Text 2805, 226 rader
Skriven 2005-06-16 06:00:31 av Vince Coen (2:257/609)
Ärende: New Files at Air Applewood, UK
System name Air Applewood BBS
Sysop Vince Coen
Location Roydon, Essex, UK
Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System
Network aka 2:257/609@fidonet
Running MBSE BBS v0.71.2 on GNU/Linux-i386
Announced On or after 06:00 Local
Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
Inet 01279-792300 115200 CM,XA,V42,IBN
Modem 01279-792300 56 kbits CM,XA,V32B,V42B,V34,X2C,V90
Area UTILLNX - Linux End User/System utilities
QFE.ZIP 151 Kb. ======= QFE - Qt FTN Message Editor. =======
======= (C) 2005 by Alexander Shiyan =======
QFE is an full-featured FTN message editor
for Linux with a graphical interface. It
written on C++/Qt and does not depend on
either KDE or Gnome.
All operations with FIDO message base use
fidoconfig and smapi packages from Husky
project. It written for Linux, but it works
on Win32, and in theory, it should compile
and work on all Qt-supported platforms
(MacOsX, BSD etc...).
1 file, 151 KBytes.
Area AVDAT - Anti-virus Sig updates (McAfee, F-Prot)
DAT4NAI.ZIP 5739 Kb. Virus Definition Data Files by Network
Associates, Inc. Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx
(4513) 06/14/2005
1 file, 5739 KBytes.
Area VIR_FP - AntiVirus - FProt
Signaturen vom 15.6.2005 14:07 Uhr
FP-DEF.ZIP 2400 Kb. Signaturdateien SIGN.DEF und SIGN2.DEF
fuer F-PROT, F-STOPW und FSAV.
Signaturen vom 15.6.2005 14:07 Uhr
2 files, 2647 KBytes.
Area VIR_ROSE - Anti Virus - Rose?
FMIRC610.ZIP 977 Kb. F_MIRC - Script worm and virus scanner
--=[ F-Mirc 6.10 ]---=[ 20-March-2005]=---
Detects more than 2100 different mIRC/pIRC
worms. Detects more than 3000 different
VBS JS, HTML, WB, Batch and Correl Script
viruses. Additionally detection of 18000
Trojans, Backdoors and other malware
programs included. Detection of Boot- and
DOS viruses!
Detection is based on heuristic approach!
Versions included for
- DOS/32 (long file names under W2k+XP!)
- Windows/32 (long file names)
- LINUX/i386 (f_mirc-linux)
Freeware from ROSE SWE author of RFW,
VirScan Plus, AntiLink, ViBa etc.
--=[ http://come.to/rose_swe ]=-----------
D2HTM310.ZIP 356 Kb. Directory to HTML (c) by ROSE SWE
---=[ Freeware ]=------------------------
Dir2html: Creates a HTML file (webpage)
of the files in the current directory.
Create within a second a complete download
webpage of your files! W3C 3.2 complaint.
With INI file for customizing the output.
Source code included!
Long File Name (LFN) support for Win32
and support for 4DOS descript.ion files
included. Of each file is a MD5 hash
calculated, so users can check if the
downloaded files was corrupted.
Windows32, Dos32 and Linux versions
included. See index.html as an example!
Optional software:
u2ldir: Renames all files in the current
directory to lowercase.
RADFQ115.ZIP 424 Kb. ROSE SWE's Anti-Debugger FAQ (rADFAQ) |
All anti-debugger tricks you can imagine |
Includes description of INTEL instruction|
set, INTEL opcodes as well as anti |
debugging source and executables! |
_ ____ _____ _ ___ |
_ __ / \ | _ \| ___/ \ / _ \ |
| '__/ _ \ | | | | |_ / _ \| | | | |
| | / ___ \| |_| | _/ ___ \ |_| | |
|_|/_/ \_\____/|_|/_/ \_\__\_\ |
http://come.to/rose_swe |
Released: 15-Feb-2005 1.15 [o1/o1]
MSCAN706.ZIP 448 Kb. +------- MemScan/QMS by ROSE SWE --------+
I (approx. 5500 viruses) for the system I
I memory. # Normal and heuristic mode I
I selectable (this is currently a uniq I
I feature)! # Freeware from ROSE! # With I
I 'activ virus bait' tester and TestBoot
+------; Di 17. Mai 2005 ---
RUPPR030.ZIP 656 Kb. --==[ ROSE SWE UnPaCKER PaCKaGE ]==------o
by ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Ralph Roth |
only for DOS programs, no windows stuff! |
--==[ Top Download ]==-------------------0
Generic Unpacker Package PKLite (Gen) |
TinyProg 3.0, 3.3,3.5,3.6,3.8,3.9,4.0 |
Air-Protect TinyProt PKTiny 1.xx |
AHCR GENERIC COM Unpacker TPack 0.50 |
N0Ps Misha Iceman ABP-Prot RC1 |
COM-Crypt EXEProt CryptCom FXlock |
CrackStop 1.0b Mask Guardian Angle |
Rand0m/SP WWPack Sysnopsis LzEXE |
Diet, ExeLite, JAM, ComPack, ProPack, XE,|
VSS, R-Crypt, CryptCOM, Elite.COM, AXE, |
SuckStop Protect 2.0-6.0 And more... |
--=[ http://come.to/rose_swe ]==---------0
-)-----==[ Freeware ]==--------+--------(+
_ _ ___ ___
_ _| | | | _ \ _ \Release 30
| '_| |_| | _/ _/2-Feb-2005
|_| \___/|_| |_|
-)--=[ Only for elite usage ]=-+---------o
RHBVS462.ZIP 560 Kb. ROSE SWE's heuristic based virus scanner
-----------------------------=[ RHBVS ]=--
A very fast and reliable virus scanner for
NEW and UNKNOWN viruses. Detects more
than 29.000 different viruses. Includes a
generic memory detection for resident
viruses, mIRC/pIRC script worms, VBS, WBT,
BAT, Corel Script, HTML, Java-Script worms,
trojans & malware, a code analyser and 326
heuristic search engines. With analyser
that gives you a detailed virus
description! Freeware from the author of
VirScan Plus, ViBa, AntiLink and MemScan.
With Autopilot and a lot of other features
and options.
-----=[ http://come.to/rose_swe ]=--------
+ Program: RHBVS
+ Version: 4.62
+ Release: 25-April-2005
+ Author: ROSE SWE
+ Requirements: DOS 5.0/2 MB/486
+ OS: DOS, DOS32, Win32, OS/2
TINYCRAC.ZIP 805 Kb. TinyCrack & WordListCrack: UNIX password
cracker for Win32 and *NIX.
Extrem fast! With many additional tools
for generating wordlists.
Includes now wordlists and C source code!
Requires: Pentium-MMX CPU and 16 MB memory
_____ _ ___ _
|_ _(_)_ _ _ _ / __|_ _ __ _ __| |__
| | | | ' \ || | (__/ '_/ _` / _| / /
|_| |_|_||_\_, |\___|_| \__,_\__|_\_\
-=[ http://come.to/rose_swe ]=-----------
VSP1472.ZIP 1088 Kb. VirScan Plus - Virus Scanner and Killer
-=[VSP]=-----------=(>26.000 Viruses)=---
Heuristischer, regelbasierender Scanner,
erkennt bekannte, unbekannte Viren und
Trojaner. Mit eingebautem Killer (z.B.
Neuroquila, N8fall, Parity_Boot, Spanska,
Tremor). Mit ber 100 Seiten Anleitung
und vielen zustzlichen Funktionen und
Zusatzprogrammen. Win 3.x/9x/NT, OS/2
kompatibel. Netzwerkfhig. Autopilot,
Turbo-, Ultra- oder Sicherheitsmodus.
Erkennt anhand heuristischer Anstze ca.
98% aller neuen Bootviren und eine
vielzahl neuer Viren! AVR-Module fr
polymorphe sowie neue unbekannte Viren!
>> Enthlt Gratis-Testkey fr 90 Tage! <<
Neu: Erkennt IRC/VBS/HTML und Java Viren
* Program: VirScan Plus (VSP)
* Version: 14.72
* Released: 25-April-2005
* Author: ROSE SWE, Ralph Roth
* Requirements: DOS 4.0/2 MB/486
Windows DLL for detecting viruses and
malware on windows platforms.
DLL, sample source code and executable
provided. For details refer to
the enclosed source code. DLL needs the
files virscan.* for proper
Please contact the author for licencesing,
bugs and enhancements.
$Id: file_id.diz,v 1.1 2005/03/10 09:20:20
ralproth Exp $
9 files, 5865 KBytes.
13 new files, together 14402 KBytes of fresh stuff.
With the complements
of Vince Coen.
... ... The champion has retired after eight undefeated victories.
--- MBSE BBS v0.71.2 (GNU/Linux-i386)
* Origin: Air Applewood, Linux Gateway for Essex (2:257/609)