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Skriven 2005-03-14 23:33:08 av Whitehouse Press (1:3634/12.0)
Ärende: Press Release (0503146) for Mon, 2005 Mar 14
Press Briefing by Scott McClellan

For Immediate Release
March 14, 2005

Press Briefing by Scott McClellan
The James S. Brady Press Briefing Room

Press Briefing
"); //--> view

  þ Public diplomacy
      þ Reference B
  þ Prime Minister Hariri
  þ Syria/Lebanon
      þ Reference B
  þ Millennium Challenge Account
  þ France
  þ Social Security
  þ North Korea/South Korea
  þ India/Pakistan
  þ King Abdullah's visit
  þ China/Taiwan

1:04 P.M. EST

MR. McCLELLAN: Good afternoon, everybody. I'd like to begin with a
statement by the President.

"Our long-term strategy to keep the peace is to help change the conditions
that give rise to extremism and terror by spreading the universal principle
of human liberty. This will require an aggressive effort to share and
communicate America's fundamental values, while respecting the cultures and
traditions of other nations. Karen Hughes has been one of my most trusted
and closest advisors, and she has the experience, expertise and judgment to
lead this critical effort. Her return to public service in this important
position signifies my personal commitment to the international diplomacy
that is needed in these historic times. I value her counsel and friendship,
as does Secretary Rice."

The President is also pleased that Dina Powell has agreed to serve as
Karen's deputy. Dina is a valued member of the President's team, who has
already contributed to our diplomatic outreach efforts over the course of
the previous few years.

And with that, I will be glad to take your questions.

Q Scott, the President by making this announcement signals the importance
of the job -- it's been held by two persons in the past -- and, yet,
funding has remained the same for that. If this is such a top priority for
the President, why hasn't more funding made available?

MR. McCLELLAN: I think the President is, first and foremost, focused on
results. And what we need to do, as Secretary Rice pointed out earlier
today, is reform our public diplomacy. And Karen will be instrumental in
overseeing those efforts. The President designated this position as the
rank of ambassador, that shows the significance he places on this. The
President and Secretary Rice believe that reforming our public diplomacy
must be a high priority. We need to look for new ways to improve our public
diplomacy, and Karen will lead those efforts.

Q Scott, the amount of attention that you're paying on the Hughes
announcement, and the fact that one of the most trusted advisors of the
President has been nominated for the position, seems to be a pretty strong
indication that you're seeing some pretty troubling data out there. What
are you seeing?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, I think Secretary Rice spoke to this earlier in her
remarks. There is a lot of hate-filled propaganda that is aimed at the
United States of America. We need to counter the myths that are spread and
make sure that we are communicating the truth about the values that we
stand for and the generosity and compassion of the American people. That's
important. We also must expand our efforts to engage the people around the
world through educational and cultural exchanges. And Secretary Rice also
pointed out the importance of engaging in a conversation with the rest of
the world, and that means a better understanding of the cultures and
traditions and history of others. And so listening is important in that
element, as well. She talked about those three areas as being vital to
these efforts.

Q In terms of the Arab world, what is the issue out there that you think is
the biggest influencing factor on Arabs' perspective of the United States?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, that's why I pointed to, at the beginning, that there
is a lot of hate-filled propaganda that is spread about the United States
of America, particularly in that part of the world. And the United States
of America has important universal values that we stand for, and it's
important to communicate what those values are; it's important to talk
about our belief in freedom, that it is a universal for all people; it's
important to talk about our respect for the cultures and traditions and
history of others, and their ability to chose their own path, based on
those traditions and their own history; it's important to talk about our
support for international institutions and for the rule of law, and that's
what we want to continue to communicate.

Q But, again, to the question that I asked, recent surveys conducted show
that the Arab-Israeli issue remains the number one influencing factor of
Arab perceptions of the United States. Would you agree with that?

MR. McCLELLAN: And this President has been at the forefront of leading the
efforts to achieve the two-state vision that he outlined of two states,
Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security. We are at
the forefront of those efforts to support the aspirations of the
Palestinian people. And we continue to urge all parties to move forward on
the road map and meet their obligations.

The United States is continuing to work closely with other countries and
continuing to work closely with the parties involved to support their

Go ahead, Helen.

Q Diplomacy depends on policy. You can't sell what is unsaleable. If the
policy remains that we will engage further in preemptive war, you cannot
sell it to the Middle East, I'm sure, or anywhere else. So are you going to
change any policy?

MR. McCLELLAN: Our policy is to expand freedom and democracy and to support
the aspirations of people --

Q By gunpoint?

MR. McCLELLAN: -- and support the aspirations of people in countries around
the world that do not have the freedoms that we enjoy. And, no, Helen, the
President made it very clear in his inaugural address that it is not
primarily the use of arms. It is supporting the aspirations of the people
in those countries and doing all we can to stand with those people as they
seek greater freedoms. We are standing with the people of Lebanon. We are
standing with the people of the Palestinian Territories. We are standing
with --

Q We also invaded Iraq.

MR. McCLELLAN: -- we are standing with the people of Iraq, and the people
of Iraq have shown that freedom is a universal value. They stood up and
defied the terrorists and went to the polls.

Q And we invaded the country.

MR. McCLELLAN: Go ahead, Terry.

Q Secretary of State Rice said today that the time for reform of public
diplomacy is now. Why wasn't it two years ago, or three years ago?

MR. McCLELLAN: I think we did try to take steps to improve our public
diplomacy. We created the Office of Global Communications. That was
something that Karen was very involved in. Karen is someone who brings a
lot of practical foreign policy experience to the table. She is someone who
has traveled with the President extensively in the first term to foreign
capitals. She is someone who led our efforts to promote the rights of women
in Afghanistan and to free them from the abuses of the oppressive Taliban
regime that they were under. She is someone who has worked in our own
community to encourage fundraising efforts to build a school for boys and
girls in northern Afghanistan. So she brings some practical foreign policy
experience to the table. And she also brings the full trust of the
President to the table.

Q But I'm wondering about the two high-profile previous appointments the
President made to this post, and the series of reports that came out from
the Pentagon, from Congress, from think tanks, all calling on the
administration to get on the stick, really, on this issue. And I'm
wondering what happened.

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, I don't know -- and Secretary Rice talked about the
history of some of the public diplomacy outreach efforts and some of what
we did during the Cold War that was very helpful. And if you look at the
9/11 Commission report, it did point out the need to improve our public
diplomacy. That's why the President has made it a high priority. And,
clearly, there is more that we need to do to communicate with the world
about what America stands for, particularly in the Arab world, because the
values that we stand for are universal values that are shared by all.

Go ahead, April.

Q On the Karen issue, some are saying that instead of bringing her back to
deal with Social Security, which --

MR. McCLELLAN: Finally got your costume on? (Laughter.)

Q Some are saying instead of bringing Karen back for Social Security, which
some are saying the President is viewing as a sinking ship, and taking her
over to the State Department, is somewhat for legacy. Here you're
abandoning the Social Security issue, something that she knows, domestic
policy, and her great leveraging efforts, and then putting her there. Talk
to me about legacy as it relates to Karen, and Middle Eastern peace.

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, first of all, on Social Security, I have to dispute
the characterization that was in your question. I strongly disagree with
that characterization. The President is just now, and the administration is
just now really stepping up our efforts to educate the American people
about the problems facing Social Security and the need for a solution. He
is just now really stepping up the efforts to reassure seniors that nothing
changes when it comes to those who are retired or near retirement. So I
would dispute that characterization.

Now the other part of your question was?

Q The fact that instead of bringing her back for Social Security, something
that she has great strategy for, great leverage, and putting --

MR. McCLELLAN: I don't accept the premise of your question, because Karen
is someone who has long been a trusted advisor of this President, has
provided advice on many issues. Just because she left the administration a
few years ago doesn't mean she didn't continue to advise the President from
afar. In fact, she stated very clearly that she would continue to provide
advice to the President.

But public diplomacy is one of our most important priorities when it comes
to our foreign policy. Secretary Rice spoke to that issue earlier today.
And the fact that the President would call on Karen to fill this post shows
the significance we place on public diplomacy. This was something, after
the election, you remember, Karen came back and helped out some during the
election, spent a few months traveling with the President. Following the
election, the President had said public diplomacy is one area where you
might be able to help out. And so this discussion has been going on for
quite some time, going back to shortly after the election. And the
President is pleased that she has agreed to take on this important mission.

Q So do you think what you're looking for in the Middle East -- peace and
freedom in the Middle East and democratic rule in the Middle East -- do you
think that Karen can ultimately be the one to help bring a legacy about for
this President as it relates to the Middle East?

MR. McCLELLAN: I don't think the President is viewing it in those terms. He
is viewing it in the terms that he has discussed with Secretary Rice. He
and Secretary Rice have talked about the importance of diplomacy, and
Secretary Rice made it very clear, as did the President, that diplomacy was
going to be at the forefront of our foreign policy agenda over the course
of these next four years. That's why he tapped Secretary Rice to go over to
the Department of State, and we are -- at the heart of diplomacy is the
outreach efforts. And so that's why this is important. That's why we're
looking at ways to revamp and reform our public diplomacy.

Q Scott, on another matter, there was a report out of The Independent from
a Beirut reporter, Robert Fisk, who said that the President was expected to
announce on Wednesday that Syrian and perhaps Lebanese military
intelligence officers were involved in Hariri's death. Is that true, and do
you have any update on the investigation?

MR. McCLELLAN: I have no idea where that report came from. The United
Nations is continuing their investigation. It's important that the
assassination of the former Prime Minister, Mr. Hariri, be fully
investigated. And we look forward to seeing what the results of the
investigation are. But the United Nations is continuing in their
investigation, and we have not seen any update on that and any final
results of that investigation.

Q Can I follow up on that?


Q On Wednesday, the President is going to meet with the Lebanese Maronite
Christian Patriarch. Is the President expected to -- planning to persuade
him to get involved in this whole issue of getting Syria out of Lebanon?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, I think he has been involved in the issue of
supporting the Lebanese people, and letting -- and supporting their desires
to chart their own course, free from outside intimidation and interference.
That's one of the reasons the President invited him to come to the United
States. His All Holiness is someone who has promoted the religious
diversity and culture of the Lebanese people, and he is someone who has
been a supporter of freedom and democracy in Lebanon.

And the President -- in terms of the issue of Syria, the President
continues to call on Syria to completely withdraw all their military forces
and all their intelligence services as soon as possible. It's important
that elections proceed without outside intimidation or interference so that
they can be free and fair and credible. And that's something we continue to
emphasize. We've seen some positive developments, but ultimately it will
depend on the action, and not the words, by Syrian officials.

Q Unrelated question, but the Millennium Challenge Corporation is
announcing its first grant to Madagascar. Why has it taken a year to do so?
I mean, if this is supposed to be another urgent front to combat terrorism
and poverty --

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, we continue to provide development assistance in large
numbers. We're one of the leaders when it comes to providing assistance to
other countries around the world. And the Millennium Challenge Account is
an important initiative that we have undertaken to make sure that we are
encouraging reforms based on democracy and rule of law when we provide
assistance. We want to make sure that that assistance is going to countries
that are committed to fighting corruption and promoting the rule of law,
and that that assistance is focused on achieving real results.

Q But is this assistance running into bureaucratic red tape, so that this
effort is going so slowly? It's been three years since the President talked
about it.

MR. McCLELLAN: I don't know about that. I think you can talk to the
Department of State about where it stands, in terms of providing assistance
to other countries in terms of the Millennium Challenge Account.

Go ahead, Carl.

Q Scott, if the time for reforming our diplomacy is now, as the Secretary
of State said, and it's now a new priority, at what point did it lapse?

MR. McCLELLAN: I wouldn't say it's a new one. I don't think you should read
into that. It has always been a priority, particularly after September
11th. But we see, as we are engaged in a global war on terrorism, that the
terrorists like to use a lot of hate-filled propaganda and spread a message
about America that simply is not true. The way to counter that is to
communicate directly with others across the world in a truthful way, and to
provide facts to people around the world and to talk to them about the
values that we stand for, values that they share, values that people across
the world share, and to talk to them about the generosity and compassion of
the American people. It's always been a priority, but the fact that Karen
Hughes is taking this important position shows the significance the
President is placing on revamping and reforming those efforts, to do a
better job.

Q And why now, as opposed to three-and-a-half years ago, or six or so years
ago? What is it that happened in the --

MR. McCLELLAN: I think you maybe didn't hear what I was saying in the
beginning. We did take steps to improve our public diplomacy by creating,
among other things, the Office of Global Communications. That's an office
that continues and will continue to play an important role in these
efforts. But we need to look back to our history and what has worked well,
as well as look at new ideas for improving our public diplomacy. And that's
what Secretary Rice spoke to earlier today, and Karen will be instrumental
in those efforts.

Q France and the U.S. seem to be working in concert in Lebanon. Can you
tell us what happened there? How did that --

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, we have long worked together on the issue of Lebanon
and our support for the people of Lebanon. The United Nations Security
Council resolution 1559 that was passed last fall is something we worked
closely with our French counterparts on. And that resolution spells out
what needs to happen, and it calls for all foreign occupation of Syria to
end, and it says for all parties to fully and urgently comply with that
resolution. It also calls for disarming of militia and it expresses support
for the sovereignty and independence of the Lebanese people.

Q Does this represent some kind of a thaw, something that went on behind
the scenes?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, this is an issue where we have worked very closely
together. And there are other areas where we have worked very closely
together. We've worked closely together in places like Haiti. We've worked
closely together in other places: Afghanistan. And we will continue to do
so in the future. The President had a very good visit with President Chirac
recently. The President believes it's important that we continue to focus
on ways we can work together on common challenges. And that's what he will
continue to emphasize to our European friends.

Q Two of the biggest demonstrations in Lebanon have been held by the
Hezbollah. And I was wondering, given that they, obviously, have some very
strong support among large sections of the Shiite population, will the U.S.
change its attitude and begin to accept Hezbollah as a legitimate political
factor in the Lebanese situation? And will they be able to fully
participate in any upcoming election?

MR. McCLELLAN: Our view on Hezbollah remains unchanged. We continue to view
Hezbollah as a terrorist organization. Our focus now is on making sure that
there are free and fair elections for the Lebanese people. The President
believes that the future of Lebanon is in the hands of the Lebanese people.
We want to see the Lebanese people chart their own course. And as long as
you have Syrian military forces and intelligence services inside Lebanon,
that prevents them from being able to chart their own course. That's why
we're continuing to emphasize, first and foremost, the importance of Syria
fully complying with the Security Council resolution, which calls for the
complete withdrawal of all forces and intelligence services.

In terms of elections, when you have free and fair elections, I think you
see in other parts of the region that people tend to choose leaders who are
committed to improving their livelihood and improving their security and
improving their prosperity, rather than terrorists. And so that's why we
have confidence in the Lebanese people to chart a course that is based on
democracy and freedom.

Q But if they were to choose a large number of people who were connected to
the Hezbollah, would that be acceptable to the U.S.?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, again, our views on Hezbollah remain unchanged. And
the Security Council resolution also calls for the disarming of all
militias, and that would include Hezbollah, as well. But our focus now is
on making sure that Syrian forces get completely out of Lebanon so that we
remove the intimidation factor that is there right now so that the Lebanese
people can chart their own course through free and fair elections.

Q But you're assuming, Scott, that Hezbollah is dependent on the fact that
Syrian forces being there and their support is not --

MR. McCLELLAN: Secretary Rice actually spoke to this yesterday. You can't
have groups or organizations that are committed to violence when you have a
society based on democracy and rule of law. And she spoke to that issue

Go ahead.

Q Scott, on March 7th, my colleague, Tim Carney, reported the Export-Import
Bank had made $5 billion in loans and loan guarantees to the China National
Nuclear Corporation, CNNC, which our own intelligence reports say has
played a pivotal role in building nuclear reactors in Pakistan and Iran.
Given the very strong language you were using about China this morning
after the Taiwan resolution, what is the administration's reaction to the
Ex-Im Bank giving $5 billion to their nuclear program?

MR. McCLELLAN: I'd have to take a look at the specific report. I haven't
seen it. If you're talking about for peaceful civilian purposes, that's one
matter. If you're talking about proliferation, that's another matter. And
the President has acted very strongly when it comes to stopping the spread
of nuclear materials, and implemented export controls. We have export
controls on countries, and we enforce those export controls.

Q Well, when you talk about proliferation, again, it has been determined
very solidly that the CNNC in China that is going to receive $5 billion in
U.S. aid was involved in proliferation in Pakistan and Iran.

MR. McCLELLAN: If you want to bring me the specific report, I'll be glad to
take a look at it. We have acted in certain instances when there have been
companies in countries like China that have violated our export controls.

Q If you have a formal response on that, could you post it, please?


Go ahead.

Q Scott, you said this morning the President is going to continue to meet
with members of Congress on Social Security. Is he hearing from them what
is showing up in the polls as recently as today in the ABC poll, that there
is declining support for his private accounts proposal? And what does he
say to them to convince them to stay the course? How long will this take?
What is that conversation like?

MR. McCLELLAN: He is hearing from members about some of the survey results,
the survey results that show that the American people recognize that there
are serious problems facing Social Security. That is something that has
come up in the discussions. We are still in the early stages of educating
the American people about the challenges facing Social Security. These are
long-term challenges. But the facts are very clear on the need for action
now, because in just three years, the baby boomers are going to start
retiring, and that's going to place some great strains on our Social
Security system. And in just over a decade from now, we're going to see
shortfalls in the system. The system is going to be paying out more to
beneficiaries than it is taking in to the system. And that's why we need to
act now to solve the problem.

Members of Congress -- the last meeting he had with members of Congress
just last week. Some of those members talked about some of the town hall
meetings that they had had in their communities. And they said seniors are
rejecting the scare tactics; they're recognizing that this doesn't affect
them. But seniors also understand the importance of making sure that that
safety net is there for their children and grandchildren, because right now
the safety net has a big hole in it, and that's why we need to strengthen
Social Security and make sure that it is permanently sound. That's why --
and the President is reaching out to members of Congress -- he's continuing
to do so -- to listen to their ideas.

We're seeing now that Democrats, some of who said that there was no problem
previously, are now saying, well, there are problems, and we need to find a
solution. And that's an important first step as we move forward to find a
bipartisan solution. But the President wants to find a bipartisan solution.
We are still listening about different ways for making the system
permanently sound. You heard the President talk about it the other day.

In 1983, members of Congress were able to come together and find a 75-year
fix. It was a "75-year fix." Well, just a couple years later, we saw that
Social Security was again on an unsustainable course. The President
believes it's important that we make it permanently sound, and that we make
sure that that safety net is there for our children and grandchildren.

Now, personal accounts are an important part of this process, as well, and
that's why he's continuing to talk about the importance of making sure that
our younger workers can realize a greater rate of return on their
retirement savings, something that is closer to what is promised, because
right now the Social Security system cannot meet its promise.

And so we're going to continue, right now, reaching out to the American
people and educating them about the serious problems facing Social
Security. And we're also going to continue talking to them about what the
President believes we need to act on. The President has laid out some very
clear principles, that is, no changes for seniors. And he's also made it
clear that a principle must be to make it permanently sound. And he's made
it clear that another principle is, we must strengthen it for our children
and grandchildren, and give them more control over their own retirement

Q Is he hearing at all from members of Congress, though, about the loss or
decline in support for his specific proposal? Is he getting any advice
about changing tactics?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, first of all, the specific proposal, we're still
working with members of Congress on a comprehensive solution for
strengthening Social Security. One of the ideas he has discussed is
personal retirement accounts. That's part of a comprehensive solution. So
we've still working with members of Congress on that.

He has heard about the scare tactics that are going on in different parts
of the country, scare tactics aimed at making the -- misleading the
American people. And the American people are going to reject those scare
tactics in the end. The American people, when they see that there are
problems, expect us to work together to find solutions. And the American
people are seeing that there are serious problems facing Social Security.
That's in survey after survey. But it's still early in the process, and we
shouldn't jump ahead at this point. We need to continue focusing on ways we
can work together.

Go ahead.

Q Scott, South Korea has been designating North Korea as main enemy of
South Korea. (Inaudible) to the South Korean government has removed the
(inaudible) of an enemy from South Korea's (inaudible) defense --

MR. McCLELLAN: I'm sorry, was South Korea what?

Q That South Korea has removed the (inaudible), the main enemy from the
South Korea's annual defense report. What is your comment?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, in terms of North Korea? I think our focus with South
Korea and China and Japan and Russia remains on urging North Korea to
return to the six-party talks, the six-party framework. We put a proposal
on the table. It's a proposal that addresses concerns and we want to see
their response to that proposal so that we can move forward in the
six-party framework to realize what all parties want, which is a
nuclear-free peninsula. And that's a threat that concerns all parties in
the region.

And North Korea has continued to isolate itself over the years by its
comments and actions. And we've made it clear that this is a proposal that,
if they make the commitment to abandon their nuclear ambitions and
completely end their pursuit of nuclear weapons, then they can realize
better relations with the international community. But until that time,
they cannot fully realize those relations, and they will continue to
isolate themselves.

Q The important thing is South Korean government remove the enemy, main
enemy, the list, from their annual defense (inaudible). That means, who is
their enemy?

MR. McCLELLAN: You might want to direct that question to South Korea. But
all of us have concerns -- all of us have concerns about North Korea's
nuclear weapons ambitions, and that's why we're working through the
six-party process right now.

Go ahead, Goyal.

Q Scott, two questions. One, Dr. Rice, Secretary of State, is going to be
in India tomorrow, and she will be visiting Afghanistan, Pakistan and also
a number of countries in the region. One, before she left for the area, she
had a conversation of matter with President Bush, giving her reports on all
of her visits in Europe. I'm sure this issue must have been in conversation
about her visit to South Asia. What she's getting, actually, at this time,
particularly India and Pakistans are growing, their relations are growing,
thus diplomacy and other issues are now -- borders are open. And people but
different -- (inaudible) -- are there. So where do we stand now, as far as
President Bush is concerned, or he -- she's carrying any message from him?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, there are encouraging signs between India and Pakistan
in -- as they've worked to improve their relations. And we believe it's
important for them to continue to work together, and we continue to
encourage dialogue between the parties to reduce tensions in the region.
And there are some positive developments recently. We'll continue to work
with all parties to support their efforts.

Q Second question --

MR. McCLELLAN: Let me keep moving to -- let me keep moving. I'll try to
come back. Ivan, go ahead.

Q In a recent interview, Karen implied that she didn't want to return to
Washington full-time, maybe three days a week. Has that changed, or will
she be a part-time under secretary?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, first of all, I'm not sure about these specific
comments. You can probably ask her about those. But the -- I mean, Karen
will start working on these efforts now. She's not expected to really take
this position until later this summer, at this point.

But we'll be moving forward on the nomination of Dina Powell, as well. And
as I say, Karen will begin and she's already, to some extent, begun these
efforts prior to today's announcement.

Q Will she work here and in Texas, as well? Or would she remain here most
of that time?

MR. McCLELLAN: Oh, my understanding is that she will be working here most
of the time, but commuting back to Texas.

Go ahead.

Q Scott, you've got King Abdullah coming in. He's the first Arab leader to
visit since the President's speech about this perceived thaw in blocking
democracy in the Middle East. Will the President directly challenge him on

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, I think that they will talk about the broader Middle
East Initiative. And that initiative is based on supporting greater freedom
and democracy for the people of the region. This is an issue, yes, that
they do tend to discuss. And I'm sure they will continue to talk about our
bilateral relations, as well. I think it's best that those discussions take
place privately between the two leaders. The President has a good
relationship with King Abdullah. He appreciates his support for the Middle
East peace process. He appreciates his commitment to work with us on -- and
others in the region on the broader Middle East initiative. And so he looks
forward -- and he's also been a valued ally in the global war on terrorism.

Q Is he going to try to enlist him on this Syria-Lebanon track also?

MR. McCLELLAN: I imagine that will come up. That's an important issue in
the region, as well. And let's let the meeting take place, for now.

Go ahead.

Q I know you have statement on the passage of the anti-secession law. But
if you say the law is not helpful to the situation, would the United States
do something to assure China that Taiwan will not become independent, so
there's no further escalation of the situation?

MR. McCLELLAN: In fact, I expressed our views earlier today. Our views
remain unchanged. Our policy remains unchanged. We do view the adoption of
the anti-secession law as something that is unfortunate and not helpful to
encouraging peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. We continue to
encourage cross-strait dialogue. We believe that's important to ensuring
peace and stability and to reducing tensions. We don't believe anyone
should be taking unilateral steps, or make unilateral changes that
increases tensions. And that's why we view the adoption of this
anti-secession law as not helpful. But we'll continue to encourage
cross-strait dialogue.

We'll also continue to make very clear what our views are. We continue to
support the one China policy. We continue to support the three communiqu s.
And we do not support Taiwan independence.

Q Is Dr. Rice offering any message, a new message from the President --

MR. McCLELLAN: You ought to direct those questions to the Department of
State. I'm sure she'll be talking about it more during her trip.

Go ahead.

Q Scott, on video news releases, is it this administration's position that
that device is legal and legitimate, to package those up, send them out
sometimes with actors portraying reporters -- though, God knows why anyone
would want to do that -- without disclaimers that they're government
productions, as long as they meet some standard of factual basis?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, a couple of things. First of all, we're talking about
informational news releases. And the Department of Justice has issued an
opinion saying that as long as this is factual information about department
or agency programs, it is perfectly appropriate. There is a memorandum that
we -- or the Department of Justice sent to agencies and departments last
week expressing the view of the Justice Department. And the informational
news releases that you're referring to are something that had been in use
for many years. It goes back to the early '90s, both in the private and
public sectors; many federal agencies have used this for quite some time as
an informational tool to provide factual information to the American

And my understanding is that when these informational releases are sent
out, that it's very clear to the TV stations where they are coming from. So
that information, as I understand it, is disclosed.

And the Justice Department opinion talks about the importance of making
sure that it is factual information and not crossing the line into
advocacy. But I think agencies and departments have an obligation to
provide the American people with factual information about their programs,
particularly when you look at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. There's
an agency that I think has used some of this going back to the '30s -- I
saw some information to that effect -- providing farmers with important
factual information that helps them in their everyday lives.

Q Does the administration disagree with the GAO findings that the ONDCP and
HHS went too far, and what they did was propaganda?

MR. McCLELLAN: Yes, that -- in fact, in terms of the Department of Health
and Human Services, that was what generated the opinion from the Department
of Justice.

Q Thank you.

MR. McCLELLAN: Let me finish with Mark.

Q I'm sorry, about St. Patrick's Day, what is the White House thinking for
not inviting Gerry Adams and these other Northern Ireland politicians to
the observances, as they have been since --

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, we have hosted the leaders of the political parties in
Northern Ireland in recent years in order to encourage progress toward a
comprehensive peace agreement. This year, we chose to highlight the role of
civil society activists and their efforts to build a peaceful and tolerant
society in Northern Ireland. We have seen recently that there has been a
lack of progress by the parties toward a comprehensive peace agreement. And
we continue to share the views of Prime Ministers Ahern and Blair that
continued violence, paramilitary activity and associated criminal acts
remain a key obstacle to a lasting and durable peace. And the President
also -- we have also invited the McCartney sisters to come to the events
this week. And that sends that message, as well.

Q But to be clear, you are sending a message to the IRA that -- them and
other groups --

MR. McCLELLAN: To the parties involved, I mean, we would like to see more
progress toward a comprehensive peace agreement. And we continue to support
the efforts by the leaders, Prime Minister Ahern and Prime Minister Blair,
to achieve a comprehensive peace agreement. And there has been continued
violence and a lack of progress toward that effort.

Thank you.

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