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Skriven 2007-06-05 23:34:36 av Whitehouse Press (1:3634/12.0)
Ärende: Press Release (0706053) for Tue, 2007 Jun 5

President Bush Participates in Joint Statement with President Klaus and
Prime Minister Topolanek of the Czech Republic

For Immediate Release Office of the Press Secretary June 5, 2007

President Bush Participates in Joint Statement with President Klaus and
Prime Minister Topolanek of the Czech Republic Rothmayer Hall Prague Castle
Prague, Czech Republic

˙˙White House News

11:50 A.M. (Local)

PRESIDENT KLAUS: (As translated.) Ladies and gentlemen, unusually, there
are three of us here. But our meetings took on a platform of the Prime
Minister of the Czech Republic participating. And what we wanted to show by
that was that with regard to the United States, the opinions of the
President of the Republic and of the Prime Minister are identical. This was
to demonstrate that.

We are happy about this is the second time we can welcome here the American
President in the course of his office. He is the first American President
to be here for a second time in his term. And we are also happy about he is
actually starting his visit to Europe here.

We regard his visit as a confirmation of a traditional friendship between
the Czech Republic and the United States, a friendship that has always been
confirmed in the key moments of the previous century -- in 1918, in 1945,
and in 1989. We very much appreciate the U.S. friendship. There are things
to follow up on and I suppose this visit has brought new, enriching aspects
to our friendship.

We've exchanged information on the situation in our respective countries
and on the situation throughout the world. We are aware of the fact that
the U.S. is highly responsible for the world's development at the moment,
and I would like to emphasize that President Bush and the U.S. enjoys the
support of the Czech Republic in that regard. We clearly demonstrate that
in our participation in missions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Kosovo, et cetera.

We also talked about the stationing of the U.S. military facility in this
country and in the neighboring country of Poland. And I think we've
understood -- we agree with President Bush on that. We regarded as
important about President Bush has promised to make maximum efforts to
explain these issues to Russia and President Putin. We have pointed it out
to our guest that it is very important that we win maximum support for this
project of the Czech public, who are very sensitive to those issues, and I
suppose that this is what President Bush clearly realizes.

We've also exchanged views on the European integration process, and we've
assured Mr. President that both myself and the government of the Czech
Republic, the matter is that the U.S. must not be regarded as a competitor
of Europe. We really are not involved in creating a united Europe as a
certain counterbalance to the U.S. This is not our goal. We really care
about a strong transatlantic relationship, relationship between the Czech
Republic and the U.S.

We are aware of the fact that our bilateral relationship is seamless, and
we have emphasized to the President that the solution of the visa waiver
issue would certainly help that to be regarded that way throughout our

May I thank again President Bush for his short, but very busy visit to the
Czech Republic, and for his very open and friendly dialogue we've engaged
in. Thank you, Mr. President.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Laura and I are really pleased to be back in this
magnificent city. As the President noted, I had the honor of being here
once before during my presidency. We had a great stay then, and I'm really
looking forward to my time here.

It's beginning an important trip to Europe. Obviously, I'm off to the G8
later on this evening. I think it's important for the people of the Czech
Republic to know, however, that my first stop is here. And the reason why
is because the people of the United States marvel at the great strength of
character that the people of the Czech Republic have shown, your great
desire for freedom. People in this country took risk necessary so that the
people could actually live in a free society.

And, Mr. President, we're honored to call you friend. We appreciate very
much our relationship -- our bilateral relationship and our relationship in
the transatlantic community. I thank you very much for being strong allies,
Mr. Prime Minister and Mr. President, against extremists and radicals who
would deny others the chance to live in a free society.

We live in a world in which there are ideologically driven people who
murder the innocent in order to achieve their strategic objectives. And I
thank the Czech government, as well as the people of this important
country, for their steadfast refusal to allow the extremists to intimidate,
allow the extremists to undermine young democracies.

I appreciate so very much the fact that you have put troops in harm's way
in Iraq and Afghanistan. I expressed my deepest sympathies to the families
who have lost a loved one. I would hope that those families understand the
cause is noble and just and necessary for peace for the long-term.

I appreciate very much the fact that the Czech Republic supported our Fund
for Democracy. One of the first countries to step up was the Czech Republic
under the leadership of the President. When given a chance to help others
realize the blessings of a free society, this important country stood up
and said, we want to work together with others to bring the blessings of
liberty to those who have not had it.

I want to thank very much the government for stepping up and supporting
those who have -- don't have an opportunity to speak for themselves,
whether it be the dissidents in Belarus or in Cuba. I find it inspiring to
be in a country where the leadership and the people are willing to say, we
listen carefully for the voices of those who have been imprisoned. We care
deeply about human rights and human dignity not only in our own country,
but worldwide. I am in such a country. And so, Mr. President, and Mr. Prime
Minister, I'm proud to stand with you here.

We talked a lot about our mutual concerns. There's no greater issue for the
people of the Czech Republic than visa waiver. I understand the issue well.
I understand why people of this country would say, here we are, sacrificing
along with the United States in Afghanistan and Iraq, yet our people don't
have the same visa rights as other countries that might not be so
supportive in the effort against the extremists. I see that contradiction,
and therefore, I'm a strong supporter in changing our visa waiver policy. I
will work with Congress to come up with a policy that, of course, meets our
needs, security needs, for example, but also treats the people of the Czech
Republic with respect and who listens to those cries.

I know this is a frustrating issue for your leadership. People in the Czech
Republic say, get it done now, we're tired of waiting. I know that, Mr.
President. I just want to assure you I'll work as hard as I possibly can.
We're involved in a very important immigration debate here -- in the United
States now, and the visa waiver is a part of this important dialogue. And
the only thing I can do is to assure the people I'll work with Congress to
get something done in a constructive fashion.

And then, of course, we discussed the missile defense issue. Let me first
talk about a general principle when it comes to relations with Russia. The
Cold War is over. It ended. The people of the Czech Republic don't have to
choose between being a friend to the United States, or a friend with
Russia. You can be both. We don't believe in a zero-sum world. We don't
believe that one should force a country to choose. We believe, as a matter
of fact, when we work together we can achieve important objectives.

One objective is to safeguard free nations from the possibility of a
missile attack launched from a rogue regime. That's a true threat to peace.
As I've told President Putin, Russia is not our enemy. The enemy of a free
society such as ours would be a radical, or extremists, or a rogue regime
trying to blackmail the free world in order to promote its ideological
objectives. And so my attitude on missile defense is, is that this is a
purely -- it's not my attitude, it's the truth -- it's a purely defensive
measure, aimed not at Russia, but at true threats.

And therefore, as the President mentioned, I look forward to having
conversations with President Putin, not only at the G8, but in the United
States when he comes over. And my message will be, Vladimir -- I call him,
Vladimir -- that you shouldn't fear a missile defense system. As a matter
of fact, why don't you cooperate with us on a missile defense system? Why
don't you participate with the United States? Please send your generals
over to see how such a system would work. Send your scientists. Let us have
the ability to discuss this issue in an open forum where we'll be
completely transparent. And I'll remind him that we're having these
discussions not only bilaterally with the Czech Republic and Poland, but
also through the context of NATO, that the missile defense system will be
coordinated with NATO.

And so I just want the people of this important country to understand that
our intention is -- and the reality is, is that we'll protect ourselves
from the true threat. It seems like to me it's in this country's interest
to work cooperatively with the latest technologies to provide protection,
not only for themselves, but for others. It's a noble gesture and an
important gesture. And I'll tell Russia that they need not fear such a
system; that Russia is -- with whom we'd like to have positive relations.
That's a complex relationship, no doubt. But there's a lot of areas where
we can work together to deal with common threats. And that will be my
message, Mr. President, to President Putin, not only in Germany, but when
he comes to visit me in the United States.

We had a really important and interesting discussion. We discussed a lot of
important issues. That's what you should expect friends to do. I'm
convinced that this relationship is really good for the United States of
America, and will continue to work to foster good relations.

Mr. President and Mr. Prime Minister, thank you for your hospitality. I
thank you for your important discussions, and thanks for giving me a chance
to discuss these issues with the media.

PRIME MINISTER TOPOLANEK: (As translated.) Mr. honored President, I'm very
happy that this meeting has taken place, and I will repeat what Mr.
President Klaus said -- I'm very happy that this meeting took place in this
format. It appears that after a long time, the foreign policy of the Czech
Republic goes in the same direction, it is coordinated, we are pulling in
one direction. That's good news not only for the U.S., that's good news
primarily for the people in this country.

This visit has confirmed that there are no major problems -- no problems, I
should say, between our two countries. On the contrary, the U.S. and the
Czech Republic share the same values. Although each of those countries has
a different size and, as a result, carries a different portion of
responsibility, we need to say that is the same kind of responsibility.
That's why we co-participate in peace missions; we are involved in
combating terrorism; we want to be involved in collective defense by
building the missile defense system in the Czech Republic and in Poland.

I would like to emphasize that the cooperation with the U.S. does not
concern only security issues, human rights issues, et cetera, and
peacekeeping missions, et cetera. This is what the media has been paying
most attention to. The U.S. is not only our major ally, but it is one of
the major investors in the Czech Republic. Apart from that, we are after
business cooperation, technology cooperation. The U.S. is the world's
innovation leader. It is dominant in science. And maybe this is our
condition -- and I may be of putting this in a light at all -- this may be
our condition for the installation of the radar facility in the Czech
Republic. We want cooperation in science technology and innovation. This is
what we regard as very important, not only for the missile defense, itself,
but for the Czech Republic and the U.S., as such.

I want to say that the point is not only to site the facility in the Czech
Republic, but this is about the joint will for defense of freedom. And I
think the Czechs are much more sensitive to that than many other European
nations. That's why we want to be involved. And we want to shift the
collective defense not only to the Czech Republic, but also to make sure it
stretches over other friends in Europe.

In response to media speculation, I would like to say that neither me, nor
the American President link the siting of the radar facility to the visa
waiver issue. Visa is unjust, it must be done away with. We've started
discussing this much earlier than we started the radar facility talks. I
trust President Bush and his clear promise that he will advocate the waiver
of the visa, and talking about a bargain is, I think, rather undignified in
this regard. We would be involved in visa talks even without the radar. And
on the contrary, we would want to help our allies -- protect our allies
against a rogue state's rockets, even if there was no visa problem. These
topics are interrelated only because we are the Czech Republic and they are
the U.S.; otherwise, not.

We didn't discuss these issues only; we talked about human rights in Cuba,
in Belarus, and our support of the opposition there. We talked about
Southern Ossetia, Abkhazia, and Transdnestria conflicts. We talked about
Kosovo, about our missions to Afghanistan. We talked about energy security.
All those are interrelated issues. We talked also about a number of other
issues. We need to talk about such issues, and I'm happy that in a crushing
majority of issues, rather in all issues, we could find agreement with the
American President.

There are a lot of things that we could not discuss, and I hope we will be
able to discuss them during my visit to the U.S. that is now being

If I were to pick two words from George Walker Bush today that characterize
our cooperation and friendship, I would call it active partnership. Thank

PRESIDENT KLAUS: Thank you, honored President. Thank you, Prime Minister.
And let me bring this conference closed. Thank you, and have a good day.

END 12:08 P.M. (LOCAL)

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