Text 10242, 179 rader
Skriven 2013-09-13 11:04:07 av Roy Witt (1:387/22)
Kommentar till text 10238 av alexander koryagin (2:5020/2140.2)
Ärende: Putin Blinks
Brer alexander koryagin wrote to Brer Roy Witt about Re: Putin Blinks:
ak>>> There are no countries in the world where the US' bloody help has
ak>>> provided peace and prosperity.
RW>> You're probably a little too young to remember this, but the US'
RW>> (sic) bloody help sustained a peaceful Europe and Japan. There has
RW>> been peace in Europe since we (USA, UK and USSR) brought the bloody
RW>> German regime to an end in 1945. Oh, and while we were at it (UK
RW>> and USA) brought peace to north Africa, until a bunch of Al Queda
RW>> mongrols thought it was time to break that peace.
ak> The USSR, the US and the UK did many good during the WWII,
But not together. The US and UK allowed USSR to play the game, as long as
it was fighting to remove the Nazi from the playing field. The best thing
that happened was that the USSR created a diversion, allowing the civilian
citizens of Germany to survive an onslaught by your extremists.
ak> but it was exactly they who planted a delayed action mine of
ak> violence in the Middle East, after the WWII. Which had blown up,
ak> afterwards, and gave birth to hatred and terror, that poison the life
ak> of the world now.
Got any commas? I totally disagree with your assessment of the situation.
RW>> In Japan, we brought about peace on our own with a little help from
RW>> the already strapped for materials and troops - Brits and maybe a
RW>> small amount of help from the Aussies. Inevitably, it was the US'
RW>> (sic) destroyed at Pearl Harbor navy, and aircraft that brought
RW>> that about.
ak> The prosperity of Japan and Germany can be explained by a more
ak> simple thing -- after WWII they spend all their money to civilian
ak> industry, because they were prohibited to have military forces.
Not exactly true. Both of those countries have military forces. What did
tranpire was a plan to help both countries get back on their feet, which
had worked very well. Meantime, the Iron Curtain erected by the Soviet
Union blocked such evolution, until the fall of the USSR.
ak> No other country is guilty of their prosperity.
On the contrary.
ak> If the USSR had spent his money for civilian purposes it would have
ak> probably built communism.
It in fact did so. East Germany, among other eastern European nations all
had communist regimes.
RW>> It was hillarious how the USSR declared war on Japan after they had
RW>> already surrendered to the US' (sic) presence in Tokyo Bay... all
RW>> the USSR was doing at that time was an attempt to regain an island
RW>> lost to the Japanese in an earlier conflict between them in 1906...
ak> If you read a history book (not from the US) you'd learn that
ak> Japan capitulated on September 2, and the USSR declared war on Japan
ak> on August 8 (according to Yalta agreement). So, the USSR had a month
ak> of bloody war in Korea and China occupied by Japan.
LOL! Japan surrendered to US forces on August 12...IF there were any
Japanese troops left in Korea or China at the time, they were told of the
truce and the end of the war. Rather than read Russian history books
written by the former USSR and even taught in Russia today, you need to
get ahold of reality.
ak> Do you really think that it was the US who defeated Japan in China
ak> and Korea?
It surely wasn't the USSR...and that's a fact.
ak> The USSR lost almost 14 thousand troops in that 1 month war.
Because they were fighting amongst themselves.
ak> Besides that, during the WWII, Japan made the USSR keep enormous
ak> amount of troops at Far East, weakening its army which fought with
ak> Hitler.
Fools, all.
ak> For the USSR, it meant additional losses of lives. So, although Japan
ak> didn't actively fought with the USSR until 1945, it actually did
ak> fight with it indirectly, having provided big help for Hitler's
ak> troops.
ak> That's why it is fair that Japan should have paid the USSR
ak> reparations in form of some islands which were captured by Japan in
ak> 1906. The USSR didn't occupy Japan and had no other reparations. More
ak> of that, until now there is no peace treaty between Japan and Russia.
ak> We are technically in the state of war.
Good luck with that. Japan and here allies aren't going to allow Russia to
push them around and even if Russia were to invade those islands, Japan
would kick your ass back to momma...
WD>>>> BTW, I'm certain the USA has'm also despited having signed and
WD>>>> rattified the relevant treaties.
ak>>> So, it is fact that rebels have chemical weapon.
RW>> That has yet to be proven... Assad says they do, but it may or may
RW>> not be true. I would tend not to believe anything a person such as
RW>> Assad has to say, when it is quite clear that he has killed women &
RW>> children for no good reason.
ak> Nobody kills women & children for no good reason.
Ever hear of collateral damage? If Assad even thought that the rebels had
hidden among a civilian area with women and children present, he wouldn't
and didn't hesitate to attack them with chemical weapons.
ak> Even Nazy had reason when they killed civilians in revenge for the
ak> Russian partisan underground activity. But Damask was Assad's
ak> stronghold, it didn't participate in the war against him until some
ak> of its suburbs had been captured by the rebels. Civilians had no time
ak> to leave those areas.
AKA collateral damage.
ak> So, these civilians were not relatives of the rebels and the revenge
ak> on them was senseless from the side of Assad even if he were a Hitler
ak> personified.
The 'long' and 'short' of it (pun intended) is that Assad and Putin made
up stories to cover both of their ass'...
RW>> Assad is classified just as Saddam Huisein was, a killer of
RW>> innocent by standers whose only crime is being in the vacinity.
ak> You must understand that killing 1400 civilians could not help him
ak> to win the war, in any way. That's why he could not do it. No reason.
ak> But some rebels do have reason to frame Assad.
You mean, Assad attempted to, and is still trying to, frame the rebels...
RW>> Although it is also quite clear that Putin is a whole lot smarter
RW>> than our stupid President, that isn't saying anything that we don't
RW>> know already. Fortunately we have a Congress that won't allow him
RW>> to do something stupid in Syria.
ak> Do the Americans see those "indisputable" evidences against Assad?
We see that Putin and Assad are both to blame for what Assad has done.
Fortunately, the whole thing has allowed our Congress a chance to put the
blame where it belongs.
ak> Or you take them on faith? The only "evidence" that Kerry said was
ak> that "chemical weapon cannot be produced by the rebels, so it means
ak> it was used by the government forces." It is a very poor logic.
Don't believe anything that moron says. The fact is that UN inspecters
have 'on the ground' investigators that have uncovered the truth.
ak>>> Most probably they will use it in future. And the only way to stop
ak>>> further escalation is to make both sides to negotiate without any
ak>>> preconditons.
RW>> I believe it would serve world peace much better if both sides were
RW>> equally armed and let them fight it out. Let Allah sort out the
RW>> good from the bad.
ak> You are mistaken. The longer a war lasts the more merciless
ak> fighters it produces.
You are mistaken. The longer a civil war lasts, the less people there are
to fight it over the long term. All that will be left are women and
children, if they're not killed by fighters on either side.
The rest of your weak argument is deleted to save everyone the misery of
haveing to read it.
--- Ya have ta ask yourself: What Would Roy Witt Do?
* Origin: Lone-Star BBS - San Antonio, Texas - USA (1:387/22)