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Text 15595, 511 rader
Skriven 2020-01-17 09:05:18 av Sean Dennis (1:18/200.0)
Ärende: The Weekly ARRL Letter
   The ARRL Letter                                                         
   January 16, 2020                                                        
     * ARRL On the Air Podcast Premieres January 16                         
     * Leadership Elections to Highlight January 17 - 18 ARRL Annual Board  
     * US Air Force Space Fence Nearing Operational Acceptance              
     * Puerto Rico Earthquake Relief Effort Continues, with Help from Ham   
     * 2019 ARRL Periodicals Available on DVD and via Download             
     * The K7RA Solar Update                                               
     * Just Ahead in Radiosport                                            
     * YOTA Month Reported a Success in the Americas                       
     * Nominations Solicited for Six ARRL Awards                           
     * In Brief...                                                         
     * Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions              
   ARRL On the Air Podcast Premieres January 16                            
   ARRL's new On the Air podcast for those just getting started on their   
   amateur radio journey will debut this Thursday, January 16, with a new  
   episode posted each month. The podcast is a companion to the new        
   bimonthly On the Air magazine, which is already on its way to member    
   subscribers. On the Air magazine's Editorial Director Becky Schoenfeld, 
   W1BXY, will be the host of the new podcast. Both the podcast and the    
   magazine are aimed at offering new and beginner-to-intermediate-level   
   radio amateurs a fresh approach to exploring radio communication.       
   Listeners can find the On the Air podcast at Blubrry, Apple iTunes (or  
   by using your iPhone or iPad podcast app -- search for On the Air), and 
   Stitcher (or through the free Stitcher app for iOS, Kindle, or Android  
   devices). Episodes will be archived on the ARRL website.                
   Each On the Air podcast will take a deeper dive into the articles and   
   issues raised in the magazine, including advice and insight on topics   
   covering the range of amateur radio interests and activities: radio     
   technology, operating, equipment, project building, and emergency       
   Supplementing On the Air will be a new Facebook page for those who      
   share a love of radio communication and are looking to learn and        
   explore more about their interests.                                     
   The biweekly Eclectic Tech podcast for experienced radio amateurs will  
   launch on February 13. Hosted by QST Editor Steve Ford, WB8IMY,         
   Eclectic Tech will highlight topics involving amateur and non-amateur   
   technology, offer brief interviews with individuals involved in         
   projects of interest to amateurs, and include practical information of  
   immediate benefit to today's hams. Eclectic Tech will be available via  
   iTunes and Stitcher.                                                    
   The ARRL Mags apps including QST and On the Air are now live on Apple   
   iTunes and Google Play. The digital edition of On the Air magazine is   
   also live and linked from the On the Air page on the ARRL website.      
   Leadership Elections to Highlight January 17 - 18 ARRL Annual Board     
                                                              Baker, N4MB. 
   The ARRL Board of Directors will elect officers when it meets for its   
   2020 annual meeting on January 17 - 18 in Windsor, Connecticut. The     
   Board will hear nominations and then vote, as necessary, for ARRL       
   president, first and second vice presidents, international affairs vice 
   president, secretary, treasurer, chief executive officer, and chief     
   financial officer. The Board will also choose members to serve on the   
   Executive Committee and on the ARRL Foundation. Successful candidates   
   will take office after the Board meeting adjourns.                      
   Some new faces will be around the table. The ARRL Southeastern Division 
   has entirely new leadership.                                            
   Division Vice                                                           
   Director James                                                          
   KG4JSZ. [Michelle                                                       
   Patnode, W3MVP,                                                         
   In last year's elections, Mickey Baker, N4MB, defeated Greg Sarratt,    
   W4OZK, to become the new Southeastern Division Director, while James    
   Schilling, KG4JSZ, won a three-way race for Vice Director.              
   In the Southwest Division, new Vice Director Mark Weiss, K6FG, was the  
   sole candidate to succeed Ned Stearns, AA7A, who decided not to stand   
   for another term.                                                       
   The Board will hear officers' reports and receive financial reports.    
   Members will also hear reports from ARRL's Washington Counsel, David    
   Siddall, K3ZJ, and from its Connecticut Counsel.                        
                                                          Division Vice    
                                                          Director Mark    
                                                          Weiss, K6FG.     
                                                          Patnode, W3MVP,  
   The Board will also receive and consider reports and recommendations    
   from committees and coordinators.                                       
   ditionally, the Board will consider recommendations of the Standing   
   Committees, including the Executive Committee, the ministration and   
   Finance Committee, and the Programs and Services Committee and consider 
   additional recommendations as contained in reports.                     
   The meeting will hear any motions that the 15 individual Directors may  
   offer for Board consideration.                                          
   US Air Force Space Fence Nearing Operational Acceptance                 
   According to NASA's most recent Orbital Debris Quarterly News, the      
   space agency calculates about 17.6 million pounds of objects are in     
   earth orbit, a number that will grow as launches proliferate --         
   including thousands of small satellites -- presenting a huge problem.   
   The US Air Force Space Fence -- a second-generation space surveillance  
   system now nearing completion -- is expected to play a crucial role.    
   Space Fence is located on Kwajalein                                     
   Atoll in the Marshall Islands. [US                                      
   Army photo]                                                             
   Using advanced solid-state S-band radar technology, Space Fence is      
   located on Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands. Such critical       
   space-based technologies as weather forecasting, banking, global        
   communications, and GPS navigation are under threat from space junk     
   orbiting Earth. Collisions already are frequent, and defunct satellites 
   and rocket boosters have increased the amount of space debris.          
   The Air Force Space Surveillance Network tracks about 25,000 objects.   
   When Space Fence comes online, the catalog will expand considerably,    
   and when fully operational, it will be the world's largest and most     
   advanced radar system, offering unprecedented space situational         
   awareness. Beyond cataloging objects, Space Fence will detect closely   
   spaced objects, breakups, maneuvers, launches, and more.                
   Contractor Lockheed Martin reported last spring that Space Fence was    
   able to detect debris from a microsatellite destroyed by India as part  
   of an anti-satellite test. It then was able to determine the orbit of   
   the remnants and predict when the space junk would pass through the     
   fence again.                                                            
   Space Fence is expected to become fully operational this year. --       
   Thanks to AMSAT News Service via Milsat Magazine; Lockheed Martin       
   Puerto Rico Earthquake Relief Effort Continues, with Help from Ham      
   In Puerto Rico, Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) volunteers       
   continue to operate from the American Red Cross distribution center in  
   Yauco -- one of the towns hit the hardest by the recent earthquakes and 
   ongoing aftershocks on the island. The Red Cross requested assistance   
   last week to identify undeclared refugee camps and to report on closed  
   or damaged roadways and bridges. ARES District 5                        
                                      Volunteers Eduardo Hernandez, WP4RAF 
                                      (left), and Herb Perez, WP4ZZ.       
                                      [Photo courtesy of Oscar Resto,      
   Emergency Coordinator Herb Perez, WP4ZZ, who is among those             
   volunteering for the Red Cross at Yauco, reported on January 14 that    
   he, Melvin Velazquez, WP4RAP, and Yolanda Garcia, WP4QZF, were on duty  
   "Today, we were able to occupy our space with no major incident other   
   than the usual shaking of the entire structure. More than 10 per hour," 
   Perez said. "One of our members, Jared Martinez, KP4LCO, was able to    
   search near his hometown of Lajas and was able to locate more than 10   
   unidentified campsites around the area." Perez said such reports enable 
   the Red Cross to provide necessary assistance to those left homeless as 
   a result of the earthquakes.                                            
   Perez said volunteers were able to collect food from a church-run food  
   pantry in Sabana Grande for isolated communities in the mountain        
   region. He said local members of the General Mobile Radio Service       
   (GMRS) and Citizens Band radio communities have been pitching in.       
   Operations from Yauco have been on VHF and UHF, although commercial     
   telecommunication services remain in operation for the most part.       
   Another station has been established at the Red Cross Headquarters in   
   the capital of San Juan, which is not in the earthquake zone. Puerto    
   Rico Section Manager Oscar Resto, KP4RF, said the stations are          
   operating as a backbone, in the event of new or stronger earthquakes.   
   HF equipment has been safely stowed if communications fail, Resto said. 
   Most of Puerto Rico now has power and water.                            
   Puerto Rico Section Manager Oscar                                       
   Resto, KP4RF, installs an antenna at                                    
   Red Cross Headquarters in San Juan.                                     
   ARRL is shipping six VHF/UHF base/repeater antennas and six 50-foot     
   rolls of LMR-400 coax through the Ham Aid Fund. Resto said a new Red    
   Cross warehouse will be placed in Mayagüez, where he will install a     
   third station for backbone communication. "That is the reason for the   
   new antennas," he said. "We already have the radios. In case we need to 
   escalate to HF, we are ready with ARRL go-kits from Hurricane Maria."   
   A lot of seismic activity was reported on January 15. "Many more or     
   less 3.1 quakes were felt during the day," Perez said. That included a  
   magnitude 5.1 temblor that shook the facilities.                        
   The ARES team in Yauco has also been handling health-and-welfare        
   traffic from the earthquake zone. Operations are running from 9 AM      
   until 5 PM each day.                                                    
   A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck the southwestern part of Puerto Rico  
   on January 7, fast on the heels of a magnitude 5.8 tremor the day       
   before. The worst-impacted cities were Guayanilla, Pe¤uelas, Yauco, and 
   Gu nica, where most homes are no longer habitable.                      
   2019 ARRL Periodicals Available on DVD and via Download                 
   The 2019 ARRL Periodicals DVD is now available and includes the         
   complete, fully searchable collection of three ARRL publications --     
   QST, the official membership journal of ARRL, QEX Forum for             
   Communications Experimenters, and National Contest Journal (NCJ). In    
   addition, the DVD includes source code for software projects and PC     
   board patterns; Section News, and the ever-popular Contest Soapbox and  
   Contest Results.                                                        
   Search the full text of every article by entering titles, call signs,   
   or names. See every word, photo, drawing, and table in technical and    
   general-interest features, columns and product reviews, plus all        
   advertisements. Print what you see, or copy it into other applications. 
   System requirements: Microsoft Windows and Macintosh systems, using     
   obe Acrobat Reader software.                                          
   The 2019 ARRL Periodicals DVD is available from the ARRL Store or your  
   ARRL Dealer. (ARRL Item no. 1274, ISBN: 978-1-62595-127-4, $24.95       
   retail, plus shipping. Call 860-594-0355 or toll-free in the US,        
   888-277-5289. 2019 ARRL Periodicals is also available as a download in  
   a Windows version (ARRL Item no. 1274_WD) and Mac/Linux version (ARRL   
   Item no. 1274_MLD).                                                     
   The K7RA Solar Update                                                   
   Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: Solar Cycle 25 sunspots persisted on  
   January 9 - 10, with daily sunspot numbers of 14 and 11, respectively.  
   This brought the weekly average daily sunspot number from 8.4 last week 
   to 3.6 this week. Average daily solar flux edged up from 71.8 to 72.5.  
   The average daily planetary A index declined from 6.3 to 5.6, and the   
   average middle latitude A index went from 5.3 to 3.7.                   
   Predicted solar flux for the next 45 days is 71 on January 16 - 18; 70  
   on January 19 - 23; 72 on January 24 - 25; 70 on January 26 - February  
   7; 72 on February 8 - 22, and 70 on February 23 - 29.                   
   Predicted planetary A index is 5 on January 16 - 18; 8 on January 19 -  
   20; 5 on January 21 - 31; 8 on February 1 - 2; 5 on February 3; 10 on   
   February 4 - 6; 5 on February 7 - 9; 10 on February 10 - 11; 5 on       
   February 12 - 22; 8 on February 23 - 24; 5 on February 25 - 27, and 8   
   on February 28 - 29.                                                    
   Sunspot numbers for January 9 - 15 were 14, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, and 0, with 
   a mean of 3.6. The 10.7-centimeter flux was 74.4, 72.8, 73.5, 71.9,     
   71.5, 71.9, and 71.2, with a mean of 72.5. Estimated planetary A        
   indices were 12, 7, 6, 4, 3, 3, and 4, with a mean of 5.6. The middle   
   latitude A index was 8, 6, 4, 2, 2, 2, and 2, with a mean of 3.7.       
   A comprehensive K7RA Solar Update is posted Fridays on the ARRL         
   website. For more information concerning radio propagation, visit the   
   ARRL Technical Information Service, read "What the Numbers Mean...,"    
   and check out K9LA's Propagation Page.                                  
   A propagation bulletin archive is available. Monthly charts offer       
   propagation projections between the US and a dozen DX locations.        
   Just Ahead in Radiosport                                                
     * January 17 -- LZ Open Contest (CW)                                  
     * January 18 -- RSGB AFS Contest, SSB                                 
     * January 18 -- WAB 1.8 MHz Phone/CW                                  
     * January 18 - 19 -- Hungarian DX Contest (CW, phone)                 
     * January 18 - 19 -- North American QSO Party, SSB                    
     * January 18 - 19 -- NA Collegiate Championship, SSB                  
     * January 18 - 19 -- Feld Hell Sprint                                 
     * January 18 - 20 -- ARRL January VHF Contest (CW, phone, digital)    
     * January 20 -- Run for the Bacon QRP Contest (CW)                    
     * January 22 -- SKCC Sprint (CW)                                      
     * January 23 -- NAQCC CW Sprint                                       
   See the ARRL Contest Calendar for more information. For in-depth        
   reporting on amateur radio contesting, subscribe to The ARRL Contest    
   Update via your ARRL member profile email preferences.                  
   YOTA Month Reported a Success in the Americas                           
   For several years now, Youngsters on the Air (YOTA) has sponsored YOTA  
   Month each December, primarily involving young radio amateurs in Europe 
   and Africa. In December, youth-operated amateur radio stations in the   
   Americas picked up the ball to contribute more than 12,000 contacts to  
   the worldwide event. Eighteen operators aged 25 or younger deployed     
   special event 1 * 1 call signs -- K8Y, K8O, K8T, and K8A -- to promote  
   youth in amateur radio. Fifteen young operators across the US took      
   turns using these call signs throughout December. They logged 10,474    
   contacts using those call signs on SSB, CW, digital modes, and          
   satellites. Some operators also aired the call signs during contests.   
   Participants in the Americas offered opinions on what made the event    
   special for them.                                                       
   "Operating-wise, it was definitely the pileups...I love a good pileup," 
   said Mason Matrazzo, KM4SII. "Apart from that, it was great getting to  
   be part of a group of youngsters that are all into the hobby. Even      
   though we weren't physically working together, we all got to be part of 
   the YOTA program over the air."                                         
   Audrey McElroy, KM4BUN, also cited the on-air camaraderie. "My favorite 
   part of YOTA month was getting the wonderful experience of talking to   
   other youth all over the world and sharing our experiences," she said.  
   "It gives us hope to know the future of amateur radio is in the hands   
   of these great kids." Her brother Jack, KM4ZIA, also took part.         
   In Canada, David Samu, VE7DZO, signed VE7YOTA in December, making 458   
   contacts on CW. "My favorite part was seeing all the YOTA stations on   
   the air throughout December and seeing all the high energy youth        
   activity," he said.                                                     
   YOTA Month in the Americas                                              
   Coordinator Bryant Rascoll, KG5HVO,                                     
   at WRTC-2018.                                                           
   Mathias Acevedo, CE2LR, activated XR2YOTA, and met another young        
   operator from Chile, Manu Pardo, CA3MPR, through YOTA month. Between    
   them, they put 1,535 contacts into the log on CW, SSB, and digital      
   Bryant Rascoll, KG5HVO, coordinated the efforts of the 17 participants  
   and the logs for the US stations. "I learned much during the month      
   about the importance of teamwork and communication...just like          
   baseball," Bryant said about his role as coordinator. "I think YOTA     
   month was a great success considering the short amount of time we had   
   to plan this all out. I had a lot of fun operating this event, but it   
   was even more rewarding to see other youth here in the Americas make    
   tons of QSOs during December."                                          
   The first Youth On The Air camp in the US will take place June 21 - 26  
   at the National Voice of America Museum of Broadcasting in West Chester 
   Township, Ohio. Read more.                                              
   Nominations Solicited for Six ARRL Awards                               
   ARRL is inviting nominations for awards that recognize educational and  
   technological pursuits in amateur radio. Nominations are also open for  
   ARRL's premier award to honor a young licensee.                         
     * The Hiram Percy Maxim Award recognizes a radio amateur and ARRL     
       member younger than age 21, whose accomplishments and contributions 
       are of the most exemplary nature within the framework of amateur    
       radio activities. Nominations for this award are made through ARRL  
       Section Managers, who will forward nominations to ARRL              
       Headquarters. The deadline is March 31, 2020.                       
     * The ARRL Herb S. Brier Instructor of the Year Award honors an ARRL  
       volunteer amateur radio instructor or ARRL professional classroom   
       teacher who uses creative instructional approaches and reflects the 
       highest values of the amateur radio community. The award highlights 
       quality of and commitment to licensing instruction. Nominations are 
       due by March 16, 2020.                                              
     * The ARRL Microwave Development Award pays tribute to a radio        
       amateur or group of radio amateurs who contribute to the            
       development of the amateur radio microwave bands. The nomination    
       deadline is March 31, 2020.                                         
     * The ARRL Technical Service Award recognizes an individual radio     
       amateur or group of radio amateurs who provide amateur radio        
       technical assistance or training. The nomination deadline is March  
       31, 2020.                                                           
     * The ARRL Technical Innovation Award is conferred on an individual   
       radio amateur or group of radio amateurs who develop and apply new  
       technical ideas or techniques in amateur radio. The nomination      
       deadline is March 31, 2020.                                         
     * The Knight Distinguished Service Award recognizes exceptional       
       contributions by a Section Manager to the health and vitality of    
       ARRL. The nomination deadline is April 30, 2020.                    
   The ARRL Board of Directors selects award recipients, and winners are   
   typically announced following the Board's July meeting. More            
   information about these awards on the ARRL website, or contact Steve    
   Ewald, WV1X, telephone (860) 594-0265.                                  
   In Brief...                                                             
   W1AW will be on the air for Winter Field Day. Members of the Warren     
   County (New York) Amateur Radio Club (W2WCR) will activate Maxim        
   Memorial Station W1AW for Winter Field Day 2020 over the January 25 -   
   26 weekend. Winter Field Day is sponsored by the Winter Field Day       
   Association (WFDA), which believes that emergency communication is      
   important throughout the year. Winter Field Day is open to radio        
   amateurs worldwide. The WFDA's goal is to help enhance operating skills 
   and to prepare participants for all environmental conditions. Winter    
   Field Day runs for 24 hours. Station set-up may start no earlier than   
   1900 UTC on the day before the event and may not take any longer than   
   12 hours in total. Expect activity on all amateur bands except 12, 17,  
   30, and 60 meters. All modes that can handle the required exchange are  
   welcome; this does not include FT8. Entry categories include indoor,    
   outdoor, and home. Full details are on the Winter Field Day website.    
   The free ARRL Events app, which will be featured at Orlando HamCation,  
   is now available for both Apple iOS and Android devices. A web-browser  
   version, optimized for nearly any browser or other mobile device type,  
   is also available to view. Orlando HamCation 2020 takes place February  
   7 - 9 and has been sanctioned as the 2020 ARRL Northern Florida Section 
   Convention. Hosted annually by the Orlando Amateur Radio Club,          
   HamCation is one of the largest annual amateur radio gatherings in the  
   Marvin Hoffman, WA4NC, will take over this spring as ARRL North         
   Carolina Section Manager. Hoffman, of Boone, was the sole nominee to    
   succeed incumbent Section Manager Karl Bowman, W4CHX, of Raleigh, who   
   decided not to run for a new term after serving since 2014. Because no  
   challengers came forward by the nomination deadline, no contested SM    
   elections took place during the winter election cycle. These incumbent  
   Section Managers will begin new terms in 2020: John Fritze, K2QY,       
   Eastern New York; George Miller, W3GWM, Eastern Pennsylvania; John Mark 
   Robertson, K5JMR, Louisiana; Joe Speroni, AH0A, Pacific; Dave           
   Kaltenborn, N8KBC, San Diego; Chris Stallkamp, KI0D, South Dakota, and  
   Joe Palsa, K3WRY, Virginia. New 2-year terms of office begin on April   
   The fourth annual AM Rally operating event will take place February 1 - 
   3 (UTC). The annual AM Rally encourages all operators to explore        
   amateur radio's original voice mode by showcasing the various types of  
   AM equipment in use today, ranging from early vacuum-tube rigs to the   
   newest SDR-based transceivers. "Both new and experienced ops are        
   discovering that AM can sound quite good, enhancing the enjoyment of    
   contacts," said Clark Burgard, N1BCG, an enthusiastic promoter of the   
   event. "The AM Rally provides a great reason to give it a try." The AM  
   Rally is open to all radio amateurs capable of running full-carrier,    
   amplitude modulation (standard AM) using any type of radio equipment -- 
   modern, vintage, tube, solid-state, software-defined, military, boat    
   anchor, broadcast, homebrew, or commercially manufactured -- are        
   encouraged to join in the AM fun on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, and 6      
   meters. Details are on the AM Rally website or contact Burgard via      
   email. The AM Rally is sponsored by ARRL, Radio Engineering Associates, 
   and iNetRadio.                                                          
   An international team of 10 operators will be active as W8S from Swains 
   Island from March 10 to March 25. The DXpedtion team will be active on  
   all HF bands on CW, SSB, FT8, and RTTY. Operation will be from two      
   separate camps on the island -- a Red Camp and a Blue Camp -- each with 
   two stations. The four stations will be on the air 24/7. The station    
   equipment complements are identical. Two stations will be dedicated for 
   160 and 80 meters. A WiFi network will link the Red and Blue camps to   
   network all logging laptops. Hans Griessl, DL6JGN, and Ronald Stuy,     
   PA3EWP, are co-leaders. Swains Island (Olohega) is an atoll in the      
   Tokelau chain. Swains is a US territory and considered part of American 
   Samoa. Swains Island is the 34th most-wanted DXCC entity, according to  
   Club Log.                                                               
   Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions                  
     * January 17 - 18 -- North Texas Section Convention, Forest Hill,     
     * January 19 - 25 -- Quartzfest, Quartzsite, Arizona                  
     * January 25 -- ARRL Midwest Conference, Collinsville, Illinois       
     * February 1 -- South Carolina State Convention, North Charleston,    
       South Carolina                                                      
     * February 1 -- Virginia State Convention, Richmond, VA               
     * February 7 - 9 -- Northern Florida Section Convention, Orlando,     
     * February 14 - 15 -- Southwest Division Convention, Yuma, Arizona    
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     * QEX  -- A Forum for Communications Experimenters. Published         
       bimonthly, features technical articles, construction projects,      
       columns, and other items of interest to radio amateurs and          
       communications professionals.                                       
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   Copyright (c) 2020 American Radio Relay League, Incorporated. Use and   
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   purposes require written permission.                                    

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 * Origin: Outpost BBS * Limestone, TN, USA (1:18/200)