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Text 15794, 586 rader
Skriven 2021-07-16 09:05:02 av Sean Dennis (1:18/200.0)
Ärende: The Weekly ARRL Letter
   The ARRL Letter                                                         
   July 15, 2021                                                           
     * ARRL Headquarters Holds Rededication Ceremony                        
     * Most 2021 Field Day Participants Entered in Class D                  
     * ARRL Podcasts Schedule                                               
     * ARRL Learning Network Webinars                                       
     * Youth on the Air Campers Enjoy Successful ISS Contact, Busy with     
       Other Activities                                                    
     * Announcements                                                       
     * Next QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo to Offer Nearly 100 Speakers, 18    
       Topic Tracks                                                        
     * 40th Annual ARRL-TAPR Digital Communications Conference Set         
     * Amateur Radio in the News                                           
     * The K7RA Solar Update                                               
     * In Brief...                                                         
     * Getting It Right!                                                   
     * Just Ahead in Radiosport                                            
     * Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions              
   ARRL Headquarters Holds Rededication Ceremony                           
   On Thursday, July 15, at 10 AM EDT, ARRL Headquarters in Newington,     
   Connecticut, hosted a rededication ceremony, recognizing ARRL's         
   commitment to all radio amateurs who enhance the communications         
   capability and security of the nation. The event                        
                                      The ARRL ceremony was kicked off by  
                                      18-year-old Jacob Gionfriddo,        
                                      KC1LYP, a 2021 ARRL Foundation       
                                      Scholarship winner and recent        
                                      graduate of Newington High School.   
                                      He will be attending Central         
                                      Connecticut State University this    
                                      fall to study electronics and        
   coincided with the attendance of ARRL's all-volunteer Board of          
   Directors, who had traveled in from across the country for in-person    
   committee and Board meetings this week.                                 
   "Associations advance America," ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR,     
   said in his remarks. "Associations bring people together around a       
   common purpose. For ARRL and our members, that purpose is amateur       
   radio... Over the last year, I have witnessed the extraordinary         
   dedication of ARRL members, our staff, and our Board of Directors.      
   Without skipping a beat, we have worked together to equip our members   
   with the opportunities they need to serve an active and vibrant Amateur 
   Radio Service for our country." Roderick also recognized members of     
   ARRL's Amateur Radio Emergency Service^(R) (ARES^(R)) for serving their 
   communities with essential communications When All Else Fails^(R).      
   US Congressman John B. Larson (left)                                    
   presents ARRL CEO David Minster,                                        
   NA2AA, with a Congressional                                             
   Recognition for "the dedicated and                                      
   phenomenal service that the ARRL and                                    
   its members" provide.                                                   
   In his remarks, ARRL CEO David Minster, NA2AA, reflected on the         
   commitment made to maintain the organization's operations for the       
   benefit of its members during the pandemic. "That we were able to       
   continue proudly and passionately serving our members and our nation    
   through these challenges speaks to the resilience of our organization,  
   and the commitment of our volunteers and staff."                        
   The event also included remarks by Connecticut District 1 US            
   Congressman John B. Larson; Connecticut State Senator Matt Lesser, and  
   Glenn A. Field, KB1GHX, Warning Coordination Meteorologist for the      
   National Weather Service Boston/Norton office in Massachusetts. Also in 
   attendance were representatives of the American Red Cross; the          
   Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection; the 
   International Amateur Radio Union (IARU); Radio Amateurs of Canada;     
   Connecticut General Assembly; the Town of Newington, and ARRL Officers, 
   Board members, and staff.                                               
   A video of the rededication ceremony is posted on ARRL's YouTube        
   Most 2021 Field Day Participants Entered in Class D                     
   In the second ARRL Field Day (FD) with rule waivers in place, some      
   4,815 entries were received at ARRL Headquarters by July 13 -- the      
   majority in Class D (Home Stations). Last year saw more than 10,213     
   entries and 18,886 participants. Before the pandemic, in 2019, 3,113    
   entries were submitted, with 36,420 total participants.                 
   "It appears that larger groups were more the norm in pre-pandemic       
   times, as expected," ARRL Contest Program Manager Paul Bourque, N1SFE,  
   observed. "From the discussions I've been having with participants,     
   even though some groups gathered in larger numbers this year, many      
   participants chose either to gather in smaller groups or to operate     
   solo from home as Class D or Class E stations. Although I don't think   
   we'll see the number of entries that we did last year, we're close in   
   terms of the number of participants."                                   
   With about 2 weeks to go until the entry submission deadline, the tally 
   of participants reported is 16,166. They made just north of 1 million   
                                            Andy Goss, AA5JF, took part in 
                                            the first Field Day for the    
                                            Augusta University Amateur     
                                            Radio Club (WA4AUG), which set 
                                            up in the Georgia school's     
                                            Critical Event Preparedness    
                                            and Response (CEPaR) Center.   
   total contacts.                                                         
   "FD was already a success on Saturday, with the stations working        
   smoothly, and lots of local visitors dropping by," said Andy Goss,      
   AA5JF, at Augusta University Amateur Radio Club's WA4AUG. "An hour      
   after sunrise on Sunday, we were counting our points, when Darby,       
   KK4PEQ, announced he had just worked a station on 6-meter phone -- just 
   playing around on 50 MHz using the 20/15/10 tribander," Goss said. "He  
   stayed on 6 [meters] for five QSOs, but we quickly [moved] to 10 and    
   15, finding those bands were open to just about everywhere, and we      
   doubled our score in just 3 hours. What a rush!"                        
   FD Entries are Due Soon                                                 
   There's still time to submit your 2021 Field Day entry. Most of this    
   year's Field Day entries have been submitted via the online web app     
   (worth 50 bonus points!), although some 50 paper logs have been mailed  
   in. Participants can check the Entries Received page to make sure their 
   entries were received and complete. If the entry status indicates       
   "Pending documents," either the required dupe sheet (or in lieu of      
   that, a Cabrillo log file), or supporting documentation of claimed      
   bonus points is missing. Bourque said some 250 entries fall into that   
   category right now. Participants can add documentation or edit their    
   entries by following the link provided in the confirmation email sent   
   to the email                                                            
   Scott Hanley, WA9STI, operated in                                       
   the Los Padres National Forest from                                     
   a site at 7,400 feet elevation.                                         
   address provided upon entry, up until the entry submission deadline.    
   Field Day entries must be submitted online or postmarked no later than  
   2059 UTC on July 27, 2021.                                              
   The breakdown of Field Day entries by class, as of July 13, showed      
   4,815 total entries, with 613 in Class A, 582 in Class B, 57 in Class C 
   (Mobile), 2,619 in Class D, 858 in Class E, and 86 in Class F.          
   For his 2021 Field Day, Scott Hanley, WA9STI, took to the woods -- the  
   Los Padres National Forest -- at a site some 7,400 feet elevation in    
   the mountains overlooking California's Central Valley. He operated as   
   WA6LE in Class 1B. He put 358 contacts in the log on CW and phone --    
   short of his 400-contact goal. "Almost all activity was on 20, 40, and  
   75/80 meters to a G5RV or end-fed 20-meter dipole," Hanley said. "Six   
   meters did not open, so I only had two local SSB contacts and only      
   three contacts on 2-meter FM."                                          
   ARRL Podcasts Schedule                                                  
   The latest episode of the On the Air podcast (Episode 19) features a    
   discussion with ARRL Lifelong Learning Manager Kris Bickell, K1BIC,     
   about the launch of the new ARRL Learning Center later this month.      
   The latest edition of Eclectic Tech (Episode 38) features a discussion  
   with Dr. Brian Callahan, AD2BA, about his work in sending binary data   
   via Morse code. The episode also includes a brief discussion of the     
   pros and cons of leaving your station computer powered up for prolonged 
   The On the Air and Eclectic Tech podcasts are sponsored by Icom. Both   
   podcasts are available on iTunes (iOS) and Stitcher (Android), as well  
   as on Blubrry -- On the Air | Eclectic Tech.                            
   ARRL Learning Network Webinars                                          
   Visit the ARRL Learning Network (a members-only benefit) to register,   
   check on upcoming webinars, and to view previously recorded sessions.   
   Learning with High-Altitude Balloons -- Jack McElroy, KM4ZIA, and       
   Audrey McElroy, KM4BUN / Thursday, July 22, 2021 @ 3:30 PM EDT (1930    
   Jack McElroy, KM4ZIA, and Audrey McElroy, KM4BUN, discuss their         
   experiences with high-altitude balloons and explain how others can      
   launch them successfully. The discussion will also focus on using       
   high-altitude balloons to engage youth in ham radio and create learning 
   experiences for students.                                               
   ARRL members may register for upcoming presentations and view           
   previously recorded Learning Network webinars. ARRL-affiliated radio    
   clubs may also use the recordings as presentations for club meetings,   
   mentoring new and current hams, and discussing amateur radio topics.    
   The ARRL Learning Network schedule is subject to change.                
   Youth on the Air Campers Enjoy Successful ISS Contact, Busy with Other  
   The first Youth on the Air (YOTA) camp for young radio amateurs in the  
   Americas is under way in West Chester, Ohio. Among other activities,    
   the campers have been operating special event station W8Y from both     
   Opening ceremony of the Youth on                                        
   the Air (YOTA) camp.                                                    
   the National Voice of America Museum of Broadcasting and from the camp  
   hotel. The camp wraps up with an hour-long closing ceremony on Friday,  
   July 16.                                                                
   "Things are going really well," said Camp Director Neil Rapp, WB9VPG.   
   The earlier launch of a balloon carrying a ham radio payload was        
   successful, he said, and -- after pinpointing where the payload landed  
   some 3 hours away -- the campers were able to retrieve the package,     
   thanks to some understanding landowners. Rapp said the balloon reached  
   approximately 100,000 feet.                                             
   Rapp said that campers have gotten along well from the first day, and   
   problems in general have been few and minor.                            
   Several of the approximately two dozen campers got to ask questions of  
   ISS crew member Akihiko Hoshide, KE5DNI, during a Tuesday Amateur Radio 
   on the International Space Station (ARISS) contact. Responding to a     
   query posed by Graham, KO4FJK, Hoshide said the most interesting things 
   he's seen from space included flying through an aurora and looking down 
   at shooting stars from the ISS. He also said the ISS crew was able to   
   view a partial lunar eclipse from space.                                
   Another camper, am, KD9KIS, wanted to know how often the ISS crew     
   members use the onboard ham station.                                    
                                      Leah, KD9LFZ, asks a question of     
                                      astronaut Akihiko Hoshide, KE5DNI,   
                                      at NA1SS on the ISS.                 
   Hoshide said individual crew members may get on the radio every couple  
   of weeks or so, or as the opportunity arises.                           
   "This ARISS contact is intended to inspire these young hams to learn    
   more about communication using amateur satellites and making ARISS      
   radio contacts," ARISS said in announcing the contact date. ARISS team  
   member John Sygo, ZS6JON, in South Africa, served as the telebridge     
   relay station for the late-morning event, which was streamed live via   
   Rapp said he's hoping this pilot camp venture will provide the          
   information needed to replicate the camp over multiple locations for    
   years to come. "We also hope this brings a more robust community of     
   young hams into amateur radio," he added.                               
   The long-anticipated summer camp for up to 30 hams, aged 15 through 25, 
   was set for last June, but it had to be rescheduled until summer 2021   
   because of COVID-19 pandemic concerns. The camp for young hams in the   
   Americas took its cue from the summer Youngsters on the Air camps held  
   for the past few years in various IARU Region 1 countries.              
   The Region 2 camp is aimed at helping participants to take their ham    
   radio experience to the next level by exposing them to a variety of     
   activities and providing the opportunity to meet other young hams.      
   Activities include kit building, antenna building, transmitter hunting  
   Kit building.                                                           
   direction finding, operating with digital modes, and launching a        
   high-altitude balloon. Amateur satellite operation is one of the        
   workshops provided. Others include effective radio communication, local 
   ham radio history, and using amateur radio during emergencies. The      
   YouTube channel features daily highlight videos.                        
   W8Y has been on the air as campers complete projects, between sessions, 
   and during free time, although some late-evening slots have been on the 
   The camp's opening observance on Sunday featured keynote speaker Tim    
   Duffy, K3LR, who told the campers, "Amateur radio is the best hobby in  
   the world."                                                             
   Campers also saw a video presentation by International Amateur Radio    
   Union Region 1 Youth Working Group chair Philipp Springer, DK6SP.       
   ARRL and The Yasme Foundation donated project kits for the campers.     
   XTronics provided temperature-controlled soldering stations. The        
   brochure on the Youth on the Air website includes more details about    
   the camp. -- Thanks to ARISS for some information                       
     * [IMG]Fedor Konyukhov, R0FK, recently left Murmansk on an            
       icebreaker, and when he reaches the North Pole, he will be on a     
       drifting polar ice station for 10 days, conducting scientific       
       research. Listen for him on 14.333 MHz, starting at 0400 UTC.       
     * The Canadian American Net (CANAM) aims to unite hams in the eastern 
       US and Canada. Some 40 amateurs from Canada and the US typically    
       check in for each session, and the net accommodates CW and SSB. The 
       Canadian-American Net operates 7 days a week on 7.153 MHz, with     
       check-in starting at 1300 UTC.                                      
     * Rudy Bakalov, N2WQ, of Westport, Connecticut, has been appointed to 
       the ARRL Contest visory Committee (CAC). Licensed in his early    
       teens as LZ1KBD, Bakalov developed his enthusiasm for contesting at 
       LZ1V. He holds a bachelor's degree in computer engineering from the 
       Technical University of Sofia (Bulgaria). He attended the MBA       
       program at Wake Forest University.                                  
     * Roy Lewallen, W7EL, says that after 31 years of "developing,        
       selling, and supporting EZNEC and its predecessor, ELNEC," he is    
       retiring. Starting on January 1, 2022, EZNEC Pro/2 will be free,    
       and may be copied and distributed. He will no longer support the    
   Next QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo to Offer Nearly 100 Speakers, 18 Topic  
   The third QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo is a month away. The live event    
   takes place over the August 14 - 15 weekend, and presentations will     
   remain available on demand for 30 days. Sponsors predict that the event 
   will be "a great experience" for those wanting to improve their         
   knowledge of amateur radio as well as of cutting-edge ham radio         
   technology and practical techniques. ARRL is a QSO Today Virtual Ham    
   Expo partner.                                                           
   "At the Expo, you can listen and engage with almost 100 internationally 
   recognized ham radio luminaries on approximately 18 different topic     
   areas -- there is something for everyone," the sponsors say. "Topics    
   include antennas and transmission lines; build-a-thons; contesting/DX;  
   controllers; digital voice mode; emergency communications; filters and  
   tuned circuits; the future of amateur radio; ham history; HF digital    
   modes; new licenses; power amplifiers; propagation; radio astronomy;    
   software and services; space and satellites; test and measurement, and  
   youth in amateur radio."                                                
   A complete list of speakers at the QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo is posted 
   on the event's website. These are some examples:                        
     * In the "Antennas and Transmission Lines" presentation, August       
       Hansen, KB0YH, will focus on such topics as small transmitting loop 
       design and STLcalc, an open-source design aid for STL and magnetic  
       loop antennas that can respond to user's changing needs and design  
     * Geoffrey Mendenhall, W8GNM, will address the topic, "Compromise     
       Beverage Antennas Hear Better Than You Think." The presentation     
       focuses on overcoming non-ideal terrain and space limitations.      
     * "Fun with HF QRP Pedestrian Mobile," with Peter Parker, VK3YE, will 
       offer a look at two antennas for HF pedestrian mobile, and the      
       results possible with such an operation.                            
     * Ham radio author Don Keith, N4KC, will present "Top 5               
       Get-On-The-Air-Quick Antennas," which offers recommendations for    
       the simplest, most effective antennas to consider.                  
     * Within the "New License -- Now What" track, the presentation "HF    
       Noise Mitigation" will describe various noise sources and how to    
       mitigate noise using a variety of techniques.                       
     * Anthony Luscre, K8ZT, will discuss "Technician Licensees, Life      
       Beyond Local Repeaters." Participants will explore the world of     
       activities, modes, and bands available outside of repeater          
   There's no limit on the number of topics and tracks that QSO Today      
   Virtual Ham Expo visitors may view. Return any time within 30 days to   
   (re)view any presentation, as well as to explore exhibitor offerings.   
   "Early bird" tickets are $10 ($12.50 "at the door"). Access to only the 
   exhibitor area is free.                                                 
   40th Annual ARRL-TAPR Digital Communications Conference Set             
   The 40th annual ARRL-TAPR Digital Communications Conference (DCC) will  
   be held online September 17 - 18. Registered DCC attendees              
   participating via Zoom will be able to interact with presenters and     
   other attendees via a chat room and have the option to "raise a virtual 
   hand" to ask questions. You may register to attend, but non-registered  
   participants can view the livestream on YouTube at no cost, as well as  
   chat and ask questions via the moderator monitoring the channel.        
   Registration is free for TAPR members and $30 for non-members. (Members 
   receive a 100% discount at checkout.) Non-members who would like to     
   join TAPR and receive the free DCC pass can add TAPR membership and DCC 
   registration to their shopping carts. After checkout, they will receive 
   the free DCC pass when their membership is processed.                   
   The DCC is soliciting technical papers for presentation and for         
   publication in the Conference Proceedings. Authors do not need to       
   participate in the conference to have their papers included in the      
   Proceedings. The submission deadline for papers is August 15. Submit    
   papers via email to Maty Weinberg, KB1EIB. Papers will be published     
   exactly as submitted, and authors will retain all rights.               
   Conference papers will be distributed as PDFs to participants. Printed  
   copies of the papers will be available for sale at Lulu (URL to be      
   Speakers are invited to deliver presentations on topics of interest     
   without submitting papers for the Conference Proceedings.               
   All speakers and presenters should contact Steve Bible, N7HPR, to       
   reserve a slot for a presentation. Indicate whether you need a 15- or   
   30-minute slot, and whether you need to present on a specific day. A    
   pre-recorded presentation may be submitted in lieu of a live virtual    
   Paper and presentation topic areas include, but are not limited to,     
   software-defined radio (SDR), digital voice, digital satellite          
   communication, digital signal processing (DSP), HF digital modes,       
   adapting IEEE 802.11 systems for amateur radio, Global Positioning      
   System (GPS), Automatic Position Reporting System (APRS), Linux in      
   amateur radio, AX.25 updates, internet operability with amateur radio   
   networks, TCP/IP networking over amateur radio, mesh and peer-to-peer   
   wireless networking, emergency and homeland defense, and backup digital 
   communications using amateur radio.                                     
    hoc "lightning talks" on various topics of interest will be          
   announced throughout the conference, and registered attendees will be   
   able to participate in any lightning talk that interests them. Hardware 
   and software demonstrations will be conducted during the DCC by means   
   of Zoom's breakout room feature. -- Thanks to Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU      
   Amateur Radio in the News                                               
   ARRL Public Information Officers, Coordinators, and many other          
   member-volunteers help keep amateur radio and ARRL in the news.         
     * Amateur (Ham) Radio Field Day: Testing Readiness for Emergencies /  
       Soundings Magazine (California) July 8, 2021                        
     * 'Goal-oriented' 86-year-old Minnesota twin sisters have mastered    
       everything from computers to canoeing / StarTribune (Minnesota)     
       July 6, 2021                                                        
     * American Radio Relay League is planning a Rededication of           
       Operations / New Britain Herald (Connecticut) July 1, 2021          
     * Poway amateur radio enthusiasts hold 24-hour event / San Diego      
       Union-Tribune (California) June 30, 2021                            
   Share any amateur radio media hits you spot with us.                    
   The K7RA Solar Update                                                   
   Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: Solar activity declined this week --  
   by a lot. Average daily sunspot number plummeted from 55.6 to 21.3, and 
   average daily solar flux slid from 88.9 to 72.9.                        
   Geomagnetic indicators were about the same, with average daily          
   planetary A index at 6.6, although the daily value increased to 14 on   
   Wednesday, July 14, due to increasing solar wind.                       
   Predicted solar flux is 72 on July 15; 75 on July 16 - 21; 78 on July   
   22; 79 on July 23 - 28; 77 on July 29 - August 1; 75 on August 2; 74 on 
   August 3 - 9; 73 on August 10 - 11; 75 on August 12 - 15, and 79, 81,   
   and 79 on August 16 - 18.                                               
   Predicted planetary A index is 8 on July 15; 5 on July 16 - August 1; 8 
   on August 2; 5 on August 3 - 7; 12, 16, and 12 on August 8 - 10; 8 on   
   August 11 - 12, and 5 on August 13 - 31.                                
   In Friday's bulletin, look for reports of sporadic-E openings on 10, 6, 
   and 2 meters.                                                           
   Sunspot numbers for July 8 - 14 were 23, 23, 24, 23, 22, 11, and 23,    
   with a mean of 21.3. The 10.7-centimeter flux was 73.4, 73.8, 74, 73.6, 
   71.6, 72, and 72.1, with a mean of 72.9. Estimated planetary A indices  
   were 5, 5, 6, 4, 7, 5, and 14, with a mean of 6.6. Middle-latitude A    
   index was 5, 7, 8, 4, 7, 7, and 10, with a mean of 6.9.                 
   A comprehensive K7RA Solar Update is posted Fridays on the ARRL         
   website. For more information concerning radio propagation, visit the   
   ARRL Technical Information Service, read "What the Numbers Mean...,"    
   and check out this Propagation Page.                                    
   A propagation bulletin archive is available. For customizable           
   propagation charts, visit the VOACAP Online for Ham Radio website.      
   Share your reports and observations.                                    
   In Brief...                                                             
   The next Youngsters on the Air Contest is July 18. Following the        
   success of the first Youngsters on the Air (YOTA) Contest in May, the   
   second event is this Sunday, July 18, 1000 - 2200 UTC. Organizers say   
   100 YOTA logs showed up for the inaugural round from operators 25 years 
   old or younger. Including veteran hams, 700 logs were submitted by the  
   deadline. The scores are posted on the YOTA Contest website. YOTA       
   Contests are held three times a year, each lasting just 12 hours, with  
   the idea of increasing on-the-air activity and awareness of the YOTA    
   program. The contest exchange is operator age, with each age worked     
   counting as a different multiplier. The younger the operator you work,  
   the more points that contact is worth. Email for more information.      
   The Summer 2021 AM QSO Party is set for this weekend. The Amplitude     
   Modulation Amateur Radio Society and the AM Amateur Radio Europe        
   Facebook group have announced the Summer 2021 AM QSO Party will take    
   place from 1800 UTC on July 16 until 1800 UTC on July 18. While this is 
   primarily an event for European hams, all are welcome.                  
   Getting It Right!                                                       
   A sentence in the article "First X-Class Major Solar Flare of Solar     
   Cycle 25 Blacks Out HF on July 3," in the July 8 edition of The ARRL    
   Letter, incorrectly characterized the mechanism of the phenomenon. HF   
   propagation blackouts are caused when x-ray and extreme ultraviolet     
   radiation from X-class solar flares strongly ionizes the absorbing      
   D-region in Earth's sun-facing dense lower atmosphere. The top layer of 
   the atmosphere is not involved.                                         
   The article "Amateur Radio Volunteers Prepared for and Tracked Elsa,"   
   in the July 8 edition of The ARRL Letter, busted the title of Eastern   
   New York Section Emergency Coordinator Dave Galletly, KM2O.             
   The RV Braveheart is a better deal that we thought. The $250,000 price  
   tag cited in an "Announcements" item in the July 8 edition of The ARRL  
   Letter was in New Zealand dollars, which works out to about $175,000 in 
   US dollars. -- Thanks to Ned, KH7JJ                                     
   Just Ahead in Radiosport                                                
     * July 17 -- Russian Radio Team Championship (CW, phone)              
     * July 17 -- Trans-Tasman Low-Bands Challenge (CW, phone)             
     * July 17 -- YOTA Contest (CW, phone)                                 
     * July 17 -- Feld Hell Sprint                                         
     * July 17 - 18 -- North American QSO Party, RTTY                      
     * July 17 - 18 -- CQ Worldwide VHF Contest (CW, phone, digital)       
     * July 18 -- RSGB Low Power Contest (CW)                              
     * July 18 -- CQC Great Colorado Gold Rush (CW)                        
     * July 18 - 19 -- Run for the Bacon QRP Contest (CW)                  
     * July 22 -- RSGB 80-Meter Club Championship (digital)                
   Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions                  
   Many conventions and hamfests have been canceled or postponed due to    
   the coronavirus pandemic. Check the calendar of canceled events on the  
   ARRL website.                                                           
     * August 7 -- ARRL Iowa State Convention (Cedar Valley ARC Techfest), 
       Central City, Iowa                                                  
     * August 14 - 15 -- QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo (online)               
     * August 21 - 22 -- ARRL Southeastern Division Convention (Huntsville 
       Hamfest), Huntsville, Alabama                                       
     * September 10 - 12 -- ARRL New England Division Convention           
       (Northeast HamXposition), Marlborough, Massachusetts                
     * September 25 - ARRL Dakota Division Convention (RRRA Hamfest), West 
       Fargo, North Dakota                                                 
   Find conventions and hamfests in your area.                             
   ARRL  --  Your One-Stop Resource for                                    
   Amateur Radio News and Information.                                     
     * Join or Renew Today! Eligible US-based members can elect to receive 
       QST or On the Air magazine in print when they join ARRL or when     
       they renew their membership. All members can access digital         
       editions of all four ARRL magazines: QST, On the Air, QEX, and NCJ. 
     * Listen to ARRL Audio News, available every Friday.                  
   Subscribe to...                                                         
     * NCJ --  National Contest Journal. Published bimonthly, features     
       articles by top contesters, letters, hints, statistics, scores, NA  
       Sprint, and QSO parties.                                            
     * QEX --  A Forum for Communications Experimenters. Published         
       bimonthly, features technical articles, construction projects,      
       columns, and other items of interest to radio amateurs and          
       communications professionals.                                       
   Free of charge to ARRL members...                                       
     * Subscribe to the ARES Letter (monthly public service and emergency  
       communications news), the ARRL Contest Update (biweekly contest     
       newsletter), Division and Section news alerts -- and much more!     
     * Find ARRL on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram!          
   The ARRL Letter is published Thursdays, 50 times each year. ARRL members
   and registered guests may subscribe at no cost or unsubscribe by editing
   their profile.                                                          
   Copyright (c) 2021 American Radio Relay League, Incorporated. Use and   
   distribution of this publication, or any portion thereof, is permitted for
   non-commercial or educational purposes, with attribution. All other     
   purposes require written permission.
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