Text 28884, 247 rader
Skriven 2015-10-26 16:29:49 av Lee Lofaso (2:203/2)
Kommentar till text 28883 av Paul Hayton (3:770/100)
Ärende: Counting again
Hello Paul,
LL>>>> Really? One sysop in Zone 3 refused to allow Tim Richardson to
LL>>>> send/receive messages because he was "too controversial" - that
LL>>>> sysop being from NZ. Since there are only 19 nodes (by your own
LL>>>> count) in Zone 3, it should be a very simple matter to figure
LL>>>> out which sysop that is. Do you want to do the honor and tell
LL>>>> us? Or would you rather somebody else do that for you?
PH>>> Sorry Lee, but as the sysop directly involved in your tale, you are
PH>>> incorrect.
PH>>> Not suprising really, given you are peddling your information second
LL>> I received my information directly from Tim Richardson.
LL>> I call that "first hand" information.
PH> Sure thing, let's run with those semantics... but your still spreading
PH> inaccuracies all the same.
What inaccuracies might those be?
PH>>> The user in question signed up as a new user at Agency BBS requesting
PH>>> account validation to 'double agent' status... those are regular user
LL>> with
PH>>> read and write access to files and message areas. All users here star
PH>>> with full read access to message bases except for sysop only echos.
LL>> The fidonews echo, like most other fidonet echos, is a public echo
LL>> allowing for both read and write access for all participants - not
LL>> just some or even most. You seem to have a problem with that.
PH> .and you're inventing problems that don't exist.
Every sysop is encouraged to make this echo available to any user,
that's interested in reading and writing in it.
That rule seems to be one helluva problem for you. ;)
PH>>> Like any sysop I can choose to validate (or not) any new user account
PH>>> requests access to my system. In this case based on what I had read w
PH>>> respect to this users conduct towards others across several echoareas
PH>>> declined and wished the user all the best in finding a system that wo
PH>>> accomodate their needs.
LL>> In other words, you chose go become a censor of fidonet, going
LL>> against the wishes of the recognized moderator of this echo, who
LL>> has publicly stated in the rules of this echo that all who wish
LL>> to participate be granted both read and write access -
PH> You are ignoring the prerequisite process everyone goes though of first
PH> becoming a validated member of a BBS they apply to join. Recall validation
PH> affords users privilages on a BBS? On my system it relates to levels of
PH> access to files and message areas. Actually it's a method most sysops have
PH> used for years.
Every sysop is encouraged to make this echo available to any user,
that's interested in reading and writing in it.
Dang! There is that silly little rule again! Keeps popping up
every time you try to make it go away! Why does that happen?
PH> Your argument falls down ** spectaculary ** when you assert a user should
PH> have read/write access to this (or any other) echo just by being logged on
PH> to a BBS where that echo resides ;)
It's not my rule. It is the moderator's rule. As such, all sysops,
in every zone, are honor bound to abide by that rule, as well as all
other rules as set forth by that moderator in regards to this echo.
As far as other echos are concerned, each moderator is responsible
for setting his/her own rules and can do as they please.
LL>> In so doing, you lower yourself to the lowest of the low, becoming
LL>> a kontrol freak yourself - no different than those in zone 1.
PH> Name calling is unbecoming of you.
I merely stated a fact, however damning that fact might be.
LL>> It doesn't matter what you think. Censorship is censorship.
PH> .and what you think is ALL that matters - right?
Facts are facts, no matter how damning those facts might be.
For better or for worse, you have become a censor of fidonet.
You did so by your own actions. Of course, you can change
them by changing your evil ways. But nobody else can do that
for you.
PH> Of course it is - I'm so sorry I should have known :)
Now you know. As such, you have no excuse. So time to man up.
PH>>> So Lee... it had nothing to do with the user being "to controversial"
PH>>> was there any threat made to me from any other sysop to bar this user
PH>>> else etc. etc...
LL>> It is about censorship.
PH> There's that C word again, wow you really are trying to twist this in to
PH> issue aren't you?
You started it.
PH> Keep repeating it often enough and perhaps someone will care?
Every sysop is encouraged to make this echo available to any user,
that's interested in reading and writing in it.
There! Do you care now? I certainly hope so. If not, I can
repeat it again. And again. And again. As many times as you
like. ;)
PH>>> nor is this user denined read access to message areas - that's
PH> all to
PH>>> fiction.
LL>> Your story is fiction. Mine is not.
PH> OK Lee what ever you say... the truth is out there... in fact it starts
PH> again soon on FOX TV I'm looking forward to seeing it.
I'm more into reading books by Bill O'Reilly. Right now I am
reading "A Bold Fresh Piece of Humanity", which is his autobiography.
Really smart guy. Three-time Emmy Award winner for his television
show on FoxNews. Also several movies to his credit, including a
movie about the JFK assassination based on one of his books.
Highly recommended. All of his books, whether about JKF, Lincoln,
himself, or Jesus Christ.
PH>>> What happened, and why is noted above. #MYTHBUSTED
LL>> What happened is you became a censor of fidonet, refusing
LL>> to abide by the wishes of the moderator of this echo.
LL>> Such truth spoken to power. Hurts, doesn't it?
PH> Best you quote your source - http://www.quaker.org/sttp.html - "A Quaker
PH> Search for an Alternative to Violence - a study of international conflict"
I'm not a Quaker. And hardly a Richard Nixon fan. What I said
above is a general saying, not attributable to any single person
or group.
PH> Your attempt to engender a conflict in this thread makes your use of this
PH> reference ironic indeed.
The issue is censorship.
For more on this subject, please read "Fahrenheit 451", by Ray
Bradbury. As you know, as Bradbury correctly noted in his fine
novel, where there is censorship there is conflict. And yes,
firemen to carry matches. And books do burn.
PH> The topic you were trying to bait Ward on was raised in this FIDONEWS echo
PH> by you alone.
Ward was complaining about censorship in the Z1C echo, as well
as noting he had offered Tim access to this echo.
PH> I have simply replied to it to add balance to assertions.
Tim mentioned to me via email that he was denied access to
this echo by a NZ sysop. You made public statement that it
identifying yourself as being that sysop.
Would you like me to post Tim's email in this echo?
Nah. I'll let Tim do that. From your system.
That way, it will be your choice. And everybody
will know it.
PH> If anyone is refusing to abide by the wishes of the moderator of this echo
PH> it is you....
Every sysop is encouraged to make this echo available to any user,
that's interested in reading and writing in it.
Dang! Can't get rid of that pesky rule!
PH> [start quote]
PH> From: Moderator
PH> To: All
PH> Subj: Rules for FIDONEWS
PH> Date: 05/01/14 00:15
PH> Base: FidoNews Discussion
PH> Rules for the Fidonews Echo
PH> Revised: 2004-05-31
PH> [snip]
Every sysop is encouraged to make this echo available to any user,
that's interested in reading and writing in it.
There it is again! It just won't go away! Ever!
PH> I don't recall reading anything in Fidonews in the last few weeks about
PH> topic we are discussing. The topic you rasied.
Irrelevant. The issue is censorship, not any other topic.
PH> I'm going to drop the thread now Lee...
Sticking your head in the sand is not going to make the issue
go away. By your own actions you have become a censor of fidonet.
PH> we're off topic here and further discussion only serves one purpose, to
PH> you happy.
I am very disappointed in you, and the few other sysops who likewise
have chosen to be censors of fidonet. The moderator of this echo has
clearly stated in the rules of this echo -
Every sysop is encouraged to make this echo available to any user,
that's interested in reading and writing in it.
By refusing to comply with the moderator's wishes, you have become
the lowest of the low. Fidonet is supposed to be about communication.
And when that communication is limited to only a select few, it no
longer becomes an open forum for anybody. More like a secret society.
Not much different than the Illuminati.
PH> Sorry, I'm not going to oblige.
And you do it so well. Without even knowing it. ;)
--- MesNews/
* Origin: news://eljaco.se (2:203/2)