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Skriven 2007-05-22 23:31:06 av Whitehouse Press (1:3634/12.0)
Ärende: Press Release (0705223) for Tue, 2007 May 22
Fact Sheet: Border Security and Immigration Reform Agreement Overcomes 1986
For Immediate Release May 22, 2007
Fact Sheet: Border Security and Immigration Reform Agreement Overcomes 1986
Mistakes Bipartisan Proposal Requires Tough Border Security And Worksite
Enforcement Measures
ÿÿWhite House News
ÿÿÿÿÿ In Focus: Immigration
The Bipartisan Border Security And Immigration Reform Agreement Addresses
And Overcomes Failures Of The 1986 Immigration Reform And Control Act. The
1986 Act failed because it gave a complete pardon (amnesty) to 3 million
illegal immigrants as part of an automatic path to citizenship, did not
provide the resources necessary to secure the borders adequately, relied on
an employer verification system with only limited capability to detect ID
fraud, provided inadequate penalties for employers who knowingly hire
illegal immigrants, and made no provisions to meet future labor needs of
U.S. employers in a growing economy.
In Contrast, The Bipartisan Border Security And Immigration Reform
1. Does not offer amnesty to illegal immigrants already here; 2. Contains
much tougher border security triggers that must be in place and operational
before the Z visa and temporary worker programs take effect; 3. Requires
that a sophisticated Employment Eligibility Verification System (EEVS)
capable of rooting out fraud be ready to process all new hires before the Z
visa and temporary worker programs take effect; 4. Substantially increases
penalties on employers for knowingly hiring illegal immigrants; and 5.
Creates a temporary worker program to relieve pressure on the border and
provide a lawful way to meet our economic needs.
1. No Amnesty
Illegal Immigrants Already Here Must Acknowledge That They Broke The Law
And Pay A Fine. In order to obtain a Z visa granting temporary legal
status, workers in the country before January 1, 2007, must acknowledge
that they broke the law, pay a $1,000 fine, pass criminal background
checks, remain employed, and maintain a clean record.
þ Z Visa Workers Must Pay An Additional Fine, Learn English, And Meet
Other Requirements To Apply For A Green Card, And Cannot Receive One
Until Years In The Future. Z visa workers must apply at the back of the
line and wait until the current backlog is cleared, pay an additional
$4,000 fine, complete accelerated English requirements, maintain
employment, leave the U.S. and file their application in their home
country, and demonstrate merit based on the skills and attributes they
will bring to the United States.
þ The 1986 Act Created An Automatic Path To Citizenship That Provided
Green Cards After Just 18 Months, But Satisfying The Requirements In
This Proposal Will Take Most Green Card Applicants More Than A Decade.
2. Strengthening Border Security
Tough Border Security Benchmarks Must Be Met Before The Z Visa And
Temporary Worker Programs Go Into Effect. These triggers include
constructing 370 miles of fencing and 200 miles of vehicle barriers at the
border and finishing doubling the size of the Border Patrol since the
President took office - a goal previously set by the President and already
well on its way to achievement.
þ The Department Of Homeland Security Is On Track To Build 150 Miles Of
Fence By The End Of September 2007 And To Build 370 Miles By The End Of
Calendar Year 2008. Currently, about 86 miles of fence have been built
along the border, with 64 additional miles planned by the end of
September 2007.
þ We Have Expanded The Border Patrol From About 9,000 Agents In 2001 To
More Than 13,000 Agents Today, And By The End Of 2008, We Will Have
More Than 18,000 Agents On The Job.
With Enhanced Enforcement, We Have Already Seen A Tremendous Change At The
Border. The number of people apprehended for illegally crossing our
Southern border is down by nearly 27 percent in 2007 from this point in
The 1986 Act Provided Only About 4,000 Agents For The Border Patrol. By
contrast, we will have more than four times that number of Border Patrol
agents in place before the Z visa and temporary worker programs go into
effect. In addition, improvements in infrastructure and technology at the
border make border enforcement more achievable now than it was 20 years
ago. For example, today, we have in place:
þ 5,290 sensors on the southern border
þ 687 night time cameras on the southern border
þ 449 day time cameras on the southern border
þ 1 Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) in Southern AZ
3. Putting A Workable Employer Verification System In Place
An Employment Eligibility Verification System (EEVS) Must Be Ready To
Process New Hires Before The Z Visa And Temporary Worker Programs Go Into
Effect. Employers will be required to verify the work eligibility of all
employees using the EEVS, and all workers will be required to present
stronger and more readily verifiable identification documents.
þ The EEVS Will Require Presentation Of A Limited Range Of Highly Secure
Government IDs, Which Will Be Checked Electronically Against Federal
And State Databases. When a worker presents an identification document
to obtain employment, the EEVS will perform an electronic check against
Federal and State databases. The Social Security Administration will be
asked to confirm whether the name and Social Security number presented
by the worker are a "match" in its files. Furthermore, the EEVS will
use links to the U.S. State Department and individual State Departments
of Motor Vehicles to provide employers with the digital photograph
associated in government databases with the ID presented. Once
employers have direct access to the original photograph associated with
an ID, it will be much harder for illegal immigrants to fool them with
fake documents.
þ The 1986 Act Relied On A Verification System That Did Not Have The
Capacity To Detect ID Fraud. More than two dozen documents are
acceptable under the 1986 system, and employers are not legally
required to verify the documents' authenticity.
4. Increasing Penalties For Employers Who Knowingly Hire Illegal Immigrants
Employers Who Hire Illegal Workers Will Face Stiff New Criminal And Civil
Penalties. The maximum civil fine for hiring illegal workers will rise from
the 1986 level of $2,000 to $5,000 for first offenders and from the 1986
level of $10,000 to $25,000 for three-time offenders. The maximum criminal
penalty for a pattern or practice of hiring illegal workers will increase
25-fold, from $3,000 per alien to $75,000 per alien.
5. Creating A Temporary Worker Program
By Creating A Lawful And Orderly Channel For Foreign Workers To Come To
America On A Temporary Basis, The Temporary Worker Program (TWP) Will Help
Reduce The Number Of People Trying To Sneak Across The Border. The TWP will
help meet our economic needs by allowing workers to enter the country
legally on a temporary basis to fill jobs that Americans are not doing.
þ TWP Workers Can Come To The U.S. Only On A Temporary Basis. To ensure
that "temporary" means "temporary," workers are limited to three
two-year terms, with at least one year spent outside the United States
between each term.
þ The TWP Will Allow U.S. Law Enforcement To Focus More Of Its Resources
On Apprehending Violent Criminals And Terrorists Who Pose A Threat To
Our Security
þ The 1986 Act Failed To Address Our Economy's Need For Immigrant Labor.
Further illegal immigration was encouraged by this lack of a legal
avenue to meet the labor needs of U.S. employers.
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