Text 26777, 194 rader
Skriven 2007-02-02 00:43:15 av Ed Hulett (1:123/789.0)
Kommentar till text 26771 av Mimi Gallandt (1:123/789.0)
Ärende: Presidential race
Mimi Gallandt -> Ed Hulett wrote:
MG> Ed Hulett -> Mimi Gallandt wrote:
EH>> Mimi Gallandt -> Ed Hulett wrote:
MG>>> Ed Hulett -> John Hull wrote:
EH>>>> John Hull -> Ed Hulett wrote:
JH>>>>> Ed Hulett -> John Hull wrote:
EH>>>>>> John Hull -> Ed Hulett wrote:
JH>>>>>>> Ed Hulett -> John Hull wrote:
EH>>>>>>>> John Hull -> Ed Hulett wrote:
JH>>>>>>>>> Ed Hulett -> Bob Sakowski wrote:
EH>>>>>>>>>> Bob Sakowski -> Ed Hulett wrote:
BS>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, 28 Jan 2007 18:19:14 -0500, Ed Hulett wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> John Hull -> Ed Hulett wrote:
EH>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just how do we "shut down the border," John?
JH>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's very simple. You put up a 14 ft razorwired fence,
EH>>>>>> augmented
>>>>>>>>>>>> with
JH>>>>>>>>>>>>> sensors. You declare a one mile "no man's land" from the
EH>>>> fence
>>>>>>>>>>>> inland.
JH>>>>>>>>>>>>> You patrol the line with armed UAV's and Army or National
JH>>>>>>> Guard or
JH>>>>>>>>>>>>> Border Patrol ground units. Anyone who breaches the fence
EH>>>> gets
EH>>>>>>>> one
JH>>>>>>>>>>>>> opportunity to surrender or they get shot.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Oh yeah, that's a realistic plan, John.
BS>>>>>>>>>>> Gosh Ed, you mean youdon't remember how well that strategy
EH>>>> worked
EH>>>>>>>> for
BS>>>>>>>>>>> the USSR in general and East Germany in Berlin?
EH>>>>>>>>>> Especially the shooting part.
EH>>>>>>>>>> So far, John hasn't said anything about our northern border.
JH>>>>>>>>> So far, we don't have a problem with the northern border.
EH>>>>>>>> We don't? Do you think it'll stay that way if we block off the
JH>>>>>>> southern
EH>>>>>>>> border?
JH>>>>>>>>> But note that I said "the border" - not specifying either
MG> one in
EH>>>>>>>> particular. And, as
JH>>>>>>>>> usual, Sakowski has his head buried up his nethers. The USSR
EH>> and
JH>>>>>>> East
JH>>>>>>>>> Germany maintained their borders to keep people from getting
EH>>>>>>>> They
JH>>>>>>>>> didn't have millions of people trying to get IN.
EH>>>>>>>> Keeping people in or keeping people out, what's the difference?
JH>>>>>>> That's about the dumbest thing I've ever heard you say.
EH>>>>>> Excellent reply. I guess calling my question dumb allows you to
JH>>>>> ignore it.
EH>>>>>>>> We're already going to have to carry passports if we want to
EH>> visit
EH>>>>>>>> Canada or Mexico. Not to leave, but to get back in. Do you think
EH>>>>>> that's
EH>>>>>>>> a good thing?
EH>>>>>>>> How many of your libeties are you willing to give up in order to
JH>>>>> feel
EH>>>>>>>> secure?
JH>>>>>>> You have to have a passport to get into damn near every
MG> country on
JH>>>>> the
JH>>>>>>> planet.
EH>>>>>> You miss the point, John. We now have to have a passport to get
EH>> back
EH>>>>>> *IN* the US.
JH>>>>>>> If it keeps terrorists out, it doesn't bother me.
EH>>>>>> And just how will limiting your liberties keep terrorists out?
JH>>>>>>> Anyway, fat lot of good your liberties will do you if you start
EH>>>>>> glowing
JH>>>>>>> in the dark from a terrorist nuke going off.
EH>>>>>> I see, so it's okay with you if you lose all your liberties
MG> just so
EH>>>>>> you're safe from being nuked by a terrorist?
EH>>>>>> You know what Ben Franklin said about your thinking.
JH>>>>> I didn't say anything about giving up any rights, you did.
JH>>>>>> If it keeps terrorists out, it doesn't bother me.
JH>>>>> Requiring you to identify yourself when coming into the country is
EH>>>> not abrogating
JH>>>>> any of your rights, any more than when a cop asks you for your
EH>>>> driver's
JH>>>>> licence when you get pulled over, or the bank asking you for an ID
JH>>>>> before cashing a check.
EH>>>> Whoa! Up until recently, you could travel to and from Canada and
MG>>> Mexico
EH>>>> without much more that a driver's license or simple ID. A
MG> passport is
EH>>>> much more than a simple ID -- to get one you must provide your birth
EH>>>> certificate and other proof of citizenship. It costs upwards of
MG>>> $100 to
EH>>>> get a passport.
MG>>> The INS has changed things again as it stands today to come into this
MG>>> country no matter where you've been if you walk or drive in all you
EH>> need
MG>>> is a drivers license, if you fly or sail in you need a passport.
EH>> That is
MG>>> supposed to change to everyone coming in no matter what mode of
MG>>> transportation will need a passport in 2008, but there's a lot of
MG> time
MG>>> between now and then and I wouldn't wager that it won't change again
MG>>> before then. It costs $112 dollars for ten years for a passport
MG> today,
MG>>> but again there's a lot of time between now and then.
EH>> And, as I have pointed out to John, a driver's license is a simple ID
EH>> that does not prove citizenship, while a passport does prove
MG> citizenship.
EH>> The vast majority of illegals do not walk or drive across at a border
EH>> crossing. They will hide themselves in cars and trucks and/or cross
EH>> where there is no border crossing.
EH>> Requiring passports to enter the US at border crossings will only
MG> cause
EH>> *honest* people to go to the extra expense and time to get a legal
EH>> passport.
EH>> So, for instance, if I wanted to take a day-trip to Victoria, BC or to
EH>> Surry, BC to visit a friend, I will have to go to the trouble of
MG> getting
EH>> my birht certificate and then getting passport photos and then paying
EH>> the $112 for a 10 year passport. Then wait up to 6 weeks to get the
EH>> thing so I can take a *day-trip!*
EH>> I'm not about to take any trip anywhere else out of country. I just
EH>> don't have the money to do that. So, I guess a trip to BC is out of
MG> the
EH>> question come 2008 also.
MG> My trips to Mexico are economic and even compared to exchange prices the
MG> savings I get from buying cigarettes in the duty free store will pay off
MG> that passport in less than a year. :) I really don't understand the
MG> duty free store thing; the land that the store sits on is on *THIS* side
MG> of the border, not in TJ, but by going about 500 feet into TJ and coming
MG> straight back out without going into *ANY* business there I save $10+
MG> per carton and, like at the exchange, I don't pay taxes on it. I'm not
MG> complaining about saving money, I'm just confused by the weirdness of it.
They have a duty free just this side of the Canadian border, too. I think they
have the duty free store so you'll spend money here in the US rather than
outside the country. They don't want you to just go to the duty free, so they
make it so you have to cross the border first.
"Were the pictures which have been drawn by the political
jealousy of some among us faithful likenesses of the human
character, the inference would be, that there is not
sufficient virtue among men for self-government; and that
nothing less than the chains of despotism can restrain them
from destroying and devouring one another."
-- Alexander Hamilton and James Madison (Federalist No. 55,
15 February 1788)
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