Text 28892, 303 rader
Skriven 2009-03-10 14:23:48 av Roy Witt (1:397/22)
Kommentar till text 28849 av Michiel van der Vlist (2:280/5555)
Ärende: OK, Vlist claims that there is no God! LOL!
10 Mar 09 11:07, Michiel van der Vlist wrote to Roy Witt:
RW>> I put the question mark there for you to answer, I already know the
RW>> answer.
MvdV> That is how you confuse people. Asking question when you already
MvdV> know the answer.
So, by your logic, you didn't already know the answer to the 100km flight
from point A to point B?
RW>>>> Einstein was a Jew.
MvdV>>> So?
RW>> Buttons on your underwear. You claimed that the Jews weren't as
RW>> smart as the Catholics...
MvdV> I made no such claim. reading comprehension Roy. What I wrote was:
MvdV>>>> So no, it does not look like the Jews are smarter.
But they are, as I pointed out to you by example.
RW>> in reality, at least one Jew was smarter than all the Catholics put
RW>> together.
MvdV> Only in your imagination.
How many of the Catholic popes do you know who were smarter than Einstein?
How many as a group?
MvdV>>> First, I think Einstein is overrated. His theory of relativity
MvdV>>> is a beauty, but he was standing on the shoulders of giants.
RW>> Really? Einstein's brain had no speech lobe and didn't speak for the
RW>> first 5 years of his life. Meanwhile, the part of the brain that
RW>> allows one to think grew to the point that his brain was much wider
RW>> than a normal brain.
MvdV> Bulshit.
"Einstein's brain was removed within seven hours of his death. The brain
has attracted attention because of Einstein's reputation for being one of
the foremost geniuses of the 20th century, and apparent regularities or
irregularities in the brain have been used to support various ideas about
correlations in neuroanatomy with general or mathematical intelligence.
Scientific studies have suggested that regions involved in speech and
language are smaller, while regions involved with numerical and spatial
processing are larger. Other studies have suggested an increased number of
Glial cells in Einstein's brain."
This is the easiest to read, but not the only source for this subject.
It just so happens that there was a History Channel program on TV last
week that delved into and supported this theory about Einstein's brain
being abnormal.
RW>> His theory of relativity came at the ripe old age of 19...he
RW>> published over 300 scientific works and over 150 non-scientific
RW>> works.
MvdV> The raw numbers doe not mean all that much. Every message I write
MvdV> here is an "article" as well. All in all I may have written more
MvdV> raw text than Einstein. A more meaningful figure is the citation
MvdV> index. Now go Google for "citation index".
Your shining examples of rhetoric here doesn't compare to the writings of
Einstein at all. Even his personal grocery list would carry more weight.
MvdV>>> He got nowhere with his Grand Unification Theory and his views
MvdV>>> on quantum mechanics were way off. His social life was a mess,
MvdV>>> he was very difficult person to live with.
RW>> Meanwhile, he was a success in everything else of the 300+ other
RW>> things that he did.
MvdV> Hardly. What else is he know for other than his theory of light
MvdV> emission on and his theories of relativity?
The first fluctuation dissipation theorem which explained the Brownian
movement of molecules, just for starters.
MvdV> The fact is Roy that after his theories of relativity he did not
MvdV> much more than just being famous.
Well, that too comes with the territory.
RW>> I like this quote from his biographer, Don Howard. "to the
RW>> scientifically literate (supposedly you) and the public at
RW>> large, Einstein is synonymous with genius."
MvdV> His biographer has it wrong. The public likes idols.
I like American Idols<tm>, but their not the only ones I like.
MvdV> The want to be able to name someone as the greatest artist, singe,
MvdV> painter, scientist of all times.
I never had the desire to put anyone up on a pedestal because they're
famous. I figured that was for dead people's heads.
MvdV> They choose Einstein as their idol because he got so much publicity
MvdV> over a theory that they did not understand.
Which goes against the grain of Einstein's biographer's theory.
MvdV> The scientifically literate know better. The special theory of
MvdV> relativity is not hard at all to understand for anyone with a
MvdV> bachelor in physics. The real beauty is that it is so extremey
MvdV> simple!
Yes, but even more, it was never known in all the history of the world
until Einstein came up with it.
MvdV> Quantum mechanics and string theory are a lot harder to fathom.
No doubt.
RW>>>> They are wrong in that belief.
MvdV>>> No more than al the others who believe something else.
RW>> Note that of the three western religions we're talking about, two
RW>> follow the clean food, dirty food teachings of their brand of
RW>> religion and a few of the third religion do as well.
MvdV> So? Because they act as lemmings, does it mean that they are not
MvdV> wrong in their beliefs?
They're not acting as lemmings but in fact, are following what has been
taught by those who were told about it in the first place.
MvdV>>> It is all myth.
RW>> Or real...your choice.
MvdV> If it walks like a duck...
I don't know of any religion that resembles a duck.
RW>>>> The last words in the Bible state something on the order of: if
RW>>>> you add anything to or change anything in this book, God will add
RW>>>> onto those who do, the plagues that are written in this book.
MvdV>>> Yeah, one considers a book as authoritative, because the very
MvdV>>> same book book says it is the word of God and Goid is the
MvdV>>> ultimate authority. Nice piece of circular reasoning...
RW>> That book also tells them that their God wrote it.
MvdV> Well, you can't argue with that can you? ;-)
You do... :o)
MvdV>>>>> Not ALL Muslims. There is diversity within the Muslim
MvdV>>>>> faith...
RW>>>> No doubt, but 'real' orthodox Muslims do adhere to that
RW>>>> practice.
MvdV>>> And who decides what are the "real" orthgodox Muslims?
RW>> The original orthodox Muslims.
MvdV> Of course. Another self declared truth.
They had to start somewhere.
MvdV>>> Seems to me they have the same problem as the myriad of
MvdV>>> Christinan branches that all claim the they and only they are the
MvdV>>> true believers.
RW>> They all believe in the same God,
MvdV> Or so they believe..
They even say so. The God who instructed David (Hebrew) to confront
and kill Goliath (arab-philistine) was the same God who the Muslims pray
to today.
RW>> it's just their methods of worship that are different.
MvdV> How can the same god demand different, mutually exclusive, ways of
MvdV> worshipping to different groups of believers and encourage them to
MvdV> fight over it?
Reading comprehension I guess. They take the word and make it their own.
As you know, what goes around, soon comes around, but you won't recognize
it because it has passed through so many hands, it has changed from its
original state to something you don't recognize.
MvdV> Seems like a stupid strategy, to encourage the worshippers to kill
MvdV> each other.
I don't know that they do. Is that your interpretation?
MvdV>>> The Christians that have more than one wife believe it has the
MvdV>>> fiat of their God of course.
RW>> There was never an order by God to polygamize.
MvdV> Tere was never an order against it either.
Yes, there was.
MvdV>>> So accrding to their own rules, they do not live in sin.
RW>> According to the law of the land, they do. That goes as far back as
RW>> Roman law, which also outlawed polygamy.
MvdV> People have been ignoring the law of the land when it souits them
MvdV> and they think they cab get away with ever since there were laws of
MvdV> the land.
They are still stoned to death for it in Muslim lands today. I've seen the
footage of an Iranian princess who was stoned to death for committing
adultry, as was her partner in that adultry.
MvdV>>> The sin is only in the eyes of the others who believe God will
MvdV>>> only sanction mmonogameus mariages.
RW>> 1 Timothy 3:2, " A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one
RW>> wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt
RW>> to teach;"
MvdV> That applies to the bishop, not to the flock.
That applies to the flock as the bishop (Paul) used himself as an example.
Although he never married.
MvdV>>>>> Someone not living too far from here lost his life because
MvdV>>>>> he expressed his views on that...
RW>>>> How so?
MvdV>>> Theo van Gogh. he claimed the Muslim culture was a backward
MvdV>>> culture and thet muslims were goat fuckers. he was killed by a
MvdV>>> muslim extermist. I think he was wrong about the goat part...
RW>> Ahhh yes, the Village Idiot.
MvdV> Even the village idiot has the right of free speech.
So much so that he can refer to himself the Village Idiot. Which Gogh did.
RW>> Reading his history of saying things that would piss off everyone
RW>> who read him,
MvdV> Not everyone. Even so, pissing off is part and parcel of the right
MvdV> to free speech. If pissing off was an excuse for murder, you'd be
MvdV> dead.
Even that doesn't stop people from doing it.
RW>> he was an assassination waiting to happen.
MvdV> Then so are you.
Anyone willing to try is welcome. I havn't killed anyone in self defense
for two decades.
MvdV>>> Are you sure? I have a suspicion it will boring. Nothing much
MvdV>>> happening up there.
RW>> I was told some 45 years ago that if God thought my 1955 Chevy was a
RW>> good thing, it'd be there waiting for me if I so desired.
MvdV> And will there be fuel for it?
If it is a good thing, of course.
RW>> Hopefully, there'll be a dragstrip too and I can spend eternity
RW>> racing others like myself.
MvdV> Racing for eternity will get boring very quickly I think.
Perhaps. That would depend on your desire to race.
MvdV> Especially if you always win.
Now that's something to think about. Is heaven so perfect that there are
no losers?
MvdV>>> Plus that I foresee some ... eh .. complications. Having to
MvdV>>> deal for 20+ cats might be the least of them...
RW>> Only if you desire them to be with you...:o)
MvdV> What if they all desire to be with me?
They can't desire anything because unless you desire them to be with you,
they just won't be.
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