Text 7646, 307 rader
Skriven 2007-03-09 22:46:50 av Lukas De Groen (2:280/1027)
Kommentar till en text av Everybody
Ärende: Newfiles at www.dreamlandbbs.com
System name Dreamland BBS
Sysop Lukas de Groen (lukas@dreamlandbbs.com)
Location Dordrecht - The Netherlands
Remark Dreamland BBS, your great source for files!
Network aka 2:280/1027@fidonet
Internet http://www.dreamlandbbs.com
Running MBSE BBS v0.91.0 on GNU/Linux-i386
Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
Inet 2048000 CM,XX,IBN,IFC,IFT,ITN
Area ALLFILES - Allfiles listing Dreamland BBS
ALLFILES.ZIP 5031 Kb. Allfiles listing, ZIP formaat
Magic request: ALLFILES
1 file, 5031 KBytes.
Area NEWFILES - Newfiles of the last 30 days of Dreamland BBS
NEWFILES.ZIP 28 Kb. Newfiles listing of the last 30 days of
Dreamland BBS
Magic request: NEWFILES
1 file, 28 KBytes.
Area VIR_FP - VIR: F-prot antivirus
Signaturen vom 8.3.2007 20:32 Uhr
FP-DEF.ZIP 5629 Kb. Signaturdateien SIGN.DEF und SIGN2.DEF
fuer F-PROT, F-STOPW und FSAV.
Signaturen vom 8.3.2007 20:32 Uhr
2 files, 5880 KBytes.
Area VIR_HBED - VIR: Hbed antivirus
IVDFXP.ZIP 12960 Kb. VDF-Dateien fuer AVIRA AntiVir 7 (W2k/XP)
Im Archiv sind folgende Dateien enthalten:
antivir0.vdf 13.09.2006
antivir1.vdf 08.03.2007
antivir2.vdf 08.03.2007
antivir3.vdf 08.03.2007
avewin32.dll 07.03.2007
avpack32.dll 19.01.2007
avrep.dll 08.03.2007
1 file, 12960 KBytes.
Area VIR_MCAF - VIR: Mcafee virus updates
49784979.UPD 189 Kb. Virus Defination Data Files by Network
Asscociates, Inc.
Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx
Updated from 4978 to 4979
DAT-4979.ZIP 9575 Kb. Virus Definition Data Files by Network
Associates, Inc.
Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx
(4979) 03/07/2007
DAT-4980.ZIP 9680 Kb. Virus Definition Data Files by Network
Associates, Inc.
Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx
(4980) 03/08/2007
49794980.UPD 274 Kb. Virus Defination Data Files by Network
Asscociates, Inc.
Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx
Updated from 4979 to 4980
4 files, 19718 KBytes.
Area VIR_NL - VIR: Nodelist
VIRNODES.A68 27 Kb. VirNet Nodelist Day #068
1 file, 27 KBytes.
Area VIR_NODE - VIR: Nodediff
VIR_DIFF.A68 0 Kb. VirNet Nodediff Day #068
1 file, 0 KBytes.
Area AVDAT - AVN: Antivirus signature updates for Mcafee & Fprot
DEF3FP.ZIP 5808 Kb. Anti-Virus Definition Updates for F-Prot,
F-Secure & FSAV v4.03 or greater. Latest
Signature and Macro Defs from Frisk.
from ftp://ftp.f-prot.com/pub/
DAT4NAI.ZIP 9647 Kb. Virus Definition Data Files by Network
Associates, Inc. Requires scanner engine v4070
or newer
2 files, 15455 KBytes.
Area I-ARGUS - FIPN: Weekly Argus.txt aux.tcp/ip node override file
I-ARGUS.Z68 18 Kb. Argus TCP/IP auxiliary nodes file: 2007-03-09
Generated at 3:712/848 from NODELIST.068
1 file, 18 KBytes.
Area NASA - NASA: Earth & space science material
NEWSATLE.ZIP 96 Kb. New Satellite Orbital Data Two-Line Elements
(TLE's) from NORAD. Over 1,980 satellites
including GOES, COSMOS, HST (Hubble Space
Space Station), and many more. Compatible
with STS-Orbit Plus software package.
* TLE Text Data current as of Today *
AP070309.ZIP 252 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
published Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
2 files, 348 KBytes.
Area NGPOD - NASA: National geographic picture of the day
NG070306.ZIP 173 Kb. National Geographic Photo of the Day (plus
Text/Report, lava.nationalgeographic.com)
1 file, 173 KBytes.
Area NODEDIFA - FIDO: Current Fidonet nodediff in ARC format
NODEDIFF.A68 5 Kb. Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)
1 file, 5 KBytes.
Area NODEDIFZ - FIDO: Current Fidonet nodediff in Zip format
NODEDIFF.Z68 3 Kb. Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)
1 file, 3 KBytes.
Area NODELISA - Fidonet world nodelist
NODELIST.A68 329 Kb. Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ARC)
1 file, 329 KBytes.
Area OSEINOAA - NASA: Weather maps
OI070309.JPG 124 Kb. (725x580x256) O.S.E.I. (NOAA) Weather Pic of the
1 file, 124 KBytes.
Area P28LIST - FIDO: Point nodelist region 28
P28-LIST.Z68 6 Kb. R28 pointlist voor dag nummer 068
Magic request: R28PNT
1 file, 6 KBytes.
Area PASNDIFF - PAS: Nodediff files
PASNDIFF.Z68 0 Kb. weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff file
1 file, 0 KBytes.
Area PASNLIST - PAS: Nodelist
PASNLIST.Z68 8 Kb. Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist file
By Pacalnet.org of Gert Koefoed Andersen.
1 file, 8 KBytes.
Area PASPOINT - PAS: Pointlist
PASPOINT.Z68 7 Kb. Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
By Pascalnet.org of Gert Koefoed Andersen.
1 file, 7 KBytes.
Area STN_LIST - STN: St. Louis nodelists
STNLIST.Z68 10 Kb. Weekly Sysop TechNet Nodelist
STNDIFF.Z68 0 Kb. Weekly Stn Nodediff
2 files, 10 KBytes.
Area WIN_MULT - WIN: Multimedia & graphics
AZPNT60C.ZIP 4191 Kb. AZ Paint & Animated GIF Editor v6.0.0
A paint program with Animated GIF Editor.
Win 98, ME, 2000, NT, XP or Vista platform.
No any special system requirement.
Shareware. Download file size 4.1 mb.
Free trial 30-day or 50-run. Price US$30.
Currently with registered customers in over
30 countries.
AZPRO70C.ZIP 4866 Kb. AZ Paint Pro v7.0.0
A professional paint program with full-featured
Icon Editor and Animated GIF Editor.
Win 98, ME, 2000, NT, XP or Vista platform.
No any special system requirement.
Shareware. Download file size 4.7 mb.
Free trial 30-day or 50-run. Price US$40.
Currently with registered customers in over
30 countries.
2 files, 9057 KBytes.
Area GFD.APP.JAVA - GFD: OS/2 java applications
AOI241.ZIP 4365 Kb. Art of Illusion version 2.4.1. Art of Illusion
is a free, open source 3D modelling and
rendering studio. It is written entirely in
Java, and should be usable on any Java Virtual
Machine which is compatible with J2SE 1.4 or
later. This version is both stable and powerful
enough to be used for serious, high end
animation work. Many of its capabilities rival
those found in commercial programs. Some of the
highlights include subdivision surface based
modelling tools, skeleton based animation, and a
graphical language for designing procedural
textures and materials.
1 file, 4365 KBytes.
Area GFD.NET.WWW - GFD: OS/2 http server, browsers etc.
SMNK111.ZIP 13976 Kb. SeaMonkey 1.1.1. Mozilla/5.0 (OS/2; U; Warp 4.5;
en-US; rv: Gecko/20070306
SeaMonkey/1.1.1. Copyright (c) 1998-2007 by
Contributors to the Mozilla codebase under the
Mozilla Public License and Netscape Public
License. All Rights Reserved. The SeaMonkey
project is a community effort to deliver
production-quality releases of code derived from
the application formerly known as 'Mozilla
Application Suite'.
1 file, 13976 KBytes.
Area GFD.WPS.TOOL - GFD: OS/2 tools for wps
ESCHDL32.ZIP 966 Kb. eSchemes Deluxe Version 3.2. The eSchemes
project is aimed at controlling decoration of
eComStation desktop & feel related settings into
one place. But during development was introduced
some interested features which not directly
related to eSchemes project but add new WPS
functionality. Also we have some internal
unpublished projects which was planned to
publish. As result we introduce eSchemes Deluxe
project which adds new functionalities to WPS
and multimedia subsystem. Developed by eCo
Software, (C) Yuri Prokushev.
1 file, 966 KBytes.
Area LINUXNET.DIFF - LIN: Nodediffs
LN_DIFF.Z68 0 Kb. Weekly LinuxNet Nodediff file
1 file, 0 KBytes.
Area LINUXNET.NODE - LIN: Nodelists
LINUXNET.Z68 8 Kb. Weekly LinuxNet Nodelist file
1 file, 8 KBytes.
34 new files, together 88502 KBytes of fresh stuff.
With regards; Lukas de Groen.
--- MBSE BBS v0.91.0 (GNU/Linux-i386)
* Origin: www.dreamlandbbs.com powered by X/OS Linux 4 (2:280/1027)