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Det finns 899 texter i mötet CONSPRCY, 348-899 visas
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
348 2005-05-18 17:10:00 LEE LOFASO Asteroid Impact!
349 2005-05-20 00:39:58 Steve Asher USA - Your Life On Your License
350 2005-05-20 00:58:48 Steve Asher Big Brother In Wallets
351 2005-05-21 23:45:36 Steve Asher EPIC: Washington SmarTrip
352 2005-05-22 20:42:18 Steve Asher P2PNET - ID Cards In Britain
353 2005-05-24 03:43:54 Steve Asher JP - Big Brother Tracks Staff
354 2005-05-20 11:54:14 George Pope Big Brother In Wallets
355 2005-05-23 08:27:48 George Pope Fingerprints
356 2005-05-25 17:34:00 LEE LOFASO Big Brother In Wallets
357 2005-05-27 10:26:01 Steve Asher HP National Identity System
358 2005-05-26 20:18:56 George Pope Big Brother In Wallets
359 2005-05-27 23:39:42 Steve Asher Big Brother In Wallets
360 2005-05-28 00:06:29 Steve Asher Fingerprints
361 2005-05-28 00:23:13 Steve Asher More on HP "NIS"
362 2005-05-28 01:01:26 Steve Asher UK ID Cards By 2013
363 2005-05-27 13:23:00 LEE LOFASO Big Brother In Wallets
364 2005-05-30 22:38:51 Steve Asher Spatial Address Infrastructure
365 2005-05-31 01:27:50 Steve Asher School Lunch e-Monitor
366 2005-05-31 11:06:00 George Pope School Lunch e-Monitor
367 2005-06-01 21:16:35 Steve Asher School Lunch e-Monitor
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
368 2005-06-01 20:24:48 George Pope School Lunch e-Monitor
369 2005-06-07 22:49:05 Steve Asher Firms Tag Workers...
370 2005-06-07 14:20:42 George Pope Firms Tag Workers...
371 2005-06-12 01:50:10 Steve Asher RFID For People
372 2005-06-14 02:33:00 Steve Asher They Know Where You Live...
373 2005-06-17 09:31:00 George Pope US ISPs As Net Watchdogs
374 2005-06-18 20:24:20 Steve Asher US ISPs As Net Watchdogs
375 2005-06-20 03:02:48 Steve Asher Once-Secret British Memos
376 2005-06-21 02:38:31 Steve Asher Taiwan Fingerprint ID Plan
377 2005-06-29 01:39:37 Steve Asher The Return Of "1984"
378 2005-06-28 09:42:40 George Pope The Return Of "1984"
379 2005-06-30 02:42:14 Steve Asher The Return Of "1984"
380 2005-06-30 09:55:00 George Pope The Return Of "1984"
381 2005-06-30 09:56:00 George Pope The Return Of "1984"
382 2005-07-01 23:06:27 Steve Asher The Return Of "1984"
383 2005-07-01 23:20:15 Steve Asher The Return Of "1984"
384 2005-07-01 23:35:41 Steve Asher Microsoft & Claria
385 2005-07-02 00:02:29 Steve Asher Iran & "Islamic Revolution"
386 2005-07-03 00:09:28 Steve Asher Microsoft Downgrades Gator
387 2005-07-04 19:49:46 Steve Asher UK "Energy Ration Cards"
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
388 2005-07-05 20:51:00 George Pope in Japan
389 2005-07-07 00:14:35 Steve Asher UK "Energy Ration Cards"
390 2005-07-08 15:47:50 Steve Asher US School Will Scan Visitor IDs
391 2005-07-09 00:13:42 Steve Asher Iran / Iraq Military Pact
392 2005-07-09 00:31:22 Steve Asher Terror On The Dole
393 2005-07-09 01:22:57 Steve Asher New Security Threat - Birdwatchers
394 2005-07-12 01:36:19 Steve Asher Marketers Eye Phone Database
395 2005-07-14 23:58:59 Steve Asher RFID Foes Find Righteous Ally
396 2005-07-16 00:17:32 Steve Asher UK: Monitoring Food Choices
397 2005-07-16 02:46:34 Steve Asher Hizb ut-Tahrir
398 2005-07-18 02:26:08 Steve Asher Iraqi PM / Iran Visit
399 2005-07-20 00:29:59 Steve Asher Medicare Blueprint For Oz ID Card
400 2005-07-20 23:00:37 Steve Asher ID Cards Could Infringe On Privacy
401 2005-07-24 20:29:19 Steve Asher ... Endorsement Of Terrorism
402 2005-07-26 01:33:48 Steve Asher "Enemies Of Humanity"
403 2005-07-27 01:12:37 Steve Asher "Mother Of All Databases"
404 2005-08-04 23:18:35 Steve Asher Big Brother Britain?
405 2005-08-05 23:28:50 Steve Asher Persia - Locked And Loaded
406 2005-08-06 23:33:46 Steve Asher Fanatics / Caliph's Return
407 2005-08-07 17:10:29 Steve Asher Hizb ut-Tahrir - Dreaming
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
408 2005-08-08 01:52:30 Steve Asher "Fantastic Four"
409 2005-08-08 16:57:59 Steve Asher "Conveyor Belt" For Terror
410 2005-08-09 02:25:59 Steve Asher UK "Insurgency"
411 2005-08-13 00:53:20 Steve Asher Iran Took Advantage...
412 2005-08-14 00:45:07 Steve Asher Iran's Nuclear Shell Game
413 2005-08-14 00:25:49 George Pope Iran Took Advantage...
414 2005-08-17 01:25:12 Steve Asher Iran Took Advantage...
415 2005-08-17 02:37:05 Steve Asher Biometric IDs / Massive Growth
416 2005-08-16 21:24:31 George Pope Iran Took Advantage...
417 2005-08-18 00:25:17 Steve Asher 111 Bombs In Bangladesh
418 2005-08-18 00:47:37 Steve Asher Iran Took Advantage...
419 2005-08-19 23:12:43 Steve Asher UK Mass Surveillance
420 2005-08-21 23:22:15 Steve Asher Burying Our Heads In The Sand
421 2005-08-17 23:30:34 George Pope Iran Took Advantage...
422 2005-08-17 23:33:17 George Pope Gaza Strip Withdrawal
423 2005-08-18 18:47:37 George Pope Gaza Strip Withdrawal
424 2005-08-23 00:03:37 Steve Asher Gaza Strip Withdrawal
425 2005-08-25 23:25:30 Steve Asher Preparing For Gog / Magog
426 2005-08-28 01:24:57 Steve Asher "Snap!"
427 2005-08-29 00:22:29 Steve Asher Muslim Brotherhood's Goal...
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
428 2005-08-29 00:08:38 George Pope Iran Took Advantage...
429 2005-08-29 00:14:23 George Pope Iran Took Advantage...
430 2005-09-04 08:33:43 Steve Asher Terrorism Is A Part Of Islam
431 2005-09-04 22:04:15 Echolist Update - CONSPRCY
432 2005-09-05 22:30:01 Steve Asher Iran Took Advantage...
433 2005-09-07 00:26:43 Steve Asher Jihad "Gets Attention"
434 2005-09-09 11:23:51 Steve Asher Powell Regrets UN Speech
435 2005-09-10 01:59:24 Steve Asher Engage Exchange Educate Empower
436 2005-09-11 13:21:11 Steve Asher Militant "Islamists" In UK
437 2005-09-11 20:30:16 Steve Asher Curtseying the European Union
438 2005-09-12 12:07:23 Steve Asher Alert Over WA Gene Database
439 2005-09-14 02:40:56 Steve Asher UK ID Database
440 2005-09-15 02:12:32 Steve Asher Dutch Cradle To Grave Number
441 2005-09-12 07:28:54 George Pope Jihad Agenda
442 2005-09-15 12:18:12 George Pope Testilying?
443 2005-09-20 01:22:27 Steve Asher Jihad Agenda
444 2005-09-19 22:42:47 George Pope Jihad Agenda
445 2005-09-21 20:55:15 Steve Asher Jihad Agenda
446 2005-09-22 00:45:11 Steve Asher British "Undercover Soldiers"
447 2005-09-22 01:21:47 Steve Asher Cops Scheme To Frame Journalist
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
448 2005-09-22 02:24:26 Steve Asher UK "Crucible" Database
449 2005-09-21 12:18:30 George Pope Jihad Agenda
450 2005-09-27 23:12:22 Steve Asher ... Replace Barcode
451 2005-09-27 23:39:55 Steve Asher Cooee!
452 2005-09-27 23:54:53 Steve Asher ID Projects To Flourish
453 2005-09-29 21:30:02 Steve Asher "Council For Noahides"
454 2005-10-05 02:14:32 Steve Asher "Thought Police" Are Here
455 2005-10-05 19:05:38 Steve Asher First they came for Piglet
456 2005-10-06 13:30:34 Steve Asher "We Do Not Want Stability..."
457 2005-10-06 16:17:12 Steve Asher Spychips - RFID Conspiracy
458 2005-10-07 03:16:24 Steve Asher God Told Bush To Invade Iraq
459 2005-10-07 03:46:45 Steve Asher Bush / "War On Terror"
460 2005-10-06 12:12:18 George Pope God Told Bush To Invade Iraq
461 2005-10-07 13:28:41 Steve Asher "Strive For Global Goals"
462 2005-10-07 16:06:32 Steve Asher God Told Bush To Invade Iraq
463 2005-10-07 08:42:33 George Pope God Told Bush To Invade I
464 2005-10-07 22:48:11 Steve Asher White House Denies Bush God Claim
465 2005-10-09 00:45:36 Steve Asher God Told Bush To Invade I
466 2005-10-11 02:26:21 Steve Asher God Told Bush To Invade I
467 2005-10-11 16:16:35 Steve Asher Bush: Impeach, Imprison, Execute?
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
468 2005-10-10 13:39:27 George Pope God Told Bush To Invade I
469 2005-10-10 13:49:52 George Pope God Told Bush To Invade I
470 2005-10-12 15:53:39 Steve Asher God Told Bush To Invade I
471 2005-10-14 23:28:42 Steve Asher Cl@nd3st1n3 S3rv1c3
472 2005-10-16 13:18:20 Steve Asher Dear Dorothy Dix
473 2005-10-16 15:41:15 Steve Asher Risk Of Ramadan Mega-Terror
474 2005-10-14 11:18:38 George Pope God Told Bush To Invade I
475 2005-10-16 15:22:38 George Pope Risk Of Ramadan Mega-Terr
476 2005-10-17 19:50:31 Steve Asher God Told Bush To Invade I
477 2005-10-17 20:07:02 Steve Asher Risk Of Ramadan Mega-Terr
478 2005-10-18 00:51:10 Steve Asher "Race To Jihad"
479 2005-10-18 01:11:12 Steve Asher US DHS Surveil All AOL Files
480 2005-10-18 17:08:14 Steve Asher Kabbalist - Disasters Coming
481 2005-10-18 15:14:00 LEE LOFASO Conspiracy Theory
482 2005-10-20 01:56:36 Steve Asher Call For Jihad In Saudi...
483 2005-10-22 00:11:34 Steve Asher Jihadi Threat To QE II
484 2005-10-23 02:20:49 Steve Asher Oz Terror "Shoot To Kill"
485 2005-10-21 13:41:38 George Pope God Told Bush To Invade I
486 2005-10-21 13:18:23 George Pope "Race To Jihad"
487 2005-10-23 12:32:27 George Pope Jihadi Threat To QE II
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
488 2005-10-23 12:44:09 George Pope Oz Terror "Shoot To Kill"
489 2005-10-25 11:35:41 Steve Asher Agency With Global Powers
490 2005-10-25 14:37:23 Steve Asher "Race To Jihad"
491 2005-10-25 14:54:40 Steve Asher Jihadi Threat To QE II
492 2005-10-25 15:02:39 Steve Asher Oz Terror "Shoot To Kill"
493 2005-10-27 23:37:38 George Pope "Race To Jihad"
494 2005-10-27 23:39:28 George Pope Oz Terror "Shoot To Kill"
495 2005-10-28 23:50:31 Steve Asher "Race To Jihad"
496 2005-10-29 00:11:14 Steve Asher Oz Terror "Shoot To Kill"
497 2005-10-31 14:24:32 George Pope "Race To Jihad"
498 2005-11-03 00:56:41 Steve Asher Return Of The Phoenix
499 2005-11-03 02:43:17 Steve Asher "Cooked" WMD Evidence
500 2005-11-03 03:24:32 Steve Asher Howard Warns Of Terror Threat
501 2005-11-01 23:24:00 Steve Asher "Race To Jihad"
502 2005-11-03 08:50:25 George Pope "Race To Jihad"
503 2005-11-04 22:57:09 Steve Asher "Race To Jihad"
504 2005-11-04 10:31:34 George Pope "Race To Jihad"
505 2005-11-05 11:38:42 Steve Asher "Race To Jihad"
506 2005-11-07 23:33:53 Steve Asher (1) Final War Of The Golus
507 2005-11-07 23:34:13 Steve Asher (2) Final War Of The Golus
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
508 2005-11-08 00:07:06 Steve Asher (1) New Genesis Exegesis
509 2005-11-08 00:16:58 Steve Asher (2) New Genesis Exegesis
510 2005-11-08 16:21:20 Steve Asher Laws, Noachian
511 2005-11-08 02:04:14 George Pope (2) New Genesis Exegesis
512 2005-11-08 02:05:50 George Pope Laws, Noachian
513 2005-11-09 11:04:44 Steve Asher Laws, Noachian
514 2005-11-10 03:11:28 Steve Asher Accept Noahides Or Die
515 2005-11-10 21:15:10 Steve Asher Warnings Over Theocracy
516 2005-11-10 08:15:57 George Pope Laws, Noachian
517 2005-11-10 08:25:14 George Pope Warnings Over Theocracy
518 2005-11-10 08:28:07 George Pope Accept Noahides Or Die
519 2005-11-11 19:50:04 Steve Asher IBM Calls For Global ID Solution
520 2005-11-12 02:07:04 Steve Asher Al-Qaida Threatens Israel
521 2005-11-11 09:04:55 George Pope Al-Qaida Threatens Israel
522 2005-11-12 12:07:55 Steve Asher Al-Qaida Threatens Israel
523 2005-11-11 10:38:00 LEE LOFASO Warnings Over Theocracy
524 2005-11-11 21:37:00 LEE LOFASO Al-Qaida Threatens Israel
525 2005-11-12 20:50:47 George Pope Warnings Over Theocracy
526 2005-11-13 00:19:31 George Pope Laws, Noachian
527 2005-11-13 00:05:33 George Pope Al-Qaida Threatens Israel
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
528 2005-11-13 00:20:33 George Pope Al-Qaida Threatens Israel
529 2005-11-13 00:41:58 George Pope Warnings Over Theocracy
530 2005-11-13 00:14:25 George Pope Al-Qaida Threatens Israel
531 2005-11-13 21:26:14 Steve Asher Laws, Noachian
532 2005-11-13 23:32:52 Steve Asher Al-Qaida Threatens Israel
533 2005-11-14 00:42:15 Steve Asher Queen "Enemy of Islam"
534 2005-11-14 00:59:58 Steve Asher Jordan Spies Replace Mossad
535 2005-11-14 11:12:59 Steve Asher Chips Spark Ethics Concerns
536 2005-11-13 22:30:00 LEE LOFASO Warnings Over Theocracy
537 2005-11-13 22:34:00 LEE LOFASO Warnings Over Theocracy
538 2005-11-13 22:49:00 LEE LOFASO Al-Qaida Threatens Israel
539 2005-11-14 23:32:25 Steve Asher Islamic "World Revolution"
540 2005-11-14 10:29:56 George Pope Laws, Noachian
541 2005-11-14 10:33:22 George Pope Al-Qaida Threatens Israel
542 2005-11-14 10:39:14 George Pope Warnings Over Theocracy
543 2005-11-14 10:47:39 George Pope Warnings Over Theocracy
544 2005-11-14 10:56:51 George Pope Al-Qaida Threatens Israel
545 2005-11-14 11:07:03 George Pope Jordan Spies Replace Mossad
546 2005-11-15 12:27:22 Steve Asher Laws, Noachian
547 2005-11-15 12:56:58 Steve Asher Jordan Spies Replace Mossad
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
548 2005-11-15 11:48:31 George Pope Laws, Noachian
549 2005-11-15 11:50:32 George Pope Laws, Noachian
550 2005-11-15 12:04:39 George Pope Jordan Spies Replace Mossad
551 2005-11-16 21:01:51 Steve Asher Laws, Noachian
552 2005-11-16 21:04:16 Steve Asher Jordan Spies Replace Mossad
553 2005-11-18 22:11:18 Steve Asher Laws, Noachian
554 2005-11-18 23:01:30 Steve Asher Iran / The Mahdi
555 2005-11-18 23:30:32 Steve Asher Islam At War
556 2005-11-18 07:21:00 LEE LOFASO Laws, Noachian 1/2
557 2005-11-18 07:21:00 LEE LOFASO Laws, Noachian 2/2
558 2005-11-18 07:22:00 LEE LOFASO Laws, Noachian
559 2005-11-19 22:00:20 George Pope Laws, Noachian
560 2005-11-19 22:07:18 George Pope Laws, Noachian 1/2
561 2005-11-19 22:55:52 George Pope Laws, Noachian 2/2
562 2005-11-21 21:13:14 Steve Asher Laws, Noachian
563 2005-11-21 09:19:05 George Pope Laws, Noachian
564 2005-11-23 02:00:18 Steve Asher Laws, Noachian
565 2005-11-22 12:59:00 George Pope Laws, Noachian
566 2005-11-23 23:28:37 Steve Asher Laws, Noachian
567 2005-11-25 02:05:09 Steve Asher Hospital To Test ID Chip
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
568 2005-11-25 02:46:20 Steve Asher "End Of The World"
569 2005-11-25 06:37:10 George Pope Laws, Noachian
570 2005-11-26 20:18:40 Steve Asher Laws, Noachian
571 2005-11-29 01:02:38 George Pope Laws, Noachian
572 2005-12-01 02:28:33 Steve Asher Another U.S. Footshot
573 2005-12-01 16:42:04 Steve Asher Laws, Noachian
574 2005-12-01 23:35:12 Steve Asher "Your Papers Please"
575 2005-12-03 01:46:36 Steve Asher Attack Nearly Everyone
576 2005-12-03 03:23:55 Steve Asher Jewish Roots Of US Constitution
577 2005-12-05 02:51:11 Steve Asher Oz Attack On Christmas
578 2005-12-04 17:01:31 George Pope "Your Papers Please"
579 2005-12-04 16:55:33 George Pope Oz Attack On Christmas
580 2005-12-07 22:14:51 Steve Asher "Your Papers Please"
581 2005-12-07 22:32:03 Steve Asher Oz Attack On Christmas
582 2005-12-07 09:05:07 George Pope "Your Papers Please"
583 2005-12-07 17:41:57 George Pope Oz Attack On Christmas
584 2005-12-10 01:07:56 Steve Asher "Your Papers Please"
585 2005-12-10 01:15:17 Steve Asher Oz Attack On Christmas
586 2005-12-09 12:22:36 George Pope "Your Papers Please"
587 2005-12-09 12:29:36 George Pope Oz Attack On Christmas
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
588 2005-12-10 12:06:04 Steve Asher "Your Papers Please"
589 2005-12-11 13:17:38 George Pope Oz Attack On Christmas
590 2005-12-11 23:58:31 George Pope "Your Papers Please"
591 2005-12-15 22:48:10 Steve Asher Pentagon "Stealth PR"
592 2005-12-17 01:42:14 Steve Asher $15bn Bill Blocks Oz ID Card (?)
593 2005-12-16 06:46:06 George Pope Chip Dip?
594 2005-12-19 02:46:07 Steve Asher AJC Disinformation
595 2005-12-20 23:33:40 Steve Asher Iran & Armageddon
596 2005-12-20 16:08:00 LEE LOFASO Iran & Armageddon
597 2005-12-20 22:11:28 George Pope Iran & Armageddon
598 2005-12-20 22:14:27 George Pope Iran & Armageddon
599 2005-12-20 22:16:21 George Pope Iran & Armageddon
600 2005-12-21 14:26:00 LEE LOFASO Iran & Armageddon
601 2005-12-21 14:31:00 LEE LOFASO Iran & Armageddon
602 2005-12-21 14:33:00 LEE LOFASO Iran & Armageddon
603 2005-12-21 15:17:05 George Pope Iran & Armageddon
604 2005-12-21 15:20:19 George Pope Iran & Armageddon
605 2005-12-21 15:22:57 George Pope Iran & Armageddon
606 2005-12-22 13:57:00 LEE LOFASO Iran & Armageddon
607 2005-12-22 14:08:00 LEE LOFASO Iran & Armageddon
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
608 2005-12-22 14:10:00 LEE LOFASO Iran & Armageddon
609 2005-12-22 17:42:23 George Pope Iran & Armageddon
610 2005-12-22 17:59:35 George Pope Iran & Armageddon
611 2005-12-24 02:00:02 Steve Asher Iran & Armageddon
612 2005-12-23 13:55:00 LEE LOFASO Iran & Armageddon
613 2005-12-23 14:09:00 LEE LOFASO Iran & Armageddon
614 2005-12-23 14:24:00 LEE LOFASO Iran & Armageddon
615 2005-12-24 20:27:39 Steve Asher Iran & Armageddon
616 2005-12-25 01:12:46 Steve Asher "First Islamist State"
617 2005-12-25 09:22:00 LEE LOFASO Iran & Armageddon
618 2005-12-24 17:36:00 George Pope Iran & Armageddon
619 2005-12-24 17:39:24 George Pope Iran & Armageddon
620 2005-12-27 03:14:22 Steve Asher Iran & Armageddon
621 2005-12-29 01:15:45 Steve Asher ... Muslim Nations Should Unite
622 2005-12-31 01:57:10 Steve Asher Alliance Of Civilizations
623 2005-12-26 03:26:33 George Pope Iran & Armageddon
624 2006-01-10 01:07:28 Steve Asher Path to Armageddon
625 2006-01-11 00:54:21 Steve Asher Islam to "rule the world"
626 2006-01-11 23:46:53 Steve Asher "Positive Hatred"
627 2006-01-12 02:05:46 Steve Asher (1 of 2) "Laws of Noah"
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
628 2006-01-12 02:22:40 Steve Asher (2 of 2) "Laws of Noah"
629 2006-01-12 22:00:04 Rick Eck (2 of 2)
630 2006-01-12 22:10:02 Rick Eck GPS
631 2006-01-18 21:59:56 Rick Eck (2 of 2)
632 2006-01-18 22:20:08 Rick Eck GPS
633 2006-01-21 03:26:59 Steve Asher ... Prophetic Acceleration
634 2006-01-21 22:08:18 Steve Asher (2 of 2)
635 2006-01-21 22:19:02 Steve Asher GPS
636 2006-01-21 22:53:52 Steve Asher Iran At War With U.S.?
637 2006-02-07 00:56:04 Steve Asher A Chip To Be On The Money
638 2006-02-10 22:49:39 Steve Asher Employees Get Chip Implants
639 2006-02-12 00:53:31 Steve Asher Dabs "Make Clubs Safer"
640 2006-02-12 01:59:35 Steve Asher Acxiom Internet Scanning System
641 2006-02-12 21:19:35 Steve Asher "Death To Denmark"
642 2006-02-13 02:52:14 Steve Asher Taking the Mickey
643 2006-02-14 01:22:47 Steve Asher "Time ... To Bow To Allah"
644 2006-02-18 23:14:43 Austin Seraphin Employees Get Chip Implants
645 2006-02-22 22:22:01 Steve Asher "Triad Of Terror"
646 2006-02-25 01:22:48 Steve Asher "Global Systemic Rupture"
647 2006-02-26 03:57:45 Steve Asher Lost Sight Of His Vision
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
648 2006-02-28 03:00:06 Steve Asher ... Worldwide Islamic Rule (?)
649 2006-02-27 19:42:00 LEE LOFASO ... Worldwide Islamic Rul
650 2006-03-03 00:44:41 Steve Asher ... Worldwide Islamic Rul
651 2006-03-02 18:36:00 LEE LOFASO ... Worldwide Islamic Rul
652 2006-03-04 00:43:10 Steve Asher ... Worldwide Islamic Rul
653 2006-03-04 01:14:02 Steve Asher "Wave of Awareness"
654 2006-03-05 01:01:35 Steve Asher Samarra Mosque Destruction
655 2006-03-06 22:13:40 Steve Asher Islam - "Conquer the World"
656 2006-03-22 00:42:05 Steve Asher Skull & Bones Connection
657 2006-03-25 01:36:17 Steve Asher Tracking "High-Value Assets"
658 2006-03-28 23:11:53 Steve Asher Eve of World War III
659 2006-03-31 23:56:06 Steve Asher "Alliance Of Civilizations"
660 2006-04-13 21:13:30 Steve Asher Google Wants To Track You
661 2006-04-16 20:03:57 Steve Asher US "Super Spy" On The Way
662 2006-04-17 23:01:29 George Pope Moonshine-anigans
663 2006-04-19 01:36:35 Steve Asher Moonshine-anigans
664 2006-04-27 02:36:37 Steve Asher Call for "Global ID" system
665 2006-04-28 00:53:56 Steve Asher Scot "Big Brother" ID Cards
666 2006-04-29 01:01:08 Steve Asher Police To Get Oz Smartcard Data
667 2006-05-02 23:07:59 George Pope Call for "Global ID" system
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
668 2006-05-13 00:46:12 Steve Asher "Sea Of Blood"
669 2006-05-14 00:57:01 Steve Asher ChoicePoint Datamining
670 2006-05-15 17:17:23 George Pope "Sea Of Blood"
671 2006-05-16 20:42:30 Steve Asher "Sea Of Blood"
672 2006-05-16 20:51:34 Steve Asher Iran Poised To Strike?
673 2006-05-16 06:10:36 George Pope Iran Poised To Strike?
674 2006-05-17 23:50:08 Steve Asher Iran Poised To Strike?
675 2006-05-20 02:00:25 Steve Asher Iran Eyes Badges For Jews
676 2006-05-20 20:50:53 Steve Asher Pushing RFID Implants ...
677 2006-05-21 00:59:42 Steve Asher Iranian Badge Story
678 2006-05-20 22:36:34 George Pope Bird Flu
679 2006-05-22 01:08:14 Steve Asher More Islamic Hate Books
680 2006-05-23 14:42:24 Steve Asher Junk Mail "Spies"
681 2006-05-24 01:54:42 Steve Asher Time For Jihad
682 2006-05-21 10:53:01 George Pope Iran Eyes Badges For Jews
683 2006-05-25 01:10:34 Steve Asher Iran Eyes Badges For Jews
684 2006-05-27 00:53:20 Steve Asher Ezekiel 38 Alert
685 2006-06-08 12:28:23 Steve Asher From The Horse's Mouth
686 2006-06-09 10:14:38 George Pope From The Horse's Mouth
687 2006-06-11 02:00:13 Steve Asher From The Horse's Mouth
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
688 2006-06-10 18:58:42 George Pope From The Horse's Mouth
689 2006-06-11 02:23:20 Steve Asher Role For Implanted Chips
690 2006-06-13 22:11:41 Steve Asher From The Horse's Mouth
691 2006-06-13 22:36:11 Steve Asher Microchip Implants "Inevitable"
692 2006-06-13 12:06:18 George Pope From The Horse's Mouth
693 2006-06-23 00:19:14 Steve Asher "Sensitive Material"
694 2006-07-06 00:57:57 Steve Asher Man United Player Chip Plan
695 2006-07-09 17:53:20 George Pope Respect & Decency
696 2006-07-11 07:22:18 Roger Nelson Respect & Decency
697 2006-07-17 23:40:34 Steve Asher Insurers to test chip implant
698 2006-07-18 21:19:31 Steve Asher "Eternal Covenant" with Arabs
699 2006-07-18 19:40:55 George Pope Insurers to test chip implant
700 2006-07-18 06:08:56 Bob Ackley Insurers to test chip implant
701 2006-07-19 22:05:39 Steve Asher Insurers to test chip implant
702 2006-07-19 22:09:04 Steve Asher Insurers to test chip implant
703 2006-07-19 06:44:34 Bob Ackley Insurers to test chip implant
704 2006-07-20 07:42:54 Bob Ackley Insurers to test chip implant
705 2006-07-24 00:35:07 Steve Asher Muslim World Union vs Israel
706 2006-07-20 07:05:08 George Pope Insurers to test chip implant
707 2006-07-20 07:07:31 George Pope Insurers to test chip implant
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
708 2006-07-24 20:58:03 Steve Asher Insurers to test chip implant
709 2006-07-25 04:13:20 Bob Ackley Insurers to test chip implant
710 2006-07-29 11:37:47 Steve Asher Update - CONSPRCY
711 2006-08-05 02:10:24 Steve Asher Noahides - Coercion If Necessary
712 2006-08-09 02:55:46 Steve Asher Apocalyptic Ending Of Israel?
713 2006-08-08 13:52:15 George Pope Apocalyptic Ending Of Israel?
714 2006-08-08 13:27:38 George Pope Insurers to test chip imp
715 2006-08-08 19:34:00 LEE LOFASO Apocalyptic Ending Of Isr
716 2006-08-09 20:52:09 Steve Asher Apocalyptic Ending Of Israel?
717 2006-08-10 02:23:37 Steve Asher Insurers to test chip imp
718 2006-08-09 23:22:53 George Pope Insurers to test chip imp
719 2006-08-12 02:01:56 Steve Asher August 22nd
720 2006-08-22 03:46:59 Steve Asher Hizb Ut-Tahrir Protest Vs USA
721 2006-08-24 02:26:02 Steve Asher Iran's "Nuclear Birth" (?)
722 2006-08-25 01:44:08 Steve Asher Hizb ut-Tahrir Caliphate In Gaza?
723 2006-08-26 03:07:55 Steve Asher Sydney Call For "Holy War"
724 2006-09-03 20:36:54 Steve Asher "Future Jihad In America"
725 2006-09-07 06:28:18 George Pope "Future Jihad In America"
726 2006-09-10 19:16:00 LEE LOFASO Good vs. Evil
727 2006-09-15 03:35:36 Steve Asher Islamic "End Of Days"
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
728 2006-09-15 23:05:06 Steve Asher Trojan Horse No Longer In Troy
729 2006-09-16 22:38:35 Steve Asher Shopping For Fatwas
730 2006-09-17 20:27:46 Steve Asher "Religion Of Peace" Attack Imminent
731 2006-09-17 23:16:26 Steve Asher "Gorilla Warfare"
732 2006-09-19 03:18:45 Steve Asher J is for Jihad
733 2006-09-20 00:14:52 Steve Asher "New Collective Leader In World"
734 2006-09-21 21:29:54 Steve Asher Stay Mum, Or Provoke A Tanty
735 2006-09-21 12:02:08 George Pope "New Collective Leader In World"
736 2006-09-22 15:54:00 LEE LOFASO Mr Nice Guy
737 2006-09-23 07:04:00 LEE LOFASO Becoming A Muslim
738 2006-09-24 01:02:42 Steve Asher Becoming A Muslim
739 2006-09-25 01:06:56 Steve Asher ASIO Scans Muslim Web Surfers
740 2006-09-28 10:48:56 Steve Asher "Buddhiphobia"?
741 2006-09-28 22:32:26 Steve Asher The Final War For J'lem
742 2006-09-28 08:55:12 George Pope The Final War For J'lem
743 2006-09-29 10:51:06 Steve Asher The Final War For J'lem
744 2006-09-29 04:22:07 George Pope The Final War For J'lem
745 2006-09-30 21:12:23 Steve Asher The Final War For J'lem
746 2006-09-30 22:04:54 George Pope The Final War For J'lem
747 2006-10-03 22:34:57 Steve Asher Mahdi Mindgames
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
748 2006-10-03 23:04:27 Steve Asher Fatwa To Kill The Pope
749 2006-10-07 01:51:36 Steve Asher Europe Is Growing Skeptical
750 2006-10-06 13:37:38 George Pope The Final War For J'lem
751 2006-10-06 13:14:23 George Pope "Buddhiphobia"?
752 2006-10-08 20:55:38 Joe Bruchis So what about a conspiracy?
753 2006-10-10 00:34:46 Steve Asher So what about a conspiracy?
754 2006-10-10 05:46:04 Roger Nelson Re: So what about a conspiracy?
755 2006-10-09 05:42:02 Bob Ackley So what about a conspiracy?
756 2006-10-11 02:07:38 George Pope So what about a conspirac
757 2006-10-11 08:51:35 Roger Nelson Re: So what about a conspirac
758 2006-10-12 10:04:15 Steve Asher So what about a conspirac
759 2006-10-12 05:23:30 George Pope So what about a conspirac
760 2006-10-12 11:13:30 Roger Nelson Re: So what about a conspirac
761 2006-10-12 12:26:04 Joe Bruchis Phoeey!
762 2006-10-12 12:57:46 Joe Bruchis Terror Storm
763 2006-10-12 17:03:13 Roger Nelson Re: Phoeey!
764 2006-10-12 17:04:42 Roger Nelson Re: Terror Storm
765 2006-10-12 21:20:38 Joe Bruchis Re: Terror Storm
766 2006-10-13 06:05:17 Roger Nelson Re: Terror Storm
767 2006-10-14 02:15:18 Steve Asher RFID-tagging Passengers
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
768 2006-10-13 21:44:38 Joe Bruchis Re: RFID-tagging Passengers
769 2006-10-15 23:38:57 Steve Asher RFID-tagging Passengers
770 2006-10-16 03:56:36 George Pope RFID-tagging Passengers
771 2006-10-16 03:58:02 George Pope RFID-tagging Passengers
772 2006-10-17 21:46:11 Steve Asher "Satan Inspires Bush"
773 2006-10-17 04:18:12 Bob Ackley RFID-tagging Passengers
774 2006-10-18 04:06:02 George Pope RFID-tagging Passengers
775 2006-10-18 17:33:00 LEE LOFASO RFID-tagging Passengers
776 2006-10-17 08:12:52 Joe Bruchis RFID-tagging Passengers
777 2006-10-18 13:57:30 Joe Bruchis RFID-tagging Passengers
778 2006-10-18 21:26:47 George Pope RFID-tagging Passengers
779 2006-10-18 21:29:48 George Pope RFID-tagging Passengers
780 2006-10-18 10:07:38 George Pope So what about a conspirac
781 2006-10-18 09:43:23 George Pope So what about a conspirac
782 2006-10-20 01:21:25 Steve Asher RFID-tagging Passengers
783 2006-10-19 11:07:16 George Pope RFID implants for infants
784 2006-10-19 15:34:24 Roger Nelson Re: So what about a conspirac
785 2006-10-19 13:26:38 George Pope RFID-tagging Passengers
786 2006-10-19 19:24:43 George Pope So what about a conspirac
787 2006-10-19 19:27:08 George Pope So what about a conspirac
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
788 2006-10-20 07:09:08 Roger Nelson Re: So what about a conspirac
789 2006-10-21 01:25:16 Steve Asher BBS For "Borg Hive Future"
790 2006-10-20 09:29:46 Joe Bruchis RFID-tagging Passengers
791 2006-10-20 22:06:37 Joe Bruchis Re: BBS For "Borg Hive Future"
792 2006-10-21 07:16:59 Roger Nelson Re: RFID-tagging Passengers
793 2006-10-21 07:19:05 Roger Nelson Re: BBS For "Borg Hive Future"
794 2006-10-21 13:24:11 George Pope So what about a conspirac
795 2006-10-21 13:25:37 George Pope RFID-tagging Passengers
796 2006-10-21 16:19:06 Joe Bruchis Re: BBS For "Borg Hive Future"
797 2006-10-21 18:02:10 Roger Nelson Re: So what about a conspirac
798 2006-10-21 04:06:16 Bob Ackley RFID-tagging Passengers
799 2006-10-21 04:10:42 Bob Ackley RFID-tagging Passengers
800 2006-10-22 09:31:01 Joe Bruchis Re: So what about a conspirac
801 2006-10-22 09:07:57 George Pope RFID-tagging Passengers
802 2006-10-22 09:10:04 George Pope RFID-tagging Passengers
803 2006-10-22 18:04:30 Joe Bruchis Re: RFID-tagging Passengers
804 2006-10-22 19:25:07 Joe Bruchis Re: RFID-tagging Passengers
805 2006-10-22 00:51:58 George Pope So what about a conspirac
806 2006-10-23 19:45:50 Steve Asher BBS For "Borg Hive Future"
807 2006-10-24 08:30:10 Roger Nelson Re: BBS For "Borg Hive Future"
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
808 2006-10-24 08:31:13 Roger Nelson Re: So what about a conspirac
809 2006-10-24 08:33:16 Roger Nelson Re: RFID-tagging Passengers
810 2006-10-24 04:19:43 George Pope RFID-tagging Passengers
811 2006-10-27 08:06:42 Joe Bruchis Re: BBS For "Borg Hive Future"
812 2006-10-30 00:39:35 Steve Asher BBS For "Borg Hive Future"
813 2006-10-30 01:43:24 Steve Asher Hilali's Radical Mentor
814 2006-10-29 11:49:58 George Pope RFID-tagging Passengers
815 2006-10-30 19:55:59 Steve Asher Brits - Chipped Like Dogs?
816 2006-10-30 15:47:24 Joe Bruchis Police terrorize schools
817 2006-10-30 15:55:22 Joe Bruchis Bush's 'Fence Bill'
818 2006-10-30 11:57:00 LEE LOFASO Brits - Chipped Like Dogs
819 2006-11-01 13:30:59 Joe Bruchis Police Stun Gun Kills Teen With Bible
820 2006-11-01 05:37:44 Bob Ackley RFID-tagging Passengers
821 2006-11-02 21:16:40 Joe Bruchis US.gov tunes out scathing RFID privacy report
822 2006-11-04 23:05:24 Steve Asher Brits - Chipped Like Dogs
823 2006-11-10 20:49:53 Steve Asher Vista DRM
824 2006-11-12 16:55:23 George Pope Vista DRM
825 2006-11-15 23:23:12 Steve Asher Vista DRM
826 2006-11-22 16:49:31 George Pope Vista DRM
827 2006-11-26 23:10:03 Steve Asher Vista DRM
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
828 2006-11-27 01:54:14 Steve Asher London Contactless Payments
829 2006-11-28 21:19:18 George Pope London Contactless Payments
830 2006-11-29 23:21:15 Steve Asher London Contactless Payments
831 2006-11-29 13:18:42 George Pope London Contactless Payments
832 2006-12-05 12:05:56 Steve Asher Korean "Digital City"
833 2006-12-11 22:10:36 Jason Arnold Re: Korean "Digital City"
834 2006-12-13 02:46:41 Steve Asher Korean "Digital City"
835 2006-12-12 20:09:59 Jason Arnold Re: Korean "Digital City"
836 2006-12-16 00:11:22 Steve Asher Korean "Digital City"
837 2006-12-21 00:06:44 Steve Asher Iran & Russia Making Move...
838 2006-12-27 02:40:35 Steve Asher UK Fines For Not Updating ID Cards
839 2007-01-02 01:20:35 Steve Asher "The Death Of Cash"
840 2007-01-02 21:17:29 Steve Asher Iran: Mahdi Will Defeat Enemy
841 2007-01-08 02:57:35 Steve Asher Islamic Extremism In Britain
842 2007-01-11 21:12:22 Joe Bruchis micro chips in coins
843 2007-01-16 02:19:14 Mullah Lodabullah Alarm over UK data-sharing
844 2007-01-16 14:24:41 Daryl Fatwa Will Saudis Ban the Letter "X"?
845 2007-01-24 14:29:56 Mullah Lodabullah "Demise of US & Israel Imminent"
846 2007-01-25 21:06:09 Steve Asher Chipless RFID Ink "Tattoo"
847 2007-01-26 01:59:24 Dave Dimmy Al Qaeda - "Islamic Rage"
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
848 2007-02-03 14:50:41 Mullah Lodabullah Islamic Paradise
849 2007-02-20 03:23:20 Fishing Rod Air Passengers To Be Tagged?
850 2007-02-19 22:22:00 LEE LOFASO Air Passengers To Be Tagg
851 2007-02-21 20:05:17 Steve Asher Air Passengers To Be Tagg
852 2007-02-21 20:24:52 Steve Asher "Yitro" & Seven Noahide Laws
853 2007-02-24 03:51:04 Mullah Lodabullah UK Mozzies - Ban Un-Islamic Schools
854 2007-03-03 22:16:55 Dave Dimmy Rift Between Islam and infidels
855 2007-03-03 15:06:00 LEE LOFASO Prediction
856 2007-03-09 01:28:46 Saladin Atin Spain Fears Mo Reclaiming Al-Andalus
857 2007-03-11 22:16:31 SPHAGNUM Stop Islamification Of Europe
858 2007-03-12 02:12:32 Mullah Lodabullah "Iron Burka" Falls On Europe
859 2007-03-12 20:41:39 Steve Asher US Congress / Biblical Prophecy
860 2007-03-12 15:05:00 LEE LOFASO US Congress / Biblical Pr
861 2007-03-15 22:06:24 Steve Asher US Congress / Biblical Pr
862 2007-03-16 20:45:21 Steve Asher Faking the Millennium
863 2007-03-21 20:52:10 Joe Bruchis pills to cause loss of mem
864 2007-03-22 04:31:00 WAYNE CHIRNSIDE pills to cause loss of me
865 2007-03-22 21:49:50 Steve Asher Jews Plan Passover Sacrifice
866 2007-03-23 17:23:11 Joe Bruchis pills to cause loss of me
867 2007-03-23 17:29:16 Joe Bruchis Jews Plan Passover Sacrifice
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
868 2007-03-23 20:28:51 Joe Bruchis Fox News
869 2007-03-24 04:25:00 WAYNE CHIRNSIDE pills to cause loss of me
870 2007-03-24 08:41:34 Joe Bruchis pills to cause loss of me
871 2007-03-29 10:37:00 Joe Bruchis Billionaire to release 9/11 hit
872 2007-04-02 11:43:04 Joe Bruchis Internet
873 2007-04-03 09:43:08 Joe Bruchis Iranian Kidnapping
874 2007-04-07 02:40:58 Whiskettes4Hilali "Anti-Muslim" Australia attacked
875 2007-04-06 15:12:00 LEE LOFASO "Anti-Muslim" Australia a
876 2007-04-07 21:40:45 Steve Asher Has The Script Been Written...?
877 2007-04-09 20:06:00 Whiskettes4Hilali "Anti-Muslim" Australia
878 2007-04-10 21:02:42 Daryl Fatwa FAQwa
879 2007-04-15 11:41:43 Dave Dimmy Islamic Hate Film Gets PG Rating
880 2007-04-27 23:47:09 SPHAGNUM Dutch School Scraps Nature Course...
881 2007-05-03 00:26:48 SPHAGNUM Superman Of The World (HAZMAT HAZRAT)
882 2007-05-17 03:51:05 Mullah Lodabullah PAK Suicidebombergram
883 2007-05-28 00:06:00 SPHAGNUM Wi-Fi and RFID Used For Tracking
884 2007-06-03 00:39:12 SPHAGNUM High-tech Travel ID "Inevitable"
885 2007-06-04 20:50:45 Daryl Fatwah JFK Plot Is Tip Of The Islamberg
886 2007-06-22 01:15:00 KENNETH CONKLIN Air Passengers To Be Tagg
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
888 2007-06-22 21:09:24 Mullah Lodabullah Islam, CAIR, Sharia, "Diversity Training"
889 2007-06-23 22:21:42 Steve Asher Blair Inter-Faith Foundation
890 2007-06-24 22:09:34 Mullah Lodabullah Teaching Islam In UK Unis
891 2007-06-28 02:04:06 Whiskettes4Hilali Islamophobia Meets Homophobia?
892 2007-07-01 02:10:38 Steve Asher Bush and "Religion Of Peace"
893 2007-07-01 03:21:50 Xaragmata "Dhimmification" On The March
894 2007-07-05 22:18:00 Steve Asher Xmark (of the Beast?)
895 2007-07-05 09:41:17 Joe Bruchis Xmark (of the Beast?)
896 2007-07-07 00:13:50 Steve Asher Xmark (of the Beast?)
897 2007-07-25 22:12:43 Steve Asher Prophetic One World Order
898 2007-08-06 23:30:47 Steve Asher Ahmadinejad tells Israel to find new home
899 2007-08-24 22:59:26 Mullah Lodabullah Iran's Hangmen Work Overtime