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Skriven 2005-05-05 00:03:42 av Whitehouse Press (1:3634/12.0)
Ärende: Press Release (050504) for Thu, 2005 May 5
President Discusses Social Security at Latino Coalition Conference

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
May 4, 2005

President Discusses Social Security at Latino Coalition Conference
J.W. Marriott Hotel
Washington, D.C.

˙˙˙˙˙In Focus: Social Security

10:31 A.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. Thanks for coming. Please be seated. Si
ntese. Thank you, Hector. Thank you for the job you're doing with the Small
Business Administration. Thank you all for coming today to hear this
conversation about how to make sure a very important part of our society
functions well for a young generation of Latinos and people from all walks
of life.

So today we're here to discuss Social Security and the importance of Social
Security. And I want to thank our panelists for joining us. I want to thank
the Latino Coalition for hosting this reception. As I look out in the crowd
I see a lot of familiar faces and a lot of friends. It's great to see you
all again. Thank you for coming.

I want to thank Roberto Deposada, the chairman and president of Latino
Coalition. Thank you for hosting this event. I am honored to be joined
today by -- or we are honored to be joined by the Chairman of the Ways and
Means Committee from Bakersfield, California. It's relevant he is here --
after all, it's his committee that is going to write the reforms necessary
to make sure the Social Security system works for a younger generation of
Americans. I have worked closely with Chairman Thomas on a lot of crucial
issues. When he says he can get the job done, he means he can get the job
done and has proven over the past five years that he can get the job done.
Mr. Chairman, thank you for joining us. (Applause.)

As well, Congressman Chris Cannon, from Utah, is with us. Thank you for
coming, Congressman; honored you're here.

Before I talk about Social Security, though, I want to remind you the war
on terror goes on. And today's report on the capture of a top al Qaeda
operative, Abu Faraj Al-Libbi, represents a critical victory in the war on
terror. (Applause.)

Al-Libbi was a top general for bin Laden. He was a major facilitator and a
chief planner for the al Qaeda network. His arrest removes a dangerous
enemy who was a direct threat to America and for those who love freedom.

I applaud the Pakistani government for their strong cooperation in the war
on terror. I applaud the Pakistani government and President Musharraf for
acting on solid intelligence to bring this man to justice. The fight
continues. We'll stay on the offensive until al Qaeda is defeated.

Franklin Roosevelt did a wise thing when he set up the Social Security
system. A lot of people throughout the last decades have counted on a
Social Security check to help them in retirement. As a matter of fact, I'm
sure you know people in your communities that rely upon their Social
Security check completely to make sure they have dignity in their
retirement. It was a wise idea to set up the system, and I am mindful that
when anybody in Washington talks about Social Security, a wave of fear
ripples through the senior community because they think somebody is about
to take their check away.

So I want to open my comments to you all to assure you that your loved ones
who count on Social Security will get their check. Nothing will change for
today's seniors who are getting a Social Security check. If you -- as a
matter of fact, if you were born prior to 1950, nothing will change. The
system is solvent enough to keep its promises. And that's very important
for people to hear. So when you hear all these ads and propaganda saying,
well, you know, talk about making sure the Social Security system is modern
and seniors are not going to get your check, just know it's not true and
please assure seniors it's not true, because it's not.

The safety net will work for them, but there is a hole in the safety net
for a younger generation of Americans coming up. And here's why -- first,
let me just describe the nature of the system, and that is it's a
pay-as-you-go system. You pay in payroll taxes and the government takes
care of retirees, and with money left over, spends it on other programs.
And all that is left is a file cabinet with IOUs. See, some in our country
believe that the system works this way: you pay in the system, we hold your
money for you, and when you retire, we give it back to you. That's not the
way it works. It's a pay-as-you-go system.

Now, the reason there's a hole in the safety net for people who are going
to be paying into the pay-as-you-go system is because there are a lot of
people getting ready to retire. We are called "baby boomers." I happen to
be one. I'm retiring in four years. At least I'm eligible for my
retirement. (Laughter.) I turn 62 in four years. There are about 75 million
baby boomers who will be retired when it's all said and done. There are 40
million baby boomers -- I mean, retirees today. So think about that. We
have 40 million retirees today, and in relatively quick order, there's
going to be over 70 million retirees. We've got a lot more people that
younger workers are going to have to pay for.

Secondly, we are living longer. I plan to live a long time. (Laughter.)
It's why I'm exercising a lot. (Laughter.) It's why I'm making right
choices about what I put in my body, and I suggest all Americans exercise
more and be wise about what you eat and what you drink. It'll help you live
longer, they tell me.

But a lot of us are going to live longer. And we've been promised greater
benefits than the previous generation. So if you're a younger worker out
there, you're now looking at more people retiring, who will be living
longer -- in other words, you have to keep paying more monthly benefits
over time, who've been promised greater monthly benefits. And there's going
to be fewer of you paying into the system. In 1950, there were 16 workers
for every beneficiary. Today, there is 3.3 workers for every beneficiary.
In short order there will be two workers for every beneficiary. So young
workers are going to be paying for more people, living longer, getting
greater benefits. And the pay-as-you-go system goes negative in 2017. In
other words, there's more money going out than coming in. And in -- and
every year it gets worse. That's just the way it's going to work.

And so in 2027, you're going to be $200 billion in the hole, for example,
it will be $300 billion in the 2030s, and the system is going to be broke
in 2041. So you've got people who are starting to pay into the system now,
who are paying into a system that's not going to be around. And I don't
want to make younger workers a lot of -- nervous in America. The people who
ought not to be nervous are the older Americans. You're going to get your
check. It's the people paying for baby boomers like me who are going to
retire who ought to be paying attention to this issue, because the system
is insolvent.

So I have an obligation to encourage Congress to act. And Chairman Thomas
knows what I'm about to say: the longer we wait, the more expensive it's
going to be. If Congress chooses to do nothing on this problem, you're
either going to have to raise your payroll tax to, some estimate, 18
percent, or cut benefits dramatically by 30 percent. So now is the time to
get after it, in my judgment.

Obviously felt that way because in the State of the Union I spent a lot of
time talking about it, and subsequently have spent a lot of time talking
about it. I'm going to continue traveling our country making it clear to
people we've got a problem, because, see, once they figure out we've got a
problem, the next course of action is going to be to say to Congress, how
come you're not doing anything about it? How come you're allowing partisan
politics to prevent good people from coming together to solve the problem?

I have an obligation to put some things on the table, and I've been doing
that. First, I believe that future generations must receive benefits equal
to or greater than the benefits of today's seniors. Secondly, I believe
this country needs to set a goal that says if you've worked all your life
and if you paid into the retirement system to Social Security, you should
not retire in poverty. To me, that's a noble goal. Frankly, it's the kind
of goal that Franklin Delano Roosevelt would strongly support.

And so in my press conference the other night, I proposed a way of
calculating future benefits for future retirees that says, if you're a
low-income worker, your benefits ought to raise -- rise with wage
increases, and if you're an upper-income worker, your benefits ought to
rise with inflation. Seems fair to me. Seems like a noble calling for the
United States of America, to recognize a lot of people work really hard and
don't make a lot of money, but when it comes time to retire, there ought to
be dignity in retirement. I also believe that younger workers -- and by the
way, what -- that plan alone, that part of a plan, solves the majority of
the solvency issue for a generation of Americans coming up.

In other words, what I'm talking about, making sure that we permanently
solve the Social Security problem can be done. And I have an obligation to
advance the process by putting out some ideas that I think are important.
And I want to thank Chairman Thomas for his willingness to work with us on
this issue, and I'll work with him on this issue.

Now I want to talk about something else that I think the country ought to
consider, and this pertains to younger workers. I think younger workers --
first of all, younger workers have been promised benefits the government --
promises that have been promised, benefits that we can't keep. That's just
the way it is. And I believe I have the duty as the President to be willing
to confront that fact, to tell people the truth. The younger people in
America got to understand that. We've given you promises we just can't

But one way to make a permanent solution to Social Security system a better
deal is to allow younger workers to take some of your own money and set it
aside in a personal savings account that you can call your own. And the
reason why that's important is because if you watch your money grow at a
reasonable rate of interest, you know it compounds over time. There's a
compound rate of interest, which means money grows and grows, bigger and
bigger and bigger. For example, if you're making a $35,000 all your life,
and you're allowed to take a third of your payroll taxes and set it aside
in a conservative mix of bonds and stocks that have a reasonable rate of
return, then when you get ready to retire, you'll have $250,000 as part of
a retirement plan. You'll get your Social Security check, whatever the
government can afford, plus money off of your nest egg.

Money grows. And the current system doesn't encourage, doesn't take
advantage of compound interest. And so step one is, letting a younger
person own their own -- manage their own money in a conservative mix of
bonds and stocks will mean you get a better deal on your own money. This
payroll tax is your money. And the government ought to say you get a better
deal on your money, and you can watch it grow.

Secondly, I like people owning something. The more people own assets, the
better off America is. I reject this notion that the investor class is
limited to only a certain kind of person. The more moms and dads accumulate
assets, the better off it is for American families. I want more people
being able to say, this is mine, the government can't take it away, the
government can't spend it, it's not a part of a pay-as-you-go system. And
when you pass away, you can leave it to whomever you choose. That's a part
of America. And more people that have that -- (applause.)

This idea, I think, is fair. It means you get a better deal on your own
money. It's fair; it encourages ownership. Listen, the system today is a
lousy deal for widows. The way it works today is if you and your spouse are
working and one of you dies early, then the spouse upon retiring gets to
choose the survivor benefits that your spouse has paid into the system, or
you own benefits, which is ever higher, but not both. So think about that.
Somebody may have died at age 52, started working at age 22, worked 30
years and put all that money in the system, and his or her spouse ends up
having to choose, to decide what retirement account he or she wants -- the
one she contributed to or the one he contributed to, but not both. In other
words, the money goes away.

In a personal savings account, as you watch your money grow, a worker sets
aside money in an asset base. That asset can go to help the widow or the
surviving spouse. The system isn't fair today. And we need to make it fair.
And we can make it more fair for people at the lower end of the income

Now, I want to -- and during this conversation some things will come out
that I think probably -- hopefully some questions will come out that are on
your mind.

I want to address a couple of things. One, I understand there is a need for
more financial literacy in America, and so I've instructed the FDIC and the
SBA and the Treasury Department to work with the Latino Coalition and the
Hispanic Chamber and other groups to help make sure that financial literacy
is more widespread in all neighborhoods and all communities. (Applause.)
FDIC has got the money smart financial workshop program. They're going to
work with the Latino Coalition. SBA has got a negocios.gov program on the
web page. Treasury has got all kinds of financial learning materials that
we can spread out, and we need your help.

Secondly, what I'm talking about, though, is happening in America already.
In other words, I'm not inventing something new to say to somebody, you can
invest your own money. When I was coming up, there wasn't a lot of talk
about 401(k)s or IRAs. There wasn't any. And today -- yesterday I had an
interesting experience. I went down to the Nissan plant in Canton,
Mississippi, and it was a very diverse audience, a lot of assembly-line
workers. And I said, how many of you all have got your own 401(k)? I mean,
the number of hands that went up was astounding. You've got people from all
walks of life managing their money already. People are getting used to it.

Matter of fact, this was such a good idea that the United States Congress a
while ago decided in the Thrift Savings Plan, the Federal Thrift Savings
Plan, to allow federal workers -- members of the United States Congress and
members of the United States Senate -- to manage their own personal
account. See, and the reason why is, I'm confident they took a look at the
rate of return a government can get versus the rate of return that you can
get in a conservative mix of bonds and stocks, and decided they want their
money to grow -- they want to watch their money grow faster, than that
available to the government, and so they said, they just decided we'll get
to do this, too.

If it is good enough for a member of the United States Congress to set
aside some of his or her own money in a personal savings account so they
get a better rate of return, they can pass it on to whomever they want, it
ought to be good enough for workers all across the United States of
America. (Applause.)

I am honored to be joined by Fidel Vargas today. Fidel is an interesting
man. He's already been a -- he's 36 and he's already been a mayor of a
California city. Did a fine job there.

You know, when I first got elected, I recognized that the Social Security
issue is going to be an issue that was going to require some -- some sound
thought and reasoning. People needed to be coming together to help think
about this issue. And so I set up a commission. Daniel Patrick Moynihan,
the former Senator from New York, Democrat Senator, was the chairman of it,
and I asked Fidel to join.

And welcome, Fidel. Thanks for coming. He is a -- well, you'll see. He
knows what he's talking about.

* * * * *

MR. VARGAS: And I'm a little embarrassed to say, but I think I'll share
with the President that the first time he ran, I didn't vote for the
President. So excuse me for that, sir. But I'm sure -- (laughter.)

THE PRESIDENT: I understand a lot of other people didn't, either. (Laughter
and applause.)

* * * * *

THE PRESIDENT: Great job, thanks for coming. (Applause.) The fact that you
went to Harvard bothers me more than the fact that you didn't vote for me.

MR. VARGAS: We both went to HBS.

THE PRESIDENT: That's right. I forgot that part. (Laughter.) Good job.
Thanks for coming.

The message here is really important, that it doesn't matter whether you're
a Republican or a Democrat on this issue, what matters is, do you care
about the future of the country, and are you willing to set aside
partisanship and work in a constructive way to get something done?

If you're a senior, you're going to get your check. You know what's
happening now? A lot of grandmothers and grandfathers, when they finally
absorb that message, are beginning to say, what about my grandkids; Mr.
President, it seems like a big problem coming for them, what are you going
to do about? And now is the time to do something about.

Fidel, I appreciate your tone, I appreciate your constructive work on this
issue. Thanks for coming.

Our next guest is Russell Ybarra. He's United Nations Tejano.

MR. YBARRA: A true Tejano.

THE PRESIDENT: A true Tejano. Those are the best kind. (Laughter and

A businessman -- tell everybody what you do, Russell.

MR. YBARRA: Well, first of all, yes, I was born and raised in the Lone Star
state, so we're neighbors.


MR. YBARRA: Again, my name is Russell Ybarra, and I tell people the first
three words I learned in Spanish was lechuga, tomate you cebolla, because
that was the order we put them on the tacos at my family's restaurant when
I was growing up. (Laughter.) So, anyway, I'm the President and CEO of
Gringo's Mexican Kitchen. We operate six stores in the Houston area and one
in San Antonio.

THE PRESIDENT: Good. How are you doing? Making a little --

MR. YBARRA: We're paying our taxes -- on time. (Laughter.)

THE PRESIDENT: How about your ownership? You paying any of that?

MR. YBARRA: A little bit.

THE PRESIDENT: A little bit, that's good. Well, in other words, you're in

MR. YBARRA: Exactly.

THE PRESIDENT: That's good.

MR. YBARRA: We have a duty.

* * * * *

MR. YBARRA: Again, the 401(k) program in the food service industry is an
exception, not the rule. And I thought, okay, we have a 401(k) program
implemented, in place, and so we should just have everybody lining up to
join the plan. Well, it didn't work out that way. We have very low
participation -- and for good reason: many of those that work for us are
what you would consider low-wage earners.

THE PRESIDENT: Can't afford the contribution.

MR. YBARRA: Right. Exactly.

THE PRESIDENT: -- payroll tax.

MR. YBARRA: Well, and that's just it. They're already paying 12.4 percent,
basically, and have little or no disposable income to set aside for future
retirement. So this really impacts them dramatically.

* * * * *

THE PRESIDENT: The best thing is to let them take their payroll taxes
they're paying the system and have a plan that allows their money to grow
just like a 401(k) can. That's the best thing to do for low-income workers.
That's why the Social Security reform is a vital reform for people at the
lower end of the wage scale. It's really important.

Anyway, go ahead. Sorry to interrupt.

* * * * *

THE PRESIDENT: Right. Remember, and this is important for people to hear,
this is not the government saying, you have to do this. This is government
saying, if you so choose to set aside some of your own money, you ought to
be allowed to do so. It's optional. It basically says that government is
not going to dictate, government just says, here's an option to trust
people with their own money.

And a couple of points I want to make on Russell. One, the entrepreneurial
spirit is strong in America; we need to keep it that way. Congratulations
on starting your own business.

MR. YBARRA: Thank you.

THE PRESIDENT: This is a chance -- you volunteered to come up here, so
anybody listening on C-SPAN in the Houston area, looking for a good
restaurant, Russell -- (laughter and applause.)

MR. YBARRA: I'm currently, also, the Greater Houston Restaurant Association

THE PRESIDENT: Oh, good, yes.

MR. YBARRA: And I don't know if you know this or not, but the National
Restaurant Association endorses your plan.

THE PRESIDENT: Well, thanks. I appreciate it.

If you're making $8 an hour over your life, and you start having a personal
account when you're 21 years old, and at the age 63 you'll end up with a
$100,000 nest egg. That's if you stay at $8 all your life. In other words,
that's how money grows. Wouldn't it be fantastic if a lot of folks who work
for Russell's company were able to say, here's my money, here's the nest
egg I built up for my family.

The more ownership there is, the more assets passed on to a community, the
better off the community is going to be. And the idea of owning something
ought to be spread throughout all America. That's the great promise of
America. That's what we're all about. You come here, you work hard, you
realize your dreams, and you have a chance to build something for your

How many people -- you said your dad and mom came. I suspect there's a lot
of first-generation of Americans here because their parents came over here
because of dreams and hopes.

By the way, speaking about restaurant employees, we've got to have a
rational policy when it comes to immigrants coming to this country. I
believe if there's -- somebody is willing to employ somebody and they can't
find an American worker, and somebody is willing to do the job, we ought to
make that connection a legal connection. People come here to work.

And this, by the way, will make our borders more secure. As opposed to
people having to get in the back of 18-wheelers and sneaking across, you
know, Texas borders, or trying to walk across the desert to find work, if
you've got a pass that says, I'm a willing worker willing to work for a
willing employer, it means they can just walk across normally and not have
to try to sneak across. We'll be able to defeat a whole industry of
document forgers and smugglers and coyotes, and it means we'll be able to
uphold the dignity of persons around the world. (Applause.)

Anyway, it's called diverting off the topic. Por nada.

MR. YBARRA: One last point, Mr. President, and I think this is a profound
one. The underlying benefit of what you're proposing is a lot like what we
did with our core beliefs, reinvesting in our associates and local
community. I feel by doing this, the American productivity will increase

THE PRESIDENT: That's right. Well, basically, what he's just said is, if
you own something, you have a vital stake in the future. I mean, think
about how great it's going to be when Jos and Jessica, as they have an
investment account -- they're young, new married -- we're about to talk to
them here -- but on a monthly basis, a quarterly basis, daily basis in some
cases, you watch your assets grow. You open up a statement and say, here is
what I own. That encourages people. If they're seeing something they own
grow, that the government can't take away from them, it encourages. And it
will enhance productivity, and it will enhance the spirit in a lot of

Good job. Thank you, Russell.

MR. YBARRA: Thank you.

THE PRESIDENT: It's great to see you. (Applause.)

Jos . Jos and Jessica, welcome. Thank you all. Newlyweds?

MS. GOMEZ: No, five years.

THE PRESIDENT: See, not newlyweds. (Laughter.) I'm glad you're here. Give
us a sense of who you are, what you're doing.

MR. GOMEZ: It's an honor to be here with you. My name is Jos Gomez. This is
my lovely wife, Jessica. We've been married for almost five years. We have
three beautiful kids. I currently attend DeVry University. I'm a full-time

THE PRESIDENT: Yes? What are you studying?

MR. GOMEZ: I'm studying network system administrator.

THE PRESIDENT: Network systems administrator. Would you like to try to
describe what that means to the technologically illiterate? (Laughter.)

MR. GOMEZ: Basically, I will be taking care of a network in a business, or
something. But I, personally, want to own my own business.

THE PRESIDENT: Want to own your own business? That's great.

MR. GOMEZ: Yes, I want to start my own business later on, in the future.

THE PRESIDENT: Do you have any idea what it's going to be yet, or are you
just getting the skills necessary --

MR. GOMEZ: Still getting the skills --

THE PRESIDENT: -- and the confidence necessary to launch?

MR. GOMEZ: That's correct, that's what I'm currently --

THE PRESIDENT: That's wonderful, though, isn't it? A guy sits up here with
the President: I want to own my own business. (Laughter and applause.) You
may take a few tips from Russell.

MR. GOMEZ: Currently I work in a job part-time, and they don't offer the
401(k). And I work basically on a check-to-check basis.


MR. GOMEZ: What I like about your plan is, it will give me the opportunity
to start saving and looking for the future, for our retirement, and if we
choose to, pass it on to our kids for a nest egg.

THE PRESIDENT: That's an interesting thought. You've got three little kids.
Jessica, you want --

MS. GOMEZ: I have three beautiful children: Joslynn, who is four; Jovanni,
who is two; and Isabella who is one.

THE PRESIDENT: Good, I'm looking forward to meeting them afterwards.

MS. GOMEZ: They're looking forward to it, too. I worry more about their
future, as any other mother does. I worry about that if the system
continues the way it is, as you said before, by the time they work, they're
going to be working twice as hard to take care of us when we retire.

THE PRESIDENT: That's right.

MS. GOMEZ: So that when they -- it's time for them to retire, they're going
to be just be so worn out, they're not going to -- they're going to be
broke, both emotionally and financially.

THE PRESIDENT: Interesting thought, isn't it? Mom is sitting here, saying,
I've watched -- listened to the data. So the system starts to go broke
2017; 2041, as Fidel said, there's nothing left. And she's got little kids.
She's going to be paying into that system, and so are they. It's a
troublesome thought for moms and dads to think about the system as it is,
and it's got to be just as troublesome to think that the government is not
-- hasn't done anything about it. Now is the time to do something about it.

You know, a lot -- I talk to a lot of young folks, like Jos and Jessica.
There was an interesting survey once that somebody pointed out to me, that
said younger people think it's more likely they're going to see a UFO than
get a Social Security check. (Laughter.)

Well, if you feel that way, and you watch that money come out of your check
every month, it's a little discouraging, isn't it? To be paying into
something that you're not sure is going to be around. Yes, so this is a
young person issue. Older people, the grandmas and granddads, they don't
have a thing to worry about. We're going to keep the promise. But it's the
youngsters who are working hard, and the moms and dads who are working
hard, and the moms and dads who are worried about their children when
they're coming up, that's what this issue is about, folks.

And it is amazing to me that we're living in a town where people oftentimes
say, well, we can't cooperate with each other because of party politics.
You heard a good Democrat sit up here and say he believes a reformed system
will help his children and his community. That's the spirit that's needed.
And we here in Washington, we need to think about people like Jessica and
Jos , young kids, working hard, wants to start his business, got young
kids, mom sitting up here saying, I'm worried about it. She's really saying
this: You people in government, how come you can't do nothing about it --
or anything about it? (Laughter and applause.)

I've learned to correct myself early before it gets on the record.
(Laughter.) Fortunately, the First Lady is not here. (Laughter.) She'd
probably have some joke about it. (Laughter.)

Anyway, thank you all for coming. Is there anything else you want to add?
Well, I appreciate you letting us use you as an example, looking forward to
meeting the kids.

MS. GOMEZ: Thank you for letting us be here.

MR. GOMEZ: Thanks for letting us come on.

THE PRESIDENT: Well, thanks for coming. Our final guest is Elizabeth
Fernandez. Elizabeth, welcome. Tell us what you do.

* * * * *

THE PRESIDENT: Yes, that's an important concept -- sorry to interrupt, but
you're right. To run up the payroll tax rate is going to hurt a lot of
small businesses. One of the things we're always be mindful of in
Washington is how do you make sure the entrepreneurial spirit is strong.
And one way to make sure it's not strong is to overtax the small
businesses. And so I appreciate you bringing the payroll taxes in, it's a
significant burden on many small businesses. And it's really -- really an
important point. Thank you.

* * * * *

MS. FERNANDEZ: I don't know -- do you have a financial literacy program, an
education program set up to help --

THE PRESIDENT: Yes, we do. That's the -- FDIC, Treasury Department, SBA are
very much involved with making sure people feel comfortable -- I appreciate
you bringing that up again, Elizabeth -- people feel comfortable about what
it means to invest. I recognize, some people get nervous about it. You
heard a Harvard man said he got -- if he'd gone to Yale, he wouldn't have
been so nervous. (Laughter.) But he said -- no, but it's a new thing -- you
know, some worry about it, but people need to be assured that there are
thousands of their fellow citizens who are comfortable now investing their
own money. They hadn't been doing it in the past.

In other words, there's a new culture in America today. A lot of older
Americans are saying, well, this is too difficult for some, perhaps. But
there's a lot of younger Americans who are getting comfortable with
managing their money through a series of programs, such as 401(k)s or IRAs,
to find contribution plans.

And so -- but you're right. We need to make sure people become more
financially literate. And by the way, in terms of what you can invest in,
you cannot take your money to the lottery. In other words, there's a
conservative mix of bonds and stocks. And there are people to explain what
it means. And you get to decide. If you're a younger worker, you may decide
to have a more -- a greater mix of stocks and bonds. As you get older, you
may decide to diversify. But you're constantly making decisions for your
own money.

The government doesn't make those decisions for you. The government makes
options available for you. And then when it comes time to retire, you can
go into a Treasury bond account -- a perfectly safe investment, all of
which, by the way, all those investment vehicles yield a better rate of
return than you're getting on the government's money.

I remember campaigning with John McCain on this issue, and he said that his
thrift savings account -- I think he said something like 7 percent rate of
return on the money, as money grew over time. And that's compared to 1.8
percent in the current Social Security system. And that 5.2 percent
difference in interest makes a huge amount of money, makes a huge
difference for you in the amount of money available over time.

So thanks for bringing it up. Elizabeth, anything else on your mind? You're
awfully articulate. (Laughter.)

MS. HERNANDEZ: No, I just -- thank you for the opportunity to be able to
share concerns, and thank you for your efforts in this area.

THE PRESIDENT: Well, one of the things that Elizabeth said that triggered a
thought here is she said this is a complex issue, there's a lot of
misinformation. And I understand that. There's a lot of moving parts, as
they say -- which says to me, I better keep working on it. And I'm going
to. I'm just getting started. (Applause.) This is an issue that -- I'm
going to spend a lot of time talking about this issue. I will spend as much
time as necessary.

Congress has an obligation to act. I appreciate you saying I brought up an
issue that I didn't need to bring up. I needed to bring it up, that's my
job. The President's job is to -- when he sees a problem, is to say, let's
deal with it, not to shirk the duty, not to pass it on.

Fidel mentioned President Clinton -- he started the process. I remember
watching the town hall meeting you all had in Albuquerque in 1996, I think
it was, and it was a fascinating discussion. Michael Boskin, who I think
was on the commission then -- I remember Mike, my buddy, talking about it.
And I can't remember if you presented there, or not.

MR. VARGAS: I was there.

THE PRESIDENT: Did you present?


THE PRESIDENT: Whew! (Laughter.) I thought I might have dissed you there
for a minute. (Laughter.) But my only point is, is that that's what the
President does. The President confronts problems. And now is the time to
take this problem on.

Mr. Chairman, I thank you for being here. Chairman Thomas would not be here
if he didn't realize this was a very vital issue to people from all walks
of life. And he wouldn't be here if he didn't believe that it was important
to work together in a collaborative spirit to get something done. And so
thank you for letting us advance the issue. I appreciate you providing the
forum. I'm honored our panelists came here. Thank you all for being here

May God bless you all, and may God continue to bless our country.

END 11:22 A.M. EDT

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