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Skriven 2006-05-24 23:34:16 av Whitehouse Press (1:3634/12.0)
Ärende: Press Release (0605249) for Wed, 2006 May 24
President Attends Pennsylvania Congressional Victory Committee Dinner

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
May 24, 2006

President Attends Pennsylvania Congressional Victory Committee Dinner
The Sheraton Philadelphia City Center
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

5:46 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. Thanks for coming. I want to thank you for
joining the Pennsylvania Congressional Victory Committee. (Applause.) I am
so honored to be standing by two of the young stars of the United States
Congress. (Applause.) You know, I've been up there long enough to be able
to spot talent, and Jim Gerlach and Mike Fitzpatrick are really talented
Congressmen, and they deserve to be reelected to the United States
Congress. (Applause.)

I appreciate Karen. It's good to see you again, Karen. Thanks for coming.
Katie, Rob, Joel, Jay, and Katelyn are also here. (Laughter.) All you got
to do is register them to vote and it's a landslide. (Laughter.)

And I appreciate Kathy Fitzpatrick and Jimmy for being here, as well. And
by the way, Mike's father James, and mom Mary, are with us. So it's good to
have the Fitzpatrick family well-represented to pay honor to this good man
here. (Applause.)

I appreciate all the local officials who are here, and the grassroots
activists. See, you win campaigns by being able to raise money -- and we've
raised a lot tonight, and thank you for that. But you also win campaigns by
convincing people to put up the signs and make the phone calls and go to
the coffee shops and go to your houses of worship, and tell people, when
you've got somebody who's decent, honest and honorable, put them back in
office. And we've got people who are decent, honest and honorable
representing the 6th and 8th Congressional Districts here from

And so thank you for what you have done and what you're going to do coming
down the stretch of the election. We're just kind of getting warmed up.
(Laughter.) We're in the jumping-jack phase of the political season.
(Laughter.) We're getting ready to run and win. And one of the interesting
things about politics, you can't win without good candidates, and we've got
two really fine candidates standing up here on the stage. (Applause.)

Jim Gerlach is an experienced leader. He's been involved for 16 years in
the political process. He is a -- he's an independent voice, which is good.
It's good for the people of this congressional district. He believes in low
taxes. I appreciate his strong stand on national security. He's a member of
the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, and that's important for
people in his congressional district because he's helped to improve traffic
and roads, and he's promoted open spaces, as well. He's a good, thoughtful
member of the United States Congress. And the people in his district are
lucky to have him there, as far as I'm concerned. (Applause.)

Mike Fitzpatrick -- I don't know what it's like in local politics here, but
the county commissioner is somebody who generally knows the feelings of the
people, and Mike was a county commissioner. And he's pretty -- it means he
was close to the constituents, he knows what they think. It's important to
have people in Washington who don't lose touch with the constituents. And
Mike Fitzpatrick certainly didn't lose touch. (Applause.)

He is an Eagle Scout, and interestingly enough, he continually goes to
Eagle Scout ceremonies. You know why? He wants to help some other youngster
set high values and understand the importance of achievement, but he also
wants to thank the parents and those involved in the Scout troops for
reaching out to help somebody.

I like Mike a lot. He's an honorable fellow who is for low taxes, good
environmental policy, he cares a lot about health care. The people of his
congressional district are really lucky to have him representing them.

We're going to win the elections in November of 2006. (Applause.) The
reason why is we get things done on behalf of the American people. We've
been given some challenges and we've responded to meet those challenges. I
spend the most time as your President working on ways to secure our
country. The biggest challenge we face is to make sure that we prevent
another attack on the American people. Much of my thinking about the
presidency was formed on September the 11th, 2001. It's a day, of course, I
will never forget. It's a day that all of us should never forget. It's a
day in which our standing in the world changed. We grew up thinking oceans
could protect us, and we realized that there's an enemy out there that will
do incredible harm to the American people. I'm proud to have allies in the
United States Congress who understand that our most important job in
Washington is to protect the American people. (Applause.)

We face an enemy that is totalitarian in nature. They've taken a great
religion and have hijacked it to suit their own needs. They're
Islamo-fascists. They will kill innocent life to achieve an objective. They
have made it clear they'd like to hurt America again. They would like to
drive us out of regions of the world so they could establish safe haven.
They would like to mate their terrible ambitions with weapons of mass
destruction. These are their words, not mine. They believe this country is
soft, and it's just a matter of time before we lose our nerve. And I'm
proud to have two members of the United States Congress standing up here
who understand the stakes and who are strong in the support of the men and
women who wear our uniform, and strongly support our efforts to bring the
enemy to justice before they hurt us again. (Applause.)

A battlefront in the war on terror is, of course, Iraq. And people in our
country are unsettled because of the war, and I understand that. I fully
understand why people in America are disquieted about what they're seeing
on their TV screens. There's a concern about whether or not we can win.
There's no doubt in my mind we will win. And our objective is to have an
Iraq that can govern itself, sustain itself and defend itself, an ally in
the war on terror, and an example for others in a region that is desperate
for freedom.

The enemy cannot defeat us on the battlefield, but what they can do is put
horrible images on our TV screens. And it's really important for those who
wear our uniform, and the enemy, and the people of Iraq to know that the
United States of America will complete the mission, and in so doing, will
make our country more secure and will be laying the foundation for peace.

I appreciate working with members of Congress who understand the lessons of
history. And one of the really interesting lessons of history, one way I'd
like to describe what's taking place in the world today is my relationship
-- I describe my relationship with the Prime Minister of Japan, Koizumi.
He's a good friend of mine, personally. He's an interesting fellow. He
loved Elvis. (Laughter.) Still does. (Laughter.) You know what's
interesting, though, about my talks with the Prime Minister -- and by the
way, when I sit down at the table with him, we talk about how we can keep
the peace. We talk about how to deal with North Korean and the fact that
he's trying to develop a weapon of mass destruction, and at the same time,
creating starvation inside his country. We talk about the young democracy
of Iraq, where Japan has 1,000 troops. We talk about a fledgling democracy
in Afghanistan and how we can work together to help this young, new
democracy grow and flourish.

It's really interesting, isn't it? What makes it even more interesting is
the fact that 60 years ago or so, my dad went to war with the Japanese. And
something happened between the 19-year-old Navy pilot, George H.W. Bush,
and George W. Bush sitting at the table talking about the peace. And what
happened was, my predecessor -- one of my predecessors, Harry S. Truman,
believed what I believed in, the universality of freedom, the capacity of
people to take on democracy, and the knowledge that democracy yields the

And so what you're seeing today is tyranny going to democracy; is people
who demanded freedom -- 12 million people said, I want to be free --
learning what it means to self-govern. Some day and American President is
going to be able to tell the story of our generation. He's going to be able
to tell the story of those of us who've been honored to serve our country,
and say, thank goodness they believed in the capacity of freedom to take a
troubled country and convert it into an ally. Some day an American
President is going to be sitting down with a duly elected leader from Iraq,
working to keep the peace, and our children and grandchildren are going to
be better off. (Applause.)

Here at home, we've got a strong economy. You know, the economy grew at 3.5
percent last year. That is faster than any other major industrialized
nation in the world. (Applause.) The national unemployment rate is 4.7
percent, which happens to be the unemployment rate here in the state of
Pennsylvania. We created 5.2 million new jobs since August of 2003. People
are working. After-tax real income is up more than 8 percent per American
since 2001. Productivity is on the rise. Home ownership is high. Small
businesses are flourishing. This economy is strong and we intend to keep it
that way. (Applause.)

I think it's amazing to be able to tell you how strong the economy is,
given through -- what we have been through, however. We've been through a
recession; we've been through corporate scandals; we've been through a
stock market correction; we've been through an attack on our country; we've
been through wars; we have been through natural disasters; we've been
through high energy prices. Yet, we have got a strong economy. You know
why? Because we cut the taxes on the American people. (Applause.)

Our pro-growth economic policies work. The three of us believe that when
you have more of your own money in your pocket to save, invest or spend,
the economy grows. We would rather you spend your money than the federal
government spend your money. (Applause.)

Now, you'll hear them in the campaign, they'll be talking about the deficit
-- I'm confident they'll be yelling about the deficit at these two
Congressmen. Let me just set the record straight for you. See, they're
going to say, we're going to run up your taxes to balance the budget.
That's not the way Washington, D.C. works. They're going to run up your
taxes and they're going to figure out new ways to spend your money on new
programs and there will still be a deficit.

The best way to reduce the deficit is to keep pro-growth economic policies
in place, and be wise about how we spend your money, which is exactly what
we're doing in Washington. We're on our way to cut the deficit in half by
2009. (Applause.)

One of my concerns is that the United States will lose our nerve and fear
competition and become an isolated place. You know, when you see the global
competition these days from China and India, some in our country say, well,
I don't think we want to try to compete with them. And so they worry about
protectionism -- they think about protectionism, or they're isolators --
that's not my attitude, and I know it's not the attitude of these
Congressmen. We have nothing to fear about the future, because we intend to
shape it, see. We intend to make America the most competitive nation in the
world. (Applause.)

So I'm going to work with these two Congressmen to pass what we've called
the American Competitive Initiative, which says that we will be the most --
we'll lead the world when it comes to research and development. The federal
government should double its commitment to basic research in physical
sciences over the next 10 years. People say, why would the federal
government be investing? Well, I'll give you why -- the Internet. The
Internet came to be because of federal research dollars. iPods -- got one?
I got one, you know? (Laughter.) As a result of federal research. It's
important for the United States to be the most technologically advanced
nation in the world.

And that's why I've called for Congress to make the research and
development tax credit a permanent part of our tax code. And that's why I
look forward to working with these Congressmen to make sure that our
schools are adept at teaching people the skills necessary to fill the jobs
of the 21st century, which means strong math and science curriculum.

So today I went out to one of the most advanced nuclear power plants in the
world -- at least in our country. And I did so because I wanted to make
this point: In order for us to be a competitive nation, in order for us to
keep a high standard of living, we have got to get off of our addiction to
oil. And I'm looking forward to working with these Congressmen to do that.

And so I talked today, and I'm going to work with the Congressmen to
continue to spend your money on research and development, for example, to
speed up new battery technology so that the hybrid -- we'll have plug-in
hybrid batteries, which means, in Philadelphia, you'll be driving the first
40 miles per day on electricity, not on gasoline. Or more advanced uses of
ethanol so we can be using crops grown here in America rather than oil from
the Middle East to power our automobiles. Eventually, we'll be firing up
our automobiles using hydrogen. (Applause.)

I went to the power plant today. It's estimated that demand for electricity
is going to increase by 50 percent over young people's lifetimes, which
means we better have the capacity to generate electricity and protect our
environment at the same time. And a really good way to do so is through
nuclear power. (Applause.)

I'm also going to work with the Congressmen to continue to spend research
money on clean coal technology. We've got 240 years worth of coal; let's
burn it cleanly. (Applause.) Let's use it in a way that says we can protect
our environment and make sure we maintain our standard of living.

We'll continue to invest in solar technology. Here's the dream of solar
technology -- and by the way, we've got $150 million in my budget for solar
technology. The dream is, is that every house will have a solar roof to it.
And if you do not use all the power generated that day from the sun, you
feed it back into the grid. It's like your little power plant. (Laughter.)
You become a generator of electricity. It's coming.

And we intend to lead the charge to change our habits when it comes to
energy to protect our environment, on the one hand, and to make sure the
United States is a competitive nation on the other.

I want to talk about health care. For years, Democrats have been talking
about Medicare, see, how they're going to make it better. They never did --
they never got the job done. So we came along. We modernized Medicare for
our seniors. We said, if you make a pledge to the seniors of the United
States, make it a good pledge, make it work. You see, the government would
pay $25,000 for an ulcer surgery, but not a dime for the prescription drugs
to prevent the surgery from being needed in the first place. What I'm
telling you is, medicine had become modern, but Medicare hadn't.

And so we changed it. And today, more than 32 million seniors have enrolled
in Part D of Medicare, which means there's a prescription drug benefit. The
average senior saves one-half on his or her drug bills. And if you're a
poor senior, a third of those eligible for Medicare, the federal government
is going to pay 95 percent of your drug bills. The days of a senior having
to choose between food and medicine are gone, thanks to the Republican
Party. (Applause.)

But we also understand that we don't want the federal government running
your health care. The best health care system is one where the
patient-doctor relationship is central to the decision-making, and that's
why we're for transparency, information technology in the health care
field. That's why we're strong believers in health savings accounts, which
will help the uninsured and the small business owners. We're believers in
association health plans that will allow small businesses to pool risk
across jurisdictional boundaries so they can buy insurance at the same
discounts that big businesses get to do.

I'll tell you what else we're for. We understand that frivolous and junk
lawsuits run good doctors out of practice -- (applause) -- and run up the
cost of your medicine. And you got a problem here in Pennsylvania. You got
OB/GYNs leaving your state. You got specialists who are fearful of
practicing medicine. And you need people like these two Congressmen who are
willing to stand up to the trial lawyers and promote good, strong medical
liability reform. (Applause.)

Finally, although they're not in the Senate, I appreciate them supporting
me in picking judges, the right kind of judges -- judges who will not
legislate from the bench, but judges who will strictly interpret the
Constitution. I am proud to have nominated Chief Justice John Roberts and
Justice Sam Alito, and I'm even prouder they got confirmed by the United
States Senate. (Applause.)

Ours is a philosophy that trusts people. We'd rather you have your money.
We believe you can spend it wisely. We believe you can make the right
decisions when it comes to medicine. We believe our seniors should be given
modern medicine, and we delivered on our promises. The other bunch, they
get angry and they yell and they, you know, scream and holler. We just go
about and get the job done. We're people who can deliver results on behalf
of the American people. (Applause.)

I've signed a Medicare reform bill, I've signed an energy bill, I've signed
tax cuts, I've signed bills to make sure those who wear the uniform get the
full support of the United States government. (Applause.) And I'm proud to
have these two accomplished men serving in Washington, D.C. The people of
Pennsylvania have got two good Congressmen in these two, and you need to
send them back. They're serving this state with dignity and they're serving
our country with honor, and I'm proud to call them friends. (Applause.)

END 6:06 P.M. EDT

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