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Skriven 2007-03-06 23:33:22 av Whitehouse Press (1:3634/12.0)
Ärende: Press Release (0703061) for Tue, 2007 Mar 6

President Bush Discusses Care for America's Returning Wounded Warriors, War
on Terror at American Legion

For Immediate Release Office of the Press Secretary March 6, 2007

President Bush Discusses Care for America's Returning Wounded Warriors, War
on Terror at American Legion Renaissance Hotel Washington, D.C.

˙ Video (Windows) ˙˙Presidential Remarks

˙˙˙˙˙ Fact Sheet: Pursuing a Strategy for Success in Iraq ˙˙˙˙˙ Fact Sheet:
Taking Care of America's Returning Wounded Warriors ˙˙˙˙˙ In Focus:

10:05 A.M. EST

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much, Paul, for that warm welcome. I
appreciate the fact that you've given me a chance to come and address you.
I welcome you to our nation's capital. I offer a special greeting to
members of Post 77 from Houston, Texas. (Laughter.) If you're here, my
advice is, behave yourself. (Laughter.) What happens in Washington stays in
Washington. (Laughter.)

People who know something about the Legion understand firsthand how much
this organization does for our men and women in uniform, for those who have
been wounded on the field of battle, and for their remarkable families. Our
nation has been able to call upon the Legion in times of promise and peril,
and our nation is grateful for your service. (Applause.)

I thank -- not only do I thank your Commander, I thank Earl Ruttkofsky. I
appreciate Beverly, his wife, and JoAnn Cronin, who happens to be the
President of the American Legion Auxiliary. (Applause.) She gets her hair
done at the same place my mother does. (Laughter.) Like -- if you're
listening, mom, that's a compliment. (Laughter.)

I appreciate so very much Secretary Jim Nicholson, who's in my Cabinet,
Department of Veterans Affairs -- Mr. Secretary. I want to thank the
members of the Congress who have joined us, starting with Senator Jim
Bunning, Senator Orrin Hatch, and Senator Lindsey Graham. I'm honored you
three men are here. Thanks for your time. (Applause.) And I thank you for
your articulate defense for the support of our troops.

I appreciate so very much Congressman Jim Saxton from New Jersey, Mike
Pence, Indiana, and Joe Wilson from South Carolina. Welcome, and thank you
for coming. (Applause.)

Since it's founding in the aftermath of World War I, the American Legion
has assumed a sacred obligation: to preserve the traditions of our great
democracy and to watch over those charged with its defense. In every war,
and in every era, our country's veterans have kept faith with the American
people. And it's the obligation of the government to keep faith with our
veterans. (Applause.)

Support of our veterans has been a high priority in my administration. This
year I've asked Congress for more than $86 billion for veterans' services.
And if Congress approves my request, this would amount to a 77 percent
increase of the budget since I took office; it would be the highest level
of support for our veterans in American history. (Applause.)

We share with your concern about making sure our vets have good health
care. I've talked to your commanders past, and suspect I'll be talking to
your commanders future, about making sure that our veterans have got good,
decent, quality health care. Since 2001, we've helped over 1 million more
veterans -- we've added a million veterans -- take advantage of the VA
health care system.

The 2008 budget proposal will increase the VA health care budget by 83
percent since I took office. The Department of Defense's health care budget
has grown from $19 billion to $38 billion. And that's an important
commitment, and I look forward to working with Congress to say to our
veterans, we care about you. Money is one thing; delivery of services is
another. (Applause.)

I know I share -- listen, I am as concerned as you are about the conditions
at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. My decisions have put our kids in
harm's way. And I'm concerned about the fact that when they come back they
don't get the full treatment they deserve. Many people working at Walter
Reed are fine people. If you've been out there, you know what I'm talking
about. They're dedicated, honorable healers who care deeply about our
soldiers. Fine doctors, nurses and therapists work day and night to help
the wounded. Yet some of our troops at Walter Reed have experienced
bureaucratic delays and living conditions that are less than they deserve.
It's unacceptable to me, it is unacceptable to you, it's unacceptable to
our country -- and it's not going to continue. (Applause.)

I recently asked Secretary of Defense Bob Gates to assess the situation at
Walter Reed firsthand and report back to me. He confirmed that there are
problems, real problems. He has taken action to address those problems and
hold people to account -- including relieving the general in charge of the
facility and accepting the resignation of the Secretary of the Army.

As we work to improve conditions at Walter Reed, we are also taking steps
to find out whether similar problems exist at other military and veterans
hospitals. (Applause.) The best way to do so in a constructive way, in a
way that will bring forth the truth, is to create a bipartisan Presidential
Commission. I've asked two distinguished public servants to lead the
commission, and they have accepted -- Senator Bob Dole and former Secretary
of Health and Human Services Donna Shalala. (Applause.)

The Commission will conduct a comprehensive review of the care America is
providing our wounded servicemen and women returning from the battlefield.
This review will examine their treatment from the time they leave the
battlefield through their return to civilian life as veterans -- so we can
ensure that we're meeting the physical and mental health needs of all. As
this commission begins its work and considers its recommendations, I have
also directed the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to lead a task force
composed of seven members of my Cabinet to focus and respond to immediate

We have an obligation, we have a moral obligation to provide the best
possible care and treatment to the men and women who have served our
country. They deserve it, and they're going to get it. (Applause.)

My Administration appreciates your strong support of the flag. The flag is
emblazoned on the uniforms of brave men and women who serve our country. It
is draped on the coffins of those who fall on the field of battle. It is a
symbol of a noble nation and of a higher calling. I join with you and the
elected legislatures of all 50 states in urging Congress to provide the
flag with the Constitutional protection it deserves. (Applause.)

My administration also shares your determination to keep faith with our
prisoners of war and those missing in action. (Applause.) We cannot rest,
and must not rest, until we have accounted for every member of our Armed
Forces -- from every war and every corner of the globe. (Applause.)

American Legion halls have been mainstays of our communities and
neighborhoods for generations. You have taught millions of young people the
importance of good citizenship and the values of "God and country." And I
appreciate these valuable lessons in America. I saw them firsthand when I
was the Governor of Texas. After all, you sponsor Boys State and Girls
State. (Applause.) They're great programs. I found it very interesting how
the executive director describes the programs. He says, the programs don't
-- the programs -- the program, "does not emphasize" -- he has a little
trouble with the English. (Laughter and applause.) And so do I. (Laughter.)
Describes this as an initiative that, "does not emphasize classroom and
textbook learning." That's my kind of program. (Laughter and applause.)

Your example of service offers invaluable lessons for future generations.
In times of peace, you counsel vigilance. In times of war, you counsel
resolve. More than five years have passed since the attacks of September
the 11th, 2001. And we find ourselves debating the causes of this conflict
and the course we have followed. Yet even among our differences, there are
a few questions that surely have been settled. One is that September the
11th was not only a crime but an act of war -- (applause) -- a war waged by
fanatics who believe it is their duty to kill Americans, and impose their
hateful ideology as far as they can spread it.

Since 9/11, they have continued to try to attack us here at home. They're
relentless, and they're determined. We stopped an al Qaeda plot to fly a
hijacked airplane into the tallest building on the West Coast. We stopped a
Southeast Asian terror cell grooming operatives for attacks inside the
United States. We stopped an al Qaeda cell developing anthrax to be used in
attacks against America. For each life saved, we owe a debt of gratitude to
our military, and intelligence, and law enforcement personnel who devote
their lives to finding the terrorists and stopping and protect -- stopping
them and protecting the American people. (Applause.)

Our most solemn duty is to protect you. The most solemn duty of this
government is to protect the American people from further harm. And the
best way to do so is to stay on the offense. So we have pursued the enemy
aggressively around the world -- degrading their ability to organize and
coordinate new attacks here at home. In the wake of 9/11, Americans made a
choice: instead of waiting for the enemy to strike on their terms, we would
fight the enemy on our terms. (Applause.)

And we fight this war on many fronts. In Afghanistan and Iraq, we removed
two of the world's most brutal regimes. And now we are undertaking the
complex work of helping the people of these two countries establish
functioning democracies that can protect their own people and be allies in
this global war on terror. (Applause.) Sometimes we lose sight of the
importance of this work in the midst of heated debates -- and this is
especially true when it comes to Iraq. The fight in Iraq is more than a
conflict in one country, it is part of a larger struggle against extremism
that is unfolding across the broader Middle East. The extremists are
fighting to take control of Iraq so they can establish it as a base from
which to overthrow moderate governments in the region, and plan new attacks
on the American people. If we fail in Iraq, the enemy will follow us home.
(Applause.) Their success in Iraq would bring danger to America, and that
is why America must prevail in Iraq. (Applause.)

I appreciate your strong support for those who have volunteered to wear our
uniform. Thousands of courageous men and women have stepped forward to
protect us. And they're not alone. Since this war began, nearly 120,000
Iraqis have volunteered to serve in their army. More than 8,000 Iraqis in
uniform have died in the defense of their new nation. Recently in Anbar
province, where al Qaeda terrorists have gathered, 1,000 Sunnis volunteered
for the police force in a period of two weeks. Last month in Hillah, an
Iraqi police officer threw himself onto a suicide bomber -- a final, heroic
act that saved an untold number of Iraqis gathered outside a local mosque.

Every month, Iraqis risk reprisals from the terrorists and extremists to
provide thousands of tips to coalition and Iraqi authorities. One recent
tip from an Iraqi led to the discovery of a factory where insurgents
developed sophisticated roadside bombs to kill our troops. With these acts
of bravery, the Iraqis are standing up for the democratic future that 12
million of them voted for. (Applause.) The vast majority of Iraq's citizens
want to live in peace, and they're showing their courage every day. And the
United States of America will not abandon them in their hour of need.

To reach our goals, and to prevail, we must recognize that the nature of
the war in Iraq has changed. In 2005, the terrorists tried and failed to
stop the Iraqi people as they held three national elections. They choose a
transitional government, they adopted the most progressive, democratic
constitution in the Arab world, and then they elected a government under
that constitution. So a thinking enemy adjusted their tactics, and in 2006
they struck.

Last February, al Qaeda and other Sunni extremists blew up the Golden
Mosque of Samarra. This atrocity was designed to provoke retaliation from
the Iraqi Shia -- and it succeeded. Radical Shia elements, some of whom
receive support from Iran, formed death squads. And the result was a tragic
escalation of sectarian rage and reprisal.

This changed the nature of the conflict in Iraq. We still faced the threat
from al Qaeda, but the sectarian violence was getting out of hand, and
threatened to destroy this young democracy before it had a chance to
succeed. So last fall, I ordered my national security team to conduct a
comprehensive review of our strategy in Iraq. We devised an approach that
is markedly different from previous efforts. This approach demands more
from Iraq's elected government, makes bringing security to Baghdad our top
priority, and gives our troops the reinforcements they need to carry out
their missions. And to carry out this strategy, I put in place a
highly-regarded commander, an expert on counterinsurgency -- General David

General Petraeus' mission is to help Iraq's leaders implement the plan that
they developed to secure Baghdad. Today they can't do this on their own. So
I have ordered reinforcements of more than 20,000 additional combat
soldiers and Marines to Iraq. The majority will go to Baghdad, where they
will help Iraqi forces to clear and secure neighborhoods, and where they
will partner with Iraqi units. The Iraqis in the lead, our forces will help
secure the city by chasing down the terrorists, insurgents, and murderers,
and roaming death squads.

We're fixing one of the major problems with our previous approach in
Baghdad. In the past, our forces would help Iraqis clear out neighborhoods
during the day, and then go back to their bases at night, and often the
enemy returned as soon as American forces left. This time, we will hold the
neighborhoods we have cleared by establishing over 30 "joint security
stations" throughout Baghdad. These will be neighborhood outposts where
Iraqi forces, with U.S. help, will be deployed 24 hours a day to secure the
population, provide emergency aid to the communities, and gather
information to root out extremist networks throughout the capital. At the
same time, our forces will continue to train Iraqi Army and Police, so that
we can help ensure that the Iraqi forces left behind are capable of
providing security that Baghdad needs.

It's too early to judge the success of this operation. General Petraeus
recently arrived in the Iraqi capital, and the plan he is executing is in
its early stages. This strategy is going to take time. And we can expect al
Qaeda and other extremists to try to derail the strategy by launching
spectacular attacks.

Yet even at this early hour, there are some encouraging signs: The Iraqi
government has completed the deployment of three additional Iraqi Army
brigades to the capital. They said they were going to employ three
brigades, and they did. Iraq's leaders have lifted restrictions on Iraqi
and coalition forces that prevented them from going into certain areas.
Already, about half of the joint security stations have been established in
neighborhoods across Baghdad. Iraqi and U.S. forces have rounded up more
than 700 people affiliated with Shia extremists. They have recovered large
weapons caches, including mortar weapons systems and rocket-propelled

Iraqi and American forces have also launched successful operations against
the Sunni extremists. U.S. and Iraqi forces recently killed al Qaeda
terrorists in Baghdad, who were responsible for some of those bomb attacks
that you're seeing on your TV screens. In the past two weeks, U.S. and
Iraqi forces have also uncovered large stockpiles of Explosively Formed
Projectiles -- or EFPs -- which are used by extremist groups to attack our
troops. Iraqi and U.S. forces are making gradual but important progress
almost every day, and we will remain steadfast until our objectives are
achieved. (Applause.)

In addition to the steps they are taking to secure their capital, Iraq's
leaders are also taking steps to achieve political reconciliation --
reconciliation that is necessary after years of brutal tyranny. They have
committed themselves to a series of benchmarks to advance this
reconciliation -- to share oil revenues amongst all Iraq's citizens, to put
the wealth of Iraq into rebuilding of Iraq, to allow more Iraqis to
re-enter their nation's civic life, to hold local elections, and to take
responsibility for security in every Iraqi province.

Iraqis have already begun to deliver on some of these promises. For
example, Iraq's Council of Ministers recently agreed on legislation they
will submit to their parliament on the development of Iraq's oil resources
and the sharing of revenues. Last month, the Iraqi government approved a
budget that includes $10 billion for reconstruction and capital investment.
These are encouraging signs. And now Iraq's leaders must meet the other
pledges they have made.

To succeed, Iraq's leaders also need the help of the international
community. So the United States supports the Iraqi government as it pursues
an international initiative to build diplomatic, economic, and security
support for its young democracy. Last week, the Iraqis announced that they
will hold a conference in Baghdad that will include officials from Iraq's
neighboring countries, as well as the permanent members of the U.N.
Security Council, the Arab League, and the Organization of Islamic

It will be followed next month by a second conference that includes
Secretary Rice and her counterparts from around the world. These meetings
will be an important test. They'll be a test of whether Iran and Syria are
truly interested in being constructive forces in Iraq. It will be a test
for the international community to express its support for this young
democracy, to support a nation that will be at peace with its neighbors.

Diplomacy is going to play an important part of securing Iraq's future. Yet
diplomacy will fail without a robust military strategy. The goal of the
enemies in Iraq is power, and they're willing to kill themselves and
innocent men, women, and children to achieve that goal. People like these
can't be satisfied by negotiations or diplomatic concessions. Our strategy
recognizes the hard truth. So we're going to continue to pursue our enemies
in Iraq relentlessly, and at the same time, we'll work with moderate forces
to achieve reconciliation between sectarian factions.

Here in Washington, we have important decisions on Iraq ahead of us. And
the most pivotal question is whether the United States Congress will stand
behind General Petraeus and our troops as they work to secure Baghdad.
General Petraeus has my confidence, and he also has the confidence of the
United States Senate. In fact, he was recently confirmed to his post
without one single vote against him. Yet almost immediately the House
passed a resolution that disapproved of his strategy for success in Iraq. I
know you find that puzzling -- (laughter) -- you're not the only one.
(Laughter.) This may be the first time in the history of the United States
Congress that voted to send a new commander into battle and then voted to
oppose the plan he said was critical in winning that battle.

Members of Congress have every right to express their opinion. They have
every right. They also have a responsibility to fund our war fighters.
(Applause.) Some in Congress have called for cutting off funds for our
troops, only to find opposition from their colleagues on Capitol Hill. Now
others in Congress are planning to use an emergency war spending bill that
will provide funds for the war on terror as an opportunity to add on
billions of dollars for unrelated domestic programs. Tacking extra domestic
spending to an emergency war spending bill only will complicate Congress'
ability to provide the support that our troops urgently need. I ask the
Congress to approve the funds we requested and our troops are counting on
without strings and without delay. (Applause.)

Equally important to funding our troops is giving our commanders the
flexibility to carry out their missions, without undue interference from
politicians in Washington. (Applause.) Some members of Congress say that we
can succeed in Iraq without providing the reinforcements that our forces
have been promised and are expecting. I disagree. More importantly, our
commanders disagree. Other members of Congress seem to believe that we can
have it all: that we can fight al Qaeda, pursue national reconciliation,
initiate aggressive diplomacy, and deter Iran's ambitions in Iraq -- all
while withdrawing from Baghdad and reducing our force levels. That sounds
good in theory, but doing so at this moment would undermine everything our
troops have worked for. (Applause.)

There are no short cuts in Iraq. Our intelligence and military experts
agree that given the current situation, Iraq will not be a stable nation
until its capital is more secure. Political reconciliation is difficult
when a country's seat of government is under constant siege. Economic
improvements cannot take root when Baghdad's neighborhoods are the scene of
daily sectarian violence and reprisals. And you cannot effectively battle
al Qaeda by ignoring the sectarian violence they are inciting, especially
in the capital.

If American forces were to step back from Baghdad now, before it is more
secure, the scale and scope of attacks would increase and the intensity
would increase. A contagion of violence could spill out across the entire
country, and in time, the entire region. The enemy would emerge from the
chaos emboldened, with new safe havens and new recruits and new resources
and an even greater determination to harm America.

For our country, this is a nightmare scenario. For the enemy, it's their
plan. They're not debating whether the war in Iraq is worth it. Hear the
words of bin Laden, in a message to the American people just last year. He
says of Iraq: "The war is for you or for us to win. If we win it, it means
your defeat and disgrace forever." In the face of such a determined enemy,
the idea of pulling back from the fight and hoping for the best is not a
reasonable position. America did not drive al Qaeda out of their safe haven
in Afghanistan only to let them set up a shop in a free Iraq. (Applause.)

Now that the battle for Baghdad is underway, our country is best served by
standing behind our troops and doing everything we can to aid in their
success. The outcome of this conflict involves more than the fortunes of
any one President or any political party. Our mission is America's mission,
and our failure would be America's failure.

Our country is fortunate that our mission is in the hands of America's
finest citizens -- the men and women who wear our uniform. (Applause.)
They've been on the battlefield. They have seen this war up close. They
know the consequences of failure. And they appreciate something larger: the
consequences of success. (Applause.) We know what a free Iraq could mean
for the region and the world, because we know how your sacrifices half a
century ago helped create a free Germany that transformed Europe, and a
free Japan that sparked a wave of democracy and prosperity throughout much
of Asia. We know that a free Iraq has the potential to spark a similar
transformation in the Middle East, and bring us closer to the day when moms
and dads in the Arab world see a future of hope for their children. And we
know that the sacrifices that our troops are making in Iraq today will lay
the foundation of peace for generations of Americans to come.

Last year, I received a letter from a Navy Seabee named Andy Clements. He
was serving in Iraq. He says he worked alongside Iraqis on a daily basis,
and that they appreciate what America is doing for their country. And he
told me this story, "I was at Baghdad International Airport several weeks
ago and had a small Iraqi boy, near the same age as my own son, run up to
me and salute. He kept repeating 'thank you' in broken English, and wanted
to shake my hand. I will remember that chance meeting forever. And that to
me is what being [done] here is all about."

In the brief history of our nation, we've seen freedom remake the world
many times, and yet we always seem surprised by the quiet power of our
ideals. It's in our power to show those who hunger for liberty the path
away from tyranny and terror. Throughout our history, we have gone through
tough moments and we have come out stronger on the other side. We've been
guided by our belief that freedom is not an American privilege, but a value
that belongs to all mankind. (Applause.)

The struggle in Iraq may be hard, but this should not be a time for
despair. We can have confidence in the final outcome of this struggle,
because we have men on our side like Timothy Tardif. The 25-year-old Marine
was in an Iraqi town when his squad came under heavy fire. He was engaged
in combat so intense that Marine Corps Commandant, General Mike Hagee,
described it as a "hand grenade throwing contest." In that combat, Sergeant
Tardif was seriously wounded by grenade fragments. Yet he refused medical
attention until the battle had been won. Later, when he was evacuated, he
called his wife from the transit hospital in Germany and he said this,
"Honey, I could come home right now, but I feel I have responsibilities,
and I'm going back to Iraq." He borrowed a uniform, he convinced his doctor
to let him out of the hospital, and the man returned to his squad.

A lot of you can tell stories like this. Each of you knows a fellow patriot
whose name is carried in your heart or who sits proudly beside you in this
hall today. I want to thank you for the sacrifices you have made. I thank
you for example you have set. And I thank you for the steadfast support of
the men and women who wear our uniform.

You know that America can overcome any challenge or any difficulty. You
know America's brightest days are still ahead. And you know that nothing we
say here -- no speech, or vote, or resolution in the United States Congress
-- means more to the future of our country than the men and women who wake
up every morning and put on the uniform of our country and defend the
United States of America. (Applause.)

I thank you for your time. God bless. (Applause.)

END 10:43 A.M. EST

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