Tillbaka till svenska Fidonet
English   Information   Debug  
4DOS   0/134
ALLFIX_FILE   0/1313
ALLFIX_FILE_OLD1   4975/7997
ALT_DOS   0/152
AMIGA   0/331
ANIME   0/15
ARGUS   0/924
ASCII_ART   0/340
ASIAN_LINK   0/651
AUDIO   0/92
BABYLON5   0/17862
BAG   135
BATPOWER   0/361
BBSLAW   0/109
BBS_ADS   0/5290
BIBLE   0/3563
BINKD   0/1119
BINKLEY   0/215
BLUEWAVE   0/2173
CBM   0/46
CDROM   0/20
COMICS   0/15
CONSPRCY   0/899
COOKING   34628
COOKING_OLD1   0/24719
COOKING_OLD2   0/40862
COOKING_OLD3   0/37489
COOKING_OLD4   0/35496
C_ECHO   0/189
DOORGAMES   0/2071
duplikat   6002
ECHOLIST   0/18295
EC_SUPPORT   0/318
ENET.SOFT   0/11701
ENET.SYSOP   33981
EVOLUTION   0/1335
FDECHO   0/217
FIDONEWS   24227
FIDONEWS_OLD1   0/49742
FIDONEWS_OLD2   0/35949
FIDONEWS_OLD3   0/30874
FIDONEWS_OLD4   0/37224
FIDO_SYSOP   12853
FIDO_UTIL   0/180
FILEFIND   0/209
FILEGATE   0/212
FILM   0/18
FN_SYSOP   41775
FN_SYSOP_OLD1   71952
FTP_FIDO   0/2
FTSC_PUBLIC   0/13677
FUNNY   0/4886
GET_INFO   105
GOLDED   0/408
HAM   0/16101
HOLYSMOKE   0/6791
HUB203   466
HUB_100   264
HUB_400   39
HUMOR   0/29
IC   0/2851
INTERNET   148/424
JAMNNTPD   0/233
LAN   0/16
LINUXHELP   0/1155
LINUX   0/22133
LINUX_BBS   0/957
mail   18.68
mail_fore_ok   249
MENSA   0/341
MONTE   0/992
MUFFIN   0/783
MUSIC   0/321
N203_STAT   938
N203_SYSCHAT   313
NET203   321
NET204   69
NET_DEV   0/10
NORD.ADMIN   0/101
NORD.CHAT   0/2572
NORD.PROG   0/32
NORD   0/453
OS2BBS   0/787
OS2DOSBBS   0/580
OS2HW   0/42
OS2INET   0/37
OS2LAN   0/134
OS2PROG   0/36
OS2REXX   0/113
OS2USER-L   207
OS2   0/4804
OSDEBATE   0/18996
PASCAL   0/490
PERL   0/457
PHP   0/45
POINTS   0/405
POLITICS   0/29554
POL_INC   0/14731
PSION   103
R20_ADMIN   1124
R20_CHAT   0/893
R20_DEPP   0/3
R20_DEV   399
R20_ECHO2   1412
R20_ECHOPRES   0/35
R20_ESTAT   0/719
R20_FIDONET   0/248
R20_FILEFIND   0/24
R20_FILEFOUND   0/22
R20_HIFI   0/3
R20_INFO2   3302
R20_INTERNET   0/12940
R20_INTRESSE   46/60
R20_INTR_KOM   0/99
R20_KOM_DEV   112
R20_KONTROLL   0/13353
R20_KORSET   0/18
R20_MODERATOR   0/1852
R20_NC   76
R20_NET200   245
R20_REC2NEC   534
R20_SFOSM   0/341
R20_SF   0/108
R20_SQUISH   107
R20_TEST   2
RAR   0/9
RA_MULTI   106
RA_UTIL   0/162
REGCON.EUR   0/2060
REGCON   0/13
SCIENCE   0/1206
SF   0/239
SIMPSONS   0/169
STATS_OLD1   0/2539.065
STATS_OLD2   0/2530
STATS_OLD3   0/2395.095
STATS_OLD4   0/1692.25
SURVIVOR   0/495
SYSOP   0/84
TAGLINES   0/112
TEAMOS2   0/4530
TECH   0/2617
TEST.444   0/105
TREK   0/755
TUB   0/290
UFO   0/40
UNIX   0/1316
VATICAN   0/2740
VIRUS   0/378
VIRUS_INFO   0/201
WIN2000   0/101
WIN32   0/30
WIN95   0/4291
WIN95_OLD1   0/70272
WINDOWS   0/1517
WWB_SYSOP   0/419
WWB_TECH   0/810
ZEC   4

Möte ALLFIX_FILE_OLD1, 7997 texter
 lista första sista föregående nästa
Text 4850, 595 rader
Skriven 2006-02-18 17:00:29 av Alan Ianson (1:153/757)
Ärende: New Files
System name  The Rusty MailBox
Sysop        Alan Ianson (aianson@trmb.ca)
Location     Penticton, B.C. Canada
Remark       The Sunny Southern Okanagan of British Columbia Canada
Network aka  1:153/757@fidonet
Internet     http://trmb.ca/files/
Running      MBSE BBS v0.83.13 on GNU/Linux-i386

Conn. Phone number         Maximum speed        Fidonet Flags
----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
Inet  trmb.ca              256000               ICM,XX,IBN,IFC,ITN:60177

Area AFTNGED - R50: GoldED FTN Message Editor
GPW51112.RAR     424 Kb. GoldED+1.1.5  [Win32 binaries] [Compiled using
                         MS Visual C++ and MinGW/Cygwin], 12 Nov 2005
1 file, 424 KBytes.

Area AREA 101 - Various Fidonet Files
BOFAQ.TXT         17 Kb. Authorized May 4, 2003 issue of BOFAQ.TXT
FIDOHIST.ARC      21 Kb. Early Fidonet History
I-ARGUS.Z48       18 Kb. [0] Argus TCP/IP auxiliary nodes file: 2006-02-1
                         Generated at 3:712/848 from NODELIST.048
ILNK0507.ZIP      52 Kb. ILINK Int'l BBS Network Info Packet - the
                         1st QWK-based BBS conference network is
                         still the premiere conference network.
                         It's all here - list of conferences, member
                         list, how to get in. SYSOPS: bring the world
                         to your callers with NO Internet required.
                         If you are fed up with abusive, cluttered,
                         unruly Usenet newsgroups, ILink is the
                         answer. Intelligent newsgroups where
                         cordiality matters.
MAILFEED.TXT       2 Kb. An application for nodes who want to pick up
                         their Fidonet mail/files here. Those that would
                         like a Fidonet point address can use this also.
MN326D16.ZIP     187 Kb. MakeNL v3.2.6 -- DOS 16 Bit Version
                         ** Dedicated to Ben Baker, the original
                         MakeNL author.
                         A new open-sourced version of MakeNL, the
                         nodelist processing program. MakeNL3.x was
                         reverse engineered from MakeNL by Michael
                         Karcher, with further modifications by
                         Björn Felton, Andrew Clarke, Michiel Broek
                         Johan Billing, Michiel Broek &
                         Robert Couture.  MakeNL 3.2.5 is a near
                         drop-in replacement for an existing
                         installation of MakeNL.
                         Please check the WHATSNEW.TXT and the
                         HISTORY.TXT files in this archive before
                         using MakeNL 3.2.5,as there are some
                         important changes implemented in the
                         MAKENL.CTL file.
MN326D32.ZIP     347 Kb. MakeNL v3.2.6 -- DOS 32 Bit Version
                         ** Dedicated to Ben Baker, the original
                         MakeNL author.
                         A new open-sourced version of MakeNL, the
                         nodelist processing program. MakeNL3.x was
                         reverse engineered from MakeNL by Michael
                         Karcher, with further modifications by
                         Björn Felton, Andrew Clarke, Michiel Broek
                         Johan Billing, Michiel Broek &
                         Robert Couture.  MakeNL 3.2.6 is a near
                         drop-in replacement for an existing
                         installation of MakeNL.
                         Please check the WHATSNEW.TXT and the
                         HISTORY.TXT files in this archive before
                         using MakeNL 3.2.6,as there are some
                         important changes implemented in the
                         MAKENL.CTL file.
MN326LNX.ZIP     348 Kb. MakeNL v3.2.6 -- Linux Version
                         ** Dedicated to Ben Baker, the original
                         MakeNL author.
                         A new open-sourced version of MakeNL, the
                         nodelist processing program. MakeNL3.x was
                         reverse engineered from MakeNL by Michael
                         Karcher, with further modifications by
                         Björn Felton, Andrew Clarke, Michiel Broek
                         Johan Billing, Michiel Broek &
                         Robert Couture.  MakeNL 3.2.6 is a near
                         drop-in replacement for an existing
                         installation of MakeNL.
                         Please check the WHATSNEW.TXT and the
                         HISTORY.TXT files in this archive before
                         using MakeNL 3.2.6, as there are some
                         important changes implemented in the
                         MAKENL.CTL file.
MN326O16.ZIP     176 Kb. MakeNL v3.2.6 -- OS/2 16 Bit Version
                         ** Dedicated to Ben Baker, the original
                         MakeNL author.
                         A new open-sourced version of MakeNL, the
                         nodelist processing program. MakeNL3.x was
                         reverse engineered from MakeNL by Michael
                         Karcher, with further modifications by
                         Björn Felton, Andrew Clarke, Michiel Broek
                         Johan Billing, Michiel Broek &
                         Robert Couture.  MakeNL 3.2.6 is a near
                         drop-in replacement for an existing
                         installation of MakeNL.
                         Please check the WHATSNEW.TXT and the
                         HISTORY.TXT files in this archive before
                         using MakeNL 3.2.6 ,as there are some
                         important changes implemented in the
                         MAKENL.CTL file.
MN326O32.ZIP     180 Kb. MakeNL v3.2.6 -- OS/2 32 Bit Version
                         ** Dedicated to Ben Baker, the original
                         MakeNL author.
                         A new open-sourced version of MakeNL, the
                         nodelist processing program. MakeNL 3.x was
                         reverse engineered from MakeNL by Michael
                         Karcher, with further modifications by
                         Björn Felton, Andrew Clarke, Michiel Broek
                         Johan Billing, Michiel Broek &
                         Robert Couture.  MakeNL 3.2.6 is a near
                         drop-in replacement for an existing
                         installation of MakeNL.
                         Please check the WHATSNEW.TXT and the
                         HISTORY.TXT files in this archive before
                         using MakeNL 3.2.6, as there are some
                         important changes implemented in the
                         MAKENL.CTL file.
MN326SRC.ZIP     176 Kb. MakeNL v3.2.6 -- Source
                         ** Dedicated to Ben Baker, the original
                         MakeNL author.
                         A new open-sourced version of MakeNL, the
                         nodelist processing program. MakeNL 3.x was
                         reverse engineered from MakeNL by Michael
                         Karcher, with further modifications by
                         Björn Felton, Andrew Clarke, Michiel Broek
                         Johan Billing, Michiel Broek &
                         Robert Couture.  MakeNL 3.2.6 is a near
                         drop-in replacement for an existing
                         installation of MakeNL.
                         Please check the WHATSNEW.TXT and the
                         HISTORY.TXT files in this archive before
                         using MakeNL 3.2.6, as there are some
                         important changes implemented in the
                         MAKENL.CTL file.
MN326W32.ZIP     192 Kb. MakeNL v3.2.6 -- Windows 32 Bit Version
                         ** Dedicated to Ben Baker, the original
                         MakeNL author.
                         A new open-sourced version of MakeNL, the
                         nodelist processing program. MakeNL 3.x was
                         reverse engineered from MakeNL by Michael
                         Karcher, with further modifications by
                         Björn Felton, Andrew Clarke, Michiel Broek
                         Johan Billing, Michiel Broek &
                         Robert Couture.  MakeNL 3.2.6 is a near
                         drop-in replacement for an existing
                         installation of MakeNL.
                         Please check the WHATSNEW.TXT and the
                         HISTORY.TXT files in this archive before
                         using MakeNL 3.2.6, as there are some
                         important changes implemented in the
                         MAKENL.CTL file.
POINTAPP.TXT       2 Kb. An application for a Fidonet Point Address. If
                         you'd like to get a point here at The Rusty
                         MailBox, fill in this application and mail it in
                         to me and I'll contact you ASAP.
POLICY1.ZIP       11 Kb. Fidonet Policy Document 1 from Oct/85
POLICY2.ZIP       13 Kb. Fidonet Policy Document 2 from Jun/86
POLICY3.ZIP       15 Kb. Fidonet Policy Document 3 from Oct/86
POLICY4.ZIP       25 Kb. Fidonet Policy Document 4 from Jun/89
WHYPOINT.TXT       1 Kb. A text file that explains the advantages to
                         using a Fidonet point address to read/post in
                         message areas
18 files, 1783 KBytes.

Area AREA 155 - VIR: Nodelists
VIRNODES.A48      28 Kb. VirNet Nodelist Day #048
1 file, 28 KBytes.

Area AREA 156 - VIR: Nodediff's
VIR_DIFF.A48       0 Kb. VirNet Nodediff Day #048
1 file, 0 KBytes.

Area AREA 212 - GFD: OS/2 Java Applications
AOI221.ZIP      2593 Kb. Art of Illusion version 2.2.1. Art of
                         Illusion is a free, open source 3D modelling
                         and rendering studio. It is written entirely
                         in Java, and should be usable on any Java
                         Virtual Machine which is compatible with JDK
                         1.1 or later. The current version is 2.0,
                         released March 7, 2005. This version is both
                         stable and powerful enough to be used for
                         serious, high end animation work. Many of its
                         capabilities rival those found in commercial
                         programs. Some of the highlights include
                         subdivision surface based modelling tools,
                         skeleton based animation, and a graphical
                         language for designing procedural textures
                         and materials.
AOI_MAN.ZIP    11191 Kb. Art of Illusion version 2.2. Art of Illusion
                         is a free, open source 3D modelling and
                         rendering studio. Manual.
2 files, 13784 KBytes.

Area AREA 227 - GFD: OS/2 Commercial Demos
NVC57R4E.ZIP    7546 Kb. Norman Virus Control for OS/2 Version
                english. Norman Virus Control (NVC)
                         is an antivirus program that protects
                         workstations and servers against malicious
                         software, also referred to as malware. The
                         most prevalent types of malware are computer
                         viruses, worms, and trojans. NVC for OS/2 is
                         specially developed and designed to satisfy
                         OS/2 users. You can configure and use it in
                         an effective and intuitive way. Most
                         antivirus software for OS/2 is designed as
                         for the Windows world and thereby has not
                         been made user-friendly for the OS/2 user.
                         Using the latest antivirus software
                         technologies like the Norman SandBox II,
                         machines can be protected from new and
                         unknown virus threats.
1 file, 7546 KBytes.

Area AREA 228 - GFD: OS/2 IBM Employee Written Software
BINGO2.ZIP       766 Kb. Bingo/2 ver 1.4 (1995/Oct/14) for OS/2 is a
                         32-bit, multi-threaded, multi-media OS/2 2.x
                         Presentation Manager software program which
                         allows you to play many different types of
                         bingo games on your computer. Now released as
                         Open Source under the GNU GPL license.
                         Bingo/2 is not currently supported by it's
                         author anymore, but seen its open source any
                         other developer can continue this project.
TVFS211.ZIP      458 Kb. TVFS 2.11, WarpIN archive. The Toronto Virtual
                         File System was actually finished being coded
                         a few weeks ago, but due to IBM's internal
                         testing policy for Employee-Written Software
                         (EWS), it takes a few weeks to filter into the
                         public eye. Although it hasn't appeared on
                         IBM's EWS servers yet, a copy has just
                         appeared on Hobbes in the last day or so which
                         the author (IBM's Mark Leitch) tells is an
                         official copy. This filesystem allows symbolic
                         links under OS/2 like certain UNIX filesystems
                         do. Many IBM developers especially find this
                         useful, as include files and stuff for their
                         development projects can really be spread over
                         numerous local and network drives, with the
                         virtual filesystem making them all appear to
                         be in the same directory.
2 files, 1224 KBytes.

Area AREA 229 - GFD: OS/2 Lan Server CSD's
XR_E003A.ZIP    1417 Kb. Warp Server for e-business FixPak XR_E003
                         Build level 14.088. Requires Corrective
                         Service Facility release f.143 or later. OS/2
                         Fix Distribution. Personal System Products.
                         Disk 1 of 8
XR_E003B.ZIP    1416 Kb. Warp Server for e-business FixPak XR_E003
                         Build level 14.088. Requires Corrective
                         Service Facility release f.143 or later. OS/2
                         Fix Distribution. Personal System Products.
                         Disk 2 of 8
XR_E003C.ZIP    1400 Kb. Warp Server for e-business FixPak XR_E003
                         Build level 14.088. Requires Corrective
                         Service Facility release f.143 or later. OS/2
                         Fix Distribution. Personal System Products.
                         Disk 3 of 8
XR_E003D.ZIP    1411 Kb. Warp Server for e-business FixPak XR_E003
                         Build level 14.088. Requires Corrective
                         Service Facility release f.143 or later. OS/2
                         Fix Distribution. Personal System Products.
                         Disk 4 of 8
XR_E003E.ZIP    1283 Kb. Warp Server for e-business FixPak XR_E003
                         Build level 14.088. Requires Corrective
                         Service Facility release f.143 or later. OS/2
                         Fix Distribution. Personal System Products.
                         Disk 5 of 8
XR_E003F.ZIP     911 Kb. Warp Server for e-business FixPak XR_E003
                         Build level 14.088. Requires Corrective
                         Service Facility release f.143 or later. OS/2
                         Fix Distribution. Personal System Products.
                         Disk 6 of 8
XR_E003G.ZIP     784 Kb. Warp Server for e-business FixPak XR_E003
                         Build level 14.088. Requires Corrective
                         Service Facility release f.143 or later. OS/2
                         Fix Distribution. Personal System Products.
                         Disk 7 of 8
XR_E003H.ZIP      10 Kb. Warp Server for e-business FixPak XR_E003
                         Build level 14.088. Requires Corrective
                         Service Facility release f.143 or later. OS/2
                         Fix Distribution. Personal System Products.
                         Disk 8 of 8
8 files, 8632 KBytes.

Area AREA 230 - GFD: OS/2 CSD's for Commercial Programs
CPIFFOS2.ZIP    1282 Kb. Updated image format filters for Impos 2.1.
                         (c) Compart Systemhaus GmbH 1998-2002.
1 file, 1282 KBytes.

Area AREA 231 - GFD: OS/2 FTN Mailers & Tools
BINKD097.ZIP     904 Kb. Binkd 0.9.7 (Jun 27 2004) transfer files
                         between two Fidonet systems over TCP/IP.
                         Copyright (c) 1996-2004 Dima Maloff and
                         others. Binkd is a Fidonet mailer designed to
                         operate via TCP/IP networks. As a FTN-
                         compatible internet daemon, it makes possible
                         efficient utilization of TCP/IP protocol suite
                         as a transport layer in FTN-based (Fido
                         Technology Network) networks. Binkd expects
                         your spool for Fido-like networks to be in BSO
                         ('Bink style outbound') or optionaly ASO
                         ('Amiga style outbound') format. BSO is also
                         used by ifmail and BinkleyTerm mailers.
                         OS/2 and Win32 executibles.
1 file, 904 KBytes.

Area AREA 50 - MBSE BBS Files
AMC0995.ZIP      276 Kb. AMC/Linux beta release 0.99.5
                         - AUTOMATIC MESSAGE CREATOR -
                         A program to post messages automati-
                         cally to Fidonet (or networks using
                         Fidonet technology) by means of the
                         MBSE BBS/mailer, or to Internet via
                         the sendmail command.
                         May also be used as a robot to send
                         your electronic birthday greetings.
                              (c) J.D.H. Beekhuizen  2004
                         To install: unzip the distribution
                         file and follow 00INSTALL.
DOORL094.ZIP      51 Kb.     -= Door library v0.9.4 for Unix =-
                         This is a general door library for native Unix
                         doors. This library supports the DOS formatted
                         door.sys file.
                         OS: GNU/Linux, NetBSD and FreeBSD.
                         Originating sites 2:280/2802@fidonet and
                         Copyright by Michiel Broek.
                         Released under the terms of the GNU Public
NUDOO090.ZIP      42 Kb.   -= Next User door v0.9.0 for Unix =-
                         Next User door is a native Unix door for Unix
                         bbs systems. This door allows a user to write
                         a message, this message is saved as ANSI and
                         ASCII textfiles that can be seen by every next
                         user that logs into your bbs.
                         Needs doorlib 0.9.1 or newer.
                         OS: Linux, NetBSD and FreeBSD.
                         Originating sites 2:280/2802@fidonet and
                         Copyright by Michiel Broek.
                         Released under the terms of the GNU Public
3 files, 369 KBytes.

Area AREA 51 - Nasa Earth & Space Science Material
NEWSATLE.ZIP      90 Kb. New Satellite Orbital Data Two-Line Elements
                          (TLE's) from NORAD. Over 1,980 satellites
                          including GOES, COSMOS, HST (Hubble Space
                          Telescope), STARSHINE, ORBCOMM, CHANDRA,
                          HESSI, DIRECTV, IRIDIUM, ISS (International
                          Space Station), and many more. Compatible
                          with STS-Orbit Plus software package.
                          * TLE Text Data current as of Today *
1 file, 90 KBytes.

Area AREA 52 - Daily OSEINOAA Weather Pic of the Day
OI060217.JPG     118 Kb. (725x580x256) O.S.E.I. (NOAA) Weather Pic of
                         the Day
1 file, 118 KBytes.

Area AREA 62 - BBBS Files
BBBS_2.ZIP      1793 Kb. BBBS v4.00 MP. Complete BBS package with
                         WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access
                         modes. Everything you need to run a BBS!
                         InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,
                         email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK,
                         AllFix, gateway, full screen editor, offline,
                         Mg, multilingual, CD-ROM, VT320, ANSI, voice,
                         multitask, charsets, accounts, Zmodem, HYDRA,
                         multinode, Kermit, BZLink, FAX, IRC, and more
                         This packet: OS2/Intel, without RSA
BBBS_D.ZIP      1658 Kb. BBBS v4.00 MP. Complete BBS package with
                         WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access
                         modes. Everything you need to run a BBS!
                         InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,
                         email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK,
                         AllFix, gateway, full screen editor, offline,
                         Mg, multilingual, CD-ROM, VT320, ANSI, voice,
                         multitask, charsets, accounts, Zmodem, HYDRA,
                         multinode, Kermit, BZLink, FAX, IRC, and more
                         This packet: PC-DOS/Intel, without RSA
BBBS_LIA.TGZ    2380 Kb. BBBS v4.00 MP. Complete BBS package with
                         WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access
                         modes. Everything you need to run a BBS!
                         InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,
                         email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK,
                         AllFix, gateway, full screen editor, offline,
                         Mg, multilingual, CD-ROM, VT320, ANSI, voice,
                         multitask, charsets, accounts, Zmodem, HYDRA,
                         multinode, Kermit, BZLink, FAX, IRC, and more
                         This packet: Linux/Alpha, without RSA
BBBS_LII.TGZ    1537 Kb. BBBS v4.00 MP. Complete BBS package with
                         WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access
                         modes. Everything you need to run a BBS!
                         InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,
                         email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK,
                         AllFix, gateway, full screen editor, offline,
                         Mg, multilingual, CD-ROM, VT320, ANSI, voice,
                         multitask, charsets, accounts, Zmodem, HYDRA,
                         multinode, Kermit, BZLink, FAX, IRC, and more
                         This packet: Linux/Intel, without RSA
BBBS_LIS.TGZ    1640 Kb. BBBS v4.00 MP. Complete BBS package with
                         WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access
                         modes. Everything you need to run a BBS!
                         InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,
                         email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK,
                         AllFix, gateway, full screen editor, offline,
                         Mg, multilingual, CD-ROM, VT320, ANSI, voice,
                         multitask, charsets, accounts, Zmodem, HYDRA,
                         multinode, Kermit, BZLink, FAX, IRC, and more
                         This packet: Linux/SPARC, without RSA
BBBS_NT.ZIP     1851 Kb. BBBS v4.00 MP. Complete BBS package with
                         WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access
                         modes. Everything you need to run a BBS!
                         InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,
                         email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK,
                         AllFix, gateway, full screen editor, offline,
                         Mg, multilingual, CD-ROM, VT320, ANSI, voice,
                         multitask, charsets, accounts, Zmodem, HYDRA,
                         multinode, Kermit, BZLink, FAX, IRC, and more
                         This packet: MS Windows/Intel, without RSA
BBBSR2.ZIP      1810 Kb. BBBS v4.00 MP. Complete BBS package with
                         WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access
                         modes. Everything you need to run a BBS!
                         InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,
                         email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK,
                         AllFix, gateway, full screen editor, offline,
                         Mg, multilingual, CD-ROM, VT320, ANSI, voice,
                         multitask, charsets, accounts, Zmodem, HYDRA,
                         multinode, Kermit, BZLink, FAX, IRC, and more
                         This packet: OS2/Intel, with RSA
BBBSRD.ZIP      1668 Kb. BBBS v4.00 MP. Complete BBS package with
                         WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access
                         modes. Everything you need to run a BBS!
                         InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,
                         email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK,
                         AllFix, gateway, full screen editor, offline,
                         Mg, multilingual, CD-ROM, VT320, ANSI, voice,
                         multitask, charsets, accounts, Zmodem, HYDRA,
                         multinode, Kermit, BZLink, FAX, IRC, and more
                         This packet: PC-DOS/Intel, with RSA
BBBSRLIA.TGZ    2405 Kb. BBBS v4.00 MP. Complete BBS package with
                         WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access
                         modes. Everything you need to run a BBS!
                         InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,
                         email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK,
                         AllFix, gateway, full screen editor, offline,
                         Mg, multilingual, CD-ROM, VT320, ANSI, voice,
                         multitask, charsets, accounts, Zmodem, HYDRA,
                         multinode, Kermit, BZLink, FAX, IRC, and more
                         This packet: Linux/Alpha, with RSA
BBBSRLII.TGZ    1554 Kb. BBBS v4.00 MP. Complete BBS package with
                         WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access
                         modes. Everything you need to run a BBS!
                         InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,
                         email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK,
                         AllFix, gateway, full screen editor, offline,
                         Mg, multilingual, CD-ROM, VT320, ANSI, voice,
                         multitask, charsets, accounts, Zmodem, HYDRA,
                         multinode, Kermit, BZLink, FAX, IRC, and more
                         This packet: Linux/Intel, with RSA
BBBSRLIS.TGZ    1658 Kb. BBBS v4.00 MP. Complete BBS package with
                         WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access
                         modes. Everything you need to run a BBS!
                         InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,
                         email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK,
                         AllFix, gateway, full screen editor, offline,
                         Mg, multilingual, CD-ROM, VT320, ANSI, voice,
                         multitask, charsets, accounts, Zmodem, HYDRA,
                         multinode, Kermit, BZLink, FAX, IRC, and more
                         This packet: Linux/SPARC, with RSA
BBBSRNT.ZIP     1870 Kb. BBBS v4.00 MP. Complete BBS package with
                         WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access
                         modes. Everything you need to run a BBS!
                         InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,
                         email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK,
                         AllFix, gateway, full screen editor, offline,
                         Mg, multilingual, CD-ROM, VT320, ANSI, voice,
                         multitask, charsets, accounts, Zmodem, HYDRA,
                         multinode, Kermit, BZLink, FAX, IRC, and more
                         This packet: MS Windows/Intel, with RSA
BTER_2.ZIP       954 Kb. BTERM v4.00 MP. BTERM is a small VT320
                         terminal emulator for modem/telnet/ssh. It
                         is free for single user non-commercial use.
                         This packet: OS2/Intel, without RSA.
BTER_D.ZIP       852 Kb. BTERM v4.00 MP. BTERM is a small VT320
                         terminal emulator for modem/telnet/ssh. It
                         is free for single user non-commercial use.
                         This packet: PC-DOS/Intel, without RSA.
BTER_LIA.TGZ    1610 Kb. BTERM v4.00 MP. BTERM is a small VT320
                         terminal emulator for modem/telnet/ssh. It
                         is free for single user non-commercial use.
                         This packet: Linux/Alpha, without RSA.
BTER_LII.TGZ     825 Kb. BTERM v4.00 MP. BTERM is a small VT320
                         terminal emulator for modem/telnet/ssh. It
                         is free for single user non-commercial use.
                         This packet: Linux/Intel, without RSA.
BTER_LIS.TGZ     914 Kb. BTERM v4.00 MP. BTERM is a small VT320
                         terminal emulator for modem/telnet/ssh. It
                         is free for single user non-commercial use.
                         This packet: Linux/SPARC, without RSA.
BTER_NT.ZIP     1002 Kb. BTERM v4.00 MP. BTERM is a small VT320
                         terminal emulator for modem/telnet/ssh. It
                         is free for single user non-commercial use.
                         This packet: MS Windows/Intel, without RSA.
BTERR2.ZIP       971 Kb. BTERM v4.00 MP. BTERM is a small VT320
                         terminal emulator for modem/telnet/ssh. It
                         is free for single user non-commercial use.
                         This packet: OS2/Intel, with RSA.
BTERRD.ZIP       862 Kb. BTERM v4.00 MP. BTERM is a small VT320
                         terminal emulator for modem/telnet/ssh. It
                         is free for single user non-commercial use.
                         This packet: PC-DOS/Intel, with RSA.
BTERRLIA.TGZ    1636 Kb. BTERM v4.00 MP. BTERM is a small VT320
                         terminal emulator for modem/telnet/ssh. It
                         is free for single user non-commercial use.
                         This packet: Linux/Alpha, with RSA.
BTERRLII.TGZ     842 Kb. BTERM v4.00 MP. BTERM is a small VT320
                         terminal emulator for modem/telnet/ssh. It
                         is free for single user non-commercial use.
                         This packet: Linux/Intel, with RSA.
BTERRLIS.TGZ     933 Kb. BTERM v4.00 MP. BTERM is a small VT320
                         terminal emulator for modem/telnet/ssh. It
                         is free for single user non-commercial use.
                         This packet: Linux/SPARC, with RSA.
BTERRNT.ZIP     1021 Kb. BTERM v4.00 MP. BTERM is a small VT320
                         terminal emulator for modem/telnet/ssh. It
                         is free for single user non-commercial use.
                         This packet: MS Windows/Intel, with RSA.
24 files, 34246 KBytes.

                           (To be continued in next message...)

--- MBSE BBS v0.83.13 (GNU/Linux-i386)
 * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada - trmb.ca (1:153/757)