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Möte babylon5, 17862 texter
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Text 566, 303 rader
Skriven 2006-05-25 08:10:00 av Robert E Starr JR (1012.babylon5)
Ärende: Re: An Open Plea to Mr St
   * * * This message was from AC to rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.m * * *    
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@MSGID: <Lulcg.14$bO5.7@newsfe2-win.ntli.net>
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"Matthew Sprange" <spare@mongoosepublishing.com> wrote in message 
> Hi guys,
> I was a little non-plussed to see this post here.  My original post was 
> intended to answer the issues raised on this forum and attempt to 
> demonstrate to fans that our motives were a little better than had been 
> portrayed (perhaps the post could have had a better title, but I digress). 
> However, the post was also emailed directly to Mr Straczynski, along with 
> other notes for his eyes.  I find it unfortunate that he chose to reply 
> here rather than privately.
> The following responses are made because I have a feeling this is the only 
> way Mr Straczynski will see them.  I would much prefer to do this on the 
> phone or in person.  I hope you all realise that.
>>> do so because Mr Straczynski has not answered any of our direct emails 
>>> for
>>> some time.
>> No, that is not the case.  This is public because you have been making
>> public claims about my involvement, which led fans of B5 to ask me
>> about it in a public manner, to which I responded.
> You have not answered any of our communications for quite some time - this 
> could have been resolved, one way or another, quite some time ago if you 
> had.
>>> I fully understand that Mr Straczynski may be unaware of the processes
>>> involved in the approval process at Warner Brothers for publishers such 
>>> as
>>> ourselves, particularly after the recent changes in their procedures.
>> I have been dealing with B5 licensees for ten years.  I think I
>> understand the system, which has not changed overmuch.
> There have certainly been some changes on the publishing side, with the 
> new system that came into operation a year or so ago.  It is also worth 
> pointing out that, to my knowledge, there have not been a huge amount of 
> Babylon 5 licencees over the past few years.  I would have to check, but I 
> have a feeling that we are the only new ones.
>>> However, everything (and I mean _everything_) we publish or manufacture 
>>> for
>>> Babylon 5 is approved by Warner Brothers, via their Burbank offices.
>> Curious, since on contacting some of the folks at WB licensing they
>> don't seem to be aware of any recent submissions for approval.
> We can go round and round on this, but until you and I can open direct 
> communication and I can demonstrate just what has been happening, we are 
> going to get nowhere.
> However, looking at our correspondence with Warner Brothers, the last 
> thing to be approved was less than a month ago - it was the cover for the 
> Ship Builder's Manual.  Ten days before that, the Drakh Fact Book.  Before 
> that, the GM's Screen, before that the Call to Arms Starter Set, and so 
> on.
> I am quite happy to send you a screen capture of all of this.  I am quite 
> happy to take great measures to prove to you that I have not been 
> operating in a dishonest manner, nor have I been lying.
>> In your reply below, you do not address your statement that you had
>> outlines by me.  To say that you had scripts, about also which more in
>> a moment, and say "well, these are the outlines I was referring" is
>> disingenuous at best.  An outline is an outline and a script is a
>> script.  Unless one wishes to deliberately confuse the two to create
>> the impression of involvement.
> That was certainly not my intent - and your insinuation that I 
> deliberately muddied the waters during a podcast interview is 
> unneccessary, insulting and unfair.  However, I believe this is a prime 
> example of mis-communication between us.  We are now arguing about how to 
> use the term outline - can we just accept that we are using different 
> language?
>>> We have access to three scripts, which we were planning to use as the 
>>> basis
>>> of the first Crusade novel, and a collection of notes collated mostly 
>>> from
>>> things you have said yourself.
>> So you were planning to use my scripts, without so much as informing
>> me, and pillage my notes online, which are incidentally my property, as
>> the basis for your novels.
> I would love to have informed you - however, because we have had no 
> communication between us, on account of you simply ignoring us, this was 
> exceedingly difficult.
> That said, we were given permission to use the scripts as the basis for a 
> novel by Warner Brothers.  If this is an error, please let us know 
> immediatly.
>>> There has, to date, been _no_ direct
>>> planning for Crusade beyond this.
>> Which is not what you said on your website, or in the interview.
> Now hang on - I was outlining the problem Crusade poses for someone trying 
> to approach the B5 timeline.  What I said was what we _wanted_ to do, and 
> what our intentions were.  At the moment, there are _no_ solid plans on 
> our part for Crusade beyond the first novel, and at no point have I said 
> there were.
>> Meaning by adapting my scripts, without telling me.  Are you aware that
>> when someone adapts someone else's scripts there generally has to be
>> some kind of arrangement made, plus something as cordial as, oh, I
>> don't know...telling the person who wrote those scripts that you're
>> DOING it?
> Now we really are going round in circles - if you take the time to reply 
> when we try to talk to you, I will keep you as informed as you like.  If 
> you put a wall up, we cannot get through.
>>> I believe I am right in saying that the quote was made with regards to
>>> Babylon 5 projects as a whole, rather than the novels specifically.
>> No, actually, you are wrong, because the question was asked of you
>> concerning the novels, not the B5 projects as a whole.  You again
>> dissembled, just as you are attempting to do here.
> Then I'll put it another way - the greater part of B5 projects was the 
> question I answered.  If I mis-heard the presenter or mis-spoke 
> thereafter, I apologise.
>>> I believe we could have resolved all of this a long time ago if there 
>>> had
>>> simply been better communication and understanding on both sides.
>> Such as, for instance, informing me that you were rummaging through my
>> scripts and online posts for your material without telling me...?
> Funnily enough, yes.  If we were able to talk to you without getting 
> ignored, no doubt this would have come up.  As it was, we had to default 
> to Warner Brothers - there was no other choice.
>>> I can understand how the situation must seem to you
>> I rather doubt that.
> Actually, I can very easily see it.  The problem, Mr Straczynski, is that, 
> in terms of our motives and some of the things we have done, you are 
> wrong. Flat wrong.  I acknowledge that there have been some issues arising 
> from things we have said, but you have taken this too far.  Let us _talk_ 
> to you, and we can still resolve this to everyone's benefit.
> Looking back, I dearly wish that, once we first told you about novels, you 
> had simply said 'talk to my agent'.  It may have saved a great deal of 
> this.
>> My involvement with the so-called B5 novels from Mongoose has been
>> mis-stated and misrepresented, and the conduct of pillaging my scripts
>> and posts without my knowledge or permission is dubious at best,
>> dishonorable at worst.
> For the former, I apologise for making you feel that way but it was never 
> our intention, and if you look at what I have actually said in a light 
> that does not presume we are scum of the earth, I hope you will see that.
> As for the scripts, we need to talk about that now because Warner Brothers 
> has currently given us permission.
>> Second, and most important of all...this is about what drove the
>> creation of Babylon 5 in the first place: an attempt to ensure a
>> certain quality of storytelling within the framework of a consistent
>> universe.  The first Dell books were not what they should have been
> This is what we do, as a company - we create consistent frameworks of 
> different universes.  How we do as a company rests on this above all else, 
> and we have proved the point to several licensors since we started.  We 
> are good at what we do.
>> You have also stated that these books are "100% canon."  No, they are
>> not.  Because for something to be canon means not that they have been
> Now, here I can shed some light.  We started talking to Warner Brothers 
> about the use of the word canon earlier this year.  Their first answer was 
> that everything we were producing could be called canon and we were free 
> to say so - this came straight from their legal team.  Hence my comments.
> Last week, I received another call from Warner Brothers.  This time they 
> said that they were hesitant about the legal language of the word canon, 
> and that we were now instead to use the word official.
> So, that is what is happening - however, I do not believe this is 
> something we can actually be blamed for. . .
> Certainly, I could have jumped on this forum the moment I got the phone 
> call.  But I was hoping to talk to you first, Mr Straczynski.
>> researched, but that the events described therein will be referenced
>> elsewhere, that they will be viewed as "having happened" in the B5
>> universe...as the Del Rey novels, and my own short B5 stories, are
>> canon.  Things referenced in those stories can show up in any future B5
>> films or TV projects because they *happened* in our story, in this
>> universe.
> It is worth pointing out here that we strive to make all our works 
> internally consistent with one another, and take great pride in doing so.
>> The events in the Mongoose books do not fit this criteria.  They are
>> licensed B5 fan fiction, nothing more, nothing less.  And lots of folks
>> like that stuff, and that's all to the good.
> Fan fiction is written by amateurs.  We use professional writers.
>> And I have no desire to become involved with these novels, and will not
>> endorse them.  It ain't the money, it ain't the Deal...I am for rent,
>> but I am not for sale, because I have an obligation to the viewers of
>> this show to be consistent and to always work for the utmost quality in
>> our storytelling within the framework of a consistent universe.
> If you allow us, we can demonstrate that we can meet all those 
> requirements and, indeed, that we are nice guys to work with.  There is no 
> ego at Mongoose, nor are there any hidden agendas.  We are as upfront as 
> we can be.
> Finally;
>>> From our perspective, there is nothing we would like
>>> better than to be on speaking terms with Mr Straczynski, whose work we 
>>> have
>>> the deepest admiration for and, indeed, we have been immersed within for 
>>> the
>>> past four years.
>>Funny way of showing it.
> Then don't listen to what I say.  Look at what we have done with Babylon 5 
> over the past three years.
> Matthew Sprange
> Mongoose Publishing

Mathew, you are wasting your time here. Virtually every one will fall in 
line behind Joe, and you wont get any form of a resonable hearing. Im sorry 
you are getting a rough time here. I wish people here could see beyond thier 
own worship of JMS.

The good news is that there are millions of B5 fans who dont read this NG 
and dont see JMS as some sort of infaliable perfection. The people here only 
represent a minirity of JMS fans.

JMS clearly has issues, but clearly he is not in the driving seat. WB is. 
JMS knew what he was signing up for, and its a bit late, 10years later, to 
get upperty now. Yes, I know he is upset about your comments of his 
involvement, but I am detecting more than just that in his replies. And 
being that he is a writer, I assume he is being quite precise with his use 
of language. As it comes across as angry, I assume he is angry. But I dont 
really see why he is so angry with you over what appears to be a 
misunderstanding. Im guessing that you have become the whipping boy for his 
frustration with WB and the industry in general.

At the end of the day, WB own the rights and can, and clearly have, given 
you what ever permission you need. JMS has no right to be putting your work 
down. Yes he created the B5 universe, but he also sold it. So, it is not his 
any more to control. Its like trying to control you kids after they have 
grown up and left home. And I dont think you really need his endorsement, 
only WB's; although, I agree it would be best if that were the case.

Also, since he no longer owns the work, he is in NO position to dictate 
canon. WB are. They own it. B5 is theirs. If WB want to continue the 
universe they own and call it canon, they can. If they want you to write it, 
they can. If they wanted Joe to do it, they would ask. But they clearly 
havent or Joe has turned them down. Who's problem is that? I dunno, but it 
is definately not yours. Perhaps, if JMS is so concerned with the puirity of 
the future of B5, he might put us out of our Crusade misery and knock out 
the odd book him self. Or at least comission / allow some one else to.

A few people will only accept JMS endorsed work as canon, but remember, 
there are millions of B5 fans who may not agree with them. Folk here might 
well slag you and your work off, but many wont and will appreciate your 
work. Since I reckon official Crusade books will sell like hot cakes, I can 
help think that it would be in JMS's best interests to swallow some pride 
and be involved. Lets face it, if your books do sell, what is JMS gonna do? 
Try to subvert your efforts with a "fairy tail"? Suddenly release his own 
version? Will could then have 2 versions of Crusade and a fan split. How 
will it go down if the masses prefer your version?

Ultimately, I feel that untill JMS himself offers something in the B5 
Universe, I think he should back off and let others do it with good grace, 
with his involvement or not. And refrain form sniping at those who have been 
authorised to do so.

Now for the inevitable ...........

All the Best,

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