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Skriven 2007-03-20 23:31:10 av Whitehouse Press (1:3634/12.0)
Ärende: Press Release (0703207) for Tue, 2007 Mar 20

President Bush Discusses Energy Initiatives in Missouri

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
March 20, 2007

President Bush Discusses Energy Initiatives in Missouri
Ford Motor Company, Kansas City Assembly Plant Claycomo, Missouri

˙˙White House News

˙˙˙˙˙ Fact Sheet: Twenty In Ten: Reducing America's Dependence on Oil ˙˙˙˙˙
In Focus: Energy

1:15 P.M. CDT

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. Please be seated. (Applause.) Alan, thank
you. It's good to be here in Kansas City. Thank you for your warm
hospitality. I've had -- I guess you'd call it Car Day. I started off at a
GM plant across the way, and now I'm at the Ford plant. My impressions are
-- is that American automobile companies are essential to keeping us
competitive, essential to providing good jobs, and these manufacturing
facilities are full of some really -- finest citizens in our country.

I thank you for your hospitality. I enjoyed walking up and down the line,
shaking people's hands. I'm impressed by just how warm everybody was. And I
thank you, I really do. It's been a joy to be here. (Applause.)

The reason I've come is I want to highlight an important initiative for the
country, and that is to promote technologies so we are less reliant upon
foreign sources of oil. And the best way to become less reliant on foreign
sources of oil is to manufacture automobiles that will use either less
gasoline, or different kinds of fuels. And that's what we're here to talk

The Ford plant, the GM plant are producing automobiles that are the
beginning, really, of helping this country develop a wise energy policy and
a wise environmental policy. And so I appreciate the fact that we've seen
hybrid technologies and the world's first hybrid SUV, ethanol-driven cars.
Americans are just getting used to this kind of technological -- these
technological breakthroughs -- something you're used to. See, you make
these cars all day long, but I don't think our citizens fully understand
what is happening in America. And that's why I've come to highlight the
technological changes that we're seeing.

I've set out a goal of reducing America's gasoline consumption by 20
percent over the next 10 years. Some of our fellow citizens say, well, of
course, that's just typical, they stand up there and put out a goal that's
not achievable. I think it's achievable. And one way for me to make the
case that it's achievable is to remind people about the new technologies
that are being developed in a place like this Ford plant.

I believe that -- I call it Twenty Ten; in other words, reduce gasoline
usage by 20 percent over 10 years. And I'm looking forward to working with
both Republicans and Democrats to get it done. See, this is the kind of
thing where we should be able to come together for the good of the country
and promote technologies, and to encourage consumption of hybrid

The American people expect us to work together. See, that's what they want.
I'm confident that we can. And Congress needs to pass good bipartisan
energy legislation, and they need to do it by the start of the summer
driving season. That would be a good sign that we recognize that we've got
a problem here in America, and we aim to solve it together. (Applause.)

I appreciate Sam Graves -- he's the Congressman from this area -- traveling
down with me. Sam, thank you for being here. (Applause.) Sam's a farmer.
I'm about to talk about ethanol a little bit. Let me put it to you this
way: I like the idea that farmers are growing energy that powers our cars.
I'd rather be paying American farmers than people overseas for the energy
that fuels this economy. (Applause.) And so when you're making a vehicle
that runs on ethanol, or a flex-fuel vehicle, you're really helping
national security.

And before I get to that, I want to thank Alan for his leadership of Ford.
I appreciate Ken Ward, the plant manager. Thank you for giving me a tour.
How about your President of UAW 249. He's not only the President, he
happens to be the Mayor. (Laughter.) I told him -- (applause) -- I said,
you've got to be a busy guy, filling the potholes, at the same time that
he's worrying about the employees. But, Mayor, thank you -- I call you,
"Mayor." I could call you, "President." (Laughter.) I appreciate the tour,
and thanks for hanging out there with me.

I want to thank all the employees that are here. I also came over with Paul
Marr. He's the plant manager of the General Motors Fairfax Assembly. I know
you'll greet him kindly. But thank you for coming, Paul. I appreciate you
being here. (Applause.)

I mentioned national security. I bet you didn't think in terms -- or maybe
you do think in terms of national security when you make these modern
automobiles here. See, I believe that when you're dependent on oil from
parts of the world where people may not necessarily like us, that creates a
national security problem. I know that when you're dependent on oil, and
the objective of some of the terrorists is to destroy oil networks, it
creates a national security problem for us. In other words, the more we're
dependent on oil from somewhere else, the more we're vulnerable to national
security issues.

I deal with it every day in the Oval Office. And so when I tell people that
a goal of reducing the amount of gasoline, which means we'll use less crude
oil, is in the national security interest of the country, I think -- I hope
you're beginning to get the drift of what I mean. It's like when I say to a
worker, when you make one of these cars, you're helping the national
security of the country.

I like the idea of being independent. I understand that when the demand for
crude oil goes up in another part of the world, and the supply of crude oil
doesn't match it, the price of gasoline goes up in America. That's another
issue we have to deal with when we're dependent on crude oil. About 60
percent-plus of our crude oil comes from overseas.

And so what do we do about it? What should the country do to lessen our
dependence on energy from somewhere else? Well, one thing we need to do is
to promote the idea of technologies changing the way we live. And that's
what you're doing at the plant.

And so I appreciate very much the idea of hybrid vehicles. If Americans
don't know what I'm talking about, these are vehicles that you run on
gasoline or electricity. You take it for granted, you live with them every
day. Some people don't know what we're talking about. It's -- this is a new
market opportunity for Ford. More and more people are going to be saying,
how can I help us be less dependant on foreign sources of energy? Well, one
way is to buy a hybrid.

It makes sense for the government to encourage people to buy hybrid
vehicles. And so we've got a tax credit for somebody who purchased such a
vehicle, up to $3,500 a person. I think it makes sense to encourage
consumer behavior, to buy a car that you manufacture here, or at the GM
plant -- not to be favoring one plant over the other. There have been --
about 700,000 hybrids have been sold in America. That's the beginning of
something different, isn't it? It's the beginning of a new market.

The next wave of technologies, I'm told, is for there to be plug-in
hybrids. In other words, battery technologies -- I'm hoping at some point
in time relatively quickly, you all will be installing new battery
technologies in these automobiles that will enable people to drive on
electricity more than on gasoline.

So part of the strategy has got to be for the federal government to promote
research and development on technologies that will enable us to become the
leader in battery technologies -- lithium ionic batteries. I mean, it's
very conceivable one day that somebody living in a big city will be able to
drive the first 40 miles on electricity. Now, imagine if all the big-city
drivers were able to drive on electricity, not on gasoline, how much more
-- how much less dependant on foreign sources of oil we'd be. Remember, oil
is the feedstock for gasoline.

And it's coming. And I predict relatively quickly that you'll be making
automobiles that will have this battery technology in. And I think it makes
sense to use some of your money to encourage new technologies, and to
encourage research and development. And that's what we're doing. So part of
the strategy is to -- is to really develop new battery technologies.

And by the way, what you're proving here is a car that -- or a truck --
doesn't have to look like a golf cart, if you're running on electricity. It
can be a normal size vehicle that people like to drive. Texans like to use
pickup trucks, as you well know. And it makes sense to have these
technologies fit in the kind of trucks that people like to drive, or the
kind of cars that people demand. And that's what's happening.

I appreciate the idea of flex-fuel vehicles for the American citizen. That
means that you can either use ethanol, or you can use gasoline, and you can
choose. I like the idea of the consumer having more options. You're
producing flex-fuel vehicles here, where somebody can decide to fill up
with ethanol, or they can decide to fill up with gasoline, their choice. In
turns out that Henry Ford -- Model T was one of the first flex-fuel
vehicles. I didn't realize that until I came here -- but that he had the
vision of having the Model T run either on gasoline or ethanol. Isn't that

And finally -- (applause) -- and finally, it's now becoming in the
marketplace. Why? Because it's going to be necessary for this country for
national security and economic security reasons to start using different
kinds of fuels.

And here in the Midwest you have seen a boom in ethanol production and
ethanol usage. And the reason why is, is that corn-based ethanol is leading
an amazing change in the country. We consume about 5 billion gallons of
ethanol right now in America. That's up nearly fivefold in a relatively
quick period of time. The problem we face is that right now the most
efficient way to make ethanol is through the use of corn -- and that's fine
if you're a corn grower, but it's not fine if you're a hog raiser, because
that price of corn is beginning to affect the people who are raising hogs.
And I understand that. That's why we're spending a fair amount of money on
developing new types of technology that will enable us to use something
besides corn to make ethanol -- whether it be switchgrasses, or
agricultural refuse, or wood chips.

And that technology is coming. It may sound far-fetched to some that one of
these days we'll be making a product that can go into a Ford pickup truck
out of wood chips, and you'll be able to drive just like it was full of
gasoline, but those days are around the corner. And it makes sense for us
to promote that kind of technologies.

Right now the ethanol industry is sectionally based because this is where
the corn is grown. The idea is to develop new ways to be able to process
different materials so that ethanol can be more widespread around the
country. If you're a Ford guy working here on the line, it's in your
interests that we promote new ways to make ethanol. After all, the
flex-fuel vehicle would then become more in demand.

All this is aimed, by the way, at doing what I told you, and that is to
make us less dependent on crude oil. It's really interesting, isn't it, for
the President to be talking about one of these days people driving pickup
trucks driven by ethanol -- fueled by ethanol from wood chips? Is it real?
I think it is. Otherwise I wouldn't be standing here talking to you about
it. Is it necessary? I know it's necessary, for the sake of the future of
this country.

Ultimately, there's going to be hydrogen driving these vehicles. Some of us
aren't probably going to be able to drive by the time those show up, and so
the meantime -- (laughter.) Of course, I'm not driving much anyway these
days. (Laughter.)

I do believe we ought to reform the CAFE standards in a way that's based
upon size -- not fleet-wise, but on different sizes, in order to be able to
encourage better mileage. But the big gains in this Twenty Ten program are
going to come through by alternative fuels. And that's what I want to share
with you, that this is a national objective.

We spent about $12 billion over the last six years to promote different
kinds of researches, different kinds of ideas, trying to make sure America
stays on the leading edge of technological change. I strongly believe it's
in our interest to be the leader of technologies. Technology changes the
way we have lived our lives; technology is going to change the way we drive
our cars.

` And so part of the strategy to be better stewards of the environment and,
at the same time, be less dependent on foreign sources of energy is to
change the automobile. I've come to this plant because that's what you're
doing. You're making a new kind of automobile that is literally a part of
changing America for the better.

An energy strategy has got to be more than just an automobile strategy. I
mean, we can reduce dependency on oil -- and we will; we're still going to
need oil. And therefore, I think it makes a lot of sense for us to continue
to explore for oil and gas in environmentally friendly ways here in
America. If you're worried about a terrorist attack, like I am -- terrorist
attack on our infrastructure somewhere else that will affect the price of
oil, I do believe it makes sense to double the size of the Strategic
Petroleum Reserve, to have oil in place in the ground that we could then
use in order to protect the American consumer against sudden disruptions of

We got a lot of coal in America. We've got about 250 years worth of coal.
If you want to be less dependent on foreign sources of energy, it seems to
make sense to develop the energy reserves you have at home. And -- but coal
burns -- doesn't burn cleanly. And so, therefore, we're spending a sizeable
amount of money on clean coal technologies. I believe that within a
relatively quick period of time, we will have the ability to use coal to
fire our electricity without emitting greenhouse gases or pollutants,
zero-emission coal-fired plants. We've still got work to do. But there's a
lot of research going on, and it makes sense to spend that kind of money on
developing ways that we can be good stewards of the environment and use a
plentiful supply of coal.

I strongly believe in nuclear power. If you're somebody who is concerned
about greenhouse gases, it seems like to me that it's logical then that you
support the use of nuclear power. A nuclear power plant is the ultimate
source of renewable fuels, and it has zero emissions. It makes a lot of
sense to me to promote a nuclear power the engineering technologies have
developed to the point where they're safe.

It's an interesting part of the debate. I know there's a lot of folks who
worry about nuclear power. I would just hope people would keep an open mind
about it. If you really do want to become less dependant on foreign sources
of energy and want to worry about the environment, there's no better way to
protect the environment than the renewable source of energy called nuclear

I do believe wind power makes sense. All we've got to do is put a couple of
turbines in Washington, D.C. and we'll be energy free. There's a lot of --
(laughter) -- a lot of hot air there, you know. (Laughter.)

What I'm telling you is, is that we've got a comprehensive plan,
comprehensive ideas on how to meet the challenges, really, of the 21st
century. I'm a believer in technologies, and I'm a believer in the
ingenuity of the American people. And for the skeptics, all you got to do
is come into a place like this and see what they're building.

And I believe it's just the beginning. I really do. That's what I've come
to share with you, my sense of optimism about the country. As a matter of
fact, I don't think there's anything we can't achieve when we put our mind
to it. This country has overcome challenges in the past, and we'll darn
sure overcome them in the future.

One of the challenges we have is to protect the country from a group of
terrorists who'd like to do us harm. And here in this Ford plant, I want to
declare to you: No matter how tough it gets, this country is going to stay
steadfast and do the job that you expect us to do, which is to protect you
from harm.

And another challenge facing us is this challenge of energy independence.
We're making great strides -- continue to make great strides. And they'll
look back and say of this generation that I'm a part of -- I hope they'll
look back and say they did their job. Job well done.

Thanks for letting me come by, and God bless. (Applause.)

END 1:33 P.M. CDT

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