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Skriven 2005-05-07 23:33:40 av Whitehouse Press (1:3634/12.0)
Ärende: Press Release (0505076) for Sat, 2005 May 7
President, Baltic State Presidents Discuss Strong Relationship

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
May 7, 2005

President, Baltic State Presidents Discuss Strong Relationship
Latvian Society House
Riga, Latvia

2:40 P.M. (Local)

PRESIDENT VIKE-FREIBERGA: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming to
this joint press conference of the three Baltic Presidents and the
President of the United States of America. We have just had a meeting
together and the most fruitful discussion about our transatlantic
relationships, and also on the relationship between the two institutions of
which Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania have become members since the past year
-- the relationship between NATO and the European Union.

We are honored and pleased to have this opportunity to have a great leader
from a great and powerful country come to our region, and show interest in
what happens here, and to have this open and very frank debate with the
three Baltic Presidents. With this, I pass the floor to the President of
Lithuania, President Valdas Adamkus.

PRESIDENT ADAMKUS: Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, this was an
extremely good meeting, and at a very good time, while welcoming the
President of the United States here, as I said, welcome back to the source
of the Baltic Sea. And it was during the discussions we really touched on
vital issues: the relationship between the United States and the European
continent as -- (inaudible) --. We touched on issues concerning directly
the relationship between Baltic states, and of course, on the global

On the part of Lithuania, I have reassured the President that we are
staunch allies in a fight against terrorism. We will be standing
shoulder-to-shoulder on general global issues concerning the humanity, and
especially when we are celebrating the end of World War II against -- the
victory against Nazism, and at the same time, standing for the principles
which are dear to the rest of the world community -- principles of
democracy, protection of human rights, principles of free expression. And
there was total agreement, and I can reassure the President of the United
States that we will be standing and defending the rights of the people,
even those neighbors who are still, for them, democracy is a dream. And by
standing and speaking freely, and I would say, introducing some kind of a
dose of oxygen into the resistance and opposition which is striving for
those same rights we are enjoying, we will definitely defend and make a
better world, looking into the future.

And I am grateful to the President for his presence here in the Baltic
states, his inspiration and strength for all of us to continue our
commitments. Thank you, Mr. President.


PRESIDENT RUUTEL: Honored colleagues, esteemed press, I'm very happy about
today's meeting and the high-level contacts between our countries have
produced very essential and fruitful cooperation. The will and desire with
which the United States has supported the endeavors of our people have
proven to be very fruitful.

It has already been a year since we have become members of NATO and the
European Union. Today's meeting once again reaffirms the deep friendship
and the strong relationship between our countries.

We were talking about the means with which we can help democracy, peace and
welfare to other countries, which some countries do not enjoy, even in the
21st century. We reassure you that Estonia is willing to share its
experiences with these countries that are going towards these goals.

I want to thank those soldiers from Estonia and the United States who are
now fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kosovo. Estonia is very satisfied
with the progress made in Ukraine and Georgia, and is prepared to continue
supporting their endeavors.

We also talked about our relationship with Russia in our discussions. Not
only Estonia, but in the interests of all countries, it is best to have as
a partner a stable and democratic Russia who shares our values and is open
for constructive cooperation.

Although we talk primarily of the future, we must realize that the analysis
of the past is essential for future relationships between countries. We are
celebrating the passing of 60 years from the end of the second world war,
and the defeat of Nazism. But this victory did not bring freedom and
democracy to many people and, of course, I mean the Baltic states, who lost
their independence for a long period of time. And I would especially like
to emphasize the United States' role, who never recognized the occupation
of the Baltic states.

The efforts of the United States and the Baltics allow us here in Riga
today to celebrate the victory of freedom. Our people are working together
in the transatlantic sphere and throughout the world. Thank you for your

PRESIDENT VIKE-FREIBERGA: Questions? No. First, we have President Bush, who
would like to make a statement. (Laughter.) I think maybe company from
across the ocean should be given a chance to make a statement, as well.

PRESIDENT BUSH: It's kind of dangerous -- as you know, I'm a little
long-winded. But thank you, Madam President. Thank you for hosting Laura
and me and my delegation here to Latvia. The hospitality has been
tremendous, and we really thank you.

And it's such an honor to be standing here with the leaders of three close
allies and friends, such incredibly important symbols of what freedom can
mean to this neighborhood and to countries in the world. And so we -- we're
proud to be here with you all, fellow members of NATO. One objective of my
trip is to honor the memories of those who sacrificed 60 years ago in the
struggle against Nazism and fascism. Tomorrow I'll be in the cemetery in
the Netherlands to pay tribute to a generation that was willing to
sacrifice for freedom and peace. But I recognize that in the West, the end
of the second world war meant peace, but in the Baltics, it brought
occupation and communist oppression. And the American people will never
forget the occupation and communist oppression of the people of the
Baltics. We recognize your painful history.

I want to congratulate our friends and allies who stand here with me on the
progress you've made in the past decade. You see, one of the important
examples of these three countries is that not only have they become free
societies, but they learn to adapt to the conditions of a free society.
It's not easy to go from communism to democracy, and yet, these three
nations have shown the world how to do so, and we congratulate you on your
good, hard work. Your economies are flourishing; people are allowed to
express their opinions. As a result, you've been readily accepted into
NATO, and now the EU. And the world is better off because of the hard
decisions your governments have made.

I also want to thank you for your hard work in helping democracy spread in
the neighborhood. We had a really good discussion today about Belarus. We
talked about the Ukraine and Georgia and Moldova. We talked about Russia
and the relationship between the Baltics and Russia. These three nations
have also recognized that those of who are free have a responsibility to
help others be free outside of our neighborhoods. And I want to thank you
for your contributions in Iraq and Afghanistan. To this end, I discussed my
request for the U.S. Solidarity Fund -- my request to the Congress for the
U.S. Solidarity Fund, to help these nations who have deployed troops to be
able to better afford those deployments.

We talked about bilateral relations, as well. As you can imagine, one topic
that came up with all three leaders was visa policy. I talked about the way
forward to make sure our visa policy works well with our friends and
allies. Part of the issue, of course, is that in the past -- we've looked
to past history to determine future visa policy, and now we've begun to
change looking at the past. In other words, the over-stays during
occupation must be viewed differently now that the three countries have
been freed. And we look forward to working with you on the way forward to
reasonable and fair visa policy.

There are thousands of people in my country who have come from your
countries; they send best regards. And I say to you, thank for being such
good friends and colleagues, and thank you for your hospitality again,
Madam President. Now, if you'd like to do something -- (laughter.)

PRESIDENT VIKE-FREIBERGA: Thank you for that statement, Mr. President.

We do have a limited time at our disposal, and I understand that the
framework is to be one question to each President. So we'll start with a
question to President Adamkus.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Or you have four Presidents to me -- questions to me, if
that's what you would like.

PRESIDENT VIKE-FREIBERGA: There's a question out there.

Q Yes -- from Lithuanian Television. Actually, I have a question to
President Bush.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Yes, I thought that might be the case. (Laughter.)

Q Regarding what you said recently, that democratic Belarus is also in
Russia's interest, can there be a deal between Washington and Moscow
whereby Russia would make sure that President Lukashenko is not reelected
next year, and in return, Washington would encourage, or would hail the
democracy there, but turn a blind eye on the continued Russia's influence
there? Or are you prepared to go all the way?

PRESIDENT BUSH: No, that's an interesting question, can you make a deal to
determine somebody else's fate. I think that's what we're lamenting here
today, about what happened to the Baltics -- you know, kind of one of those
secret deals amongst large powers that consigns people to a way of
government. No, we don't make secret deals. The only deal that I think is a
necessary deal for people is the deal of freedom. They should be allowed to
express themselves in free and open and fair elections in Belarus.

And that's -- and as to whether or not it's in Russia's interest that
democracies be on her border, absolutely, it's in Russia's interest that
she have friends and have neighbors who are democracies. We're used to that
in America. We've got democracies on our border. And it's a blessing to
have democracies on our border. We don't always agree, by the way, with our
friends on our borders, but we are able to settle disputes peacefully
because we are democracies. And so I will continue to speak as clearly as I
can to President Putin that it's in his country's interests that there be
democracies on his borders. I mean, after all, look at the three nations
here. These are peaceful, prosperous nations that are good neighbors with
Russia, and good neighbors with each other and good neighbors elsewhere, as

Q A question from the Estonian side.

Q I have a question to Mr. President Bush, but it's in Estonia language.

PRESIDENT BUSH: All right, I need the English translation. Start over.

Q For Estonia, it's very important to have good relations with the United
States, and right now the relation has been very good. Which ranking would
the relations of Estonia have in American foreign policy today, and also in
the future? Thank you.

THE PRESIDENT: Say that again. I'm getting kind of old and I'm having
trouble hearing.

Q I would like to know what is the ranking today and in the future in
American foreign policy, the relations with Estonia? What is the ranking?

THE PRESIDENT: With the President standing here, very important. No --
(laughter.) Look, I don't think a President can rank, but a President can
praise, and I praise Estonia for being an open market economy that is a
free society. And, therefore, if you're a free society that embraces market
economies, you'll rank very high with me and the United States.

The example of the Baltics is so vital for countries who are emerging from
tyrannies to -- and oppressive governments to free societies. It's really
important. And that's why the active participation of the three leaders
here in helping NGOs and civil societies develop in new democracies is
vital, because who has got more credibility with leaders in new democracies
than the three leaders here who have had the experience of helping a
democracy emerge.

And so you rank very high, as far as I'm concerned, as participants in the
freedom movement, the ability to inspire by example and lend expertise
because of the experience you've had.

PRESIDENT VIKE-FREIBERGA: Thank you very much. A question from the Latvian

Q My question goes to Mr. Bush. Today, during negotiations, you talked
about the relationship with Russia. Did you talk about the possibility of
asking Mr. Putin to recognize occupation of the Baltic states in Moscow?
You have, of late, so strongly supported the attempts of the Baltic states
to explain the history. Do you expect anything to come of it? Thank you.

PRESIDENT BUSH: My position on that issue is very clear, and has been
clear, about the occupation. And the position of my country has been clear
about the occupation, ever since the occupation took place. We proudly flew
the flags of independent nations above your embassies in Washington, D.C.,
and the statement was clear: we never recognized, nor accepted the
occupation that did take place.

I think this moment -- this moment in history will be -- give everybody a
chance to recognize what took place in the past and move on. And, look, I
fully understand there's a lot of anger and frustration involved in the
three Baltic countries about the occupation. I expressed that to President
Putin. But he didn't need me to tell him, he fully understands there's a
lot of frustrations and anger about what took place.

My hope is that we're now able to move beyond that phase of history into a
phase that is embracing democracy and free societies. These are
extraordinary times that we're living in, and the three Baltic countries
are capable of helping Russia and other countries in this part of the world
see the benefits of what it means to live in a free society. And so we have
a great opportunity to move beyond the past. Again, I repeat to you, I
recognize the painful history, and my hope is that -- is that we're able to
learn the lessons from that painful history, that tyranny is evil and
people deserve to live in a free society.

As I'm going to say in my speech a little later on here, I'm going to say,
never again should we allow Jews and gypsies to be exterminated and the
world not pay close attention to it. Never again should we let -- shall we
tolerate tyranny and subjugating people to incredible death. We have an
obligation as free societies never to forget that history, and to do
something about the possibility of that arising again.

And so, I am inspired by the example of the Baltic nations. I'm inspired by
your courage of the past and your determination to move forward in a free


Q Russia has expressed some displeasure with your travel itinerary,
stopping here --

PRESIDENT BUSH: With what, now?

Q Russia has expressed some displeasure with your travel itinerary on this
trip, stopping here in Latvia and going to Georgia --


Q There's also some criticism that the U.S. is behind the revolutionary
change in Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan. What do you say to talk that the
U.S. is inappropriately meddling in the neighborhood? PRESIDENT BUSH: Oh,
no, I thank you for that. First of all, this is not my first trip to the
Baltics, and hopefully, it will not be my last trip to the Baltics. We've
got good friends here. And as I travel around the world I like to touch
base with our friends.

Revolution -- I think you said the word, "revolution" -- freedom is
universal. Freedom is etched in everybody's soul. And the idea of countries
helping others become free, I would hope that would be viewed as not
revolutionary, but rational foreign policy, as decent foreign policy, as
humane foreign policy.

I repeat to you that I think countries ought to feel comfortable with
having democracies on their borders. After all, democracies are peaceful
countries. Democracies don't fight each other, and democracies are good
neighbors. You know, it's amazing how far this continent has come because
of the freedom movement. Sixty years ago -- it's really not all that long
ago in the march of history, is it? It's pretty long if you're 30 years
old, like you are, but -- but 60 is not all that long for an old guy like
President Adamkus. (Laughter.) But now we're standing here talking about
other parts of the world taking for granted that Europe is whole, free, and
at peace. It shows how much life has changed as a result of people
embracing an ideology that encourages peace.

And we now have the same opportunity, this generation has the same
opportunity to leave behind lasting peace for the next generation, by
working on the spread of freedom and democracy. And the United States has
got great partners in doing what I think is our duty to spread democracy
and freedom with the three nations represented here.

And so my trip here, Jennifer, is to say as clearly as I can to the people
of these three great countries, thank you for your sacrifices; thank you
for your courage; and thank you for your willingness to elect people who
are willing to spread freedom and peace around the world.

May God bless your countries, and may God continue to bless mine. Thank you
very much. (Applause.)

END 3:00 P.M. (Local)
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