will
remember all those courageous folks that I have met deployed in the field;
those in the military hospitals that we visited; and I will remember the
fallen, and I will particularly remember their families from whom I have
drawn inspiration. And I will remember how fortunate I have been to know
you, to work with you, to have been inspired by your courage, and by your
love of country. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

God bless you. (Applause.)

END 2:16 P.M. EST

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