Text 15279, 163 rader
Skriven 2007-05-12 13:22:47 av Carol Shenkenberger (3:800/201)
Kommentar till text 15245 av Ruth Haffly (1:396/45.28)
Ärende: Re: footsie [1]
*** Quoting Ruth Haffly from a message to Carol Shenkenberger ***
RH> stein one; the cap would make it hard to use; same as the one we call
RH> the "crown jewels" a friend got me from England--it has a crown with a
RH> colored stone on the top.
Cool looking! They have lots of little display cabinets for such out here.
They dont normally put thimbals in them, but they would fit up right enough.
CS> hold her back a grade over this. 'No kid left behind' might be in our
CS> favor.
RH> That's an issue you'll have to deal with in the local school system.
RH> Are you leaving before the shcool year over there starts?
School year will start long before we leave but she'll transit early enough in
the year to not really miss out on anything. We'll have her in school right
up to the transfer day then get her back in right away on arrival. If in
doubt of being able to get in our house right away, our rental agent (a good
one thank god) is going to have the tenants move out early and we eat a month
in payments plus have to pay to have the grass cut.
1OCT should be my transfer day. School here starts back up at last week of
August. A shorter 'summer break' but they have some longer ones during the
year to make up for it.
CS> Don's dyslexia makes him very hard to help with this one. His school
CS> system just passed him on but he's at last (age 56) working well with
CS> written items. Once he got over worrying that I'd mind his bad
CS> spelling in email, he started working on such. Once or twice I've had
CS> to ask him to 'try again as i dont understand xxxxx' but I can read
CS> his phonetics pretty well. His actual level of dyslexia is far less
CS> than mine but well, school system just didnt even try to work with him
CS> around it.
RH> He gets an A++++++++++++++++ for trying tho.
That he does!
RH> Having her read cook books and following directions is good in that
RH> respect also. It also teaches her how to cook so she won't leave home
RH> like her mom did. (G) My sisters were like that too, as the first girl
RH> I "had" to learn how to cook.
She cooks better now than I did, but seldom wants to unless friends are
involved. Pancit making party <g>. She's off at Elise's right now and they
are making potato dumpling sort of thingies (very perogie sounding). Elise
broke down and got a bag of those frozen pre-baked Idahos to make them with
and Charlotte raided the freezer for some frozen mild white cheese and oddly,
a jar of sweet 'butter pickles' we make tartar sauce out of (add mayo).
Charlotte also raided her trash can and brought back enough cans for my duck
rack <g>.
*chuckle* only out here can you raid a friend's trash can for cans to clean out
and use as a duck rack. We put out feelers and no one has a 'V' rack for this
and my vertisserie is now confirmed as going to be too short. I'd have to cut
too much of the duck off to make it fit and we want it pretty and whole.
(Duck, still defrosting in the fridge, should be ok tomorrow). While debating
stuffings, Don (the other one) brought over what he's known as 'coltsfoot' and
says is somewhat salty tasting and to use some in the stuffing but not add any
other salt. Elise is suggesting leftover rye bread (I have some), raw onions,
and some cabbage to soak up the oil. Others are suggesting a stuffing of raw
(uncooked rice, dont overfill) rice and onions with cabbage or spinach.
Choices choices ;-)
CS> I think she's getting that point too. The problem is the dichotomy.
CS> She loves Dad and his expression isnt up to mine so 'thats ok' but
CS> he's telling her, 'no, it isnt as you can be like Mommy'. Such a
CS> conundrum... (and ;-) I still cant spell!)
RH> You're doing pretty good in the spelliing department. My trouble on th
RH> computer is that I don't always proof read & get run on words & such
RH> like. Usually, if asked to spell orally, I'll fingerspell it out to ma
RH> sure I've got it right, then do it verbally.
Hehe I refuse to use a spell checker on the BBS. Unless I blow a word so bad
folks can't tell what I mean, it's not been a problem. Can't say as I've been
asked to 'translate' in yonks over my spelling <g>. What I do note is this
keyboard is reaching final stages as it's dropping letters and i don't notice
til later.
RH> weeks here, he bought me an inexpensive sewing machine (which we sent
RH> Deborah later) to keep me from being totally bored. In the stuff we'd
RH> mailed ourselves, I had some sewing projects I thought I'd get to (on
RH> borrowed machine) after pack out but never did as I was teaching anoth
RH> spouse how to sew in that time. But, from now on, the machine I take
RH> classes and so on will not go in pack out. I've got a trolley case for
RH> it so could use it as my carry on bag. (G)
Well, we have to figure out yet again, how much is allowed for flights. The
rules overseas arent quite the same. It doesnt 'matter' that the military
lets us have 2 checked bags each and 1 carry one each. If you do that and the
country you traverse doesnt allow it, you have a problem at the airport and
rightfully, they consider this the problem of the passenger.
I plan to mail some stuff ahead to my new work place.
RH> I Know (!) Steve would have his head in a book 23/6.5 (one hour off fo
RH> sleep and one morning off for church.
CS> Snicker, at SANs, he might forget church for once if you keep quiet
CS> about it..
RH> He'd not forget, it would just be a tough decision if something were
RH> offered at the same time.
There would be. Aways. SANs doesnt stop for anything.
CS> Ouch. Well, Don's on meds. We have to see how that goes.
RH> Hopefully he's improving by the time I see this. Antibiotics? The one
RH> I had for my last round of bronchitis in Feb. really knocked it down
RH> fast but had to go to a civilian pharmacy for them. Had to pay the mo
RH> expensive co-pay as they were a newer, non generic, not carried by the
RH> military pharmacy but it was worth it.
RH> Talked to my mom yesterday; Dad had his first solid foods that morning
RH> They hope he will be home today.
CS> Yes, Don is feeling better. He was worried it was cancer but it's all
CS> fixing up with the meds. He's got bad teeth and did even as a kid.
RH> I can understand his worry. With all my other problems, that's one I
RH> don't usually consider. BTW, Dad is home but it'll be a long slow,
RH> recovery.
Glad Dad is recovering. Don's feeling fine now but still finishing out the
series. I finally got it through to him that he has to take all the series or
it might come back.
CS> No lost teeth other than the wisdom teeth but Don's headed to total
CS> loss probably before long.
RH> No fun; I've got all but wisdom teeth plus one that was being internal
RH> reabsorbed. Dentist said he'd seen only a couple of other cases like
RH> that in his years of practice.
Thats an odd one! Well, I guess it happens. Meantime, Charlotte has her
braces off at last though she might have to go back in them. Her 'overbite'
seems cosmetic to us and unless she wants to be a model or something, not very
noticable. We want a second opinion before we take the jaw surgery or knock
out 2 good teeth and try to shove the rest back route.
I have the same overbite and it's not troubled me any. The only difference is
when I grin, you dont see bottom teeth. Thats an overbite. It doesnt affect
my eating at all and has never caused any trouble. Conversely, braces for too
long can weaken the teeth and she's been in them 2.5 years now.
She really did need the bucktooth (major) with gap in front (very noticable)
fixed but now she looks totally normal or even a bit better than average to
the simple eye you and I would have on such. I'm leaning to leaving all as it
is now unless they can convince me it's more than someone else's idea of
--- Telegard v3.09.g2-sp4
* Origin: SHENK'S EXPRESS, Sasebo Japan 81-6160-527330 (3:800/201)