Text 1845, 313 rader
Skriven 2007-08-07 23:28:00 av Holger Granholm (2:20/228)
Ärende: Amsat news service no 217
ANS is a free, weekly, news and information service of AMSAT North
America, The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation. ANS reports on the
activities of a worldwide group of Amateur Radio operators who share an
active interest in designing, building, launching and communicating
through analog and digital Amateur Radio satellites.
Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to:
******************** AMSAT 2007 Space Symposium
The Wireless Association of South Hills Amateur Radio Club announces the
2007 AMSAT Space Symposium will be held at the Pittsburgh Airport
Hotel on Friday, October 26 through Sunday, October 28, 2007.
The AMSAT web team has posted informational pages on the AMSAT web site.
You can find the announcement with many links at:
In this edition:
* Central States VHF Conference Award
* AMSAT EAGLE Design, Construction, and Testing
* AO-51 First L-SSB Up / S-FM Down QSO
* Satellite Shorts From All Over
* AMSAT Area Coordinators Wanted
* ARISS Status Report for the Week of July 30, 2007
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-217.01
Central States VHF Conference Award
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 217.01
August 5, 2007
BID: $ANS-217.01
The annual Central States VHF Society meeting in San Antonio, Texas
included technical presentations, a technical achievement award to
Bob, N4HY, and a generous financial contribution to AMSAT.
Among the many AMSAT folks in attendance were W4MO, W7LB, W5IU, W3XO,
N4HY, K5SDR, W5SXD, N6TX, KL7UW and K3IO. There were no satellite spe-
cific papers presented this year, but the world of DSP and SDR was
very much present. K5SDR presented his new SDR5000 radio. KL7UW
(with the SDR-IQ) and W5LUA (with the Softrock-40) reported on the
use of SDR receivers for various VHF/UHF/Microwave tasks.
AMSAT highlights of the meeting came at Saturday Night's banquet.
Tom, K3IO accepted a financial contribution from CSVHFS for AMSAT.
A special moment of the meeting came when Bob McGwier, N4HY, AMSAT
BoD member and VP Engineering was presented the 2007 John Chambers
Memorial Award for technical achievement, recognizing his many SDR
and AMSAT activities. Bob joins previous AMSAT Chambers Award recipients
Bob's reaction, "I have had great partners in all of my work. I am
grateful for all of the ideas, support, trust, complaints, advice that
have flown freely from the SDR, Flex groups, TAPR, ARRL, and of course,
AMSAT. The John Chambers award is one I am extremely proud to have
as all of my engineering mentors in amateur radio have received it
including, but not limited to, Tom and Jan King."
[ANS thanks Tom, K3IO for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-217.02
AMSAT EAGLE Design, Construction, and Testing
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 217.02
August 5, 2007
BID: $ANS-217.02
Jim Sanford, WB4GCS, AMSAT Eagle's Project Manager recognized sig-
nificant contributions to the EAGLE satellite design. Jim wrote,
"Some of the folks recruited since or around last year's Symposium
have done GREAT things for Eagle. I'm referring to Juan Rivera, WA6HTP,
and the Project Oscar team tht he assembled. They have purchased
materials for, constructed, and are testing the U-band receiver. This
process has taught us many thing about our PROCESSES and designs,
as well as done great things for the particular project at hand.
Jim continued, "Bill Ress, N6GHZ is another newcomer who has done
great things. At a time when EAGLE's Advanced Communication Package is
still in the conceptual design stage, Bill took it upon himself to
design an S2-band receiver and built it. He did so on his own dime
and did it in a way that lends itself to experimentation - modularized
Bob, N4HY, added, "Marc Franco, N2UO and Al Katz, K2UYH have delivered
a paper to an international audience on our 145 MHz amplifier design.
It is HUGELY efficient. Based on Cree Semiconductor amplifiers, it will
be state of the art. We will be able to produce the most efficient
and most linear HELAPS we have ever produced based on this work.
Marc is the lead on this development and is now designing the modulator
and driver stages."
Also Bob, N4HY and Tom, K3IO are working with development tools and new
development boards to get the pieces of the SDX designed/simulated to
deliver the signals needed for the HELAPS nonlinear channel and the
Lou McFadin, W5DID and his compatriots have made good progress on
system elements for the best charge regulation system we have
ever flown.
One of the discoveries arising out of testing the UHF receiver design is
a recognition that we may need to redesign the switching power supply
on the CAN-Do! widgets. So, I'm seeking a switching power supply
designer. That individual will be faced with a wide range of load
currents (tens of mA to A), very small "real estate" on the board, and
demanding EMI requirements. Jim summarized, "Anyone interested in
this exciting project should contact me directly and immediately."
At the AMSAT Symposium in October, papers will be presented on the U Rx,
the S2 Rx, and on the V-band power amp.
[ANS thanks Jim, WB4GCS for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-217.03
AO-51 First L-SSB Up / S-FM Down QSO
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 217.03
August 5, 2007
BID: $ANS-217.03
During the first week of August, AO-51 was in the L/S mode of operation.
Gould, WA4SXM, AO-51 Command station noted, "Due to a commnd station
AO-51 first came up in L (USB) uplink / S (FM) downlink mode for
a day.
Nevertheless Ib, OZ1MY determined the correct modulation scheme
and had
a QSO with Willi, OE6AG this afternoon. Probably a first for
this mode." AO-51 was then put in the FM mode for the uplink on its next
pass over a command station. This demonstrated the versatile
configuration of this satellite's radio equipment.
Drew, KO4MA, AMSAT VP-Operations published the AO-51 operating schedule
for the remainder of August:
August 5 - August 20 FM Repeater, V/U
Uplink: 145.920 Mhz FM, NO PL Tone
Downlink: 435.300 Mhz FM
Downlink: 435.150 Mhz FM, 9k6 Telemetry only
August 20 - August 27 FM Repeater, V/U and FM Repeater, L/U
FM Repeater, V/U
Uplink: 145.920 Mhz FM, NO PL Tone
Downlink: 435.300 Mhz FM
FM Repeater, L/U
Uplink: 1268.700 Mhz FM, NO PL Tone
Downlink: 435.150 Mhz FM
August 27 - August 31 FM Repeater, V/U
Uplink: 145.920 Mhz FM, NO PL Tone
Downlink: 435.300 Mhz FM
Downlink: 435.150 Mhz FM, 9k6 Telemetry only
Please send your requests for September to ao51-modes@amsat.org for
[ANS thanks Gould, WA4SXM, and Drew, KO4MA for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-217.04
Satellite Shorts From All Over
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 217.04
August 5, 2007
BID: $ANS-217.04
+ Dave, ZL2AMD, has done a major revision of the TS-2000, IC-821,
and IC-910 interfaces in Uni_Trac. Release file UP3_115 is available
on the www.etelectronics.com website.
+ John, LA2QAA, AO-7 Resource Page Log Administrator noted that as of
Monday, July 30 there were several Stateside - Europe contacts. The
prefixes included K9, G1, DM, F3, EA, LA, UA0, RA3, GJ, I6, HA, OH.
+ CQ Editor Rich Moseson, W2VU says in preparation of the 50th anniver-
sary of the launch of Sputnik coming up in October, CQ Magazine is
planning to collect a representative sampling of radio amateur's
first-hand recollections to weave into an article for the October
issue. Plus, we'd like to hear if this experience had a significant
impact on your choice of careers, etc. - in short, did listening for
Sputnik change your life? If so, how? Please respond as soon as
possible by e-mail directly to a special mailbox at CQ Magazine:
[ANS thanks everyone for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-217.05
AMSAT Area Coordinators Wanted
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 217.05
August 5, 2007
BID: $ANS-217.05
If you are an experienced satellite operator and would like to give
back to AMSAT, here is a great opportunity for you to do that.
Gould, WA4SXM, Director Field Operations says, "I am looking for AMSAT
members that would like to actively represent AMSAT in the field by
giving talks to local clubs or schools, satellite demonstrations or
host an AMSAT table at local hamfests. We have a number of resources
to help you do an AMSAT booth or make a presentation or demonstration.
If this sounds interesting, please send me an email and I will send
you more information about the requirements and expectations."
Gould adds a final note, "To all current Area Coordinators: I sent out
an AC Newsletter Friday Aug 3, if you didn't receive it please go to
your FOSS account and update your email information. You can also
download the Newsletter there. If you have a problem with your FOSS
account, send me an email and we will fix that.
[ANS thanks Gould, WA4SXM for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-217.06
ARISS Status Report for the Week of July 30, 2007
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 217.06
August 5, 2007
BID: $ANS-217.06
1. ARISS Contact with Challenger Learning Center
On Wednesday, July 25, children attending the Challenger Learning Center
of Lucas County, Ohio experienced an ARISS contact. Astronaut Clay
Anderson, KD5PLA, answered 26 questions posed to him by the 16 students
as a crowd of approximately 80 gathered to watch.
2. Contact With the 21st World Scout Jamboree
An ARISS contact took place with the 21st World Scout Jamboree in
Chelms- ford, England on August 4. A Special Event Station, GB100J, will
operate at the Jamboree from July 27 to August 8, 2007. Approximately
40,000 scouts from 200 countries are expected to attend this event to
celebrate the 100th
anniversary of scouting, which originated in
England. The audio was broad- cast on the Jamboree FM Radio Station and
webcast on the radio station's
3. Crew Debrief Held
On Tuesday, July 24, an ARISS crew debrief was held with Sunita
KD5PLB. Williams, an ISS crew member during Expeditions 14
and 15,
completed 33 ARISS contacts with school children around the
world while
board the ISS. She provided the ARISS team with positive
feedback on her
participation in the program.
[ANS thanks Carol, KB3LKI for the above information]
In addition to regular membership, AMSAT offers membership in the
President's Club. Members of the President's Club, as sustaining donors
to AMSAT Project Funds, will be eligible to receive additional benefits.
Application forms are available from the AMSAT Office.
This week's ANS Editor,
JoAnne Maenpaa, K9JKM
K9JKM at amsat dot org
Via the ANS mailing list courtesy of AMSAT-NA
73 de Sam, OH0NC
þ MR/2 2.30 þ Heaven doesn't want me, and hell is afraid I'll take over.
* Origin: Coming to you from the Sunny Aland Islands. (2:20/228)