Text 50, 279 rader
Skriven 2005-06-04 19:18:08 av Kay Shapero (1:102/524.0)
Ärende: [1 of 5] JMS posts to moderated b5 newsgroup
This is a collection of recent posts by JMS to the newsgroup
See also http://america.net/~judge for Dirk Loedding's archives
of JMS posts.
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2005 05:06:23 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Re: JMS at Philly Wizard World con
From: jmsatb5@aol.com
Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated
Amy Guskin wrote:
> Just a reminder to all in the local area: JMS is appearing at Philadelphia's
> Wizard World Con this weekend. His Q&A is at 1:00 PM on Saturday. Hope to
> see some of you there!
> Amy
For those in the Philly area, I'm signing autographs from 3-5 on Friday
and Saturday, and from 12:30-2:30 on Sunday, in addition to Saturday
appearance. This is actually my first time in Philadelphia, so it's
going to be fun.
Date: Thu, 26 May 2005 06:24:08 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Re: Is B5 dead?
From: jmsatb5@aol.com
Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated
"Are we now reduced to hoping for a book once or twice a decade? Is
there any
reason to have hope for more of what we love so much?
Is Babylon 5, as we know it....dead?"
This question comes up periodically, and I'll give it pretty much the
same answer that I always give...that there is a difference between
*dead* and *complete*.
If a novelist writes a book, and he doesn't write five more books in
that universe, with those characters, is the book dead? Or completed?
When I embarked on B5, I wasn't out to create a franchise, wasn't
looking to springboard this out into a zillion other projects...I
resisted merchandising, and made it clear to all parties that this
would be five seasons, no more. Because that's I figured it would take
me to tell that story. The only thing I asked of the universe was that
I be able to tell the story to its end, and that I not die before
finishing it. That's all.
And somehow, both happened...and I'm happy with that.
I've said it a hundred times before...if something happens to come up
in the B5 universe that's fun to tell, and someone wants to provide a
venue, great...if not, also great. I told the story that I wanted,
needed to tell. When Zack says, in SiL, "We did what we said we were
gonna do, and nobody can ever take that away from us," that was the
author speaking through him.
What I set out to do with that show, I did, and nobody can ever take
that away. I told the story I wanted to tell. Everything else is
Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 00:24:36 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Re: jms NOT in Bristol
From: jmsatb5@aol.com
Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated
Tagging this here because it's the first one I came across...in answer
to the many folks (and I mean many) who've asked if the Book of G'Kar
could be made available...I've finally relented (having decided on an
even better gift for Andreas down the road). So it's there on Ebay,
however there's a typo in the entry so it's THEBOOK of G'Kar with out a
space in the main listing, though the subhead is correct.
Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 02:11:14 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Re: Auction Mania Phase IV
From: jmsatb5@aol.com
Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated
Jan wrote:
> I've wondered something about the SiL episode ever since the DVDs
came out. In
> the expanded scenes, Ivanova packs her briefcase, the camera pans
over to her
> memorabilia and she takes the fighting pike off the wall, walks away,
then comes
> back for her helmet, then leaves. From that, it seems that she's
decided that
> she's not coming back but that's before Delenn offers her the job as
head of the
> Rangers. The interesting thing is that it's *not* described in the
script at
> all. In the script, that scene ends when she picks up the message.
> Naturally, since the writer/Exec. Producer was also the Director for
this one,
> the scene might have been expanded any time. I just wonder what
Susan (via JMS)
> might have been planning to do if Delenn hadn't made her the offer.
> Jan
Those scenes are put together, when they shouldn't have been, and are
out of context. Basically, those two shots were bagged during the
shoot and meant for the very end, under Ivanova's narration, where she
picks up the pike, walks off, waits...then comes back and gets her
helmet as well.
Date: Sat, 21 May 2005 03:29:38 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Re: from jms: too damned much stuff
From: jmsatb5@aol.com
Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated
> > A poor choice of words? With all due respect to JMS, I'd have to
> > yes. But JMS a racist? No bloody way.
> Probably best not to use racist terms then, huh?
> Paul.
Okay, Paul. Enough.
You have been running your mouth saying that I made a "racist" comment,
that I am using "racist" terms. That, therefore, I *am* a racist.
Perhaps you missed the meeting, but I am a Caucasian. Britain is still
considered for the most part, at least, an Anglo-Saxon nation.
Caucasian. We're members of the same freaking race.
Racism by EVERY DEFINITION that you care to apply, especially from the
dictionary, refers to different RACES. If there are no different races
involved, it's not racism. Argue all you want, words mean what they
mean, not what we WANT them to mean.
There may be cultural differences, but that's not a race.
So your terminology is offensive, insulting, wrong, libelous,
potentially damaging to my career and reputation, and defamatory...and
be advised that there are laws in England about such things. And from
this point on, I am copying my attorney on all our correspondence,
because you are actively attempting to attack my reputation and defame
me as a racist, and I do not take that lightly. If you think for just
a *second* that I will nok\t prosecute you if you continue in this way,
you're definitely wrong.
Second...you have said now that I used "racist terms." You have said
it now repeatedly.
After discussing the British class system, which has been documented in
more studies than I have time to cite, I said, in jest, simply that
you're not making sense "even for a Brit."
That's all. And for that you are attempting to defame me and my
reputation with false accusations.
I have been posting over the last 10 years under my name. Every post
I've written since 1994 has been archived. You can google all of them.
You find ONE SINGLE post from me where I say anything using racist
terms, just one...and I will not only resign permanently from this
group, I will resign from the internat itself Permanently.
If you cannot...then you do the same.
I'm telling you straight up, Paul: put up or shut up.
You have published damaging, defamatory, libelous comments about me now
at some length here, using inflammatory terms like racism because I
said that YOU were not making sense "even for a Brit." That is the
SOLE basis of your accusation...and it's a lie. It's a filthy lie, and
it's legally and factually untrue. And there have already been several
successful prosecutions against those who engage in a reckless
disregard for the truth when libeling someone on the internet.
So either you produce an actual racist comment...or apologize for
running my name through the gutter...or resign...or prepare to defend
yourself in court. And I hope you have the cash on hand to defend what
is a completely indefensible position, because you're going to have to.
I mean it. I have already retained an attorney in London.
So the choice is yours.
But this horseshit ends right now.
copyright (c) 2005
synthetic worlds, ltd.
permission to reprint
denied to sfx magazine
Date: Sat, 21 May 2005 05:44:29 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Re: from jms: too damned much stuff
From: jmsatb5@aol.com
Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated
Matt Ion wrote:
> jmsatb5@aol.com wrote:
> > Second...you have said now that I used "racist terms." You have
> > it now repeatedly.
> >
> > After discussing the British class system, which has been
documented in
> > more studies than I have time to cite, I said, in jest, simply that
> > you're not making sense "even for a Brit."
> Hmmm, I hate to add any clarity to the mix here, but to be completely
> technical, "Brit" is not a racial term in any fashion anyway.
> Nationalist, maybe, but hardly racist. "Brits" are comprised of
> of every imaginable race, creed, religeon, philosophy, skin color,
> combinations thereof.
Precisely. There are British Citizens of every racial and ethnic
background just as there are Americans of every racial and ethnic
background. Which makes the idea even more ludicrous.
But I'm not going to keep going back and forth on this. This is the
last I intend to say on this subject, in this thread, on this system.
Anything else will have to find other venues.
--- MsgPost v1.01
* Origin: StormGate Aerie.. all alone in the net... (1:102/524)