Text 4879, 286 rader
Skriven 2012-11-19 03:27:20 av Richard Webb (1:116/901.0)
Kommentar till text 4877 av Roy Witt (1:387/22)
Ärende: Food for thought
On Sun 2012-Nov-18 17:54, Roy Witt (1:387/22) wrote to Richard Webb:
RW>> My area of audio is capture more than the macho guys with the big
RW>> stereo. What technique to use to capture the chamber orchestra, or
RW>> the rock drummer's kit, etc.
Roy>> How about the Mexican music called ata, etc...not my cup of tea.
RW> iF it's supposed to cbe captured, and I'm being paid, yup.
Roy> Well, what sounds like a machine generated (aka PC) music with some
Roy> hispanic singing over it, is already captured, so to speak...Follows
Roy> is a link to the Mexican Institute of Music, with 185 examples of
Roy> what it is. These are all playable by adding them to a play-list or
Roy> just pressing a 'down arrow' and choosing 'play song now'...
Oh, okay. NOt surprised i haven't run into it then <grin>.
RW> But that also means I've learned quite a bit on room
RW> acoustics. You wouldn't believe the problems encountered in
RW> designing those small broadcast booths your talk radio guys work in
RW> to not badly color the sound picked up by their microphones <grin>.
Roy> Like feedback, which is why they're wearing head phones?
YEah but that's not the only bear in them woods. Room
modes, the room's resonant frequency basically. The bass
sounds tubby unless the air personality is right on the mic, and most cardioid
mics have a bass presence bump when worked close, so you want him sitting at a
natural distance away,
which means then you've got the room modes to deal with.
Most sound treatments for small rooms keep the high freqs
from bouncing around, but mids and lows get "tubby" sounding then.
My control room in the back of the truck, you might see some of these on
www.gatasound.com, especially the view of the 19 inch equipment rack. What I'm
talkign aboutare "bass traps" which in the case of my control room hang at head
level and
higher, with another large one under the console.
Essentially they trab that sound inside. Otherwise, that
control room in that truck would be rather difficult to work in.
RW>> they don't want me driving you Maserati or your Camaro anyway
RW>> <grin>.
Roy>> You would probably fair much better than some of the 'blind'
Roy>> drivers around here. Most of them, California-Imported no doubt.
Roy>> Texas driver's are well equipped with polite driving manners and
Roy>> that rubs off on the older generation of CA imports.
RW> Yeah know that feeling. around here they're just stupid,
RW> NEw Orleans, they'll just push and shove. IF the vehicle
RW> fits put it there, just don't run over the tourists <grin..
Roy> California driver's are as rude as they come. Cutting in and out of
Roy> traffic, no signaling (a sign of weakness), cutting in and suddenly
Roy> hitting the brakes because they misjudged the speed of the car in
Roy> front of you, never mind paying attention to the rest of the cars on
Roy> the road. In California, it was usually young women drivers who did
Roy> that, but here it's young men and women. Too much of a hurry to get
Roy> nowhere, as my dad would say. He'd usually honk and wave as he came
Roy> up on those people who wasted fuel and took their chances with the
Roy> traffic police, just to get a minute head start to the next traffic
Roy> light...
YEah I know, we got them around here too. yEt they bitch
and moan next town to the west of us, between us and mEmphis is a speed trap.
Ain't no stinkin' speed trap, they warn
you at each edge of town that speed limits are strictly
enforced. So, you may as well just govern yourself
accordingly and remove foot from firewall and not get a
Roy>>> But, the Mayans had a lot longer time to do 'something' and that
Roy>>> was to study the natural phenomina in their environment. Which
Roy>>> included such things as a study of the stars, how the sun and moon
Roy>>> affect certain things in their lives and to even make a calendar
Roy>>> that is more accurate than the calendars we use today. Based in
Roy>>> scientific knowledge instead of religion...
RW>> YEah they did, but they missed on the 2012 part,
Roy>> Not yet they haven't. 12-21-2012 About the beginning of the solar
Roy>> winter cycle...
RW> This is true as well.
RW> BTW, this seems to be building up steam at the moment.
YEah I'm not surprised. Conditions seemed rather good for
awhile last night for the contest on 20 meters, I worked
about half a dozen west coast sections and then the band
went to hell, but really didn't open up to the west good for me on 40 meters.
I think in the first 1.5 hours I had 39
contacts, and of those 36 were unique arrl sections, I think I had all the
California sections, Western Washington,
NEvada and ARizona all on 20 meters within the first 20
Roy>> I could go there. Of course, I'd miss Fidonet, Rush on Radio and
Roy>> NASCAR on TV, but somehow, I think I could get over that.
RW> I'd miss the FIdonet anyway, or a good baseball game, or ham radio of
RW> course, as well as a lot of audio work <grin>. But, I can play a real
RW> guitar or real piano, no electronics needed <grin>.
Roy> Come to think of it, my shotgun would get more excercise too. Game
Roy> birds will still be flying without a problem...
YEah so would mine <grin>.
RW>> Have done a bunch of reading on emp, both from this solar cycle and
RW>> others, and possibly manmade, such as a nuke.
Roy>> Read the Amateur Radio Newsline article posted in LS-ARRL, HAM and
Roy>> the internet on EMP drones, to catch up.
RW> YEah saw that after i posted that reply to you, next morning iirc. I
RW> figured all along we were developing emp weapons other than nuclear
RW> blasts.
Roy> I knew that was in development while still living in San Diego. A
Roy> fellow HAM was also in the Coast Guard and reflected on some work he
Roy> had done with satelite to satelite destructive weaponry. Apparently
Roy> some Russkie sats were victims of testing those weapons.
I'm not at all surprised by that one either. I've figured
for years as I think I commented that emp weapons were going to happen sooner
or later.
RW> Take out c3 first before you start with ballistics and incendiary
RW> devices. For the uninitiated 3c is command control and
RW> communications. Take out the electronic nerve center the battlefield
RW> is yours. Btw agree with yours, and Ward's comments on Faraday cages.
Roy> If you read the part of that discussion where I provided a LORAN
Roy> antenna system to an aircraft transporting company, that is when I
Roy> realized that RF shielding actually exists, experiencing it 1st
Roy> hand.
YEah I wouldn't doubt that one a bit. A communications
service company in Des MOines had a faraday cage room for
testing vhf commercial radio equipment. IT was in the
basement iirc.
Roy>> It should get real interesting in about a month, if they have
Roy>> predicted things right.
RW> YEah, is already piquing the interest of hams who like 10
RW> and 6 meters.
Roy> Friend Andrew told me about receiving a HDTV signal out of Waco this
Roy> morning (UHF channel 26) ... Waco is over 200 miles north of here.
Roy> He didn't seem too interested in how atmospheric disturbances caused
Roy> by the sun spots could do that.
I'm surprised, but yeah I guess. Must have been tropo or
something maybe. I remember explaining to a lady in NEw
ORleans about why she had ghosting problems, multipath, etc. Oh there's your
perfect example of the problem of small
radio announce booths, same thing. YOuv'e got the
announcer's direct path to the mic, then others, so you have to deaden the
booth over pretty much the whole spectrum.
Roy>>> There was a spectacular aurora event caused by a CME in 1859 that
Roy>>> could be seen from latitudes further south than normal, worldwide.
Roy>>> If 2012 is expected to be even worse than the major solar event of
Roy>>> 1859, just think of the affects it will have on an electronic age
Roy>>> world.
RW>> YEs, the Carrington event iirc. Read a bunch on it. A
RW>> couple years back MIke LUther posted some facts about that
RW>> one in the muffin echo, which were reprinted in fidogazette
RW>> iirc.
Roy>> Mike may be onto to something...
RW> I believe he truly is.
Roy>>> You can see as an example what that would do to the world, by
Roy>>> observing the situation in New Jersey and New York after Sandy, as
Roy>>> residents there complain about having to live without the modern
Roy>>> conveniences of no gasoline (pumps), no electricity, no running
Roy>>> water or cold water if they're lucky and the contamination of
Roy>>> stagnant sewer water that keeps them in an unhealthy environment
Roy>>> 24/7...
RW> YEp, kinda reminds me of my week on "hospital island" after
RW> Katrina.
Roy> Worse yet, they're also freezing their butts off in the process...
YEah, least N.O. was warm!!!
RW>> YEp, and like you say we'll have some warning, but all that
RW>> infrastructure's still gonna crump. Glad i've got ham
RW>> radio, and can unplug until after the big one then run
RW>> sparingly on batteries.
Roy>> You'll have to do more than unplug if you want to survive the EMP
Roy>> predicted for next month.
RW> Yep, store the gear in its boxes with foil shielding or
RW> something they say.
Roy> A tin shed will do the trick, or a metal trash can with the gear on
Roy> blocks of wood at the bottom. The older electronics under the hood
Roy> of your car should do the same, but I wouldn't count on it.
YEah, and the same for a lot of folks with larger gensets
that have electronic controls, those controls will be toast
to, so say goodbye generator.
Roy>>> As a final note on this, it should be noted that some scientists
Roy>>> are connecting the sun's solar activity with tectonic and
Roy>>> geothermal activity ... that is to say, volcanoes, earthquakes and
Roy>>> (consequently) tsunamis and changes in the weather patterns.
RW>> Have read on that too. Quite a wealth of material if
RW>> anybody's interested.
Roy>> That makes more sense to me than somebody claiming that mankind can
Roy>> is the cause of climate change...i.e. CO2 happens naturally and the
Roy>> more the better, according to some of these guys.
RW> SEquestering it for gradual release as do plants, etc. I
RW> can see some of their arguments too though, too much of
RW> anything is bad for you ya know. Thing is, there's enough
RW> actual science behind some of this that I'm not really in
RW> the skeptics camp. i'm still in information gathering mode
RW> on the subject actually, there's enough good data
RW> collection happened, and happening that I'm not totally
RW> writing that one off. YOu must remember, we've come a long
RW> way in just a couple centuries, both in amount of people
RW> occupying the planet, and our technological sophistication.
RW> I can't say with a straight face that we haven't done some
RW> things to upset some natural cycles and balances.
Roy> Like they say here in Texas, don't drink down stream from the herd
Roy> or in hunting camps over the years, don't piss in the river.
Both sides have their share of spin doctors feeding me
propaganda masquerading as science, which concerns me a
bit. I give a bit more weight to the folks who've done
samples of peat bogs, ice cores and the like, because
changes can be tracked over time and when aptterns are badly bent that can
easily be pointed out, and apparently the last century has sort of badly bent
if not broken some climate
patterns according to some reading I"ve done. MEanwhile i
let the spin doctors spin and basically ignore most of it.
Roy>>> If these causalities are valid, the global changes that so many
Roy>>> have predicted may be ushered in by nothing more than our
Roy>>> friendly, or not so friendly, sun. Certainly, man can do nothing
Roy>>> to change that.
RW>> Indeed this is true.
Roy>>> Having your own energy devices is a good start on survival with
Roy>>> the scenario I've just painted, but you'll also need a means of
Roy>>> feeding your lady and yourself as well...not to mention the dog...
Roy>>> 8^)
RW>> OH yeah there's that, but you can always trade <grin>.
Roy>> Depends(tm) on what you have to trade. Dollars, meaning any
Roy>> currency, won't be worth the paper it's printed on, precious metal
Roy>> will be almost worthless in the face of 'there's nothing I'd trade
Roy>> for your gold' that can keep my stomach from growling.
RW> True enough, but barter labor for food, my skills, etc.
Roy> Yeah, that should work...or lemmee fill your locker with game that
Roy> I've collected while hunting.
There's that too, and though the xyl ain't real mobile I can always set her up
in a stand somewhere with a rifle <grin>.
Then there's trapping, and of course, fishing.
* Origin: (1:116/901)