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Text 15591, 523 rader
Skriven 2020-01-03 09:05:02 av Sean Dennis (1:18/200.0)
Ärende: The Weekly ARRL Letter
   The ARRL Letter                                                         
   December 19, 2019                                                       
     * ARRL Reshapes Podcast Offerings for 2020                             
     * FCC Formally opts Proposals to Remove Amateur 3 GHz Band, Invites  
     * FCC Proposes Largest-Ever Fine for Unlicensed Broadcasting           
     * The Doctor Will See You Now!                                         
     * AztechSat-1 CubeSat to Demonstrate Intra-Satellite Communication    
     * The K7RA Solar Update                                               
     * Just Ahead in Radiosport                                            
     * Volunteers Celebrate 98th Anniversary of ARRL Transatlantic Tests   
       at W1AW                                                             
     * NTIA Spectrum Manager Stephen Veader, N4DXS, SK                     
     * Bar Code Lead Developer George Laurer, K4HZE, SK                    
     * In Brief...                                                         
     * Getting It Right!                                                   
     * Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions              
   To Our Readers: This is the final edition of The ARRL Letter for 2019.  
   The newsletter will be on a holiday hiatus until January 9, 2020. ARRL  
   Audio News will be on break until January 10, 2020. ARRL Headquarters   
   will be closed on December 25 and on January 1, and there will be no    
   W1AW bulletin or code practice transmissions on those days. A reminder  
   that Straight Key Night (SKN) is January 1, 2020 (UTC) -- starting on   
   New Year's Eve in North American time zones. We wish everyone a safe    
   and enjoyable holiday season.                                           
   ARRL Reshapes Podcast Offerings for 2020                                
   In conjunction with the launch of its new On the Air magazine, which is 
   aimed at those just beginning their journey in amateur radio, ARRL is   
   reconfiguring its podcast lineup.                                       
   Heading up the new schedule will be a free companion podcast to the     
   bimonthly On the Air magazine. The monthly On the Air podcast will take 
   a deeper look into select features and projects from the magazine. Each 
   month, host and On the Air Editorial Director Becky Schoenfeld, W1BXY,  
   will offer additional resources, techniques, and hints to help          
   less-experienced radio amateurs to get the most from the magazine's     
   In addition to the podcast, ARRL Product Development Manager Bob        
   Inderbitzen, NQ1R, will curate a free On the Air blog featuring content 
   from the communicators and makers who are the driving force of amateur  
   radio today. The blog will highlight opportunities and activities       
   available to new licensees. The On the Air blog is intended as an entry 
   point into the world of amateur radio for those seeking original voices 
   and perspectives. Readers will be invited to take part in the           
   conversation by sharing their stories and experiences.                  
   ARRL's current So Now What? podcast will cease production in January,   
   as the full complement of On the Air content is rolled out. The catalog 
   of So Now What? episodes is available for listening or downloading.     
   In addition, The Doctor is In podcast, which has served                 
   more-experienced amateurs since 2016, will conclude its 4-year run with 
   its December 19 episode. Eclectic Tech, a new biweekly podcast designed 
   to appeal to experienced amateurs, will launch in February.             
   Hosted by QST Editor Steve Ford, WB8IMY, Eclectic Tech will highlight   
   technical topics involving amateur and non-amateur technology, offer    
   brief interviews with individuals involved in projects of interest to   
   amateurs, and include practical information of immediate benefit to     
   today's hams.                                                           
   The Doctor is In co-host Joel Hallas, W1ZR, is selecting some of his    
   favorite podcast episodes for re-broadcast in the interim between the   
   end of production for The Doctor is In and the debut of Eclectic Tech.  
   The complete The Doctor is In archive is available on the ARRL website. 
   Hallas will continue to answer questions about amateur radio in QST's   
   "The Doctor is In" column.                                              
   The ARRL Audio News podcast will continue to provide a weekly summary   
   of news and activities within the amateur radio community.              
   FCC Formally opts Proposals to Remove Amateur 3 GHz Band, Invites     
   The FCC's plan to remove "existing non-federal secondary radiolocation  
   and amateur allocations" in the 3.3 - 3.55 GHz band and relocate        
   incumbent non-federal operations already has begun drawing fire. The    
   Commission formally adopted the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in 
   WT Docket 19-348 on December 12 and invited comments on appropriate     
   "transition mechanisms" to make the spectrum available for mobile and   
   fixed wireless broadband use. ARRL plans to oppose the move. The        
   amateur 9-centimeter allocation is 3.3 - 3.5 GHz.                       
   "By proposing to delete the existing non-federal secondary allocations  
   from the 3.3 - 3.55 GHz band, we are taking an important initial step   
   towards satisfying Congress's directives and making as much as 250      
   megahertz of spectrum potentially available for advanced wireless       
   services, including 5G," the FCC said in the Introduction to its NPRM.  
   Some comments arrived before formal adoption of the NPRM, which was     
   circulated ahead of the December meeting. Kevin Milner, KD0MA, the      
   secretary/treasurer of the Ski Country Amateur Radio Club in Colorado,  
   argued that the club's equipment cannot be re-channeled below 3.4 GHz,  
   and the club is seeking relocation costs. Devin Ulibarri, W7ND, told    
   the FCC that amateur networks in the current band cannot move easily    
   into other amateur allocations because there is no readily available    
   commercial equipment to support the bandwidth, the FCC said in a        
   Currently, the entire 3.1 - 3.55 GHz band is allocated for both federal 
   and non-federal radiolocation services, with non-federal users          
   operating on a secondary basis to federal radiolocation services.       
   With respect to amateur operations, the FCC invited comments on whether 
   sufficient amateur spectrum exists in other bands that can support the  
   operations currently conducted at 3.3 - 3.5 GHz. The 3.40 - 3.41 GHz    
   segment is earmarked for amateur satellite communication. The FCC said  
   if non-federal licensees are relocated to the 3.1 - 3.3 GHz band, it    
   proposes to have them continue to operate on a secondary basis to       
   federal operations, consistent with current band allocations.           
   Also at its December 12 meeting, the FCC considered another NPRM in WT  
   Docket 19-138 that would "take a fresh and comprehensive look" at the   
   rules for the 5.9 GHz band and propose, among other things, to make the 
   lower 45 MHz of the band available for unlicensed operations and to     
   permit "cellular vehicle-to-everything" (C-V2X) operations in the upper 
   20 MHz of the band. The FCC is not proposing to delete or otherwise     
   amend the 5-centimeter amateur 5.650 - 5.925 GHz allocation, which      
   would continue as secondary. The NPRM, if approved, would address the   
   top 75 MHz of that amateur secondary band. Although no changes are      
   proposed to the amateur allocation, an anticipated increase in primary  
   use could restrict secondary amateur use.                               
   The Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network (AREDN) has offered its voice  
   in challenging the FCC proposals on both 9 and 5 centimeters, saying    
   their adoption would "eliminate our use of the most-effective resource  
   hams have to build its networks."                                       
   "The AREDN Project is able to leverage low-cost commercial devices      
   solely because they are designed to operate on adjacent allocations,"   
   AREDN said on its website. "Moving to other allocations would be        
   difficult if not impossible without a complete redesign, manufacture,   
   purchase, and installation of new custom amateur hardware and           
   software...raising the price out of reach for the typical ham."         
   FCC Proposes Largest-Ever Fine for Unlicensed Broadcasting              
   The FCC has proposed fining an alleged pirate broadcaster in the        
   Boston, Massachusetts area more than $450,000. According to the FCC,    
   Gerlens Cesar, who operated Radio TeleBoston, used three separate       
   transmitters for his broadcasting enterprise, resulting in three        
   separate violations of the law.                                         
   "The Commission proposed imposing the statutory maximum forfeiture      
   amount for each of these three apparent violations," the FCC said in a  
   Notice of Apparent Liability (NAL) released on December 12. Under the   
   Communications Act, it is illegal to transmit above certain low-power   
   levels, defined within FCC Part 15 rules, without an FCC license.       
   "Such pirate radio broadcasting can interfere with licensed             
   communications including public safety transmissions," the FCC said.    
   The FCC said Cesar apparently simulcasts Radio TeleBoston on three      
   unauthorized transmitters on two different frequencies. "His operation  
   thus had the potential to cause interference in various locations in    
   and around Boston and at different channels on the FM dial," the FCC    
   said. "As a result of the scale of this operation, its potential        
   impacts, and its continuous nature, the Commission proposed the maximum 
   penalty for all three transmitters."                                    
   The FCC reported receiving complaints from Boston-area residents of an  
   illegal station operating at both 90.1 and 92.1 MHz. One complaint      
   identified Cesar as the operator of Radio TeleBoston. The FCC said it   
   had issued multiple warnings. -- FCC Media Release                      
   The Doctor Will See You Now!                                            
   The Doctor will open the mailbag for the last time in the final         
   (December 19) episode of the ARRL The Doctor is In podcast. "Best of    
   The Doctor is In" episodes will be released every other week until a    
   new podcast, Electic Tech," debuts in February.                         
   Sponsored by DX Engineering, ARRL The Doctor is In is an informative    
   discussion of all things technical. Listen on your computer, tablet, or 
   smartphone -- whenever and wherever you like!                           
   Every 2 weeks since 2016, your host, QST Editor-in-Chief Steve Ford,    
   WB8IMY, and the Doctor himself, Joel Hallas, W1ZR, have discussed a     
   broad range of technical topics and answered listeners' questions.      
   Enjoy ARRL The Doctor is In on Apple iTunes, or by using your iPhone or 
   iPad podcast app (just search for ARRL The Doctor is In). You can also  
   listen online at Blubrry, or at Stitcher (free registration required,   
   or browse the site as a guest) and through the free Stitcher app for    
   iOS, Kindle, or Android devices. If you've never listened to a podcast  
   before, download our beginner's guide.                                  
   AztechSat-1 CubeSat to Demonstrate Intra-Satellite Communication        
   The AztechSat-1 CubeSat, which traveled to the International Space      
   Station (ISS) earlier this month on the 19th Space-X Commercial         
   Resupply Services (CRS-19) mission for NASA, will listen for emergency  
   messages in the 439 MHz range and retransmit them for amateur radio     
   operators to copy on its 437.300 MHz downlink using the Winlink         
   protocol, once the CubeSat has been placed into orbit. The satellite is 
   a project of Mexico's Universidad Popular Aut¢noma del Estado de Puebla 
   (UPAEP). Aztechsat-1 is set for deployment from the ISS in late         
   "The primary objective of the project is to establish communication     
   with the commercial GlobalStar satellites in order to improve data      
   transmission to Earth," a UPAEP news release said. AztechSat-1 will     
   create a saturation map of 435 - 438 MHz by listening for the whole     
   orbit and returning captured data to the ground station on the 437.300  
   MHz amateur radio downlink (9k6 GMSK or FSK) plus a 1600 MHz GlobalStar 
   link. Emergency messages received via Globalstar to the AztechSat-1     
   ground station will be shared on the project's website.                 
   A certificate will be available for amateur stations receiving the      
   emergency message(s) and reporting these for confirmation by the        
   AztechSat-1 team.                                                       
   Details are on the AztechSat-1 website and on the IARU Amateur Radio    
   Satellite Communication page.                                           
   The project is part of NASA's CubeSat Launch Initiative, which offers   
   universities, high schools, and nonprofit organizations the opportunity 
   to fly small satellites. "Innovative technology partnerships keep down  
   the cost, providing students a way to obtain hands-on experience        
   developing flight hardware," a NASA report said.                        
   NASA explained, "The investigation demonstrates communication within a  
   satellite network in low-Earth orbit. Such intra-satellite              
   communication could reduce the need for ground stations, lowering the   
   cost and increasing the number of data downloads possible for satellite 
   The K7RA Solar Update                                                   
   Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: It's been 36 consecutive days with no 
   sunspots. Geomagnetic conditions were quiet until a minor solar wind    
   stream hit on December 18, driving the planetary A index to 13 from the 
   low single digits earlier in the week.                                  
   The average planetary A index for December 12 - 18 rose to 4.6, from    
   3.7 over the previous 7 days, while mid-latitude A index increased from 
   1.9 to 4. Predicted solar flux over the next 45 days is 70. The         
   predicted planetary A index is 10, 8, and 8 on December 19 - 21; 5 on   
   December 22 - January 4; 8 on January 5; 5 on January 6 - 8; 8 on       
   January 9 - 10; 5 on January 11 - 13; 12 on January 14; 10 on January   
   15 - 17; 5 on January 18 - 31, and 8 on February 1.                     
   Because of weak solar activity, the ARRL 10 Meter Contest last weekend  
   was rather slow. QST's "The World Above 50 MHz" editor Jon Jones, N0JK, 
   in Kansas said he encountered a strong opening to Argentina and Chile   
   on Sunday. He said the propagation mechanism appeared to be sporadic E. 
   More details in the weekly bulletin on December 20.                     
   Sunspot numbers for December 12 - 18 were 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, and 0, with 
   a mean of 0. The 10.7-centimeter flux was 70.5, 68.9, 70.3, 71, 70,     
   70.5, and 70.2, with a mean of 70.2. Estimated planetary A indices were 
   4, 4, 3, 5, 1, 2, and 13, with a mean of 4.6. Middle latitude A index   
   was 3, 3, 2, 5, 1, 2, and 12, with a mean of 4.                         
   A comprehensive K7RA Solar Update is posted Fridays on the ARRL         
   website. For more information concerning radio propagation, visit the   
   ARRL Technical Information Service, read "What the Numbers Mean...,"    
   and check out K9LA's Propagation Page.                                  
   A propagation bulletin archive is available. Monthly charts offer       
   propagation projections between the US and a dozen DX locations.        
   Share your reports and observations.                                    
   Just Ahead in Radiosport                                                
     * December 20 -- AGB-Party Contest (CW, phone, digital)               
     * December 20 -- Russian 160-Meter Contest (CW, phone)                
     * December 21 -- Feld Hell Sprint                                     
     * December 21 -- OK DX RTTY Contest                                   
     * December 21 - 22 -- Padang DX Contest (Phone)                       
     * December 21 - 22 -- Gedebage CW Contest                             
     * December 21 - 22 -- Croatian CW Contest                             
     * December 22 -- RAEM Contest (CW)                                    
     * December 22 -- ARRL Rookie Roundup, CW                              
     * December 25 -- SKCC Sprint (CW)                                     
     * December 26 -- DARC Christmas Contest (CW, phone)                   
     * December 28 -- RAC Winter Contest (CW, phone)                       
     * December 28 - 29 -- 1.8 Stew Perry Topband Challenge (CW)           
     * December 28 - 29 -- Original QRP Contest (CW)                       
     * December 30 - 31 -- QCX Challenge (CW)                              
     * December 31 -- Bogor Old and New Contest (Phone)                    
     * January 1 -- Straight Key Night                                     
     * January 1 -- AGB New Year Snowball Contest (CW, phone, digital)     
     * January 1 -- SARTG New Year RTTY Contest                            
     * January 1 -- AGCW Happy New Year Contest (CW)                       
     * January 1 -- AGCW VHF/UHF Contest (CW)                              
     * January 1 -- QRP ARCI New Year's Sprint (CW)                        
     * January 1 -- 3.5 UKEICC 80-Meter Contest (Phone)                    
     * January 2 -- NRAU 10-Meter Activity Contest (CW, phone, digital)    
     * January 2 -- SKCC Sprint Europe (CW)                                
     * January 4 -- ARRL Kids Day (Phone)                                  
     * January 4 -- PODXS 070 Club PSKFest (Digital)                       
     * January 4 -- RSGB AFS Contest, CW                                   
     * January 4 - 5 -- WW PMC Contest (CW, phone)                         
     * January 4 - 5 -- ARRL RTTY Roundup                                  
     * January 4 - 5 -- EUCW 160-Meter Contest (CW)                        
     * January 6 - 12 -- All IQRP Quarterly Marathon (CW, phone, digital)  
     * January 7 -- ARS Spartan Sprint (CW)                                
     * January 8 - 12 -- AWA Linc Cundall Memorial CW Contest              
   See the ARRL Contest Calendar for more information. For in-depth        
   reporting on amateur radio contesting, subscribe to The ARRL Contest    
   Update via your ARRL member profile email preferences.                  
   Volunteers Celebrate 98th Anniversary of ARRL Transatlantic Tests at    
   A group of radio amateurs gathered on December 11 at W1AW to mark the   
   98th anniversary of the successful ARRL Transatlantic Tests. On         
   December 11, 1921, a message transmitted by a group of Radio Club of    
   America members at 1BCG in Greenwich, Connecticut, was copied by Paul   
   Godley, 2ZE, in Scotland. Reporting on the accomplishment, ARRL         
   Secretary Kenneth B. Warner, 1EH, declared "Excelsior!" Clark Burgard,  
   N1BCG -- who lives in Greenwich and styles his call sign as "n1BCG" to  
   honor the original 1BCG -- was among those on hand at the Maxim         
   Memorial Station.                                                       
   Those pitching in to take part in                                       
   the day-long anniversary celebration                                    
   included (L-R) Michael Pfaeffle,                                        
   K3FEF; Lisa Kress; Brian Kress,                                         
   KB3WFV; Bob Allison, WB1GCM; Blaine                                     
   Morin, N1GTU, and Clark Burgard,                                        
   N1BCG. Not shown are Chris Codella,                                     
   W2PA; Glenn Cooper, W2BK, and Greg                                      
   Fiozzo, KD2HRD.                                                         
   "We completed a successful special event yesterday at W1AW              
   commemorating the 98th anniversary of the Transatlantic Tests," Burgard 
   recounted. "This was particularly important historically to amateur     
   radio as it was originally organized by ARRL in 1921 to determine if    
   low-power amateur radio stations using shortwave frequencies could      
   actually be heard in Europe. Until then, it was thought impossible."    
   Burgard pointed out that the 1921 event changed radio history, was      
   covered in three issues of QST, and opened the door to the first        
   two-way transatlantic tests a couple of years later. The 1921           
   transatlantic success marked the beginning of what would become routine 
   communication between US radio amateurs and those in other parts of the 
   world -- literally the birth of DX.                                     
   NTIA Spectrum Manager Stephen Veader, N4DXS, SK                         
   Stephen Veader, N4DXS, of Dale City, Virginia, a major                  
   behind-the-scenes player in the effort that led to creation of amateur  
   radio's 60-meter band in the US, died on November 5. An ARRL Life       
   Member, he was 67.                                                      
   As a spectrum manager for the National Telecommunications and           
   Information ministration (NTIA), Veader was deeply involved on the    
   behalf of NTIA in the effort to secure a new amateur band at 5 MHz.     
   According to Ross Merlin, WA2WDT, when it became clear that a proposal  
   for a 15 kHz band would not be approved, Veader was instrumental in     
   fashioning the compromise that led to the authorization of the five     
   discrete secondary channels radio amateurs have today, and other        
   countries copied that template for their 5 MHz amateur allocations.     
   Today, these spot frequencies serve as "interoperability channels" for  
   federal and amateur stations to share in emergencies and exercises.     
   Veader was active within the SHARES HF radio community as the           
   representative for NTIA. A native of Boston, Veader was a US Air Force  
   veteran. During his years at NTIA, he also provided regulatory guidance 
   on the use of SHARES for federal and non-federal radio users.           
   "Steve was a good friend to SHARES and to amateur radio," Merlin said.  
   Veader was also an avid RTTY enthusiast and was active in many contests 
   throughout the year. A service was held on November 15. -- Thanks to    
   Ross Merlin, WA2WDT                                                     
   Bar Code Lead Developer George Laurer, K4HZE, SK                        
   The lead developer of the bar code system that became the               
   now-ubiquitous Universal Product Code (UPC), George Laurer, K4HZE, of   
   Wendell, North Carolina, died on December 5. He was 94. While an        
   electrical engineer with IBM in North Carolina's Research Triangle Park 
   in the early 1970s, Laurer led the effort to develop the bar code       
   system. The UPC, composed of 30 unique black bars and a 12-digit        
   number, allows retailers to identify products and prices as they are    
   scanned. It was used for the first time in a retail setting in 1974.    
   Laurer also later patented one of the first handheld UPC scanners,      
   according to his obituary. As The Washington Post reported, "The        
   bar-code concept had originated in the 1940s, when N. Joseph Woodland   
   designed a bull's eye-shaped system of concentric circles, inspired by  
   the dots and dashes of Morse code." Woodland became a colleague of      
   Laurer's at IBM, and Laurer considered him "the father of the           
   supermarket scanning system."                                           
   A native of New York, Laurer served in the US Army during World War II  
   after being drafted while he was still a junior in high school. He      
   graduated from the University of Maryland in 1951 and spent 3 decades   
   working for IBM. Accounts describe Laurer as an inveterate tinkerer,    
   even up to his final years.                                             
   IBM never patented the bar code system, but made it publicly available  
   in order to sell the associated hardware.                               
   In Brief...                                                             
   Kids Day is Saturday, January 4 The first Saturday in January is Kids   
   Day -- the time to get youngsters on the air to share in the joy and    
   fun that amateur radio can provide. Kids Day gets under way on          
   Saturday, January 4, at 1800 UTC and concludes at 2359 UTC. Sponsored   
   by the Boring (Oregon) Amateur Radio Club, this event has a simple      
   exchange, suitable for younger operators: First name, age, location,    
   and favorite color. After that, the contact can be as long or as short  
   as each participant prefers. Kids Day is the perfect opportunity to     
   open your shack door and invite kids over to see what amateur radio has 
   to offer. Details are on the ARRL website.                              
   ARRL Lifelong Learning Manager to Keynote Ham Radio University 2020 in  
   January ARRL Lifelong Learning Manager Kris Bickell, K1BIC, will be the 
   keynote speaker at Ham Radio University 2020 (HRU 2020). The annual     
   event, now in its 21st year, will take place on Saturday, January 4, in 
   the Hillwood Commons Student Center at Long Island University-Post, 720 
   Northern Blvd., Brookville, New York. HRU 2020 is billed as, "A day of  
   education to share ideas, experiences, knowledge, and fellowship among  
   amateur radio operators." Doors open at 7:30 AM. A Newcomer's Meeting   
   and HRU Orientation, geared toward first-time visitors, gets under way  
   at 8:30 AM. Thirty forums are on the schedule, with topics such as      
   typical HF antennas, ham radio logging programs, satellite operation,   
   and more. Hands-on workshops will cover such topics as cables and       
   connectors and electronic test equipment. mission is free, although a 
   $5 donation is suggested. Special event station W2HRU will be on the    
   air. Amateur radio license examinations will be given starting at 1:30  
   PM. Food and refreshments will be available.                            
   SAQ, Sweden's Alexanderson Alternator, Announces Scheduled Christmas    
   Eve Transmission SAQ, the call sign of the 1920s vintage Alexanderson   
   transmitter in Grimeton, Sweden, is set to be on the air for its annual 
   Christmas Eve transmission. SAQ transmits CW with up to 200 kW on 17.2  
   kHz. Tune-up is scheduled to begin at around 0730 UTC, with the holiday 
   message transmitted at 0800 UTC. SAQ will livestream the event. SAQ has 
   introduced a new reception report form for listeners and has asked      
   listeners not to send SAQ reception reports via email. The SK6SAQ       
   amateur radio station will be active on 7.035 kHz and 14.035 MHz CW or  
   3.755 MHz SSB, with two stations on the air most of the time. Given its 
   age, the Alexanderson alternator does not always function as intended.  
   The transmitter experienced a failure during its scheduled UN Day       
   transmission on October 24.                                             
   FCC Invites Comments on Digital AM Broadcasting Proposal The FCC has    
   invited comments on a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), that would  
   allow AM broadcasters to transmit an all-digital signal using the HD    
   Radio in-band on-channel (IBOC) mode, known as MA3.1. "We tentatively   
   conclude that a voluntary transition to all-digital broadcasting has    
   the potential to benefit AM stations and provide improved AM service to 
   the listening public," the FCC said. "We seek comments on proposed      
   operating standards for all-digital stations and the impact of such     
   operations on existing analog stations and listeners." The proceeding   
   was initiated by a March 2019 Petition for Rulemaking (Petition) filed  
   by Bryan Broadcasting Corporation. "This proceeding continues the       
   Commission's efforts to improve and update the AM radio service to      
   provide a better listening experience for consumers and enhanced        
   service offerings, as part of our continuing effort to revitalize AM    
   broadcasting," the FCC said in the introduction to the NPRM. Comments   
   are due 60 days after the NPRM appears in The Federal Register.         
   Getting It Right!                                                       
   In the article, "Collegiate QSO Party 2018 and 2019 Plaque Recipients   
   Announced," the 2018 second-place alumni low-power winner was           
   incorrect. The winner was Frank J. Maynard, NF8M.                       
   Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions                  
     * January 4 -- New York City-Long Island Section Convention,          
       Brookville, New York                                                
     * January 17 - 18 -- North Texas Section Convention, Forest Hill,     
     * January 19 - 25 -- Quartzfest, Quartzsite, Arizona                  
     * January 24 - 26 -- Puerto Rico State Convention, Hatillo, Puerto    
     * January 25 -- ARRL Midwest Conference, Collinsville, Illinois       
   Find conventions and hamfests in your area.                             
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   Amateur Radio News and Information.                                     
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       bimonthly, features technical articles, construction projects,      
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   Copyright (c) 2019 American Radio Relay League, Incorporated. Use and   
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   purposes require written permission.                                    

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 * Origin: Outpost BBS * Limestone, TN, USA (1:18/200)