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Text 15795, 567 rader
Skriven 2021-07-23 09:05:20 av Sean Dennis (1:18/200.0)
Ärende: The Weekly ARRL Letter
   The ARRL Letter                                                         
   July 22, 2021                                                           
     * Board Creates Emergency Communications and Field Services Committee  
     * Amateur Radio Responds to Flooding in Western Europe                 
     * ARRL Podcasts Schedule                                               
     * ARRL 2020 Annual Report Now Available to Download                    
     * FCC Investigating Alleged Jamming on 40 Meters                       
     * ARRL Learning Network Webinars                                      
     * ARRL Announces Leadership Changes in the Central Division           
     * Massachusetts Court Okays Amateur Radio Tower, Citing Board of      
       Appeals' Error                                                      
     * Amateur Radio in the News                                           
     * Announcements                                                       
     * In Brief...                                                         
     * The K7RA Solar Update                                               
     * Just Ahead in Radiosport                                            
     * Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions              
   Board Creates Emergency Communications and Field Services Committee     
   At its just-concluded July 2021 meeting, the ARRL Board of Directors    
   approved By-Law changes creating a third Standing Committee that joins  
   the existing ministration and Finance Committee and Programs and      
   Services Committee. The charter of the new Emergency Communications and 
   Field Services Committee (EC-FSC) is to develop and recommend new or    
   modified Board policy and programs for emergency communications through 
   the Amateur Radio Emergency Service^A(R) (ARES^A(R)) and National       
   Traffic Systemƒ*› (NTSƒ*›) entities.                                    
   The committee also will offer enhanced support for its Field            
   Organization leadership volunteers, including Section Managers, and an  
   increased focus on ARRL-Affiliated Clubs.                               
   Further, the EC-FSC will provide guidance to the CEO in translating     
   Board policy into prioritized tasking, funding, and staffing of         
   programs, services, and training in support of amateur radio emergency  
   communications, Field Organization volunteers, and recruitment and      
   retention of new and existing members through assistance to Affiliated  
   and Special Service Clubs.                                              
   The EC-FSC will have the additional responsibility of monitoring and    
   assessing trends in emergency communications technology and participant 
   skills worldwide, and for identifying "best practices" for voluntary    
   emergency communications provided by ARES and NTS, coordinating and     
   cooperating with other amateur radio national societies as appropriate. 
   -- Thanks to The ARES Letter                                            
   Amateur Radio Responds to Flooding in Western Europe                    
   International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region 1 Emergency             
   Communications Coordinator Greg Mossop, G0DUB, reported over the        
   weekend that amateur radio volunteers have responded in the wake of     
   widespread flooding in Germany, Belgium, and the                        
                                      A man in Germany photographs the     
                                      flooding with his cell phone. [Klaus 
                                      Baerwinkel photo]                    
   Netherlands. The flooding, resulting from unprecedented heavy rainfall, 
   has claimed more than 120 lives. Hundreds more remain unaccounted for.  
   The Dutch Amateur Radio Emergency Service (DARES) was on standby since  
   July 14, as the first reports of flooding came in. An initial attempt   
   to establish a point-to-point link from the provincial capital of       
   Maastricht to the north of Limburg province was halted due to heavy     
   traffic, as residents evacuated low-lying areas. DARES volunteers were  
   in contact with members of the Belgian Emergency Amateur Radio Service  
   (B-EARS) to coordinate their efforts.                                   
   The European Civil Protection Mechanism was activated, and emergency    
   groups across the region reported that their governments were sending   
   extra assistance and supplies to the areas where damage was worst. The  
   floodwater surge continued to make its way north, leading to further    
   evacuations, and amateur radio emergency groups focused on requests for 
   assistance. B-EARS was asked to provide a backup VHF link between the   
   emergency call center in Brussels and the province of Hainaut, while    
   DARES had four stations active in the Limburg area ready to respond if  
   Marc Lerchs, ON3IBZ, Information Director of the Walloon Brabant Crisis 
   Centre, told Crisis Response Journal that the police building in Wavre, 
   including its TETRA antenna and computers, was left                     
   High water in Kordel,                                                   
   Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. [CHZ                                      
   completely underwater. Some 30 ham radio volunteers deployed in the     
   region to support communication for fire and ambulance stations,        
   hospitals and emergency medical vehicles, the main command post in      
   Wavre, and 112 ("911") dispatch in Mons.                                
   The greatest loss of life and damage has occurred in Germany, where     
   more than 1,000 residents remain unaccounted for. The loss of mobile    
   telecommunication networks has slowed the effort to locate people,      
   while many others are without power or homes. The emergency             
   communications unit of the Deutscher Amateur Radio Club (DARC) has been 
   handling inquiries for amateur radio support in the worst-hit areas,    
   but members in the area have been flood victims as well, losing         
   equipment or their homes.                                               
   "Amateur radio clubs have been in contact with relevant authorities,    
   but there is currently no need for operational support from radio       
   amateurs," the DARC reported. A mutual aid arrangement exists among     
   amateur radio organizations in Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands.   
   Mossop said emergency communications groups in the affected and         
   surrounding regions are ready to respond to requests and have been      
   coordinating their efforts as needed.                                   
   "This emergency will last for some time as infrastructure is repaired   
   and the threat from damaged dams and more rainfall is reduced," Mossop  
   ARRL Podcasts Schedule                                                  
   The latest episode of the On the Air podcast (Episode 19) features a    
   discussion with ARRL Lifelong Learning Manager Kris Bickell, K1BIC,     
   about the launch of the new ARRL Learning Center later this month.      
   The latest edition of Eclectic Tech (Episode 38) features a discussion  
   with Dr. Brian Callahan, AD2BA, about his work in sending binary data   
   via Morse code. The episode also includes a brief discussion of the     
   pros and cons of leaving your station computer powered up for prolonged 
   The On the Air and Eclectic Tech podcasts are sponsored by Icom. Both   
   podcasts are available on iTunes (iOS) and Stitcher (Android), as well  
   as on Blubrry -- On the Air | Eclectic Tech.                            
   ARRL 2020 Annual Report Now Available to Download                       
   The ARRL 2020 Annual Report has been posted and is available to         
   download. The report summarizes ARRL program and fiscal activity for    
   the year.                                                               
   In his introductory remarks, ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, said   
   that 2020 was a difficult and challenging year for ARRL. "The           
   coronavirus pandemic changed everything, from the way we socialized, to 
   the way we worked, to the way students learned," Roderick wrote.        
   "Events we look forward to every year were canceled and the future      
   seemed uncertain. Hamfests, club meetings, and other gatherings looked  
   different, as videoconferencing became the new way to conduct business  
   and get together."                                                      
   Roderick said ARRL remained determined to overcome any obstacles in     
   order to serve its members. "Due to the pandemic and state-imposed work 
   restrictions, ARRL Headquarters closed and employees suddenly had to    
   adjust to working remotely," he recounted. "ARRL staff banded together  
   and kept things running for our members. I'm proud of our staff for how 
   quickly they adapted and worked together as a team. They made the shift 
   to working from home as seamless as possible, and they continued to     
   develop new products and services." He went on to explain that these    
   new services "included things like the ARRL Learning Network webinars,  
   allowing members to expand their radio knowledge from home through      
   video seminars from industry experts, and the At Home virtual events    
   held by the Marketing department, providing ARRL staff with an          
   opportunity to engage with members and give video tours of W1AW through 
   a new online platform. They did a remarkable job!"                      
   ARRL CEO David Minster, NA2AA, who came aboard in 2020, said he feels   
   ARRL's new ideation process is proving successful. "Stemming from an    
   authentic interest and need to become more inclusive as a community,    
   especially to newly licensed hams, our members have great ideas about   
   how ARRL could be doing things better," Minster said. "To expand upon   
   that culture of collaboration, we now have a web page and email address 
   where members can send their thoughts and well-formatted ideas about    
   changes to ARRL programs and services to the management team for        
   consideration. This process has enjoyed early success, and we look      
   forward to much greater interaction with members in the future."        
   Two major initiatives came to fruition -- in January with the           
   introduction of On the Air magazine, and in February with the           
   inauguration of the ARRL Volunteer Monitor Program. 2020 marked the     
   first time when both QEX and NCJ were available digitally.              
   The 56-page Annual Report recounts and summarizes the activities of all 
   ARRL departments and includes a complete 2020 fiscal report. ARRL ended 
   2020 with 158,494 members, which was ahead of its goal for the year.    
   FCC Investigating Alleged Jamming on 40 Meters                          
   Reports suggest that jamming stations have been deployed on the lower   
   portion of 40 meters. The jamming appears to be coming from Cuba. The   
   signals, spaced at regular intervals, exhibit a squishy, popping noise. 
   The apparent jamming showed up after anti-government protesters took to 
   the streets in Cuba, followed by a government crackdown. So far,        
   there's no proven connection between the jamming and the protests, as   
   evidence has been circumstantial. DX spots suggest that Cuban hams are  
   on the air on SSB but do appear rare on 40 meters. A lot of Cuban spots 
   point to FT8 activity. The jamming issue has drawn the attention of the 
   FCC, which is looking into the matter, according to one tech            
   "Too many people around the world are fighting uphill battles to be     
   able to use technology to expand economic opportunity, express          
   themselves, and organize without fear of reprisal," an FCC spokesperson 
   told Motherboard. "The FCC is committed to supporting the free flow of  
   information and ensuring that the internet remains open for everyone.   
   We are assessing these reports in conjunction with our field agents and 
   communicating with the Department of State as this issue develops."     
   Josh Nass, KI6NAZ, of the YouTube channel, Ham Radio Crash Course       
   (HRCC), is calling the interference "The Cuban Rum Runner," an oblique  
   reference to the "Russian Woodpecker" of yesteryear.                    
   Outside of ham radio, the ability to connect with some social media     
   sites and even with the internet inside Cuba has been reportedly        
   tricky. Connecting to the FederaciA^3n de Radioaficionados de Cuba      
   (FRC) website (Cuba's IARU member-society) from outside of Cuba has     
   been unreliable. This week, users attempting to do so -- at least those 
   in the US -- got a shrugging cartoon character and the legend, "Acceso  
   Denagado" -- access denied. The FRC Facebook page is accessible, but    
   links to the FRC website are blocked. FRC had warned of "possible       
   outages" more than a week ago, attributing the problem to maintenance   
   being done in the data center where FRC is housed.                      
   Well-known amateur radio contester and DXer Fred Laun, K3ZO, pointed    
   out in a July 17 post to the Potomac Valley Radio Club reflector that   
   typical ham radio contacts with Cuba "are not normally about politics,  
   though I suppose in the wake of recent events they may have become so." 
   International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region 2 (the Americas)        
   President RamA^3n Santoyo, XE1KK, said no complaints had been received  
   by July 20.                                                             
   ARRL Learning Network Webinars                                          
   Visit the ARRL Learning Network (a members-only benefit) to register,   
   check on upcoming webinars, and to view previously recorded sessions.   
   Learning with High-Altitude Balloons -- Jack McElroy, KM4ZIA, and       
   Audrey McElroy, KM4BUN / Thursday, July 22, 2021 @ 3:30 PM EDT (1930    
   Jack McElroy, KM4ZIA, and Audrey McElroy, KM4BUN, discuss their         
   experiences with high-altitude balloons and explain how others can      
   launch them successfully. The discussion will also focus on using       
   high-altitude balloons to engage youth in ham radio and create learning 
   experiences for students.                                               
   Introduction to DMR and Digital Voice -- Tim Deagan, K8UJ / Thursday,   
   September 9, 2021 @ 3:30 PM EDT (1930 UTC)                              
   An introductory overview of digital voice (DV) technologies for ham     
   radio. This presentation will focus on DMR with notes on System Fusion, 
   D-STAR, and more. There will be a description of DV architecture and    
   components, and the interesting opportunities, as well as challenges,   
   that DV presents.                                                       
   ARRL members may register for upcoming presentations and view           
   previously recorded Learning Network webinars. ARRL-affiliated radio    
   clubs may also use the recordings as presentations for club meetings,   
   mentoring new and current hams, and discussing amateur radio topics.    
   The ARRL Learning Network schedule is subject to change.                
   ARRL Announces Leadership Changes in the Central Division               
   ARRL Central Division Director Kermit Carlson, W9XA, has stepped down   
   as Central Division Director, making the announcement at the July 2021  
   Board of Directors meeting this past weekend. Vice Director Carl        
   Luetzelschwab, K9LA, has acceded to the Director's chair, and           
   Brent Walls, N9BA, during a                                             
   visit to W1AW.                                                          
   ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, has appointed Brent Walls, N9BA, to 
   succeed Luetzelschwab as the Central Division Vice Director.            
   An ARRL Life Member, Walls served as Indiana Section Manager from 2016  
   until 2018. Active in ARES, he is a former ARRL Indiana Section         
   Emergency Coordinator and also served as Marion County, Indiana,        
   Emergency Coordinator. He is an ARRL VEC Volunteer Examiner.            
   Carlson served both as Vice Director and then Director of the Central   
   Division for a total of 12 years. He said his resignation stemmed from  
   "an intractable conflict" between Board and family obligations that     
   would impinge upon his travel on behalf of ARRL. "It would be           
   impossible to maintain the level of in-person engagement with the       
   Members that I believe is essential," Carlson said.                     
   Carlson said his "most challenging and rewarding experiences" include   
   11 years as Chair of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Committee (EMC)  
   and his recently concluded term as the chair of the ARRL CEO Search     
   Committee. He will continue to chair the EMC.                           
   Massachusetts Court Okays Amateur Radio Tower, Citing Board of Appeals' 
   A judge in the Massachusetts Land Court has ruled that the Zoning Board 
   of Appeals in the City of Framingham "erred" in revoking a building     
   permit for an 80-foot ham radio tower as an accessory use. The Building 
   Commissioner in Framingham had granted ARRL member Mikhail "Misha"      
   Filippov, KD1MF, a building permit for the tower, and Filippov had      
   begun pouring concrete for the tower footings. Neighbors complained,    
   however, and the Zoning Board of Appeals revoked the permit, citing the 
   setback requirements of the city's wireless communications facilities   
   (WCF) special permit bylaw. Land Court Judge Howard Speicher reversed   
   the Zoning Board of Appeals' decision and ordered the town building     
   commissioner to reinstate the permit.                                   
   "The City of Framingham has provided, for the benefit of amateur radio  
   operators, exemptions from its zoning requirements from the             
   construction of radio antenna towers for amateur radio operators," the  
   court noted. This case was not settled on the basis of PRB-1            
   considerations, but strictly on which setback requirements should       
   apply. PRB-1 requires local governments to reasonably accommodate       
   amateur radio installations.                                            
   The Zoning Board of Appeals had argued that Filippov's project plans    
   failed to meet setback zoning requirements, but the Land Court          
   determined that the board could not enforce this, because of an         
   exception that exempts structures, including amateur radio towers, from 
   these requirements as long as a building permit is issued.              
   The court ruled the Zoning Board of Appeals "erred in overturning the   
   decision of the Building Commissioner to issue a building permit for    
   the erection of the proposed radio antenna tower." Read an expanded     
   Amateur Radio in the News                                               
   ARRL Public Information Officers, Coordinators, and many other          
   member-volunteers help keep amateur radio and ARRL in the news.         
     * Nonprofit Spotlight: Houma-Thibodaux amateur radio group plays key  
       role after storms / Houma Today (Louisiana) July 19, 2021           
     * How A Group Of Dedicated Volunteers Are Keeping California's        
       Wildfires At Bay / NPR (California) July 16, 2021                   
     * Amateur (Ham) Radio Field Day: Testing Readiness for Emergencies /  
       Soundings Magazine (California) July 8, 2021                        
     * 'Goal-oriented' 86-year-old Minnesota twin sisters have mastered    
       everything from computers to canoeing / Star Tribune (Minnesota)    
       July 6, 2021                                                        
   Share any amateur radio media hits you spot with us.                    
     * The Yasme Foundation Board of Directors has announced an additional 
       grant to the Maranyundo Girls School in Rwanda and its Makerspace   
       program. This grant provides access to material from ARRL's         
       Teachers Institute and funds to purchase material and supplies for  
       classroom experiments. In June, the Yasme Foundation supplied the   
       school with amateur radio-related books for classroom use.          
     * The third annual World Wide Digi DX Contest is set for August 28 -  
       29. See the website for details. -- Thanks to Ed Muns, W0YK         
     * The Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) Board of Directors has    
       announced the appointments of Scott Williams, VK3KJ, as WIA's new   
       President, and Lee Moyle, VK3GK, continuing as Vice President. The  
       Board thanked outgoing President Greg Kelly, VK2GPK, for his        
       commitment and contributions to the WIA; he will continue to serve  
       as a WIA board member.                                              
     * A group of US radio amateurs has fielded special event operation    
       W4C "to raise awareness about the current humanitarian crisis       
       affecting the island of Cuba. Instead of taking to the streets, we  
       realized that our efforts will be more efficiently utilized by      
       getting on the air and making a special event out of it." W4C will  
       be on the air until the end of July.                                
     * The World Wide Radio Operators Foundation (WWROF) has amended the   
       Cabrillo file standard to include a new "YOUTH" CATEGORY-OVERLAY,   
       at the request of several contest sponsors who want to encourage    
       and recognize youth participation. The Cabrillo v3 header           
       specification has been updated to reflect this change. Details are  
       on the WWROF website.                                               
     * After months of negotiations with the new Coral Island Management   
       Authority, the HARAOA VK9HR DXpedition to Willis Island planned for 
       this November has been canceled, says Ed Durrant, VK2JI, Publicity  
       Officer. The problem was a combination of new rules banning the     
       installation of any structures on the islands by the new authority  
       and the fact that COVID-19 has now spread to four Australian        
   In Brief...                                                             
   AMSAT-NA has issued its first call for papers for the 39th Annual AMSAT 
   Space Symposium. The event is set for October 29 - 31, 2021, at the     
   Crowne Plaza AiRE hotel in Bloomington, Minnesota. Proposals for        
   symposium presentations are invited on any topic of interest to the     
   amateur satellite community. A tentative presentation title is          
   requested, with final copy submitted by October 18 for inclusion in the 
   symposium Proceedings. Send abstracts and papers to Dan Schultz, N8FGV. 
   Over-the-horizon radars are operating with impunity in ham radio        
   allocations. In its June newsletter, the International Amateur Radio    
   Union (IARU) Region 1 Monitoring System (IARUMS) said over-the-horizon  
   radars (OTHRs) have not yielded their dominance as ham band intruders.  
   "The number of observations varies slightly but is always within a      
   similar range," the newsletter said. "The same is true for other radio  
   systems (such as CIS-12, etc). With summer propagation (including       
   sporadic E), numerous driftnet radio buoys and other fishing gear were  
   again being heard on 10 meters, illegally serving to mark fishing nets  
   at sea, the newsletter said. These typically operate in the 28.000 -    
   28.450 MHz segment. Transmissions are short but frequent throughout the 
   day. These often identify in CW, transmitting from one to three         
   letters, although buoys with a constant carrier are also observed. GPS  
   buoys transmit short bursts in FSK (F1B) with their positions           
   scrambled. Monitors regularly encounter "pirates" operating without any 
   Many stations will take to the airwaves August 2 - 15 to celebrate the  
   4th anniversary of FT8. All stations will use call signs with "FTDMC"   
   or "FTDM" in the suffix. The activity also celebrates the 2nd           
   anniversary of the FT8 Digital Mode Club. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW 
   and eQSL. QSL cards will be available. Stations planning to participate 
   include: 4J8FTDM, OZ8FTDMC, RO3FTDM, 9K8FTDMC, A60FTDMC, DQ8FTDMC,      
   GB0DMC, HZ8FTDMC, and many others. A certificate will be available with 
   bronze, silver, gold, and platinum levels for working them. -- Thanks   
   to The Daily DX                                                         
   AO-109 (RadFxSat-2/AMSAT Fox-1E) is now open for amateur use. AMSAT's   
   Engineering and Operations Teams advise operators to use efficient      
   modes for making contacts, such as CW or FT4, because issues with the   
   satellite make SSB voice contacts "challenging at best." An article in  
   the May/June 2021 issue (Vol. 44, No. 3) of The AMSAT Journal details   
   the various attempts to characterize AO-109 and its apparent problems.  
   -- Thanks to Jerry Buxton, NO/JY, and Drew Glasbrenner, KO4MA           
   DX Engineering has acquired Top Ten Devices. The new owner will         
   manufacture and distribute three of Top Ten Devices' signature products 
   under the Top Ten Devices brand -- the A/B Station Selector, the Op     
   Swapper, and the Band Aide Band Decoder. Formed by Dave Hawes, N3RD,    
   and George Cutsogeorge, W2VJN, in 1991, Top Ten Devices built a strong  
   reputation for producing high-performance and affordable equipment for  
   the amateur radio community. "DX Engineering is excited for the         
   opportunity to carry on the legacy that the innovators at Top Ten       
   Devices have built over the past 3 decades," said DX Engineering CEO    
   Tim Duffy, K3LR.                                                        
   The K7RA Solar Update                                                   
   Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: It is exciting to observe increasing  
   sunspot activity. Recently, Solar Cycle 25  has produced new sunspots   
   frequently, and I watch them pop up every day on Spaceweather.com. New  
   sunspots appeared on July 14, 16, 17, 19, and 20, and two new ones      
   appeared on July 21.                                                    
   Average daily sunspot numbers more than doubled from 21.3 last week to  
   48.9 during the July 15 - 21 reporting week. Average daily solar flux   
   jumped from 72.9 to 81.3.                                               
   Geomagnetic numbers held steady, with both the middle latitude and      
   planetary A index averages at 6.4.                                      
   Predicted solar flux is 94 and 92 on July 22 - 23; 90 on July 24 -      
   August 1; 85 on August 2; 75 on August 3 - 12; 78, 80, and 80 on August 
   13 - 15; and 85 on August 16 - 21. Flux values may rise to 90 or more   
   during the last week of August.                                         
   Predicted planetary A index is 8, 18, 16, and 8 on July 22 - 25; 5 on   
   July 26 - 27; 8 on July 28; 5 on July 29 - August 1; ?? August 2; 5 on  
   August 3 - 9; 12 and 10 on August 10 - 11; 5 on August 12 - 16; 8 on    
   August 17 - 18, and 5 on August 19 - 28.                                
   Sunspot numbers for July 15 - 21 were 22, 35, 53, 42, 45, 59, and 86,   
   with a mean of 48.9. The 10.7-centimeter flux was 73.5, 75, 77.4, 80.4, 
   82.6, 87, and 93.5, with a mean of 81.3.. Estimated planetary A indices 
   were 10, 4, 4, 4, 7, 10, and 6, with a mean of 6.4. Middle latitude A   
   index was 12, 5, 4, 5, 4, 9, and 6, with a mean of 6.4.                 
   A comprehensive K7RA Solar Update is posted Fridays on the ARRL         
   website. For more information concerning radio propagation, visit the   
   ARRL Technical Information Service, read "What the Numbers Mean...,"    
   and check out this Propagation Page.                                    
   A propagation bulletin archive is available. For customizable           
   propagation charts, visit the VOACAP Online for Ham Radio website.      
   Share your reports and observations.                                    
   Just Ahead in Radiosport                                                
     * July 24 - 25 -- RSGB IOTA Contest (CW, phone)                       
     * July 25 -- ARS Flight of the Bumblebees (CW)                        
     * July 26 -- RSGB FT4 Contest Series                                  
     * July 28 -- SKCC Sprint (CW)                                         
     * July 31 - August 1 -- Russian WW MultiMode Contest (CW, phone,      
     * July 31 - August 1 -- Missouri QSO Party (CW, phone, digital)       
     * August 1 -- SARL HF Phone Contest                                   
     * August 2 -- K1USN Slow Speed Test (CW, maximum 20 WPM)              
     * August 3 -- Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest                     
     * August 3 -- ARS Spartan Sprint (CW)                                 
     * August 3 -- RTTYops Weeksprint                                      
     * August 4 -- Phone Weekly Test - Fray                                
     * August 4 -- CWops Mini-CWT Test                                     
     * August 4 -- UHF FT8 Activity Contest                                
     * August 4 -- CWops Mini-CWT Test                                     
     * August 5 -- CWops Mini-CWT Test                                     
     * August 5 -- RTTYops Weeksprint                                      
     * August 5 -- NRAU 10-Meter Activity Contest (CW, phone, digital)     
     * August 5 -- EACW Meeting (CW)                                       
   Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions                  
   Some conventions and hamfests may have been canceled or postponed due   
   to the coronavirus pandemic. Check the calendar of canceled events on   
   the ARRL website.                                                       
     * August 7 -- ARRL Iowa State Convention (Cedar Valley ARC Techfest), 
       Central City, Iowa                                                  
     * August 14 - 15 -- QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo (online)               
     * August 21 - 22 -- ARRL Southeastern Division Convention (Huntsville 
       Hamfest), Huntsville, Alabama                                       
     * September 10 - 12 -- ARRL New England Division Convention           
       (Northeast HamXposition), Marlborough, Massachusetts                
     * September 25 -- ARRL Dakota Division Convention (RRRA Hamfest),     
       West Fargo, North Dakota                                            
     * August 27 - 29 -- ARRL West Virginia State Convention, Sutton, West 
     * September 3 - 5 -- ARRL North Carolina Section Convention (Shelby   
       Hamfest), Shelby, North Carolina                                    
     * September 10 - 11 -- ARRL Illinois Section Convention (2021 W9DXCC  
       Convention), Naperville, Illinois                                   
     * September 12 -- ARRL Southern New Jersey Section Convention and     
       Hamfest, Mullica Hill, New Jersey                                   
   Find conventions and hamfests in your area.                             
   ARRL  --  Your One-Stop Resource for                                    
   Amateur Radio News and Information.                                     
     * Join or Renew Today! Eligible US-based members can elect to receive 
       QST or On the Air magazine in print when they join ARRL or when     
       they renew their membership. All members can access digital         
       editions of all four ARRL magazines: QST, On the Air, QEX, and NCJ. 
     * Listen to ARRL Audio News, available every Friday.                  
   Subscribe to...                                                         
     * NCJ --  National Contest Journal. Published bimonthly, features     
       articles by top contesters, letters, hints, statistics, scores, NA  
       Sprint, and QSO parties.                                            
     * QEX --  A Forum for Communications Experimenters. Published         
       bimonthly, features technical articles, construction projects,      
       columns, and other items of interest to radio amateurs and          
       communications professionals.                                       
   Free of charge to ARRL members...                                       
     * Subscribe to the ARES Letter (monthly public service and emergency  
       communications news), the ARRL Contest Update (biweekly contest     
       newsletter), Division and Section news alerts -- and much more!     
     * Find ARRL on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram!          
   The ARRL Letter is published Thursdays, 50 times each year. ARRL members
   and registered guests may subscribe at no cost or unsubscribe by editing
   their profile.                                                          
   Copyright (c) 2021 American Radio Relay League, Incorporated. Use and   
   distribution of this publication, or any portion thereof, is permitted for
   non-commercial or educational purposes, with attribution. All other     
   purposes require written permission.                                    

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