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Skriven 2007-07-23 23:30:54 av Whitehouse Press (1:3634/12.0)
Ärende: Press Release (0707231) for Mon, 2007 Jul 23

Press Briefing by Tony Snow

For Immediate Release July 23, 2007

Press Briefing by Tony Snow James S. Brady Briefing Room

˙ /news/releases/2007/07/20070723-1.wm.v.html ˙˙Press Briefings

˙˙˙˙˙ Press Briefing Slide (PDF, 1.5 mb, 1 page)

12:26 P.M. EDT

MR. SNOW: Good afternoon. First we'll begin with an announcement about the
President's health. Microscopic evaluations of the polyps discovered and
removed during the President's colonoscopy confirmed the preliminary
diagnosis, tubular adenoma. There were five such polyps. The President's
next colonoscopy should be in three years; the rule of thumb is if you have
more than three such polyps you do your surveillance periods for three

As you know, most colon cancer arises from polyps. The progression
generally takes very many years. Two-thirds of all polyps are adenomas, the
vast majority tubular adenomas. These were relatively small polyps, a
centimeter or so. They represent the various -- the very earliest cellular
changes. Left untreated, they can progress to larger, more advanced lesions
and a small percentage could become cancerous. Once a polyp is diagnosed
and removed, they cannot become cancerous.

So the President is in good health, there was no reason for alarm, fairly
routine diagnosis and also procedure and, again, he will next get a
colonoscopy three years hence.

Q Could you make that a little bit simpler? I don't understand all those
medical words you used. Is there any trace of cancer?


Q They're benign?

MR. SNOW: Correct.

Q Okay.

MR. SNOW: A tubular adenoma is a small -- it's just a garden variety polyp.

Q So it's just a small growth, he had --

MR. SNOW: Correct.

Q -- five small growths and they're all benign?

MR. SNOW: All benign. All removed.

Q And it's three years, you don't have to worry until three years from --
would be the follow-up?

MR. SNOW: Yes, just because you want to make sure -- when you have the
growth of polyps you want to just be very careful to keep your eye on what
develops so that the patient, in fact, get into the position where you have
to worry about. So three years now.

Q Well, also, it was a five-year span between the 2002 -- and now you're
moving up to three?

MR. SNOW: It's because there were five polyps. Kind of the rule thumb is if
you've got three polyps or fewer, you do it every five years; if you have
five polyps -- more than three polyps, you try to examine every three
years. It's the way it is; it's the way they do it.

Q The fact that they found five polyps, is that troubling?

MR. SNOW: No. It's not unusual, trust me, to find polyps.

Q Does the President have any exit strategy planned ahead for -- your
administration is not well known for planning ahead, but are there any
contingency plans? And also, does he read newspapers? Today in The New York
Times it showed an Iraqi woman weeping -- she lost seven members of her
family from American air strikes. So how long does this go on?

MR. SNOW: The President reads the newspapers. He also thinks ahead. But on
the other hand, what we're trying to do is to work on conditions to create
the possibility that there will be no violence in the future, or certainly
greatly reduced violence in the future in Iraq, and that the Iraqi people
will be the masters of their own destiny. That continues to be what we hope
for, to make sure that that is a nation that can enjoy freedom, peace and

Q Why are we bombing them?

MR. SNOW: We are not bombing -- we do not -- no nation has spent more money
or expended more effort to try to protect innocent civilians in this
country, using technologies that are specifically targeted toward military
targets. We grieve every time anybody is caught in harm's way, innocent
people are caught in harm's way. One of the differences is al Qaeda targets
innocents on purpose, as a matter of politics. The United States certainly
does not.

Q Can I ask one more follow-up?

MR. SNOW: You certainly may.

Q What's your definition of "insurgent"?

MR. SNOW: What is my definition of "insurgent"? Insurgents would be those
who are doing what they can at this juncture to try to use violence to
bring down the Iraqi government.

Q Are the Iraqis?

MR. SNOW: Some are.

Q All of them?


Q Why would they be insurgents in their own country, then?

Q Anything to announce about the British Prime Minister visiting?


Q How hard is the administration working right now to get Osama bin Laden?
I mean, is it a focus to get him? The President has made different comments
over the years about how hard you're focused on him. How hard are you
focused on him right now?

MR. SNOW: I don't know how you measure that. It is a constant focus and it
is certainly something where we continue to have assets looking for bin
Laden. Honestly, Ed, it's -- again, I don't know how you answer a question
"how much/how little." You constantly have people who are on the lookout.
On the other hand, you also don't want to go into too much detail,
precisely because you don't want to tip your hand. But it has been and
remains a top priority.

Q But if it's a top priority why has it taken 10 months for the
administration to realize that President Musharraf's plan was not working?

MR. SNOW: Well, for one thing -- why does it take 10 months? The fact is
that you are working with the sovereign government of Pakistan, which had a
plan to reach out to tribal leaders. And over time it became clear that
what was happening is that it had been abused by members of the Taliban and
al Qaeda to find safe haven. I mean, I think when that becomes -- when that
becomes obvious, then you deal with it. I think the Pakistanis have done
the same. You now have 80,000 troops in the region. You've seen them moving
in, you've seen them taking casualties. So it also relies on collaboration
and assessment involving the Pakistanis.

Q But if you had a constant focus on bin Laden, wouldn't you have realized
it sooner, that this plan on the ground is not really working; in fact,
it's helping to create a safe harbor?

MR. SNOW: Again, Ed, I don't know where you come up with -- I don't know
how you decide what the tipping point is. There were a number of efforts
going on. You may have people who have given encouraging signs and don't
follow through on them. The fact is that we've made our determinations and
the Pakistanis have made their determinations and they've adjusted.

Q The Pakistani Foreign Minister yesterday --

MR. SNOW: Okay, let's hold it -- this becomes like 15 questions, so if we
could sort of narrow it down. But continue.

Q The Pakistani Foreign Minister yesterday seemed concerned that Bush
administration officials are leaving the door open to military strikes
within their borders.

MR. SNOW: I think it's important that -- and I'm glad you asked the
question, because I think there has been this notion afoot, or at least an
attempt or an inclination somehow we're going to invade Pakistan. We always
maintain the option of striking actionable targets, but we also realize
that Pakistan is a sovereign government and a very important player in the
war on terror. Not only has Pervez Musharraf twice faced direct threats
from al Qaeda, but also Pakistan, itself, has been a very important ally in
trying to interrupt plots, to go after al Qaeda activists. The bomb plot in
2006, to bomb airliners making their way overseas toward the United States,
very well could have been more deadly than September 11th. It was the
result of intelligence generated in Pakistan that that plot was thwarted.

So the Pakistanis certainly are valued allies and, again, they have also
been taking a lead and moving aggressively into the areas and trying to
deal with the problems.

Q He's asking you whether we're going to go in there.

MR. SNOW: I understand that.

Q Why don't you answer him?

MR. SNOW: I did.

Q Tony, when you talk about actionable intelligence, though, you've got a
safe haven there, people who want to attack the United States. Why not be
aggressive? Why not go after them?

MR. SNOW: Well, the fact --

Q Why wait for the Pakistanis --

MR. SNOW: Because Pakistan is a sovereign government, and furthermore,
we've made it clear that we will offer whatever assistance, technical and
otherwise, they have. I outlined a lot of that during a briefing last week.
What you're asking is, does the United States need to take unilateral
action. We are working in coordination with the Pakistani government.

Q But they've got a safe haven there, with the Pakistani government
supposedly --

MR. SNOW: Understood.

Q -- looking at (inaudible). And the President has said for years he would
go after anyone harboring terrorists.

MR. SNOW: Again, we still maintain our position. We retain the option of
acting on actionable intelligence. But we also retain the option of working
with our allies to do the same.

Q So we clearly haven't had any actionable intelligence in the 10 months
they've built up the safe haven.

MR. SNOW: You're assuming that there hasn't been any action that has been
taken. I just don't want to try to get into characterizing.

Q But there have been some mixed messages between Washington and Pakistan,
because you've been saying that the peace treaty with the tribal leaders
hasn't worked, and you've said that you support what Musharraf is doing
now, but the Pakistan government is trying to revive the truce that you
admitted doesn't work.

MR. SNOW: Well, again, they've been trying to revive it, but on the other
hand they have also been surging troops into the area to try to deal with
the violence problems. Look, if there's a peaceful way to get things done,
you always prefer that to violence. But, in fact, as you saw with the news
overnight, that there have been some engagements, as terrorists are trying
to maintain their hold in the area. And it's important to deprive them of
safe havens.

Q But doesn't their effort to revive it maybe dent some of your confidence
in their commitment to (inaudible).

MR. SNOW: No, it does not.

Q Tony, heading into the talks tomorrow in Baghdad between the U.S. and
Iran, has this administration seen any change from Iran since the last
talks in May?

MR. SNOW: Let's just put it this way: This is an opportune time, at the
invitation of the Iraqi government, to revisit commitments Iran has made,
saying that it believes in trying to stabilize Iraq. We have seen signs
that we think need addressing. You have seen Quds forces support within
Iraq. You have seen the importation of EFPs. You have seen weaponry making
its way into Iraq. Those certainly do not help for the stability and

So the purpose of these talks is to sit down and express concerns, and to
see if there is some way to work forward toward providing real security for
the Iraqis. The Iranians have said that they want to contribute, and we
will see what they have to say.

Q So the hope is that they get it this time?

MR. SNOW: Well, we'll see.

Q Will there be talk about the four Iranian American scholars and activists
that are being held?

MR. SNOW: No. The conversations are restricted to security matters within
Iraq proper. That is the channel that has been opened up. This is not a way
of broadening diplomatic contacts between the nations.

Q And about the five Iranians being held inside Iraq?

MR. SNOW: Well, again, what we're talking about are those who have been
trying to destabilize Iraq. That is going to be a topic of conversation.

Q Tony, two quick questions. One, as far as Osama bin Laden and safe haven
in Pakistan, I've been saying this for the last five years, and now the
authorities are agreeing what I have been saying for five years --

MR. SNOW: Oh, that's a relief.

Q -- that Osama bin Laden (inaudible). And I also told again and again of
the (inaudible) same thing two years ago, last year. My question is that
now when we know, and we knew where he is, so why they are not -- why the
U.S. military is not getting into those areas where nobody can get --

MR. SNOW: Goyal, if you can give us the coordinates, pass them on, and
we'll have somebody act on the intelligence.

Q Second --

MR. SNOW: Very quickly, yes.

Q India has a now new female President. Any comments on that?

MR. SNOW: It's obviously an historic moment for India, and congratulations.

Q Any reaction to what it seems to be on Wednesday will be a vote in the
House Judiciary to issue contempt citations to Josh Bolten and Harriet

MR. SNOW: Well, we'll see. Once again, what we have said -- there are a
couple of things. Number one, we continue to offer a way of accommodation
for the House and the Senate, and we've made it clear in the past that we
would certainly be willing to cooperate with them.

We have also -- ultimately what happens is, if, in fact, there is an
attempt to try to put together a contempt citation, that goes to the
Department of Justice. And the Department of Justice will make a
determination on merits. Now it is important to note that certainly the
tradition when it comes to dealing with such matters has been one in which,
for separation of powers reasons, the Justice Department has, in fact, been
reluctant to do such things, and furthermore, members of Congress,
themselves, have said as much.

Here's Senator Leahy in 1999 -- (laughter.)

Q Nicely done.

MR. SNOW: "The criminal contempt mechanism -- see 2 U.S.C. section 192 --
which punishes as a misdemeanor a refusal to testify or produce documents
to Congress requires a referral to the Justice Department, which is not
likely to pursue compliance in the likely event that the President asserts
executive privilege in a response to the request for certain documents for

So in point of fact, Senator Leahy I think is familiar with a lot of this.
He has also said in the past -- this would be in May of 2000 -- when it
came to the possibility of bringing contempt citations against the Attorney
General, "There is no justification for such an action. Moreover, as a
procedural matter, holding the Attorney General in contempt of Congress
will require a trial on the Senate floor. This is a spectacle that would
consume a good part of time that could otherwise be used on legislative
matters. Obviously the majority can set its own priorities in this election
year, to legislate or hold another Senate trial to end the 106th Congress
as it began. In my view," said Senator Leahy, "such a spectacle would be an
embarrassment to this institution."

Q Tony, you're able to make this argument and illustrate it because you can
refer back to a transcript, obviously.

MR. SNOW: Yes.

Q That seems to be the sticking point between the two sides, is having a
transcript. (Laughter.)

MR. SNOW: No, I don't think so, but that's very cleverly wrought.
(Laughter.) But the fact is --

Q (Inaudible.)

MR. SNOW: But the fact is what we have made available are all witnesses and
all facts. And these are people who will be testifying and be under a legal
obligation to testify truthfully. It does not seem to me that that is any
barrier at getting at the facts or getting at the information Congress
needs to do its review. And we have -- we've been very forward-leaning in
making available to Congress key documents, thousands of pages of
documents, as well as individuals who may be involved to answer questions
for as long as members of Congress may wish.

So, again, what is it that Congress wants? If you want the facts that
enable you to make the determinations on the merits of whatever your
suspicions may be, we're making them available.

Q One follow-up, because it does seem to be the area of sticking point. I
have not understood this about the transcript debate, because when the
question is asked, you say, look, they're still under obligation, legal
obligation to tell the truth, whether there is a transcript or not, whether
there's an oath or not. In that case, following that logic out, why ever
put anybody under oath, or why ever have a transcript? I mean, in a normal
criminal proceeding you're still under obligation to tell the truth.

MR. SNOW: Well, Jim, I don't think this is a normal proceeding. Do you? I
mean, this is a situation --

Q (Inaudible) for having even more (inaudible).

MR. SNOW: No, I'm not so sure. Once again, if you take a look, there have
been thousands of pages, there have been a number of people who have
testified, including -- openly -- and it seems now that we have a fishing
expedition that's woefully short on fish. It is an opportunity -- we have
said we will make whatever facts are available to you -- whatever facts you
need, we'll make them available to you, and that ought to render a basis
for judgment. This is one of these things where Congress can gets its facts
and do its due diligence without having to get to this point, and we
continue to hold open the possibility of accommodation. This is something
that we think best serves the interest of the public.

And furthermore, we're in a situation right now where there's a whole lot
of business that Congress needs to get done, and we've seen a number of
these things going on. It seems to me it would be a lot more constructive
to find a collaborative way for Congress to do a full investigation, get
all its questions answered, and at the same time, as Senator Leahy pointed
out in 2000, be able to move forward on things like the appropriations

Q Can I follow on that?

Q Do you --

MR. SNOW: I'm sorry, what?

Q Can I follow on that?

MR. SNOW: Yes, you may.

Q You were ready with Senator Leahy's quotes. Do you think the quotes which
you drew from him are analogous circumstances, you draw parallel between
the request in '99 and --

MR. SNOW: Yes, because it deals with procedural matters under which you
have a referral. I mean, that particularly -- that quote particularly
applies to what may or may not happen.

Q So the point -- so you agree that it's unlikely the Justice Department
would pursue this?

MR. SNOW: Well, if precedent is any guide, but, again, you have to leave
that up to the Justice Department. They have to make the final
determination on this. So I do not want to vouchsafe for what may come out
of Justice, but certainly there is a long series of traditions that's
consistent with Senator Leahy's quote.

Q Any reaction to the gap in fundraising between Republicans and Democrats
in this cycle, and is there anything that the White House plans to do, or
that you're planning to do?

MR. SNOW: The President will be happy to be supportive of -- to do whatever
he can for Republican candidates. But as you know, we've also been standing
back from making any comments about the general political campaign of 2008.

Q The Charleston visit, can you tell what the President wants to say to the

MR. SNOW: Well, he'll be talking about the war on terror. So this will be a
conversation about the war on terror and who we're fighting and what
challenges we face.

Q Tony, there was the veto threat from OMB today, this time on the
transportation appropriations bill. There has been a number of them on
appropriations now. Do you have a count on how many veto threats there are
on appropriations bills?

MR. SNOW: No, I don't. No I don't. But, I mean, we've had a number of veto
threats based on a whole series of considerations, quite often having to do
with spending or moving beyond what the President's bright lines are. In
some cases, there have been strong policy differences. So it really depends
on the bill.

Q What accounts for the differences, though, this year versus '01 to about
'05, when there were no threats at all?

MR. SNOW: Well, for one thing, you not only have different leadership, but
you also have a different working relationship with members of Congress.
There were opportunities --

Q What does that say about that relationship?

MR. SNOW: Well, what it says is the President has tried to reach out to
Democrats, and at this juncture the negotiations have not always produced
the results that the President considers acceptable. Having said that,
we'll continue to have conversations with leaders of the House and Senate.

Q Tony, what do you hope to see from tomorrow's meeting with the King of

MR. SNOW: Well, we will have to see. I'm not sure we've even acknowledged
when we'll be meeting, but we have --

Q It's on the week ahead.

MR. SNOW: We have? We finally acknowledged, okay. (Laughter.) Thank you.
Thank you for catching me up on that. Look, it's an important chance for
the President to sit down with somebody who is a key ally in the region,
particularly as we are working again toward trying to find a way to empower
a Palestinian government that can meet the Quartet principles and provide a
basis for working with Israel, so that you can have a democracy in the
region and fulfill the promise of democracy for the Palestinian people.

King Abdullah has certainly been a very valuable and forceful ally in that,
and I'm sure the conversation -- there will be plenty of conversation about
that. Whether it turns to other topics will be up to the King and the

Q Let me try this meetings tomorrow again, one more time. Is there any
reason to believe that Iran will suddenly change the way it operates, in
regards to Iraq?

MR. SNOW: Well, we're just going to -- I understand that. What you're
asking me to do is to prejudge a meeting that hasn't taken place. I'm not
going to do it.

Q Judging by the last meeting, going into this meeting, you're hopeful?

MR. SNOW: Well, what we're doing is, we've -- the Iraqi government has
invited both parties to come together and to talk about this. We have said
that we would respect those requests. It's important for the -- it's also
important to work the diplomatic channel whenever you can. And so we will
do it.

Q Tony, follow-up. There's a new poll out, CBS/New York Times poll. And
both the President and Congress have about an equal -- they register about
equally in terms of disapproval in the handling of the war. One thing that
people seem to agree on together is that the funding of the war should
continue only with a timetable; nearly two-thirds feel that way. But this
continues to be something that the President won't entertain, is that

MR. SNOW: What we've entertaining right now is we are entertaining the
process that was put in place by Congress a couple of months ago, which is,
they funded the new way forward, the surge, which has produced some
significant results on the battlefield. And we are hoping that we're going
to see some concomitant results in the political sphere.

Ambassador Crocker and General Petraeus will be issuing a report, again
pursuant to that legislation, that's due September 15th. I think the first
thing to do is to figure out, when you have a brand new operation underway,
how's it doing. I think the American people want to know that, as well.

Q I asked the President about this directly, and he said that he was not
open to the idea of timetables, essentially. So is that still an accurate

MR. SNOW: The President's position remains the same.

Q Thank you, Tony. Two questions. Reuters reports that New Haven,
Connecticut will begin issuing to illegal aliens city ID cards to allow
them access to city programs and to open bank accounts. My question: What
is the President's reaction to this municipal --

MR. SNOW: Lester, let me lay down a general rule, which is: The President,
because of federalism reasons, does not talk about state, local, county,
municipality, Cub Scout, Girl Scout, or other resolutions --

Q But these are illegal aliens.

MR. SNOW: -- that might have great provocative power in the larger press.
It's inappropriate for him to do so. So if you want to ask about the
President's position, it really ought to be something that's directly under
his purview.

Q Senator Hillary Clinton said, "Senator Kerry and I were shocked at Under
Secretary of Defense Eric Edelman's widely reported statement that
premature and public discussion of the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq
reinforces enemy propaganda that the United States will abandon its allies
in Iraq." And my question: Was the President also shocked, or was he
grateful to Mr. Edelman?

MR. SNOW: Well, Secretary Gates has since talked about the importance of
trying to work with members of Congress to get us in the right place. And
I'll refer you to his comments.

Q But the President has no comment on this?


Q Thank you.

MR. SNOW: We got the pull. Anybody else who has questions, come on up.

END 12:48 P.M. EDT
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