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Skriven 2006-01-04 23:33:04 av Whitehouse Press (1:3634/12.0)
Ärende: Press Release (0601047) for Wed, 2006 Jan 4
Setting the Record Straight: Critics Launch Attacks Against Program to
Detect and Prevent Terrorist Attacks
For Immediate Release
January 4, 2006
Setting the Record Straight: Critics Launch Attacks Against Program to
Detect and Prevent Terrorist Attacks
"Critics have stepped up their attacks on the President for authorizing the
National Security Agency to listen to international communications of known
al Qaeda members or affiliated terrorists during a time of war. The
American people expect their leaders to stay a step ahead of the enemy, and
the National Security Agency authorization is a critical tool in the War on
Terror that saves lives and protects civil liberties at the same time."
- Scott McClellan, White House Press Secretary
Setting The Record Straight On Separate NSA Activities To Safeguard
Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) Expresses Concern That The NSA Was
Conducting Surveillance Without Presidential Authority In The Aftermath Of
9/11. "During your appearance before the committee on October 1, you
indicated that you had been operating since the September 11 attacks with
an expansive view of your authorities with respect to the conduct of
electronic surveillance under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and
related statutes, orders, regulations, and guidelines. ... Therefore, I am
concerned whether, and to what extent, the National Security Agency has
received specific presidential authorization for the operations you are
conducting. Until I understand better the legal analysis regarding the
sufficiency of the authority which underlies your decision on the
appropriate way to proceed on this matter, I will continue to be
concerned." (Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Letter To Lieutenant General Michael V.
Hayden, 10/11/01)
But These Were Separate NSA Activities Based On Previously Granted
þ General Hayden Was Briefing On The NSA's Electronic Surveillance
Activities, Not The Program Authorized By The President. "An
intelligence official close to Hayden said that his appearance on Oct.
1, 2001, before the House committee had been to discuss Executive Order
12333, and not the new NSA program. The order, signed by President
Ronald Reagan in 1981, gave guidance and specific instructions about
the intelligence activities that the U.S. government could engage in."
(Dafna Linzer, "Secret Surveillance May Have Occurred Before
Authorization," The Washington Post, 1/4/06)
þ These NSA Actions Had Been Authorized Since 1981. "Bush administration
officials said on Tuesday that General Hayden, now the country's No. 2
intelligence official, had acted on the authority previously granted to
the N.S.A., relying on an intelligence directive known as Executive
Order 12333, issued by President Ronald Reagan in 1981. That order set
guidelines for the collection of intelligence, including by the N.S.A.
'He had authority under E.O. 12333 that had been given to him, and he
briefed Congress on what he did under those authorities,' said Judith
A. Emmel, a spokeswoman for the Office of the Director of National
Intelligence. 'Beyond that, we can't get into details of what was
done.'" (Eric Lichtblau And Scott Shane, "Files Say Agency Initiated
Growth of Spying Effort," The New York Times, 1/4/06)
Setting The Record Straight On The Terrorist Ties Of Intercepted
Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) Says The National Security Agency (NSA) Is
Eavesdropping On American Citizens With No "Indication Of Wrongdoing." SEN.
DURBIN: "And in passing the Patriot Act, we gave the government new
authority, but we didn't give the National Security Agency the authority to
spy on American citizens without any indication of wrongdoing." (CBS'
"Early Show," 12/17/05)
But The NSA Authorization Is Solely For Intercepting Communications Of
Suspected Al Qaeda Members Or Related Terrorist Groups.
þ Ranking Democrat On The House Intelligence Committee Representative
Jane Harman (D-CA) Calls The NSA Program "Essential" To Targeting Al
Qaeda. "As the Ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, I
have been briefed since 2003 on a highly classified NSA foreign
collection program that targeted Al Qaeda. I believe the program is
essential to US national security and that its disclosure has damaged
critical intelligence capabilities." (Rep. Jane Harman, Harman
Statement On NSA Electronic Surveillance Program, Press Release,
þ The Program Targets Suspected "Al Qaeda Communications." DEPUTY
make the point, what we are talking about here are communications we
have every reason to believe are al Qaeda communications, one end of
which is in the United States. And I don't think any of us would want
any inefficiencies in our coverage of those kinds of communications,
above all. And that's what this program allows us to do - it allows us
to be as agile as operationally required to cover these targets." (The
White House, Press Briefing, 12/19/05)
þ The Government Has "A Reasonable Basis To Conclude That One Party To
The Communication" Is Affiliated With Al Qaeda. ATTORNEY GENERAL
ALBERTO GONZALES: "Another very important point to remember is that we
have to have a reasonable basis to conclude that one party to the
communication is a member of al Qaeda, affiliated with al Qaeda, or a
member of an organization affiliated with al Qaeda, or working in
support of al Qaeda. We view these authorities as authorities to
confront the enemy in which the United States is at war with - and that
is al Qaeda and those who are supporting or affiliated with al Qaeda.
What we're trying to do is learn of communications, back and forth,
from within the United States to overseas with members of al Qaeda. And
that's what this program is about." (The White House, Press Briefing,
Setting The Record Straight On The Scope Of The Program.
Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) Says The NSA Is Conducting Domestic Surveillance
Of Calls. "He has rationalized the use of domestic, civilian surveillance
with a flimsy claim that he has such authority because we are at war."
(Sen. Byrd, "No President Is Above The Law," Press Release, 12/19/05)
But The NSA Authorization Is Solely For Intercepting International
þ One Party On The Call Has To Be Outside The United States. ATTORNEY
GENERAL GONZALES: "The President has authorized a program to engage in
electronic surveillance of a particular kind, and this would be the
intercepts of contents of communications where one of the - one party
to the communication is outside the United States. And this is a very
important point - people are running around saying that the United
States is somehow spying on American citizens calling their neighbors.
Very, very important to understand that one party to the communication
has to be outside the United States." (The White House, Press Briefing,
Setting The Record Straight On The Use Of The FISA Court.
Senator Joe Biden (D-DE) Says The Administration Should Be Using The FISA
Court. "There is nothing the president needed to do to protect Americans
that could not have been done through FISA. Since 1979, the FISA court has
received some 19,000 requests and approved all but five of them. The
administration's assertion that it needed to bypass the court is out of
bounds." (Sen. Joseph Biden, Op-Ed, "No President Is Above Our
Constitution," The Miami Herald, 1/1/06)
But The Program Provides The Speed And Agility Needed To Prosecute The
War On Terror.
þ The Government Continues To Use The FISA Court But Must Preserve The
Flexibility To Act With Speed In All Circumstances. ATTORNEY GENERAL
ALBERTO GONZALES: "Well, we continue to go to the FISA court and obtain
orders. It is a very important tool that we continue to utilize. ...
The operators out at NSA tell me that we don't have the speed and the
agility that we need, in all circumstances, to deal with this new kind
of enemy. You have to remember that FISA was passed by the Congress in
1978. There have been tremendous advances in technology ... since
then." (The White House, Press Briefing, 12/19/05)
þ Because Of Its Speed, The NSA Program Has Provided Crucial Information
Otherwise Not Available. GENERAL HAYDEN: "I can say unequivocally, all
right, that we have got information through this program that would not
otherwise have been available." QUESTION: "Through the court? Because
of the speed that you got it?" GENERAL HAYDEN: "Yes, because of the
speed, because of the procedures, because of the processes and
requirements set up in the FISA process, I can say unequivocally that
we have used this program in lieu of that and this program has been
successful." (The White House, Press Briefing, 12/19/05)
þ Former Clinton Administration Associate Attorney General Writes That
"FISA Does Not Anticipate A Post-Sept. 11 Situation." "The
administration has offered the further defense that FISA's reference to
surveillance 'authorized by statute' is satisfied by congressional
passage of the post-Sept. 11 resolution giving the president authority
to 'use all necessary and appropriate force' to prevent those
responsible for Sept. 11 from carrying out further attacks. The
administration argues that obtaining intelligence is a necessary and
expected component of any military or other use of force to prevent
enemy action. But even if the NSA activity is 'electronic surveillance'
and the Sept. 11 resolution is not 'statutory authorization' within the
meaning of FISA, the act still cannot, in the words of the 2002 Court
of Review decision, 'encroach upon the president's constitutional
power.' FISA does not anticipate a post-Sept. 11 situation. What was
needed after Sept. 11, according to the president, was surveillance
beyond what could be authorized under that kind of individualized
case-by-case judgment. It is hard to imagine the Supreme Court
second-guessing that presidential judgment." (John Schmidt, Op-Ed,
"President Had Legal Authority To OK Taps," The Chicago Tribune,
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