Tillbaka till svenska Fidonet
English   Information   Debug  
VATICAN   0/2740
VIRUS   0/378
VIRUS_INFO   0/201
WIN2000   0/101
WIN32   0/30
WIN95   0/4279
WIN95_OLD1   0/70272
WINDOWS   0/1517
WWB_SYSOP   0/419
WWB_TECH   0/810
ZEC   4

4DOS   0/134
ALLFIX_FILE   0/1313
ALT_DOS   0/152
AMIGA   0/331
ANIME   0/15
ARGUS   0/924
ASCII_ART   0/340
ASIAN_LINK   0/651
AUDIO   0/92
BABYLON5   0/17862
BAG   135
BATPOWER   0/361
BBSLAW   0/109
BBS_ADS   0/5290
BIBLE   0/3563
BINKD   0/1119
BINKLEY   0/215
BLUEWAVE   0/2173
CBM   0/46
CDROM   0/20
COMICS   0/15
CONSPRCY   0/899
COOKING   29810
COOKING_OLD1   0/24719
COOKING_OLD2   0/40862
COOKING_OLD3   0/37489
COOKING_OLD4   0/35496
C_ECHO   0/189
DOORGAMES   0/2031
duplikat   6000
ECHOLIST   0/18295
EC_SUPPORT   0/318
ENET.SOFT   0/11701
ENET.SYSOP   33835
EVOLUTION   0/1335
FDECHO   0/217
FIDONEWS   23696
FIDONEWS_OLD1   0/49742
FIDONEWS_OLD2   0/35949
FIDONEWS_OLD3   0/30874
FIDONEWS_OLD4   0/37224
FIDO_SYSOP   12850
FIDO_UTIL   0/180
FILEFIND   0/209
FILEGATE   0/212
FILM   0/18
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FN_SYSOP_OLD1   71952
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FTSC_PUBLIC   0/13590
FUNNY   0/4886
GET_INFO   105
GOLDED   0/408
HAM   0/16057
HOLYSMOKE   0/6791
HUB203   466
HUB_100   264
HUB_400   39
HUMOR   0/29
IC   0/2851
INTERNET   0/424
JAMNNTPD   0/233
LAN   0/16
LINUXHELP   0/1155
LINUX   0/22021
LINUX_BBS   0/957
mail   18.68
mail_fore_ok   249
MENSA   0/341
MONTE   0/992
MUFFIN   0/783
MUSIC   0/321
N203_STAT   908
N203_SYSCHAT   313
NET203   321
NET204   69
NET_DEV   0/10
NORD.ADMIN   0/101
NORD.CHAT   0/2572
NORD.PROG   0/32
NORD   0/453
OS2BBS   0/787
OS2DOSBBS   0/580
OS2HW   0/42
OS2INET   0/37
OS2LAN   0/134
OS2PROG   0/36
OS2REXX   0/113
OS2USER-L   207
OS2   0/4786
OSDEBATE   0/18996
PASCAL   0/490
PERL   0/457
PHP   0/45
POINTS   0/405
POLITICS   0/29554
POL_INC   0/14731
PSION   103
R20_ADMIN   1117
R20_CHAT   0/893
R20_DEPP   0/3
R20_DEV   399
R20_ECHO2   1379
R20_ECHOPRES   0/35
R20_ESTAT   0/719
R20_FIDONET   0/248
R20_FILEFIND   0/24
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R20_INFO2   3043
R20_INTERNET   0/12940
R20_INTRESSE   0/60
R20_INTR_KOM   0/99
R20_KOM_DEV   112
R20_KONTROLL   0/13124
R20_KORSET   0/18
R20_MODERATOR   0/1852
R20_NC   76
R20_NET200   245
R20_REC2NEC   534
R20_SFOSM   0/340
R20_SF   0/108
R20_SQUISH   107
R20_TEST   2
RAR   0/9
RA_MULTI   106
RA_UTIL   0/162
REGCON.EUR   0/2056
REGCON   0/13
SCIENCE   0/1206
SF   0/239
SIMPSONS   0/169
STATS_OLD1   0/2539.065
STATS_OLD2   0/2530
STATS_OLD3   0/2395.095
STATS_OLD4   0/1692.25
SURVIVOR   0/495
SYSOP   0/84
TAGLINES   0/112
TEAMOS2   0/4530
TECH   0/2617
TEST.444   0/105
TREK   0/755
TUB   0/290
UFO   0/40
UNIX   0/1316
Tillbaka till text     (eller ange värde efter LIST= här ovanför)
Det finns 4279 texter i mötet WIN95, 3295-4279 visas
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3295  2016-10-26 19:50:24 Daryl Stout                        Re: Old mail and new!                                                   
  3296  2016-10-26 19:50:24 Daryl Stout                        Re: Old mail and new!                                                   
  3297  2016-10-26 19:50:24 Daryl Stout                        Re: Old mail and new!                                                   
  3298  2016-10-26 09:53:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Locator maps                                                        
  3299  2016-10-27 05:38:44 Roger Nelson                       Windows settings                                                        
  3300  2016-10-26 13:30:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Free programs                                                       
  3301  2016-10-26 14:22:00 Ed Vance                           Re: QRZ                                                                 
  3302  2016-10-26 14:39:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Old mail and new!                                                   
  3303  2016-10-26 14:52:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Free programs                                                       
  3304  2016-10-26 15:07:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Free Programs                                                       
  3305  2016-10-26 15:13:00 Ed Vance                           QRZ.COM                                                                 
  3306  2016-10-27 14:20:00 Ed Vance                           The Thunderbolt BBS                                                     
  3307  2016-10-28 09:24:31 Paul Quinn                         Old mail and new!                                                       
  3308  2016-10-27 19:39:50 mark lewis                         Free programs                                                           
  3309  2016-10-27 19:47:18 mark lewis                         QRZ.COM                                                                 
  3310  2016-10-28 09:49:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Free programs                                                       
  3311  2016-10-28 09:49:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: SLMR                                                                
  3312  2016-10-28 09:49:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Old mail and new!                                                   
  3313  2016-10-28 09:49:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Old mail and new!                                                   
  3314  2016-10-28 09:49:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Windows settings                                                    
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3315  2016-10-28 11:48:00 Holger Granholm                    Zeros was Re: Locator map                                               
  3316  2016-10-28 22:17:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Locator maps                                                        
  3317  2016-10-28 22:33:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Old mail and new!                                                   
  3318  2016-10-28 23:00:00 Ed Vance                           AVG & AVAST!                                                            
  3319  2016-10-28 21:12:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: MultiMail                                                           
  3320  2016-10-29 21:48:21 Roger Nelson                       Windows settings                                                        
  3321  2016-10-29 22:45:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Old mail and new!                                                   
  3322  2016-10-29 22:51:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Free programs                                                       
  3323  2016-10-29 22:56:00 Ed Vance                           Re: QRZ.COM                                                             
  3324  2016-10-29 23:07:00 Ed Vance                           Re: SLMR                                                                
  3325  2016-10-29 23:10:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Old mail and new!                                                   
  3326  2016-10-29 23:16:00 Ed Vance                           Zeros was Re: Locator map                                               
  3327  2016-10-30 21:23:47 Paul Quinn                         Old mail and new!                                                       
  3328  2016-10-30 10:26:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Locator maps                                                        
  3329  2016-10-30 10:26:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Old mail and new!                                                   
  3330  2016-10-30 16:26:00 Holger Granholm                    Found new key                                                           
  3331  2016-10-31 09:51:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Windows settings                                                    
  3332  2016-10-31 09:51:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: SLMR                                                                
  3333  2016-10-31 19:48:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Old mail and new!                                                   
  3334  2016-10-31 20:08:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Locator maps                                                        
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3335  2016-10-31 09:51:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Zeros was                                                           
  3336  2016-11-01 21:17:57 Paul Quinn                         Old mail and new!                                                       
  3337  2016-11-01 21:39:39 Roger Nelson                       Windows settings                                                        
  3338  2016-11-02 06:53:23 Roger Nelson                       Windows settings                                                        
  3339  2016-11-02 10:42:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Locator maps                                                        
  3340  2016-11-02 13:25:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Windows settings                                                    
  3341  2016-11-04 11:13:25 Roger Nelson                       Windows settings                                                        
  3342  2016-11-03 09:36:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Windows settings                                                    
  3343  2016-11-04 21:46:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Windows settings                                                    
  3344  2016-11-04 09:41:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Windows settings                                                    
  3345  2016-11-06 07:21:19 Roger Nelson                       Windows settings                                                        
  3346  2016-11-06 07:32:36 Roger Nelson                       Windows settings                                                        
  3347  2016-11-05 11:11:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Windows settings                                                    
  3348  2016-11-06 10:25:00 mark lewis                         Windows settings                                                        
  3349  2016-11-06 13:06:35 Roger Nelson                       Windows settings                                                        
  3350  2016-11-06 19:35:00 Mike Powell                        Windows settings                                                        
  3351  2016-11-06 11:19:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Windows settings                                                    
  3352  2016-11-07 10:01:44 mark lewis                         Windows settings                                                        
  3353  2016-11-07 11:50:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Windows settings                                                    
  3354  2016-11-08 12:24:27 Björn Felten                       Windows settings                                                        
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3355  2016-11-07 16:50:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Windows settings                                                    
  3356  2016-11-08 17:30:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Windows settings                                                    
  3357  2016-11-09 21:20:00 mark lewis                         Web of Trust browser addon                                              
  3358  2016-11-09 17:53:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Windows settings                                                    
  3359  2016-11-10 09:42:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Windows settings                                                    
  3360  2016-11-11 05:55:44 mark lewis                         Windows settings                                                        
  3361  2016-11-10 09:42:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Windows settings                                                    
  3362  2016-11-13 17:51:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Windows settings                                                    
  3363  2016-11-14 09:43:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Windows settings                                                    
  3364  2016-11-18 22:30:00 mark lewis                         Windows settings                                                        
  3365  2016-11-16 09:41:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Windows settings                                                    
  3366  2016-11-20 16:10:00 Holger Granholm                    Degree sign                                                             
  3367  2016-11-22 21:41:00 Ed Vance                           XP Has Frozen Clock                                                     
  3368  2016-11-22 09:04:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Windows settings                                                    
  3369  2016-11-23 09:25:00 Wilfred van Velzen                 Re: XP Has Frozen Clock                                                 
  3370  2016-11-23 19:31:00 Mike Powell                        Degree sign                                                             
  3371  2016-11-24 12:07:22 mark lewis                         Degree sign                                                             
  3372  2016-11-24 08:15:29 Roger Nelson                       Thanksgiving                                                            
  3373  2016-11-25 09:24:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Degree sign                                                         
  3374  2016-11-26 19:43:00 Mike Powell                        Re: Degree sign                                                         
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3375  2016-11-25 09:24:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Degree sign                                                         
  3376  2016-11-29 17:01:00 Rodrigo Cesar Banhara              Re: Old mail and new!                                                   
  3377  2016-12-02 10:56:00 Ed Vance                           Web of Trust browser addo                                               
  3378  2016-11-30 09:33:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Degree sign                                                         
  3379  2016-12-03 08:52:44 mark lewis                         Web of Trust browser addo                                               
  3380  2016-12-02 09:43:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Old mail and new!                                                   
  3381  2016-12-03 13:12:00 mark lewis                         Web of Trust browser addo                                               
  3382  2016-12-07 23:48:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Free Programs                                                       
  3383  2016-12-07 09:46:24 mark lewis                         more reasons to drop flash and block ads                                
  3384  2016-12-09 21:05:00 Ed Vance                           XP's Shutdown File                                                      
  3385  2016-12-10 20:21:16 LEE GREEN                          XP's Shutdown File                                                      
  3386  2016-12-11 19:41:36 Paul Quinn                         XP's Shutdown File                                                      
  3387  2016-12-14 22:01:52 Chris Jones                        more reasons to drop flash and block ads                                
  3388  2016-12-15 20:08:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: XP's Shutdown File                                                  
  3389  2016-12-22 07:29:17 Roger Nelson                       The 12 Days of Christmas                                                
  3390  2016-12-21 09:46:00 Holger Granholm                    Christmas                                                               
  3391  2016-12-22 23:23:00 Ed Vance                           Re: XP's Shutdown File                                                  
  3392  2016-12-22 23:30:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Christmas                                                           
  3393  2016-12-24 00:03:58 Jean Parrot                        Christmas                                                               
  3394  2016-12-23 17:33:14 Shawn Highfield                    Christmas                                                               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3395  2016-12-28 20:14:50 Nick Andre                         Re: XP's Shutdown File                                                  
  3396  2016-12-29 18:14:00 Mike Powell                        Re: XP's Shutdown File                                                  
  3397  2016-12-29 09:37:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Christmas                                                           
  3398  2016-12-30 18:52:34 Sean Dennis                        XP's Shutdown File                                                      
  3399  2017-01-01 04:39:43 Roger Nelson                       Happy New Year!                                                         
  3400  2017-01-05 07:34:00 Ed Vance                           XP - Care And Feeding                                                   
  3401  2017-02-07 19:05:00 ED KOON                            BBS Promotion                                                           
  3402  2017-03-02 16:01:00 Ed Vance                           Macintosh Classic                                                       
  3403  2017-03-03 19:26:16 Paul Quinn                         Macintosh Classic                                                       
  3404  2017-03-03 14:29:00 Ed Vance                           Easternstar BBS Re: Macin                                               
  3405  2017-03-03 18:34:00 Mike Powell                        Macintosh Classic                                                       
  3406  2017-03-04 20:18:58 Paul Quinn                         Macintosh Classic                                                       
  3407  2017-03-04 22:28:23 Sean Dennis                        Just a note                                                             
  3408  2017-03-05 11:13:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Easternstar BBS Re: M                                               
  3409  2017-03-05 11:13:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Macintosh Classic                                                   
  3410  2017-03-10 23:49:00 Ed Vance                           Strange Things                                                          
  3411  2017-03-07 09:55:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Just a note                                                         
  3412  2017-03-20 00:20:00 Ed Vance                           Tegan-Doctor Who TV Show                                                
  3413  2017-03-20 20:02:54 Paul Quinn                         Tegan-Doctor Who TV Show                                                
  3414  2017-03-21 17:18:53 Paul Quinn                         Tegan-Doctor Who TV Show                                                
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3415  2017-03-21 20:47:11 Sean Dennis                        Re: Just a note                                                         
  3416  2017-03-23 23:29:00 Ed Vance                           New HDD for XP pc                                                       
  3417  2017-03-25 00:37:00 Dale Shipp                         Re: New HDD for XP pc                                                   
  3418  2017-03-25 19:28:00 Ed Vance                           Re: New HDD for XP pc                                                   
  3419  2017-03-26 17:45:42 august abolins                     New HDD for XP pc                                                       
  3420  2017-03-25 11:21:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Just a note                                                         
  3421  2017-03-27 01:38:00 Dale Shipp                         Re: New HDD for XP pc                                                   
  3422  2017-03-26 13:49:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: New HDD for XP pc                                                   
  3423  2017-03-27 10:04:58 Daryl Stout                        Re: New HDD for XP pc                                                   
  3424  2017-03-27 14:33:52 Sean Dennis                        Re: Just a note                                                         
  3425  2017-03-28 09:37:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: New HDD for XP pc                                                   
  3426  2017-03-31 23:28:34 Björn Felten                       What's a storm?                                                         
  3427  2017-03-30 09:44:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Just a note                                                         
  3428  2017-03-31 22:05:00 Ed Vance                           Re: New HDD for XP pc                                                   
  3429  2017-03-31 17:43:32 Daryl Stout                        Re: New HDD for XP pc                                                   
  3430  2017-04-01 10:56:00 Mike Powell                        What's a storm?                                                         
  3431  2017-04-01 10:02:00 Ed Vance                           Re: New HDD for XP pc                                                   
  3432  2017-04-01 11:08:20 Daryl Stout                        Re: What's a storm?                                                     
  3433  2017-04-03 22:38:00 Ed Vance                           Re: New HDD for XP pc                                                   
  3434  2017-04-03 23:12:00 Ed Vance                           Re: New HDD for XP pc                                                   
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3435  2017-04-04 08:13:28 Daryl Stout                        Re: What's a storm?                                                     
  3436  2017-04-11 23:44:35 Jean Parrot                        It has !                                                                
  3437  2017-04-06 09:39:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: New HDD for XP pc                                                   
  3438  2017-04-12 08:23:30 Paul Quinn                         It has !                                                                
  3439  2017-04-13 05:20:18 Jean Parrot                        It has !                                                                
  3440  2017-04-13 23:09:00 Ed Vance                           Re: It has !                                                            
  3441  2017-04-13 23:21:00 Ed Vance                           Re: New HDD for XP pc                                                   
  3442  2017-04-12 09:34:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: It has !                                                            
  3443  2017-04-14 09:45:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: It has !                                                            
  3444  2017-04-17 22:44:49 Jean Parrot                        Win 10                                                                  
  3445  2017-04-15 20:36:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: New HDD for XP pc                                                   
  3446  2017-04-19 14:37:00 Ed Vance                           Re: New HDD for XP pc                                                   
  3447  2017-04-20 09:37:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Win 10                                                              
  3448  2017-04-22 09:51:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: New HDD for XP pc                                                   
  3449  2017-04-23 20:22:00 Ed Vance                           Re: New HDD for XP pc                                                   
  3450  2017-04-22 22:18:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Win 10                                                              
  3451  2017-04-29 16:23:00 Ed Vance                           Howdy!                                                                  
  3452  2017-04-23 09:27:00 Holger Granholm                    Your email                                                              
  3453  2017-04-30 10:26:26 mark lewis                         Your email                                                              
  3454  2017-04-30 17:46:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Your email                                                          
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3455  2017-05-01 09:59:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Howdy!                                                              
  3456  2017-05-02 19:20:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Howdy!                                                              
  3457  2017-05-01 09:59:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Your email                                                          
  3458  2017-05-03 11:34:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Your email                                                          
  3459  2017-05-06 23:03:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Your email                                                          
  3460  2017-05-05 09:34:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Howdy!                                                              
  3461  2017-05-08 14:24:00 Ed Vance                           Patience                                                                
  3462  2017-05-09 09:21:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Your email                                                          
  3463  2017-05-21 16:07:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Your email                                                          
  3464  2017-05-18 09:41:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Patience                                                            
  3465  2017-05-22 21:14:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Patience                                                            
  3466  2017-05-23 20:45:02 Robert Wolfe                       Your email                                                              
  3467  2017-05-24 09:43:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Your email                                                          
  3468  2017-05-25 03:30:10 mark lewis                         Your email                                                              
  3469  2017-05-24 09:43:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Patience                                                            
  3470  2017-05-26 09:04:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Your email                                                          
  3471  2017-05-29 00:13:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Your email                                                          
  3472  2017-05-29 00:25:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Patience                                                            
  3473  2017-05-28 09:02:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Your email                                                          
  3474  2017-05-30 09:21:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Your email                                                          
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3475  2017-06-05 00:38:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Your email                                                          
  3476  2017-06-01 09:37:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Patience                                                            
  3477  2017-06-06 15:48:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Patience                                                            
  3478  2017-06-07 23:54:00 Ed Vance                           Telemetry and Windows 10                                                
  3479  2017-06-07 09:54:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Your email                                                          
  3480  2017-06-09 16:28:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Patience                                                            
  3481  2017-06-12 04:44:34 mark lewis                         Patience                                                                
  3482  2017-06-11 09:47:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Telemetry and Win 10                                                
  3483  2017-06-12 14:00:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Your email                                                          
  3484  2017-06-12 17:07:16 mark lewis                         Your email                                                              
  3485  2017-06-12 23:20:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Patience                                                            
  3486  2017-06-12 23:33:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Telemetry and Win 10                                                
  3487  2017-06-13 11:15:34 mark lewis                         Patience                                                                
  3488  2017-06-13 11:18:36 mark lewis                         Patience                                                                
  3489  2017-06-13 20:25:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Your email                                                          
  3490  2017-06-13 20:25:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Patience                                                            
  3491  2017-06-14 09:50:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Patience                                                            
  3492  2017-06-14 18:43:00 Mike Powell                        Re: Your email                                                          
  3493  2017-06-14 09:50:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Telemetry and Win 10                                                
  3494  2017-06-15 13:53:38 mark lewis                         Telemetry and Win 10                                                    
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3495  2017-06-16 12:56:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Your email                                                          
  3496  2017-06-16 13:00:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Patience                                                            
  3497  2017-06-16 13:05:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Patience                                                            
  3498  2017-06-16 14:06:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Your email                                                          
  3499  2017-06-16 10:02:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Your email                                                          
  3500  2017-06-17 23:13:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Patience                                                            
  3501  2017-06-17 08:50:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Ttbomk                                                              
  3502  2017-06-18 23:27:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Telemetry and Win 10                                                
  3503  2017-06-18 09:25:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Your email                                                          
  3504  2017-06-20 09:33:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Patience                                                            
  3505  2017-07-04 22:37:00 Ed Vance                           Fumbling1 wasRe: Your ema                                               
  3506  2017-07-04 22:39:00 Ed Vance                           Tom Walker                                                              
  3507  2017-06-22 09:14:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Telemetry and Win 10                                                
  3508  2017-07-05 09:42:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Fumbling1                                                           
  3509  2017-07-08 20:57:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Fumbling1                                                           
  3510  2017-07-07 09:36:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Tom Walker                                                          
  3511  2017-07-27 11:14:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Tom Walker                                                          
  3512  2017-07-28 09:48:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Fumbling1                                                           
  3513  2017-08-11 09:49:00 Ed Vance                           One ROUNDTUIT Done                                                      
  3514  2017-07-31 09:05:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Tom Walker                                                          
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3515  2017-08-11 17:18:02 mark lewis                         One ROUNDTUIT Done                                                      
  3516  2017-08-12 01:17:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Tom Walker                                                          
  3517  2017-08-12 10:44:00 Ed Vance                           Re: One ROUNDTUIT Done                                                  
  3518  2017-08-12 22:22:00 Ed Vance                           Tagline                                                                 
  3519  2017-08-13 13:23:22 mark lewis                         One ROUNDTUIT Done                                                      
  3520  2017-08-12 20:07:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: One ROUNDTUIT Done                                                  
  3521  2017-08-23 14:43:00 Ed Vance                           Watching VIMEO Videos                                                   
  3522  2017-08-13 16:25:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Tom Walker                                                          
  3523  2017-08-24 09:43:00 Paul Quinn                         Watching VIMEO Videos                                                   
  3524  2017-08-26 22:21:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Tom Walker                                                          
  3525  2017-08-26 22:24:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Watching VIMEO Videos                                               
  3526  2017-08-28 23:27:00 Ed Vance                           XP Saved Settings                                                       
  3527  2017-08-27 11:18:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Tom Walker                                                          
  3528  2017-08-29 10:25:00 Ed Vance                           Back Again After Shutdown                                               
  3529  2017-08-30 07:44:36 Paul Quinn                         Back Again After Shutdown                                               
  3530  2017-08-29 22:49:00 Ed Vance                           Wikipedia and PDF-XChange                                               
  3531  2017-08-30 20:05:13 Paul Quinn                         Wikipedia and PDF-XChange                                               
  3532  2017-08-31 20:53:00 Ed Vance                           Back Again After Shutdown                                               
  3533  2017-08-31 22:34:00 Ed Vance                           Wikipedia and PDF-XChange                                               
  3534  2017-09-01 14:07:36 Björn Felten                       Wikipedia and PDF-XChange                                               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3535  2017-09-01 08:30:00 Ed Vance                           Tagline                                                                 
  3536  2017-09-02 10:17:00 Paul Quinn                         Wikipedia and PDF-XChange                                               
  3537  2017-09-02 15:38:00 Ed Vance                           Wikipedia and PDF-XChange                                               
  3538  2017-09-03 23:50:00 Ed Vance                           Wikipedia and PDF-XChange                                               
  3539  2017-09-02 09:38:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Tagline                                                             
  3540  2017-09-04 19:46:00 Paul Quinn                         Wikipedia and PDF-XChange                                               
  3541  2017-09-04 13:13:00 Ed Vance                           Wikipedia and PDF-XChange                                               
  3542  2017-09-05 09:40:00 Paul Quinn                         Wikipedia and PDF-XChange                                               
  3543  2017-09-05 23:06:00 Ed Vance                           Wikipedia and PDF-XChange                                               
  3544  2017-09-04 09:32:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Wikipedia and PDF-XCh                                               
  3545  2017-09-07 08:45:20 Paul Quinn                         Wikipedia and PDF-XChange                                               
  3546  2017-09-19 22:07:03 Holger Granholm                    Re: New HDD for XP pc                                                   
  3547  2017-09-26 09:33:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Joe Delahaye VE3JFD                                                 
  3548  2017-10-16 23:04:00 Ed Vance                           NoScript                                                                
  3549  2017-09-28 09:26:00 Holger Granholm                    I have no idea                                                          
  3550  2017-10-18 07:43:29 Paul Quinn                         NoScript                                                                
  3551  2017-10-18 08:02:40 Paul Quinn                         I have no idea                                                          
  3552  2017-10-17 17:59:00 Mike Powell                        I have no idea                                                          
  3553  2017-10-20 09:41:00 Ed Vance                           Re: I have no idea                                                      
  3554  2017-10-19 09:38:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: I have no idea                                                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3555  2017-10-20 14:11:10 mark lewis                         I have no idea                                                          
  3556  2017-10-21 06:29:56 Paul Quinn                         I have no idea                                                          
  3557  2017-10-20 20:53:42 mark lewis                         I have no idea                                                          
  3558  2017-10-21 11:52:56 Paul Quinn                         I have no idea                                                          
  3559  2017-10-21 11:46:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: I have no idea                                                      
  3560  2017-10-21 11:46:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: I have no idea                                                      
  3561  2017-10-21 11:46:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: I have no idea                                                      
  3562  2017-10-31 22:01:00 Ed Vance                           Local Area Connection                                                   
  3563  2017-10-21 11:46:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: I have no idea                                                      
  3564  2017-11-01 14:40:58 Paul Quinn                         Local Area Connection                                                   
  3565  2017-11-01 14:45:45 Paul Quinn                         I have no idea                                                          
  3566  2017-11-05 17:21:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Local Area Connection                                               
  3567  2017-11-07 16:21:44 Paul Quinn                         Local Area Connection                                                   
  3568  2017-11-16 16:07:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Local Area Connection                                               
  3569  2017-11-07 09:46:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: I have no idea                                                      
  3570  2017-11-17 18:18:50 Paul Quinn                         Local Area Connection                                                   
  3571  2017-11-17 18:57:51 Paul Quinn                         I have no idea                                                          
  3572  2017-11-28 07:14:00 Ed Vance                           Fire Extinguisher Recall                                                
  3573  2017-11-28 18:06:41 Wilfred van Velzen                 Re: Fire Extinguisher Recall                                            
  3574  2017-11-29 08:10:39 Paul Quinn                         Fire Extinguisher Recall                                                
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3575  2017-11-29 09:21:09 Wilfred van Velzen                 Re: Fire Extinguisher Recall                                            
  3576  2017-11-29 19:08:29 Paul Quinn                         Fire Extinguisher Recall                                                
  3577  2017-11-29 09:21:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: I have no idea                                                      
  3578  2017-12-08 09:59:33 Paul Quinn                         I have no idea                                                          
  3579  2017-11-30 09:54:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: I have no idea                                                      
  3580  2017-12-08 11:21:23 Paul Quinn                         I have no idea                                                          
  3581  2017-12-08 09:26:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: I have no idea                                                      
  3582  2017-12-10 08:47:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: I have no idea                                                      
  3583  2017-12-23 17:41:48 Paul Quinn                         I have no idea                                                          
  3584  2017-12-22 23:14:00 Holger Granholm                    Happy Holydays                                                          
  3585  2017-12-23 18:57:15 Paul Quinn                         Happy Holydays                                                          
  3586  2017-12-25 07:48:29 Roger Nelson                       Season's Greetings                                                      
  3587  2017-12-24 11:37:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: I have no idea                                                      
  3588  2017-12-26 08:07:37 Paul Quinn                         I have no idea                                                          
  3589  2017-12-26 08:52:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Happy Holydays                                                      
  3590  2018-01-01 04:04:12 Roger Nelson                       Happy New Year!                                                         
  3591  2017-12-28 11:17:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: I have no idea                                                      
  3592  2018-06-01 08:48:00 Ed Vance                           SD Card Lock Lever                                                      
  3593  2018-06-01 11:08:52 Ben Ritchey                        Re: SD Card Lock Lever                                                  
  3594  2018-06-01 12:44:57 Kurt Weiske                        Re: SD Card Lock Lever                                                  
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3595  2018-06-01 18:03:00 Mike Powell                        Re: SD Card Lock Lever                                                  
  3596  2018-06-01 21:07:00 Ed Vance                           Re: SD Card Lock Lever                                                  
  3597  2018-07-11 00:03:00 Ed Vance                           Windows Azure                                                           
  3598  2018-06-02 11:25:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: SD Card Lock Lever                                                  
  3599  2018-07-11 09:26:23 Sean Dennis                        Windows Azure                                                           
  3600  2018-07-12 23:02:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Windows Azure                                                       
  3601  2018-07-13 09:27:10 mark lewis                         Windows Azure                                                           
  3602  2018-07-13 21:09:01 Sean Dennis                        Windows Azure                                                           
  3603  2018-07-15 23:44:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Windows Azure                                                       
  3604  2018-07-16 11:47:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Windows Azure                                                       
  3605  2018-07-21 13:33:42 Ivan Krouglikov                    Re: SD Card Lock Lever                                                  
  3606  2018-07-21 13:36:20 Ivan Krouglikov                    Re: SD Card Lock Lever                                                  
  3607  2018-07-22 08:35:11 Paul Quinn                         SD Card Lock Lever                                                      
  3608  2018-10-26 23:09:22 Phil Taylor                        Windows Azure                                                           
  3609  2018-11-15 22:52:00 Ed Vance                           Thank You!                                                              
  3610  2018-12-12 12:25:26 Marc Lewis                         RE: Thank You!                                                          
  3611  2018-12-15 19:36:14 TOM WALKER                         Re: Thank You!                                                          
  3612  2018-12-13 09:07:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Thank You!                                                          
  3613  2018-12-16 11:09:52 Paul Quinn                         Thank You!                                                              
  3614  2018-12-18 14:47:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Thank You!                                                          
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3615  2018-12-21 17:05:00 Mike Powell                        Re: Thank You!                                                          
  3616  2018-12-20 09:59:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Thank You!                                                          
  3617  2018-12-22 11:04:38 Paul Quinn                         Thank You!                                                              
  3618  2018-12-22 08:33:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Thank You!                                                          
  3619  2018-12-23 09:28:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Thank You!                                                          
  3620  2018-12-24 17:48:58 Paul Quinn                         Thank You!                                                              
  3621  2018-12-23 09:28:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Thank You!                                                          
  3622  2018-12-26 09:32:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Thank You!                                                          
  3623  2018-12-27 09:20:00 Holger Granholm                    2019                                                                    
  3624  2018-12-29 00:46:06 Ben Ritchey                        Re: 2019                                                                
  3625  2018-12-28 09:56:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Thank You!                                                          
  3626  2018-12-29 19:09:37 Paul Quinn                         Thank You!                                                              
  3627  2019-01-22 21:16:00 Ed Vance                           Chromebook                                                              
  3628  2019-01-31 19:20:17 REAPERN66                          Re: DOSEmu and Mystic BBS                                               
  3629  2019-01-31 19:20:17 GRYPHON                            salary scale                                                            
  3630  2019-01-31 19:20:17 ORBITMAN                           Re: DOSEmu and Mystic BBS                                               
  3631  2019-01-31 19:20:17 URBAN NIGHTMRE                     DOSemu                                                                  
  3632  2019-01-31 19:20:17 G00R00                             Re: salary scale                                                        
  3633  2019-01-31 19:20:17 G00R00                             Re: DOSEmu and Mystic BBS                                               
  3634  2019-01-31 19:20:17 G00R00                             Re: DOSEmu and Mystic BBS                                               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3635  2019-01-31 19:20:17 G00R00                             Re: DOSEmu and Mystic BBS                                               
  3636  2019-01-31 19:20:17 G00R00                             Re: DOSemu                                                              
  3637  2019-01-31 19:20:17 ACCESS DENIED                      Re: DOSemu                                                              
  3638  2019-01-31 19:20:17 ACCESS DENIED                      Re: DOSEmu and Mystic BBS                                               
  3639  2019-01-31 19:20:17 REAPERN66                          Re: DOSEmu and Mystic BBS                                               
  3640  2019-01-31 19:20:17 URBAN NIGHTMRE                     Re: DOSemu                                                              
  3641  2019-01-31 19:20:17 VORLON                             DOSEmu and Mystic BBS..                                                 
  3642  2019-01-31 19:20:17 AVON                               Re: DOSemu                                                              
  3643  2019-01-31 19:20:17 DIGITAL AVATAR                     Re: DOSEmu and Mystic BBS                                               
  3644  2019-01-31 19:20:17 PSI-JACK                           Re: Mystic MCI codes                                                    
  3645  2019-01-31 19:20:17 PSI-JACK                           Re: DOSEmu and Mystic BBS                                               
  3646  2019-01-31 19:20:17 PSI-JACK                           Re: DOSemu                                                              
  3647  2019-01-31 19:20:17 ACCESS DENIED                      Re: DOSEmu and Mystic BBS                                               
  3648  2019-01-31 19:20:17 ACCESS DENIED                      Re: DOSemu                                                              
  3649  2019-01-31 19:20:17 REAPERN66                          Re: DOSEmu and Mystic BBS                                               
  3650  2019-01-31 19:20:17 REAPERN66                          Re: DOSEmu and Mystic BBS                                               
  3651  2019-01-31 19:20:17 ORBITMAN                           Re: DOSEmu and Mystic BBS                                               
  3652  2019-01-31 19:20:17 ACCESS DENIED                      Re: DOSEmu and Mystic BBS                                               
  3653  2019-01-31 19:20:17 GALLAXIAL                          About QWK network                                                       
  3654  2019-01-31 19:20:17 ACCESS DENIED                      Re: About QWK network                                                   
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3655  2019-01-31 19:20:17 AVON                               Re: Mystic MCI codes                                                    
  3656  2019-01-31 19:20:17 PSI-JACK                           Re: Mystic MCI codes                                                    
  3657  2019-01-31 19:20:17 ATREYU                             Mystic dev questions                                                    
  3658  2019-01-31 19:20:17 GRYPHON                            ArchLinux                                                               
  3659  2019-01-31 19:20:17 PSI-JACK                           Android NNTP client                                                     
  3660  2019-01-31 19:20:17 GRYPHON                            Re: Android NNTP client                                                 
  3661  2019-01-31 19:20:17 ACCESS DENIED                      Re: ArchLinux                                                           
  3662  2019-01-31 19:20:17 WKITTY42                           Re: DOSEmu and Mystic BBS                                               
  3663  2019-01-31 19:20:17 PSI-JACK                           fTelnet  Question                                                       
  3664  2019-01-31 19:20:17 ACCESS DENIED                      Re: DOSEmu and Mystic BBS                                               
  3665  2019-01-31 19:20:17 ACCESS DENIED                      Re: fTelnet  Question                                                   
  3666  2019-01-31 19:20:17 G00R00                             Re: Mystic MCI codes                                                    
  3667  2019-01-31 19:20:17 G00R00                             Re: About QWK network                                                   
  3668  2019-01-31 19:20:17 G00R00                             Re: Mystic MCI codes                                                    
  3669  2019-01-31 19:20:17 G00R00                             Re: Mystic dev questions                                                
  3670  2019-01-31 19:20:17 ACCESS DENIED                      Re: Mystic MCI codes                                                    
  3671  2019-01-31 19:20:17 GRYPHON                            The Pi                                                                  
  3672  2019-01-31 19:20:17 G00R00                             Re: Mystic MCI codes                                                    
  3673  2019-01-31 19:20:17 H7                                 Re: Mystic setup question                                               
  3674  2019-01-31 19:20:17 POINDEXTER FORTRAN                 Re: RE:BBSing                                                           
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3675  2019-01-31 19:20:17 POINDEXTER FORTRAN                 Re: BBSing                                                              
  3676  2019-01-31 19:20:17 POINDEXTER FORTRAN                 Re: DOSEmu and Mystic BBS                                               
  3677  2019-01-31 19:20:17 PSI-JACK                           MPL docs?                                                               
  3678  2019-01-31 19:20:17 IGNATIUS                           MPL                                                                     
  3679  2019-01-31 19:20:17 H7                                 display a banner on mysti                                               
  3680  2019-01-31 19:20:17 G00R00                             Re: MPL                                                                 
  3681  2019-01-31 19:20:17 G00R00                             Re: display a banner on m                                               
  3682  2019-01-31 19:20:17 MERCYFUL FATE                      Re: DOSEmu and Mystic BBS                                               
  3683  2019-01-31 19:20:17 MERCYFUL FATE                      Re: ArchLinux                                                           
  3684  2019-01-31 19:20:17 G00R00                             Re: MPL docs?                                                           
  3685  2019-01-31 19:20:17 IGNATIUS                           Re: MPL                                                                 
  3686  2019-01-31 19:20:17 GRYPHON                            Re: display a banner on m                                               
  3687  2019-01-31 19:20:17 GRYPHON                            Re: MPL docs?                                                           
  3688  2019-01-31 19:20:17 GRYPHON                            Re: MPL                                                                 
  3689  2019-01-31 19:20:17 IGNATIUS                           Re: MPL                                                                 
  3690  2019-01-31 19:20:17 H7                                 Re: display a banner on m                                               
  3691  2019-01-31 19:20:17 PSI-JACK                           Re: MPL docs?                                                           
  3692  2019-01-31 19:20:17 PSI-JACK                           Re: MPL docs?                                                           
  3693  2019-01-31 19:20:17 GRYPHON                            Re: MPL docs?                                                           
  3694  2019-01-31 19:20:17 GRYPHON                            Re: display a banner on m                                               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3695  2019-01-31 19:20:17 PSI-JACK                           Showstopping MAJOR bug fo                                               
  3696  2019-01-31 19:20:17 PSI-JACK                           showstopping bug in Mysti                                               
  3697  2019-01-31 19:20:17 PSI-JACK                           ping netmail - Does Mysti                                               
  3698  2019-01-31 19:20:17 G00R00                             Re: Showstopping MAJOR bu                                               
  3699  2019-01-31 19:20:17 G00R00                             Re: ping netmail - Does M                                               
  3700  2019-01-31 19:20:17 PSI-JACK                           Re: Showstopping MAJOR bu                                               
  3701  2019-01-31 19:20:17 PSI-JACK                           Re: ping netmail - Does M                                               
  3702  2019-01-31 19:20:17 GRYPHON                            Re: ping netmail - Does M                                               
  3703  2019-01-31 19:20:17 PSI-JACK                           Re: ping netmail - Does M                                               
  3704  2019-01-31 19:20:17 WKITTY42                           Re: ping netmail - Does M                                               
  3705  2019-01-31 19:20:17 WKITTY42                           Re: ping netmail - Does M                                               
  3706  2019-01-31 19:20:17 PSI-JACK                           More bug reports. Opening                                               
  3707  2019-01-31 19:20:17 ACCESS DENIED                      Re: ping netmail - Does M                                               
  3708  2019-01-31 19:20:17 WKITTY42                           Re: ping netmail - Does M                                               
  3709  2019-01-31 19:20:17 IGNATIUS                           Original oneliner MPL sou                                               
  3710  2019-01-31 19:20:17 AVON                               Re: ping netmail - Does M                                               
  3711  2019-01-31 19:20:17 PSI-JACK                           Re: ping netmail - Does M                                               
  3712  2019-01-31 19:20:17 PSI-JACK                           DOSEMU, and wierdness in                                                
  3713  2019-01-31 19:20:17 GRYPHON                            Re: Original oneliner MPL                                               
  3714  2019-01-31 19:20:17 GRYPHON                            Re: MPL                                                                 
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3715  2019-01-31 19:20:17 PSI-JACK                           Prompt #130: Scanning |MB                                               
  3716  2019-01-31 19:20:17 PSI-JACK                           Automated Message Post                                                  
  3717  2019-01-31 19:20:17 IGNATIUS                           Re: Original oneliner MPL                                               
  3718  2019-01-31 19:20:17 TEKHAMMER                          Re: Automated Message Pos                                               
  3719  2019-01-31 19:20:17 REAPERN66                          Re: MPL                                                                 
  3720  2019-01-31 19:20:17 PSI-JACK                           NetMail in Mystic                                                       
  3721  2019-01-31 19:20:17 G00R00                             Re: Prompt #130: Scanning                                               
  3722  2019-01-31 19:20:17 G00R00                             Re: Automated Message Pos                                               
  3723  2019-01-31 19:20:17 G00R00                             Re: NetMail in Mystic                                                   
  3724  2019-01-31 19:20:17 PSI-JACK                           Re: Prompt #130: Scanning                                               
  3725  2019-01-31 19:20:17 GRYPHON                            Re: Prompt #130: Scanning                                               
  3726  2019-01-31 19:20:17 GRYPHON                            ingnatius 1-liner script                                                
  3727  2019-01-31 19:20:17 WKITTY42                           Re: NetMail in Mystic                                                   
  3728  2019-01-31 19:20:17 PSI-JACK                           Re: Prompt #130: Scanning                                               
  3729  2019-01-31 19:20:17 IGNATIUS                           Re: ingnatius 1-liner scr                                               
  3730  2019-01-31 19:20:17 PSI-JACK                           Bug report w/ NetMail                                                   
  3731  2019-01-31 19:20:17 ACCESS DENIED                      Re: NetMail in Mystic                                                   
  3732  2019-01-31 19:20:17 ACCESS DENIED                      Re: NetMail in Mystic                                                   
  3733  2019-01-31 19:20:17 GRYPHON                            Re: Bug report w/ NetMail                                               
  3734  2019-01-31 19:20:17 AVON                               CrashMail                                                               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3735  2019-01-31 19:20:17 GRYPHON                            Re: CrashMail                                                           
  3736  2019-01-31 19:20:17 G00R00                             Re: Bug report w/ NetMail                                               
  3737  2019-01-31 19:20:24 AVON                               Re: CrashMail                                                           
  3738  2019-01-31 19:20:24 AVON                               Re: Bug report w/ NetMail                                               
  3739  2019-01-31 19:20:24 GRYPHON                            Re: Bug report w/ NetMail                                               
  3740  2019-01-31 19:20:24 ACCESS DENIED                      Re: CrashMail                                                           
  3741  2019-01-31 19:20:24 ACCESS DENIED                      Re: CrashMail                                                           
  3742  2019-01-31 19:20:24 G00R00                             Re: CrashMail                                                           
  3743  2019-01-31 19:20:24 G00R00                             Re: CrashMail                                                           
  3744  2019-01-31 19:20:24 AVON                               Re: CrashMail                                                           
  3745  2019-01-31 19:20:24 AVON                               Re: CrashMail                                                           
  3746  2019-01-31 19:20:24 AVON                               tdih                                                                    
  3747  2019-01-31 19:20:24 ACCESS DENIED                      Re: CrashMail                                                           
  3748  2019-01-31 19:20:24 VORLON                             Re: Prompt #130: Scanning                                               
  3749  2019-01-31 19:20:24 PSI-JACK                           Nodelist processing                                                     
  3750  2019-01-31 19:20:24 TESORO                             Re: CrashMail                                                           
  3751  2019-01-31 19:20:24 WKITTY42                           Re: CrashMail                                                           
  3752  2019-01-31 19:20:24 GRYPHON                            Re: tdih                                                                
  3753  2019-01-31 19:20:24 AVON                               Merging Nodelists                                                       
  3754  2019-01-31 19:20:24 ACCESS DENIED                      Re: CrashMail                                                           
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3755  2019-01-31 19:20:24 ACCESS DENIED                      Re: CrashMail                                                           
  3756  2019-01-31 19:20:24 ACCESS DENIED                      Re: Merging Nodelists                                                   
  3757  2019-01-31 19:20:24 AVON                               Re: Merging Nodelists                                                   
  3758  2019-01-31 19:20:24 PSI-JACK                           NetMail specific options                                                
  3759  2019-01-31 19:20:24 PSI-JACK                           Message Pointers on new p                                               
  3760  2019-01-31 19:20:24 PSI-JACK                           Feature Request: AutoSign                                               
  3761  2019-01-31 19:20:24 GRYPHON                            Re: Feature Request: Auto                                               
  3762  2019-01-31 19:20:24 GRYPHON                            New Mystic MPL - New File                                               
  3763  2019-01-31 19:20:24 PSI-JACK                           New issue with BinkP and                                                
  3764  2019-01-31 19:20:24 PSI-JACK                           Re: New issue with BinkP                                                
  3765  2019-01-31 19:20:24 SKUZ                               Re: New issue with BinkP                                                
  3766  2019-01-31 19:20:24 WKITTY42                           Re: NetMail specific opti                                               
  3767  2019-01-31 19:20:24 WKITTY42                           Re: Message Pointers on n                                               
  3768  2019-01-31 19:20:24 WKITTY42                           Re: Feature Request: Auto                                               
  3769  2019-01-31 19:20:24 WKITTY42                           Re: Feature Request: Auto                                               
  3770  2019-01-31 19:20:24 TESORO                             Re: CrashMail                                                           
  3771  2019-01-31 19:20:24 GRYPHON                            Re: Feature Request: Auto                                               
  3772  2019-01-31 19:20:24 GRYPHON                            MPL function returns - Re                                               
  3773  2019-01-31 19:20:24 PSI-JACK                           Mystic doesn't handle poi                                               
  3774  2019-01-31 19:20:24 H7                                 Re: New Mystic MPL - New                                                
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3775  2019-01-31 19:20:24 G00R00                             Re: Merging Nodelists                                                   
  3776  2019-01-31 19:20:24 G00R00                             Re: CrashMail                                                           
  3777  2019-01-31 19:20:24 G00R00                             Re: Message Pointers on n                                               
  3778  2019-01-31 19:20:24 G00R00                             Re: Feature Request: Auto                                               
  3779  2019-01-31 19:20:24 G00R00                             Re: Mystic doesn't handle                                               
  3780  2019-01-31 19:20:24 G00R00                             Re: Message Pointers on n                                               
  3781  2019-01-31 19:20:24 G00R00                             Re: New issue with BinkP                                                
  3782  2019-01-31 19:20:24 G00R00                             Re: New issue with BinkP                                                
  3783  2019-01-31 19:20:24 VORLON                             Merging Nodelists                                                       
  3784  2019-01-31 19:20:24 GRYPHON                            Re: New Mystic MPL - New                                                
  3785  2019-01-31 19:20:24 SKUZ                               Re: New issue with BinkP                                                
  3786  2019-01-31 19:20:24 ACCESS DENIED                      Re: Merging Nodelists                                                   
  3787  2019-01-31 19:20:24 WKITTY42                           Re: CrashMail                                                           
  3788  2019-01-31 19:20:24 WKITTY42                           Re: Message Pointers on n                                               
  3789  2019-01-31 19:20:24 VORLON                             Merging Nodelists                                                       
  3790  2019-01-31 19:20:24 G00R00                             Alpha 52                                                                
  3791  2019-01-31 19:20:24 G00R00                             NetRunner Beta 5                                                        
  3792  2019-01-31 19:20:24 AVON                               Re: Alpha 52                                                            
  3793  2019-01-31 19:20:24 ACCESS DENIED                      Re: Alpha 52                                                            
  3794  2019-01-31 19:20:24 ACCESS DENIED                      Erp..                                                                   
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3795  2019-01-31 19:20:24 G00R00                             Re: Alpha 52                                                            
  3796  2019-01-31 19:20:24 REAPERN66                          Re: Alpha 52                                                            
  3797  2019-01-31 19:20:24 AVON                               Re: Merging Nodelists                                                   
  3798  2019-01-31 19:20:24 AVON                               Interval Events                                                         
  3799  2019-01-31 19:20:24 AVON                               Suggestions: Area Index R                                               
  3800  2019-01-31 19:20:24 IGNATIUS                           MPL                                                                     
  3801  2019-01-31 19:20:24 AVON                               Input Box Colour                                                        
  3802  2019-01-31 19:20:24 ACCESS DENIED                      Re: Suggestions: Area Ind                                               
  3803  2019-01-31 19:20:24 ACCESS DENIED                      Re: Input Box Colour                                                    
  3804  2019-01-31 19:20:24 G00R00                             Re: Suggestions: Area Ind                                               
  3805  2019-01-31 19:20:24 G00R00                             Re: MPL                                                                 
  3806  2019-01-31 19:20:24 G00R00                             Re: Input Box Colour                                                    
  3807  2019-01-31 19:20:24 ACCESS DENIED                      Re: MPL                                                                 
  3808  2019-01-31 19:20:24 AVON                               Re: Suggestions: Area Ind                                               
  3809  2019-01-31 19:20:24 AVON                               Re: Input Box Colour                                                    
  3810  2019-01-31 19:20:24 AVON                               Re: Suggestions: Area Ind                                               
  3811  2019-01-31 19:20:24 AVON                               Re: Input Box Colour                                                    
  3812  2019-01-31 19:20:24 GRYPHON                            Re: MPL                                                                 
  3813  2019-01-31 19:20:24 GRYPHON                            Re: MPL                                                                 
  3814  2019-01-31 19:20:24 ACCESS DENIED                      Re: MPL                                                                 
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3815  2019-01-31 19:20:24 WKITTY42                           Re: Suggestions: Area Ind                                               
  3816  2019-01-31 19:20:24 G00R00                             Re: MPL                                                                 
  3817  2019-01-31 19:20:24 REAPERN66                          bbslist                                                                 
  3818  2019-01-31 19:20:24 AVON                               Re: MPL                                                                 
  3819  2019-01-31 19:20:24 LARRY LAGOMORPH                    NetRunner Beta 5                                                        
  3820  2019-01-31 19:20:24 WKITTY42                           Re: Suggestions: Area Ind                                               
  3821  2019-01-31 19:20:24 WKITTY42                           Re: MPL                                                                 
  3822  2019-01-31 19:20:24 AVON                               Re: Suggestions: Area Ind                                               
  3823  2019-01-31 19:20:24 IGNATIUS                           Re: MPL                                                                 
  3824  2019-01-31 19:20:24 BCW142                             ArchLinux                                                               
  3825  2019-01-31 19:20:24 G00R00                             Re: NetRunner Beta 5                                                    
  3826  2019-01-31 19:20:24 G00R00                             Re: Suggestions: Area Ind                                               
  3827  2019-01-31 19:20:24 MERCYFUL FATE                      Re: MPL                                                                 
  3828  2019-01-31 19:20:24 GRYPHON                            Re: ArchLinux                                                           
  3829  2019-01-31 19:20:24 PHAROAH                            Re: Sys/X running on Net2                                               
  3830  2019-01-31 19:20:24 WKITTY42                           Re: Sys/X running on Net2                                               
  3831  2019-01-31 19:20:24 TEKHAMMER                          Mystic moving messages                                                  
  3832  2019-01-31 19:20:24 AVON                               Unsecured connection from                                               
  3833  2019-01-31 19:20:24 WKITTY42                           Re: Unsecured connection                                                
  3834  2019-02-01 15:59:29 Paul Hayton                        Re: Unsecured connection                                                
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3835  2019-01-31 22:48:00 Ed Vance                           Thunderbird & XP                                                        
  3836  2019-02-01 06:04:00 Kurt Weiske                        Re: Thunderbird & XP                                                    
  3837  2019-02-01 11:39:04 mark lewis                         Unsecured connection                                                    
  3838  2019-02-01 11:39:58 mark lewis                         Thunderbird & XP                                                        
  3839  2019-02-01 11:54:35 Ben Ritchey                        Re: Thunderbird & XP                                                    
  3840  2019-02-01 22:13:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Thunderbird & XP                                                    
  3841  2019-02-01 22:18:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Thunderbird & XP                                                    
  3842  2019-02-01 22:22:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Thunderbird & XP                                                    
  3843  2019-02-01 11:02:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Thunderbird & XP                                                    
  3844  2019-02-03 17:13:06 Ivan Krouglikov                    Re: DOSemu                                                              
  3845  2019-02-08 21:47:00 Ed Vance                           Using Audacity with XP                                                  
  3846  2019-02-08 20:21:57 Rob Swindell                       Using Audacity with XP                                                  
  3847  2019-02-09 10:20:00 Mike Powell                        Using Audacity with XP                                                  
  3848  2019-02-09 14:59:00 Ed Vance                           Using Audacity with XP                                                  
  3849  2019-02-09 15:00:00 Ed Vance                           Using Audacity with XP                                                  
  3850  2019-02-15 14:33:00 Ed Vance                           RE:Using Audacity with XP                                               
  3851  2019-02-15 22:26:55 Rob Swindell                       RE:Using Audacity with XP                                               
  3852  2019-02-16 10:37:00 Mike Powell                        RE:Using Audacity with XP                                               
  3853  2019-02-18 13:09:00 Ed Vance                           RE:Using Audacity with XP                                               
  3854  2019-02-19 03:18:44 August Abolins                     Using Audacity with XP                                                  
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3855  2019-02-18 19:40:00 Ed Vance                           RE:Using Audacity with XP                                               
  3856  2019-02-19 03:23:33 Rob Swindell                       RE:Using Audacity with XP                                               
  3857  2019-02-20 00:01:00 Ed Vance                           Using Audacity with XP                                                  
  3858  2019-02-20 00:15:00 Ed Vance                           RE:Using Audacity with XP                                               
  3859  2019-02-20 15:28:47 Rob Swindell                       RE:Using Audacity with XP                                               
  3860  2019-02-21 03:10:47 August Abolins                     Using Audacity with XP                                                  
  3861  2019-04-16 19:33:54 Andreas Dissel                     W95 Boot Screen                                                         
  3862  2019-04-17 08:00:13 Paul Quinn                         W95 Boot Screen                                                         
  3863  2019-04-16 20:04:48 Sean Dennis                        W95 Boot Screen                                                         
  3864  2019-04-17 12:32:42 Paul Quinn                         W95 Boot Screen                                                         
  3865  2019-04-17 09:07:32 Andreas Dissel                     W95 Boot Screen                                                         
  3866  2019-04-17 18:02:28 Paul Quinn                         W95 Boot Screen                                                         
  3867  2019-09-20 22:00:00 Ed Vance                           Howdy!                                                                  
  3868  2019-09-20 20:19:56 Alan Ianson                        Howdy!                                                                  
  3869  2019-09-21 06:12:35 Karel Kral                         Howdy!                                                                  
  3870  2019-09-21 08:16:00 Mike Powell                        Howdy!                                                                  
  3871  2019-09-21 11:46:11 mark lewis                         Howdy!                                                                  
  3872  2019-09-21 12:17:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Howdy!                                                              
  3873  2019-09-21 12:20:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Howdy!                                                              
  3874  2019-09-21 12:30:30 Alan Ianson                        Howdy!                                                                  
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3875  2019-09-21 09:16:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Howdy!                                                              
  3876  2019-09-22 11:39:46 Karel Kral                         Howdy!                                                                  
  3877  2019-09-22 07:18:00 Kurt Weiske                        Re: Howdy!                                                              
  3878  2019-09-23 10:41:46 Paul Quinn                         Howdy!                                                                  
  3879  2019-09-23 19:46:00 Mike Powell                        Howdy!                                                                  
  3880  2019-10-19 20:24:00 Ed Vance                           XP_Many Questions                                                       
  3881  2019-10-20 06:27:20 Karel Kral                         XP_Many Questions                                                       
  3882  2019-10-21 00:48:35 August Abolins                     XP_Many Questions                                                       
  3883  2019-10-20 16:15:00 Ed Vance                           Re: XP_Many Questions                                                   
  3884  2019-10-20 16:19:00 Ed Vance                           XP_Many Questions 2                                                     
  3885  2019-10-21 09:30:00 Ed Vance                           XP_Many Questions 3                                                     
  3886  2019-10-21 10:54:00 Ed Vance                           XP_Many Quesions 4                                                      
  3887  2019-10-21 12:46:00 Mike Powell                        XP_Many Questions                                                       
  3888  2019-10-21 13:37:18 LEE GREEN                          XP_Many Questions 3                                                     
  3889  2019-10-22 02:06:45 August Abolins                     XP_Many Quesions 4                                                      
  3890  2019-10-22 07:44:00 Kurt Weiske                        Re: XP_Many Questions                                                   
  3891  2019-10-22 18:46:23 August Abolins                     the compatibles with Linux                                              
  3892  2019-10-22 18:51:24 August Abolins                     ms office alternatives                                                  
  3893  2019-10-22 08:46:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: XP_Many Questions 3                                                 
  3894  2019-10-28 16:15:00 Ed Vance                           Firefox Popup RefreshPage                                               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3895  2019-10-29 01:42:52 August Abolins                     Firefox Popup RefreshPage                                               
  3896  2019-10-29 09:29:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Firefox Popup Refresh                                               
  3897  2019-10-30 11:27:00 Ed Vance                           Firefox Popup RefreshPage                                               
  3898  2019-10-30 11:33:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Firefox Popup Refresh                                               
  3899  2019-11-06 17:29:03 Ethan Sullens                      XP_Many Questions                                                       
  3900  2019-11-07 16:53:00 Mike Powell                        XP_Many Questions                                                       
  3901  2019-11-08 07:42:00 Kurt Weiske                        Re: XP_Many Questions                                                   
  3902  2019-11-08 19:43:00 Ed Vance                           Re: XP_Many Questions                                                   
  3903  2019-11-08 20:10:00 Ed Vance                           Re: XP_Many Questions                                                   
  3904  2019-12-01 18:02:43 E Sullens                          Your current version of Windows                                         
  3905  2019-12-02 03:32:48 August Abolins                     Your current version of Windows                                         
  3906  2019-12-02 11:54:35 Paul Quinn                         Your current version of Windows                                         
  3907  2019-12-02 05:58:25 August Abolins                     Your current version of Windows                                         
  3908  2019-12-02 06:09:38 August Abolins                     Your current version of Windows                                         
  3909  2019-12-02 16:18:45 Paul Quinn                         Your current version of Windows                                         
  3910  2019-12-02 16:28:14 Paul Quinn                         Your current version of Windows                                         
  3911  2019-12-01 23:56:02 Dale Shipp                         Re: Your current version                                                
  3912  2019-12-02 20:17:11 August Abolins                     Your current version of Windows                                         
  3913  2019-12-02 21:11:00 August Abolins                     a linux journey                                                         
  3914  2019-12-03 02:38:08 August Abolins                     the woes and whims of winXX                                             
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3915  2019-12-03 02:12:00 Dale Shipp                         Re: the woes and whims o                                                
  3916  2019-12-02 07:28:00 Kurt Weiske                        Re: Your current version of Windows                                     
  3917  2019-12-03 07:09:00 Kurt Weiske                        Re: the woes and whims of winXX                                         
  3918  2019-12-03 07:50:00 Kurt Weiske                        Re: the woes and whims o                                                
  3919  2019-12-04 02:37:54 August Abolins                     the woes and whims o                                                    
  3920  2019-12-04 03:06:56 August Abolins                     the woes and whims of winXX                                             
  3921  2019-12-04 02:34:00 Dale Shipp                         Re: the woes and whims o                                                
  3922  2019-12-04 06:08:00 Kurt Weiske                        Re: the woes and whims of winXX                                         
  3923  2019-12-05 04:07:57 August Abolins                     the woes and whims of winXX                                             
  3924  2019-12-05 11:08:00 Holger Granholm                    Your current version of W                                               
  3925  2019-12-08 14:49:06 Robert Burns                       Re: Your current version of Windows                                     
  3926  2019-12-31 11:28:00 Holger Granholm                    2020                                                                    
  3927  2020-01-01 17:03:07 August Abolins                     2020                                                                    
  3928  2020-01-02 22:04:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: 2020                                                                
  3929  2020-01-31 08:59:57 james watkins                      Cracked Windows Torrent Site?                                           
  3930  2020-01-31 15:06:45 Nick Andre                         Re: Cracked Windows Torrent Site?                                       
  3931  2020-01-31 19:19:48 mark lewis                         Cracked Windows Torrent Site?                                           
  3932  2020-01-31 18:34:04 Don Lowery                         Re: Cracked Windows Torrent Site?                                       
  3933  2020-01-31 21:57:11 Nick Andre                         Re: Cracked Windows Torrent Site?                                       
  3934  2020-01-31 19:43:25 Don Lowery                         Re: Cracked Windows Torrent Site?                                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3935  2020-02-01 14:51:33 james watkins                      Cracked Windows Torrent Site?                                           
  3936  2020-02-01 14:54:33 james watkins                      Cracked Windows Torrent Site?                                           
  3937  2020-02-01 16:18:16 Sean Dennis                        Cracked Windows Torrent Site?                                           
  3938  2020-02-01 16:19:34 Sean Dennis                        Cracked Windows Torrent Site?                                           
  3939  2020-02-01 16:20:36 Sean Dennis                        Cracked Windows Torrent Site?                                           
  3940  2020-02-01 17:40:54 Nick Andre                         Re: Cracked Windows Torrent Site?                                       
  3941  2020-02-01 19:46:56 Sean Dennis                        Cracked Windows Torrent Site?                                           
  3942  2020-02-01 19:49:53 Sean Dennis                        Uh                                                                      
  3943  2020-02-01 23:13:27 Don Lowery                         Re: Cracked Windows Torrent Site?                                       
  3944  2020-02-01 23:16:38 Don Lowery                         Re: Cracked Windows Torrent Site?                                       
  3945  2020-02-03 10:31:39 Sean Dennis                        Cracked Windows Torrent Site?                                           
  3946  2020-02-03 18:18:45 Don Lowery                         Re: Cracked Windows Torrent Site?                                       
  3947  2020-02-04 13:34:36 Sean Dennis                        Cracked Windows Torrent Site?                                           
  3948  2020-02-04 17:11:13 Don Lowery                         Re: Cracked Windows Torrent Site?                                       
  3949  2020-02-05 00:26:40 Sean Dennis                        Re: Cracked Windows Torrent Site?                                       
  3950  2020-02-05 05:00:44 Don Lowery                         Re: Cracked Windows Torrent Site?                                       
  3951  2020-02-05 07:30:00 Kurt Weiske                        Re: Cracked Windows Torrent Site?                                       
  3952  2020-02-05 20:18:10 Don Lowery                         Re: Cracked Windows Torrent Site?                                       
  3953  2020-02-06 06:36:00 Kurt Weiske                        Re: Cracked Windows Torrent Site?                                       
  3954  2020-02-06 16:05:52 Don Lowery                         Re: Cracked Windows Torrent Site?                                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3955  2020-02-06 19:33:10 Sean Dennis                        Re: Cracked Windows Torr                                                
  3956  2020-02-06 19:35:12 Sean Dennis                        Re: Cracked Windows Torr                                                
  3957  2020-02-06 18:38:01 Don Lowery                         Re: Cracked Windows Torr                                                
  3958  2020-02-07 16:37:08 Sean Dennis                        Re: Cracked Windows Torr                                                
  3959  2020-02-07 17:23:59 Don Lowery                         Re: Cracked Windows Torr                                                
  3960  2020-02-10 22:16:00 Ed Vance                           XP_Many Questions (Cont.)                                               
  3961  2020-02-11 14:42:43 Paul Quinn                         XP_Many Questions (Cont.)                                               
  3962  2020-02-11 00:06:50 Nick Andre                         Re: XP_Many Questions (Cont.)                                           
  3963  2020-02-17 17:47:00 Ed Vance                           Using CTRL U "2 C" SOURCE                                               
  3964  2020-02-17 17:57:00 Ed Vance                           XP_Many Questions (Cont.)                                               
  3965  2020-02-17 18:24:00 Ed Vance                           Re: XP_Many Questions (Co                                               
  3966  2020-02-23 21:12:00 Ed Vance                           Quit XP "Remembering"                                                   
  3967  2020-02-25 05:20:24 August Abolins                     Quit XP "Remembering"                                                   
  3968  2020-03-13 13:41:00 Ed Vance                           Android Tablet's                                                        
  3969  2020-03-13 21:53:47 mark lewis                         Android Tablet's                                                        
  3970  2020-03-26 14:35:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Quit XP "Remembering"                                               
  3971  2020-03-27 18:46:10 August Abolins                     Quit XP "Remembering"                                                   
  3972  2020-03-28 12:09:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Quit XP "Remembering"                                               
  3973  2020-03-29 01:27:50 August Abolins                     Quit XP "Remembering"                                                   
  3974  2020-03-29 10:20:00 Kurt Weiske                        Re: Quit XP "Remembering"                                               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3975  2020-05-12 09:34:53 poison                             win95                                                                   
  3976  2020-05-12 13:25:19 mark lewis                         win95                                                                   
  3977  2020-05-12 20:20:32 Björn Felten                       win95                                                                   
  3978  2020-05-12 16:31:00 poison                             Re: win95                                                               
  3979  2020-05-12 16:38:00 poison                             Re: win95                                                               
  3980  2020-05-12 18:24:51 mark lewis                         Re: win95                                                               
  3981  2020-05-13 09:12:26 Paul Quinn                         win95                                                                   
  3982  2020-05-12 18:24:46 poison                             Re: win95                                                               
  3983  2020-05-13 02:34:26 Björn Felten                       win95                                                                   
  3984  2020-05-12 22:05:00 poison                             Re: win95                                                               
  3985  2020-05-12 22:10:23 poison                             win95                                                                   
  3986  2020-05-12 22:29:37 Rob Swindell                       win95                                                                   
  3987  2020-05-13 16:23:34 Paul Quinn                         win95                                                                   
  3988  2020-05-13 07:29:02 Patrick Siglin                     win95                                                                   
  3989  2020-05-13 09:29:15 mark lewis                         Re: win95                                                               
  3990  2020-05-13 11:38:00 Patrick Siglin                     Re: win95                                                               
  3991  2020-05-13 13:42:24 mark lewis                         Re: win95                                                               
  3992  2020-05-13 11:03:00 Mike Powell                        win95                                                                   
  3993  2020-05-13 16:06:00 Patrick Siglin                     Re: win95                                                               
  3994  2020-06-19 08:45:54 Gonzalo Fernandez Ordas            win95                                                                   
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3995  2020-10-10 11:02:00 Ed Vance                           SuperAntiSpyware                                                        
  3996  2020-10-11 20:10:31 August Abolins                     SuperAntiSpyware                                                        
  3997  2020-10-11 00:24:16 Don Lowery                         Re: SuperAntiSpyware                                                    
  3998  2020-10-11 16:22:09 Nick Andre                         Re: SuperAntiSpyware                                                    
  3999  2020-10-12 07:51:00 Kurt Weiske                        Re: SuperAntiSpyware                                                    
  4000  2020-11-21 20:40:12 Phil Taylor                        Cracked Windows Torrent Site?                                           
  4001  2020-11-21 21:04:06 mark lewis                         Cracked Windows Torrent Site?                                           
  4002  2020-11-22 07:09:15 Karel Kral                         Cracked Windows Torrent Site?                                           
  4003  2020-12-22 12:12:00 Ed Vance                           Did I Goof?                                                             
  4004  2020-12-23 15:51:53 Paul Quinn                         Did I Goof?                                                             
  4005  2020-12-23 14:26:23 Björn Felten                       Did I Goof?                                                             
  4006  2020-12-25 21:45:24 TOM WALKER                         SuperAntiSpyware                                                        
  4007  2020-12-25 21:51:10 TOM WALKER                         Cracked Windows Torrent Site?                                           
  4008  2020-12-26 10:09:00 Kurt Weiske                        Re: Cracked Windows Torrent Site?                                       
  4009  2021-05-03 16:38:00 Ed Vance                           Precomplete                                                             
  4010  2021-05-04 14:14:00 Mike Powell                        Precomplete                                                             
  4011  2021-05-04 22:13:00 August Abolins                     Precomplete                                                             
  4012  2021-05-05 22:04:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Precomplete                                                         
  4013  2021-05-06 16:08:00 Mike Powell                        Re: Precomplete                                                         
  4014  2021-05-06 19:56:00 Ed Vance                           BASIC was Re: Precomplete                                               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4015  2021-05-07 08:46:00 August Abolins                     BASIC was Re: Precomplete                                               
  4016  2021-05-07 09:05:00 August Abolins                     BASIC was Re: Precomplete                                               
  4017  2021-05-07 11:23:00 Mike Powell                        BASIC was Re: Precomplete                                               
  4018  2021-05-07 14:05:00 Mike Powell                        BASIC was Re: Precomplete                                               
  4019  2021-05-07 19:58:00 Ed Vance                           BASIC was Re: Precomplete                                               
  4020  2021-05-07 20:56:00 Ed Vance                           BASIC was Re: Precomplete                                               
  4021  2021-05-09 13:25:00 Mike Powell                        BASIC was Re: Precomplete                                               
  4022  2021-05-24 14:28:56 John Dovey                         BASIC was Re: Precomplete                                               
  4023  2021-05-24 23:19:43 Sean Dennis                        Re: BASIC was Re: Precomplete                                           
  4024  2021-05-25 03:31:13 John Dovey                         Re: BASIC was Re: Precomplete                                           
  4025  2021-05-25 01:20:48 Sean Dennis                        Re: BASIC was Re: Precomplete                                           
  4026  2021-06-09 22:28:00 Ed Vance                           Here I Are                                                              
  4027  2021-06-10 11:40:00 Ed Vance                           It Booted                                                               
  4028  2021-06-10 14:04:00 Mike Powell                        It Booted                                                               
  4029  2021-06-13 18:52:00 August Abolins                     It Booted                                                               
  4030  2021-08-23 16:03:01 Joseph Evans                       Still '95 in '21                                                        
  4031  2021-08-24 14:28:36 Paul Hayton                        Re: Still '95 in '21                                                    
  4032  2021-08-24 16:46:00 Mike Powell                        Still '95 in '21                                                        
  4033  2021-09-08 19:32:00 Ed Vance                           Photo Printed MY WAY!                                                   
  4034  2021-09-09 07:18:00 August Abolins                     Photo Printed MY WAY!                                                   
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4035  2021-09-11 12:40:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Photo Printed MY WAY!                                               
  4036  2021-09-14 11:36:00 Ed Vance                           Old File Marked As Bad                                                  
  4037  2021-09-29 20:01:00 Ed Vance                           XP Fonts                                                                
  4038  2021-10-03 20:16:00 Ed Vance                           USB 3.0 Flash Drive goof                                                
  4039  2021-10-04 08:11:53 Luciano Terrosi                    USB 3.0 Flash Drive goof                                                
  4040  2021-10-04 18:25:00 August Abolins                     USB 3.0 Flash Drive goof                                                
  4041  2021-10-08 13:56:00 Ed Vance                           USB 3.0 Flash Drive goof                                                
  4042  2021-10-08 22:06:00 Ed Vance                           USB 3.0 Flash Drive goof                                                
  4043  2021-10-08 22:22:00 Ed Vance                           USB 3.0 Flash Drive goof                                                
  4044  2021-10-08 23:17:00 August Abolins                     USB 3.0 Flash Drive goof                                                
  4045  2021-10-08 23:28:00 August Abolins                     USB 3.0 Flash Drive goof                                                
  4046  2021-10-09 10:24:00 Mike Powell                        Graphic copy?                                                           
  4047  2021-10-09 12:14:06 Jay Harris                         Re: Graphic copy?                                                       
  4048  2021-10-09 21:28:00 Ed Vance                           USB 3.0 Flash Drive goof                                                
  4049  2021-10-09 21:40:00 Ed Vance                           USB 3.0 Flash Drive goof                                                
  4050  2021-10-10 08:21:00 August Abolins                     USB 3.0 Flash Drive goof                                                
  4051  2021-10-10 08:54:00 Mike Powell                        Re: Graphic copy?                                                       
  4052  2021-10-10 11:34:36 Jay Harris                         Re: Graphic copy?                                                       
  4053  2021-10-11 16:05:00 Mike Powell                        Re: Graphic copy?                                                       
  4054  2021-10-12 21:20:00 Ed Vance                           Apple Pay Notice - MWB's                                                
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4055  2021-10-14 22:01:00 Ed Vance                           USB 3.0 Flash Drive goof                                                
  4056  2021-10-15 20:02:00 Ed Vance                           Re:USB 3.0 Flash Drive go                                               
  4057  2021-10-16 08:09:00 August Abolins                     USB 3.0 Flash Drive go                                                  
  4058  2021-10-16 16:19:00 Ed Vance                           USB 3.0 Flash Drive go                                                  
  4059  2021-10-17 09:19:00 August Abolins                     USB 3.0 Flash Drive go                                                  
  4060  2021-10-17 21:47:00 Ed Vance                           Re: Precomplete                                                         
  4061  2021-10-19 16:54:00 Mike Powell                        Re: Precomplete                                                         
  4062  2021-10-26 20:49:00 August Abolins                     demise of FB w/FF and w/Opera                                           
  4063  2021-10-28 15:33:00 Mike Powell                        demise of FB w/FF and w/O                                               
  4064  2021-10-30 09:14:00 August Abolins                     demise of FB w/FF and w/O                                               
  4065  2021-10-31 10:50:00 Mike Powell                        WinSCP - importing certs                                                
  4066  2021-11-01 03:34:05 Karel Kral                         WinSCP - importing certs                                                
  4067  2021-11-01 18:51:00 Mike Powell                        WinSCP - importing certs                                                
  4068  2022-02-08 15:33:04 Vincent Coen                       Flow                                                                    
  4069  2022-02-08 09:00:44 Alan Ianson                        Flow                                                                    
  4070  2022-02-08 18:20:46 Wilfred van Velzen                 Re: Flow                                                                
  4071  2022-02-08 21:44:49 Daniel Path                        Flow                                                                    
  4072  2022-02-08 19:29:00 Sean Dennis                        Re: Flow                                                                
  4073  2022-02-09 00:49:36 Vincent Coen                       Flow                                                                    
  4074  2022-02-09 07:09:54 mark lewis                         Flow                                                                    
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4075  2022-02-09 14:44:49 Sean Dennis                        Flow                                                                    
  4076  2022-02-09 20:27:04 Vincent Coen                       Flow                                                                    
  4077  2022-02-09 16:06:00 Mike Powell                        Flow                                                                    
  4078  2022-02-22 16:08:59 Deepend                            Re: Flow                                                                
  4079  2022-02-22 21:25:26 Sean Dennis                        Re: Flow                                                                
  4080  2022-02-23 06:44:46 mark lewis                         Flow                                                                    
  4081  2022-02-23 21:25:28 Deepend                            Re: Flow                                                                
  4082  2022-02-23 21:29:11 Deepend                            Flow                                                                    
  4083  2022-02-24 07:05:00 Kurt Weiske                        Re: Flow                                                                
  4084  2022-02-25 16:07:00 Mike Powell                        Re: Flow                                                                
  4085  2022-03-04 17:48:04 Sean Dennis                        Elisting                                                                
  4086  2022-03-05 11:38:29 Wilfred van Velzen                 Re: Elisting                                                            
  4087  2022-03-05 12:28:16 Björn Felten                       Elisting                                                                
  4088  2022-03-05 11:07:37 Sean Dennis                        Echo Rules                                                              
  4089  2022-03-05 11:18:12 Sean Dennis                        Elisting                                                                
  4090  2022-03-05 11:15:24 Sean Dennis                        Elisting                                                                
  4091  2022-03-05 16:57:39 Vincent Coen                       Elisting                                                                
  4092  2022-03-05 18:07:38 Wilfred van Velzen                 Re: Echo Rules                                                          
  4093  2022-03-05 12:37:20 Sean Dennis                        Echo Rules                                                              
  4094  2022-03-05 18:52:45 Björn Felten                       Elisting                                                                
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4095  2022-03-05 18:53:45 Wilfred van Velzen                 Re: Echo Rules                                                          
  4096  2022-03-05 18:24:06 Vincent Coen                       Elisting                                                                
  4097  2022-03-05 15:58:20 Sean Dennis                        Echo Rules                                                              
  4098  2022-03-05 15:51:01 Sean Dennis                        Installing Windows 11 on unsupported hardware                           
  4099  2022-03-05 22:17:55 Wilfred van Velzen                 Re: Echo Rules                                                          
  4100  2022-03-05 19:22:30 Sean Dennis                        Echo Rules                                                              
  4101  2022-03-05 20:20:10 Nick Andre                         Re: Installing Windows 11 on unsupported                                
  4102  2022-03-05 20:37:00 August Abolins                     MS 2021 wrap up with 64 patches                                         
  4103  2022-03-05 21:31:00 August Abolins                     Installing Windows 11 on unsupported                                    
  4104  2022-03-06 05:52:22 Björn Felten                       Elisting                                                                
  4105  2022-03-06 06:17:26 Björn Felten                       Echo Rules                                                              
  4106  2022-03-06 08:32:00 Karel Kral                         Echo Rules                                                              
  4107  2022-03-06 12:28:27 Wilfred van Velzen                 Re: Echo Rules                                                          
  4108  2022-03-06 10:11:46 mark lewis                         Echo Rules                                                              
  4109  2022-03-07 10:26:09 Nick Andre                         Re: Installing Windows 11 on unsupported                                
  4110  2022-03-07 11:49:00 August Abolins                     windows utils..                                                         
  4111  2022-03-07 16:19:00 Mike Powell                        Re: Installing Windows 11                                               
  4112  2022-03-07 17:44:14 luc mccarragher                    Re: windows utils..                                                     
  4113  2022-03-07 18:47:37 Sean Dennis                        Re: Installing Windows 11 on unsupported                                
  4114  2022-03-07 19:28:23 Sean Dennis                        Re: Echo Rules                                                          
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4115  2022-03-07 20:35:38 Sean Dennis                        Re: Installing Windows 11 on unsupported                                
  4116  2022-03-07 20:37:28 Sean Dennis                        Re: Installing Windows 11                                               
  4117  2022-03-07 20:40:55 Sean Dennis                        Re: MS 2021 wrap up with 64 patches                                     
  4118  2022-03-07 20:42:03 Sean Dennis                        Re: Echo Rules                                                          
  4119  2022-03-07 20:48:24 Sean Dennis                        Re: Echo Rules                                                          
  4120  2022-03-07 21:39:00 August Abolins                     MS 2021 wrap up with 64 patches                                         
  4121  2022-03-08 08:40:29 Björn Felten                       Echo Rules                                                              
  4122  2022-03-08 09:34:06 Karel Kral                         Echo Rules                                                              
  4123  2022-03-08 21:07:24 Sean Dennis                        MS 2021 wrap up with 64 patches                                         
  4124  2022-03-08 21:04:55 Sean Dennis                        SWAG                                                                    
  4125  2022-03-09 13:15:14 Björn Felten                       SWAG                                                                    
  4126  2022-03-09 08:16:00 August Abolins                     MS 2021 wrap up with 64 patches                                         
  4127  2022-03-08 07:05:00 Kurt Weiske                        Re: Echo Rules                                                          
  4128  2022-03-08 07:11:00 Kurt Weiske                        Re: Installing Windows 11 on unsupported                                
  4129  2022-03-09 16:30:24 Björn Felten                       Echo Rules                                                              
  4130  2022-03-09 08:19:00 Kurt Weiske                        Re: MS 2021 wrap up with 64 patches                                     
  4131  2022-03-09 15:43:39 Sean Dennis                        SWAG                                                                    
  4132  2022-03-09 22:24:05 Björn Felten                       SWAG                                                                    
  4133  2022-03-09 19:38:57 Sean Dennis                        Re: SWAG                                                                
  4134  2022-03-10 06:07:51 IB Joe                             Question                                                                
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4135  2022-03-10 06:10:52 IB Joe                             Moderator                                                               
  4136  2022-03-10 14:39:03 Wilfred van Velzen                 Re: Moderator                                                           
  4137  2022-03-10 09:03:34 Nick Andre                         Re: Question                                                            
  4138  2022-03-10 07:23:07 IB Joe                             Re: Question                                                            
  4139  2022-03-10 09:48:01 Nick Andre                         Re: Question                                                            
  4140  2022-03-10 08:41:36 IB Joe                             I figurewd it out                                                       
  4141  2022-03-10 10:53:36 Sean Dennis                        Moderator                                                               
  4142  2022-03-10 10:53:48 Sean Dennis                        Huh?                                                                    
  4143  2022-03-10 11:01:40 Nick Andre                         Re: I figurewd it out                                                   
  4144  2022-03-10 11:02:02 Nick Andre                         Re: Huh?                                                                
  4145  2022-03-10 09:28:00 IB Joe                             Re: I figurewd it out                                                   
  4146  2022-03-10 17:52:48 Wilfred van Velzen                 Re: Moderator                                                           
  4147  2022-03-10 12:07:26 Nick Andre                         Re: Moderator                                                           
  4148  2022-03-10 12:15:34 Nick Andre                         Re: Moderator                                                           
  4149  2022-03-10 19:47:32 Karel Kral                         Moderator                                                               
  4150  2022-03-10 11:11:08 Alan Ianson                        Moderator                                                               
  4151  2022-03-10 13:57:26 Nick Andre                         Re: Moderator                                                           
  4152  2022-03-08 16:31:00 Mike Powell                        Re: Installing Windows 11                                               
  4153  2022-03-15 02:10:01 Sean Dennis                        WIN95 Echo Rules                                                        
  4154  2022-03-15 09:24:16 Wilfred van Velzen                 Re: WIN95 Echo Rules                                                    
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4155  2022-03-15 17:50:20 Sean Dennis                        Re: WIN95 Echo Rules                                                    
  4156  2022-03-15 18:24:22 Nick Andre                         Re: WIN95 Echo Rules                                                    
  4157  2022-03-15 19:14:14 Nick Andre                         Re: WIN95 Echo Rules                                                    
  4158  2022-03-15 23:38:27 Shaun Buzza                        Re: WIN95 Echo Rules                                                    
  4159  2022-03-16 12:47:57 Sean Dennis                        Re: WIN95 Echo Rules                                                    
  4160  2022-03-16 13:44:38 Sean Dennis                        Re: A reminder                                                          
  4161  2022-03-16 13:52:21 Sean Dennis                        Re: WIN95 Echo Rules                                                    
  4162  2022-03-16 13:55:18 Sean Dennis                        Re: WIN95 Echo Rules                                                    
  4163  2022-03-16 15:16:15 Shaun Buzza                        Re: A reminder                                                          
  4164  2022-03-16 16:35:39 Sean Dennis                        A reminder                                                              
  4165  2022-03-16 18:33:34 Shaun Buzza                        Re: A reminder                                                          
  4166  2022-03-16 22:24:45 Sean Dennis                        A reminder                                                              
  4167  2022-03-16 23:45:54 Shaun Buzza                        Re: A reminder                                                          
  4168  2022-03-17 16:30:00 Mike Powell                        Re: WIN95 Echo Rules                                                    
  4169  2022-03-17 21:41:22 Sean Dennis                        WIN95 Echo Rules                                                        
  4170  2022-03-19 12:08:20 Rob Swindell                       Re: Installing Windows 11 on unsupported                                
  4171  2022-03-19 12:13:38 Rob Swindell                       Re: MS 2021 wrap up with 64 patches                                     
  4172  2022-03-19 17:43:14 Shaun Buzza                        Re: Installing Windows 11 on unsupported                                
  4173  2022-03-19 14:56:00 Rob Swindell                       Re: Installing Windows 11 on unsupported                                
  4174  2022-03-19 20:54:09 Sean Dennis                        Re: Installing Windows 11 on unsupported                                
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4175  2022-03-19 20:58:40 Sean Dennis                        Re: MS 2021 wrap up with 64 patches                                     
  4176  2022-03-19 21:36:10 Shaun Buzza                        Re: Installing Windows 11 on unsupported                                
  4177  2022-03-19 21:37:00 Daniel Juarez                      Re: Installing Windows 11                                               
  4178  2022-03-20 08:37:01 Karel Kral                         Installiindoindows 11 on unsupported                                    
  4179  2022-03-20 08:52:23 Björn Felten                       Installiindoindows 11 on unsupported                                    
  4180  2022-03-20 11:46:19 Sean Dennis                        Re: Installing Windows 11 on unsupported                                
  4181  2022-03-20 13:28:27 Shaun Buzza                        Re: Installing Windows 11 on unsupported                                
  4182  2022-04-01 02:10:01 Sean Dennis                        WIN95 Echo Rules                                                        
  4183  2022-04-01 09:00:01 Not the moderator                  WIN95 Echo Rules (Real)                                                 
  4184  2022-04-02 13:40:15 Shaun Buzza                        Re: WIN95 Echo Rules (Real)                                             
  4185  2022-04-02 20:33:01 Björn Felten                       WIN95 Echo Rules (Real)                                                 
  4186  2022-04-02 20:41:27 Wilfred van Velzen                 Re: WIN95 Echo Rules (Real)                                             
  4187  2022-04-03 20:27:28 Sean Dennis                        Still alive                                                             
  4188  2022-04-03 20:35:21 Sean Dennis                        WIN95 Echo Rules (Real)                                                 
  4189  2022-04-03 20:39:09 Sean Dennis                        WIN95 Echo Rules (Real)                                                 
  4190  2022-04-03 21:26:28 Shaun Buzza                        Re: Still alive                                                         
  4191  2022-04-04 00:48:53 Sean Dennis                        Still alive                                                             
  4192  2022-04-04 01:01:38 Shaun Buzza                        Re: Still alive                                                         
  4193  2022-04-04 08:50:15 Karel Kral                         Still alive                                                             
  4194  2022-04-04 10:47:06 Sean Dennis                        Still alive                                                             
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4195  2022-04-04 16:28:33 Vincent Coen                       Still alive                                                             
  4196  2022-04-04 16:36:16 Vincent Coen                       WIN95 Echo Rules (Real)                                                 
  4197  2022-04-04 16:58:39 Sean Dennis                        WIN95 Echo Rules (Real)                                                 
  4198  2022-04-05 08:28:59 Shaun Buzza                        Re: WIN95 Echo Rules (Real)                                             
  4199  2022-04-05 14:02:37 Vincent Coen                       WIN95 Echo Rules (Real)                                                 
  4200  2022-04-05 08:38:00 Kurt Weiske                        Re: Still alive                                                         
  4201  2022-04-05 23:21:22 Vincent Coen                       Still alive                                                             
  4202  2022-04-05 19:24:22 Sean Dennis                        Still alive                                                             
  4203  2022-04-06 14:34:00 Kurt Weiske                        Re: Still alive                                                         
  4204  2022-04-07 00:34:51 Sean Dennis                        Ctrl-Alt-Del before login                                               
  4205  2022-04-07 15:15:01 Vincent Coen                       Ctrl-Alt-Del before login                                               
  4206  2022-04-07 16:39:32 Björn Felten                       Ctrl-Alt-Del before login                                               
  4207  2022-04-07 10:56:52 Sean Dennis                        Ctrl-Alt-Del before login                                               
  4208  2022-04-07 10:52:18 Sean Dennis                        Ctrl-Alt-Del before login                                               
  4209  2022-04-07 17:07:07 Vincent Coen                       Ctrl-Alt-Del before login                                               
  4210  2022-04-07 21:32:27 Sean Dennis                        Ctrl-Alt-Del before login                                               
  4211  2022-04-07 23:31:14 Kyler Vanderschee                  Which one?                                                              
  4212  2022-04-08 15:24:24 Vincent Coen                       Ctrl-Alt-Del before login                                               
  4213  2022-04-08 19:28:09 Daniel Path                        Which one?                                                              
  4214  2022-04-08 14:22:00 Mike Powell                        Ctrl-Alt-Del before login                                               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4215  2022-04-07 16:00:00 Mike Powell                        Ctrl-Alt-Del before login                                               
  4216  2022-04-15 02:10:01 Sean Dennis                        WIN95 Echo Rules                                                        
  4217  2022-04-15 09:00:01 Not the moderator                  WIN95 Echo Rules (Real)                                                 
  4218  2022-04-15 09:39:46 Sean Dennis                        Are all Dutch sysops fools?                                             
  4219  2022-04-17 15:42:33 Shaun Buzza                        Re: WIN95 Echo Rules                                                    
  4220  2022-04-18 07:23:53 Karel Kral                         WIN95 Eculesules                                                        
  4221  2022-04-18 09:28:13 Shaun Buzza                        Re: WIN95 Eculesules                                                    
  4222  2022-04-21 16:39:13 Karel Kral                         WIN95 Eculesules                                                        
  4223  2022-05-01 02:10:01 Sean Dennis                        WIN95 Echo Rules                                                        
  4224  2022-05-01 09:00:01 Not the moderator                  WIN95 Echo Rules (Real)                                                 
  4225  2022-05-02 10:39:27 Sean Dennis                        Re: WIN95 Echo Rules (Real)                                             
  4226  2022-05-03 10:29:32 Björn Felten                       WIN95 Echo Rules (Real)                                                 
  4227  2022-05-04 00:09:23 Moderator                          Rules for WIN95                                                         
  4228  2022-05-04 15:38:00 Mike Powell                        Rules for WIN95                                                         
  4229  2022-05-04 23:04:02 Vincent Coen                       WIN95 EL209 ==> Echo has been Flagged for Deletion.                     
  4230  2022-05-05 01:56:38 Björn Felten                       Rules for WIN95                                                         
  4231  2022-06-01 00:08:30 Moderator                          Rules for WIN95                                                         
  4232  2022-06-06 10:40:17 Shaun Buzza                        Re: Rules for WIN95                                                     
  4233  2022-06-09 05:00:15 Björn Felten                       Rules for WIN95                                                         
  4234  2022-07-01 00:08:26 Moderator                          Rules for WIN95                                                         
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4235  2022-07-25 18:42:38 Ruslan Suleimanov                  win95 dist                                                              
  4236  2022-07-25 12:14:36 Jay Harris                         Re: win95 dist                                                          
  4237  2022-07-25 13:39:22 Thumper                            RE: win95 dist                                                          
  4238  2022-08-01 00:08:06 Moderator                          Rules for WIN95                                                         
  4239  2022-09-01 00:08:07 Moderator                          Rules for WIN95                                                         
  4240  2022-10-01 00:08:06 Moderator                          Rules for WIN95                                                         
  4241  2022-11-01 00:08:09 Moderator                          Rules for WIN95                                                         
  4242  2022-12-01 00:08:02 Moderator                          Rules for WIN95                                                         
  4243  2023-01-01 00:08:04 Moderator                          Rules for WIN95                                                         
  4244  2023-02-01 00:07:55 Moderator                          Rules for WIN95                                                         
  4245  2023-02-14 05:53:42 Darren Darko                       Win95 shutdown log?                                                     
  4246  2023-03-01 00:07:55 Moderator                          Rules for WIN95                                                         
  4247  2023-04-01 00:07:54 Moderator                          Rules for WIN95                                                         
  4248  2023-05-01 00:07:25 Moderator                          Rules for WIN95                                                         
  4249  2023-06-01 00:07:29 Moderator                          Rules for WIN95                                                         
  4250  2023-07-01 00:07:40 Moderator                          Rules for WIN95                                                         
  4251  2023-08-01 00:07:32 Moderator                          Rules for WIN95                                                         
  4252  2023-09-01 00:07:29 Moderator                          Rules for WIN95                                                         
  4253  2023-10-01 00:07:32 Moderator                          Rules for WIN95                                                         
  4254  2023-11-01 00:08:05 Moderator                          Rules for WIN95                                                         
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4255  2023-10-31 13:59:28 Lloyd Fellon                       win95 files                                                             
  4256  2023-11-02 09:22:26 Björn Felten                       win95 files vs. a complete ISO image                                    
  4257  2023-11-02 15:18:57 Rob Swindell                       win95 files vs. a complete ISO image                                    
  4258  2023-11-03 08:32:19 Björn Felten                       win95 files vs. a complete ISO image                                    
  4259  2023-11-27 11:21:00 Mike Powell                        Windows 9x + USB Support                                                
  4260  2023-11-27 18:26:37 Karel Kral                         Windows 9x + USB Support                                                
  4261  2023-11-28 10:11:00 Mike Powell                        Windows 9x + USB Support                                                
  4262  2023-11-28 06:36:00 Kurt Weiske                        Re: Windows 9x + USB Support                                            
  4263  2023-12-01 00:08:04 Moderator                          Rules for WIN95                                                         
  4264  2023-12-01 15:05:00 roman petrovich                    Re: Windows 9x + USB Support                                            
  4265  2023-12-02 10:00:00 Mike Powell                        Re: Windows 9x + USB Supp                                               
  4266  2024-01-01 00:08:18 Moderator                          Rules for WIN95                                                         
  4267  2024-01-07 06:06:03 Real User                          Re: Windows 9x + USB Support                                            
  4268  2024-01-07 18:21:52 Tom Moore                          Re: Windows 9x + USB Support                                            
  4269  2024-01-08 06:34:00 Kurt Weiske                        Re: Windows 9x + USB Support                                            
  4270  2024-01-08 09:58:00 Mike Powell                        Re: Windows 9x + USB Supp                                               
  4271  2024-02-01 00:08:11 Moderator                          Rules for WIN95                                                         
  4272  2024-03-01 00:08:13 Moderator                          Rules for WIN95                                                         
  4273  2024-03-13 13:00:14 Denis Mosko                        Test from ms-windows                                                    
  4274  2024-03-13 11:32:46 Wilfred van Velzen                 Re: Test from ms-windows                                                
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4275  2024-03-13 09:51:14 Jay Harris                         Re: Test from ms-windows                                                
  4276  2024-04-01 00:07:19 Moderator                          Rules for WIN95                                                         
  4277  2024-05-01 00:07:21 Moderator                          Rules for WIN95                                                         
  4278  2024-06-01 00:07:21 Moderator                          Rules for WIN95                                                         
  4279  2024-07-01 00:07:22 Moderator                          Rules for WIN95                                                         