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Skriven 2007-03-10 23:31:16 av Whitehouse Press (1:3634/12.0)
Ärende: Press Release (0703101) for Sat, 2007 Mar 10

President Bush and President V zquez of Uruguay Participate in Joint Press

For Immediate Release Office of the Press Secretary March 10, 2007

President Bush and President V zquez of Uruguay Participate in Joint Press
Availability Visitors Center Anchorena Park, Uruguay

ÿÿWhite House News
ÿÿEn Espa_

ÿÿÿÿÿ President's Trip to Latin America

11:53 A.M. (Local)

PRESIDENT VµZQUEZ: (As translated.) Mr. President of the United States of
America, Madam Secretary of State, members of the delegation visiting us,
the Minister of State, the Ambassador of the United States of America in
Uruguay, the Ambassador of Uruguay in the United States of America, ladies
and gentlemen journalists.

Mr. President, I would like to welcome you together with the very
prestigious delegation that is with you. Mr. President, you represent a
people that is a friend of the Uruguayan people. We have historical and
friendly relations uniting these two countries, these two peoples. These
are firm, respectful relations with solidarity.

In this sense, I would like to give an example with two elements which I
think are of significance. First of all, Mr. President, thousands of
Uruguayan citizens live in the United States of America and have found in
that country a standard of living that they did not have in our country and
that forced them to migrate. They bettered themselves there, they have
their own families, their work, they have studied, they have health and
education for their children. Therefore, this is a very clear element of
what the United States people have given to the Uruguayan people.

Undoubtedly, there are many Uruguayans who are waiting, pending
legalization of the situation in this country, but I believe your
solidarity will help our citizens to be able to live legally in your

And the second example I would like to mention is something that we
Uruguayans recall very well. When we underwent the most severe economic
crisis of our history, where Uruguay was living a very moving and very
serious condition, your country, and you, in particular, Mr. President,
gave us a hand to help Uruguay to leave that situation in which it was and
fought for a way to recovery that we are now trying to consolidate.

Sixteen years ago another President of the United States visited our
country -- it was 5 December 1990, and this President was your father. At
that time I was the mayor of the city of Montevideo, and I handed him the
keys of the city of Montevideo. We had a brief exchange with President
Bush, your father, and I recall a statement: "Let us," he said, "leave
aside our differences, as we do have certain differences, and let us follow
the path of agreement and coincidences that we also have." The defense of
democracy as an organization and as a functioning of our societies, but
rather as a style of life; the defense of freedoms and the determined
struggle to improve the standards of living of our people, giving them
work, education and health, are common elements that permit us to think
that we may continue working beyond our differences, Mr. President.

With these words I would like to say that the path we have followed and the
dialogue we had today with the President of the United States is precisely
this one: to try and increase our trade exchanges, the possibility of
placing the fruits of our worker in the markets of the United States of
America; try and increase the scientific, technological, cultural exchange
with our brother country, and see how together we may have a better
standard of living for our people.

Mr. President, members of the U.S. delegation, I hope you may feel at home
here. Most welcome.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you, Mr. President. I feel very much at home. You
know, it's -- in my state of Texas, when you invite somebody to your
estancia, it's a sign of respect. And I thank you very much for this warm
gesture of hospitality, but after all, you are Tejano. (Laughter.)

We've had -- this is our second meaningful dialogue. I remember so well
your visit to the Oval Office. You were very articulate about your desire
to improve the lives of all people in your country. I was impressed then by
your compassion and your care.

I was expecting to see a beautiful country when I came here, and that is
precisely what I have seen. Your capital city is magnificent. The
architecture is really beautiful. And then, of course, we come up to this
beautiful place that is so peaceful, and reminds me of the great natural
resources that your country has.

We discussed a lot of subjects. First of all, Mr. President, I completely
agree with the spirit of our conversations, that we will find common ground
and we will advance that common ground for the benefit of our respective

One place we have common ground is the respect for human rights and human
dignity, respect for rule of law; we welcome a free press -- most of the
time. (Laughter.) No, all the time. We honor elections. And Uruguay is a
strong example of the stability that can come with democracy. But you also
recognize that which I recognize, that you can't take democracy for
granted, that the people have to see tangible benefits.

And so on my trip to South America and Central America, I want to remind
people that the United States and its compassionate people care deeply
about issues such as education and health, issues that you're concerned
about. We spent a lot of time talking about education, and I suspect most
Americans don't know that we're actively involved in helping the President
institute a program for youngsters to become more literate, particularly in
English. We want to continue helping.

We spent time talking about how we can exchange students in a more -- in a
better way. We talked about exchanging ideas, that our experts sit down at
the same table to discuss issues such as alternative fuels. In my trip to
Brazil yesterday we spent time talking about alternative fuels and the need
for the United States and Brazil to work together -- it's the same
conversation we had in Uruguay.

We talked about the fact that -- or at least I talked about the fact -- the
President is a modest man, but I talked about the fact that the Uruguayan
economy is growing at -- estimated at 7 percent. And I congratulate you,
sir, on creating the conditions so that people feel comfortable making
investments that cause economies to grow, and that we want to work together
to continue to advance the progress we have made on trade and investment at
a pace that both our peoples will be comfortable with.

I want to thank you very much for your commitment to democracy and peace in
our neighborhood. I congratulate you and the people of Uruguay for
providing peacekeepers to Haiti and to the Congo. It is a gesture of a
strong nation to reach out to help others realize the benefits of a free
society. And you've sent a strong and powerful message.

Finally, I do want to say something about immigration in the United States.
The President has spoken eloquently to me about the need for there to be a
immigration policy that upholds the values of America. I explained to him
that it is my interest to get a comprehensive immigration bill out of the
United States Congress as soon as possible. I look forward to working with
both Republicans and Democrats, Mr. President, to do what is right to
uphold the laws of the United States, but at the same time, recognize that,
on the one hand, we can't grant automatic citizenship, nor on the other
hand, can we kick people out. And so, therefore, there's got to be a
rational way forward.

And I pledge to you, as a man who is concerned about people from your
country that may be living in the United States, that I will work as hard
as I can to have a compassionate and rational immigration law that respects
the rule of law, but also respects the great traditions of the United
States, a tradition which is a welcoming society; a tradition that says
that we welcome our diversity because we believe in our diversity we can
find the strength of our nation.

And so I've been -- I'm really looking forward to this trip. I'm especially
looking forward to the asado. I appreciate the -- I appreciate your
willingness to cook some Uruguayan beef. You've told me all along how good
it is, and after we answer a few questions, we're about to find out.

So, Mr. President, thank you for your hospitality.

Q My question is addressed to President George Bush. Bearing in mind the
regional context governed by Presidents such as V zquez or Chavez,
especially, what similarities and what differences do you find amongst
them? And what is your opinion about President V zquez and Uruguay?

PRESIDENT BUSH: The temptation is to try to get people to talk about their
differences. I want to talk about our commonalities. We share respect for
each other. We respect our countries, we respect our history and
traditions, and we share a great respect for a government that -- where the
people decide who's in charge.

Interestingly enough, we both have gotten rid of colonial powers in our
past, and it is -- I think it is that heritage that makes Uruguay and the
United States such natural partners. We talk about the need to invest and
to grow economies through investment. That's a common ground that leads to
a positive relationship.

We both recognize that education is vital for the success of our respective
countries. When we find illiteracy in the United States, that's where we
find poverty, oftentimes. And, therefore, education policy is focused on
improving the lives of all by giving people the skills necessary to compete
in the 21st century.

I think many people in my country don't know that Uruguay is the leading
exporter of software in South America. It means that one of the great
assets of this country is the brain power of the country. Oftentimes when
you think of a country like Uruguay, you think of natural resources --
fantastic farms, a lot of cows, and lambs, and blueberries -- which, by the
way, came up today in our conversation. But I think it is hopeful for both
our countries to know that a friend is a leading exporter of something that
requires the ingenuity and brainpower of its citizens. And so we find
common ground there as to how to work together.

This is a -- I would call this meeting very constructive and very hopeful
and very positive. And the reason why is because we've got so much in
common. There's a lot more that unites us than divides us, Mr. President,
and I appreciate the chance to visit with you.


Q President Bush --

PRESIDENT BUSH: Bret Baier. So the guy -- I'm 60 years old and he thinks I
can't hear. (Laughter.)

Q Sorry about that. Mr. President, the FBI acknowledged that some agents
used post-9/11 powers to demand personal information on Americans. What do
you say to people who are concerned about the use of these national
security letters? And in the wake of how these letters were used, do you
still have confidence in Attorney General Gonzales and FBI Director

PRESIDENT BUSH: I was briefed by the Attorney General and the Director of
the FBI on this subject last week. We spent a lot of time talking about the
IG report. First of all, I want to compliment the IG for good and necessary
work. They brought the findings of this good work to my attention. My
question is, what are you going to do to solve the problem and how fast can
you get it solved?

And I was pleased by Director Mueller's answer, that he had already begun
to address some of the problems, but there's more work to be done. I
thought his testimonies the other day were very good; he took
responsibility, as he should have. And I have confidence in Director
Mueller, as I do in the Attorney General.

I want to remind you, Bret, and others that the IG report, which justly
made issue of FBI shortfallings, also made it clear that these letters were
important to the security of the United States. And so we'll address the
problems in the report, and those problems will be addressed as quickly as

Q Good afternoon. The first question is addressed to President Bush. You
recognize the protectionist obstacles in your government. How flexible may
your administration be on making progress in a trade agreement with
Uruguay, and what agreement has been reached today?

And the second question for both Presidents. President V zquez, did you ask
President Bush to intercede in the differences that Uruguay and Argentina
have --

PRESIDENT BUSH: We spent a lot of time talking about how to address
Uruguayan concerns about market access for certain products. The President
talked about a variety of issues when it comes to trade. He felt like the
quotas on certain items, such as cows and sheep, was not fair, and I told
him I would absolutely consider requests he made.

You thought I was teasing about blueberries, but I wasn't. It turns out
Uruguay produces a fantastic blueberry. And the fundamental question is,
will that blueberry -- will the blueberry grower be able to sell product
into the United States?

So we talked about a variety of produce. And I told the President, I said,
you can't solve problems unless you put the problems on the table, and that
where we could help, we would, and where we couldn't, I would give an
explanation as to why not.

Now, you brought up protectionist tendencies, and I'm concerned about
protectionist tendencies, not only with our own country, but around the
world. I happen to believe a world that trades freely and fairly is a world
that is more likely to be able to address poverty. And therefore, I'm a
strong supporter of completing the Doha Round of the WTO.

I shared with the President about our strategies as to advance the Doha
Round. I spent a lot of time with President Lula -- he was most interested
in our conversations, and I shared our conversations. I didn't betray any
confidences, of course, but I talked to him about how we need to advance
the Doha Round. The United States is fully prepared to reduce agricultural
subsidies, as I explained to the President. We just want to make sure there
is market access for our products. And that's what I told President Lula,
that's what I've told the Europeans, and that's what I shared with the

I'm optimistic we can get a deal done. As a matter of fact, our Trade
Minister is -- Susan Schwab has remained in SÆo Paulo to talk to her
Brazilian counterpart, all aiming at continuing to make progress toward
what is a complicated, but necessary deal.

Thank you.

PRESIDENT VµZQUEZ: As an answer to your first question, I fully agree with
what has just been expressed by the President of the United States. We have
created a plan starting with this meeting, where our experts, our ministers
are going to discuss and make progress on issues of bilateral

Now, concerning the general multilateral situation, Uruguay has made clear
its position in the defense of free trade and tried to have a drop of
tariffs and subsidies, which hinder the sale of our great cultural
products, particularly. But we have also analyzed the possibility of making
progress with the GSP, particularly on certain issues that are going to be
considered in the coming weeks.

As to the second part of your question, I have not talked about the
problems we have with the republic of Argentina with the President of the
United States, amongst other things, because in a few days from now -- in a
few weeks, and thanks to the conciliation of His Majesty, the King of
Spain, we are going to get closer. We're not going to negotiate. We're
going to have a dialogue between the two governments in order to find a
friendly way out. We're going to try to come to an understanding and to be
able to solve the very sad differences that we have with our brethren of

Q Thank you, Mr. President and Mr. President. For President Bush, Hugo
Chavez suggested that you are afraid to mention his name. So, are you? And
how much of a threat is he to the United States' interests in the

And, President V zquez, can you discuss at all your position between trying
to broaden ties to the United States in terms of trade, but also indicate
to your own neighbors that you are -- want to remain integrated in South
American trade?

PRESIDENT BUSH: I've come to South America and Central America to advance a
positive, constructive diplomacy that is being conducted by my government
on behalf of the American people.

My message to the people in our neighborhood is that we care about the
human condition and that we believe the human condition can be improved in
a variety of ways -- one, investment. And so the question is, how can we
have constructive dialogue with our neighbors as to how to spread the
benefits of investment?

I also am reminding people that the United States taxpayer is most generous
when it comes to bilateral aid. Since I've been the President, we've
doubled the amount of annual bilateral aid to Latin America from $800
million a year to $1.6 billion a year. And most of the money is aimed at
social justice programs, programs like education and health care.

I also know full well that -- and I saw this firsthand yesterday in S o
Paulo -- that many American NGOs and faith-based groups and individuals
express their concern about the plight of the poor through programs and
activities all aimed at giving people a chance. Yesterday in SÆo Paulo we
went to a pretty wealthy neighborhood, but it was surrounded by a favela.
And there we found in the midst of hopelessness there was a little center
of love. And some of the program money had been raised as a result of
concerts in the United States, where citizens, average citizens contribute
to make sure this program remain viable.

And so the trip is a statement of desire to work together with people in
our neighborhood. I've been to Central and South America a lot since I've
been the President, because I fully understand a prosperous and peaceful
neighborhood is in the interest of the United States of America.

I would call our diplomacy quiet and effective diplomacy -- diplomacy all
aimed at helping people, aimed at elevating the human condition, aimed at
expressing the great compassion of the American people.

And, Mr. President, I appreciate you giving me a chance to come and visit
with you, have a dialogue about how we can advance our interests and the
interests of our neighborhood.

PRESIDENT VµZQUEZ: Concerning your question, the strategy for international
insertion of Uruguay is quite well defined and quite clear. We are in favor
of an open integration process. We are strongly in favor of the regional
process. We are where we are and we don't want to leave this place. And the
trade we have and the cultural, historical relationships that we have with
our brethren countries in the region are very solid, very strong. But we
don't want a close integration process, but an open integration process.

This Mercosur should be able to integrate to other blocks or other
countries of the world and also each of the members of this process -- for
example, Uruguay -- might be able to exercise its sovereign right of
developing bilateral relations with other integration processes or other
countries. It is in this sense that we are working, and it is in this sense
that we are holding with the President of the United States.

Thank you, Mr. President.

END 12:18 P.M. (Local)

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