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Skriven 2007-02-26 23:32:28 av Whitehouse Press (1:3634/12.0)
Ärende: Press Release (070226) for Mon, 2007 Feb 26
President Bush Meets with the National Governors Association
For Immediate Release Office of the Press Secretary February 26, 2007
President Bush Meets with the National Governors Association The State
Dining Room
˙ Video (Windows) ˙˙White House News
11:22 A.M. EST
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. Please be seated. I'm looking for some of the
crumbs that got dropped last night here. (Laughter.) Glad you're here,
thanks for coming. I hope you enjoyed the dinner as much as we did last
night. (Applause.) I thought it was a good, relaxing evening. And I thank
you all for joining us today.
I want to thank the members of my Cabinet for talking to the governors
about how important it is for us to work together. I do want to spend some
-- a little time talking about some issues here, and then I'll answer
questions from you.
First, obviously -- well, I don't know if it's obvious to you, or not, but
my biggest concern is protecting this country. You got to know something,
that a lot of my thinking was defined on September the 11th. I wake up
every day thinking about another attack. And that's my job. It's what the
people expect. I think about how to have the best intelligence possible to
find out where the enemy is and what they're thinking so we can react.
I think about making sure that Homeland Security and our states work
closely together. I wish that wasn't the way it was. But it is. That's the
reality of the world in which we live. It's easy to kind of hope that these
radicals and extremists go away. We've got a two-pronged strategy in
dealing with them; one is to stay on the offense and bring them to justice,
and two, spread the conditions necessary to defeat an ideology of hatred. I
like to say we're in an ideological war that's going to last a while.
That's what I believe. That's the basis on which I'm making decisions to
protect the country.
We've got active fronts in this war on terror. One is Afghanistan, the
other is Iraq. These are the most visible fronts -- let me rephrase that --
there are other active fronts; the most visible fronts are in Afghanistan
and Iraq.
I thank you very much for going over to visit the Guard troops and Reserve
troops from your states that are there. I appreciate it. It matters to
those troops that you take time as a Commander-in-Chief to thank them. And
it matters to their families that people are paying attention to them.
You've got two governors who are active in the Guard and Reserve --
Governor Blunt and Governor Sanford. He's not here because he's at a Air
Force Reserve meeting, as I understand, and I appreciate very much the
example you all are setting.
Obviously, there's concerns about the decisions I have made regarding Iraq,
and I understand that. Look, I mean, there's a lot of debate here in
Washington, D.C. And if you want, we can spend some time during the
question-and-answer talking about why I made the decisions I made. But
you've just got to understand, the main reason why is because I understand
the consequences of failure in Iraq. If we leave before that country can
govern itself and sustain itself and defend itself, there will be chaos.
And out of chaos will come vacuums; and out of vacuums will come an
emboldened enemy that would like to do us harm. I like to remind people
that if we leave Iraq before the job is done, the enemy will follow us
here. And if our job is to protec this country, it's important we get it
right in Iraq.
So I made a decision that I think is more likely to succeed than any of the
alternatives that were presented to me. And I know you're concerned about
the funding for your troops; so am I. I hope out of all this debate -- and
by the way, there is -- you've just got to understand, here in Washington,
I do not believe that someone is unpatriotic if they don't agree with my
point of view. On the other hand, I think it's important for people to
understand the consequences of not giving our troops the resources
necessary to do the job.
So I'm looking forward to a healthy debate. I'm also looking forward to
defending -- strongly defending the budgets we send up to Congress, to make
sure those troops who are in harm's way have the resources and that we have
the flexibility necessary to -- and our commanders have the flexibility
necessary to execute the plan we've laid out.
I understand Pete Pace was here and visited with you. I hope he was able to
answer your questions about Guard funding. We submitted a strong budget for
2008. And we're going to need your help to make sure Congress keeps that
budget intact. The temptation sometimes is take a little bit from the
defense and add it to here. And if you're concerned about making sure your
troops get what they need, make sure you call your congressman, or your
The economy is good. We intend to keep it that way. We're not going to
raise taxes. We don't need to raise taxes to balance the budget. We can
work with Congress on a lot of issues, and one issue we can work with them
on is the budget. They want to balance the budget, the administration wants
to balance the budget. And Director Portman submitted a plan that balances
the budget within five years without raising taxes. The reason I think it's
important to keep taxes low is because I think that's important to sustain
economic growth and vitality. I'm worried about running up taxes and
slowing down the entrepreneurship that is alive and well here in America.
I wish I had the line-item veto like you all do -- or some of you do. It
makes it easier to deal with the issues like earmarks or these interests
that get stuffed into these bills at the last minute without having been
debated. And I'm going to keep working with Congress to try to get a
line-item veto. If you want to give the President a hand, you might suggest
to Congress to let me have the tools that many of you have in this room.
You know it works; it makes sense. It helps keep those budgets lean and
focused and having the priorities real clear.
I'm looking forward to working with Congress on health care. I know that
Michael has been spending some time with you. I firmly believe, and I know
Mike agrees, that the states are oftentimes the best place to reform
systems and to work on programs that meet needs. We believe one of the
biggest needs is to make sure private health insurance is available to a
lot of folks in our country. And so the Affordable Choices program is a
real program. And I thank Mike for spending time with you talking about it
and wanting to work with you to get it designed properly so it works.
And I also strongly believe we need to change our tax code. It's a tax code
that says, if you're single, or you're working for a company that doesn't
provide insurance, you're discriminated against relative to the person
working for a big corporation. And it doesn't make sense. You want people
to be able to have health insurance, to be able to afford private
insurance. It makes sense to reform the tax code.
We look forward to working with you on that; look forward to working with
you and Congress on reauthorizing No Child Left Behind. I know Margaret
talked about it. The real challenge facing this country is whether or not
we're going to be competitive; whether or not we've got the skill set
necessary to fill the jobs of the 21st century. If we don't, they'll go
elsewhere. That's just what happens in a globalized world.
No Child Left Behind is the beginning of a comprehensive competitive
program, and we want to work with you to make sure it works properly, to
make sure that accountability is used properly. The thing I like most about
the law is that when we find a youngster who is struggling with reading,
that we provide extra help to make sure he or she gets up to speed early,
before it's too late. I also like the idea of us being able to say we're
making progress toward high goals. And we know we are, or we know we aren't
if we're not, because we measure. I don't see how you can fix a problem
unless you measure the problem.
I look forward to working with you on immigration. It's a tough issue here
in Washington. I strongly believe Congress needs to pass comprehensive
immigration reform. I strongly believe that we need to uphold our laws,
enforce our borders, and uphold our traditions in America. We need to treat
people fairly.
I'm looking forward to working with Congress on energy policy. We've made
some progress through comprehensive energy bills. There's more to be done.
We've spent about $12 billion since I've been the President on technologies
that will enable us to become less dependent on oil. We're going to
continue to invest, by the way, in clean coal technologies and solar
technologies and wind technologies. But the area where we're pretty close
to some amazing breakthroughs is on getting -- changing our usage of
gasoline. Some amazing battery technologies that are now heading toward the
market, which will enable people in New York City, for example, to drive
the first 20 to 40 miles on electricity. That will make us less dependent
on oil from overseas.
Another exciting technological breakthrough is going to come with
cellulosic ethanol. It's a long, fancy word for making gasoline -- or
making ethanol out of product other than sugar and corn, like switchgrass
or wood chips. The ethanol production from corn is full-steam ahead, but
it's beginning to squeeze some of the hog farmers and cattle raisers. And
therefore, we're going to have to accelerate research into alternative
feedstocks for ethanol, to enable us to meet a goal I set, a mandatory goal
of using 35 billion gallons of alternative sources of fuel by 2017. It
reduces our gasoline consumption by 20 percent over the next 10 years.
I wouldn't have put out the goal if I didn't think it was possible and
achievable. I also know it's necessary. Becoming less dependent on oil is
in our national security interests, it's in our national economic
interests, and will enable us to be better stewards of the environment.
I believe we can find a lot of common ground with the Congress on these
issues. I've had some good meetings with the Democrat -- Democratic
leadership. I appreciate the openness of our discussions. I'm -- will
continue to reach out to find common ground, with them and, as well, with
you. We owe it to the people to do so.
Anyway, thanks for giving me a chance to come by. I appreciate it.
END 11:38 A.M. EST
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