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Text 3022, 251 rader
Skriven 2006-10-29 10:56:54 av Tim Richardson (1:123/789.0)
   Kommentar till text 3018 av John Massey (1:123/789.0)
Ärende: POW Lawsuit
John Massey -> All wrote:

 JM> POW Lawsuit Could Force Kerry To Come Clean
 JM> On Vietnam 'War Crimes' Charges
 JM> - by George "Bud" Day, Chairman, Vietnam Veterans Legacy Foundation

 JM> (10/15/2006)

 JM> Thirty five years ago John Kerry slandered an entire generation of
 JM> men who fought in Vietnam branding them as a "war criminals." Today,
 JM> much of the same thing is being said about our young men and women in
 JM> Iraq.

 JM> Now, a lawsuit filed in Philadelphia's Court of Common Pleas will
 JM> test the very foundation of Kerry's anti-war persona for the first
 JM> time. It isn't dubious medals or Kerry's disputed service record in
 JM> Vietnam that is being called into question. This time Kerry may
 JM> finally be forced to answer for the events that launched his public
 JM> career, one that made him an anti-war hero for many American liberals
 JM> and a turncoat for millions of Vietnam veterans.

 JM> The lawsuit (Vietnam Veterans Legacy Foundation, et al. v. Kenneth
 JM> Campbell, et al.) challenges the basis, the factual accuracy of
 JM> then-Lt. (j.g.) Kerry' s acrimonious testimony before the U.S. Senate
 JM> Foreign Relations Committee in 1971. It was there Kerry's public
 JM> career was catapulted with his now ubiquitous portrayal of American
 JM> soldiers as murderers, rapists and torturers "who ravaged the
 JM> countryside of South Vietnam . . . [and] razed villages in a fashion
 JM> reminiscent of Genghis Khan."

 JM> Kerry said then his accusations were based on the so-called
 JM> "testimony" of "150 honorably discharged" Vietnam veterans who, like
 JM> himself, claimed to have committed or witnessed "war crimes, not
 JM> isolated incidents but crimes committed on a day-to-day basis with
 JM> the full awareness of officers at all levels of command."

 JM> Many if not all were members of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War
 JM> (VVAW), an organization led by Kerry and financed by Jane Fonda
 JM> during the early 1970s. Now, a number of those "witnesses" will be
 JM> required to testify, under oath for the first time ever, about what
 JM> they really did and saw in Vietnam.

 JM> What these VVAW witnesses say could have implications reaching beyond
 JM> Kerry' s veracity and reputation. Their lasting portrait of the
 JM> American soldier as a blood-thirsty butcher, a baby killer, is also
 JM> at stake. And that picture remains entrenched among their kind,
 JM> "proof" that those serving in the U.S.  military, even today, truly
 JM> are a "horde of barbarians" capable of unspeakable brutalities. That
 JM> is the underlying theme, the constant drumbeat from the mainstream
 JM> media and others as they try to undermine the American military today.

 JM> For the anti-war, anti-American protesters, the American soldiers are
 JM> the "terrorists," and the enemies are the victims of a barbaric U.S.
 JM> military which tortures and murders defenseless civilians.

 JM> That false premise, one of the most vicious and enduring smears
 JM> spawned by Kerry 35 years ago, will also be put to the test once
 JM> Kerry's true "Band of Brothers" are put under oath in a Philadelphia
 JM> courtroom.

 JM> The background to this lawsuit is long and complex, but even a
 JM> condensed version is rich in irony and poetic justice.

 JM> It had it roots in 2004 with the documentary Stolen Honor: Wounds
 JM> that Never Heal. Many may recall the film, although it is probably
 JM> best known for not being seen, suppressed after Sinclair Broadcasting
 JM> Company courageously announced it was going to air the documentary in
 JM> its entirety. Thanks to Kerry and his liberal colleagues in the
 JM> Senate and their enablers in the mainstream media, Sinclair was
 JM> browbeaten into withdrawing the film, its broadcast license
 JM> threatened by a Kerry campaign manager in 2004.

 JM> Stolen Honor focused on Kerry's venomous diatribe before the Senate
 JM> Foreign Relations Committee in April 1971 when he accused Vietnam
 JM> veterans of "war crimes" on a genocidal scale. (A full transcript is
 JM> available at
 JM> http://ice.he.net/~freepnet/kerry/index.php?topic=Testimony. ) It
 JM> examined the impact Kerry's widely reported statements had on
 JM> hundreds of Americans who were being held prisoners of war by the
 JM> North Vietnamese communists. The film's producer, Carlton Sherwood, a
 JM> Pulitzer Prize and Peabody Award-winning investigative reporter,
 JM> interviewed former POWs for the documentary.

 JM> I was among those whom Sherwood, a decorated Marine combat veteran
 JM> himself, asked to participate in Stolen Honor. I was a POW for nearly
 JM> six years, held in North Vietnam prison camps, including the
 JM> notorious Hanoi Hilton, a place of unimaginable horrors -- torture,
 JM> beatings, starvation and mind-numbing isolation. When Kerry branded
 JM> us "war criminals," he handed our captors all the justification they
 JM> needed to carry out their threats to execute us.  Thanks to Kerry,
 JM> Jane Fonda and their comrades in the anti-war movement, our captivity
 JM> was prolonged by years. The communists in Hanoi and Moscow couldn' t
 JM> have had a better press agent to spread their anti-American
 JM> propaganda.

 JM> To guarantee Stolen Honor would never be seen by anyone - not even
 JM> theatre-goers - the producer was slapped with a libel and defamation
 JM> lawsuit. That lawsuit was filed by Kenneth Campbell, a University of
 JM> Delaware professor, Kerry campaign aide, and long-time anti-war
 JM> disciple of the Massachusetts Senator. Campbell co-founded the
 JM> Philadelphia chapter of Vietnam Veterans Against the War and, in
 JM> 1971, he was one of Kerry's key war crimes "witnesses," one of
 JM> several on whom Kerry claims he based his Senate testimony.

 JM> Campbell was and still is regarded by some as one of the VVAW's most
 JM> articulate and published "experts" on U.S. atrocities in Vietnam. He
 JM> has "testified" before Congress, in Europe, and elsewhere that while
 JM> in Vietnam he deliberately killed "dozens and dozens" of innocent
 JM> civilians as a Marine artillery forward observer. He has written
 JM> extensively about his and others' atrocities in Vietnam and he even
 JM> teaches a course on the Vietnam War that showcases his war crime
 JM> accusations. Campbell, like Kerry, met with enemy delegations --
 JM> Vietcong and North Vietnam Communist officials -- in Paris in 1971
 JM> while he was still a U.S. uniformed reservist. He was also flown to
 JM> Moscow that same year to meet with other Communist leaders, all
 JM> expenses paid by the Soviets.

 JM> Campbell's lawsuit put a unique spin on the definition of defamation:
 JM> He claimed that Stolen Honor damaged the public reputations of
 JM> himself, Kerry and others by questioning whether they truly were the
 JM> baby-killers they claimed to be!

 JM> Ignored and censored by the mainstream news networks, Stolen Honor
 JM> eventually aired on some small local cable outlets. The documentary
 JM> managed to penetrate Kerry's blacklisting in rural northern Ohio,
 JM> Florida, Pennsylvania and several other places. But, Campbell's
 JM> lawsuit against Sherwood continued in 2005, when he even added POWs
 JM> who appeared in the film to the litigation!

 JM> The POWs and the wives of POWs who participated in Stolen Honor
 JM> refused to abandon the facts conveyed in the film. For some of us, it
 JM> was the first time since our release by the Communists in 1973 that
 JM> we were able to have our voices publicly heard, to tell our stories
 JM> about the consequences of Kerry's treachery. In 2005, we formed a
 JM> nonprofit organization, the Vietnam Veterans Legacy Foundation
 JM> (VVLF), to gather records, documents and other materials to form a
 JM> fact-based, educational repository for students and scholars of
 JM> Vietnam history and to tell the true story of the American soldiers
 JM> in Vietnam. The VVLF's mission is "to set the record straight,
 JM> factually, about Vietnam and those who fought there."

 JM> For our efforts, we were promptly sued by Campbell and another
 JM> long-time anti-war Kerry follower and VVAW member, Dr. Jon Bjornson.
 JM> It was clear that Kerry not only wanted to punish us for Stolen
 JM> Honor; he intended to use surrogates to sue us into permanent silence
 JM> and financial ruin.

 JM> But in lawsuits, even defendants have an opportunity to question the
 JM> accuser under oath in pre-trial depositions -- even when a lawsuit is
 JM> filed solely to harass, intimidate and silence and when the legal
 JM> system is abused for political vengeance, as these lawsuits clearly
 JM> were.

 JM> Our chance came earlier this year when Kenneth Campbell was deposed.
 JM> Among the first thing he disclosed was that this was the first time
 JM> he had actually been put under oath in over 35 years of "testifying"
 JM> about Vietnam "war crimes." Neither he nor any of his fellow "war
 JM> criminals" - Kerry included - had ever been sworn in at any hearings,
 JM> not before the Senate, the House of Representatives, or anywhere.

 JM> All of the so-called "testimony" the old mainstream media trumpeted
 JM> for nearly four decades -- graphic, sickening and grisly "testimony"
 JM> about savage atrocities committed by Vietnam veterans, "testimony" to
 JM> which Congress and the media gave so much weight and credibility --
 JM> wasn't "testimony" at all! Just propagandist speeches told without
 JM> limitation or fear of consequences, least of all penalties for
 JM> perjury. As for the "war crimes" Campbell claimed for years he
 JM> committed and personally witnessed, he now conceded he didn't
 JM> actually see innocent civilians killed by his artillery barrages. In
 JM> fact, if anyone had been killed or wounded, he admitted, they may not
 JM> have been civilians at all! Concerning other atrocities Campbell
 JM> identified in his lawsuits -- things like Marines massacring an
 JM> entire village, killing surrendering enemy soldiers -- those
 JM> incidents, too, failed to stand up under questioning. Some were
 JM> things he said he had heard or assumed happened; others, he
 JM> acknowledged, were simply "rumors."

 JM> That Campbell alleged personal knowledge of horrible atrocities in his
 JM> complaints and then gave wholly different stories of hearsay and
 JM> assumption at his deposition is detailed in the recently filed
 JM> Philadelphia lawsuit, which repeatedly alleges that Campbell lied
 JM> about supposed war crimes in 1971 and lied again when he claimed in
 JM> 2004 that his war crime stories were true.

 JM> While hard evidence may have been in short supply during his sworn
 JM> testimony, Campbell did offer the names of "witnesses" who would
 JM> confirm his stories. Not surprisingly, the first two were Kerry State
 JM> Veterans Campaign Coordinators and long-time VVAW organizers in
 JM> Florida and Massachusetts.

 JM> Subpoenas were served on both men but, before either could be
 JM> deposed, one checked himself into a hospital for elective back
 JM> surgery and the other had himself arrested and committed to a mental
 JM> institution. At last press reports, he was released from the
 JM> psychiatric hospital and fled the country to Vietnam via Hawaii.

 JM> Both men clearly knew what was coming, as did Campbell. For the first
 JM> time in nearly four decades they would be forced to answer for their
 JM> alleged "war crimes," their slanderous accusations against their
 JM> fellow soldiers finally examined, under oath.

 JM> It was just a matter of days before all the lawsuits were withdrawn,
 JM> nearly two years of costly litigation abruptly ended, Campbell's
 JM> libel claims ground to dust under the weight of his own testimony.

 JM> Like their leader, John Kerry, his surrogates wanted no part of
 JM> having to defend these despicable allegations, or for being held
 JM> accountable for the great harm they and he continue to inflict on our
 JM> men and women in uniform.  They fled the moment the light of truth
 JM> shined their way.

 JM> My fellow POWs and I who were the target of these lawsuits are not
 JM> willing to quit or surrender. Kerry and his cowardly followers may
 JM> have achieved their purpose of keeping the American people from
 JM> seeing Stolen Honor in 2004, but we refuse to allow the truth about
 JM> Vietnam to remain untold.

 JM> Forced to spend huge sums to defend ourselves from these frivolous
 JM> lawsuits, we have filed a countersuit against these Kerry surrogates
 JM> and intend to reveal the truth about the lawsuits and their sponsors.
 JM> We believe that we can prove that the purpose of nearly two years of
 JM> litigation was to cover up for Kerry's treachery, to drain us
 JM> financially and spiritually, and to prevent us from setting the
 JM> record straight.

 JM> At stake is ultimately nothing less than the integrity of the American
 JM> military in Vietnam, the honor of the men who served their country,
 JM> the nobility of those who gave their lives, and the truth of
 JM> America's history in Vietnam. Until or unless we do correct the
 JM> existing record, the American military may never be free of the myths
 JM> and smears of Vietnam, its honor and integrity cleansed as it fights
 JM> to defend freedom at home and around the world.

 JM> Our mission is hardly over. We hope you will join us in fighting this
 JM> battle . . . for our soldiers, then and now.

 JM> Col. George E. "Bud" Day, USAF (Ret.,) was a POW in North Vietnam for
 JM> five years, seven months and 13 days. He served in three wars (WWII,
 JM> Korea, and Vietnam) and earned the Medal of Honor. He is the Air
 JM> Force's most decorated living veteran. He is the Director and
 JM> President of the Vietnam Veterans Legacy Foundation, Inc., an
 JM> organization created to better educate and inform the public about
 JM> the Vietnam War, its events, its history, and the men and women who
 JM> sacrificed to serve their country.

I'm glad you posted this in here. If you hadn't I was going to
cross-post it in here myself, addressed to `Attention: Dan Ceppa'.

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