Text 5655, 212 rader
Skriven 2004-12-03 01:20:42 av John Hull (1:379/1.99)
Kommentar till text 5437 av Björn Forsström (2:203/614.61)
Ärende: Word From the Front
28 Nov 04 18:32, Björn Forsström wrote to John Hull:
BF>>> As I said, let's leave WWII behind us, it's got nothing to do
BF>>> with what's going on now and the war in Iraq you took on yourself
BF>>> and not listen to the UN.
JH>> No, you can't have it both ways. WWII is relevant because it led
JH>> to the US becoming the No. 1 Superpower in the world, and you seem
JH>> to want to blame much of what happens in the world today on the
JH>> fact that we are a superpower. You give the impression that our
JH>> mere existence is what causes people to hate us.dddddd
BF> Your actoins speeks for itself and as I have said before, with
BF> beeing the No. 1 Superpower comes a certain responsibility that you so far
BF> haven't lived up to and as long as you don't, you will get that treatment
BF> from the rest of the world.
Oh, bullshit. Where do YOU get off telling us what our responsibilities are?
What gives you the right to sit there and pass judgment on us? At least we've
tried to to something of benefit to the world.
BF>>> Then you should do it for the right reason and attack the right
BF>>> country and go find bin Laden instead. What we can see now is that
BF>>> you attacked Iraq because they had WMD:s and those you are
BF>>> fighting are Jordanians.....
JH>> If you continue to believe the anti-American media bullshit, then
JH>> there is nothing to talk about.
BF> I think I have heard that GWB have said that Iraq had WMD:s and
BF> the media
BF> only printed what ha said. Am I wrong here?
Every intelligence agency in the world thought Saddam had WMDs, and told Bush
so. We acted in part, based on that intelligence. It wasn't till after we
kicked Saddam out that we found there were none there.
JH>> WMDs was only a small part of why we went into
JH>> Iraq. Everybody tries to say there is no connection between
JH>> Saddam/Iraq and al-Queda, yet as time goes by, more and more
JH>> evidence is piled up that shows they were indeed connected on many
JH>> levels.
BF> And you can prove that?
That's what the president said, and I believe him.
JH>> You also don't seem to
JH>> get it that it doesn't matter what nationality the terrorists are.
JH>> We said we would hunt them down no matter where they were or what
JH>> country they came from, and that any country that gave them aid or
JH>> safe haven would get the same treatment they get. There was not
JH>> then and has not been now, any specific mention of any particular
JH>> country.
BF> So when you are finished with Iraq you will move on to Syria,
BF> Jordan and Iran?
We will move against whomever it is necessary to move against.
JH>> You had better get onto the internet and do some serious searching
JH>> for facts. You have no idea how little of what you have said here
JH>> is accurate.
BF> Some of you says that Internet is only full of anti-American crap
BF> and you
BF> say it's good. How are we going to have it?
You have to look at many different sources, evaluating each one. It isn't hard
to tell which ones are giving you the straight story, and which ones are
feeding you a bunch of crap.
JH>> Michael Moore is an idiot, a liar, and a pig. There is a
JH>> documented list of over 50 major discrepancies found in that
JH>> "documentary" of his. He is a left-wing socialist who hates George
JH>> Bush. He could no more make a fair and open-minded movie about
JH>> Bush than I go to the moon without a spaceship.
BF> Funny. This statement didn't surprise me a bit.
BF>>> If what you say would have happend, Europe, Russia, Asia and the
BF>>> rest of the world would have become so powerful so they would have
BF>>> wiped out USA in a week and that the Americans understood so they
BF>>> had to do something about it. So, you see that USA have never done
BF>>> anything that haven't suited themself, just like any other nation
BF>>> on this earth. Everyone is always closest to himself.
JH>> Man, you have really bought into the anti-US propoganda, haven't
JH>> you?
BF> No, but I'm trying to see what could have happend.
The rest of the world hasn't got the means to face us down.
TR>>>> So fuck the world.
BF>>> With this attitude someone is always going to be pissed of at you
BF>>> and trying to do something about it. Unfortunatly it's the
BF>>> innocent and civilians in USA that pays the prize for it and as
BF>>> long as you are keeping it up you will see even more attacks like
BF>>> 9/11.
JH>> Why the hell should we kiss everybody's ass just so we can be
JH>> "liked" by the rest of the world. The rest of the world,
JH>> historically speaking, has been wallowing in corruption, slavery,
JH>> and tyranny for thousands of years before the US came along and
JH>> came up with a better way of doing things.
BF> SIGH!!!!
BF> Wallowing in corruption and slavery?
BF> WOW, Are you the right person to speek about that?
BF> How many corruption scandals have you had in USA?
BF> When was the blacks freed from their slavery?
When is Europe going to end slavery that still goes on in Africa? When will
Europe stop those who prey on young girls, abducting them and selling them into
white slavery as prostitutes? When is Europe going to doing something about
the UN, and programs such as oil for food? While we were trying to defang
Saddam and avoid a war, France and Germnay and Russia were making millions in
kickbacks from Saddam. Don't even dare to talk to me about corruption, or
BF> Where have you been for the last 50 years?
BF> Are you still fighting in the WWII?
JH>> We are unique in human history as far as nation-states go, and the
JH>> rest of the world just can't stand the fact that we threw off the
JH>> yoke of imperial oppression.
BF> For your knowledge, even we did that several hundred years ago.
JH>> Maybe its because none of the rest of you seem to have the balls
JH>> to do the same thing, maybe its just inertia. I don't know. But
JH>> one thing I do know is that you Europeans are in too many cases a
JH>> bunch of ingrates. You come begging for our help when the big bad
JH>> wolf comes along and tries to eat you, and after we've saved your
JH>> butts you don't even have the decency to say thank you and mean
JH>> it.
BF> This is gettin a bit boring.
BF> You keep repeting yourself without coming with any new things.
BF> So all you want is to see Europe on it's knee, krawling in the
BF> gutters for you?
BF> You can forget about that cause it aint gonna happend so why not
BF> go on
BF> with your lives and stop spewing your intestines over us and then
BF> we might
BF> do the same in return.
No, I want Europe to keep its nose out of our business, and to stand up and act
like men instead of little petulant boys. To take responsibility for cleaning
up terrorism that started there and spread around the world. Most of all, we
want you to stop being so goddam arrogant as if we were still colonies.
BF> It do work in both ways!
JH>> You want all the high tech improvements we
JH>> come up with that make life easier, but you don't want to pay your
JH>> fair share for the cost of it, and then bitch because your country
JH>> is getting too Americanized.
BF> Who says we doesn't pay.
BF> And for your knowledge you buy the high tech wapon Carl Gustav
BF> from us.
JH>> America is not perfect - not as a nation and not as individuals.
JH>> But we try not to make things worse. We are a generous people, and
JH>> have freely given of our wealth, our food, our technology, and our
JH>> blood to help people around the world, and all we get for it is
JH>> abuse, disrespect, and hatred.
BF> I think Sweden is paying, per capita, more then USA does in help
BF> to other
BF> countries.
Prove it.
JH>> We ought to let the whole damn bunch of you go to hell in a
JH>> handbasket.
BF> And who will then make your buisnnes and factorys go around?
Who needs you?
JH>> Now, you don't like my attitude much, do you? Tough. It is
JH>> incumbent on YOU to show me why I should NOT have such an attitude.
JH>> Prove to me that someone out there across the ocean isn't just
JH>> another jealous, brain-washed anti-American. Convince me why we
JH>> shouldn't just write all of you off as a waste of humanity.
BF> You know, talking to a fanatic like you is the same thing as
BF> talking to bin Laden
BF> or that Zarquawi guy. You all believe in your own truth so hard it
BF> almost
BF> impossible to have a normal conversation.
BF> No wonder why war exists. They will keep coming as long as people
BF> like you
BF> exist that doesn't have any other thoughts than you own.
I'm no fanatic. I'm just a fed up American citizen who is tired of baling out
the world and spending our money and blood on people who don't appreciate the
help, and tired of being blamed for the failures of every country run by some
tin pot dictator. That's for starters.
America: First, Last, and Always!
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