Text 16885, 169 rader
Skriven 2011-04-14 17:04:29 av Roy Witt (1:387/22)
Kommentar till text 16728 av Richard Webb (1:116/901.0)
Ärende: Australian immigration
12 Apr 11 02:45, Richard Webb wrote to Roy Witt:
Roy>> The humidity in Jacksonville is higher than I expected. So-Cal is
Roy>> dry as a bone in comparison. Surprisingly, south Texas was dryer
Roy>> than Florida.
RW> YEs, found that to be true as well, more transition between
RW> the warm coastal plain and desert out there. I lived there
RW> about 3 weeks out of a motel after Katrina, and Kathy and I
RW> had started to maybe consider just sitting down there and
RW> calling it even. We'd found a church we liked there, etc.
RW> I wasn't sure about the studio market, and housing looked to be a bit
RW> spendy, and I wanted enough place I could at least acoustically tune
RW> one good room of a house for audio control room etc. and a bit of a
RW> ham station.
Understand that. I have to have a garage for automotive projects and a ham
station/computer room. Nancy gets her own room for her projects as well.
Rich>>> OF course, but think about it, a lot of those folks retired in
Rich>>> the midwest for a variety of reasons, lower overall cost of
Rich>>> living
RW> <snip>
RW>> YEp, which might be why it won't surprise me in a few years
RW>> if my sister returns to the midwest from so cal.
Roy>> My neice returned to Illinois last year after living for 20 years
Roy>> on the east coast of Florida around Cape Kennedy. She moved her
Roy>> eldest daughter with her, who tried, but moved back to Florida
Roy>> about a month ago. My neice is always commenting that she misses
Roy>> her friends and the weather and I expect that she may also go back
Roy>> soon. My sister tries to discourage that, but she knows how nice it
Roy>> is to live in an area without the cold and snow.
RW> THat's my basic problem, I'm too far north now for my
RW> liking. But yet, MEmphis isn't near as good for transit
RW> options as N.O. is/was, where I could do pretty well for
RW> myself in Minneapolis or Chicago, even though I detest the
RW> weather. But, as long as we can keep Kathy healthy enough
RW> to drive I've got my options. I'm a day's drive with remote truck to
RW> ST. Louis, LIttle rOck, Nashville, or NEw ORleans. SO I'll put up
RW> with a little more winter than I'd really like. Had I stayed in SAn
RW> Antone I would have been doing the apartment dweller and looked for
RW> out of the way warehouse space to lease and customize for studio, and
RW> had we still decided to buy the remote truck rig would have had to
RW> find secure storage for it, whereas here it sits outside my office
RW> window and I can personally keep an eye on it. IF I'm realy
RW> concerned about it I just let the dog out, and she can reach its back
RW> door while on her chain <grin>. A 130 lb Rott is a bit of a
RW> deterrent.
I'll say. A friend in San Diego lives in a mixed black/white/mex
neighborhood and has two rotts in the yard to ward off thieves and
Rich>>> YEs, in CA you have quite a variety of things to enjoy when
Rich>>> retired, but enjoying a lot of those things, hunting, fishing,
Rich>>> etc. is much ore expensive elsewhere.
Roy>>> The hunting and fishing in Calfifornia isn't as good as it was
Roy>>> when I first moved there in 67...too much development took out
Roy>>> hunting areas and the only fresh water fishing in Southern CA was
Roy>>> in resevoirs.
RW> YEah I know, I wouldn't care for that. I can get to the
RW> MIssissippi river around here, and some good fishing
RW> grounds.
There's some public land you can hunt dove and quail on here, but you have
to buy a special license and put your name on the waiting list. Not gonna
Roy>> This wouldn't be the place. There's not much public hunting land to
Roy>> speak of and I'm not about to pay the price for a lease. I'm
Roy>> getting too old to be trapsing through the brush anyway.
RW> DItto here. Were I ever inclined I could always go back to
RW> Iowa for the season, I"ve got two or three places I could
RW> go to set up a stand to hunt deer, etc. back there. wHEre
RW> we first lived when we got here after Katrina landlord
RW> wouldn't let us have hunting privs on it, we were out in the woods in
RW> a mobile home. HIS relatives got the hunting privs and had a great
RW> stand on a trail to a lake for hunting deer. I always thought about
RW> getting tags and setting Kathy up on the porch with a bow though,
RW> they used to browse on the foliage in our yard in the mornings, and
RW> bow hunting can be quite silent, he'd never know the difference, and
RW> I'd have meat for the freezer <grin>.
Had a friend with a pond on his 2 acres and he'd shoot quail for dinner
with a .22 .
RW>> sOrt of involuntarily semiretired here, and this isn't the place I'd
RW>> choose to do it. At one time I was pretty happy with the La. gulf
RW>> coast, southern la. anyway, but it seems like we're determined to
RW>> kill off any economic sustainability there so I'm not sure anymore,
RW>> but I like the climate.
Roy>> I like being tucked away where the weather doesn't create anything
Roy>> more than a small bit of cold nad snow in the winter and some
Roy>> thunderstorms in the summer. The high heat isn't so bad once you
Roy>> get used to it, kinda like being in the desert in California.
RW> YEah I know, that was a big selling point in favor of us
RW> just staying in SAn Antonio. wHen we started going to that
RW> one church there a couple of them were really encouraging
RW> us, but I think they were looking for some help with their
RW> music ministry program and some other stuff from yours truly <grin>.
They put ads in the paper for people like you... 8^)
RW> I did go out to their church camp with them a couple of days and help
RW> renovate a couple of old buildings so they could do a little more for
RW> some Katrina refugees they were housing out there. After all, I
RW> didn't have anything else to do but sit on my butt and watch the
RW> idiot box in a motel room <grin>. iT was something useful to do, and
RW> the physical work was just what I needed at the time <grin>.
Anything to end the boredom.
RW>> LIke south TX too, but other than Austin there's not a big market
RW>> for the sorts of things I do, and Austin's swamped with every wanna
RW>> be from all over the country.
Roy>> The competition is pretty stiff too. Even in the small suburb of
Roy>> New Braunfels called Gruene (Green), up the road a piece, they have
Roy>> different players every night. And there are plenty of those places
Roy>> around too.
RW> YEah, there's at least another good remote truck outfit out
RW> there, and lots of studio stuff too.
I unlocked pickup with a load like that in his camper a few years ago. His
wife left him hanging with rent due on the trailer they were renting and
run off with some other guy. He wasn't very happy when I showed up.
RW> I'm where I might have to travel more, but I'm setting myself up in a
RW> niche where I do classical style gigs and don't hassle as much with
RW> full blown productions needing rock 'n roll sound reinforcement and
RW> all that stuff. THese are much easier recording gigs. But, SAn
RW> Antone sure was tempting with the climate into early fall when we
RW> were there. I've kicked myself a couple of times for not just
RW> deciding to stay there and get more seriously into the housing hunt.
There are plenty of places outside of SA where they need tennants to watch
the property and they're always looking for those kind of people.
Roy>> We just had a visiter from Minneapolis last month. She stayed a
Roy>> week and found herself a small trailer to rent for next February
Roy>> and March. Nancy says that she might get comfortably situated in
Roy>> that small trailer and find herself acclimated enough to stay...
RW> I could see how that could happen, compare SAn Antone in FEb to
RW> MInneapolis. Yeah I think I'd decide SAn Antone was the place to be.
RW> Were I ready to think seriously about retire that's one place I'd go
RW> in a minute.
My friend Andrew is from Minneapolis. Graduated from high school, joined
the navy and when he got out, he stayed in San Diego. He moved here in
2000 to help take care of his nearly blind, deaf grandfather. Their dinky
little trailer is where I stayed while looking for our place in Texas.
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