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Skriven 2007-01-16 23:31:08 av Whitehouse Press (1:3634/12.0)
Ärende: Press Release (0701166) for Tue, 2007 Jan 16

Press Briefing by Tony Snow

For Immediate Release
January 16, 2007

Press Briefing by Tony Snow
White House Conference Center Briefing Room

Press Briefing

12:11 P.M. EST

MR. SNOW: All right, lacking anything new, we'll go straight to questions.

Q Russia's Defense Minister says Moscow has sent air defense missiles to
Iran, and that if Iran wants to buy more, they'd be happy to take care of
them. Do we have any objections to this?

MR. SNOW: I don't know where that report -- I'll get you some detail on it.
I'm unaware.

Q Has the administration been in contact with Prime Minister Maliki since
the speech?

MR. SNOW: Well, yes. I mean, the Ambassador has spoken with him on a
regular basis -- on a number of occasions. Has the President had a direct
conversation? No.

Q Why not?

MR. SNOW: I don't know, he just hasn't. On the other hand, there are
regular conversations, the Prime Minister -- certainly we've communicated
through our Ambassador, which is the standard and normal process. Usually,
as we've pointed out, every couple of weeks the President speaks with the
Prime Minister. Also, a lot of times you just have a schedule matter, which
is trying to carve out time. One of the things that we prefer to do when
possible is by secure video teleconference -- you get a better sense of
intimacy and interaction than on a phone call.

Q Does the Ambassador talk to him once a day?

MR. SNOW: Pretty close. I mean, he talks to him regularly.

Q Here's what I'm wondering -- could you sort of address this sense that's
hanging out there that perhaps the Iraqis and Prime Minister Maliki are not
on board as supporting the President's plan in the way that you would need
to have a productive partnership?

MR. SNOW: I just don't think -- yes, I'd be happy to address that, because
I think -- there was a lot of reporting last week, "why did it take you 48
hours?" And the fact is, the Prime Minister, at a scheduled speech where he
has spoken publicly in support of the plan, the Vice President has spoken
in support of the plan -- the President and Vice President have spoken in
support of the plan. You've got all the key members of the Iraqi government
speaking out in support of it, not merely in terms of building strength and
reinforcing U.S. efforts in Baghdad and Anbar, but also the key ingredients
when it comes to political reconciliation.

It appears, for instance, that there is going to be a cabinet vote quite
soon, maybe this week, on hydrocarbon law. They're working pretty
aggressively and assertively also on other reconciliation efforts,
including revisions to the de-Baathification law and the election law.

But, you know, I don't -- you've had the Prime Minister spokesman, at his
regular meeting last Thursday, speaking in favor of this. So I think what's
happening is he may not be using the formulations that people here would
want, but they've been very supportive.

Q Tony, on the same subject, can you just give a better sense of what
you're watching for? There are no specific dates, they don't have a vote on
this hydrocarbon law at a specific date. So is it just a sense that the
Iraqis are doing their part, that you're watching?

MR. SNOW: No, I think -- what we take a look -- for instance, I've
mentioned maybe the most important part right now is the hydrocarbon law,
because that's one that takes the considerable revenues from oil and
natural gas and distributes them equitably across the country. They're
moving pretty rapidly toward passage of that, and that is enormously
significant because it says to everybody, you've got a financial stake in
the success of this country.

You have also had the Prime Minister and others make it pretty clear that
they support efforts to modify the de-Baathification statute so that people
who are not, in fact, part of Saddam's terror apparatus, but did have Baath
party cards, can be reintegrated into the economy and into the political
structure. And, similarly, at the local level, Sunnis who sat out the prior
election at the local level can, in fact, have an opportunity to have local
representation that is roughly proportional to their population.

So all of those -- those efforts are ongoing. I don't think there's any
sense that the Iraqis, and particularly the government of Prime Minister
Maliki and the council of representatives -- I don't think there's any
sense that they're dragging their feet on these; they're moving pretty

Q I'm not really saying they're dragging their feet, but just, what you're
watching? I mean, do this many number of troops have to be in place by
then, or do they just have to be started - I mean, there's just no date --

MR. SNOW: Well, as you know, there's already movement amongst Iraqi
brigades that are making their way toward Baghdad. So we know that those
are going on.

Rather than trying to say you sort of have to meet this benchmark, yes, you
want to see progress and you want to see it soon, and we're starting to see
signs of that.

Q So it is just sort of a sense that they're moving in the right direction,
and not --

MR. SNOW: It's not merely a sense, it's hard evidence that things are

Q Tony, on the security side, I mean, today you have that terrible bombing
at Baghdad University -- I guess more than 60 killed, 110 wounded. Is the
President satisfied that Maliki is true to his word that he is addressing,
that the troops that are in that area are free to move around, that they
are able to --

MR. SNOW: Yes. Yes, those are rules of engagement. But the other thing
you've got to keep in mind, Suzanne, is that terrorists really do have the
ability to carve out what they would consider a victory with a very
difficult, sometimes, to stop terror bombing if somebody, in fact, is
willing to take their own life so they can kill others, that's a tough
thing to bring down. But the real key is to go after the organizations that
recruit, train, supply, encourage this kind of behavior. And it means going
after them, as you saw last week with the operations on Haifa Street.

Certainly, this government -- that is, the Iraqi government of Prime
Minister Maliki -- has been more aggressive in going after bad actors
within Baghdad. And also, the Prime Minister has made it very clear that if
militias are part of the violence against civilians, they're going to go
after them; if Saddam rejectionist groups are part of the problem, they're
going to go after them. In other words, they need to go after those who are
trying to bring down the government, and also to foment sectarian strife.
They have to do it in an even-handed and aggressive manner.

Q So this is part of what the President referred to as the increase in
violence that he was predicting last week?

MR. SNOW: Well, you know, there's also going to be an increase in violence
when you have direct engagement with forces. That's also part of what's
going on. Because when you go into neighborhoods where some of these people
are dug in, you can expect that they're going to fight back. So that's part
of what the President was telling people to expect, as well.

When you have Iraqi brigades coming in and U.S. battalions then following
in, in support of them, and they're working jointly to go after, district
by district within Baghdad, the problems -- as well as going district by
district to build a sense of confidence, by going door to door and
introducing themselves and that kind of thing -- you can expect when they
run into trouble that, in fact, as I said, the bad guys are going to shoot

Q Is there any reason to doubt this U.N. figure of 34,000 killed in --

MR. SNOW: I don't know. Again, I don't want to get into the position of
trying to quibble with the methodology of a report that we really haven't
had a chance to study. It is clear that the level of violence in Baghdad
and throughout Iraq is not acceptable. It's one of the reasons why the
President has spent a considerable amount of time working for a more
effective way forward, because our attempts during the summer last year
just didn't work.

So I don't think anybody is going to deny the reality of violence within
Baghdad and sectarian violence that was spawned in large part, or ignited
in large part by the Samarra mosque bombing, seemed to gather momentum
through the course of the year. And it is also obvious that the Iraqis are
going to have to take the lead role -- they're the ones who are going to be
able to get that kind of on the ground intelligence, they're going to have
a better feel, neighborhood to neighborhood, of where the danger spots lie.
And it is our approach to build capacity and capability among the Iraqis
not only by training and equipping, but also passing on matters of doctrine
and doing it in real time. But the Iraqis are the ones who are going to be
in the lead of these operations.


Q Tony, is it fair to say the President wants to implement this new plan as
quickly as possible, right?

MR. SNOW: Correct.

Q So what is taking so long to get General Petraeus' paperwork finished,
the --

MR. SNOW: That should be -- well, paperwork sometimes takes time. We think
it's going to get up to the Hill today.

Q You think it's going to get up to the Hill today?

MR. SNOW: I think so.

Q So when do you think General Petraeus will be on the ground in Iraq?

MR. SNOW: Well, we'll find out. As you know, that's -- the President is not
in a position to dictate the calendar to Capitol Hill. But we hope that
Capitol Hill -- and I think we feel confident that the Senate is going to
look at this pretty quickly; they understand how important it is.

Q Okay. The sense in the Senate, this non-binding resolution, perhaps,
that's going to move forward this week -- can you give a White House take
on what that means, if the votes are there, that --

MR. SNOW: Well, look, they're claiming the votes are there. Again, the
question you have to ask yourself is, do you understand what possible
ramifications are? In an age of instant and global communication, what
message does it send to the people who are fighting democracy in Iraq? And,
also, what message does it send to the troops?

But, you know, the House and Senate are going to do whatever they do. What
the President is determined to do is continue moving forward in a way that
creates conditions for success in Iraq, which means an Iraq where the
Iraqis are going to be able to keep the peace themselves, they're going to
have a functioning and effective democratic government that provides
political protections for all, economic opportunities for all, and a reason
for Iraqis to pull together.


Q Can I just follow on that, because in the run-up to the campaign in the
fall, if you were a Democrat who supported troop withdrawal, then you were
branded -- from this podium and by the President -- as basically supporting
terrorists; that if you made that statement, then "the terrorists would win
and the U.S. would lose." That's a direct quote from the President.

Then there's an election where the American people, the President
acknowledges, speak out against the war. Democrats get power, they're
making a move to send a political statement that says we're opposed to this
troop increase. And you're saying now the ramifications of that are is that
it sends a bad signal to the enemy and to our troops.

So what is an appropriate way to dissent?

MR. SNOW: No, I said, you just take a look at what ramifications they may
have. That's all I'm saying. I said that they have to make a calculation. I
don't -- you can go back and look at the transcript, but there's no direct
-- there's --

Q But aren't you suggesting that there's a negative ramification?

MR. SNOW: I'm suggesting that they need to think it through. And it is
certainly appropriate for people to dissent. There's going to be a lot of
dissent, we have acknowledged that all along. And, as a matter of fact,
it's important to debate this and also to debate the proposition if, as
most Democrats who have visited the President and most we've heard from,
want to succeed in Iraq, if you think there's an alternative way to do it,
you can really help your country by putting it forward. Because the
President has invited all points of view, and we understand that in the
process of winning in Iraq you have to have public support, it is helpful
to have political unity and it is essential to have a full and informed
public debate.

Q Just to be clear, do you believe that a non-binding resolution that
opposes a troop increase, does that provide comfort to the enemy?

MR. SNOW: I don't know. I think -- the question again is, does this send a
signal that the United States is divided on the key element of success in
Iraq. And I will let members of Congress express themselves, because I'm
sure they're going to say, no, we're committed to success, and then they
can elucidate on that point.

Q Doesn't the President acknowledge that the country is divided and --

MR. SNOW: The President of course -- yes, absolutely.

Q One final one on this. What role do 2008 politics play in the
maneuverings on both sides in this debate?

MR. SNOW: You know, that's probably better to ask people who may have
aspirations for 2008. I think --

Q You're a seasoned --

MR. SNOW: Yes, I know, I'm a seasoned wise man. (Laughter.) I actually
think it's a little early for 2008 to figure large in this. I think some
people are sort of making statements within their caucuses. But, for
instance, when you're talking about this debate about a resolution, I think
that happens in absence of a 2008 debate. This is something that a lot of
Democrats feel strongly about, including -- and the people who have been in
the forefront of this are not people who are running for President.

I think presidential politics obviously is going to grow larger, in terms
of its influence on the debate, both with Iraq and domestic policy as we
get toward the end of the year and as we really get toward the primary
season. But at this point, I don't think it's a huge factor.


Q To what extent does the President stand before Congress next Tuesday, a
week from tonight, and say to them, you haven't thought this through, a
resolution on Iraq would not be helpful? And what portion of the State of
the Union does he have to address to Iraq?

MR. SNOW: I'll let the President -- you'll hear the State of the Union in a
week. Iraq, certainly, is going to figure into it.

But, look, we are very serious about trying to work with both Houses of
Congress. And so I think the message is, let's figure out how to work
together around the common goal of success. And to say, you know, we are
working here not merely because, you know, Americans certainly want to
succeed, but the costs of failure in Iraq are enormous, they would haunt
not only this, but future generations, they would extract enormous costs,
not only in terms of blood and treasure, but also our possible economic
security in the future. And it is important to acknowledge and figure out
how best to deal with this threat now, before it metastasizes into
something far worse.

Q Democrats have just named someone to do the response next Tuesday night
whose main platform has been against the war. What portion of the address
will -- and where is the President in the preparation? Is he reviewing new
drafts of the --

MR. SNOW: We're in the early draft stage. I mean, there's a whole lot of
stuff still going on. But, Ann, frankly, it's too early to give you any
kind of readout. Let me be honest with you, I'm not going to give you a
whole lot, in terms of percentages and all that, before the President gives
his speech. It's sort of like the way forward speech the other night.
There's a limited amount that I'm going to be able to --

Q -- hundred percent on Iraq?

MR. SNOW: So there's a limited amount I'm going to be able to share with
you, but I'll share with you what I can. But he certainly will be talking
about Iraq, but there are going to be other priorities, obviously, within
the context of a State of the Union speech that he's going to be spending
time on, as well.

Q Tony, there were reports in the Israeli press by Akiva Eldar that between
2004 and 2006 there were back-channel discussions going on between Israel
and Syria, and they were at the point that they had a draft agreement for
the two countries to sign, but pressure from the United States led to the
Israelis backing down from that, and subsequently to the attacks into
Lebanon. If that, indeed, is the case --

MR. SNOW: Wait, you're saying that the failure to talk with Syria led to
the kidnapping of an Israeli soldier, which then produced attacks?

Q No, what I'm saying --

MR. SNOW: I'm just -- well, spell out the causality.

Q What Akiva Eldar is saying is that the Israelis and the Syrians were on
the brink of an agreement to resolve the differences between those two
countries, and that pressure from the United States kept them from actually
moving in that direction.

MR. SNOW: Honestly, I haven't seen the report. It sounds -- I'm a little
dubious about it, but rather than sticking my neck out and trying to be
definitive, give me some time to look into it, and I'll give you a straight
answer. Call me this afternoon.

Q Okay. And, secondly, with regard to the urban legends, everything that's
going on in Iraq, the deployment of two battle groups, allegedly there are
also four submarines in the area, the tougher language being used --

MR. SNOW: You have submarines as part of carrier battle groups.

Q But they're in the area. And you have tougher languages coming from the
Vice President and others with regard to Iran, not so much on the nuclear
program, but with regard to their operations in Iraq. Everything is
indicating to people here in this town that there's something going on --

MR. SNOW: And let me just reiterate what I said from the podium -- we're
not planning --

Q And the protests seem to be like "he doth protest too much," with regard
to what's going on there, that that --

MR. SNOW: How the hell can it be, "he doth protest too much" when I say
it's not true? Do you want me to say, well, it's kind of not true, it's
almost not true, it's sort of, kind of not -- it's not true. I'm trying to
give you a straight and clear answer.

Q We're looking at two things -- one is the words, one are the deeds. And
the words seem to say, no, we're not going to do anything provocative
against Iran, but the deeds are saying something is going on.

MR. SNOW: Two things. When you talk about provocation, the movement toward
the development of a nuclear program with the public pronouncements of
President Ahmadinejad, those are provocative. When you have been traveling
the world and talking about killing large masses of people, that's
provocative. When you have the presence of Iranians on Iraqi soil killing
Americans, that is provocative.

What the United States is doing in Iraq is protecting -- is doing force
protection; we're protecting our people, which is not only what you'd
expect, it's the smart and wise thing to do. But as for the -- your
suspicion, I believe -- I don't want to read anything into it. Do you
suspect that we are planning to invade Iran?

Q I suspect that there is some move to try and create some kind of a
conflict with Iran where the U.S. could move --

MR. SNOW: No. As a matter of fact, the strategy with Iran is --

Q Not only me, I mean --

MR. SNOW: Well, okay, let me reassure you and everybody else: We're not
planning on invading Iran. Instead, the strategy continues to be the use of
diplomacy as a way of putting pressure on the regime in Tehran to do some
things that are going to be very good for it and its people, which are
going to be good economically, they're going to be good in terms of
relations with people in the neighborhood. They offer also reassurance to
the Iranian people that this government has a lot of respect, admiration
and affection for the people of Iran. So those are all things that you need
to keep -- you need to take into account.

When it comes to people on Iraqi soil trying to kill Americans, trying to
move arms that are going to used to kill Americans or innocent Iraqis, it
is a matter of military necessity to confront them and take them on.

Q Tony, do you believe they're making IEDs in Iran, where there are
training camps for people to go into Iraq?

MR. SNOW: That's an intel question that I'm not going to try to answer from

Q Reports from London? Are you going to be able to be categorical about
whether or not the President had been persuaded by Tony Blair to agree to
greenhouse gas emission limits?

MR. SNOW: Look, we'll have a State of the Union address in a week and we'll
lay out our policy on global warming.

Q So that's not the same kind of denial that --

MR. SNOW: That's because -- you're confronting me with another report I
haven't had time to test out.

Q That's the one we were talking about this morning --

MR. SNOW: If you're talking about enforceable carbon caps, in terms of
industry wide and nationwide, we knocked that down. That's not something
we're talking about.

Q Can I just follow up my own question?

MR. SNOW: Yeah, sure.

Q I know you won't talk about intelligence matters, but one would assume
since you're finding IEDs produced in Iran -- in Iraq, that somehow they
were in Iran being produced -- if there are, in fact, IED factories or IEDs
being made there that harm U.S. soldiers, or there are training camps for
people going into Iraq to --

MR. SNOW: As I said --

Q -- why not go after them?

MR. SNOW: As I've -- I'm not going to try to debate the proposition, I'm
just -- I've told you what the policy is.

Q Thank you, Tony. One question with two parts. With regard to your
statement, "border guards must obey the law, too," question, now how have
so many millions of illegal aliens been able to enter our country if the
President and his predecessor were seriously enforcing border and
immigration laws?

MR. SNOW: Well, obviously there was a point where, in fact, it was not
enforced seriously. That's why the President has committed more resources
than anybody in history and has made further commitments about border
security in the future, not only in terms of personnel, but also
technology, and has made a -- and, furthermore, has been far more
aggressive than anybody -- I think you'll agree with this, Les -- in terms
of what we call interior enforcement, going after employers in a way that
nobody else has done before to send a clear message that if you're hiring
illegals and you're doing it all -- if you're hiring illegals, we're going
after you, and especially if you're doing it in a way that you have people
who are here illegally who are also taking jobs that Americans might want
to have.

Q That was a good answer. And I just have one further.

MR. SNOW: Oh boy. (Laughter.)

Q One further. Why do you believe the primary problem with the border and
immigration policy has not been the result of non-enforcement of existing
laws largely by the executive branch of the government?

MR. SNOW: Huh? Run that by me again. So what you're saying is -- in other
words, what you're saying is, immigration is simply a result of not
sufficiently --

Q Of the government, yes.

MR. SNOW: No, I think it's far more complex.

Q Millions of illegal aliens have come in here.

MR. SNOW: You know, yeah. The President not only acknowledged that, but
tried to deal with it. And as far as we can tell, that they'd indicate that
that flow has, in fact, ebbed substantially but not sufficiently in recent
months in response to things we have been doing.


Q Last year in the State of the Union, the President called for an
entitlement reform commission that hasn't been established yet. Today,
there was a bipartisan bill reintroduced that would call not only for
forming entitlements (inaudible). What is the White House view of --

MR. SNOW: I haven't seen the proposal. The President believes that the
entitlement system and the tax code both could use some work.

Q And I have another question. It was reported today that the
administration has been cutting back on climate research both at NOAA and
at NASA. And I just wondered, given that part of the White House policy is
that there is still scientific uncertainty with respect to the cause of
climate change, why are you cutting back?

MR. SNOW: Well actually, it's only half right. NOAA funding is going from
$753 million to $867 million -- so an increase of over $100 million in the
NOAA budget. There is a decrease for climate science of $17 million within
the NASA account. So there are actually going is to be increase -- and
also, within the climate change account specifically, there's an increase
this year for research.

What's happened is, NOAA, which has the lead on these issues, is getting
more funding.

Q Was it accurate to say, though, that there's somewhat of a shift in
funding priorities at NASA because of the administration's goal to have

MR. SNOW: I don't know about that, but the fact is what we are doing is --
to answer your original concern -- we're not only putting more money into
it, but we're also trying to figure out ways to use technology so that you
can handle the complex business of trying to measure and characterize
changes in global temperature to try to figure out what the precise causes
are, where the -- where you're having the most effects, and how you deal
with it from a scientific standpoint. There has always been complaints
about the roughness of the data. And, therefore, we're spending more money,
through NOAA principally, to try to do that scientific work.


Q This is an important day for the U.N., with new leadership, and with whom
the President is meeting today, a new U.S. Ambassador heading up there. I'm
going to try this on a multiple choice basis: At this time, does the
President believe the U.N. is beyond repair, in need of major overhaul, in
need of minor tweaking, or no changes needed?

MR. SNOW: The President knows that reform is important. It is certainly --
if it were not -- if it were beyond repair, he would have said so. It is
not beyond repair. The United Nations can play a constructive role, but it
needs some work. I mean, reform clearly is a priority, and the President
will discuss that today, but also there is a full docket of items where the
U.N. can play and needs to play constructive roles in building peace around
the world.

So let me put it this way: We intend to remain engaged with the United
Nations. The United States is the single largest contributor to the United
Nations, and we think there's a lot of important work to be done.

Q Does that mean a major overhaul or minor tweak --

MR. SNOW: I don't know. There's got to be some middle ground.

Q Well, I gave you the choices.

MR. SNOW: Well, I get to play teacher here. I'll take B-and-a-half.

Q What are some of the subject areas he will speak to the Secretary General

MR. SNOW: I think there have obviously been some concerns about the way in
which the United Nations spends money and also handles its accounting. That
clearly was one of the conclusions that the Volcker commission came to and
I think it's worth taking a good, close look at the recommendations, and
also the findings of the Volcker commission to figure out how the United
Nations can do a better job of making use of the money that American
taxpayers are putting into it each year.

Q One last one. In the current troubled international climate, is the U.N.
a net positive or a net negative?

MR. SNOW: I think it's a net positive. It's very important -- think of some
of the things that have been going through the U.N. Security Council in the
last year: action on North Korea, and also a venue for sort of working
through the six-party talks. You've had United Nations Security Council
resolutions on Lebanon and also on Iran. The United States has found it as
a venue that is important in building international consensus on a lot of
issues, of working with our allies to not only send a concerted message,
but also to work on concerted forms of action, like the Chapter 7
resolution recently adopted with regard to Iran. It gives the United States
and its allies some important tools for dealing with our concerns with the
Iranians about the prospects of working toward a nuclear weapon.


Q Tony, a year-and-a-half after Hurricane Katrina and still slowness in
rebuilding and finding (inaudible). Why is it not going to be a major part
of the State of the Union next week? And where does the fault lie now --

MR. SNOW: Well, April, I'm not going to give -- there's been enough blame.
I think it's important -- there are tens of billions of dollars available
for reconstruction in Louisiana, Mississippi, and elsewhere, and it's
important to make sure that people not only take the steps so that they can
make that money available to people, but that you get to the business of
rebuilding New Orleans.

I'm not going to -- I know you're going to want me to say, we're at fault,
they're at fault. Not going to do it. There clearly are different paces of
reconstruction going on in different states and jurisdictions, and we will
do everything we can to encourage and support local officials. The federal
government has made a sizeable commitment in terms of funds, and there is
still a lot of that available for local use.

Q Okay, on the issue of funds, only a little less than a hundred people
have received a stipend a year-and-a-half later --

MR. SNOW: You're talking about in New Orleans. I think the figure in
Mississippi is in the thousands.

Q But, still, isn't that still slow, even --

MR. SNOW: It is slow. It's absolutely slow. And as you know, that's been a
matter of some concern politically down there.

Q So where does the fault lie in (inaudible)? Is it (inaudible), is it the
LRA, is it the Shaw Corporation? Could you put the finger on the head?

MR. SNOW: No, darlin', I can't. (Laughter.)

Q On this informal Middle East summit announced by Secretary Rice, how
involved will the President be, or will Secretary Rice carry the water? Has
the President changed policy --

MR. SNOW: "Carry the water"? I'll tell you what's going on, is that
Secretary Rice is going to hold consultations with President Abbas and
Prime Minister Olmert, taking a look at sort of the political horizons when
it comes to the situation there. This does not mark a departure from the
road map, it doesn't change, sort of, the things that need to take place,
but it does provide a forum where both sides can continue to work toward
progress on a comprehensive peace.

Meanwhile, also, this does not get in the way of -- you know, they've got
ongoing bilateral talks about aid and humanitarian issues, so there's still
a lot going on that the Israelis and the Palestinian Authority are working
through, as well.

We agree with -- the President has always thought it a priority to try to
work toward a peace in the region. He thinks it's possible if you can get
the basic conditions, which, of course, are for the Palestinians to adopt
the Quartet conditions, and for the Israelis to work with that government
so that you can provide secure borders for both sides and political
sovereignty for the Palestinians. That continues to be an area of
interesting concern, and we do think that it can have positive effects
throughout the region, as the Baker-Hamilton commission noted.

Q Will President Bush change policy in any way regarding the most
controversial issues, Jerusalem, settlements, the Golan Heights, and so

MR. SNOW: Well, again, the President has always said that those are final
status issues that the parties are going to have to negotiate.

Q Tony, you mentioned that the President and the Secretary General will
discuss the new way forward in Iraq. Is there anything in particular that
the U.N. can do to help the new way forward?

MR. SNOW: Well, ultimately, the Iraq Compact is going to offer United
Nations members and others an opportunity to invest in Iraq in such a way
as to help build economic vigor within that country, which are going to
make it -- which will help make Iraq not only more stable, but also provide
reassurance to everybody in the neighborhood. So those are the kinds of
things that you're likely to talk about.

I think much of the conversation at this point is prospective, and also the
President will, I'm sure, be speaking to the Secretary General about our
thinking about how the way forward in Iraq ought to work. I'm sure there'll
be questions.

Q Thank you. I have two questions if I may. Both on Venezuela. Is the
administration concerned about the new alliance between Venezuela and Iran?
Is he going to do anything to try and limit Cesar [sic] Chavez growing
power and influence?

MR. SNOW: Look, Venezuela is a sovereign government. We hope that its
people are going to get the freedom and democracy we think they deserve.

Q Is the President going to do anything to protect American investments in
Venezuela now that Cesar [sic] Chavez is threatening to nationalize
U.S.-owned investments?

MR. SNOW: Again, that's something I can't comment on yet. We've heard the
reports, but I don't have any detail for you on that at this point. It's
still prospective.

Q Thanks.

MR. SNOW: Thanks.

END 12:41 P.M. EST
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