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Möte BIBLE, 3563 texter
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Text 2846, 293 rader
Skriven 2011-02-22 18:36:51 av Greg Goodwin (1:123/789.0)
Ärende: LESSON 8 - Resilience
LESSON 8	*February 12 - 18

Read for This Week's Study: Job 19:25; James 5:10, 11; Ruth 1; Esther 2; 2 Cor.
11:23-28; Phil. 4:11-13.

Memory Text:

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we
will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart
of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their
surging"(Psalm 46:1-3, NIV).

     	Resilience is the process of facing adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats,
or extreme stress and "bouncing back" successfully without becoming too
negatively affected by the experience. The concept has received growing
attention because of the usefulness of possessing a reasonable amount of
resilience in the face of life's difficulties. After all, who among us doesn't
face major stressors, in one form or another? The question is, How can we have
the resilience to deal with what happens and not be destroyed emotionally in
the process?
In the 1960s, Victor and Mildred Goertzel wrote Cradles of Eminence, which
presented biographical analyses of more than 700 subjects who went through
great childhood adversity (broken homes, financial struggles, physical and/or
psychological handicaps, etc.) and yet achieved great success. The book was
updated in 2004.

The Bible also tells us of individuals who had to face adversity but who,
through God's grace, bounced back and overcame their problems. Despite
difficult circumstances and even flaws in their characters, they were able to
be used by God because they had the resilience to press on ahead, even amid
adverse circumstances.

*Study this week's lesson to prepare for Sabbath, February 19.

SUNDAY	February 13
The Patience of Job

Read James 5:10, 11. What is it about Job that makes him an example to be
emulated? See also Job 1-3.

A woman who underwent counseling to recover from a serious crisis told her
friends that one idea transmitted by the counselor was key to her successful
recovery. "What helped me most," she said, "was the counselor insisting that my
painful circumstances would come to an end. 'It looks dark and unending now,'
the counselor used to say, 'but it will not last too much longer.' This thought
helped me gain resilience." In other words, the counselor kept the woman's hope

How to grow in patience? George Goodman of England once received a young man
that needed to be prayed for. He expressed his need directly: "Mr. Goodman, I
wish you would pray for me that I might have patience."

The elderly man responded: "Yes, I will pray for you that you may have

"Oh, no, sir," the young man replied, "it is patience that I want."

"I understand," said Goodman, "and I will pray for you that you may have
tribulation." The Bible teacher opened his Bible and read Romans 5:3 to the
amazed young man: " 'And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also:
knowing that tribulation worketh patience.' "

The story of Job offers a supreme example of resilience. Earlier in his life,
Job had understood that God is merciful and righteous. He did not understand
the reasons for his suffering; he did not find support from his wife; his
property and children were destroyed, and then he contracted a horrible
disease. And yet, somehow amid it all, he never lost his faith in God and
endured until the tragedy ended.

Read Job 19:25. What hope did Job cling to here? How can we better learn to
cling to this hope in our own adversity, as well?

Think about times you were going through something terrible. What hope
sustained you? What words spoken to you were helpful? Which ones were not so
helpful, or even harmful? What did you learn that would enable you to better
help someone who is going through great adversity now?
MONDAY	February 14
Joseph in Captivity

Read Genesis 37:19-28 and Genesis 39:12-20 and try to put yourself in Joseph's
sandals. Think how discouraged he must have been. Think of the potential for
anger and bitterness that could have, even justifiably, been his. Though the
Bible doesn't tell us in detail what his emotions were, it's not hard to
imagine the pain he suffered from such betrayal and treachery.

Nevertheless, Joseph turned to the Lord at these junctures, and in the end,
good things came out of the events. After having been sold by his brothers,
Joseph actually experienced his conversion and a much closer relationship with
God. "He had been told of the Lord's promises to Jacob, and how they had been
fulfilled--how, in the hour of need, the angels of God had come to instruct,
comfort, and protect him. And he had learned of the love of God in providing
for men a Redeemer. Now all these precious lessons came vividly before him.
Joseph believed that the God of his fathers would be his God. He then and there
gave himself fully to the Lord."--Ellen G. White, Patriarchs and Prophets, pp.
213, 214.

When he was thrown in prison unjustly, the experience opened the path to the
court of Pharaoh to accomplish the mission to save many souls and his own

What do the following texts tell us about how bad situations can be turned to

Rom. 5:3-5
2 Cor. 1:3, 4
2 Cor. 1:8, 9
2 Tim. 1:11, 12
God does not want us to suffer needlessly. In fact, the environment Jesus has
prepared for us in heaven is tearless and painless (Rev. 21:4). But as we wait
for that promise to be fulfilled, it seems certain that pain is the path to
learn certain lessons. Character development, empathy, humility, discipleship,
understanding of good and evil--these are some of the lessons we can learn.
Although it is difficult to think of the benefits of suffering, especially in
the midst of trial, we can ask God for the necessary strength to pass through

Have you ever had a terrible experience that in the end brought some good, some
benefit? How can this help you learn to trust the Lord in any adversity, even
when nothing good seems likely to result?
TUESDAY	February 15

What are some of the misfortunes experienced by Naomi? Ruth 1.

Leaving one's country to settle somewhere else is always scary, especially when
the departure is motivated by the need to survive. The famine in Judah forced
Elimelech, Naomi, and their two sons to emigrate to the country of Moab, an
agricultural area where they could obtain food. The Moabites were an idolatrous
people (Judg. 10:6) whose practices clashed with Jewish beliefs. This in itself
must have produced significant turmoil to the newcomers. Sometime after having
settled, Naomi's husband died. Mother and sons found themselves in a foreign
land, degraded to the condition of widow and orphans, without protection and
subject to additional disgrace. Then Naomi's sons, Mahlon and Kilion, married
local women. This fact may have brought conflict to the family, at least in the
beginning, because of significant religious differences. Although the law did
not specifically prohibit marriages between Jews and Moabites, it was
stipulated that Moabites or their descendants could not enter the assembly of
the Lord until after ten generations (Deut. 23:3).

Later on, Mahlon and Killion, whose names meant "sickness" and "wasting,"
respectively, also died. It is hard to imagine a more tragic situation in the
life of Naomi--no one alive from her close family, and the remaining kin far
away in Bethlehem.

What was the turning point in Naomi's life? How did God repair the severe
adversities suffered by Naomi? Ruth 1:16-18, 4:13-17.

At the deepest moment of trouble Naomi's daughter-in-law Ruth served as
God-sent emotional support. Naomi must have been a remarkable woman to have
inspired the devotion of her two daughters-in-law, especially Ruth, who
accepted the God of Israel and made the firm decision to care for her
mother-in-law for life in a land whose inhabitants were, historically, her

Chapters 2 through 4 convey a beautiful succession of events that ended up in a
happy family arrangement. Naomi left behind untold suffering and lived to
witness the marriage of Ruth to Boaz and the birth of her grandson Obed, the
father of Jesse, the father of David.

However much we ultimately need to trust the Lord and surrender everything to
Him, at times we do need human help, as well. When was the last time you really
needed someone's help? What did you gain from that experience?
WEDNESDAY	February 16
Esther's Days of Stress

What were some of the adversities, struggles, and pressures Esther faced?

Esther 2:6, 7
Esther 2:10
Esther 2:21, 22
Esther 4:4-17
Esther 7:3, 4; 8:3
Since early life Esther had been an orphan. Although she was adopted by her
older cousin Mordecai, the stigma of parentless childhood was most surely
difficult. In spite of this, Esther grew up as a balanced, determined, and
capable young woman.

After she became queen, Esther did not reveal her nationality or family
background. This was a particularly heavy challenge. Surrounded by food,
luxuries, and practices of life in the court, Esther had to somehow try to
maintain her Jewish faith and identity. In addition, the risk of being
identified as a member of the Jewish people was real, and the consequences of
hiding her identity were uncertain.

Esther also had to take to the king the bad news that officers were conspiring
to kill him. This was not an easy task because, if the plot could not be
substantiated, Esther and her cousin could be blamed for starting rumors, and
who knew the results?

But the greatest responsibility placed on Esther was being left as the sole
channel to save her nation. Mordecai asked her to mediate on behalf of the
Jews, which she could not do without risking her life. When she hesitated, her
cousin put still more pressure on her: "If you remain silent at this time,
relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and
your father's family will perish" (Esther 4:14, NIV). Talk about stress!

Finally she appeared before the king, knowing that such an act carried with it
a high chance of death. In the end, though, things worked out, however
dangerous the situation at times was for this young woman.

All of us, like Esther, are born into situations not of our own making. What is
your background? What things were handed you, good and bad, that you didn't ask
for? How can you learn to appreciate more the good that you have been given and
to overcome the bad?
THURSDAY	February 17
The Secret of Being Content

Paul was born and grew up in Tarsus, into a Hebrew family from the tribe of
Benjamin. He obtained his Roman nationality through his father, a citizen of
the Roman Empire. He became a Pharisee, a devout group who adhered to the law
(Torah) plus the oral tradition (Mishnah). With this background, he must have
enjoyed the privileges of his social and religious status.

However, when Paul responded to the call of Jesus, everything changed. Instead
of persecutor, he became the target of radical persecution from some of his own
nation and eventually from Romans. He suffered tribulations for three decades
and was executed after having been imprisoned at Rome.

Read 2 Corinthians 11:23-28, which lists some of the adversities Paul had to
face. Then read Philippians 4:11- 13. After so much suffering, what is the
assessment Paul makes of his own life? What lessons are here for us amid
whatever struggles we're going through?

Contentment is a crucial component of happiness and psychological well-being.
Being content comes to those who see the positive outlook of things, those who
look at the past with acceptance and at the future with hope. Interestingly
enough, having "everything" doesn't guarantee contentment and happiness. For
some folk, no matter what they have, it's never enough. Others, having so
little, are nevertheless satisfied. What do you think makes the difference?

One of the many current definitions of "intelligence" is the ability to adapt
to new situations. This may have to do with living in new places, relating to
new people, experiencing new socioeconomic conditions. Paul's ability is not a
hereditary trait, because he specifically says: "I have learned to be content"
(Phil. 4:12, NIV). This is not a capacity that some possess and others do not.
Adaptation and contentment amid a wide range of circumstances are learned
processes that come over time and practice.

Verse 13 gives the ultimate key to Paul's resilience. Not only could he feel
contentment with little or much material resources. He could do anything and
everything in Jesus Christ.

How content are you? How much are you tossed around and victimized by your
circumstances? What are ways in which you can learn better to be "content in
any and every situation" (vs. 11, NIV)?
FRIDAY	February 18
Further Study:

"The powers of darkness gather about the soul and shut Jesus from our sight,
and at times we can only wait in sorrow and amazement until the cloud passes
over. These seasons are sometimes terrible. Hope seems to fail, and despair
seizes upon us. In these dreadful hours we must learn to trust, to depend
solely upon the merits of the atonement, and in all our helpless unworthiness
cast ourselves upon the merits of the crucified and risen Saviour. We shall
never perish while we do this--never! When light shines on our pathway, it is
no great thing to be strong in the strength of grace. But to wait patiently in
hope when clouds envelop us and all is dark requires faith and submission which
causes our will to be swallowed up in the will of God. We are too quickly
discouraged, and earnestly cry for the trial to be removed from us, when we
should plead for patience to endure and grace to overcome."--Ellen G. White,
God's Amazing Grace, p. 114.

Discussion Questions:

 	   Some folk overcome hardships that others are crushed under. What do you
think makes the difference?
  Dwell more on the question of trials and tragedy that don't seem to have any
kind of happy ending. What are we to make of them? How do we reconcile them
with our faith and the promises of God?

   In the third sentence of the quote in Friday's study ("In these dreadful
hours we must . . ."), what is Ellen G. White telling us? Where is she pointing
our hope? Why, in the end, is the gospel, as presented in these words, our only
hope, regardless of the tragedy that happens to us now?

   How can you practically apply Peter's counsel in 1 Peter 4:12, 13? It's one
thing to remain resilient and faithful amid trial, but to do what Peter says?
How is that possible?

   Suppose you were dealing with someone in a very dire situation, one in which
there seemed no way out, humanly speaking. Suppose, too, that you had only five
minutes with that person. In those few minutes, what would you say to give the
person hope?

--- Thunderbird (Macintosh/20100228)
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